Edition du Moniteur, "Architecture thématique" 1988 1 vol. broché in-4, broché, 119 pp., nombreuses reproductions en noir et en couleurs. Edition bilingue français-anglais. Très bonne condition.
Paris, Editions du Moniteur Paris, Editions du Moniteur, 1989. In-4 carré broché de 119 pages. Nombreuses photos. Edition bilingue Anglais - Français. Parfait état
Toutes les expéditions sont faites en suivi au-dessus de 25 euros. Expédition quotidienne pour les envois simples, suivis, recommandés ou Colissimo.
Paris: Editions du Moniteur, 1989 in-4, 119 pages, illustrations. Broché, bon état. Edition bilingue français, anglais. Série "Architecture thématique"
Reconversions : Adaptations, new uses for old buildings. (Paris: Editions du Moniteur, 1989) [M.C.: architecture]
, Brepols, 2021 Hardback, 376 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:15 b/w, 2 col., 4 tables b/w., Language: English. ISBN 9782503585130.
Summary The Victorines were scholars and teachers of philosophy, liberal arts, sacred scripture, music, and contemplation at the Abbey of Saint-Victor in Paris. This collection focuses on the three greatest Victorines: Hugh (d. 1141), who established the direction of the school; Richard (d. 1173), who developed Victorine contemplation; and Thomas Gallus (d. 1246), who culminated Victorine contemplative thought and transmitted it to other schools, especially the Franciscans. They offer an innovative revival of the Christian spiritual and intellectual tradition for their reforming pastoral mission in their urban setting and for the Church. Their contemporaries saw the Victorines as beacons of spiritual love and intellectual richness. Later reformers and thinkers held their writings as touchstones of contemplative love, including, for example, Bonaventure, Thomas Aquinas, Jean Gerson, Thomas Kempis, the Devotio Moderna, and many others. The writings of the Victorines found broad appeal among later medieval readers, as well as praise among early modern reformers, Protestant and Catholic alike. In recent decades, the Victorines have returned to scholarly attention and renewed appreciation. Scholarly studies, critical editions, and translation projects reveal the treasures of Victorine thought and spirituality. This volume showcases the findings of recent research and scholarly advances in Victorine studies, offering new readers a status quaestionis of the field. It also features new research by eminent experts in Victorine thought that points out promising directions for future research, thus offering important new findings for established specialists. TABLE OF CONTENTS Acknowledgements, List of Illustrations, List of Abbreviations Introduction: Regular Canons, Restoration, and Reform - ROBERT J PORWOLL Hugh A Trinitarian Introduction to Hugh of St Victor's Exegesis: Texts, Purpose, Reception- ANDREW BENJAMIN SALZMANN The Sacraments of Christian Faith: A Key Concept within Hugh of St Victor's Doctrine - RAINER BERNDT (TRANSLATED BY JONATHAN S KING) 'In Its Extraordinary Arrangement': Hugh of Saint Victor, the History of Salvation, and the World Map of The Mystic Ark- CONRAD RUDOLPH Hugh's Commentary on the Celestial Hierarchy- DOMINIQUE POIREL (TRANSLATED BY DAVID ALLISON ORSBON) Richard 'After the Manner of a Contemplative, According to the Nature of Contemplation': Richard of Saint-Victor's De contemplatione- INEKE VAN'T SPIJKER Restoration Through Experiential Exegesis: A Study of Richard of Saint-Victor's Benjamin Minor- DAVID ALLISON ORSBON From Triad to Trinity: Richard of St Victor and the Renaissance of Trinitarian Theology in the Twelfth and Twentieth Century- NICO DEN BOK Free and Abundant Love: Constructive Considerations on the Four Degrees of Violent Love- KYLE RADER Thomas Gallus Thomas Gallus: Dionysian Commentator and Spiritual Author- CSABA N METH Thomas Gallus' Explanatio and Dionysian Thought- KATHERINE WRISLEY SHELBY *** Bibliography Index
Couverture rigide. Cartonnage de l'éditeur. 144 pages. 24 x 23 cm.
Livre. Editions Könemann (Collection : Hier et aujourd'hui), 1998.
Couverture rigide. Cartonnage de l'éditeur. 144 pages. 24 x 23 cm.
Livre. Editions Könemann (Collection : Hier et aujourd'hui), 1998.
Paris, Flammarion, 1994. 24 x 32, 279 pp., très nombreuses illustrations en couleurs et en N/B, très bon état (1 cachet et 1 signature d'ex-particulier sur la page de faux-titre).
Cambridge Univ. Press, ; 1987 ; in-4 softcover, illustrations. 240 pp, . In english. Good condition.
, Brepols, 2024 Hardback, 203 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:18 b/w, 2 tables b/w. Language: English. ISBN 9782503604329.
This book explores the broad scope of political, economic, and social aspects of relations between Central Europe (focused on Poland and the lands of the Czechs) and Ireland. Taking a longitudinal approach, this study charts the interaction between the western and the central-eastern peripheries of Europe from the Middle Ages to the period after the Third Partition of Poland-Lithuania in 1795. The authors examine how the relationship between the geographically opposite ends of Europe evolved. Shaped by the shifts of political tectonic plates they argue that the evolution can be described in general terms: from a largely unidirectional to an interconnected chain of events. This book demonstrates similarities and analyses differences in a complex, yet unexplored, past of the three emergent nations; nations which in the public perception were overshadowed by their mighty neighbours for far too long.- Chapter 1. The Middle Ages Christianity in Ireland, Poland, and the Bohemian Principality The Earliest References and Research Chapter 2. Selected Seventeenth-Century Relations Religious Matters and Irish Martyrs as Models of Holiness in Seventeenth-Century Poland External Travel Destinations for the Polish and Czech Nobility Seats of Learning as Centres of Mutual Interest Czech Protestants and the Idea of Settlement in Ireland The Conquest of Ireland Unitas Fratrum in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth The Issue of Emigration and Oliver Cromwell Looking for a New Homeland: The English Proposal Conclusion Chapter 3. Towards Self-Governance in the Nineteenth Century The Irish, Poles, and Czechs at the End of the Eighteenth and the Start of the Nineteenth Centuries Mutual Interests In the Parliament of the United Kingdom The Period of European Revolutions Conclusion Appendix 1. Information Concerning Ireland Included in Polish Encyclopaedias Appendix 2. Selected Irish Biographies
, Arthaud 1997, 1997 Hardcover, 198 pages, Texte en Francais, 260 x 255 mm, Tres belle exemplaire ! beaucoup illustrations!. ISBN 9782700311495.
Robert Wakefield, Thomas Wakefield, James P. Carley (ed), Charles Burnett (ed)
Reference : 63140
, Brepols- PIMS, 2024 Hardback, 348 pages, Size:152 x 229 mm, Language: English. ISBN 9780888442314.
Summary Robert Wakefield and his brother Thomas were pioneers in the study and teaching of Hebrew in early modern England. Robert was trained at Cambridge, acquired expertise in Aramaic, Hebrew, and Arabic, and obtained professorial status in Louvain, Cambridge, and Oxford. Thomas took possession of his brother's books and manuscripts upon his death; he enjoyed long tenure as praelector in Hebrew at Cambridge and was a compulsive annotator of his books. This volume draws together the political, linguistic, and bibliographical materials that shaped the careers of these two scholars, revising previous claims and producing a compelling analysis of Hebrew learning in sixteenth-century England. TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Figures Abbreviations Preface 1 James P. Carley and Charles Burnett Introduction 2 James P. Carley Robert and Thomas Wakefield: A Biographical Sketch 3 Jessica Crown Robert Wakefield's Inaugural Orations in Context 4 Joanna Weinberg The Remarkable Hebraism of Robert Wakefield 5 Charles Burnett Robert Wakefield and Arabic 6 Richard Rex Robert Wakefield and the King's Great Matter 7 Saverio Campanini The ?Ezra Scroll? of Bologna in the Crossfire of the Royal Divorce: John Fisher, Robert Wakefield and an Erased Text 8 Judith Olszowy-Schlanger ?My Silent Teachers?: Hebrew Manuscripts as the Source of Robert Wakefield's Hebraism 9 James P. Carley Robert Wakefield's Manuscript Collections and the English Monastic Libraries: A Parallel to John Leland's Mission 10 James P. Carley Books Owned or Annotated by the Wakefield Brothers 11 Benjamin Williams ?Great Mountains Suspended from Every Single Letter?: Thomas Wakefield and His Hebrew Bibles 12 Herbert L. Kessler Thomas Wakefield's ?Antiquissimus Codex? and San Marco's Musivum Novissimum Appendix 1 David R. Carlson Robert Wakefield, ?Oratio Oxonii habita in Collegio Regio? (1532) Appendix 2 Joanna Weinberg A Hebrew Responsum about Levirate Marriage (1530) Bibliography Contributors Index of Manuscripts Indexes of Printed Books General Index
London ; Longman, Hurst, Reese, Orme, and Brown ; 1817 - 1st edition - 4to, hardcover, VIII+607 pp. contains maps, plans, engraved plates, panoramic views... state: acceptable /// édition originale - fort in-4, reliure cartonnée demi toile marron, titre doré sur pièce de dos, VIII+607 pages et cartes, vues panoramiques, plans, gravures... - état d'usage, plats très frottés, dos abimé, intérieur assez propre mais qqs pages roussies
Reliure éditeur avec jaquette - 17 x 22 - 350 pp - année 1965- 4ème édition - Collection La Nuit des Temps n°22 - Editions Zodiaque - illustrations
EDITION DES DERNIERES NOUVELLES. 1969. In-8. Relié toilé. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 210 pages + 122 planches en noir et blanc. Nombreuses illustrations en noir et blanc, dans le texte. Quelques planches en couleurs. Jaquette défraichie.. Avec Jaquette. . . Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
Préface de Robert Heitz. Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
, Brepols, 2023 Hardback, 282 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:7 b/w, 20 col., Language(s):English, French. ISBN 9782503605586.
Summary The cult of saints is one of the most fascinating religious developments of Late Antiquity and the early Middle Ages. Christians admired martyrs already in the second century, but for a long time they perceived them only as examples to follow and believed they could pray directly to God, whom they addressed as 'Our Father'. A new attitude toward saints, now considered above all as powerful friends of God and efficient intercessors, started to emerge in the third century. Once this process gained momentum in the Constantinian era, the cult of saints constantly changed and rapidly adapted to new conditions and demands. This evolution highlighted many factors: the popularity of specific saints and the different types of sanctity, the spread of cults and customs, and the ways in which the saints were described, visualised, and represented. This volume seeks to capture the dynamic of these adaptations, showing both those aspects of cult which evolved quickly and those which remained stable for a long time. It studies the evolution of the cults in a broad period from the third to the seventh centuries and in various regions from Gaul to Georgia, with a particular interest in the two greatest centres of the cult of saints: Rome and Constantinople. In response to changing needs and different circumstances, new generations of believers repeatedly modified the cults of established saints, even as they introduced new saints. TABLE OF CONTENTS Robert Wi?niewski: Introduction I. Seeing and Hearing the Saints Robin M. Jensen: Icons as Relics: Relics as Icons Maria Lidova: Placing Martyrs in the Apse: Visual Strategies for the Promotion of Saints in Late Antiquity Julia Doroszewska: Saintly In-betweeners: The Liminal Identity of Thekla and Artemios in their Late Antique Miracle Collections Arkadiy Avdokhin: Resounding Martyrs: Hymns and the Veneration of Saints in Late Antique Miracle Collections Xavier Lequeux: Les saints myroblytes en Orient et en Occident jusqu' l'an mil: Prol gom nes l'histoire d'un ph nom ne miraculeux II. Local and Cosmopolitan Cults Andr s Handl: Reinvented by Julius, Ignored by Damasus: Dynamics of the Cult of Callixtus in Late Antique Rome Stephanos Efthymiadis: The Cult of Saints in Constantinople (Sixth-Twelfth Century): Some Observations Anna Lampadaridi: The Origins and Later Development of the First Italo-Greek Hagiographies: The Dossiers of the Sicilian Martyrs Agatha, Lucia, and Euplus III. Constructing Paradigms Ian Wood: The Lives of Episcopal Saints in Gaul: Models for a Time of Crisis, c. 470-550 Micha? Pietranik: Saints and Sacred Objects in Eastern Roman Imperial Warfare: The Case of Maurice (582-602) Nikoloz Aleksidze: Martyrs, Hunters and Kings: The 'Political Theology' of Saints' Relics in Late Antique Caucasia
, Lannoo, 2024 Hardcover, 320 pag. NL / ENG. edit.,260 x 205 x 27 mm, Nieuw / New, afb. in colour / b/w. ISBN 9789401497114.
Uniek licht op de twintigjarige carri re en werkwijze van de fotograaf, waarin de mens steeds centraal staat Ordinary People is het eerste overzichtswerk van Rob Hornstra. De Nederlandse fotograaf heeft tijdens zijn carri re wereldfaam bereikt met zijn maatschappelijk betrokken projecten. In de rijke traditie van de humanistische fotografie - waar onder anderen grootheden als Henri Cartier-Bresson, Dorothea Lange, Walker Evans en Ed van der Elsken toe behoren ? legt hij zich er op toe om een menselijk beeld van zijn eigen tijd te schetsen. Dat doet hij - ge nspireerd op de Duitse fotograaf August Sander - al twintig jaar aan de hand van een zelf gedefinieerde lijst van categorie n die als wegwijzer fungeert in de productie van nieuw werk. Dit boek geeft een verrassende inkijk in het twintigjarige oeuvre van een bevlogen fotograaf.
Paris A la Librairie Illustrée sans date vers 1890. In-4 3 feuillets non chiffrés 2-331pp. Cartonnage éditeur de percaline grise, dos et plats ornés en noir et doré de monuments normands, non rogné. Belles et nombreuses illustrations par Robida dans le texte, à pleine page et 40 lithographies hors texte. Légère usure du cartonnage sur les coiffes et les coins, le décor restant frais; cahiers légèrement déboîtés, intérieur en bon état et complet.
Paris, Maurice Dreyfous, éditeur 1880, 260x180mm, 324pages, Plat supérieur et dos richement illustrés d’ornementations à froid et dorées. Tranches dorées. Bel exemplaire. Belle reliure.
reliure cartonnage orné de l’éditeur, Rousseurs marginales. Pour un paiement via PayPal, veuillez nous en faire la demande et nous vous enverrons une facture PayPal
Paris Inter-Livres 1992 in 4 (30,5 x 22) 1 fort volume reliure cartonnée de l'éditeur sous jaquette illustrée, X et 328 pages [3], avec de nombreuses illustrations par Albert Robida, dont hors-texte. Préface de Armel de Wismes. Réimpression de l'édition ancienne. Très bel exemplaire ( Photographies sur demande / We can send pictures of this book on simple request )
Parfait Jaquette en parfait état Couverture rigide
Paris Inter-Livres 1992 in 4 (30,5 x 22) 1 fort volume reliure cartonnée de l'éditeur sous jaquette illustrée, [3] 328 pages [4], avec de nombreuses illustrations par Albert Robida, dont hors-texte. Préface de Pierre Leveel. Réimpression de l'édition ancienne. Très bel exemplaire ( Photographies sur demande / We can send pictures of this book on simple request )
Parfait Jaquette en parfait état Couverture rigide
Librairie Illustrée Paris S.D. (1890) Fort in-4 ( 315 X 235 mm ) de 332 pages demi-chagrin vert-sapin, dos à nerfs janséniste, couvertures illustrées et dos conservés. Beau livre illustré de 40 lithographies sous serpentes hors-texte et nombreux dessins dans le texte dessinés par ROBIDA. Très bel exemplaire, très pur, sans aucune rousseur.
In 8 demi-cuir rouge à nerfs, titre et fers dorés, faux-titre, frontispice illustré, titre, 324 pages, 125 dessins à la plume d’Albert ROBIDA, reproduits en fac-similé dans le texte et hors-texte ; Paris Maurice DREYFOUS éditeur 1880. Rousseurs, plus fortes en début et fin de volume.
Paris Inter-Livres 1992 in 4 (30,5 x 22) 1 fort volume reliure cartonnée de l'éditeur sous jaquette illustrée, [4] 324 pages [5], avec de nombreuses illustrations par Albert Robida, dont hors-texte. Préface de Jean-Pierre Séguin. Réimpression de l'édition ancienne. Très bel exemplaire ( Photographies sur demande / We can send pictures of this book on simple request )
Parfait Jaquette en parfait état Couverture rigide
Paris Inter-Livres 1992 in 4 (30,5 x 22) 1 fort volume reliure cartonnée de l'éditeur sous jaquette illustrée, [3] 324 pages [3], avec de nombreuses illustrations par Albert Robida, dont hors-texte. Préface de Yvan Audouard. Réimpression de l'édition ancienne. Très bel exemplaire ( Photographies sur demande / We can send pictures of this book on simple request )
Parfait Jaquette en parfait état Couverture rigide
1992 Editions Inter-Livres, Aubin Imprimeur - 1992 - In-4, cartonnage de l'éditeur, sous jaquette illustrée - 324 p. - Nombreuses illustrations et lithographies en N&B in-texte et hors-texte
Bon état - Jaquette légèrement frottée, avec deux renforts au scotch