Musée des Arts décoratifs, Paris, 1971. In-8, broché sous couverture illustrée en couleur, 221 pp. 1900, par Jean Prouvé - Pertes et profits de l'Art nouveau, par Robert L. Delevoy - Horta : Victor Horta 1861-1947, par R. L. Delevoy. - Catalogue : architecture. - Mobilier - Van de Velde : Henry van de Velde ...
Nombreuses illustrations en noir et blanc. --- Plus d'informations sur le site
Phone number : 01 42 73 13 41
, Koenig Verlag, 2022 hardcover+booklet + slipcase, 330 x 250 mm, 254 pages, ENG edition. ISBN 9783906915517.
Marcel Duchamp, the artist's first legendary monograph and draft catalogue raisonn , was written by art historian and novelist Robert Lebel and published in French in 1959; later that same year, it was translated into English by George Heard Hamilton for Grove Press. The book was a cooperation between Lebel and Duchamp, and beyond Lebel's extensive writing and bibliography, additional chapters were authored by Duchamp, H.P. Roch and Andr Breton. The coupling of these texts with diverse archival photographs and an illustrated compendium of Duchamp's artworks delivered a complex and personal rendering of the artist's life and inner circle. For the first time since its release more than 60 years ago, this landmark publication is back in circulation with Hauser & Wirth Publishers' meticulous facsimile of the English edition, reflecting everything from its hand-tipped images to its recto-verso dust jacket appearing as close to the original as possible. Fully authorized by artist Jean-Jacques Lebel--Robert Lebel's son--and the Association Marcel Duchamp, the facsimile is accompanied by a supplement volume of essays and archival material that tells the story of Duchamp and Lebel's close collaboration, and, as contributor Michael Taylor writes, how the original publication signified a sea change in the artist's receptivity to critical interpretation. The supplement includes texts by both Robert and Jean-Jacques Lebel and a newly discovered note by Man Ray, among a bevy of photographs from the Lebel and Duchamp archives, extending the story presented in the 1959 edition. Robert Lebel's analysis of Duchamp's oeuvre remains fresh to this day, as does the book's design, which was personally supervised by the artist. Hauser & Wirth Publishers reanimated Marcel Duchamp with the curatorial-design firm fluid, who recast the original typefaces as digital fonts, positioning each letter and image exactly as it was in the original. To achieve a near-exact facsimile, fluid consulted with paper conservators and printers to recreate the book with modern materials that match those available in 1959. This precise production quality assures that today's readers will experience this historic book as Marcel Duchamp and Robert Lebel intended.
EYROLLES. 1962. In-8. Cartonnage d'éditeurs. Etat d'usage, Couv. légèrement passée, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 318 pages. Quelques illustrations en noir et blanc dans et hors texte. Rhodoïd imprimé en noir et blanc, abîmé.. . . . Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
, teNeues, 2006 Hardcover, 256 pages, ENG, 390 x 285 x 35 mm, dustjacket, in New condition !!, Full Page Photographs in sharp colours and b/w!. ISBN 9783832791681.
The theme of flowers is woven throughout Robert Mapplethorpe's oeuvre, coming to signify some of his deepest concerns as an artist. The photographs in "Flowers" range from images of the early 1980s to many taken in the months just before his death. The latter, in particular, are astounding in their intensity; here one finds both erotic drama and absolute clarity of composition - Mapplethorpe's gift at its most bold and uncompromising. Only a fraction of Robert Mapplethorpe's color flowers have been published or exhibited. This book, exquisitely designed and produced, is destined to become a crucial part of his legacy.
société d'ethnographie du Limousin et de la Marche (SELM) 1993 In-4 broché, couverture rempliée, 403 pp. Illustrations en noir et couleurs.
Très bon état d’occasion
Broché couverture à rabats, 28X20 cm, 1993, 403 pages, nombreuses illustrations en noir et en couleurs, société d'ethnographie du Limousin et de la Marche (SELM). Très bon état.
, Phaidon Press, 2024 Hardback, 353 x 244 mm, 456 Pages, illustrated English ed. ISBN 9781838668167.
This acclaimed book is the most comprehensive published on architect and designer Marcel Breuer (1902-1981), looking in detail at all the houses, furniture, and public buildings he designed in Europe and the United States ? from his beginning at the Bauhaus through his collaboration with Walter Gropius, and the establishment of his own practice in the USA
Baarn, Anthos, 1992 Softcover, 229 pagina's, 21.5 x 13.5 cm. ISBN 9789060747155.
, Skira/ Rizzoli International Publications 1998, 1998 Paperback, 88 pages, English, 300 x 240 mm, fine copy, illustrations in colour and b/w,. ISBN 9780847803361.
, Brepols, 2022 Paperback, 321 pages, Size:178 x 254 mm, Illustrations:9 b/w, 14 col., 27 tables b/w., 1 maps b/w, 19 musical examples, Language: English. ISBN 9782503597027.
Summary Hobrecht and His Singers frames the life of the illustrious composer Jacob Hobrecht (Obrecht) within a single institution, the Church of St. Donatian in Bruges. As a collective biography of the musicians at an important collegiate church in the late fifteenth century, the book will be of interest to readers of ecclesiastical, social, and urban history. Hobrecht twice served as succentor, or master of the choirboys, and twice was forced to leave the city?the first time in the wake of a devastating civil war, the second time in disgrace. The monograph focuses on the social and economic realities for the succentors and polyphonic singers, the Companions of Music, who worked closely together on a daily basis, during the years 1485-1505. Thick description provides a more comprehensive context for the lives of Jacob Hobrecht and seven musicians whose biographies are recounted here for the first time. Conflicts between the singers and the collegiate church to which they were pledged, driven in part by their emerging professional status circa 1500, helped lead to different career trajectories, in one case ending in tragedy. Numerous new documents add uncommon detail, both quotidian and dramatic, to the career of Hobrecht, necessitating original interpretations. Seven representative compositions written during his two periods in Bruges?both Masses and motets?demonstrate the kinds of work he undertook as succentor and the occasions for which he composed them, poised at the intersection of church and urban culture. TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Illustrations List of Musical Examples List of Tables Notes on the Text Prologue I The Church of St. Donatian, 1485-1505: Social and Economic Considerations 1 The Succentor The Lof A New Foundation for the Choirboys Responsibilities and Income Composition 2 The socii de musica and tenoriste The clerici installati The Chaplains The socii de musica The tenoriste Annual Feasts and Ceremonies II Jacob Hobrecht, Succentor 3 Jacob Hobrecht, 1485-1490 Recruitment from Cambrai The Daily Round Alma redemptoris mater Three Royal Entries Return from Ferrara Chaplaincy The Poaching of a Choirboy 4 Jacob Hobrecht and the Fall of Bruges Arrest and Imprisonment The Missa de Sancto Donatiano 5 Pieter Basijn, the Missa de Sancto Martino, and the Missa Adieu mes amours The Foundation for Saint Martin A Mass of the Holy Spirit 6 Jacob Hobrecht, 1499-1500 Disarray in the Succentorship Twenty Months Cardinal Giovanni de' Medici The Chapel of Archduke Philip the Fair Illness and Resignation Chaplaincy Provostship and a Motet 7 The May Fairs O preciosissime sanguis/Guberna tuos The Procession of 1501 III The Singers of a Collegiate Church, 1485-1505 8 The Singers and the Canons I Petrus Zouburch Cristianus Baelde Nicolaus Sarrigot Gregorius Mijs 9 The Singers and the Canons II Three tenoriste Johannes de Clita Petrus de Corte 10 Anthonius de Rycke, 1501-1505 Succentorship Departure and Excommunication Documents: Latin sources edited with the assistance of Tedd A. Wimperis Appendix: Inventory of Bruges, Grootseminarie Bibliotheek, MS 75-37, Processional Bibliography of Primary Sources Bibliography of Secondary Sources Index of Musicians and Clerici installati General Index
Leuven, Davidsfonds, 2003 Oorspronkelijk uitgevers omslag, 235 pagina's, 24 x 16.5 cm, gesigneerd door auteur. ISBN 9789058262325.
Caesar In Gallie
, Sterck & De Vreese, 2023 softcover, 138 pagina's, afbeeldingen, 23cm. ISBN 9789056157449.
Van west naar oost, dwars door Vlaanderen, liep vroeger de Romeinse heerbaan van Kassel naar Tongeren. Hij verbond de kuststad Boulogne-sur-Mer met de Rijnstad Keulen en maakte deel uit van een groot en complex netwerk van (water)wegen dat Rome verbond met de verste uithoeken van het Romeinse Rijk. Men spreekt in dat verband trouwens terecht van militaire wegen, De Romeinen slaagden erin om uiteindelijk een voor die tijd schitterend wegennet te realiseren van nagenoeg 120.000 kilometer. Hoe werden die wegen aangelegd? En hoe bouwden ze bruggen over rivieren en beken? Wie stapten of reden met hun karren over die wegen? Hoe ontstonden de steden? Hoe verliep de bevoorrading? Van de Romeinse weg Maastricht-Tongeren-Tienen-Kassel zijn maar weinig stuken in hun 'oorspronkelijke' landschappelijke toestand bewaard gebleven. De mooist bewaarde segmenten liggen tussen Tienen en Maastricht. Zij vormen samen een min om meer aaneensluitend archeologisch relict. Daarom is dit boek specifiek aan de geschiedenis van dit stuk van de heerbaan gewijd.
RobertoCasanellin (Sous la direction de)
Reference : 122489
ISBN : 2742748091 9782742748099
Actes Sud 2004 In-4 relié 30,8 cm sur 25,0. 260 pages. Jaquette en assez bon état. Bon état d’occasion.
Bon état d’occasion
, Citadelles et Mazenod , 1997 Hardcover, 222 pages, Texte en Francais, 370 x 275 x 25 mm, NOUVEAU !, en jacquette illustr , Grand Format , belles illustrations/photos pleine page en couleur / n/b., dans un tui robuste !. ISBN 9782850881381.
d diteur pleine toile noire sous jaquette et tui illustr s, importante iconographie en couleurs. Chronologie des fouilles, bibliogr., index des artistes. Comme neuf. S lection des plus belles planches compos es pour "Le case ed i monumenti di Pompei", monumentale publication des fr res Niccolini sur Pomp i, dit e entre 1854 et 1896.
PLURIGRAF. 1987. In-8. Broché. Etat d'usage, Couv. légèrement passée, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 95 pages. Premier plat illustré en couleurs. Nombreuses photos et illustrations, en couleurs dans et hors texte.. . . . Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
, Brepols, 2021 Hardback, xlv + 979 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:1 b/w, 1 col., 2 tables b/w., Language(s):English, German, Spanish. ISBN 9782503592633.
Summary The present volumes contain a number of studies first presented at the XIV International Congress of the Soci t Internationale pour l' tude de la Philosophie M di vale, July 24-28, 2017, Porto Alegre, Brazil - which happened to be the first SIEPM Congress in Latin America and the first in the Southern Hemisphere. In 65 essays on current research questions in Latin, Jewish, and Arabic Philosophy, and Early Modern Scholasticism, the contributors explore the general theme of "Homo - Natura - Mundus: Human Beings and their Relationships," and lead us to new perspectives. These essays relate to the following areas of interest: the human being's self-understanding as a rational creature in multiple relationships (with God, the other, the community, the fellow and the different); the human being's place in the natural world and the possibility of relating to nature through knowledge; medieval philosophical traditions and the challenges introduced by the "discovery" of the "New World" (dominium, war, hierarchies, and new areas of concern with respect to justice, the human good, and the law). Thus, these volumes offer a unique sample of scholarly studies that work with the idea of "relationships" in two distinct, but not opposing, directions. Firstly, they explore the ways in which human beings, according to the reach of their soul's powers, construct their self-understanding and existence in relation to God, themselves, others and the natural world. Secondly, they explore the ways in which the philosophical bases for the understanding of these relationships were challenged by the transportation of medieval ideas to the "New World" and by the reception of these ideas in early modern times. TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface by Prof. Dr. Loris Sturlese, Former President of the SIEPM Preface by the Editors Acknowledgments Introduction Part I - Plenary Sessions (1) The Scientific View, Andreas Speer (2) Plants, Animals and Human Beings in the Aristotelian Science of the Soul: Some Medieval Views, Silvia Donati (3) How Human Beings Grasp Nature - John Buridan on Knowing Substances, Rodrigo Guerizoli (4) The Human Being and Its Dignity - Three Medieval Models, Fiorella Retucci (5) Human Relationships and Human Attitudes in the Medieval Universities, Olga Weijers (6) The Noble Vita activa: The Philosopher's Relation to the Many, Steven Harvey (7) Las relaciones de poder en la teor a pol tica isl mica, Rafael Ram n Guerrero (8) From Salamanca to Mexico: On Justifying Empire, Joerg Alejandro Tellkamp Part II - Ordinary and Special Sessions 1. The Human Being as a Creature and the Knowledge of God (9) Deconstructing the Substantialist Conception of God: Recasting Heidegger's Critique of Augustine, Nythamar de Oliveira (10) A condi o paradoxal da natureza humana deca da frente ao mundo criado em Santo Agostinho, Matheus Jeske Vahl (11) A antropologia de Anselmo de Aosta: fundamenta o teol gica e desdobramentos filos ficos, Manoel Vasconcellos (12) Gerard of Bologna and the Debate on the Epistemological Status of Revealed Theology, David Pich (13) Marta y Mar a: la singular ex gesis eckhartiana en torno a la correlaci n de vida activa y contemplativa, Silvana Filippi 2. Human Beings and the Powers of the Soul (14) Fundamentos de la adquisici n cognitiva en al-F?r?b?: Una lectura sobre las cogniciones primarias desde la discusi n teol gica, Nicol s Moreira Alaniz (15) Intellect and Internal Senses in Avicenna's Kit?b al-Nafs V, Meline Costa Sousa (16) Free Will in Ibn B?jja's Physics, Said El Bousklaoui (17) Ab lard et la notion aristot licienne d'habitude, Guy Hamelin (18) Manifestation et exp rience : la m taphysique de la vision et de la perception sensorielle de Suhraward? selon sa Philosophie de l'illumination (?ikmat al-i?r?q), Mateus Domingues da Silva (19) Mittelalterliche Anthropologie im Umbruch: Das Lehrst ck von den vires motivae animae rationalis des Albertus Magnus, Henryk Anzulewicz (20) Albert the Great's Ethical Commentaries and al-Farabi's De intellectu, Tracy Wietecha (21) Petrus Hispanus' Discussion of the Soul as Harmony, Jos F. P. Meirinhos (22) Homo - mundus, la relaci n cognoscitiva entre el hombre y el mundo en Tom s de Aquino: representaci n vs. informaci n, Emiliano Javier Cuccia (23) Reasons for Willing - John Duns Scotus' Critical Assessment of Aristotle's Notion of Rational and Non-Rational Powers, Gloria Silvana El as (24) A teoria dos h bitos de Ockham: considera es preliminares, Laiza Rodrigues de Souza, 3. The Senses, the Imagination, and the Arts (25) Arenques frescos ou o meu ltimo desejo, Carlos Arthur Ribeiro do Nascimento (26) L lio e as virtudes dos cavaleiros nos esmaltes her ldicos do Armorial Equestre Toison d'or, Diego Apellaniz Borba (27) Im genes en Ramon Llull: intento de categorizaci n, Nicol s Mart nez Bejarano (28) Literature and Philosophy in the Monastic Context of 14th Century Florence, Myrtha de Meo-Ehlert (29) Ideias filos ficas na arte barroca do Brasil Colonial, Idalgo J. Sangalli 4. Language and Communication (30) Aristotle, Augustine and Aquinas on the Nature of Signs, Mercedes Rubio (31) Wie l sst sich das Seiende durch die Sprache beschreiben? Eine Reflexion ber Dietrich von Freibergs Sprachtheorie, Tamar Tsopurashvili (32) Translatio linguarum and Popularisation of Philosophy in the Middle Ages, A Historical Witness on Popularisation of Philosophy, Loris Sturlese (33) Buridan et la virtus sermonis, Roberta Miquelanti 5. Human Beings in Relationships: Otherness, Difference, and Social Life (34) La ontolog a como fundamento de la pol tica en al-F?r?b?, Francisca Galil ia Silva (35) Nature humaine et les relations entre individus : travers l' p tre sur l'amour d'Avicenne (Ris?lh fy m?hy? ?l ??q), Aicha Lahdhiri (36) The Relationship between Jews and Non-Jews According to Judah Halevi, Daniel J. Lasker (37) Andr s el Capell n y la auctoritas femenina, Nicol s Mart nez S ez (38) Lullus and Arabic Thought, Josep Puig Montada (39) William of Ockham on Children, Vesa Hirvonen (40) Body and Rationality: The Philosophical Contribution of Christine de Pizan, Ana Rieger Schmidt 6. Slavery (41) "Hi sunt natura servi." Natural Inequality and Biology in Albert the Great's Politica, Alessandro Palazzo (42) Thomas d'Aquin et Vitoria : de l'acceptation l'abolition de l'esclavage des esclaves par nature d'Aristote, Emmanuel Bermon (43) A moral econ mica e o tr fico de escravos na escol stica ibero-americana: Tom s de Mercado e a Suma de tratos y contratos (1571), Alfredo S. Culleton (44) El derecho a la vida y la salvaci n en los subyugados: los derechos naturales de los esclavos africanos en Alonso de Sandoval, Manuel M ndez Alonzo (45) Freedom and Slavery in the Thought Antonio Vieira, Paulo Ricardo Martines (46) Two Attitudes Towards Slavery in Colonial Brazil, Alfredo Carlos Storck 7. Nature, World, and Reality (47) Philoponus against the Incorruptibility of Celestial Bodies, Matheus Henrique Gomes Monteiro (48) The Virtue of the Adulterous Woman: Ibn Gabirol on the Dignity of Matter, Cec lia Cavaleiro de Macedo (49) A distin o entre cont nuo e discreto em Alberto Magno. Uma an lise sobre o coment rio Physica V.3, Marco Aur lio Oliveira Silva (50) A Logic of Exchange? Disagreements between Albert the Great and Thomas Aquinas, Katja Krause (51) El mundo en el Logos divino - Preexistencia inteligible y vital de las creaturas en Dios, Juan Jos Herrera (52) The Heuristic Role of the History of Philosophy and Science in Roger Bacon's Intellectual Project, Daniel Gonz lez-Garc a (53) The Weaker and Stronger Senses of Scotus's Formal Distinction, Guido J. Alt (54) Scotus, Durandus & nominales - Prescienza e natura dei demoni nell'Exercitium academicum circa praescientiam daemonum expendendam occupatum di Dietrich L ders, Riccardo Fedriga e Roberto Limonta (55) The Concept of Spiritus in Walter Burley's Parva naturalia Commentaries, Marek Gensler (56) Reception of the Works of Nicholas of Cusa in the Manuscripts from the Erfurt Charterhouse in the Fifteenth Century, Mikhail Khorkov (57) What Did Nicholas of Cusa Mean with His Conception of the Universe as Indefinite?, Jean-Michel Counet (58) Is There for Francisco Su rez a Real Final Cause in All Beings?, C sar Ribas Cezar (59) A F sica especial y curiosa de Francisco Javier Tr as e o Curso de Filosofia no Collegium Maragnonense, Luiz Fernando Medeiros Rodrigues 8. Normativity and Law (60) Natural Law and the Distinction between Conscience and Synderesis in Henry of Ghent, Gustavo Barreto Vilhena de Paiva (61) A rela o entre lei natural e justi a pol tica em Tom s de Aquino, Camila Ezidio (62) Transkulturelle Auslegungen des G ttlichen Rechts: Die Quellen von Meister Eckharts Dekalogauslegung, G rge K. Hasselhoff (63) Ius post bellum - Francisco de Vitoria e as condi es para a restaura o da paz, Renata Floriano de Sousa (64) "Obedezco pero no cumplo": A Study about Servibumbres personales de indios (1604) by Miguel de Agia, Lucas Duarte Silva (65) Diego de Avenda o's Probablistic Understanding of Right Conscience and Prudential Acts, Roberto Hofmeister Pich Index of Manuscripts Index of Ancient and Medieval Names Index of 'Second Scholastic' Authors Index of Modern and Contemporary Authors
, Brepols 2020, 2020 Hardcover, .xiv + 527 p., 0 b/w ill., 20 col. ills 210 x 270 mm , English, ISBN 9782503589510.
This book explores the relationship between music and the figurative arts in the XIX century. In 1795 Friedrich Schiller wrote: Die bildende Kunst in ihrer h chsten Vollendung muss Musik werden und uns durch unmittelbare sinnliche Gegenwart r hren (Schiller, ber die sthetische Erziehung des Menschen, Letter XXII, 1795). This sentence underlines the fundamental aesthetic change that coincided at the onset of the nineteenth century. According to ut musica pictura , music becomes the model for an art able to express and communicate feelings. Even as music no longer necessarily has to embody order, so does painting move away from pure imitation to encompass emotional affect. Music and painting thus converge in embodying a sensual conception of the arts: music is capable of expressing emotions and arousing them in the audience; painting can do the same through visual perception. The present volume, which brings together 21 essays, focuses on encounters between composers and painters, but also on the relationship between music, literature and the figurative arts, as well as on the concurrence of musical and artistic aesthetics. Sections of the book are devoted to iconography, to the relationship with the theatrical arts (in particular the scenic aspect) and in one instance, to Franz Liszt. ROBERTO ILLIANO is General Secretary of the Centro Studi Opera Omnia Luigi Boccherini (Lucca) and President of the Italian National Edition of Muzio Clementi?s Complete Works. He is also a member of the scholarly committee of the Italian National Edition of Luigi Boccherini?s Complete Works. A founder of the journal Ad Parnassum , he has published a variety of writings on 19th- and 20th-century music, in particular on Luigi Dallapiccola and Italian music under Italian fascism.
, Brepols, 2021 Hardback, 480 pages, Size:215 x 260 mm, Illustrations:15 b/w, Language(s):English, French, Italian. ISBN 9782503597393.
Summary This volume addresses multiple facets of the artistic expression of a live performance, with a particular focus on the technical issues, people, and institutions related to it. Dance, musical theatre, mime, puppetry, and other performing arts are investigated through the lens of their various components, as well as their protagonists ? impresarios, companies, designers, conductors and directors. Specific sections of the book are devoted to lighting, scenography and costume design, staging, but also on circus, puppetry, dance, and entertainers. A number of articles are dedicated to single artists: Diaghilev, Massenet, Pacini, Poulenc, Verdi, and Wagner. With contributions by (in alphabetical order): Mathias Auclair, Rapha l Bortolotti, Michael Burden, Maria Birbili, Simone Ciolfi, Francesc Cortes, Mar a Encina Cortizo, Nathalie Coutelet, Petra Dotlacilova, Catrina Flint, Federico Gon, Vesa Kurkela, J rgen Maehder, Scott Palmer, Bertrand Porot, Manuela Rita, Ram n Sobrino, Valeriya Zharkova. TABLE OF CONTENTS Roberto Illiano Preface Performing Arts: Puppetry, Circus, Dance, Entertainers Catrina Flint de M dicis From Provence to Montmartre: Setting the Stage for Maurice Bouchor's Little Wooden Actors Bertrand Porot Les jeux des foires au xviiie si cle: les spectacles d'acrobate Nathalie Coutelet Les pantomimes nautiques du Nouveau-Cirque ou les pouvoirs spectaculaires de l'eau Mathias Auclair Les f tes galantes 1923 : Les Biches et le festival fran ais des Ballets russes Vesa Kurkela Miscellany and the Great Split: Itinerant Entertainers in 19th-Century Helsinki Technical Issues: Stage Lighting Scott Palmer A Staging Revolution through Light and Music: Adolphe Appia, Wagner and Hugo B hr Mar a Encina Cortizo - Ram n Sobrino Luis Par s, director de escena en el Teatro Real de Madrid: de la escenograf a iluminada a la creaci n de una po tica de la luz escenogr fica (1896-1907) Francesc Cort s Los proyectos para una renovaci n esc nica del G. T. del Liceu en el cambio de siglo (xix-xx): mirando al futuro J rgen Maehder The Early History of Laser Rays on the Opera Stage: Munich - London - Geneva - (Paris) - Bayreuth Scenography and Costumes Design Rapha l Bortolotti Les d cors et machines originaux du th tre de Feltre: Enjeux techniques d'une sc ne de province dans l'Italie du xix me si cle Valeriya Zharkova Principles of Creating a Scenic Image in the Op ra-Comique. Theatre in the Last Quarter of the Nineteenth Century Federico Gon ?I am satisfied that what is written will be done simply and exactely : Reflections on inventing the truth in Rigoletto's Staging Petra Dotla?ilov Visible and Invisible Hands: Costume-Making Practices of Italian Music Theatre in the Early Modern Era Staging Simone Ciolfi 'Verisimilitude', 'Simplicity', 'Naturalness': Cultural Background and Performance Strategies of Eighteenth-century Cantata Recitatives Michael Burden Put upon the stage as no opera I have ever seen for truth : The London Staging of Pacini's Saffo in 1843 Manuela Rita Le disposizioni sceniche per Il re di Lahore ed Erodiade: La prassi della messinscena teatrale nel contesto delle relazioni Italia-Francia nella Terza Repubblica Maria Birbili Multimediality, Special Effects, and Precursory Film Techniques in the Staging of French grand op ra: The Composer as a Stage Director Abstracts and Biographies Appendix Index of Names
, Brepols, 2024 Hardback, 440 pages, Size:210 x 270 mm, Illustrations:125 b/w, 16 col., 15 tables b/w., 16 musical examples, Language(s):English, Spanish, Italian. ISBN 9782503611839.
Summary This book traces the relationship between sound, music and architecture from the Middle Ages to the 21st century. The first part of this volume deals with the physical relationship between music and architecture, focussing on the intersection between rite, sound and architecture in ecclesiastical spaces such as the Cathedral of Notre-Dame de Paris, the churches of medieval Sicily, the liturgical spaces of 15th-17th-century France and the Roman churches in the Baroque era. A substantial article by Richard B sel presents a comprehensive panorama of music rooms and concert halls, starting from the archetypes conceived in the Early Modern Age and concluding with their present-day configurations. The last article of this section is dedicated to the Festspielhaus located in Hellerau (Dresden), based on the documentary sources and the writing of the protagonists, in particular mile Jaques-Dalcroze and Adolphe Appia. The theme continues in the second part of the book with the examination of the historical relationship between architecture and acoustic knowledge in the age of modernity. Moreover, the following chapter explores the architectural idea of designing for musical tone as it found expression in the early decades of the twentieth century. The last two articles of this section explore Leo Beranek's research regarding the quality of musical spaces in the history of modern science, and the experimentations of the architect Bernard Leitner with his Soundcube. The last part of the book will focus on Music as an 'art of space', exploring installations and musical experimentations by composers such as Xenakis, Jean-Luc Herv and John Chowning. TABLE OF CONTENTS The Physical Relationship between Music and Architecture 1. Vasco Zara, The Phantom of Notre-Dame: Music, Architecture, Acoustics, and the Origins of the Notre-Dame Polyphony 2. Thomas Dittelbach - Tobias Christian Wei mann, Aural Architecture in Medieval Sicily: Architecture, Music and Acoustics of Siculo-Norman Churches 3. Jean-Christop he Vali re - B n dicte Bertholon, Location of Acoustic Pots in the Liturgical Space: Functional, Symbolic, Musical and Acoustic Interpretation 4. Galliano Ciliberti, Progetti per cupole sonore. Strutture architettoniche e articolazione direzionale della musica liturgica negli spazi delle chiese barocche romane 5. Richard B sel, 'Soundful Venues': Music Rooms, Concert Halls, and More 6. Guillem Aloy-Bibiloni - Antoni Ramon Graells - Laia Montserrat-Cort zar: Hellerau, espacio de encuentros: Adolphe Appia y mile Jaques-Dalcroze Sound Architecture 7. Edward J. Gillin - Fanny Gribensky, Sound Architecture: Music, Speech, and the Science of Acoustics in the Age of Modernity 8. Fiona Smyth, ?Mysterious changes in molecular structure? : Pragmatics, Poetics and Designing for Musical Tone 9. Sabine von Fischer, Confidential Rankings: The Rating of Experience, and Why the List of the Best Concert Halls Was Kept a Secret 10. Sven Sterken: Architecture without Walls: Bernhard Leitner's Sound Cube Music as an Art of Space 11. Makis Solomos, Xenakis's Polytopes and the Diatope 12. Marta Llorente Diaz, Ritmo: medida del tiempo, medida del mundo. M sica y arquitectura, una colaboraci n entre Iannis Xenakis y Le Corbusier 13. Candida Felici, Building Bio-Spaces through Music: Metamorphosis and Illusionary Space in Germination by Jean-Luc Herv 14. Laura Zattra - Fran ois-Xavier F ron, A History of the First Computer Sound Spatialisation System: John Chowning's Investigations at Stanford University (1962-1972)
, Brepols, 2019 Hardback, xxxiii + 382 pages, Size:216 x 280 mm, Illustrations:Musical examples and figures, Languages: English, French, Italian. ISBN 9782503585703.
Summary Music and mathematics have been connected since ancient times. During the twentieth century, however, many composers consciously started using many mathematical concepts, algebraic operations and theorems as bases for their creative processes. The first part of this volume deals with the relationship between music and mathematics in the music of composers such as Olivier Messiaen, Iannis Xenakis, Franco Evangelisti, Pierre Boulez, Arvo P rt, Steve Reich and Philip Glass. A chapter is then dedicated to Spanish composers of the last forty years (Francisco Guerrero, Alberto Posadas, Jos Mar a S nchez-Verd , Iluminada P rez Frutos, Nur a Gimenez Comas, Helga Arias and Jos L pez Montes). The theme continues in the second part of the book through the examination of prominent theories (Neo-Riemannian theory, diatonic set theory, theory of musical kaleidocycles), the use of diagrams and charts in music, the algorithmic evolution of music, contemporary compositional practices inspired by mathematical concepts; it arrives at studies on double canons and trichords. We publish a philosophical study in order to ask what the future of the relationship between music and mathematics will be at the beginning of the 21st century. Includes an introduction by Massimiliano Locanto. TABLE OF CONTENTS Roberto Illiano Preface Massimiliano Locanto Music Composition, Mathematics, and the Modernist Legacy Twentieth-Century Composers and Mathematics Athanase Papadopoulos Messiaen et les math matiques Ronald Squibbs Xenakis's Method of Stochastic Composition: A Brief Introduction Peter Hoffmann My Music Makes no Revolution : Thoughts on the Role of Mathematics in the Work of Iannis Xenakis Alessandro Mastropietro Simboli matematici nei titoli delle composizioni di Franco Evangelisti C. Catherine Losada Boulez and Mathematics Andrew Shenton 1 + 1 = 1: The Elengant Mathematics of Arvo P rt's Tintinnabulation Joel Haack Mathematical Considerations of the Rhythmic Patterns in the Music of Steve Reich Richard Cohn Glass Graphs Pedro Ord ez Eslava Ars combinatoria: po ticas del n mero en la composici n espa ola contempor nea (1980-2018). Breve antolog a inacabada Music and Mathematics: Theories, Practices, Future Henry Klumpenhouwer Neo-Riemannian Theory Franck Jedrzejewski Graphes et diagrammes, l'en-de de la composition Angelo Orcalli L'evoluzione algoritmica della musica. Omaggio a Jean-Claude Risset Jos L. Besada Where Science-Based Music Comes From: Some Cognitive Remarks upon Contemporary Compositional Practices Inspired by Mathematical Concepts, Operations, and Objects Richard Hermann On Near Maximally Even Set-Classes Guerino Mazzola The Role of Mathematics for Music in Theory, Composition, and Performance Luigi Verdi Due esempi di Chim(us)ica Dodici canoni tricordali e loro combinazioni. Caleidocicli e canoni ritmici Fran ois Nicolas Du partage moderne/contemporain en math matiques et en musique la lumi re de Fernando Zalamea (Philosophie syst matique de la math matique contemporaine) Abstracts Biographies Index of Names
, Brepols, 2024 Hardback, xxx + 416 pages, Size:210 x 280 mm, Illustrations:30 b/w, 4 tables b/w., 10 musical examples, Language(s):English, Italian. ISBN 9782503611846.
Summary In the 1920s and 1930s, the entire process of renovation of the cultural institutions conducted by the Fascists, implemented through the Ministry of National Education, imposed a strong concentration of power on the Italian school administrations, especially the universities, and created new national institutions. At the same time, the Fascist Cultural Institute (IFC), which under the leadership of Giovanni Gentile aspired to be a charitable organisation for the promotion of the culture typical of pre-Fascist associations, was placed after 1937 directly under the National Fascist Party, which changed its name to the National Institute of Fascist Culture (INCF), with the aim of giving the party itself the task of educating the new leadership. The relationship between intellectuals and power under Fascism was aligned into a perspective of orientation that attributed the party with the role of educator of homo novus, summarised in a phrase from Mussolini himself: Fascism is a great orchestra, where everyone plays a different instrument . A particular concern of the ruling class was to develop a production-fruition process involving all social classes, in order to offer them the feeling of being part of a solid, free and fair system. However, this conception was not explicit in the artistic expressions of the regime: the construction of a social apparatus proceeded underground through the channels of the productive and hierarchical apparatus of the institutions, rather than through the creation of a tangible aesthetic of the regime. In summary: culture had to be the expression of a common heritage belonging both to the people and to the intellectuals; it bore the task of providing a fascist conception of the world. TABLE OF CONTENTS Luca L vi Sala, Pre-Fascist Ideology, Politics and the Seizure of Culture Music and Institutions Davide Ceriani, Italian Instrumental Music as Fascist Propaganda in the United States during the Interwar Period: The View from the Ministero degli affari esteri and from the Press Isabella Abbonizio, Le armi dello spirito . Music in Mussolini's Imperialist Propaganda: Competitions and Awards in the Mid-1930s Beatrice Birardi, Corporate State and Musical Organization: The Action of the Fascist Syndicate of Musicians in Apulia between Bureaucracy and Search for Consensus Paola Cossu, Venetian Musical Institutions in the Transition from Fascism to the Republic Dario De Cicco, Educating and Refining the Pupils : Music Education and Fascist Culture (1921-1943) Music and Mass Media Francesco Finocchiaro, Music in the Luce Films of the Fascist Ventennio Antonio Ferrara, Che non sia tolto il pane al musicista italiano . Propaganda e corporativismo del Sindacato Fascista dei Musicisti a contatto con cinema di regime Valerio Morucci, Tuning in Radio Fascism: Censorship, Race, and Music in Fascist Propaganda Propaganda and Reception Erik Levi, The Ambiguous Reception of Alfredo Casella's Music in Nazi Germany Franco Sciannameo, Stile littorio as Research between Music and Architecture: Goffredo Petrassi and Nino Rota Giorgio Farabegoli - Piero Garofalo, Fascism's Influence on Catholic Faith Sites: A Case Study of Aielli's Church of Sant'Adolfo Jewish Composers and Musicians Annalisa Capristo, Primary Sources for the History of Fascist Persecution against Jewish Musicians, Composers, Singers, and Music Critics Raffaele Deluca, Musica internata. Nuove acquisizioni biografiche sul compositore Isko Thaler nel carteggio con Joachim Stutschewsky Jesse Rosenberg, The Teatro delle Novit and Mario Jacchia's La Stella d'Oriente Abstracts and Biographies Index of Names
, Brepols, 2019 Hardback, xxiv + 420 pages, Size:220 x 280 mm, Illustrations:20 b/w, Languages: English, Italian, Spanish. ISBN 9782503584423.
Summary This book addresses the complex world of music criticism during the second half of the twentieth century, with particular emphasis on the relationship between music criticism and pivotal changes in politics, society, technology, and economics. The focus on music criticism should be understood in a very broad sense, as one of the various forms of communication and expression that contributes both to the formulation of judgments, and to a broader discourse on the constructions of music. In addition, the book deepens the topic of music criticism by addressing some defining aspects of the period, such as the development of music for the cinema, the growth of the music industry, and the new media that characterized the turn of the century. The articles are divided into five sections: 'Music Criticism and its Roles', 'Music Criticism and Italian Film Music', 'Music Criticism and Ideology', 'Music Criticism and the Web', and 'Case Studies' (Amiri Baraka, Astor Piazzolla, Louis Andriessen, Dieter Roth, John Cage, and Stravinsky). TABLE OF CONTENTS Massimiliano Locanto Introduction. Music Criticism and Musicology: Depolarising the Debate Aknowledgements Music Critics and Their Roles Abdullah Essa Jamal Khalaf Alan Rawsthorne: The Neglected Chopin Critic Massimiliano Locanto Brother Criticus : Stravinsky 'the Serialist' against Music Criticism H ctor Gasol Calvo Manuel R. de Llauder y la cr tica musical en Barcelona durante los a os '60. Un compositor y cr tico contempor neo de Xavier Montsalvatge David Hurwitz The Twentieth-Century Recording Explosion: Challenges and Opportunities for Criticism Music Criticism and Ideology Lee Ellen Martin Sing a Song of Freedom: Civil Rights and the Reception of Race and Gender in the Music of Lambert, Hendricks & Ross Carla Cuomo Massimo Mila e l'impegno: interazioni tra critica militante e musicologia dal dopoguerra agli anni Settanta Lada Durakovi! Musica e discorso ideologico: i testi sulla musica durante la formazione del socialismo in Croazia Marita Fornaro Bordolli Criticism, Power and Canon in Uruguay (1950-2000): Between Conservatism and Avant-Garde Music Criticism and Music for Film in Italy Umberto Fasolato Il contributo della critica cinematogra?ca militante italiana alla de?nizione del paesaggio sonoro nei ?lm degli anni Cinquanta Kristjan Stopar - Francesco Verona La musica per ?lm nelle riviste cinematogra?che italiane tra gli anni Cinquanta e Sessanta: i casi di Cinema e Filmcritica Antonio Ferrara La musica nel ?lm (1950): la prima monogra?a italiana sulla musica cinematogra?ca Roberto Calabretto Le pubblicazioni di Sergio Miceli quale parte del dibattito storiogra?co sulla musica per ?lm in Italia Music Criticism and the Web Pedro Ord ez Eslava Facebooking Musicology: apuntes para una ( nueva?) cr tica musical 2.0 Giacomo Albert How are Social Media Reshaping the Critical Debate around Contemporary Music? Stefano Lombardi Vallauri Il trattamento della musica nei blog culturali generalisti italiani Marida Rizzuti La critica musicale in Italia intorno al 2000 fra I lIke It e cinguettii Case Studies Siegwart Reichwald Making it in the Big Apple: Piazzolla's 1980s New York Experience in the Words of The New York Times Ryan Bruce Amiri Baraka's Black Music as an Avant-Garde Manifesto in Jazz Helena Mart n-Nieva Opening Pandora's Cage: 'Open Music' and John Cage in Barcelona, 1960-1970 Lorenzo De Donato Il suono 'inaudito'. Il fenomeno musicale nell'opera di Dieter Roth Eric Taxier Object-Oriented Music Criticism: On Louis Andriessen's De Staat Abstracts Biographies Index of Names
EDITIONS ARNAUD. 1956. In-8. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 22 pages + environ 30 pages de planches d'illustration en noir et blanc, quelques couleurs. Frontispice en noir et blanc. Illustration en couleurs contrecollée sur le premier plat.. . . . Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
EVERGREEN. NON DATE. In-4. Broché. Etat d'usage, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 240 pages. Premier plat illustré en couleurs. Nombreuses photos en couleurs dans et hors texte. Texte en anglais/allemand/français. Jaquette légèrement abîmée.. Avec Jaquette. . A l'italienne. Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
Editions jean pierre gyss 1990 In-8 relié sous jaquette ; livre recouvert d’un film transparent
Bon état d’occasion