P., Le Moniteur, 1993, in-4°, 119 p., richement ill., cartonnage original illustré.
image disp.
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808
Paris, Le Moniteur, 2002, in-4, broché, 173 pages. Très bon état.
Munich, Prestel 2004 192pp.with ills.in and out-of-text in colour and bl/w, softcover, 25cm., VG
Hachette. 1981. In-8. Relié. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 448 pages. Nombreuses illustrations et photos en noir et blanc et en couleurs, in et hors texte.Jaquette en bon état.. Avec Jaquette. . . Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
Adaptation du français par Simon et Gisèle Trope. Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
Hachette, 1981, gr. in-8°, 448 pp, illustrations dans le texte et à pleine page en couleurs, très nombreux dessins dans le texte en noir, 6 cartes sur double page, glossaire, index, reliure percaline brune de l'éditeur, jaquette illustrée, bon état
Le monde de l'Antiquité classique ; Le monde byzantin et médiéval ; Renaissance et classicisme ; Le monde contemporain.
Stuttgart, Julius Hoffmann, 1923, in-8vo, 80 S. mit 36 Tafeln, Original-Pappband.
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808
, Tim Van Laere, 2024 softcover, 64 pages, illustrated quadrilingual: English, Dutch, French, Italian 22x17cm.
Text: Reilly Opelka in conversation with Rinus Van de Velde
, Vision Publishers, 2017 Gebonden, Hardcover, 300 x 240 mm, 228 pages, 200 illustrations. ISBN 9782960137590.
This book presents a detailed and inspiring picture of the traditional ways of life and the impressive art of the Mentawai archipelago located off the west coast of Sumatra in Indonesia. This shamanistic culture, most notably found on the northernmost island of Siberut, maintains an ancient relationship between man and the spiritual world. Within this worldview, everything is animated. Not only do humans have souls, but so do animals, plants and objects. To please these souls and to create harmony, alluring artifacts have been created for generations. In this way life, art, ritual and esthetics are intertwined: a notion reflected in the field photographs and in the beautiful and rare objects that are described and illustrated here. Toys for the Souls reveals for the first time the richness and creative power of an artistic imagination, deeply rooted in Southeast Asian prehistory.
Wiesbaden, Bauverlag, 1961, in-8vo, 276 S. (davon Anzeigenteil S. 241 - 274), m. 121 Abb., Original-Leinenband. OU.
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808
, MER Paper Kunsthalle, 2005 SC / 176 pages / 17 x 13 cm, Language FR/NL/ENG. ISBN 9789076979151.
Reinaart Vanhoe makes an inventory of the world with the seriousness and the helplesness of a stray encyclopaedist. He was invited by Agnes B to stay in Paris during the summertime. This book is his diary containing very unusual observations and notes.
Salzburg, Universität Salzburg 2006 126pp., with numerous illustrations, in the series "Analecta Cartusiana" volume 243, 30cm., original softcover (with a small spot of removed label), 2 stamps (at verso of cover and of titlepage), text clean and bright and in very good condition, text in German, R104524
Salzburg, Universität Salzburg 2006 126pp., with numerous illustrations, in the series "Analecta Cartusiana" volume 243, 30cm., original softcover, text is clean and bright, very good condition, text in German, R117396
Rein Desl ; Hedy Van Erp ; Luc Janssen ; translation : Ian Connerty
Reference : 60806
, Lannoo, 2013 Paperback, 216 pages, NL / ENG, 280 x 250 x 20 mm, in very good condition, illustrated in colour / b/w. ISBN 9789401409544.
You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet: Music and Photography. Een nieuwe kijk op muziekfotografie van 1990 tot nu. Muziek en fotografie hebben al jaren een hechte liefdesverhouding. Pop- en rockartiesten doen een beroep op de beste fotografen om hun muziek een gezicht te geven. En hoewel het muzieklandschap sinds de jaren negentig woelige tijden doormaakt, is de band tussen klank en beeld sterker dan ooit. You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet toont werk van fotografen die opvallen door hun eigenzinnige stijl of originele invalshoek. Ze gunnen je een intieme blik achter de schermen van de muzieksc ne, maken een excentriek groepsportret of liggen aan de basis van een iconische albumhoes. Al deze fotografen hebben n ding gemeen: hun liefde voor muziek. Kijk mee door hun lens en laat je verleiden, want You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet...Het eerste boek ter wereld met een gratis online Spotify-soundscape.
, , 1930 Original publishers paper-covered boards, pages; 491-543.
Illustrierte Monatsschrift f r die graphischen K nste und die Reproduktionstechnik. Hauptanzeigenblatt f r das Druck-, Buch- und Papiergewerbe
Koln, Eigenverlag, , 1978 Original publishers paper-covered boards, 329 pages, Illustrated.+ marken.
catalogue Meister der deutschen Keramik 1900 bis 1950. Kunstgewerbemuseum K ln, Overstolzenhaus, Ausstellung 10. Februar bis 30. April) 1978.
Köln, J.P. Bachem, s.d. [1921]. In-8, rel. d'édition demi-percaline bordeaux à coins, dos titré, 297 pp., 130 reprod. photogr. en noir, certaines à pleine page.
Ex-libris tampons de Xavier Tremblay. Original-Halblederband, Rücken beschädigt, zweiter Deckel und Rücken leicht fleckig, innen sehr frisch. - Frais de port : -France 6,9 € -U.E. 9 € -Monde (z B : 15 €) (z C : 25 €)
Basel, Birkhäuser, 1937, in-4°, 112 S.; 114 S., reich illustriert, Gebunden. Original-Halbleinenband.
Nach wie vor das beste Buch über freiburger Schlösser, mit reichem Bildmaterial.
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808
Basel, Birkhäuser, 1937, in-4°, 112 S. / 114 S. beide Bde reich illustriert, broschiert. Farbe-Abb. auf Umschlag. Orig. Pappband.
Image disp.
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808
Basel, Birkhäuser, 1937, in-4°, 112 S.; 114 S., reich illustriert, Original-Halbleinenband.
Nach wie vor das beste Buch über freiburger Schlösser, mit reichem Bildmaterial.
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808
Fribourg, J. & F. Hess, 1930, gr. in-8vo, 64 p. + 96 p. d'illustrations, très nombreuses photographies de la ville et de ses trésors, reliure en toile originale. Ex. frais.
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808
Fribourg, J. & F. Hess, 1930, gr. in-8vo, 64 p. + nombreuses illustrations, photographies de la ville et de ses trésors, reliure en toile originale.
Exemplaire provenant du Fonds Bovy à Hermance, avec le nom d’Adrien Bovy sur garde, et truffé de plusieurs pièces concernant la famille e.a. de Dominique Bovy, Hugues Bovy et une vingtaine de feuilles A4 manuscrites sur l’histoire d’art fribourgeois, qqs enveloppes et feuilles vides avec le sceau ‘Musée d’Art et d’Histoire Fribourg’ de provenance de d’Adrien Bovy (à l’époque conservateur du Musée de Fribourg)’. Image disp.
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808
Bern, Basel u. Olten, Ilion, 1941, -42, -45, in-4°, 64 S. + 200 photogr. Bildtaf. + 112 S. / 436 S. davon ca. 200 photogr. Tafeln / 384 S. davon 225 Photogr. und 82 Skizzen, Orig.-Hlbde.
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808
Bern, Basel u. Olten, Ilion, 1945, in-4°, 384 S., 225 Fotogr. und 82 Skizzen, Original-Halbleinenband. Ill. Orig.-Umschlag.
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808
, Brepols, 2023 Hardback, 312 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:2 col., Language: English. ISBN 9782503604848.
Summary Ecocriticism and Old Norse Studies is the first anthology to combine environmental humanities approaches and the study of premodern Nordic literature and culture. The chapters gathered here present innovative research based on the most recent developments within ecologically informed literary and cultural studies. Covering a wide variety of sources, the volume provides new insights into the Old Norse environmental imagination, showing how premodern texts relate to nature and the environment ? both the real-world environments of the Viking Age and Middle Ages, and the fantastic environments of some parts of saga literature. Collectively, the contributions shed new light on the role of cultural contacts, textual traditions, and intertextuality in the shaping of Old Norse perceptions and representations of nature and the environment, as well as on the modern reception and (mis-)use of these ideas. The volume moreover has a contemporary relevance, inviting readers to consider the lessons that can be learned from how people perceived their environments and interacted with them in the past as we face environmental crises in our own times. TABLE OF CONTENTS Aknowledgements Combining Ecocriticism and Old Norse Studies: Opportunities and Challenges Reinhard Hennig, Emily Lethbridge, and Michael Schulte Aesthetic Expressions of Nature in Skaldic Verse Hannah Burrows Trees in the Saga Dreamscape Timothy Bourns 'Br ir berserkja bar ak hl s eyju': A Material-Ecocritical Consideration of the Role of the Sea in Myths and Rituals of Premodern Scandinavia Jonas Koesling Legal Perspectives on Nature in Old Norse-Icelandic Lawcodes Elizabeth Walgenbach Imagining a Viking Age Risk Society: Environmental Threats, Risks, and Manufactured Uncertainties in the Sagas of Icelanders Reinhard Hennig Out of the Garden and Into the Forest: The Corruption of the Natural World in Old Icelandic Literature Tiffany Nicole White Askr and Embla: The Creation of Man from Trees Sabine Heidi Walther The Establishment of Ni ar ss: The Nexus between Urban, Environmental, Political, and Salvation History Stefka G. Eriksen Imagining Trees in M gus saga jarls Philip Lavender Son of the Soil and Son of inn: Unveiling a Farmer's Eddic Poetry (1920) and Colonial Germanic Concepts of Nature in South West Africa, Now Namibia Juliane Egerer Index
München, M. Schmidt & Söhn. 1936. Mit überaus zahlreichen montierten Originalphotographien und Reproduktionen nach alten Vorlagen sowie 1 Farbtafel. Braune Leinwand mit montierter Bronzeplakette auf dem Vorderdeckel.
Gesamtleitung: Max Reinhard. – Monumentaler Ausstellungkatalog über die bildliche Darstellung des Pferdes zu allen Zeiten, eines von 300 nummerierten Exemplaren. Ganz in der Megalomanie der Zeit im Überformat, die photographischen Tafeln mit dem Blindstempel (Willy) Walcher, München.- Mit Widmung des Herausgebers an Paul Wolfram, datiert Müchen 1937. One of 300 numbered copies of the monumental catalogue, illustrated with very numerous original photographs and illustrations after old examples. Bound in original full cloth, mounted bronze-badge to front cover. - Complete and in good condition.