Fitway Publishing. 2005. In-8. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 104 pages - nombreuses photos en couleurs dans et hors texte. Plats contrepliés en un rabat.. . . . Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
BE - , Loempia, 1984 Gebonden, Hardcover met stofomslag compleet . 54 pagina's in stripvorm; 22x31cm z/w.
Bruxelles :, Biblioth que royale Albert I, 1991 cartonnage illustre de l'editeur 72 p. : ill. Texte en Francais. ISBN 2870930585.
Tentoonstelling: Biblioth que royale Albert I Galerie Houyoux [Bruxelles]. 1991/10/12 - 1991/11/16
LE CENTURION. 1955. In-8. Broché. Etat d'usage, Couv. défraîchie, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur acceptable. 116 pages augmentées de nombreuses planches de photos en noir et blanc. . . . Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
Privat. 1990. In-4. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 255 pages augmentées de nombreuses photos en noir et blanc hors texte. Plats contrepliés en un rabat.. . . . Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
Privat. 1984. In-8. Relié toilé. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 184 pages augmentées de nombreuses photos en noir et blanc hors texte. Contre-plats en noir et blanc. Quelques annotations au crayon sur la page de garde. Un nom inscrit à l'encre sur la page de garde. Une carte postale en supplément. Jaquette satisfaisante. Avec Jaquette. . . Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
Toulouse: Privat, 1966 in-4, 184 pages, cartes, planches en héliogravure hors texte, plans dans le texte. Reliure toile, très bon état. EDITION ORIGINALE
Citadelles du vertige. (Toulouse: Privat, 1966) [M.C.: Languedoc, Cathares, architecture, Moyen Age]
1826 Paris, chez Ferra Juen, 1826 ; in-8, plein cartonnage bleu nuit à la bradel, titre doré sur étiquette de maroquin vieux-rouge; xxx, 559, (1)pp. Ex-libris manuscrit au titre "E. Delplanque".
Les 2 feuillets de l'avant- propos (pp.vii-x) ont été reliés 2 fois , avant et après l'introduction; plusieur jaunis surtout en début et fin. (GrDD2) Absente jusqu'au 16 mars, vos commandes seront enregistrées mais je ne pourrai y répondre qu'à partir du dimanche 17. Merci de votre compréhension.
Emile Thézard. Non daté. In-Folio. En feuillets. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 2 pages de texte + 4 planches mobiles (3 en noir et blanc et 1 en couleurs). 2 photos disponibles. 1 légère déchirure et 1 pliure sur la planche en couleurs n'altérant pas l'illustration.. . . . Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
Sommaire : Maison de garde, près Villefranche (Aveyron),de M. Roques - Petite citerne jumelée avec bassins filtrant de M.B.; directeur de srevice municipal des eaux - Des plans de lotissements. Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
s.l., s.d. (début XXème), 1 br., couverture illustrée. in-12, titre frontispice, 44-(2) pp., illustrations, plan ;
Phone number : 06 80 15 77 01
Paris, Encyclopédie Roret, coll. « Manuels-Roret » 1881 in-16 16 x 11 cm. Reliure toile toile noire, report titre doré sur le dos, 22 planches repliées. Exemplaire en bon état.
Bon état d’occasion
Paris Librairie encyclopédique de Roret, coll. "Manuels-Roret" 1845 2 vol. relié 2 vol. in-16, reliés demi-chagrin cerise, dos lisses ornés de filets et fleurons dorés, tranches jaunes, VIII + 306 et 330 pp., complet des 12 planches en 10 feuillets dépliants. Nouvelle édition revue, corrigée et augmentée. Parfaitement conservé dans une jolie reliure d'époque.
, Brepols, 2020 Hardback, 389 pages, Size:178 x 254 mm, Illustrations:140 col., Language: English. ISBN 9782503586335.
Summary This is the first monograph devoted to manuscripts illuminated by the mid-fifteenth-century artist known as the Wavrin Master, so-called after his chief patron, Jean de Wavrin, chronicler and councillor at the court of Philip the Good of Burgundy. Specializing in the production of pseudo-historical prose romances featuring the putative ancestors of actual Burgundian families, the artist was an attentive interpreter of these texts which were designed to commemorate the chivalric feats of past heroes and to foster their emulation by noble readers of the day. Integral to these heroes' deeds is the notion of justice, their worth being measured by their ability to remedy criminal acts such as adultery, murder, rape, and usurpation. In a corpus of 10 paper manuscripts containing the texts of 15 romances and over 650 watercolour miniatures, the stylized, expressive images of the Wavrin Master bring out with particular clarity the lessons in justice which these works offered their contemporary audience, many of whom, from the Burgundian dukes downwards, would have been responsible for upholding the law in their territories. Chapters are devoted to issues such as the nature of just war and how it is linked to good rulership; what forms of legal redress the heroines of these tales are able to obtain with or without the help of a male champion; and what responses are available in law to a spouse betrayed by an adulterous partner. The book will be of interest to scholars of medieval art, literature, legal and cultural history, and gender studies. TABLE OF CONTENTS List of figures Foreword and acknowledgements Introduction This chapter sets out the rationale for the monograph. First, it situates its approach to study of the works of the Wavrin Master in relation to past and current scholarship in the field of Burgundian manuscript illlumination. Second, it explains and briefly illustrates the methodology it adopts, this being the analysis of the interplay between text and image in manuscripts of these prose romances, from the particular perspective of how this interplay inflects the issues of justice that are raised in the narrative. Third, it outlines in detail the precise research questions that will be addressed in the monograph and explicates the order of the chapters, justifying which texts have been selected from the corpus for detailed treatment. Chapter 1: Artist, Corpus, Patrons, Court This chapter provides a detailed context for analysis of the manuscripts in the Wavrin Master corpus by outlining who the artist was, what his body of work consisted of, who his chief patrons were, what books they held in their libraries, and how these texts contributed to the wider ideological project of legitimising the Burgundian polity as a personal union between the lord and his subjects, particularly during the reigns of the third and fourth dukes, Philip the Good and Charles the Bold. It thus sees these romances as forming part of a "literature of statecraft" teaching princely virtues, especially on matters of justice, alongside moralising works such as mirrors for princes, military treatises, and the many different types of historiographical texts that found favour at the Burgundian court. Chapter 2: Justice, Warfare, and Rulership in Florimont, the Seigneurs de Gavre and Saladin This chapter focuses on three texts whose presentation of the hero's military exploits can be read as a demonstration of medieval just war theory in action and of the link between just war and just rulership. It argues that the first two tales, Florimont and the Seigneurs de Gavre, can be seen as paradigmatic of the Wavrin Master's corpus in depicting an unequivocally exemplary hero as a just warrior and later ruler pitted against a series of antagonists whose illegitimate wars destroy their credibility as governors of their lands. By contrast, the third text, Saladin, is much more ambivalent in its portrayal of a hero whose undoubted status as a model of just conduct in war is fatally undermined by his reasons for going to war in the first place, being chiefly motivated by an insatiable desire for conquest, a lesson which may well have had a particular pertinence for Charles the Bold whose territorial ambitions far outstripped those of all three of his ducal predecessors. Translating these texts' often abstract ideas about just war and just rulership into the realm of the visual, the Wavrin Master plays with the extent to which the hero as a chivalric leader can be contrasted with his opponents in terms of both his appearance and his physical domination of space as a way of underlining the rightfulness or wrongfulness of the military causes he espouses. Chapter 3: Poor Judgements: Righting Wrongs against Women in G rard de Nevers, the Fille du comte de Pontieu, and Florence de Rome This chapter examines three romances that deal with the righting of wrongs perpetrated by men against women and the ways in which these female victims of injustice find legal redress. In the first of these texts, G rard de Nevers, justice for the wronged heroine is obtained by the male figure who had endangered her in the first place, as he fights a series of judicial duels to clear her name. Nevertheless, the heroine herself is not simply a passive receiver of this justice but herself has to use the workings of the law in order to regain her rightful place in society, in particular through her eloquence in pleading in court. The doubly wronged heroine of the second text, the Fille du comte de Pontieu, victim of a gang-rape and of her own father's punishment of her for having supposedly dishonoured her family, gains legal redress through her own efforts, pardoning the father who had wronged her but also making him swear a solemn oath never to reproach her again for her misfortune. Finally, in Florence de Rome, the heroine is abducted by her brother-in-law and subjected to multiple attempts at rape but eventually attains justice through herself exercising judgement over her transgressors. In his treatment of these women in relation to justice, the Wavrin Master places particular emphasis on representing scenes of crimes so as to establish the heroine's innocence and the different forms of judicial process by which she regains her honour and status. Valorising women in relation to justice through their demonstration of eloquence as well as through their capacity to make just judgements, these romances play their part in legitimising the role that high-status women such as the duchesses in particular were playing de facto in the good governance of the Burgundian polity. Chapter 4: Domestic Betrayals: Adultery and the Problem of Lawful Response in the Chastellain de Coucy and the Comte d'Artois This chapter, which deals with two romances that focus on the question of adultery, seeks to correct a scholarly misconception about the prevalence of extramarital relationships in Burgundian chivalric literature being a reflection of the licence that members of the male elite, particularly Philip the Good himself, allowed themselves in their own adulterous relations. It argues that, in fact, rather than celebrating extramarital love, the Chastellain de Coucy and the Comte d'Artois are concerned to teach their noble readers, both male and female, about the dangers of adultery. In particular, the way in which the domestic betrayals within these romances are treated textually and visually rejects the idea of adultery as an ennobling passion (as found in the Tristan legend, for example) and instead examines the lawful or unlawful response on the part of the betrayed spouse to the fact of their betrayal, thus addressing the wider social and legal repercussions of such extramarital passions. In his treatment of these two texts, the Wavrin Master draws on multiple pictorial traditions and runs a gamut of emotions from the courtly to the bathetic and from the erotic to the tragic in order to show that adultery, as an act of private domestic betrayal, can only lead to further forms of injustice. Conclusion: Text, Image, Ideology, Justice This chapter summarises the case made for seeing the Wavrin Master as a highly original interpreter of an unusually homogeneous body of works, ones in which the interplay of text and image is integral to the way that its lessons in statecraft, particularly on the issue of justice, would have been received at the court of Burgundy by both a male and a female audience. Appendix 1: Corpus of manuscripts Bibliography Index
, Brepols, 2022 Paperback, 349 pages, Size:170 x 240 mm, Illustrations:26 b/w, 136 col., 2 tables b/w., Language(s):French, English. ISBN 9782503603988.
Summary Cet ouvrage rassemble dix contributions qui proposent des perspectives originales pour l'analyse conjointe des modes d'expression figur e de l'Occident m di val. Men es tant par des historiens de l'art que par des historiens , elles abordent la question de l'image-objet, des signes alphab tiques et iconiques, du lieu peint, de la liturgie et de la pr dication. Documents d'archives, ex g se biblique, sermons et r cits hagiographiques sont exploit s de mani re fine et exhaustive pour rendre compte, au plus pr s, du contexte d'ex cution des ?uvres, qu'elles soient inconnues ou c l bres. Ce sont alors les angles d'approches adopt s, comme l'anthropologie des images ou les tudes transgenre, mais aussi les relations complexes entre art, architecture et rites, qui enrichissent ici l'exploration et d'objets de culte - les lipsanoth ques catalanes, les linges de l'autel ou les ex-voto - et de panneaux peints - comme la Flagellation du Christ de Piero della Francesca - et des cycles de peintures d corant la Tour Ferrande Pernes-les-Fontaines, San Pellegrino Bominaco, et cinq chapelles de la Ligurie et du Pi mont. TABLE OF CONTENTS Rosa Maria Dess et Didier M hu : Avant-propos : Images, signes et paroles dans l'Occident m di val Marc Sureda i Jubany : Lipsanoth ques, reliques et autels en Catalogne romane. Vincent Debiais : L' criture sur le tissu de l'autel. Une liturgie dans les plis. Lucy Donkin : Marking the Ground in Liturgy, Scripture, and Learning. Vinni Lucherini : San Pellegrino Bominaco : un programme iconographique pour une salle capitulaire. Clovis Chlo Maillet : Le genre d'une image : tude comparative du frontal de Santa Eug nia de Saga (XIIIe si cle). Giulia Puma : Mis en abyme dans la peinture italienne du XVe si cle : La Manne de saint Andr de C. Braccesco (vers 1490). Thomas Golsenne : Anthropologie des attributs hagiographiques. Germain Butaud : Recherches sur les peintures de la Tour Ferrande de Pernes-Les-Fontaines (c. 1309 ?). Oc ane Acquier : Les capitaines de l'Enfer : de la pr dication aux peintures murales. Images, textes et paroles dans les lieux de culte de Ligurie et du Pi mont la fin du XVe si cle. Rosa Maria Dess : Convenerunt in unum dans l'ex g se et les images : la Flagellation du Christ avec triade de Piero della Francesca.
, La Fabrica, 2015 Hardcover, 208 pages, ENG / CAT, 310 x 230 x 20 mm, NEW, illustrated in colour / b/w. ISBN 9788415691969.
Ai Weiwei: On the Table surveys the full scope of Weiwei's career, from his early days in 1980s New York to his present-day status as the best-known and most influential Chinese artist in the world. Work by this media-savvy activist calling for greater freedom in China can now be found in leading contemporary art museums and collections worldwide; the image of his taunting, irreverent middle finger imposed atop touristy monuments and landscape photos has become ubiquitous, his sunflower seed installations iconic. This volume includes previously unseen new work, as well as a range of key pieces from the past 35 years, presented in a beautiful clothbound format. Ai Weiwei (born 1957) spent his youth in exile, returning to Beijing at the end of the Cultural Revolution in 1976. He lived in the US, mostly in New York, from 1981 to 1993, and in the wake of his exposure to the work of Warhol, Duchamp and Johns, began altering readymade objects and creating conceptually driven art. In 2008 he was commissioned as the artistic design consultant for the Beijing National Stadium built for the Summer Olympics. The artist has openly criticized the Chinese government and was famously incarcerated for 81 days in 2011 on no official charges.
, Brepols, 2023 Hardback, 196 pages, Size:178 x 254 mm, Illustrations:15 b/w, Language: English. ISBN 9782503605623.
Summary Migrations of Concepts brings together the results of an experimental research on the migration of philosophical concepts into the languages of the arts. The monograph explores the intersection of philosophy, literature and art and presents a theoretical-performative investigation on the transposition of philosophical contents into theatrical and musical performance. Starting with Giambattista Vico and Samuel Beckett, a first part elaborates the paradigm of the ?Disbelonging' of the I - which is the condition of the I who realizes that it is both its own and foreign at the same time -, shows how this is transposed into the language of sounds, and reflects on the significance of public performance of a philosophical work. The second and third parts further explore the transposition of philosophical thought into art by presenting the theatrical performances written and directed by the author. More specifically, the book contains the text of two theatre readings on Vico and Gorgia, and the libretto of two melologues dedicated to Hegel and the Prince of Sansevero, with the corresponding scores of music composed by Rosalba Quindici. By exploring the boundaries of adaptation studies this monograph radically proposes a new and innovative way to study and communicate philosophical concepts. Introduction First Part. Beckettian Migrations De-powering of the Cartesian Cogito and ?Disbelonging? of the I: In the margin of De antiquissima of Giambattista Vico Conceit and Collapse of the I: Becket and Geulincx The Ontopoietic Eye: Becket and Berkeley Percipi. For Soprano, Clarinet in B Flat, Viola, Cello, Percussions, Piano. Musical Score by Rosalba QuindiciVoices from a Life: A Performance of Passages from the Life of Giambattista Vico Written by Himself (1723-28). Contribution to the Theoretical Justification of an Audio-Video Second part. From Oratory to Word Music The Heroism of the Scholar: Reading in Concert Form of Giambattista Vico's Oration De mente heroica (1732) for solo reciters and chorus of readers. Texts by Plato, Pseudo-Longinus, Giambattista Vico freely adapted An Encomio in Two Speakers: Theatre-reading on Enconium of Helen by Georgias de Leontini Third Part. From Philosophy to Melologues Offshoots of Hegel: From the Autobiography of a Servant. Melologue in Two Scenes and Ten Stanzas for Reciting Voice and Prepared Piano (Libretto) Offshoots of Hegel: From the Autobiography of a Servant. Musical Score for Prepared Piano by Rosalba Quindici. The Veiled Thought: A Nocturnal Meditation by the Prince of Sansevero. Melologue in Four Scenes for Reciting Voice, Recorded Voices and Percussions (Libretto) The Veiled Thought: A Nocturnal Meditation by the Prince of Sansevero. Musical Score for Percussions by Rosalba Quindici
, Biblioteca Nacional de Espana, 2002 Softcover, 495 paginas, Spanish, Illustraciones en color y b/n, 280 x 240 x 40 mm, en condiciones excelentes ISBN 9788495486561.
Amore nell'arte -- Esposizioni -- 2002-2003 Amore nella letteratura -- Esposizioni -- 2002-2003 Guerra nell'arte -- Esposizioni -- 2002-2003
1 brochure in-8, Imprimerie de A. Chauvin, Toulouse, 1862, 48 pp.
Etat très satisfaisant (initiales manuscrites HB - Hermann Bazin - en couv., deux petites piq. de vers en marge, bon état par ailleurs)
A Paris, chez Le Normant, et à la librairie stéréotype de H. Nicolle, de l'imprimerie des frères Mame, 1808. 4 volumes. Portrait. XLVIII. 476 pages. 1 planche hors-texte. + 2 feuillets. 482 pages. 1 planche hors-texte. + 2 feuillets. 572 pages. 1 planche hors-texte. + 2 feuillets. 546 pages. 1 feuillet. 1 planche hors-texte. (21x13 Cm). Plein veau de l'époque. Dos lisses richement ornés. Petit accrocs sur le 1er plat du 1er tome. Coins et coiffes légèrement émoussés. Edition Française de cette biographie du Pape Léon X, grand protecteur des arts sous la Renaissance. Elle est illustrée d'un portrait et de 4 planches hors-texte de médailles. Très bel exemplaire d'une grande fraîcheur. Quelques rares taches et traces de plis.
A compte d'auteur Album cartonné 1997 Grand in-4 (49 x 23 cm.), format à l'italienne, album cartonné, couverture illustrée, 95 pages, photographies noir et blanc ; menus incidents aux plats, légers frottements aux coins et coiffes, bel état. Livraison a domicile (La Poste) ou en Mondial Relay sur simple demande.
Rose Gronon, Monda De Munck, Andr Demedts, Gaston Durnez, Julien Van Remoortere, Clem Schouwenaars,
Reference : 58004
, Davidsfonds 1978, 1978 Hardcover, 457 pagina's, NL, 215 x 135 x 45 mm, in prima staat ! . ISBN 9789061520474.
KORTE INHOUD Het thema van deze omnibus verhalen is "het kind". Een onderwerp immers dat iedereen met liefde, tederheid, humor of soms verdriet vervult, maar niemand onverschillig laat.
, Victoria and Albert Museum, 1986 Hardcover, 142 pages, ENG, 260 x 225 x 20 mm, in very good condition, dustjacket, illustrated in colour /b/w. ISBN 9780948107177.
This text describes the production of porcelain of the Qing Dynasty, setting it against a wider historical and political background. Information on techniques and on kiln construction is linked with descriptions of the personalities behind the industry and photographs of makers' marks are included. Technological advances led to many manufacturing and decorating innovations, which are illustrated by pieces from the V&A collection.
Edizioni Plurigraf, 1984. Format 20x24 cm, broche, non pagine. Edition en francais.Bon etat, petites traces d'usage sur un livre d'occasion.
2007 / 601 pages. Relié avec jaquette. Editions Penguin Books.
Very good condition.
Assouline 2012 in8. 2012. Cartonné.