, ACC Art Books 1983, 1983 Hardcover, 489 pages, ENG, 280 x 220 mm, book is in fine order, with dozens of pictures / images in colour and b/w of the finest English furniture, . ISBN 9780902028883.
English furniture has developed largely in line with styles in the rest of northern Europe, but has been interpreted in a distinctive fashion. There were significant regional differences in style, for example between the North Country and the West Country. Salisbury and Norwich were prominent early centres of furniture production
, New York, The Architectual Record Company, 1921., Bound, bleu cloth, gilt title on plate, gilt title on spine, 18,5x25,5cm, 380pp, illustrated b/w.
Revised edition. A treatise on the development of medical institutions, both in Europe and in America, since the beginning of the present century.
Nouvelle Société des éditions Encre 1985 In-8 cartonnage éditeur, 24 cm sur 15,5. 183 pages. Nombreuses illustrations en noir et blanc et hors-texte. Cartonnage légèrement marquée par les lectures, sans gravité. Intérieur frais. Bon état d’occasion.
Bon état d’occasion
ANTWERP TECTUM 1999 un volume in-4°, 265 pp. Reliure éditeur toilée gris anthracite, jaquette illustrée. (deux petits accrocs à celle-ci). Ouvrage très complet sur les lofts réalisés à Anvers et abondamment illustrés de photographies en couleur ainsi que de dessins en noir (plans).
, Brepols, 2021 Paperback, 247 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:1 b/w, 14 col., 2 tables col., Language: English. ISBN 9782503593470.
Summary Dismantling the Medieval studies the paradoxical relationship of the early modern canonesses of Bouxi res with the medieval past of their institution. While various documentary, material, spatial, and immaterial legacies of that past remained a crucial presence in the convent's narrative of self, the canonesses also used and manipulated them to pursue and justify drastic changes in their organization and lifestyle. Thanks to an unusually rich and varied body of evidence, we are able to reconstruct in unprecedented detail this elite convent's highly flexible memory culture over a period of more than two centuries. Guiding the reader back through time, the book gradually reveals how and why the canonesses' connection to the medieval past lived on throughout many crises and transformations, including even the abbey's dissolution in 1971. TABLE OF CONTENTS List of illustrations List of tables Acknowledgements Abbreviations Introduction Chapter 1: 1833 A Gift for an Emperor Chapter 2: 1801 St Gozelin's (Im)mortal Remains Chapter 3: 1784 The Death of a Medieval Convent Chapter 4: 1766 Retooling Religious Space and Identities Chapter 5: 1692 Old and New Memories of Origins Conclusions Appendices Index of people and places
, Brepols, 2024 Hardback, 254 pages, Size:178 x 254 mm, Illustrations:22 col., 5 tables b/w., Language: English. ISBN 9782503604619.
Summary Judith of West Francia is one of the most enigmatic of Charlemagne's early descendants. The daughter of the king of West Francia and future emperor Charles the Bald and his wife Ermentrude, she was one of only a handful of Carolingian princesses who were destined for marriage. Over the course of her teenage years she married two successive kings of Wessex, became the first consecrated queen of England, was widowed twice, returned to Francia with an immense dowry, and sparked a major diplomatic incident when she eloped with a nobleman from Flanders called Baldwin. Eventually she married Baldwin in early 864, and together they established the dynasty of the counts of Flanders. In doing so the couple laid the groundwork for what would become one of the mightiest and most prestigious territorial principalities in north-western Europe in the tenth and eleventh centuries. But even in the tenth century, exceedingly few written memories of Judith's life survived. This explains why she was never the subject of a biography in the medieval or early modern eras, and why scholarship's understanding of her life and legacy remains highly fragmented. This volume sets the record straight, offering an accessible and interdisciplinary discussion of all relevant and documented aspects of Judith's life and legacy. TABLE OF CONTENTS Steven Vanderputten, Introduction: Judith of Flanders as a Historical Figure, Figurehead of Dynastic Legitimation, and Source of Literary Imagination Charles West, Judith's Elopement, set in the Context of Ninth-Century Politics and Ideology Brigitte Meijns, The Question of The Emergence and Early Development of the County of Flanders Els De Paermentier, The Early Countesses of Flanders: Profile and Power Lisa Demets, Judith in the Literary Imagination of the Late Medieval and Early Modern Eras Georges Declercq, Looking for Judith's Burial Site Geert Vermeiren and Marie-Anne Bru, The Discovery of Seven Elite Graves in the Narthex of Saint-Peter's abbey in Ghent Jessica Palmer, Isabelle De Groote, et al., Anthropological Analysis of 'Judith' and the Six Other Remains. Annex
Hasselt, Concentra , 1976, gebonden, hardcover, linnen met stofomslag, in prima staat. 103 pag.
kastelen in oost Vlaanderen
, Brepols, 2021 Paperback, xxiv + 450 pages, Size:216 x 280 mm, Illustrations:228 b/w, 1 col., 366 tables b/w., Language: English. ISBN 9782503590202.
Summary Between 1968 and 1990, Donald P. Hansen and Vaughn E. Crawford directed six seasons of excavations at al-Hiba, the ancient Sumerian city-state Lagash. Overseen by Edward L. Ochsenschlager, the team documented one of the largest ceramic datasets from a southern Mesopotamian site spanning the entire third and the early second millennium BCE. With the availability of digital tools and relational database technology, the Al-Hiba Publication Project, led by Holly Pittman at the Penn Museum, can now analyze these results in preparation of final publication. As a case-study in the difficulties of working with legacy data, the publication project also assesses how the original recording methodology structures and limits the interpretation of these datasets. This first volume of the Lagash publications presents the ceramic corpus organized in a chrono-typology that traces the development of the pottery tradition through the Early Dynastic, Akkadian, Ur III, and Isin-Larsa periods. Often confirming well-established trends in general Mesopotamian ceramic development, this dataset from the south-eastern part of the Mesopotamian alluvium also introduces an underappreciated degree of regional variation.
Antwerpen , Tim Van Laere Books, 2014, 2014 Gebonden, Hardcover,48 pagina's, Nederlands/Engels.
Anton Henning, born in Berlin in 1964, whose artistic career since the mid-eighties has taken him to Berlin, London and New York. The self-educated Anton Henning paints, photographs, films, sculpts, draws, makes music, designs and builds whole rooms. He virtually challenges the risk of provoking misunderstandings and polarising them without directly addressing the political side. In the figurative sense he is dismantling the entire history of art up to the present day, in order to completely reconstruct it. A kind of artistic synthesis. In his first exhibition at the Tim van Laere Gallery, which is also his first individual exhibition in Belgium since his much acclaimed exhibition at SMAK in 2007, Anton Henning tries to define the highly subjective oscillating approach, between distinct conceptualism and pure intuition, in an exhibition with an impressively broad spectrum. Anton Henning?s art combines long-time prejudged antipodes with the same naturalness, it knows how to seduce contemporary excellent gastronomy with the present day. Anton Henning is a master of good and bad taste, ruthless (self) irony, humorous ambiguity and virtually loving precision and this is in all lightness and virtuosity.
Her Majesty's Stationery Office. 1964. In-8. Broché. Etat d'usage, Couv. partiel. décollorée, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 26 pages + 50 planches de photos en noir et blanc. Texte en anglais.. . . . Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
Cavigliano, Eigenverlag von Peter Stiefel, 1981. Quer-folio. (6) S. Mit 1 sign. und bez. Originalzeichnung in Mischtechnik und 5 num. u. sign. Radierungen von Peter Stiefel. Lose in Orig.-Leinenmappe.
Nr. 15 von 15 Ex. (GA 20 Ex.). - "Die Radierungen wurden auf Hahnenmühle 23 g im Kupferdruck-Atelier von Peter Kneubühler gedruckt. Der Text wurde von Adolf Hürlimann aus der Caslon Antiqua gesetzt und auf der Handpresse abgezogen. Die Mappe wurde von Heinz Wahrenberger angefertigt" (Impressum).
Zürich, Selbstverlag des Künstlers, 1978. 4°. (9) S. (Text). Mit 48 Tafeln. Orig.-Broschur.
Vom Künstler signiert und nummeriert «Stiefel 78, 6/50». – Ohne Radierung.
Fribourg, Office du Livre 1977, 285x220mm, 499pages, reliure d'éditeur sous jaquette. Sous emboitage cartonné d’origine. Exemplaire à l'état de neuf.
photos couleurs et n/b, édition trilingue: français, alllemand, anglais; texte en 3 colonnes, Pour un paiement via PayPal, veuillez nous en faire la demande et nous vous enverrons une facture PayPal
Fribourg Office du Livre 1970 in 8 carré (21x21) 1 volume broché, couverture illustrée en couleurs, 192 pages, avec de nombreuses illustrations en noir et blanc, dont plans, coupes et élévations. Collection "Architecture Universelle". Bel exemplaire ( Photographies sur demande / We can send pictures of this book on simple request )
Très bon
Office du Livre - Coll. Architecture universelle 1970 Première édition. In-8 carré à l’italienne broché, 192pp. Illustré de nombreuses photographies.
L’Urbanisation et la Civilisation Khmère. Angkor est l'ancienne capitale de l'Empire khmer qui prospéra du IXe au xve siècle. Ses ruines sont situées dans les forêts au nord du Tonlé Sap, proches de l'actuelle Siem Reap au Cambodge et sont classées au patrimoine mondial de l'humanité par l'UNESCO. Bon état d’occasion
Office du Livre - Coll. Architecture universelle 1970 In-8 carré relié, 192pp. Illustré de nombreuses photographies.
Première édition. L’Urbanisation et la Civilisation Khmère. Angkor est l'ancienne capitale de l'Empire khmer qui prospéra du IXe au xve siècle. Ses ruines sont situées dans les forêts au nord du Tonlé Sap, proches de l'actuelle Siem Reap au Cambodge et sont classées au patrimoine mondial de l'humanité par l'UNESCO. Bon état d’occasion
Fribourg, Office du Livre "Architecture universelle" 1970, in-8 carré (21,5 x 21,5 cm) cartonnage illustré de l'éditeur avec dos en skyvertex blanc, 192 p. (très bon exemplaire) Texte sur deux colonnes. Analyse minutieusement le chef-d'œuvre de l'architecture khmère ; un volume bien fait et richement illustré.
Fribourg, Office du Livre 1968, 215x215mm, 192pages, reliure d'éditeur. Bel exemplaire.
photos en héliogravure, Pour un paiement via PayPal, veuillez nous en faire la demande et nous vous enverrons une facture PayPal
Fribourg, Office du Livre, 1979, gr. in-4to, 288 p., avec 237 illustr. couleurs, reliure en toile originale, jaquette.
Image disp.
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808
Fribourg, Office du Livre / Soc. Française du Livre, 1979, gr. in-4to, 288 p., avec 237 illustr. couleurs, reliure en toile originale.
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808
Fribourg, Office du Livre 1979, 320x245mm, 288pages, reliure d'éditeur sous jaquette. Bel exemplaire.
237 illustrations en couleurs, plus de 280 plans, coupes et élévations, 1 carte, Pour un paiement via PayPal, veuillez nous en faire la demande et nous vous enverrons une facture PayPal
Haba-Shobo, Ltd., 1987, in-4to, 294 p., richly illustrated in colour clothbound, title gilt on spine & frontcover, slipcase.
Image disp.
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808
Haba-Shobo, Ltd., 1987, in-4to, 294 p., richly illustrated in colour stamp ‘Exemplaire d’Archive’ on first fly-leaf (copy from the publisher’s archives, as new) clothbound, title gilt on spine & frontcover, slipcase.
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808
Atlantis, 1979,, gr. in-4°, 293 S., reich ill. mit farb. Fotos und Plänen, Verlags-Archiv Exemplar mit Stempel, Original-Leinenband, farb. ill. OU.
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808
Atlantis, 1979, gr. in-4°, 293 S., reich ill. mit farb. Fotos und Plänen, Verlags-Archiv Exemplar mit Stempel, Original-Leinenband, farb. ill. OU. Étui cart. / Hardbound , jacket, slipcase
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808