Brussels : , Ministerie van de Vlaamse gemeenschap, 2003 softvoers. 2 volumes, in slipcase, 89pp+ 135pp . ISBN 9040301751.
het boek is het verhaal van ramen die open gaan....dichtgaan en opnieuw open gaan.... interview met Davy Mesotten / Raoul Vaneigem
Yonne, Zodiaque, 1980, gr. in-8vo, 434 p., ill. de très nombreuses photos en héliogravure + couleur, reliure en toile originale avec jaquette ill.
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808
La Pierre-qui-Vire (Yonne), Zodiaque 1980, 220x175mm, 434pages, reliure d'éditeur sous jaquette. Petite étiquette collée sur le plat intérieur, autrement bon état.
147 photos en héliogravure, 3 planches en couleurs, illustrations n/b in et hors texte: cartes, plans, croquis, Pour un paiement via PayPal, veuillez nous en faire la demande et nous vous enverrons une facture PayPal
Zodiaque, 1980, in-8 rel. toile ed. (17 x 22,5), 436 p., 2ème édition, "La nuit des temps - 54", préface de Dom Angelico Surchamp, photographies inédites n. et b. et coul., plans, jaquette, bon état.
Voir le sommaire sur photos jointes.
Crédit communal, Bruxelles, In-4, broché sous couverture rempliée et illustrée en couleurs, 224 pp. Introduction : Progrès techniques, cycles économiques, condition ouvrière - Verreries et cristalleries namuroises - Verreries liégeoises - Verreries du Centre - Verreries au pays de Charleroi - Vie quotidienne des verriers - Activité verrière en Wallonie aujourd'hui. - Catalogue. - ...
Nombreuses illustrations et planches en noir et en couleurs. --- Plus d'informations sur le site
Phone number : 01 42 73 13 41
Bruxelles, Elsevier 1953, 1953 Hardcover, 226 pages, Texte en Francais, 310 x 240 mm, bon etat.
Berger-Levrault 1978 In-4 cartonnage éditeur sous jaquette 30,8 cm sur 22. 327 pages. Page de garde avec ex-libris tampon “B H”. Jaquette en bon état. Bon état d’occasion.
Bon état d’occasion
Presses universitaires du Septentrion, Villeneuve d'Ascq, 2015. Fort in-8, broché sous couverture illustrée, 512 pp. Avant-propos - Dans l'atelier d'un historien de l'architecture, par Arnaud Timbert. - Correspondance entre Jacques Thiébaut et René Faille (1965-1975) - Première Partie : La cathédrale dans la cité : Le milieu cambrésien aux XIIe et XIIIe siècles. - Les ...
Illustrations en noir et blanc in texte. --- Plus d'informations sur le site
Phone number : 01 42 73 13 41
Pierre Thiébaut 1995 In-4 cartonnage éditeur sous jaquette 26,3 cm sur 23,7. 167 pages. Bon état d’occasion. Jaquette légèrement défraichie avec petite déchirure, sans manque, en pied de la première de couverture, intérieur en très bon état.
Bon état d’occasion
Antwerpen , AVRA, Antwerpse Vereniging voor Romeinse Archeologie vzw. en de Heemkundige Kring Jan Vleminck vzw., 2014 softcover, Formaat: Quadri: 21 x 21 cm Aantal bladzijden: 132 .
Antwerpse Vereniging voor Romeinse Archeologie, 2014 nr 2
Amsterdam, Tholens, 2009 Oorspronkelijk uitgevers omslag, 63 pages, 23x22cm . ISBN 9789077459393.
Joost Tholens, Visies / Visions. ** GESIGNEERD EN OPDRACHT
Paris, extrait de la "Bibliothèque de l'Ecole des Chartes", 1873, 1 br. in-8 de 15 pp. ;
Les églises du Lot et Garonne, Tarn et Garonne et Lot.
Phone number : 06 80 15 77 01
1.-5. Aufl. Mchn, Süddeutsche Monatshefte, 1908. Kl.-4°. 259 S. 1 Portrait u. zahlr. Textillustr.. Illustr. Orig.-Pgmt.
Leicht gebräunt. Einband minim fleckig.
- Planche autographiée. 35 x 55 cm. Quelques rousseurs.
Vieux papier. Croquis d'architecture, Novembre 1866.
Paris Plon 1889. Grand in-8 broché II 413pp. Orné d'une gravure en frontispice, 1 figure dans le texte, 8 planches hors texte dont 2 sur double page (y compris celle regroupant 11 armoiries en couleurs).
Dos factice, quelques rousseurs, petits manques de papier en bordure de certaines pages. Bien complet de toutes ses pièces.
Thomas A. Denenberg , Glenn O'Brien , Anne Wilkes Tucker ; Laura Levine ; Kate Simon
Reference : 60772
, Yale University Press, 2009 Paperback, 128 pages, ENG, 280 x 245 x 10 mm, NEW, illustrated in colour / b/w. ISBN 9780300151633.
This striking collection of photographs features nearly every important figure in the world of rock & roll, from Elvis to Eric Clapton, the Beatles to Bob Dylan, Jimi Hendrix to John Coltrane. Many of the nearly one hundred images have rarely been published, and all reveal fascinating glimpses of celebrities off stage, away from the glare of the spotlights. Shot from the mid-fifties to the mid-nineties, the portraits often have a spontaneous, informal, and everyday feel, and most record their subjects before they had become immensely famous--and well practiced in posing for photographs. The more than fifty photographers who contribute to the volume are among the most talented in their field, including Lee Friedlander, Lynn Goldsmith, Bob Gruen, Mick Rock, and many more. Three original essays address topics suggested by the photographs. The authors discuss the coded nature of celebrity portraiture, the 1970s music scene in New York City, the frank sexuality of rock musicians, and how the Beatles' look evolved over time. This book will be treasured not only by fans of rock & roll music and admirers of photographic portraits, but also by those who remember the vanished time when photographers had genuine access to performers, and were a crucial element in the worlds they were documenting.
Academy Editions 1981 In-8 relié. Très bon état d’occasion.
Très bon état d’occasion
, Brepols, 2021 Hardback, xx + 156 pages, Size:155 x 245 mm, Illustrations:291 b/w, 3 col., 1 tables b/w., Language(s):Italian, Latin. ISBN 9782503597898.
Summary Di Tommaso d'Aquino, il pi noto e studiato teologo medievale, ci sono giunti cinque testi autografi, che vengono presentati qui per la prima volta all'interno di uno studio complessivo. La scrittura che li caratterizza talmente ostica da essersi guadagnata, gi nel Medioevo, l'appellativo di littera inintelligibilis, e spesso viene considerata una scrittura assolutamente personale. Quando si studiano le opere di un uomo considerato eccezionale, in effetti, facile incorrere nell'errore di giudicare anomalo, o straordinario, tutto ci che egli produsse, anche sul piano materiale. Obiettivo principale di questo lavoro quello di descrivere la scrittura di Tommaso e di inserirla nel suo contesto, esaminandola come un'espressione della scrittura dei dotti del tempo. Il volume suddiviso in tre parti. Dopo una descrizione codicologica dei manoscritti conservati, ci si concentra sulla scrittura attraverso una minuziosa descrizione dei fatti grafici. Infine, a partire dagli elementi materiali ricavati dall'esame degli autografi, viene esaminato il metodo di lavoro seguito da Tommaso e dai suoi collaboratori. Il punto di vista privilegiato quello della storia della cultura scritta: gli autografi di Tommaso sono analizzati nella loro materialit come testimonianze importanti che aprono spiragli di conoscenza sul lavoro intellettuale nel medioevo.
, Brepols, 2022 Hardback, 244 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:4 col., Language: English. ISBN 9782503596303.
Summary Over the past several decades, scholars of medieval and early modern Iberia have transformed the study of the region into one of the most vibrant areas of research today. This volume brings together twelve essays from a diverse group of international historians who explore the formation of the multiple and overlapping identities, both individual and collective, that made up the Iberian peninsula during the eleventh through seventeenth centuries. Individually, the contributions in this volume engage with the notion of identity in varied ways, including the formation of collective identities at the level of the late medieval city, the use of writing and political discourse to construct or promote common political or socio-cultural identities, the role of encounters with states and cultures beyond the peninsula in identity formation, and the ongoing debates surrounding the peninsula's characteristic ethno-religious pluralism.Collectively, these essays challenge the traditional dividing line between the medieval and early modern periods, providing a broader framework for approaching Iberia's fragmented yet interconnected internal dynamics while simultaneously reflecting on the implications of Iberia's positioning within the broader Mediterranean and Atlantic worlds. TABLE OF CONTENTS Constructing Iberian Identities, 1000-1700: Introduction ? Thomas W. Barton, Marie A. Kelleher, and Antonio M. Zald var Urban Communities Landscapes of Salvation, Landscapes of Power: Jews, Christians, and Urban Space in Fourteenth- Century Seville ? Maya Soifer Irish From the Mediterranean to the Atlantic: The Role of the Town- Ports of Northern Iberia in the First Internationalization of the European Economy in the Middle Ages ? Jes s ngel Sol rzano Telechea The Fiscal Dialogue at the Castilian Cortes of Madrigal of 1438-55 ? Denis Menjot Ethno- Religious Self- Fashionings Ruling Between and Across the Lines: Liminal Identities and Political Legitimacy in al-Andalus ? Travis Bruce The Medieval/Early Modern Divide along the Franco- Spanish Border ? Francesca Trivellato The Declinacion of the Hidden One: Encubertismo during the Reigns of the Later Spanish Habsburgs ? Bryan Givens Writing, History, and Political Authority Reconsidering the Shift from Latin to Romance in the Castilian Chancery: A Historiographic Review ? Antonio M. Zald var History Writing in Spain from Humanism to Counter- Reformation: On Deeds, Books, and Truth ?Xavier Gil 'Above all, to thine own self be true': Pedro de Valencia, Self- Censorship, and the (Unwritten) History of Chile ? Richard L. Kagan Mobility and Encounter Medieval Encounters Between Iberia, the Mediterranean, and Asia Myths and Realities ? Francisco Garc a- Serrano Intertwining Granada and North Africa: New Evidence on Diplomatic Contacts, Naval Power, Mobility, and Family Ties in the Late Medieval Western Islamic Mediterranean ? Roser Salicr i Lluch An Infanta Travels: Catalina of Aragon, 1485-1501 ? Theresa Earenfight Afterword ? Teofilo F. Ruiz *** Index
Kent, England,, Studio 3 Gallery, 2012 Original publisher's paper covered boards, 96 pages, 24 x 19 cm. EN. ISBN 9781902671819.
Paul Coldwell: A Layered Practice, Graphic Works 1993-2012
Harvard, Harvard University Press, 2024 Original publishers paper-covered boards, 297 pages, 24 x 17 cm. ISBN 9780674296176.
The interdisciplinary essays in Global Gold-by scholars of European, American, African, and Asian history and art history-explore gold's monetary, economic, and aesthetic roles within the crucible of a unique historical period of transition, conquest, and the exploitation of natural and human resources.
, Lumi Press, 2021 hardcovers, 2 volumes, 480 pages 642 illustrations + 612 pages, 736 illustrations, 29,5 x 29,5 cm. text in German / English.
Ostuni's passion for light and lighting, coupled with his desire to make good lighting affordable for everyone, has resulted in the most beautiful lighting units, presented here in their entirety for the first time. Volume 1 paints a comprehensive picture of O-Luce?s company history and takes a look at the life story of its founder, Giuseppe Ostuni. Originally from Trieste, he founded his company O-Luce in Milan at the age of 40 and went on to become a pioneer of innovative, modern lighting units. Ostuni?s brother Angelo, together with Franco Buzzi, were the first to make O-Luce known beyond the borders of Italy and were key in shaping light design in the early 1950s. New materials, such as Perspex and industrial glass, or new light source technologies such as the Cornalux or halogen light, had a decisive influence on the design of modern lighting and here too Ostuni and his young designers, above all Tito Agnoli, Joe Colombo and Bruno Gecchelin, were at the forefront of lighting design. Volume 2 presents all the sources and historical evidence on which the catalogue raisonn is based. After a detailed overview of Ostuni?s systematics, Biographies introduces the most important of his designers. The main body of the second volume is comprised of the catalogue raisonn , which is divided into four sections: wall lamps, table lamps, floor lamps and ceiling lamps, containing a total of over 560 lamps. Each lighting unit is described with its model number, designer, year of design, materials, dimensions and ? in those cases in which they were published ? bibliographical details. Volume 2 also contains a critical chronological overview of those O-Luce lighting units published in specialised literature, magazines and catalogues at the time. A selected bibliography and a comprehensive index of the relevant figures mentioned concludes the second volume.
Parc Naturel Régional Du Luberon, Isle sur la Sorgue, 1982. In-8 broché (21,5 x 14,5 cm), 368 pages, Illustrations in-texte et à pleine page. Carte dépliante en fin. Préface, avant propos.-670g.C. - Très bon état
, Leuven University Press / Kadoc, 2007 Hardcover, 336 pages, ENG / FR., 290 x 230 x 27 mm, NEW / NOUVEAU, illustrations in colour / b/w. ISBN 9789058675910.
The art of illumination, usually associated with the Middle Ages, experienced a spectacular revival in nineteenth-century Western Europe. This completely different context gave the illuminations another import. The output of the lay and religious workshops reveals a great artistic, stylistic, technical, and thematic diversity. The works illuminated go far beyond the world of exceptional and precious manuscripts and include many occasional documents and devotional images.Richly illustrated with unpublished masterworks, The Revival of Medieval Illumination is an overview of the form by fifteen authors who do not limit their approach to the traditional questions of art history. Rather, they explore the historical, sociocultural, ideological and religious components of the revival, which changed according to time and country, in order to understand the evolution and success of the art of illumination in the long nineteenth century. // L'art de l'enluminure, bien connu pour le Moyen Age, fit l?objet d?un regain d?interet spectaculaire au XIXe siecle. Le contexte resolument different leur confere toutefois une autre signification. La production des ateliers civils et religieux presente une grande diversite artistique, stylistique, technique et typologique. Elle excede largement le monde des manuscrits exceptionnels et precieux et comprend nombre de documents de circonstance, de livres d'or, d'images de devotion, etc. Abondamment illustre de chefs-d' oeuvre inedits, le present ouvrage presente pour la premiere fois une vue d?ensemble de l?important phenomene de la renaissance de l?enluminure medievale. Les quinze auteurs n?ont pas voulu se limiter aux questions traditionnelles de l?histoire de l?art. Les composantes historiques, socioculturelles, ideologiques et religieuses de ce phenomene complexe, variant dans le temps et selon les pays, sont essentielles pour comprendre l?evolution et le succes de l?art de l?enluminure au XIXe siecle.
, Brepols, 2024 Hardback, 500 pages, Size:216 x 280 mm, Illustrations:46 b/w, 44 col., 30 tables b/w., Language(s):French, English, Spanish. ISBN 9782503593913.
Summary L'Antiphonaire de Le n, ?joyau des antiphonaires latins? (dom Louis Brou), est le seul complet de l'ancienne liturgie hispanique. Conserv la cath drale de Le n et dat du dixi me si cle, il est introduit par vingt-sept folios qui appartiennent tr s certainement au manuscrit originel. Encore largement m connus malgr leur grande richesse, ces folios contiennent des textes litt raires et liturgiques, un calendrier, des miniatures, des tableaux et des roues de comput, ainsi qu'un trait de comput. L' dition de ces pi ces - l'exception du trait - et leur analyse pluridisciplinaire (codicologique, pal ographique, iconographique, litt raire, musicologique, liturgique et computistique) permettent d' tudier en profondeur la vie religieuse et la culture de cette poque, l'importance de l'h ritage wisigothique, les influences venues du monde ultra-pyr n en, ainsi que les origines et les remaniements de ce codex. Ces folios introductifs constituent tout la fois la porte d'entr e et la clef de lecture d'un manuscrit dont l'histoire se trouve au c?ur des grands enjeux de son temps?: r alis pour le monast re San Cipriano del Condado, il fut vite transf r au monast re Santiago de Le n puis au chapitre de la cath drale. Bien que proche des centres de pouvoir - il comporte les seings du roi Ferdinand Ier et de ses fils -, il sombra dans l'oubli lorsque son fils Alphonse VI accepta en 1080 de renoncer la liturgie hispanique et d'adopter, la demande du pape Gr goire VII, le rit romain. Cette tude participe sa red couverte. TABLE OF CONTENTS Thomas Deswarte, Introduction tudes Thomas Deswarte, Origine et vicissitudes de l'Antiphonaire de Le n: de la codicologie l'histoire Eva Castro Caridad, Textos proemiales antiguos y nuevos en el Antifonario de Le n (L8) Ainoa Castro Correa, Los folios introductorios del Antifonario de Le n (Le n, Archivo Capitular, MS 8): an lisis paleogr fico Emma Hornby and Rebecca Maloy, Notated chant in the opening folios of the Le n antiphoner Miguel C. Vivancos, El calendario y otros contenidos lit rgicos en los folios introductorios del antifonario de Le n Immo Warntjes, The computistica of the Antiphonary of Le n in context Soledad de Silva y Ver stegui, La iconografia en los pr logos del Antifonario de la catedral de Le n dition des folios 1-28 Thomas Deswarte, Immo Warntjes et Alfred Lohr Glossaire Sources & bibliographie Planches