, Brepols, 2023 Paperback, 304 pages, Size:216 x 280 mm, Illustrations:229 b/w, 13 col., 13 tables b/w., 8 maps color, Language: English. ISBN 9782503600666.
Summary Roman bathhouses are considered to be prime markers when studying romanization in the provinces of the Empire, as these very specific ? and archaeologically recognizable ? buildings, together with their associated ideas about the body and personal health, introduced a decidedly Roman habit into regions that had hitherto been unfamiliar with (communal) bathhouses and heating technology. While traditionally, studies into Roman baths and bathing have focused on large public baths in the cities of the empire, however, those from the area that now roughly corresponds to modern-day Belgium have often been neglected in recent research as this was an area with few important urban centres. This book for the first time investigates the introduction, spread, and eventual disappearance of Roman-style baths and of bathing habits in this north-western corner of the Roman Empire. A detailed analysis of the architecture, technology, and decoration of both public and private baths is combined with a discussion on the role of bathing in the area's romanization, and supplemented by a fully illustrated catalogue of all bathhouses in the area of study. In doing so, the volume sheds new light not only on the evolution of baths and bathing in this region, but also on their broader role in larger historic processes such as cultural change across the Empire. TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Illustrations Key to All Plans Preface Introduction Chapter 1 Communal Baths ? a Roman Phenomenon? Chapter 2 Earlier Research on Roman Bathing in the North-West Chapter 3 The Roman Continental North-West, a Blank Spot for Baths? Chapter 4 The Architecture of the Baths Chapter 5 Technology of the Baths Chapter 6 Building Material and Decoration Chapter 7 Bathing and Society Conclusions Catalogue Appendices Works Cited Index
Zürich, Scheidegger & Spiess, 2009. 4°. 218 S. mit zahlreichen Abbildungen und Fotografien. Broschur.
Mit handschriftlicher Widmung von Sadkowsky an Herr und Frau Vitali.
Sadr al-Din al-Qunawi e Nasir al-Din al-Tusi, Patrizia Spallino (ed), Ivana Panzeca (ed)
Reference : 66044
, Brepols - Fidem, 2019 Paperback, 424 pages, Size:165 x 240 mm, Language: Italian. ISBN 9782503584119.
Summary Uno degli esempi pi significativi dei frutti prodotti dal confronto aperto tra un sufi ed un filosofo la corrispondenza tenutasi nel XIII secolo tra ?adr al-D?n al-Q?naw? (m. 1274) e Nas?r al-D?n al-??s? (m. 1274), il primo discepolo diretto e figlio adottivo dello ?ay? al-akbar Ibn al-'Arab?, il secondo seguace e commentatore di Avicenna. Soggetto centrale del dibattito l'analisi dell'essere in tutte le sue molteplici determinazioni e manifestazioni: la realt di Dio, l'essere generale e comune, la sostanza e la materia, l'unit e la molteplicit , la natura dell'anima, del corpo, delle forze celesti, il dolore e la gioia spirituale, l'emanazione, il finito e l'infinito. Tutti i quesiti si sviluppano su uno scenario in cui si prendono in considerazione gli estremi limiti del pensiero teoretico che guarda e si interroga sulla sfera contemplativa della luce rivelativa; una dialettica serrata nel tentativo di armonizzare due dimensioni all'apparenza inconciliabili ma in realt complementari. TABLE OF CONTENTS Nota sulla traslitterazione Introduzione 1. Il primo interlocutore: ?adr al-D?n Mu?ammad b. Is??q al-Q?naw? Opere di Q?naw? 2. La controparte: Ab? ?a'far Mu?ammad ibn Mu?ammad ibn al-?asan Na??r al-D?n al-??s? 2.1. Opere di ??s? 2.2. La parabola di ??s? tra sciismo duodecimano e ismailismo 2.3. La parentesi sufi e le epistole in persiano 3. 3. Studio e analisi del testo al-Mur?sal?t bayna ?adr al-D?n al-Q?naw? wa Na??r al-D?n al-??s? 4. L'edizione del testo 5. Nota sui manoscritti 6. Traduzione Bibliografia Indice dei termini tecnici Indice dei nomi
SAENZ QUESADA, Maria (texte). - VERSTRAETEN, Xavier A. (photographies).
Reference : 78975
Abbeville - New York - Paris - Londres, Abbeville Press Inc. 1992, 320x260mm, 199pages, reliure d’éditeur sous jaquette. Bel exemplaire, hormis dos de la jaquette insolé.
photos couleurs in et hors texte, Pour un paiement via PayPal, veuillez nous en faire la demande et nous vous enverrons une facture PayPal
Saewulf, Giovanni di W rzburg, Teodorico, Silverio Franzoni (ed), Elisa Lonati (ed)
Reference : 65560
, Brepols, 2020 Paperback, 306 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:2 tables b/w., 3 maps b/w, Language: Italian. ISBN 9782503589008.
Summary Le tre descrizioni della Terrasanta crociata riunite in questo volume furono prodotte tra l'inizio del XII secolo - qualche anno dopo la presa europea della Palestina - e il 1170 circa - poco prima della riconquista musulmana di Gerusalemme. La prima, quella dell'inglese Saewulf, un vero e proprio resoconto di pellegrinaggio dalla forte impronta personale, che con un linguaggio letterariamente spoglio ricorda le vicissitudini sperimentate dall'autore nel suo viaggio per mare e per terra, dalla Puglia a Gerusalemme e fin quasi a Constantinopoli. Quelle di Giovanni di W rzburg e di Teodorico sono invece due guide della citt santa e di buona parte della Palestina, parzialmente sovrapponibili in quanto in gran parte derivate dal celebre trattatello di topografia sacra composto qualche decennio prima dal chierico nazareno Rorgo Fretello. Entrambi gli autori, e soprattutto il pi raffinato Teodorico, si impegnano tuttavia in un processo di rielaborazione e amplificazione del loro modello, che viene ad arricchirsi di informazioni originali accumulate nel corso di una reale esperienza di pellegrinaggio, testimone dei rinnovati fasti architettonici e urbanistici del regno latino di Gerusalemme. La versione latina originale dei testi qui tradotti pubblicata nella collana Corpus Christianorum, Continuatio Mediaeualis con il titolo Peregrinationes tres. Saewulf, John of W rzburg, Theodericus (CC CM, 139), a cura di R.B.C. Huygens (1994). I rimandi alle pagine corrispondenti dell'edizione sono forniti a margine di questa traduzione. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduzione Bibliografia Saewulf: Resoconto veritiero su Gerusalemme Giovanni di W rzburg: Descrizione della Terrasanta Teodorico: Trattato sui luoghi santi Indice dei passi biblici Indice delle fonte non-bibliche Indice dei luoghi Indice dei nom
, Brepols, 2022 Paperback, 302 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:4 maps b/w, Language: English. ISBN 9782503593722.
Summary This edition presents English translations of the accounts of three important twelfth-century travellers to the Holy Land, the Anglo-Saxon Saewulf and the Germans John of W rzburg and Theoderic, based on the edition of the Latin texts. Saewulf travelled to the Holy Land soon after its capture by the First Crusade in 1099. His travelogue, framed by accounts of his outward sea journeys from southern Italy to Jaffa and back to Constantinople, describes the buildings and holy sites of Jerusalem and its surrounding countryside as they appeared in the early years of the Frankish kingdom, before the major building works that characterized the short century of Christian rule over the city were fully under way. In contrast, the two German descriptions give more detailed accounts of the transformation that the city and surrounding landscape had undergone and of the new churches and monasteries and their artistic programmes that had been created by the 1160s and 1170s. The translated texts are preceded by an introduction placing the texts in their historical context and are accompanied by brief explanatory notes with bibliographical indications for further information. The source texts of this volume appeared in Corpus Christianorum, Continuatio Mediaeualis as Peregrinationes tres (CC CM, 139), edited by R.B.C. Huygens. References to the corresponding pages of the Corpus Christianorum edition are provided in the margins of this translation. TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface Introduction Bibliography Saewulf John of W rzburg Theoderic Appendix: List of variations in the Lambeth Palace manuscript of Saewulf Index
Montréal Tundra Books 1987
in-8 bien illustré, xx et 244p. Couverture illustrée. :: Réédition avec une nouvelle Introduction par Safdie. Habitat 67. :: Broché. Bon état.
P., Hachette, 1893, in-12, 326pp+3ffnc+16pp. illustrées de 42 gravures in et hors-texte. Envoi autographe de l'auteur à Hermann Dietz, grand-père maternel de Pierre Fresnay. Reliure signée par la fille de l'acteur, de son véritable nom, Laudenbach relié demi-chagrin à coins, dos à 4 nerfs sautés, tête dorée, couverture conservée
Tournai: Maison de la Culture de Tournai, Europalia 87 Österreich, 1987 in-4, 68 pages, nombreuses illustrations. Broché, bon état.
Le compagnonnage du bois dans le Vorarlberg. (Tournai: Maison de la Culture de Tournai, Europalia 87 Österreich, 1987). [M.C.: Autriche, Alpes, architecture, compagnonnage, arts et traditions populaires]
1949 A Auch, Imprimerie F. Cocharaux - 1949 - In-4, broché - 124 p. - Quelques reproductions photographiques hors texte en N&B
Bon état - Ouvrage sous couverture plastifiée - Départ de fente en bas du dos - Légers plis sur la couverture
Editions Mardaga 1995 Livre en français, anglais, allemand. In-4 relié 33,4 cm sur 24,6. 312 pages. Jaquette en mauvais état. Bon état d’occasion.
Bon état d’occasion
Tallandier ,1991, in-8 de 260 pages ,illustrations in-texte ,broché ,Très bon état , .Isbn : 9782235020510.(2 photos du livre sur mon site https://www.vieuxlivre.fr) .Les frais de port pour la France sont offerts à partir de 20 euros d'achat (Mondial relay )et 30 d'achat (colissimo suivi ). Pour l'étranger : tarif livre et brochure, colissimo international, DHL express
Tallandier 1991 In-8 broché 1 cm. Bon état d’occasion.
Cartes de France des ouvrages fortifiés Bon état d’occasion
Celiv. 1998. In-8. Cartonné. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Papier jauni. 82 pages. Nombreuses photos en couleurs. Texte sur trois colonnes.. . . A l'italienne. Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
Traduit par Virginie Troit et David Amehame. Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
Demi-Cercle, coll. « Etats des Lieux » 1990 In-4 broché, 48 pp. Illustrations noir & couleurs
Un architecte, Un oeuvre, un livre, montrer raconter l’architecture contemporaine. Très bon état d’occasion
Zodiaque, collection Les Points Cardinaux n°19, 1970, in-4 reliure toile sans jaquette, 197 pp, nombreuses illustrations TRES BON ETAT
Zodiaque, coll. « Les points cardinaux », n° 26 1978 In-8 reliure éd. sous jaquette 26 cm sur 21,5. Jaquette en bon état, malgré petit accroc. 196 pages. Bon état d’occasion.
Bon état d’occasion
Saint Bris Gonzague (textes) ; Lorin Philippe (illustrations)
Reference : 114859
ISBN : 2080112503 9782080112507
Flammarion 2003 In-8 à l’italienne, cartonnage éditeur, 22 cm sur 27,5. 135 pages. Très bon état d’occasion.
illustré par Lorin Philippe Très bon état d’occasion
Paris, Editions Zodiaque 2002, 258x160mm, 298pages, Très bel exemplaire.
photos couleurs et n/b, Pour un paiement via PayPal, veuillez nous en faire la demande et nous vous enverrons une facture PayPal
P., P.U.F., 1960, pet. in-4, br., jaquette éd., XVI-194 pp., 169 illustrations, photos, documents.
bon état
SAINTE FARE GARNOT, Pierre-nicolas - Introduction de Jean Bernard
Reference : 115027
1986 Editions de L'Arbre à images, Collection "Hôpitaux de France" - 1986 - In-4, format à l'italienne,cartonnage toilé noir, sous jaquette illustrée - 127 p. - Nombreuses illustrations et reproductions photographiques en N&B in-texte
Bon état - Jaquette légèrement frottée
Paris, P. G. Simon & N. H. Nyon, 1784 in-4, 7 pp., en feuilles.
Le financement du colossal chantier de l'église Sainte-Geneviève, édifiée sur la partie ouest du jardin de l'abbaye Sainte-Geneviève, fut un gouffre depuis les premiers travaux en 1758. Cet emprunt était censé permettre l'achèvement du monument. - - VENTE PAR CORRESPONDANCE UNIQUEMENT
Auxerre, Imprimerie l'Yonne Républicaine, 1975. 15 x 23, 31 pp., 30 illustrations en N/B, broché (agrafé), bon état.
"2e édition, revue et mise à jour; préface de Jacques Thuillier."
- 2 planches autographiées. 35 x 55 cm.
Vieux papier. Façade, plans. Croquis d'architecture, Février 1867.