, Brepols, 2019 Hardback, 375 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:2 b/w, Languages: French, Latin. ISBN 9782503580845.
Summary L'abbaye de chanoines r guliers de Saint-Pierremont a t fond e en 1095 dans le nord de la Lorraine. Gr ce aux nombreuses donations de l'aristocratie locale, elle tend rapidement son temporel travers le Pays-Haut lorrain, jusqu'en Belgique, tout au long des XIIe et XIIIe si cles. Elle a laiss de nombreuses archives qui clairent l'histoire de cette r gion au Moyen ge. Le cartulaire dit ici est donc une source privil gi e pour la connaissance des possessions de cette abbaye et des structures fonci res de cette r gion. Il compl te utilement un livre foncier (auquel il est associ dans le manuscrit) qui a t dit en 2013 par Yoric Schleef. TABLE OF CONTENTS Avant-propos Introduction L'abbaye de Saint-Pierremont de la fin du XIe si cle au d but du XIVe si cle Le manuscrit nouvelles acquisitions latines 1608 Bibliographie Principes d' ditions Edition du cartulaire Tableau des actes dans l'ordre chronologique Originaux et copies ant rieures la confection du cartulaire Index
Tokyo, Takenaka corp,, 1994, in-4 hardcover, dustjacket, 184 pp, illustrations. In english. Good condition.
, Brepols, 2022 Hardback, 252 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:4 col., 27 tables b/w., 21 Musical Examples, Language(s):English, Latin. ISBN 9782503591056.
Summary The book revolves around some of the most important relics of Christendom ? chief among them the Crown of Thorns ? and the ways in which they became, effectively, personal objects of devotion, notwithstanding their ostensibly universal appeal. It was France that laid claim to the Passion and other relics in the middle of the thirteenth century in a campaign that involved the construction of a new magnificent chapel ? the Sainte-Chapelle ? designed specifically to display the relics, and the composition of new liturgies to celebrate and focus attention on them. As inert objects, relics could not accomplish much without being 'activated' one way or the other, whether in prose, poetry, paintings, statues, or in music. It is these modes of activation that endowed the substance of relics with identity and meaning that made them so powerful and effective. The liturgies studied in this book were some of the most critical mechanisms of activation; they enabled the power of the Sainte-Chapelle relics, articulated the nature of that power, and proclaimed it far and wide. Nowhere is this more evident than in the sequences memorializing these relics, which were chiefly cultivated and championed at the Sainte-Chapelle. This book examines these sequences, and the ways in which they give prominence to the underlying agenda of the French monarchy by promoting and naturalizing the notion of sacral kingship, rooted in biblical kingship. TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Illustrations, Acknowledgements, List of Manuscript Sigla, Abbreviations, A Note on the Transcriptions and Translations Introduction Part I. The Crown of Thorns Historia susceptionis coronae spinae The Liturgy for the Crown of Thorns Sequences for 11 August and its Octave Epilogue: Dyadema salutare - A Dominican Addition and its Import Conclusions Part II. The Reception of Relics Relics in Motion The Liturgy for the Reception of the Relics Sequences for 30 September and its Octave Conclusions Appendices The Main Sources for the Sainte-Chapelle Liturgy Manuscript Sources of the Crown Mass Propers Manuscript Sources of the Crown Sequences Manuscript Sources of the Relics Sequences Synopsis of the Crown Sequences Synopsis of the Relics Sequences The Historia Susceptionis Coronae Spineae: Text and Translation Lessons for the Reception of Relics Bibliography Index
London, Elek Books, 1975 Cloth hardcover, with dustjacket, 160 pages, 255x190 mm, black/white illustrations.
Bartolom Bermejo (c. 1440 c.1501) was a Spanish painter who adopted Flemish painting techniques and conventions. Born in Cordoba, he is known for his work in the Crown of Aragon, including the Principality of Catalonia and the Kingdom of Valencia. His real name was Bartolom de C rdenas: the name Bermejo, which means auburn in Spanish, possibly relates to his hair colour. Bermejo may relate also to his surname, C rdenas; Cardeno means purplish. He signs himself sometimes as "Bartolomeus Rubeus" meaning possibly "Bartholomew the Redhead".
, Brepols, 2020 Hardback, xiv + 337 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:12 b/w, 2 col., 5 graphs, Language: English. ISBN 9782503583235.
Summary Throughout a distinguished career, Raymond Van Dam has contributed significantly to our understanding of Late Antiquity and the early Middle Ages with ground-breaking studies on Gaul, Cappadocia, and the emperor Constantine. The hallmarks of his scholarship are critical study of a wide variety of written and material sources and careful historical analysis, insightfully rooted in sociological and anthropological methodologies. The essays in this volume, written by Van Dam's former students, colleagues, and friends, explore the dynamics between leaders and their communities in the fourth through seventh centuries. During this period, people negotiated profound religious, intellectual, and cultural change while still deeply enmeshed in the legacy of the Roman Empire. The memory of the classical past was a powerful and compelling social and political force for the denizens of Late Antiquity, even as their physical surroundings came to resemble less and less the ideals of the Greco-Roman city. These themes - leadership, community, and memory - have been central to Van Dam's work, and the contributors to this volume build on the legacy of his scholarship. Their papers examine how leaders exercised their authority in their communities, at times exhibiting continuity with ancient patterns of leadership, but in other cases shifting toward new paradigms characteristic of a post-classical world. Taken together, the essays produce a fuller picture of the Mediterranean world and add further nuance to our understanding of Late Antiquity and early Middle Ages as a time of both continuity and transformation. TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Images Acknowledgements Introduction: Leadership and Community - YOUNG RICHARD KIM AND A. E. T. MCLAUGHLIN Abstract Social Network Modelling and the Rise of Singular Bishops: Textual Guidance from Three Urban Roman Settings - ADAM M. SCHOR Leadership and Community in Late Antique Poitiers - LISA BAILEY Go Set a Watchman: The Bishop as Speculator - BRENT D. SHAW Attitudes about Social Hierarchy in a Late Antique City: The Case of Libanius and John Chrysostom's Antioch - JACLYN MAXWELL The Authority of Tradition: Governors and their Capitals in Late Antique Asia Minor - GARRETT RYAN Peter Beyond Rome: Achilleus of Spoleto, Neon of Ravenna, and the Epigramma Longum - DENNIS TROUT Remembering Constantina at the Tomb of Agnes and Beyond - VIRGINIA BURRUS Roofing Rome: Church Coverings and Power in the Postclassical City - BENJAMIN GRAHAM AND PAOLO SQUATRITI How Was a 'New Rome' Even Thinkable? Premonitions of Constantinople and the Portability of Rome - ANTHONY KALDELLIS The Sack of Rome in 410: The Anatomy of a Late Antique Debate - SHANE BJORNLIE Hagiography, Memory, and the Fall of Rome in Ostrogothic Italy - JONATHAN J. ARNOLD Conclusion: Leadership and Community in Late Antiquity - NOEL LENSKI Select Curriculum Vitae, Raymond Van Dam Index
YOUNÈS Chris et MANGEMATIN Michel ( sous la direction de )
Reference : 37192
ISBN : 9782910301408
Paris Descartes & Cie 1996 in 8 (21,5x13,5) 1 volume broché, couverture illustrée, 159 pages, avec des illustrations hors-texte en couleurs. Collections ''Les urbanités''. Bel exemplaire ( Photographies sur demande / We can send pictures of this book on simple request )
Très bon Broché
Paris, La Découverte. 2002, 220x135mm, 209pages, broché. Exemplaire à l'état de neuf.
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Monaco Editions Du Rocher 2002 In 8 , carré Préface de Jacques Attali . Résurrection de la mythique Bibliotheca Alexandrina qui fascina la mémoire des hommes , ces sept secrets nous révèlent cette merveilleuse aventure scientifique et philosophique vieille de 2 000 ans . Raconté à la manière d'un conte de fées et illustré par une collection inédite des trésors arabes de la Bibliothèque ainsi que par des gravures rares de l'Alexandrie du XVII° et XIX° siècles . Une annotation en page de garde . - 112 p. , 700 gr.
Couverture souple Parfait État . Perfect State . 1° édition
Youssef Dergham, Andr Binggeli, Fran oise Briquel Chatonnet, Alain Desreumaux, Muriel Debi (eds)
Reference : 64810
, Brepols, 2022 Hardback, 525 pages, Size:240 x 340 mm, Illustrations:121 col., Language(s):French, Syriac, Arabic. ISBN 9782503570426.
Summary Le pr sent catalogue vise d crire les manuscrits du fonds Ra?mani de la r sidence ?patriarcale syriaque catholique de Charfet, au mont Liban, et en faire conna tre la richesse. ?La biblioth que conserve 2200 manuscrits syriaques, garshuni (texte arabe en caract res ?syriaques) et arabes chr tiens, du VIIIe au XXe si cle provenant essentiellement du Tur ?Abdin ??(Turquie du Sud-Est), d'Irak et de Syrie.? Le fonds Ra?mani a t constitu par les soins du c l bre patriarche de l' glise syriaque-?catholique Mgr Ephrem Ra?mani dont il porte le nom, qui collecta, tudia et publia nombre de ?textes conserv s dans ces manuscrits. Il avait fait l'objet d'un catalogue en arabe d au ?P. Behnam Sony, d j pr cis et informatif. Afin de r pondre aux besoins de disposer de ?descriptions codicologiques conformes l' tat actuel de la science et de mieux rep rer les ?textes gr ce au progr s des outils et des travaux dans le domaine des tudes syriaques et ?arabe-chr tiennes, une quipe franco-libanaise a entrepris une nouvelle description de ce ?fonds, partiellement ajout e aussi la base lectronique de manuscrits syriaques e-ktobe. ?Ce catalogue correspond une premi re tranche de description des cent vingt-cinq premiers ?manuscrits du fonds.? Le pr sent catalogue offre une description codicologique et historique d taill e des manuscrits (mat riaux, mises en pages, critures, reliures?) et des textes avec leurs identifications, couvrant une grande ampleur de la litt rature syriaque : Ancien et Nouveau Testament, commentaires ex g tiques, ?uvres apocryphes et ?uvres hagiographiques d'un consid rable int r t litt raire et historique, livres liturgiques, ouvrages th ologiques po tiques et en prose, chroniques historiques, controverses philosophiques et religieuses, litt rature juridique, ouvrages asc tiques et mystiques, grammaires, dictionnaires. Les auteurs de ces ?uvres sont de grands auteurs connus de la litt rature syriaque ( phrem, Jacques de Saroug, Philox ne de Mabboug, Bar Hebraeus, Isaac de Ninive, George Warda?) ou peu connus ou dont les ?uvres taient encore inconnues (Ignace Mas?ud du Tur Abdin, Hanania d'Adiab ne, Jean Zurbabi, Daniel de Mardin?), des auteurs arabes chr tiens (Th odore Abu Qurah, Ibn al-Hassal?), des traductions d'auteurs grecs, arm niens (Gr goire, Basile, Chrysostome, Jean Damasc ne, Macaire, Antoine, Pallade, vagre, Herbet?). TABLE OF CONTENTS Lettre de S. B. Ignace III Younan Abr viations Introduction ? Les fonds de la biblioth que des mss de Charfet ? Le patriarche Ignace Ephrem II Rahmani Le catalogue des mss 1 125? Planches Bibliographie Index des ?uvres par auteurs Table des mati res
, Brepols, 2024 Hardback, 212 pages, Size:216 x 280 mm, Illustrations:13 b/w, 109 col., Language: English. ISBN 9782503606187.
Summary The Norwegian painter, author, and journalist Christian Krohg (1852-1925) is known for his naturalist paintings about the sick and the poor and prostitution. Lesser known are his many studio paintings, portraits of artist friends, and late self-portraits from his studio. This book shows the importance of Krohg's studio as a space not only for art making but also as a place where some of the most pioneering and radical artists, authors, playwrights, and actors met. The circle of friends and colleagues meeting in Krohg's studio were part of the scandalous artist group known as the Kristiania Bohemians. In this study the reader will meet not only Krohg, but also his painter wife, the mythical Oda Krohg, the young Edvard Munch, the anarchist Hans J ger, playwright Gunnar Heiberg, and the forgotten muse Constance Bruun - one of Henrik Ibsen's favorite actresses. The close and complex relationship between Krohg and Munch will surprise many readers. This book will be a necessary read for anyone interested in Scandinavian nineteenth-century art and culture. TABLE OF CONTENTS Foreword Introduction. Setting the Scene: Bohemianism in Kristiania Chapter 1. Kristiania as a City of Free Love Chapter 2. A Corner in My Studio as an Allegory of Norwegian Modernism Chapter 3. The Image of Oda Krohg as une vraie princesse de la Boh me Chapter 4. Free Love On and Off the Stage Chapter 5. Back to the Studio, 1912-25 Afterword. Krohg and Munch Bibliography Index
Anatolia Tourism Pub.. Non daté. In-8. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. Env. 40 pages. Illustré de nombreuses photos en couleur.. . . . Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
Guide fançais. Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
, A.D.A. EDITA, Tokyo, 2011 Softcover, 172 pages, ENG / JAP, 300 x 260 x 16 mm, NEW, illustrated in colour / b/w. ISBN 9784871406734.
Recent works by the office of Frank Gehry include a.o. the Kunsthalle in Sonderborg, the Eisenhower Memorial in Washington, the Foundation Louis Vuitton in Paris, the LUMA Foundation/Parc des Ateliers in Arles, the Camerimage Lodz Center in Lodz, the Andorra Pau-Identitat and National Archive Building in La Massana (Andorra), the National Art Museum in Andorra, the Guggenheim in Abu Dhabi, a master plan for the Brooklyn Atlantic Yards in New York, the Puente de Vida Museo in Panama City, the New World Symphony in Miami Beach, and the RED/Temporary Pavilion in New York.
, Brepols, 2023 Hardback, 360 pages, Size:225 x 300 mm, Illustrations:750 col., 1 maps b/w, Language: French. ISBN 9782503593074.
Summary Les peintures murales de la chapelle basse de la coll giale de Saint-Bonnet-le-Ch teau pr sentent un riche programme iconographique, supposant la succession de commanditaires distincts au d but du XVe s. La premi re phase fut d votionnelle ; la seconde affecta le d cor de la vo te, l'initiative d'Anne Dauphine, et proposa avec les Anges musiciens une iconographie labor e, inspir e mais adapt e des exemples du Mans, en hommage son poux d funt, Louis II, duc de Bourbon. Le talent de l'artiste, Louis Vobis, fut de lier les parties les unes aux autres. L' tude iconographie et stylistique d finit les mod les et l'esth tique du ma tre pass par Avignon et Paris, inform des exp riences des enlumineurs du duc de Berry et de l'art savoyard. TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface d'Albert Chatelet Avant-propos I - PR SENTATION Introduction Description de la collegiale de Saint-Bonnet-le-Chateau Restauration et conservation II - HISTOIRE DE LA CONSTRUCTION ET COMMANDE PRINCI RE Histoire de la construction Commande princiere III - MOTIFS ET PROGRAMME ICONOGRAPHIQUE Introduction de l'etude iconographique Les Quatre vang listes L'Annonciation L'Annonce aux Bergers La Nativit et l'Adoration des Mages La Crucifixion Les Anges pleurants La Mise au tombeau Ponce Pilate, les Pharisiens et les soldats L'Apparition du Christ Marie-Madeleine Les Anges musiciens (l'Assomption) Le Couronnement de la Vierge L'Enfer Decor architectural en trompe-l'oeil Decor d'acanthes Conclusion de l'etude iconographique IV - TUDE STYLISTIQUE Introduction de l'etude stylistique Etude comparative avec l'art franco-flamand et du Maitre des Initiales de Bruxelles Etude comparative avec des peintures du courant avignonnais de la Savoie Etude comparative avec des peintures regionales V - CONCLUSION Entre Paris et la Savoie : les peintures murales de Saint-Bonnet et la peinture du debut du xve s. Un concept operatoire : ? la projection inversee ? Des dramaturgies differentes : la Crucifixion d'Altichiero et celle de Saint-Bonnet L'itineraire hypothetique de Louis Vobis, peintre de Saint-Bonnet La commande de Saint-Bonnet : la derniere etape d'une ambition dynastique plus vaste Bibliographie Index Credits Notes Soutiens - Remerciements
1952 Paris édition des deux mondes 1952, in4, cartonnage éditeur sous jaquette illustrée, 136 pages, très nombreuses photographies noir et blanc pleine page en héliogravures) et quelques couleurs contrecollées
bon état, qqs petits défauts sur jaquette
Editions des Deux Mondes, 1956. Format 24x33 cm, cartonnage editeur, 54+171 pages.Bon etat, petites traces d'usage sur un livre d'occasion.
Des deux mondes 1963 23x26. 1963. reliure editeur avec rhodoid. 215 pages. Très Bon Etat de l'ensemble avec son bandeau d'édition
Balland 1967 in4. 1967. Reliure pleine toile. 185 pages. envois en suivi pour la france et l'etranger Bon Etat intérieur très propre couverture légèrement tachetée
Yvan Christ. Ionel Schein. Notes et légendes par Jacques Ohayon
Reference : 36278
Paris, Chêne, 1971, in-4, cartonnage éditeur, 201 pages. Bibliographie. Nbrs photographies, reproductions. Cartonnage présentant qq. marques d'usage sinon bel exemplaire, frais. Nbr. dessins, plans. Bibliographie
Yvan Christ - Jacques Silvestre de Sacy - Philippe Sigur - Aline Elmayan - Photographies de Jacques Sadoul - Préface de Pierre Gaxotte
Reference : 4478
PARIS, Henri Veyrier - Grand In-4 . 326 pages + Table - Reliure Editeur illustrée - Riche iconographie N/B et couleurs, certaines photographies PP - Très bon état, à l'état de neuf.
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Paris,, , 1976 cartonnage illustre de l'editeur original,. 132 PAGES, 37 illustrations, 30x21cm.
MACULA. Revue trimestrielle. N 1 Mondriaan -max Bill - Wladyslaw -Lebenstein -Guy Brett -Hebrand -matisse
Paris, Flammarion, 2018 Softcover, 407 pages, 170 mm x 240 mm. ISBN 9782081446120.
Cette monographie sur la vie et l'oeuvre d'Alberto Giacometti (1901-1966) s'appuie sur l'analyse de plus de 500 de ses sculptures, peintures, dessins, gravures et lithographies, ainsi que sur ses crits th oriques et sur ses d clarations. Elle pr sente galement le contexte historique, artistique et culturel de sa vie.
Paris, Mazenod, 1986 Relie, toile sous jaquette d'editeur, 635pp., 31.5x25cm., ills. en coul. et n/b., bon etat. ISBN 9782850880162.
Office du Livre 1969 21x21x2cm. 1969. Broché. 188 pages. Bon Etat intérieur propre
, Editora Perspectiva, 1997 Paperback (Portuguese Edition) 398 PAGES Illustrated. FINE.