Taschen 1994, in-4to, 160 p. 7 176 p. / 192 p. all fully illustrated, Bände 1, 3, und 4 (ohne Band 2). paperbacks.
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808
Benedikt Taschen. 1991. In-4. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 160 pages - couverture contrepliée - nombreuses photos en couleurs dans et hors texte - nombreux plans en noir et blanc hors texte - texte en anglais, français et en allemand.. . . . Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
texte en anglais, français et en allemand. Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
Taschen. Non daté. In-4. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 160 pages. Nombreuses photos en couleurs dans et hors texte. Texte en français, anglais et allemand. Plats contrepliés en un rabat. Trace d'étiquette sur le premier plat. . . . Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
Porrentruy, chez l'auteur - imprimerie du Jura, 1937 & 1941. 2 volumes in-4 brochés de XVI-507-[4] et XI-492-[4] pages, couverture imprimée en 2 tons, Tome II non coupé, trois marques minuscules sur les premiers feuillets du tome 2, autrement en parfaite condition.
Illustrés au tome I de 275 illustrations in-texte en noir et 27 planches hors-texte (dont le frontispice) dont 10 en couleurs et au tome II de 235 illustrations in-texte en noir et de 15 planches hors-texte dont 8 en couleurs (dont le frontispice). Un des 50 exemplaires numérotés de d'édition de luxe sur papier surfin blanc mat "Art de luxe" (XXXV).
, Brepols, 2024 Hardback, 600 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:18 b/w, 2 col., 5 tables b/w., Language:English. ISBN 9782503606651.
King Alfred the Great (r. 871-899) remains a key figure in English literary history. Although his reputation as a scholar who was personally responsible for the translation of a number of Latin works is no longer secure, the figure of the wise king nevertheless casts a long shadow over vernacular writing from the late ninth century through to the twelfth. This volume takes stock of recent developments and debates in the field of Alfredian scholarship and showcases new directions in research. Individual chapters consider how English authors before, during, and after Alfred's reign translated and adapted Latin works, often in innovative and imaginative ways. Other contributions provide new contexts and connections for Alfredian writing, highlighting the work of Mercian scholars and expanding the corpus beyond the works traditionally attributed to the king himself. Together, these essays force us to rethink what we mean by 'Alfredian' and to revise the literary history of the 'long ninth century'.
, Brepols, 2019 Hardback, viii + 356 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:16 b/w, 2 tables b/w., Languages: English, Old Norse, Latin. ISBN 9782503578101.
Summary The culmination of over a decade's research on verbal culture in the pre- and post-Conversion medieval North at Bergen's Centre for Medieval Studies, this volume traces the movement of words and texts temporally, geographically, and intellectually across different media and genres. The contributions gathered here begin with a reassessment of how the unique verbal cultures of Scandinavia and Iceland can be understood in a broader European context, and then move on to explore foundational Nordic Latin histories and vernacular sagas. Key case studies are put forward to highlight the importance of institutional and individual writing communities, epistolary and list-making cultures, and the production of manuscripts as well as runic inscriptions. Finally, the oral-written continuum is examined, with a focus on important works such as slendingab k and Landn mab k, Old-Norse Icelandic translated romances, and the development of prosimetra. Together, these essays form a state-of-the-art volume that offers new and vital insights into the role of literacy in the Norse-speaking world. TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Illustrations Introduction - AMY C. MULLIGAN Literacy Studies: Past, Present, and Future - LEIDULF MELVE Medieval Nordic Backgrounds: Written Culture in an Oral Society - ELSE MUNDAL Creating Absence: The Representation of Writing in Early Histories of the North - AIDAN CONTI Tracing Scribal Centres in Medieval Norway - SLAUG OMMUNDSEN Letters from Kings: Epistolary Communication in the Kings' Sagas (until c. 1150) - JONAS WELLENDORF Letters, Networks, and Public Opinion in Medieval Norway (1024-1263) - LEIDULF MELVE Gyr ir lykil (Gyr ir owns the key): Materialized Moments of Communication in Runic Items from Medieval Bergen - KRISTEL ZILMER Moving Lists: Enumeration between Use and Aesthetics, Storing and Creating - LUCIE DOLE?ALOV Talking Place and Mapping Icelandic Identity in slendingab k and Landn mab k - AMY C. MULLIGAN Traversing the Space of the Oral-Written Continuum: Medially Connotative Back-Referring Formulae in Landn mab k - SLAVICA RANKOVI? ?rvar-Oddr's vikvi a and the Genesis of ?rvar-Odds saga: A Poem on the Move - HELEN F. LESLIE-JACOBSEN 'Blood flying and brains falling like rain': Chivalric Conflict Gone Norse - INGVIL BR GGER BUDAL From Oral to Written in Old Norse Culture: Questions of Genre, Contact and Continuity - ELSE MUNDAL Index
, Brepols, 2019 Hardback, xviii + 354 pages, Size:245 x 297 mm, Illustrations:244 col., Language: English. ISBN 9780888442109.
Summary The Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana in Florence houses an extraordinary manuscript: an anthology of devotional texts and images called the Supplica tiones variae, dated 1293 and made for use in Genoa, that ends with a remarkable series of full-page illustra tions. Although the Supplicationes does not include or illustrate Bonaventure's seminal text, The Soul's Journey into God, the manuscript is effectively the site for performance of a spiritual pilgrimage, for it is through the Franciscan theologian's mystical and poetic concepts that the deeper meanings of its images can be discerned. The decorative program of the Supplicationes mirrors Bonaventure's theology of Christ as Center. Circular in composition, the introductory drawing of the Dextera dei visualizes the book's underlying thematics of the center, while at the manuscript's actual midpoint, Christ is pictured as the Man of Sorrows, who conjoins opposites, human suffering and divine glory. Yet the manuscript is also a progressive journey of ascent. In the Supplicationes, as in Bonaventure's influential book, the path to salvation begins in the world, where humankind has fallen away from God. In its Labors of the Months and marginal drolleries, the manuscript's calendar gives unusual emphasis to the hard work, ignorance, sin, and distance from God that are part of earthly existence. But there is hope: even imperfect human nature innately reaches upwards, craving relief from misery. God answers human neediness, Bonaventure writes, with the gift of prayer, and the Supplicationes pictures this gift in an unusual miniature depicting Trinitarian grace descending on David in prayer. David becomes a model for the reader's subsequent journey through the manuscript's progressively higher levels of prayer, from the vocal prayers of psalms and offices to the contemplative prayer of reading. But it is especially remarkable that in this Franciscan book the highest level of prayer consists in contemplating images. In the sequence of tinted drawings that closes the book, text yields to image, as the reader-viewer performs a non-verbal, experiential imitatio Christi, perusing the thirty-three illustrations of Christ's life as if following the number of years of his life, and passing through Christ's humanity to salvation.
Reference : 591561
P., CNRS, 1962. Deux vol. in-4° sous couv. ill. Vol. de texte broché, 162pp., 57 figures en noir, in et h.-t. dt une dépliante. Album en feuilles sous chemise à rabats offrant 111 planches de plans, relevés et illustr. photogr. en noir. (XVe supp. à Gallia).
Couv. un peu poussiéreuses, bonne condition. - Frais de port : -France 6,9 € -U.E. 11 € -Monde (z B : 18 €) (z C : 31 €)
Librairie orientaliste paul geuthner 1975 infolio. 1975. Relié.
couverture légèrement défraîchie quelques rousseurs sur tranches intérieur propre bonne tenue
, Brepols, 2022 Paperback, 279 pages, Size:216 x 280 mm, Illustrations:11 b/w, 70 col., Language(s):English, Spanish. ISBN 9782503589084.
Summary Recent research on the collections treasured by artists during their lifetime, or those collections they had access to, has contributed significantly to the understanding of their own compositions. Traditional historiography has favoured the study of the royal and aristocratic collections that could have inspired artists rather than of the artists' own collections. Only those of the 'great' artists, such as Rubens, Bernini, Vel zquez or Mengs, have been comprehensively examined. In the eighteenth century, the notion of collecting itself was transformed. An aesthetic taste was fostered and developed through the gathering of objects, and the personal collection of an artist could therefore provide the key to a more thorough understanding of their production. The nineteenth century witnessed artists bequeathing their collections to different institutions, sometimes even creating their own institutional collection. Architects, painters, sculptors and goldsmiths assembled some of the most important artistic collections of their time in their workshops. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction. The Pictor Doctus and the Artists' Collections: From Taste to a Training Resource ? Ana Di guez-Rodr guez & ngel Rodr guez Rebollo I. Learning from the Artistic Collections, Libraries and Workshops Pablo de C spedes, arte y humanismo en su biblioteca. Una nueva propuesta de interpretaci n en torno a su colecci n bibliogr fica ? Alejandro Jaquero-Esparcia Bernardino Poccetti as Collector ? Alexander R stel & Grant Lewis ?Ha muerto Rubens?. El eco de su colecci n en el rey de Espa a ? Mat as D az Padr n Francisco de Sol s, Collector of Drawings ? ngel Rodr guez Rebollo & Isabel Garc a-Tora o II. Coteries: The Role of the Friendship and the Academies Vicente Carducho's Modelling of Artistic Practice and Connoisseurship ? Tiarna Doherty Between Guild and Academy: Collections of Central European Painters as a Source of Artistic Progress or a Steady Livelihood? ? Tom ? Vale? French Barbizon Landscapes Collected by Pre-Raphaelite and Aesthetic Movement Artists in the second half of the Nineteenth Century ? Sarah Herring Women Painters and Academicians: Models and Collections ? Mari ngeles P rez-Mart n III. Artists at the Court: Experience and Erudition Court Institutions and their Impact on Artworks by the valet de chambre Artists Serving at the Valois-Burgundian Court during the Fifteenth Century ? Oskar Rojewski Vel zquez and the Royal Collection. Opening the Pandora's Box ? Miguel Hermoso Cuest Index of Names
, Brepols - Fidem, 2020 Paperback, xxxi + 243 pages, Size:165 x 240 mm, Illustrations:24 col., 14 tables b/w., Languages: Spanish, English, Italian. ISBN 9782503587912.
Summary El an lisis de la evoluci n de la terminolog a t cnica utilizada en la descripci n cient fica de textos y manuscritos desde la Edad Media hasta nuestros d as es el argumento que los responsables de este volumen pretenden poner al alcance del lector como tema de discusi n y de reflexi n. La particularidad del libro manuscrito reside en constituir un unicum donde los elementos materiales, estructurales y de contenido (texto e imagen) se relacionan necesariamente entre s . Asimismo, los usos ling sticos de los coet neos de los manuscritos medievales para denominar su propia realidad libresca y textual se erigen en un objeto de estudio que ahonda en la consideraci n del manuscrito y del texto, de su forma y de su contenido, como entidades indisociables. Es recomendable, por lo tanto, un acercamiento multidisciplinar al libro manuscrito, un acercamiento que exige la colaboraci n de especialistas de disciplinas diversas, cada una de ellas con una terminolog a t cnica propia. Con esa perspectiva, los trabajos presentados en estas p ginas servir n como descripci n del estado de la cuesti n y, a la vez, como punto de partida til para que pale grafos, codic logos, historiadores del arte o fil logos comparen sus respectivos modos de abordar el an lisis del libro manuscrito y de sus textos, enriqueci ndose unos a otros mediante sus conocimientos propios y particulares sobre la cuesti n, todo ello con el fin de favorecer la utilizaci n de un vocabulario adecuado y, si se considera posible y conveniente, com n. El presente libro tiene su origen en el Coloquio Anual de la F d ration Internationale des Instituts d' tudes M di vales organizado en Barcelona en julio de 2017, en la Instituci n Mil y Fontanals del CSIC. Cuenta con las contribuciones de Marina Bernasconi, Joanna Fronska, Ana G mez Rabal, Jacqueline Hamesse, Christine Jakobi-Mirwald, Marta Pav n Ram rez, Merc Puig Rodr guez-Escalona, Elena E. Rodr guez D az y Pere J. Quetglas. TABLE OF CONTENTS Ana G mez Rabal, Jacqueline Hamesse, Marta Pav n Ram rez, Usos y utilidades en la terminolog a sobre los manuscritos y sus textos: razones para una discusi n reflexiva Merc Puig Rodr guez-Escalona, El laberinto de los libros y sus nombres. Procedimientos denominativos en la Alta Edad Media Pere J. Quetglas Nicolau, Para problemas, los colores. Variaci n e innovaci n en la terminolog a crom tica de la latinidad altomedieval hisp nica Elena E. Rodr guez D az, Reflexiones sobre terminolog a codicol gica en Espa a Joanna Fronska, Between Medieval and Modern Use of Terms, Patricia Stirnemann's Vocabulary and the Technical Terminology Relating to Illuminated Manuscripts in France Christine Jakobi-Mirwald, Flourish and Blotts or How We Name Salient Ornament Features in Manuscripts Marina Bernasconi Reusser, Le biblioteche digitali influenzeranno il modo di descrivere i manoscritti miniati? L'esperienza di e-codices
, Thames and Hudson, 2023 HB, 310 x 230 mm, 160 p, 140 illustraties, EN edition, Publication date: Juli 23. ISBN 9780500027158.
Breathing Space showcases the work of twenty-three women photographers from Iran and their diverse approaches to their craft. Exploring a range of photographic styles and genres, they record the past and present upheavals of their homeland as well as tackling subjects such as the nature of memory, the tension between tradition and modernity, and the scars of conict and loss. Whether documentary or conceptual, these images have global resonance and speak of the hunger for freedom and the power of women to shape the world. The Photographers: Nazli Abbaspour ? Hoda Afshar ? Atoosa Alebouyeh ? Hoda Amin ? Mina Boromand ? Solmaz Daryani ? Gohar Dashti ? Maryam Firuzi ? Shadi Ghadirian ? Hengameh Golestan ? Ghazaleh Hedayat ? Rana Javadi ? Mahboube Karamli ? Gelareh Kiazand ? Yalda Moaiery ? Sahar Mokhtari ? Tahmineh Monzavi ? Pargol E. Naloo ? Malekeh Nayiny ? Mahshid Noshirvani ? Ghazaleh Rezaei ? Maryam Takhtkeshian ? Newsha Tavakolian
, Brepols, 2024 Paperback, 480 pages, Size:178 x 254 mm, Language: English. ISBN 9782503604367.
Summary Pietro Metastasio (1698-1782) can be considered as the most renowned operatic dramatist of eighteenth-century Europe. His drammi per musica travelled all around Europe - and beyond - throughout the eighteenth century and the early years of the nineteenth. Courts, palaces, and public theatres were eager to perform his dramas, and so hundreds of composers set them to music, sometimes on more than one occasion. This volume lets the surviving textual and musical traces speak for themselves. As a catalogue of the sources of five of Metastasio's most successful titles - Didone abbandonata, Alessandro nell'Indie, Artaserse, Adriano in Siria, and Demofoonte -, it offers their most complete chronology up to date, as well as a detailed presentation of the printers and the theatres in which these texts became alive. In the case of the majority of these works, thousands of manuscripts and copies attest to more than one hundred complete musical versions and over two hundred and fifty productions. They may thus rightly be considered witnesses to the operatic fever that took Europe by storm in the Enlightenment. TABLE OF CONTENTS Foreword, by lvaro Torrente Acknowledgements List of abbreviations List of institutions Introduction 1. Didone abbandonata (1724-1832) Ana Llorens and Gorka Rubiales Zabarte 2. Alessandro nell'Indie (1730-1831) Ana Llorens and Valentina Anzani 3. Artaserse (1730-1850) Ana Llorens and Gorka Rubiales Zabarte 4. Adriano in Siria (1732-1828) Ana Llorens and Tatiana Ar ez Santiago 5. Demofoonte (1733-1821) Ana Llorens, Gorka Rubiales, and Nicola Usula Bibliography Main bibliographic tools Indices I. Chronological indices Ia. Chronological index: by years and cities Ib. Chronological index: by date and title II. Onomastic index - composers III. Onomastic index - printers IV. Index of theatres
TIPOGRAFIA DI SALVADORE LANDI. 1902. In-4. Cartonné. Etat d'usage, Couv. partiel. décollorée, Dos satisfaisant, Quelques rousseurs. 181 pages. Premier plat illustré en noir et blanc. dos de toile verte. Nombreuses illustrations et plans en noir et blanc dans le texte en italien.. . . . Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
, Roland Mertens, 2014 Hardcover, 123 pages, ENG / GER.,305 x 255 x 20 mm, In Very Good Condition, illustrated in color / b/w. ISBN 9783000475894.
Paris, Somogy Editions d'Art, 2004, in-folio broché oblong, 303 pp, avec de nombreuses illustrations. TRES BON ETAT
S.l., s.n., 1984 ; in-4, couverture illustrée. 69 p. et 32 planches. Nombreux croquis et plans.
Excellent état.
1951 1951, 6 planches chacune au format 60 x 50 cm, composant la totalité du plan général de l'ancien lycée de Rodez également ancien Collège des Jésuites et actuellement services administratifs de la Préfecture, alors délimité par le boulevard Gally, la rue Louis Blanc, la rue Girard et la rue du Courcomtal. Echelle 1/200. Rez de Chaussée - 1e étage - 2e étage - 3e étage - Elévations et coupes (2 planches). Bon état.
Toutes les expéditions sont faites en suivi au-dessus de 25 euros. Expédition quotidienne pour les envois simples, suivis, recommandés ou Colissimo.
PAILLART C.. 1898. In-8. Relié. Etat d'usage, Couv. convenable, Dos frotté, Intérieur frais. 318 pages - nombreuses gravures en noir et blanc dans et hors texte - plats et contre-plats jaspés - 1 etiquette de remise de prix collée sur la page de garde -. . . . Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
Scalo 2006 Livre en anglais. In-4 relié 29,7 cm sur 23,6. 280 pages. Bon état d’occasion.
Bon état d’occasion
Reference : 101771aaf
Villars-sur-Glâne, Service des biens culturels, 2005, in-4to, 136 p. richement ill., brochure originale ill.
Isabelle Chassot: Quand la connaissance du passé sert à inventer l’avenir. Wissen über die Vergangenheit hilft die Zukunft erfinden / Bernard Andenmatten: Les comtes de Gruyère / Daniel de Raemy / Gilles Bourgarel: La ville et le château de Gruyères au Moyen Âges / Hermann Schöpfer: L’entretien du Château sous l’Ancien Régime / Catherine Waeber: Le jardin du château de Gruyères / Uta Bergmann: Les vitraux du château de Gruyères de 1480 à 1568 / Raoul Blanchard / Anita Petrovski: La Salle des chevaliers / Raoul Blanchard / Anita Petrovski: Le Salon Corot / Aloys Lauper: L’invention du monument, de l’Ancien Réégime à nos jours / Aloys Lauper: La ville de Gruyères, du chef-lieu à la capitale touristique / Patrice Borcard: La „Colline éternelle“ de Gruyères / Hubertus von Gemmingen: Gruyères-Tübingen-Salins: un triangle romantique.
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808
Basel, Schweiz. Gesells. für Volkskunde, 1979, in-4°, 403 p., 951 illustrations + 1 dépliant, reliure en toile. Jaquette en couleur / Orig. Leinen, OU.
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808
Service cantonal des biens culturels Fribourg, 1996, in-4to, 320 p., rich. ill. + 1 feuille „Légende des plans / Planlegende, reliure en toile originale avec jaquette, bel exemplaire.
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808
Fribourg, Service des biens culturels 2000, 285x215mm, 364pages, reliure d'éditeur. Exemplaire à l'état de neuf.
photos n/b, richement illustré, Pour un paiement via PayPal, veuillez nous en faire la demande et nous vous enverrons une facture PayPal
Bâle, G.Krebs, , 1979; 4 °, Cartonnage entoilé, jaquette en couleurs. nombreuse illustrations, neuf. 40.-
494 photos, 375 plans et dessins, 80 cartes, 4 planches en couleurs, 1 dépliant. Très bon état.