in 8 reliure postérieure cartonnée à la bradel pièce de titre manuscrite contrecollée.Faux-titre avec tampon de papeterie,titre avec tampon identique,329 pages,TRES RARE catalogue de 12 pages en fin de volume.non rogné,Paris Dumont éditeur 1839.Imprimerie E.Dépée à Sceaux. Deuxième plat de couverture conservé.Premier plat en fac-similé.Emboitage.Bon exemplaire à très grandes marges. EDITION ORIGINALE DE CET OUVRAGE RARE ET RECHERCHE.Elle est composée de trois nouvelles:L'Abbesse de Castro,Vittoria Accoramboni,duchesse de Bracciano et Les Cenci.TROIS CHRONIQUES ITALIENNES,ETAPES CAPITALES DANS LA GENESE DE LA CHARTREUSE DE PARME.Stendhal consacra plusieurs œuvres à cette Italie tant aimée.Quand,en 1833,il acquit à Rome des manuscrits de chroniques du XVIe siècle,il s'enthousiasma pour sa trouvaille et en tira six œuvres, dont les trois éditées ici.Déterminé à respecter strictement la vérité historique,il traduisit ses sources, strictement pour Les Cenci(écrite en avril 1837),plus librement avec Vittoria Accoramboni(écrite de mars-avril 1833 à août 1836),et de manière beaucoup plus romancée avec L'Abbesse de Castro(écrite en septembre 1838 et février 1839
Nouvelle Société des Éditions Encre, coll. « Itinéraires » 1984 In-8 cartonnage éditeur 24 cm sur 15,2. 207 pages. Illustrations en noir et blanc hors-texte. Bon état d’occasion.
Bon état d’occasion
, Diane de Selliers, 2002 hardcovers, 2 vols, Couverture originale de l' diteur, 708 pages + notes, 26 x 8.2 x 34 cm, Texte en Francais, Illustrations en couleurs en noir & blanc nombreuses illustrations dans et hors texte. ISBN 9782903656270.
Stendhal est passionn par l'Italie qu'il d couvre en 1800 lors des batailles napol oniennes. Tout dans ce pays le s duit, l' meut. Mes voyages en Italie me rendent plus original, plus moi-m me . J'apprends chercher le bonheur avec plus d'intelligence. Cette Italie mythique, d crite par Stendhal, dans Rome, Naples et Florence et Promenades dans Rome au rythme de ses lans et de ses motions, s'accompagne ici de 316 peintures romantiques de 123 peintres europ ens du d but du XIXe si cle et de 45 chefs-d'oeuvre ant rieurs, admir s par l'auteur.316 peintures du d but du XIXe si cle entra nent le lecteur mot mot et pas pas dans Rome, Naples et Florence, mais aussi dans Milan, Bologne, Parme, Piacenza ou les lacs italiens. Ces Voyages en Italie ressuscitent la rencontre profond ment romantique entre Stendhal et les 120 peintres europ ens, contemporains de l'auteur, pr sents dans l'ouvrage. Turner, Ingres, Corot, Caffi, Friedrich... nous font d couvrir l'Italie travers leur sensibilit d'artiste. Leurs oeuvres t moignent d'une grande diversit et d'une richesse picturale en tonnante symbiose avec les r cits de voyage de Stendhal. 45 peintures ant rieures au XIXe si cle aim es de Stendhal : celles de Michel-Ange, Rapha l, Corr ge, Guido Reni, le Caravage... accompagnent galement les Promenades dans Rome. Chaque image sugg r e se retrouve en regard du texte l'endroit pr cis o Stendhal en parle, renfor ant ainsi la magie et la puissance de l' vocation.
Anvers, Fonds Mercator, 1979. 26 x 34, 453 pp., très nombreuses illustrations en N/B et en couleurs, cartonnage d'édition + jaquette, très bon état
Tübingen, Wasmuth, (1974). 4to. Orig. full cloth with dustjacket. Stamp on titlepage. 120 pp., textillustr., 56 plates, 2 folded plates.
Stephanie Aulsebrook, Katarzyna ?ebrowska, Agata Ulanowska, Kazimierz Lewartowski (eds)
Reference : 64898
, Brepols, 2022 Paperback, 223 pages, Size:210 x 297 mm, Illustrations:18 b/w, 46 col., 6 tables b/w., 2 tables col., 1 maps b/w, 6 maps color, Language: English. ISBN 9782503599915.
Summary Sympozjum Egejskie: Papers in Aegean Archaeology is a peer-reviewed sub-series of Warsaw Studies in Archaeology. It has been designed to fulfil the role of a platform for presenting and introducing a wide range of new research approaches and themes within the broad area of Aegean Archaeology. This is primarily achieved through showcasing the work of newcomers to the discipline, in other words those scholars who are currently at the beginning of their research career in the field of Aegean Archaeology, as well as scholars working outside the traditional university structure such as independent scholars, professional field archaeologists, museum curators, and conservators. It is our hope that this series will serve as a concise guide to the most recent research undertaken by early career scholars and the diverse and inspiring new trends in the archaeology of the Prehistoric Aegean, as well as shining a light on the future direction of the discipline. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction by the editors Stephanie Aulsebrook, Katarzyna ?ebrowska, Agata Ulanowska, Kazimierz Lewartowski; University of Warsaw 1. Epidemic, Infectious and Parasitic Diseases in Prehistoric Greece (Tom ? Alu? k; Charles University) 2. Perforated Furnace Mettalurgy in the Final Neolithic Aegean. New Archaeological Evidence from the Acropolis of Athens and Preliminary Observations from other Contemporary Sites (Vasiliki Eleni Dimitriou; National and Kapodistrian University of Athens) 3. The ?Emblems" on the Jugs in the Late Prepalatial Ayia Triada Necropolis and the Iconography of Seals: A Comparison (Chiara De Gregorio; Heidelberg University) 4. Birdcage Vases (Vasi a Gabbietta) from Protopalatial Phaistos (Crete) in Context. A Note on an Enigmatic Vase (Valeria Taglieri; Ca' Foscari University of Venice) 5. At the Roots of Production. The Kouris Valley (Cyprus) as a Bronze Age 'Textile Environment' (C. 2200-1400 BCE) (Giulia Muti, Giulia Albertazzi; Independent Researcher; Universit degli Studi di Venezia, Udine, e Trieste) 6. Building a Minoan Larnax: Techniques, Gestures and Craftsmanship. Preliminary Results (Sarah Georgel-Debedde; Universit de Paris 1 Panth on-Sorbonne) 7. Problematising Peak Sanctuaries. Should Differences Make a Difference? (Jan Sienkiewicz; University of Cambridge) 8. Forcing Ahead or Foiled Again? The Application of Cross-Craft Analysis to Late Bronze Age Metal Working in the Aegean (Stephanie Aulsebrook; University of Warsaw) 9. Pictorial Style and Mycenaean Wall Paintings: Two Distinct Art Forms (Sofia Antonello; Ca' Foscari University of Venice) 10. Practices for Adverting Evil and the Notion of Ritual Protection in Mycenaean Cult Performance (Christina Aamodt; Independent Researcher) 11. Reassessing a Peripheral Geopolitical Vacuum: The Case for a Mycenaean Palace-State in the Spercheios Valley Region (Christofilis Maggidis, Efi Karantzali, Adrianos Psychas; Mycenaean Foundation; Ephorate of Antiquities of Phthiotida & Eurytania; University of Athens) 12. All's Well that Ends Well: An In-Depth Look at how Objects Entered Aegean Late Bronze Age Wells (Stephanie Aulsebrook; University of Warsaw) 13. Investigating the 'Peripheral' Mycenaean Community: Preliminary Results of the Bioarchaeological Study of the Late Helladic III Kallithea-Rampantania Cemetery, Achaea, Peloponnese, Greece (Maria Katsimicha, Ioanna Moutafi, Tina Jakob; The University of Manchester; Malcolm H. Wiener Laboratory for Archaeological Science of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens; Durham University 14. Funerary Places in East Crete: The Case of the LM III Cemetery of Mysini-Aspopilia, Siteia (Maria Psallida; National and Kapodistrian University of Athens) 15. Changes in Religious Ritual in Mycenaean Greece. Communicative Memory and the Postpalatial Period (Ulrike Berndt; Independent Researcher) 16. Between Heritage Preservation and Public Appreciation: Re-evaluating Reburial Strategies (Th r se Claeys; UCLouvain)
, Brepols, 2023 Hardback, 460 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:2 b/w, 3 col., 8 tables b/w., Language: English. ISBN 9782503604428.
Summary This volume positions source scholarship as integral to an understanding of the transmission of knowledge across intellectual, social, and material networks in early medieval England. Essays in this collection situate source studies in Old English and Anglo-Latin literature within a range of theoretical and methodological approaches as varied as disability studies, feminist theory, history of science, and network analysis, tracing how ideas move across cultures and showing how studying sources enables us to represent the diversity of medieval voices embedded in any given text. The essays in this volume extend the work of Charles D. Wright, who mentored a generation of scholars in methodologies of source study. The essays are organized into three sections. The first demonstrates how source studies facilitate tracing ideas across space and time. The second explores what happens to texts and ideas when they are transmitted from one culture, language, or historical moment to another. The third shows how sources illuminate wider cultural discourses. The volume attests to the flexibility of source work for early medieval English literature and argues for increased access to the tools that make such work possible. TABLE OF CONTENTS Sources of Knowledge: A Reflection on Charles D. Wright's Career THOMAS N. HALL Introduction STEPHANIE CLARK, JANET SCHRUNK ERICKSEN, and SHANNON GODLOVE I. Networks of Knowledge lfric's Traditions about the Apostles and Media Networks BRANDON HAWK Reading Lyric I of the Old English Advent Lyrics as Form-of-Life JOHANNA KRAMER Bede's Books Don't Tell Lies: Named Sources, Unideal Readers, and Bede's Welsh Reception JOSHUA BYRON SMITH lfric's Leitwortstil: Repetition and Autoreferentiality as Adaptive Techniques in the Old English Esther SAMANTHA ZACHER Source Study and the Inconclusive Result: The Case of Candidus Witto's De passione Domini CHRISTOPHER A. JONES II. Translation and Transformation of Knowledge Christ as Doorkeeper in Genesis A THOMAS N. HALL Spiritual Virtues, Unseen Spaces, and the Optics of Authority in Early Medieval English Accounts of Judith JILL FITZGERALD Bede, Cuthbert, and Cuthwine: Conlectores at Monkwearmouth-Jarrow FREDERICK M. BIGGS A Source for a 'Homily' in Byrhtferth's Enchiridion STEPHEN PELLE The Digressions in Andreas THOMAS D. HILL From Eriugena to Dostoyevsky: Christian Universalism in Hiberno-Latin Contexts and its Continued Significance PAUL A.K. SIEWERS III. Bodies of Knowledge Translatio medicinae: Mediterranean Sources in an English Climate RENE R. TRILLING Medievalism, Medicine, and William Somner's Dictionarium Saxonico-Latino-Anglicum REBECCA BRACKMANN Modblind and Unl d: Disability, Intersectionality, and Typology in the Old English Andreas AMITY READING Swallowed and Forgotten: Christ III and the Mouth of Hell in Early Medieval England JILL HAMILTON CLEMENTS Index
, Atomium Foundation, 2011, 2011 Paperback, 178 pages, NL / ENG / FR / , 210 x 185 mm, very fine condition, photo's / images / ill. in colour and b/w. ISBN 2952056099.
Concrete construction History Belgium Exhibition / Exhibition catalogs.UGENT
, VAI : VLAAMS ARCHITECTUUR INSTITUUT, 2008 Paperback, 219 pagina's, met illustraties. ISBN 9789081326315.
Met de reeks Focus architectuurarchieven plaatst het CVAa archieven van Vlaamse architecten in de kijker. nnDe architectuur van de relatief onbekende architect Isia Isgour (1913-1967) is beeldbepalend in de Limburgse mijnstreek waar hij zowel woningbouw, scholen, sociale centra en andere collectieve gebouwen die de naoorlogse welvaartmaatschappij typeren, realiseerde. Zijn oeuvre in Brussel illustreert de enorme dynamiek van de bouwsector in de jaren 1950 en 1960 die het Vlaamse en Brusselse landschap ingrijpend tekenden.nnHet rijk ge?llustreerde boek geeft een overzicht van Isgours oeuvre met projectbeschrijvingen en referenties naar archiefmateriaal. De oeuvrelijst wordt voorafgegaan door een essay, waarin de architect wordt ge?ntroduceerd en gesitueerd in de ruimere cultuurhistorische en architecturale context, en afgesloten door een uitgebreide bibliografie. De publicatie is een handig instrument voor het ontwikkelen van een visie over de omgang met het naoorlogse patrimonium.nninfo 25 euro, te koop in de gespecialiseerde
, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, 2018 Softcover, 22 x 28 cm, 200 pages, 125 colour and 18 black and white pictures, English. ISBN 9783731906209.
Jean Fouquet's diptych from the collegiate church of Melun is one of the main works the painting of the 15th century and French art in general. The left wing with the donor portrait is since 1896 in Berlin, while the right wing, the Madonna performing wings of the Museum of Fine Arts belongs to Antwerp. Both halves were separated by 1773 and were the last time together in 1937. The Berlin exhibition unites them now again and shows more important works, including the original medallion with Fouquet's self-portrait from the Louvre, an outstanding portrait drawing of his hand as well as selected works by painters like Jan van Eyck and Peter Christ. In the accompanying catalog well-known international researchers highlight different aspects of the work, including his iconography and technique, the person of the founder, Fouquets artistic requirements and more.
, Hirmer, 2019 Hardcover, 272 pages, ENG. edition, 260 x 210 x 25 mm, As Good As New, illustrated in color / b/w. ISBN 9783777431369.
The Chocolate Girl is one of the most famous works by the Swiss artist Jean- tienne Liotard. This richly illustrated volume leads the reader through the age in which it was created during the French-inspired Rococo and into the Vienna of Empress Maria Theresia, where the work was painted. It also explains the art of pastel painting, in which this enchanting work has been executed. The painting had a tremendous effect in those days and still does so today. Even during Liotard's life (1702-1789) his pastel painting was highly valued, as the description by the most famous pastel artist Rosalba Carriera as "the most beautiful pastel" demonstrates. The Chocolate Girl shows a simple, unknown domestic servant, until then a rarely chosen subject. In its sober and precise observation it reflects the art of the Enlightenment as well as anticipating the realism of the nineteenth century. Chocolate itself, always associated with pleasure, contributes further to the particular charm. Characteristic works from other creative periods complete the overview of Liotard's oeuvre.
BE - , Hannibal / Kannibaal , 2019 Linnen hardcover, 496 bladzijden, 31 x 24,3 cm, Nederlandstalige editie; Eerste druk. ISBN 960698.
Oeuvre-overzicht van fotograaf Stephan Vanfleteren, met uitgebreide persoonlijke reflecties en verhalen over drie decennia ontmoetingen en fotografie ?Vaak denk ik dat Stephan wel begrijpt wat zijn foto?s zo goed maakt. Maar dan komt er dit boek, waarin hij in allerlei situaties zo overduidelijk op zoekis, naar een beeldtaal, naar zichzelf, naar een verhaal dat verteld moet worden, dat ik het werk weer zo spannend vind, en belangrijk en rijk, dat ik erin wil verdrinken. Een meesterlijk overzicht.? ? Anton Corbijn, fotograaf en regisseur ?Ik ben meer dan een passagier van het verleden. Mensen vragen me weleens of ik niet te vaak achteromkijk. Natuurlijk kijk ik achterom, maar ik kijk ook vooruit, naar links, naar rechts, naar boven en naar onder. Ver en dichtbij. En voor de eerste maal kijk ik ook eens echt naar binnen.? ? Stephan Vanfleteren Stephan Vanfleteren (1969) is bij het grote publiek vooral bekend om zijn indringende zwart-witportretten, maar de voorbije decennia leverden ook een brede waaier aan documentair, artistiek en persoonlijk werk op. Van straatfotografie in wereldsteden als New York tot de genocide in Rwanda, van fa ades en vitrines tot de mystieke landschappen van de Atlantikwall, van stillevens tot doordringende portretten. Zowel de iconische beelden als de ongekende parels krijgen een plaats in dit vuistdikke boek met 505 foto?s. In zeer persoonlijke teksten reflecteert Vanfleteren over hoe de fotografie als genre en zijn eigen werk de voorbije decennia zijn ge volueerd. Je krijgt inzage in zijn fascinerende carri re, van bij het begin, wanneer hij hongerig naar actiede wereld rondreist. Ook zijn thuisland fotografeert hij: alle markante gebeurtenissen van de jaren negentig passeren voor zijn lens. Rond de millenniumwisseling begint Vanfleteren zich te richten op wat dreigt te verdwijnen. Met de verbetenheid van een archivaris brengt hij zijn heimat en landgenoten op onnavolgbare wijze in beeld. De laatste jaren brengt Vanfleteren de wereld binnen in zijn daglichtstudio, met talloze ontmoetingen en portretten als resultaat. In het boek staan twee recente, nog niet eerder gepubliceerde reeksen die in de intimiteit van zijn studio zijn ontstaan: een verkenning van het stilleven en de naaktfotografie in kleur. Dit jaar wordt Stephan Vanfleteren vijftig en dat viert hij met een grote overzichtstentoonstelling in het volledige Antwerpse Fotomuseum (FOMU, van 25 oktober 2019 tot 1 maart 2020) en met deze publicatie. ?Ik was daar, ik was present?, aldus de fotograaf, die zichzelf steeds zowel medeplichtige als getuige voelt. Present is een indrukwekkend overzicht van Vanfleterens oeuvre en geeft een compleet beeld van hem als fotograaf, als kunstenaar en bovenal als mens, die met empathie, verwondering en nieuwsgierigheid in het leven staat.
2007 / 298 pages. Broché. Editions The New Urban Guild Foundation. Langue : Anglais.
Dos trés légérement cassé. Très bon état / Very good condition.
, Tate Publishing, 2020 Hardcover flexi, 298 x 196 mm, 192 pages, 200 colour illustrations, English edition. ISBN 9781849766807.
Aubrey Beardsley (1872-1898) is best remembered for his powerful illustrations for Salom by Oscar Wilde. Spanning just seven years, his intense, prolific career as a draftsman and illustrator was cut short when he died at the age of 25. His subversive black-and-white drawings and his complex persona became synonymous with decadence: He alighted on the perverse and erotic aspects of life and legend, shocking audiences with his bizarre sense of humor and fascination with the grotesque. His keen observation of his contemporaries makes him of his time, but his distinct style has resonated with subsequent generations. A major influence on the development of Art Nouveau, and on psychedelic pop culture and design in the late 1960s, Beardsley's drawings remain a key reference for many artists today. Here, short essays on aspects of Beardsley's remarkable career complement reproductions of his fascinating work.
Bayeux, R.-P. Colas, 1951. 2 vol. in 4 (220 x 275) de XIX-272 p., 1 f. et 202 p., 3 ff. Brochés, couvertures à rabats illustrées en jaune. Excellent état.
Seconde édition augmentée de cette étude portant sur l’ensemble de la province. La première édition, publiée en 1921, ne comportait qu’un volume de 180 p. Tome I illustré de quelques figures et composé de : Histoire : Les caractères de la race normande (ethniques, somatiques et psychiques) - Les anciennes Coutumes - Généralités sur les constructions normandes - La Ferme bas-normande - Intérieur d’une ferme - Dinanderie - Etains et estayniers - Poterie - Horloges - Nourriture traditionnelle - Meubles normands - Productions diverses - Tissus, costumes, coiffes, bonnets, bijoux - Le Patois normand du Bas-Contentin - Biblio. Tome II : Iconographie composée de 97 planches en noir accompagnées de notices (avec 252 sujets). Un des 2000 exemplaires ordinaires sur papier glacé teinté, non numérotés.
, Mercator/ Mercatorfonds , 2021 HB, 300 x 250 mm, 196 pages, 180 colour illustrations, Texte en Francais. ISBN 9789462302747.
Francis Bacon est consid r comme un des peintres majeurs du XXe si cle. Une nouvelle exposition de ses tableaux la Royal Academy explore le r le des animaux - commencer par l'animal humain - dans son oeuvre. En 1969, Bacon, qui a souvent peint des chiens et des chevaux, se tourne pour la premi re fois vers la corrida. Dans cette s rie d'oeuvres puissantes, les interactions entre l'homme et la b te s'av rent dangereuses et cruelles, mais aussi d'une intimit d rangeante. Tous deux se contorsionnent dans cette lutte angoiss e o l' rotisme n'est jamais loin. 'La corrida est comme la boxe, a dit Bacon. Un merveilleux ap ritif pour l'amour.' Vingt-deux ans plus tard, un taureau solitaire sera le sujet de son dernier tableau. Dans cet ouvrage fascinant, qui apporte un compl ment significatif la litt rature sur Bacon, des sp cialistes d taillent son approche des animaux et identifient ses diverses sources d'inspiration, dont la litt rature surr aliste et les photographies d'Eadweard Muybridge. Selon eux, en montrant des animaux dans un tat de vuln rabilit , de col re ou de mal- tre, Bacon cherchait p n trer la condition humaine. Ce catalogue d'exposition important d voile ce que les repr sentations animali res de Francis Bacon r v lent sur l'artiste - et la condition humaine. Exposition au Royal Academy, Londres, 22 janvier - 12 avril 2021
Stephen F. Eisenman, Catherine Howe, Sarah Lea, Michael Peppiate & Anna Testar
Reference : 55115
, Mercator/ Mercatorfonds , 2021 HB, 300 x 250 mm, 196 pages, 180 colour illustrations, Nederlandstalige uitgave ISBN 9789462302754.
Dit boek focust op de rol van dieren in het werk van Francis Bacon (1909-1992). Bacon schilderde vaak honden en paarden, en in 1969 voor het eerst een stierengevecht, een interactie tussen mens en dier die gevaarlijk en wreed is, maar ook verontrustend intiem. In deze publicatie identificeren deskundige auteurs Bacons inspiratiebronnen en bespreken ze zijn benadering van dieren in het onderzoek dat hij voerde naar de condition humaine. Tentoonstelling: Royal Academy, London: Jan- April 2021 Explore Francis Bacon's visceral paintings, where the line between human and animal is constantly blurred, reminding us that our primal instincts lie just below the surface. Irish-born artist Francis Bacon was the horse-breeder's son who became one of the most important painters of the 20th century. An openly gay man at a time when homosexuality was illegal, he was banished from his conservative family home by his father at 16. After that, he drifted through Berlin and Paris before establishing himself in London, with his formative years running parallel with some of the 20th century's most profoundly disturbing events. This powerful exhibition will focus on Bacon's unerring fascination with animals: how it both shaped his approach to the human body and distorted it; how, caught at the most extreme moments of existence, his figures are barely recognisable as either human or beast. It also explores how Bacon was mesmerised by animal movement, observing animals in the wild during trips to South Africa; filling his studio with wildlife books, and constantly referring to Eadweard Muybridge's 19th-century photographs of humans and animals in motion. Whether baboons or bulls, dogs or birds of prey, Bacon felt he could get closer to understanding the true nature of humankind by watching the uninhibited behaviour of animals. Spanning Bacon's 50-year career, highlights include some of Bacon's earliest works and his last-ever painting, alongside a trio of bullfight paintings which will be exhibited together for the first time. Seen together, these raw expressions of anxiety and instinct - both animal and human - feel poignantly relevant today. Exposition au Royal Academy, Londres, 22 janvier - 12 avril 2021
, Brepols, 2022 Hardback, 338 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:4 tables b/w., 1 maps b/w, 1 maps color, Language: English. ISBN 9782503594576.
Summary The notion that, upon the advent of the English in 1167, all Gaelic peoples in Ireland were immediately and ipso facto denied access to the English royal courts has become so widely accepted in popular culture that it is often treated as fact. In this ground-breaking monograph, however, the narrative of absolute ethnic discrimination in thirteenth- and early fourteenth-century English Ireland is for the first time tackled head-on through a thorough re-examination of the Irish plea rolls. Through a forensic study of these records, the author demonstrates not only that there was a great deal of variation in how members of various ethnic groups and women who came before the English royal courts in Ireland were treated, but also that there was a large ? and hitherto scarcely noticed ? population of Gaels with regular and unimpeded access to English law, and that the intersections between gender/sex and ethnicity have too often been deeply misunderstood or disregarded. A close comparison between the treatment of Gaelic women and men and that of the English of Ireland, together with an in-depth examination of other ethnicities from around the Irish Sea, provide a new understanding of English Ireland in which it is clear that there was not a simple dichotomy between the English and the unfree, but rather that people lived an altogether more complex and nuanced existence. TABLE OF CONTENTS Maps and Tables Acknowledgements Abbreviations Introduction Chapter 1: Legal Bondage and 'betaghs' Chapter 2: Free Gaelic Men in English Ireland Chapter 3: The Legal Status of Women: The Intersection of Sex and Ethnicity Chapter 4: Legal Discrimination, Disseisins, and Land Transfers Chapter 5: Irish Sea Region Ethnicities Chapter 6: The Effects of Ethnicity during Criminal Cases Chapter 7: The Role of Ethnicity in the Status of Clerics Conclusion Bibliography Index
, Brepols, 2023 Paperback, xii + 356 pages, Size:120 x 190 mm, Illustrations:1 b/w, Language: English. ISBN 9782503606163.
Summary This volume includes eight new translations of early Christian narratives about the end of the Virgin Mary's life, that is, her Dormition and Assumption. Translated from Greek, Latin, Syriac, Ethiopic, Georgian, and Christian Palestinian Aramaic, each of these texts is either translated into a modern language for the first time, or appears in a version that has not previously been published. The texts represent a broad range of the highly diverse early Christian memories of Mary's departure from this world. Likewise, the texts themselves often disclose a range of theological diversity within the early Christian tradition even beyond what scholars have thus far recognized. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction 1. The Book of Mary's Repose 2. The Six Books Apocryphon 3. The Greek Revision of the Book of Mary's Repose 4. The Latin Revision of the Book of Mary's Repose 5. The Latin Transitus Mariae 6. An Early Dormition Fragment in Old Georgian 7. A Liturgical Apocryphon from Jeremiah for the Dormition of the Virgin 8. The Homily on the Dormition Attributed to Basil of Caesarea Bibliography
New York, United States, Little, Brown & Company 1997, 1997 Paperback, 128 pages, English, 300 x 300 mm, fine copy, with illustrations in colour and b/w. ISBN 9780316482400.
This unique book presents the first visual history of today's most hotly collected records - the great movie and television soundtracks from the 1950s to the early 1970s, from Breakfast at Tiffany's and Thunderball to Mission: Impossible and Barbarella. The soundtrack albums of these and other classic movies are among the most prized collectibles today - recordings that summon up the secret agents, starlets, glamour and exotica of the past and set the mood for the "cool modern" lounge scene of today. The book showcases art, in brilliant full color, from nearly 300 of the greatest soundtrack covers, including many sought-after items by film music legends such as John Barry, Jerry Goldsmith, Henry Mancini, Ennio Morricone and Lalo Schifrin. It is a must for record collectors, graphic designers and anyone into the new easy listening scene.
, Brepols, 2024 Hardback, xii + 504 pages, Size:152 x 229 mm, Language: English. ISBN 9780888442338.
Summary This book sheds new light on the Latin background of various Old English homilies, and of certain homilies from related vernacular traditions. Two broad themes are treated, the Nativity of Christ and Christian eschatology; the volume contains five Latin texts dealing with each theme. Critical editions, full English translations, and detailed introductions and commentaries are included, as well as case studies that demonstrate the relevance of each text to one or more homilies written in Old English, and, in a few cases, early Middle English and Old Norse. While the volume is intended for scholars of early English preaching, many of the texts hold considerable intrinsic interest and should have general appeal for medievalists, students of preaching, and those working on the transmission of biblical apocrypha in the Latin West. TABLE OF CONTENTS Acknowledgements Abbreviations Sigla codicum Introduction TEXT ONE A Christmas Homily from the Bavarian Homiliary (BH I.2) TEXTS TWO AND THREE Carolingian Sermons on the Miracles at Christ's Birth TEXTS FOUR AND FIVE Hiberno-Latin Christmas Homilies TEXTS SIX AND SEVEN Eschatological Sermons Included in Some Manuscripts of the Homiliaries of Angers and Saint-P re de Chartres TEXT EIGHT A Sermon Related to an Early Redaction of the Visio Pauli (Einsiedeln, Stiftsbibliothek, 27, fols. 104v-106v) TEXT NINE A Doomsday Sermon from a Carolingian Priest's Handbook (Laon, Biblioth que municipale, 288, fols. 38r-39v) TEXT TEN The Three Utterances of the Soul: Recension IV Conclusions Appendix 1: A Christmas Homily Related to Texts 1 and 5 Appendix 2: Latin Analogues for Middle Irish and Middle High German Lists of Miracles at Christ's Birth Appendix 3: A Latin Vision of the Otherworld and Its Middle English Descendants Bibliography Index of Manuscripts Index of DOE Short Titles of Old English Homilies Cited or Discussed General Index
London, Society of Antiquaries of London, 2009 Two volumes, linnen bound, 600 pages, 31 x 24.5 cm. EN. New!. ISBN 9780854312894.
The third volume in this massive project to create the first complete corpus of the Roman mosaics of Britain covers the areas of Britain that were first to come under Roman control and where some of Britain's most impressive mosaics are to be found - in Colchester, Silchester, London and Verulamium, and in villas and palaces at Brading, Bignor, Fishbourne and Rockbourne. In their introduction to the volume, the authors trace the origins of mosaic-making in Britain, and the development of colour palettes and motifs, from the mainly black-and-white geometric designs of first-century Fishbourne Palace, reflecting contemporary Gaulish fashions, to the more elaborate polychrome designs of the third and fourth centuries, featuring figures from classical mythology, some of which (like Brading's Orpheus taming the animals with his music, or Lullingstone's Bellerophon slaying the Chimera) had been invested with new meaning as symbols of Christianity. They consider too the types of buildings with which mosaics are associated, the functions of mosaic-decorated rooms, the materials from which they are made, the impact of mosaic discoveries on early antiquaries and the pioneering mosaic paintings of artists such as Richard Smirke and Charles Stothard, published in Samuel Lysons' Reliquae Britanniae Romanae (1817). The catalogue follows the format of earlier volumes in providing an account of each mosaic's discovery and locating the mosaic within its building plan. Every mosaic is described, with significant parallels and major references, and illustrated with the authors' own paintings, reproductions of historic engravings and photographs, taken in situ wherever possible, before lifting or restoration. The result is an unrivalled scholarly resource for anyone interested in Roman art, craftsmanship, architecture and social life, which will shortly be complete with the publication of the fourth and final volume on Western Britain, including Wales. About the Author: David S Neal, FSA (b 1940), was first introduced to Roman mosaics and archaeology at Verulamium in 1957 while studying graphic design at Watford School of Art. In 1961 he joined the Ancient Monuments Inspectorate of the then Ministry of Works as an archaeological illustrator and for almost fifteen years supervised the archaeological drawing office. In this period one of his tasks was to record mosaics found on excavations conducted, or sponsored, by the Government. From 1963 he began his own series of excavations on Roman villas in Hertfordshire and in 1975 became a full-time archaeologist with the Department of the Environment (later English Heritage). He is now a freelance consultant. He was made a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries in 1971 and awarded a Doctor of Letters for his contribution to Romano-British villa studies in 1992. Stephen R Cosh, FSA (b 1950), studied archaeology at Reading University before embarking on a career in teaching. As with David Neal, his interests in art and archaeology led to the study of Romano-British mosaics which he has illustrated since the 1970s, soon adopting Neal's technique. He has written numerous articles on Roman mosaics, particularly the study of regional groups. He has been the Honorary Secretary of ASPROM (the Association for the Study and Preservation of Roman Mosaics) since 1993 and was elected a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries in 2002. The authors formally agreed to collaborate on the corpus in 1993.
London, Society of Antiquaries of London, 2010 Hardback with dustjacket, 480 Pages, 31 x 25 cm. NEW. EN. ISBN 9780854312948.
This volume brings to a triumphant conclusion this monumental project to catalogue, describe and illustrate every Romano-British mosaic. The area covered by the fourth and final volume in the corpus is one of the richest regions of Britain in economic as well as architectural and artistic terms and this is reflected in the quantity and quality of the region's mosaics, which include the largest figured mosaic ever found in Britain - the Woodchester Orpheus pavement - which was perhaps the inspiration for the other famous Orpheus mosaics of the Roman Cotswolds. At the heart of this affluent region is Cirencester, Roman Britain's second largest town, represented here by more than sixty mosaics, the second-century examples being the most exquisite in the country. There are also many fine mosaics from the region's highly ornate villas, as well as from the towns of Gloucester, Caerwent and Wroxeter. The catalogue follows the format of earlier volumes in providing an account of each mosaic's discovery and locating the mosaic within its building plan. Following the description are notable parallels and major references. Many of the illustrations are by the authors, with additional ones by Luigi Thompson, as well as photographs and historical engravings, a high proportion of the latter by Samuel Lysons whose home was in Gloucestershire where he did much of his pioneering work in archaeological excavation and illustration. Brief biographies of Lysons and all the other artists whose work grace all four volumes appear at the end of this volume. As with previous volume the work is preceded with a substantial introduction. This deals with the history and topography of the region, buildings and rooms, an assessment of regional workshops, and schemes, ending with a consideration of mosaics in relation to the end of Roman Britain.
Quebec, DANTE, 1984 Hardcover, 84 pages, Texte en Francais, 228 x 228 mm, Tres Bien Condition!. ISBN 9789706054623.
Mexique: Contient des reproductions de dessins en couleurs de Frederick Catherwood. Quatre reproductions incluses. Abondamment illustr de photographies, dessins, fac-simil s, cartes g graphiques et ac tates, tous en couleurs.
, Enfield, Guinness Superlatives 1976, 288pp.ill., hardcover with dustwrapper, good condition, S19166