, CFC- ditions, 2020 softcover - PB +, 310 x 200 mm, 240 pages, throughout illustrations, ENG / FR / NL edition. ISBN 9782875720481.
One century ago there was a flourishing avant-garde in Brussels. In 1922, Pierre and Victor Bourgeois, Pierre-Louis Flouquet, Karel Maes and Georges Monier launched the periodical 7 Arts, which would turn out to be of major influence on the art scene. The five Brussels residents championed the plastique pure (geometric abstraction) and stood for an synthesis of all art forms: painting, sculpture, decorative art, literature, music and film, all of which where looked at from an architectural and urbanistic point of view. They were swiftly joined by important artists like Magritte, Servranckx, De Boeck, Peeters, Gailliard, Baugniet, Hoste, Jasinski and Gaspard. In 1922, in Brussels, five very young artists ? the poet Pierre Bourgeois, his architect brother Victor Bourgeois, the painters Pierre-Louis Flouquet and Karel Maes and the musician and critic Georges Monier ? assembled a section of the Belgian avant-garde around a weekly magazine, 7 Arts. The publication sought to be multidisciplinary with the key mission of promoting Pure plastic in the sense of a geometric abstraction applied to all the arts. At the same time they took up a social or even political position: Pure plastic must invade the city and create a new relationship between the city-dweller and his or her environment, whether urban or domestic. Two disciplines received particular coverage: cinema, a new art in which everything was possible and, above all, architecture which was totally reinventing itself amid the ruins of the Great War. This juxtaposition of architecture ? with its technical demands and necessary rigour of design ? and the other arts is part of what made the magazine so unique. Among the group members and those close to them it was not unusual for painters to try their hand at architecture, for architects to design furniture or for writers to theorise about architecture or evoke its beauty in their poems. Consisting of between four and eight pages, the magazine format was that of a broadsheet newspaper, in black and white and richly illustrated with reproductions of paintings and photographs of buildings and furniture, architectural plans and even musical scores as well as a great many prints, principally the work of Maes and Flouquet. Every week articles, manifestos, features and reports proposed a revolutionising of the links between architecture, urbanism, literature, cinema, the decorative arts, music and theatre that would be free of any hierarchy while at the same time bringing the latest news from the very active literary and artistic circles in Belgium and Europe. The magazine circulated widely beyond the borders of Belgium and the editors kept up an assiduous correspondence with leading actors in Europe?s avant-garde: De Stijl in the Netherlands, Der Sturm and the Bahaus in Germany, Il Futurismo in Italy and L?Esprit Nouveau in France. 7 Arts ceased publication in 1928, after six seasons and 156 issues. Shortly afterwards, Flouquet described 7 Arts as the most important organ of doctrine and combat of the modern movement in Belgium
BE - , A.A.M., 2015 Couverture reliee, 222 pages Illustrated. 224 pagina's, geillustreerd, 31,2. x 23,7 cm, hardcover, Edition bilingue francais-Nederlands ISBN 9782871433125.
Ce livre est un voyage passionnant, inedit et abondamment illustre a travers les grands travaux realises en Belgique et a l'etranger principalement par les entreprises membres de l'Association des Entrepreneurs belges de grands travaux (ADEB). L'association, fondee en 1936 au sortir de la crise de 1929, avait pour objectif de mieux structurer la profession et de developper des grands travaux generateurs d'emplois en Belgique et a l'etranger. Quatre-vingts ans apres sa creation, son objectif a ete largement atteint comme en temoignent les milliers de chantiers menes a bien. Le livre, abondamment illustre, est decoupe en 10 sections qui parcourent les epoques depuis sa fondation : du plan du Travail au plan Marshall, la Reconstruction ou le " miracle belge ", l'Expo 58, l'Age d'or des travaux publics, Cent ans de bureaux, l'Ordinateur prend la releve, la Restauration des batiments anciens, le Passage a l 'Euro, l'Ecodurabilite, le Futur. Het boek biedt een rijk geillustreerde reis langs grote bouwwerken in Belgie en in het buitenland, voornamelijk gebouwd door leden van de Vereniging der Belgische Aannemers van Grote Bouwwerken (ADEB-VBA). De Vereniging, opgericht in 1936 (kort na de crisis van 1929), streeft naar een betere beroepsstructuur en naar het stimuleren van belangrijke bouwwerken, als motor voor de werkgelegenheid in Belgie en in het buitenland. Tachtig jaar later getuigen de vele opgeleverde werven ervan dat deze doelstelling gehaald is. Een artikel van Inge Bertels en Jelena Dobbels (VUB) schetst de evolutie van het ADEB-VBA: 'VBA 1936-2016. Van Vereniging voor burgerlijke bouwkunde tot vertegenwoordiger van grote bouwbedrijven' (pp. 10-33). Het boek bestaat verder uit tien min of meer chronologische delen: van het Plan van de Arbeid tot het Marschallplan, de wederopbouw of het 'Belgisch mirakel', Expo 58, het gouden tijdperk van de openbare werken, honderd jaar ontwerptechnologie in de bouwwereld, restauratie van het bouwkundige erfgoed, de overgang naar de euro, duurzaamheid en ecologie en, tot slot, de toekomst.
Bastford, Londres, 1994. Un volume in-8 couverture illustrée, 446 pages, nombreuses figures in-texte, texte en anglais sur deux colonnes. Bel état.
La librairie est ouverte du mardi au samedi de 9h30 à 12h30 et de 13h30 à 19h00. Commandes par courriel ou téléphone. Envoi rapide, emballage soigné. La librairie est ouverte du mardi au samedi de 9h30 à 12h30 et de 13h30 à 19h00. Commandes par courriel ou téléphone. Envoi rapide, emballage soigné.
Yasmil Raymond, Philippe Vergne, Phyllis Tuchman, Brooke Holmes, Arnauld Pierre
Reference : 59204
, K nig, Walther, 2016, 2016 Hardcover, 400 seiten , Deutsch, 285 x 225 mm, Neu, Schutzumschlag, mit abbildungen in Farbe und s/w. ISBN 3863359291.
Carl Andre born 1935 American Minimal sculptor and poet. Born in Quincy, Massachusetts. In 1954 worked for Boston Gear Works and travelled to England and France. Served in the US Army 1955-6. In 1957 moved to New York and worked for a publisher. Wrote poetry and made drawings and some abstract sculptures in perspex and wood, with geometric forms. Influenced by Brancusi and by Stella, his close friend. 1960-4 worked as railroad freight brakesman and conductor on the Pennsylvania Railroad; made few sculptures, but these show move away from carving to works constructed out of simple blocks of material. His sculpture first exhibited in a group show in 1964, followed by his first one-man exhibition at the Tibor de Nagy Gallery, New York, 1965; major retrospective exhibition at the Guggenheim Museum, New York, 1970. Made floor sculptures out of standard industrial units such as bricks or metal plates in simple arithmetic combinations; also experimented with scattered blocks and pieces of bent pipe, etc. Lives in New York.
, Brepols - Harvey Miller, 2015 Hardcover with dusjacket, 340 p., 58 b/w ill. + 42 colour ill., 216 x 280 mm, 2015 Languages: English. FINE CONDITION . ISBN 9782503555300.
This book examines the career of the Brussels artist Michael Sweerts through an examination of the artistic, intellectual and cultural contexts that shaped his work and academy in the Netherlands and Italy in the seventeenth century. The Flemish artist Michael Sweerts has long been considered one of the most fascinating and enigmatic painters of the seventeenth century. His peripatetic career, which stretched from his native Brussels to Rome, and later Amsterdam and the Far East, included work for the papal family and the foundation of a drawing academy in the Southern Netherlands. Despite this rich and varied career, Sweerts has yet to be fully examined within the artistic, intellectual and cultural contexts of Brussels and Rome in the seventeenth century. This book aims to retrace the artistic traditions that shaped Sweerts? development and evolution as a painter, etcher and teacher, firmly situating him at the crossroads of artistic exchange between the Netherlands and Italy. The author demonstrates how Sweerts responded to contemporary notions of artistic practice and pedagogy in his work, and how he played a critical role in the formation of a Netherlandish academic tradition. Approaching Sweerts from these new perspectives, this book examines the classicizing and artistic contexts of Brussels as a center of tapestry production, and reconstructs Sweerts? familial and social networks in the Netherlands and Rome. The artist emerges as a sophisticated figure amongst his contemporaries, including the French painter Nicholas Poussin (1594-1665), his patron, Camillo Pamphilj (1622-1666), nephew of Pope Innocent X, and the Flemish sculptor Francois Duquesnoy (1597-1643). Alongside a consideration of his sensitive scenes of peasants and artists in Rome?s urban landscape and strikingly life-like portraits and head studies, Sweerts? remarkable depictions of artists learning and practicing their profession are contextualized within the evolving conceptions of the academy in the early modern period. The author provides the first inclusive investigation of the artistic and socioeconomic frameworks that surrounded Sweerts? establishment of a drawing academy for artists and tapestry designers in Brussels in the 1650s. She brings to light the academy?s significance as a site of artistic learning and innovation, and the importance of working directly from life, while ultimately redefining Sweerts? place in the history of Flemish art.
, Brepols, 2021 Hardback, 432 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Language(s):English, French. ISBN 9782503591438.
Summary The articles in this volume explore the teachings on happiness by a range of thinkers from antiquity through Spinoza, most of whom held human happiness to comprise intellectual knowledge of that which is Good in itself, namely God. These thinkers were from Greek pagan, Muslim, Jewish, and Christian backgrounds and wrote their works in Greek, Arabic, Hebrew, and Latin. Still, they shared similar philosophical views of what constitutes the Highest Good, and of the intellectual activities to be undertaken in pursuit of that Good. Yet, they differed, often greatly, in the role they assigned to deeds and practical activities in the pursuit of this happiness. These differences were, at times, not only along religious lines, but also along political and ethical lines. Other differences treated the relationship between the body and intellectual happiness and the various ways in which bodily health and well-being can contribute to intellectual health and true happiness. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction - Yehuda Halper and Resianne Fontaine Happiness Without Sense-Perception: From Plotinus to the visio beatifica, East and West - Cristina D'Ancona Happiness in Jewish-Hellenistic and Rabbinic Thought - Giuseppe Veltri Philosophical Terms for 'Happiness' in Languages of Culture in Medieval Near, Middle, and Far East - Mauro Zonta Alfarabi on Categories of Existence and Politics - Charles E. Butterworth Alfarabi's Directing Attention to the Way of Happiness or the Way out of the Cave - Th r se-Anne Druart Light, Exhilarants, and Healing the Spirit: Some Observations on Avicenna's al-Adwiya al-Qalbiyya (Cardiac Drugs) - Y. Tzvi Langermann On the Certainty of Traditio - Hannah Kasher and Ariel Malachi From Tranquility to Extra Effort: Some Notes on the Introduction and Conclusion of Maimonides' Guide of the Perplexed - Dong Xiuyuan Maimonides on Joseph Ibn Jabir's Ultimate Happiness - Charles Manekin 'Shun Evil and Do Good': The Problem of Evil According to Maimonides' Commentators on Guide, III. 8-12 - Resianne Fontaine Happiness, Eros, and the Active Intellect: Understanding Erotic Desire in Averroes' Long Commentary on Aristotle's Metaphysics in light of the Middle Commentary on the Nicomachean Ethics - Yehuda Halper '...donc le bonheur ne r side pas dans le jeu': Quelques br ves remarques sur le Commentaire moyen d'Averro s l' thique Nicomaque, X 6 - Fr d rique Woerther Ibn al-'Arabi's Theology of Prayer - Binyamin Abrahamov Meaning Beyond Defining: Averroes's Dispositio in Thomas Aquinas's Account of Heavenly Beatitude - Katja Krause How to 'Win the Fulfillment of the Best Life Set by the Gods': Questions Addressed to Plato by Gersonides - Ruth Glasner Courage and Death: Aristotle, Aquinas and Joseph b. Shem-Tob - Chaim M. Neria Hasdai Crescas's Use of the Term 'Happiness' - Warren Zev Harvey Happiness in Life and after Death in Late Medieval Byzantine Jewish Thought - Dov Schwartz Spinoza and Some of His Medieval Philosophers on the Summum Bonum - Yitzhak Melamed The Pure Young Men: Chastity, Euripides, and the Madrasas of Pakistan - John Walbridge *** Bibliography of the Writings of Steven Harvey Index of Names Index of Passages Cited
, Brepols, 2023 Hardback, 522 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:1 b/w, 2 tables b/w., Language(s): English. ISBN 9782503602257.
Summary This volume provides the first wide-ranging investigation of the post-fifteenth-century reception of Jean Gerson (1363-1429), chancellor of the University of Paris, guiding light of the Council of Constance, and arguably the most influential of late medieval theologians. His impact on early modern movements and thinkers paved the way for many developments still shaping our existence today. Besides his well-known influence in theology and church history, the chancellor left a significant impact in jurisprudence, human rights, art, music, education, literature, and even medicine; there is hardly an area of the humanities that did not pay at least some tribute to his authority, and there was almost no early modern political or religious movement in the West that neglected his name. Nearly all of the most prominent early modern intellectuals perceived him as an authority and father figure; an illustrious cohort of celebrities, including Thomas More, Martin Luther, King James I, Ignatius of Loyola, Girolamo Savonarola, Christopher Columbus, Bartholomew de Las Casas, and many others, relied on his writings and ideas. The geography of his late-fifteenth- and sixteenth-century reception reflects his pre-eminence, reaching from Spain to Scandinavia. TABLE OF CONTENTS Acknowledgements Introduction Chapter 1. The Background: Gerson and the Long 15th Century Part I. Early Reception in the Empire Part II. Early Reception in France Part III. Early Reception in Spain Part IV. Early Reception in Italy Part V. Early Reception in Sweden Conclusion Chapter 2. The Protestant Reception of Gerson Introduction Part I. Gerson's Lutheran Reception Part II. Reception in the Reformed Tradition Conclusion Chapter 3. Catholic Reception of Gerson Introduction Part I. Catholic Reception in the Empire Part II. The Catholic Reception in the Low Countries Part III. The Catholic Reception in France Part IV. The Catholic Reception in Spain Part V. The Early Jesuits Part VI. The Council of Trent Conclusion Chapter 4. The Reception of Gerson in England and Scotland Introduction Part I. Gerson's Theological Influence Part II. The Scottish Connection Part III. The Very Special Case: Gerson and Thomas More Part IV. Gerson's Influence on the Growth of Common Law in England Part V. Synderesis and the Notion of Conscience in English Literary and Philosophical Traditions Conclusion General Conclusion Gersons's Future Bibliography Name Index
Tokyo, 1971, à compte d’auteur, 305x305mm, 144p., pleine toile grise, emboîtage avec le logo, titre au dos, index des constructions avec vignettes.
Architecte d’un style entre la haute technologie et le classicisme, Yendô a réalisé de vastes bâtiments, banques ou grands magasins: Keiô departement Store en 1960, Coca-Cola Head Office en 1968, Hiroo Garden Hills en 1987.Shin Kenchiku (Nouvelle Architecture) hors série décembre 1981, Tokyo, p.70.(103899)
Phone number : +33 1 48 01 02 37
New York University Press 2000 In-4 relié 32,8 cm sur 24,8. 252 pages. Jaquette en bon état. Très bon état d’occasion.
Très bon état d’occasion
Paris, Place des Victoires, 2010. In-4, cart. éd. noir sous jaquette ill. en coul., tranches dorées, garde en coul. (reprod. enluminure ottomane), 399 pp., abondamment illustré de reprod. photogr., plans, en coul. dont beaucoup à pleine ou double pp., 3 cartes en coul., tableau synoptique des événements, glossaire, index, bibliographie. Epuisé chez l'éditeur.
Comme neuf. - Frais de port : -France 9,7 € -U.E. 13 € -Monde (z B : 23 €) (z C : 43 €)
London, Ernest Benn Limited 1926 In-4 28 x 22 cm. Reliure éditeur toile rouge, VIII pp., 150 planches hors-texte. Dos passé, intérieur très frais.
Texte en anglais. Bon état d’occasion
Arthaud, 1961. Format 17x22 cm, cartonnage editeur, sous rhodoid, avec un dessin gaufre sur le premier plat, 227 pages. Une carte volante.Bon etat, petites traces d'usage sur un livre d'occasion.
Edition Arthaud, collection des beaux-arts, 1950, etat d'usage, 244 pages, in 8, nombreuses illustrations,couverture illustrée par Yves brayer+202 héliogravures.
Maisonneuve et Larose 1962
Grand in8, cartonnage editeur, bon etat, avec sa jaquette, usures contours jaquette, Maisonneuve et Larose, Histoire du Monde de l'Islam, 104 planches photos n&b precedees de 173p de texte, 1962
Maisonneuve et larose 1962 in8. 1962. Relié jaquette. 173+104 pages. Bon Etat intérieur propre
G.P. Maisonnneuve et Larose 1962 Collection “Histoire du Monde de l’Islam” dirigée par Robert Brunschvig. petit In-4 cartonnage éditeur, sous jaquette illustrée passée, 173pp de texte+CVIde planches photos en noir et blanc. Etat correct.
Etat correct d’occasion
G.P. Maisoneuve et Larose 1962 in8. 1962. Cartonné jaquette.
livre en bon état intérieur propre bonne tenue cependant jaquette abîmée (bords frottés accrocs déchirures)
1962, Paris. G.-P. Maisonneuve et Larose. Collection "Histoire du Monde de l'Islam". Cartonnage toile. Jaquette ills. 173 p. avec Bibliographie, Index et Table. + Très Nbrs planches HT. Très bon état. Jaquette usée.
Maisonneuve et Larose Maisonneuve et Larose, 1962. In-8 carré relié toile sous jaquette illustrée rempliée de 173 pages illustrées et 104 planches en fin. Jaquette manipulée sinon Bon état
Toutes les expéditions sont faites en suivi au-dessus de 25 euros. Expédition quotidienne pour les envois simples, suivis, recommandés ou Colissimo.
Paris, G.-P. Maisonneuve et Larose, 1962, in-8vo, 173 p. + CIV planches, reliurer en toile original, avec jaquette.
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808
G.-P. Maisonneuve et Larose. 1962. In-8. Relié. Etat d'usage, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Papier jauni. 173 pages - nombreux plans en noir et blanc hors texte + CIV planches photos en noir et blanc hors texte. Jaquette passée, déchirée.. Avec Jaquette. . . Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
Maisonneuve et Larose, 1962, gr. in-8°, (8)-173 pp, 104 planches de photos hors texte, 48 figures et plans dans le texte, biblio, index, reliure toile éditeur, jaquette illustrée, bon état (Coll. Histoire du monde de l'Islam)
L'architecture des Seldjoukides ; L'architecture des principautés ; L'architecture de l'empire ottoman (Mosquées, Médressés, Turbés).
, Parkstone Press 1998, 1998 Hardcover, 175 pages, English, 330 x 250 mm, richly illustrated with coloured illustrations, fine copy. ISBN 9781859952962.
Rotterdam, Langerveld antiquariaat, Gebonden, hardcover; 1981; 364pp.; Oplage 1500 genummerde exemplaren. Dit is nummer 1300. wit Kunstleer met goudopdruk. prima staat.
De Nederlandsche scheeps bouw-konst open gestelt vertoonende naar wat regel, of evenredenheyd, in Nederland meest alle scheepen werden gebouwd; mitsgaders masten, zeylen, ankers, en touwen, enz. daar aan gepast : soo uit de schriften van ouder, als jonger bouw-meesters, als ook by eygen ondervindinge, tot nut van alle jonge bouw-meesters, en knechten, als ook uitreeders, en liefhebbers van scheepen,
CASTERMAN. 1978. In-8. Broché. Etat d'usage, Couv. légèrement passée, Dos plié, Intérieur frais. 171 pages. Quelques schémas en noir et blanc dans et hors texte.. . . . Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture