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‎Susanne Pollack and Samuel Vitali‎

Reference : 58088

‎Crossing parallels Agostino Carracci - Hendrick Goltzius. ‎

‎, Imhof verlag, 2021 Hardcover, 24 30 cm, 304 pages with 289 illustrations. English text. ISBN 9783731909712.‎

‎Crossing Parallels Agostino Carracci, Hendrick Goltzius Graphische Sammlung ETH Z rich: 9. Dezember 2020 bis 14. M rz 2021 Agostino Carracci and Hendrick Goltzius were the leading engravers of the late 16th century ? one north and the other south of the Alps. They have not only achieved revolutionary achievements in technical terms, but have also had a lasting impact on the medium of copperplate engraving with the selection and design of their image content. While there are already numerous publications on Goltzius as well as on Carracci, the obvious comparison of the two great figures of the engraving around 1600 is undertaken here for the first time. In four detailed essays and catalog texts on all exhibited engravings, the amazing parallels in the life and work of the two masters are shown, their artistic development is comparatively analyzed and the readers eyes are sharpened for the sophistication of their virtuoso engraving technique.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR49.99 (€49.99 )

‎Susan Tallman‎

Reference : 62336

‎KERRY JAMES MARSHALL : The Graphic Work ‎

‎, Ludion, 2023 HB, 305 x 240 mm, 256 pages, ENG edition, NEW, dustjacket, illustrated in colours / b/w. ISBN 9789493039759.‎

‎Best known as a painter, Kerry James Marshall has also produced a vast graphic oeuvre that has been seldom seen and rarely documented. This catalog raisonn offers the first public account of his graphic work and is also the first in-depth study of the role of printed images and print processes in Marshall's work as a whole. One of the most important American contemporary artists, Kerry James Marshall is known for artworks that address the 'crisis of under-representation' of the black figure in the pictorial traditions of the Western world, from museums to comic books. His work has been widely celebrated in major museum retrospectives such as Kerry James Marshall: Painting and Other Stuff (Antwerp, Copenhagen, Barcelona, Madrid) in 2014 and Mastry (Chicago, New York, Los Angeles) in 2017, and through numerous awards, including a MacArthur Fellowship in 1997. An assiduous worker, he spent his youth acquiring time-honored skills of art - drawing and painting, but also wood engraving and printing. By his mid-twenties, he recalls, 'I could paint in egg tempera... I was good at printmaking. I could do woodcuts, etchings, aquatints. I knew all of those techniques.' Most of his prints have been produced not in professional print workshops, but by the artist, working alone in his studio. They range from images the size of postcards to his 50-foot-long, 12 panel woodcut Untitled (1998-99), to iterations of his ongoing magnum opus, Rythm Mastr. And while some have entered prominent museum collections, many exist only in private collections or the artist's archive and are unknown to the public. This catalog raisonn offers the first public account of these important works and the first in-depth study of the role of printed images and print processes in Marshall's work as a whole. ‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR80.00 (€80.00 )

‎Susie Hodge ‎

Reference : art77m


ISBN : 9782035910127

‎Paul Klee - Les plus grands chefs-d’oeuvre‎

‎Flame Tree Publishing, United Kingdom, London, 2014. L'art de Klee fait appel à nos instincts primaires et nous pousse à regarder au-delà de l'ordinaire. Dessinateur naturel, maître de la couleur et artiste extrêmement influent, Klee échappe à toute classification, ayant été associé à diverses reprises à l'expressionnisme, au cubisme, au futurisme, au surréalisme et à l'abstraction. Faisant partie d'une nouvelle série de magnifiques livres d'art à offrir, Paul Klee Masterpieces of Art regorge de la chaleur subtile et de l'humour d'un artiste unique. Avec une introduction fraîche et réfléchie à la vie et à l'art de Klee, le livre présente ensuite ses œuvres clés dans toute leur splendeur.‎

‎Très bon état général.‎


Phone number : +33 5 59 03 69 40

EUR30.00 (€30.00 )

‎Susie Nash Till-Holger Borchert‎

Reference : 55245

‎. Andr Beauneveu. Pas de pareil en nulles terres -Artiste aux cours de France et de Flandre.‎

‎, Paul Holberton Publishing 2008, 2008 Softcover, 216 pages, Texte en Francais, 270 x 225 mm, Tres belle exemplaire. ISBN 9781903470718.‎

‎Andr Beauneveu has long been known as one of the greatest European artists of the late 14th century. This book re-examines the oeuvre of the artist as first and foremost a master sculptor. Nash surveys the whole of his work including sculpture and stained glass originally for Jean, duc de Berry's chapel at Bourges. This is an important revisionary contribution to the study of late medieval art and the practice of its workshops. Susie Nash is a senior lecturer at the Courtauld Institute of Art.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR20.00 (€20.00 )

‎SUSINI, Eugene.‎

Reference : 9257

‎LAutriche. Couverture dYves BRAYER. Ouvrage orne de 274 heliogravures.‎

‎Grenoble, Arthaud (« Les Beaux Pays, 157 »), 1960. grand in-8°, 362 pages, carte h.t. depl., index, broche, couv. rempliee.‎

‎Tres bel exemplaire [VU-1] ‎

Phone number : 07 80 01 72 79

EUR16.00 (€16.00 )

‎Susovski Marijan ‎

Reference : 57863

‎EXAT 51. 1951-1956. Nuove tendenze. / Catalogo della mostra allestita a Siena nel 2003.‎

‎, Protagon, 2003 softcover, 160 pages, color and b/w illustrations, English / Italian edition .‎

‎Catalogo della mostra allestita a Siena nel 2003. Testo di Marijan Susovski. Edizione bilingue italiano/inglese. EXAT 51 (Experimental Atelier) identifica un movimento di pittori, disegnatori, architetti e artisti sorto a Zagabria nel 1951. In questo laboratorio sperimentale confluirono molti sostenitori croati dell'arte astratta, con il risultato che si cre uno stile inconfondibile anche nell'arte applicata, chiamato proprio con il nome del movimento EXAT. Il presente volume fornisce un'ampia documentazione, sia teorica che iconografica, sui risultati raggiunti dagli artisti di questo movimento.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR45.00 (€45.00 )

‎[Camille Penchinat ] - ‎ ‎SUSPLUGAS, Marie Camille Penchinat ‎

Reference : 48776


‎Nimes Editions Alcide 2018 in 4 (30,5x24,5) 1 volume reliure cartonnée illustrée de l'éditeur sous jaquette, 128 pages, avec de nombreuses aquarelles de Camille Penchinat. Très bel exemplaire ( Photographies sur demande / We can send pictures of this book on simple request ) ‎

‎Très bon Jaquette en très bon état Reliure ‎

Librairie Rouchaléou - Saint André de Sangonis

Phone number : 06 86 01 78 28

EUR30.00 (€30.00 )


Reference : 46470


‎Yale Univ. Press, 1993, in-4 softcover,, 221 pp, illustrations. In english. Cover Used, inside very good.‎

Phone number : 06 34 99 23 95

EUR16.00 (€16.00 )


Reference : 46528


‎Yale Univ. Press, 1993, in-4 hardcover,, 221 pp, illustrations. In english. Signature on 1st page. ‎

Phone number : 06 34 99 23 95

EUR20.00 (€20.00 )


Reference : 46635


‎Yale Univ. Press, 1993, in-4 hardcover,, 221 pp, illustrations. In english. Cover in good condition, inside very good.‎

Phone number : 06 34 99 23 95

EUR20.00 (€20.00 )

‎Suter, Willy - Kohler, Arnold und Kruschwitz, Helmuth;Kohler, Arnold‎

Reference : 4429DB


‎Willy Suter.‎

‎Ollon. Édition Cenre d'Art - Les Fontaines. 1984. Qudratische-4°. 99 Seiten, mit zahlreichen farbigen Illustrationen. Illustrierter Pappband.‎

‎Exemplar N°. HC. Gesamtausgabe von 1000 Exemplaren. Text in deutscher und französischer Sprache. - Tadellos erhalten. Mit handschriftlicher Widmung.‎

EOS Buchantiquariat Benz - CH-8001 Zürich

Phone number : 41 (0)44 261 57 50

CHF160.00 (€171.50 )


Reference : 9995571


‎Tours et clochers de tous styles et de tous les pays relevés et dessinés par C. Sutter. Flèches, donjons, beffrois, minarets, tourelles, campanilles, lanternes ‎

‎ Librairiegénérale de l'architecture Paris Librairie Générale de l'Architecture et des Travaux Publics André, Daly fils et Cie, sans date, vers 1880. In-folio en feuillets sous chemise relié demi-cartonnage nouée par lacets, de 80 planches regroupant 255 motifs. Collection Architecture historique. Bon état.‎

‎ Toutes les expéditions sont faites en suivi au-dessus de 25 euros. Expédition quotidienne pour les envois simples, suivis, recommandés ou Colissimo. ‎

Phone number : 05 65 42 95 21

EUR120.00 (€120.00 )

‎SUTTER (C.) [relevés et dessins par ]‎

Reference : 558675

‎Architecture Historique - Tours et clochers de tous styles et de tous pays, flèches, donjons, beffrois, minarets, tourelles, campanilles, lanternes.‎

‎ Paris, Librairie Générale d l'Architecte et des Travaux Publics, s.d. [1880] Grand in-folio en ff., farde à lacets, dos en toile bordeaux, plats granités, table des planches. ‎

‎ La farde est fatiguée, frottée, coins inf. manquants, les lacets incomplets, l'intérieur est propre, ex. bien complet de toutes ses planches. - Frais de port : -France 8,45 € -U.E. 13 € -Monde (z B : 23 €) (z C : 43 €) ‎


Phone number : +33 (0)3 25 71 67 98

EUR100.00 (€100.00 )

‎Suzan Folkerts (ed)‎

Reference : 65397

‎Religious Connectivity in Urban Communities (1400-1550). Reading, Worshipping, and Connecting through the Continuum of Sacred and Secular‎

‎, Brepols, 2021 Hardback, 285 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:2 b/w, 12 col., 5 tables b/w., Language: English. ISBN 9782503590813.‎

‎Summary The boundaries between sacred and secular in the late Middle Ages, traditionally perceived as separate domains, are nowadays perceived as porous or non-existent. This collection on religious connectivity explores a new approach to religious culture in the late Middle Ages. In assessing the porosity of the domains of sacred and secular, and of religious and lay, the contributors to this collection investigate processes of transfer of religious knowledge, literature, and artefacts, and the people involved. Religious connectivity describes people in networks. This concept emphasises dynamics and processes rather than stability, and focuses on all persons involved in transfer and appropriation, not just the producers. It is therefore a fruitful concept by which to explore medieval society and the continuum of sacred and secular. By using the lens of religious connectivity, the authors of this collection shed new light on religious activities and religious culture in late medieval urban communities. TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Illustrations, Preface Introduction: Religious Connectivity as a Holistic Approach to Urban Society - Suzan Folkerts Urban Society and Lay-Religious Communities: Notes on Confraternities in Italian Communes and Signories - Marina Gazzini Religion as a Connecting Force in the Late Medieval City of Utrecht: The Religious Life of Alderman and Mayor Dirck Borre van Amerongen (c. 1438?1528) - Cora Zwart Fleshers, Saints, and Bones: Connectivities that Transcend the Sacred-Secular Divide within the Medieval Scottish Burgh of Perth - Megan E. Edwards Alvarez Dit boec heft gegeven: Book Donation as an Indicator of a Shared Culture of Devotion in the Late Medieval Low Countries - Johanneke Uphoff Recycled Piety or a Self-Made Community? The Late Medieval Manuscripts of the Tertiaries of Sint-Catharinadal in Hasselt - An-Katrien Hanselaer The Re-Use of Melodies as an Indication of the Connection of Religious Song to the Urban Environment - C cile de Morr e Caxton's Press and Pilgrimages: Shaping Groups of Travellers into a New Community of Interpretation? - Delphine Mercuzot How Figures of the Bible Connected Printers, Artists, and Friends (1538?76) - Elsa Kammerer The Coalman and the Devil: Carbonaria Fides and the Limits of Lay Religious Knowledge - Mar a Jos Vega People, Passion, and Prayer: Religious Connectivity in the Hanseatic City of Deventer - Suzan Folkerts *** Index of Manuscripts, Archival Sources, and Copies of Incunables Index of Names and Places‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR80.00 (€80.00 )

‎Suzanne Boorsch, Susan P. Casteras, Jill DeVonyar, Aruna D'Souza, Jennifer R. Gross‎

Reference : 61953

‎Edgar Degas : Defining the Modernist Edge‎

‎, Yale University Press, 2003 Paperback, 72 pages, ENG, 255 x 205 mm, as New, ill. in colour / b/w. ISBN 9780300100044.‎

‎Through his representation of modern subjects such as ballet dancers and race horses, his constant questioning of traditional artistic practices, and his vital engagement with Parisian society, Edgar Degas (1834-1917) helped to define the beginnings of modernism in visual culture at the end of the nineteenth century. This engaging book yields new scholarship on works by Degas in the collection of the Yale University Art Gallery and provides in-depth discussion of works of art in every medium explored by this innovative artist. Extended entries by distinguished scholars including Richard Kendall and Edgar Munhall provide a complete review of the artist's working methods. The book also introduces several important pieces by Degas that have rarely been available for view by the public, including a notable wax figure and several unique prints and works on paper‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR20.00 (€20.00 )

‎Suzanne Greub‎

Reference : 64112

‎Museums in the 21st Century: Concepts, Projects, Buildings,‎

‎, Prestel, 2008 softcover, 225 pages Illustrated. fine, ENG text. ISBN 9783791361703.‎

‎In this book, the world s most exciting new museums are shown to be as inspiring as the works they display.The twenty-first century has seen a boom in museum construction, both in new buildings and renovations or additions to existing ones. Nearly thirty museums are given close inspection in this generously illustrated volume. Each entry includes a discussion of the building s cultural and geographic environment, complemented by color photographs, sketches and architectural plans. The book encompasses four continents and highlights the designs of Frank Gehry, Renzo Piano, Steven Holl, Zaha Hadid, Mario Botta, David Chipperfield, Tadao Ando, Yoshio Taniguchi and Daniel Libeskind. In addition, the authors provide thoughtful commentary on the relationship between architecture and the fine arts and an assessment of museum functionality in modern times.Suzanne Greub is Director of the Art Centre Basel and the editor of several exhibition catalogues. She is a contributor to Museums for a New Millenium (Prestel).Thierry Greub is an art historian and Assistant Director of the Art Centre Basel.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR20.00 (€20.00 )

‎Suzanne L. Stratton‎

Reference : 55293

‎Spain, Espagne, Spanien: Foreigh Artists Discover Spain 1800-1900 ‎

‎, The Equitable Gallery 1993, 1993 Paperback, 142 pages, English, 305 x 230 mm, in good condition,.‎

‎ Spain -- In art -- Exhibitions. Painting, European -- Spanish influences -- Exhibitions. Painting, American -- Spanish influences -- Exhibitions.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR12.50 (€12.50 )

‎Suzanne Pag ; Angeline Scherf ; traduction : Jean-Francois Allain‎

Reference : 63027

‎Monet / Mitchell : Catalogue officiel d'exposition‎

‎, Hazan / Fondation Louis Vuitton, 2022 Paperback, 240 pages, Texte en Francais, 320 x 270 x 20 mm, Nouveau, illustrations pleine page en couleur. ISBN 9782754112833.‎

‎Le catalogue de l?exposition Monet Mitchell , organis e la Fondation Louis Vuitton en partenariat avec le mus e Marmottan Monet, explore les correspondances entre les ?uvres tardives de Claude Monet (1914-1926), qui anticipent les d buts de l?abstraction, et les peintures de Joan Mitchell (1925-1992). Peintre am ricaine issue de l?expressionnisme abstrait, Joan Mitchell voyage en France d s 1948 et s?installe en 1968 V theuil, lieu d?inspiration o v cut aussi Monet de 1878 1881. Les chefs-d??uvre et les essais ici r unis soulignent les points de convergence li s la couleur, la lumi re, la gestualit , la nature et aux paysages de Giverny et V theuil, qui ont profond ment inspir les deux artistes.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR39.95 (€39.95 )

‎Suzanne Plouin, Mus e D'unterlinden‎

Reference : 56241

‎Alsace celtique: 20 ans de recherches‎

‎, Mus e d'Unterlinden 1989, 1989 Softcover, 120 pages, Texte en Francais, 270 x 220 mm, bon etat, illustrations de n/b,. ISBN 9782902068067.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR23.00 (€23.00 )

‎Suzanne Portier‎

Reference : RO80210446


‎Bourges - Cathédrale du coeur de France‎

‎Imp. Bobigny. 1960. In-8. Broché. Etat d'usage, Couv. défraîchie, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 70 pages. 40 photographies en couleurs et en noir et blanc dans et hors texte.. . . . Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture‎

‎ Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR19.80 (€19.80 )

‎Suzanne Slesin, Stafford Clif, Daniel Rozensztroch‎

Reference : 65387

‎art du vivre au Japon‎

‎Parijs, FLAMMARION, 1988 Reliure toil e rouge, titres en noir, sous jaquette illustr e et emboitage cartonn . 287 pages, 26x 26 cm. ISBN 9782082002158.‎

‎Photographies de Gilles de Chabaneix. Traduction de Odile Laversanne.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR28.00 (€28.00 )

‎Suzanne Slesin , Stafford Cliff‎

Reference : 58301

‎Mittel Europa : Rediscovering the Style and Design of Central Europe‎

‎, Clarkson Potter Publishers 1994, 1994 Hardcover, 252 pages, EN, 260 x 260 mm, book is in very fine condition, cover is somewhat discoloured, coloured illustrations and pictures very clear, . ISBN 9780517588031.‎

‎The authors of the International Style Library turn their attention to the land east of the Danube as they travel through Vienna, Budapest, Prague, and the surrounding countryside to find in the architecture, interiors, and folk arts of the region a host of thriving design traditions accessible again after a long isolation.Full-color photographs.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR39.00 (€39.00 )

‎Suzanne Veldink‎

Reference : 63680

‎Breitner : Schilderbeest ‎

‎, Singer Laren & WBooks, 2024 144 pagina's, kleurillustraties, Nieuw, 28,2 x 24,9 cm, hardcover, Nederlands. ISBN 9789462586123.‎

‎Een nieuw perspectief op Breitners schildercarri re. George Hendrik Breitner (1857-1923) staat bekend als de schilder van Amsterdam en Nederlands impressionist. Maar dekken deze kwalificaties de lading? Kennen we Breitner wel echt? In deze publicatie keert de auteur aan de hand van zes thema?s ? oefenen, figuur, licht/donker, lijn, beweging en kleur ? terug naar de oerkunstenaar die Breitner is. Breitners onderwerpkeuze blijkt voor hem een middel om te experimenteren met lijn en kleur. Hiermee was hij zijn tijd ver vooruit en speelde hij een belangrijke rol in de ontstaansgeschiedenis van het modernisme in Nederland. Het boek combineert echte publiekslievelingen, zoals Breitners kimonomeisjes, met minder bekende kunstwerken waaronder een uitgebreide selectie van zijn rauwe, compromislozenaakten. Deze grote verrassingen plaatsen het bekendere werk in een nieuw perspectief. Zo komen we dichter bij de negentiende-eeuwse interpretaties van Breitners werk en bij de intenties van de kunstenaar zelf.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR29.95 (€29.95 )

‎Suzanne Veldink / Jaap Versteegh‎

Reference : 65210

‎Zwart op Wit De peintre-graveurs van de Nederlandsche Etsclub,1885?1896. ‎

‎, Scriptum, 2024 hardcover, 160 pagina's, met prachtige illustraties. ISBN 9789083450704.‎

‎De 'vergeten' kunst van het etsen opnieuw op de kaart ze en. Dat is het belangrijkste uitgangspunt bij de oprichting van de Nederlandsche Etsclub in 1885 door een groep jonge, ambieuze kunstenaars onder leiding van Willem Witsen, Jan Veth en Antoon Derkinderen. Samen is men sterker was het idee en dus werden ook oudere kunstenaars als Jozef Isra ls, Anton Mauve en Jacob Maris uit. En De Etsclub nodigt vrouwelijke kunstenaars als Th rese Schwartze, Barbara van Houten, Etha Fles, Wally Moes en Suze Robertson uit om deel te nemen en breekt zo -bewust of niet- een lans voor vrouwelijke grafici. De Etsclub nam tussen 1885 en 1896 deel aan tentoonstellingen van hedendaagse kunst, maar organiseerde zelf ook tentoonstellingen in Amsterdam en DenHaag. Voor de internationale context werden daarvoor ook Engelse en Franse kunstenaars gevraagd: James Abbot McNeil Whistler, Francis Seymour Hadden, Charles Fran ois Daubigny, Theodoor Rousseau en Mary Cassa . Daarnaast gaf De Etsclub jaarlijks een map uit met minstens 10 werken van kunstenaarsleden. Donateurs kregen jaarlijks zo?n portefeuille. In de en jaar van haar bestaan werden 9 portefeuilles uitgeven met in totaal honderd werken van 28 verschillende kunstenaars Jaap Versteegh gaat uitgebreid in op de opkomst van de etstechniek in de negen ende eeuw in interna onale context. Vervolgens legt hij de focus op het ontstaan en verdere verloop van de Nederlandsche Etsclub. In een gedetailleerde geschiedenis laat hij de hoofdrolspelers veelal via citaten aan het woord. Suzanne Veldink behandelt in haar bijdrage de vrouwelijke leden van De Etsclub. De grafici Wally Moes, Th r se Schwartze, Barbara van Houten en Etha Fles hadden ieder hun eigen ontwikkeling en hun persoonlijke redenen om lid te worden. Daarnaast besteed zij uitgebreid aandacht Mary Cassa . Het boek besluit met een volledig ge llustreerde oeuvrecatalogus met alle prenten die door De Etsclub zijn uitgegeven, wat dit boek tot een onmisbaar naslagwerk maakt voor iedereen die ge nteresseerd is in Nederlandse grafiek.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR29.95 (€29.95 )

‎S. Van Bellingen Co-auteur: F. Geerardyn‎

Reference : 58050

‎Johan Clarysse * Why October & Other Questions‎

‎, ludion, 2008 hardcover 77 pagina's, ill. ISBN 9789055447282.‎

‎De schilderijen van Johan Clarysse ogen verleidelijk en vervreemdend. Ze nodigen u uit om deel te nemen aan de zoektocht van de kunstenaar naar een kritische interpretatie van de menselijke verlangens, drijfveren en emoties. Dit boek is een esthetische belevenis en tegelijkertijd een psychologische uitdaging om de dingen niet als vanzelfsprekend te zien. En om dan in de dubbelzinnigheid de waarheid te zien. Warm aanbevolen.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR25.00 (€25.00 )
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