, Phoebe Focus XXIV, 2023 Softcover, 80 pag. NL.,210 x 150 mm, Quadrichromie, Nieuw, illustr. in kleur / z/w. ISBN 9789464366112.
Servius Sulpicius Galba (kortweg Galba) is een Romeins senator en generaal die Nero in het Vierkeizerjaar, 68-69 n.Chr., ten val brengt en opvolgt. In deze editie van ?Phoebus Focus? plaatst Nils B ttner het bijzondere keizersportret dat Peter Paul Rubens (1577-1640) van hem maakte in zijn context. B ttner neemt de lezer niet alleen mee naar het Rome van de eerste eeuw, maar analyseert ook de drager en de schilderwijze van Rubens, zijn fascinatie voor de oudheid, zijn inspiratiebronnen en zijn vele inventies. Daarnaast gaat hij dieper in op de lange beeldende traditie van heersersportretten en hun plaatsing in barokke interieurs. In de reeks Phoebus Focus gaan experts en wetenschappers in op topstukken uit de rijke collectie van kunststichting The Phoebus Foundation.
, Gestalten Verlag, 2015 HB, 284 x 222 mm, slipcase, 200 pages, throughout colour illustrations, E/ F/ G/ SP/ IT edition. ISBN 9783899555639.
Werkbericht presents 51 pieces of furniture from the current collection of Nils Holger Moormann, one of the leading protagonists of "New German Design." This book is not a mere product catalog, but rather a focused exploration of each piece showcased within. The presentation of the products-consequently disassembled into their individual parts-is a stylistic device that directs the attention of the reader to precise individual solutions and concise formal expressions. Details truly come to the fore. Nils Holger Moormann's furniture is inspired by the central themes of intelligence, innovation, simplicity, and mobility. It can, for the most part, be disassembled and is designed for assembly without tools. Thus, the individual connecting elements gain an even greater significance. Werkbericht (literally "work report") also highlights their functional and aesthetic form.
, Taschen / De Morgen, 2007 Hardcover, 96 pag. NL, 240 x 190 mm, goede staat, ill. in kleur / z/w. ISBN 9789077686652.
Un ouvrage de 96 pages, format 190 x 230 mm, illustré, broché couverture couleurs rempliée, publié en 2006, Taschen, bon état
La dynamique de la création
Phone number : 04 74 33 45 19
, 72pp.avec ills., Reprint (Bruxelles 1996) de l'édition originale (Bruxelles, Schepens, 1904), bel état
, Brepols, 2024 Paperback, 242 pages, Size:216 x 280 mm, Illustrations:22 b/w, 10 col., 13 tables b/w., Language: English. ISBN 9782503609478.
Summary The roles played by women in history, and even the very idea of what it is to be female, have always been in flux, changing over centuries, between cultures, and in response to diverse social and economic parameters. Even today, women's roles and women's rights continue to face changes and pressures. In establishing the series Women of the Past: Testimonies from Archaeology and History, the ambition is to build on the profound theoretical and empirical developments that have taken place over the last fifty years of gender-focused research and to explore them in a contemporary context. The aim of this series is to shed light on not just the outstanding and extraordinary women who were trendsetters of their time, but also the not quite so outstanding women, often overshadowed by outstanding men, and the ordinary women, those who simply went about their everyday life and kept their world turning in their own quiet way. This edited volume, Women of the Past, Issues for the Present, is the inaugural volume of the series and shows the wide span of the series chronologically, geographically, and socially in terms of the research presented. From Roman slaves to Viking women, and from medieval wet-nurses to the nineteenth-century wives who supported their archaeologist husbands on excavation, this groundbreaking volume opens a new vista in our understanding of the past. TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Illustrations List of Abbreviations Nina Javette Koefoed and Rubina Raja Women of the Past, Issues for the Present Lien Foubert 1. Gendered Mobility in the Ancient Mediterranean Getting Rid of Faceless and Sexless Crowds Trine Arlund Hass and Sine Grove Saxkj r 2. Daughter of Caesar, Wife of Pompey The Role and Narratives of Julia Caesaris Nathanael Andrade 3. The Trafficking of the Enslaved Women and Children in the Legal Documents from the Roman Empire Alexandra Sanmark 4. An Examination of the Concepts of Sex and Gender and their Application to Viking-Age and Old Norse Society Jonas Lindstr m and Karin Hassan Jansson 5. Wet-Nurses and Verbs Methodological Experiences of Studying Gender and Work in Early Modern Europe Anne Montenach 6. Women in Trade: Female Advertisers in Eighteenth-Century French Provincial Towns Deborah Simonton 7. Working Girls: Girlhood, Mobility, and Gender in Eighteenth-Century Europe Kristine Dyrmann 8. Elite Women's Spaces and Practices of Letter-Writing in Late Eighteenth-Century Denmark Birgitte Possing 9. Will, Wisdom, Values, Life's Works, and Networks Karen Gram-Skjoldager 10. Gabriele Rohde and the Transformation of Mid-Twentieth-Century Diplomacy Rubina Raja 11. 'This Is a Man's World' Women Working in Jerash in the Early Twentieth Century and Some Notes on the Societal Contextualization of Research Interest Development Index
Antwerp, Plantin / Bibliofielen Gulden Passer, 2021 Hardcover with dusjacket, 319 pages, ill. ISBN 9789080885578.
the 500th anniversary of Christopher Plantin's birth (circa 1520-1589) Originally from Touraine, Plantin was trained as a bookbinder, but around 1549/50, he moved to Antwerp, a hub for international trade. In 1555, he laid the foundations for the largest printing company that has ever existed in Europe during the Ancien R gime. Plantin was a business genius and a talented typographer. In 1570, Philips II, king of Spain, bestowed on him the title of architypographer. Although Plantin was at times also involved in illicit activities, his company, bearing the device The Golden Compasses, became one of the most important supporters of the Counter Reformation. After his death, the business was passed on to his son-in-law Jan Moretus I, and remained in the hands of the family until the 19th century. From the outset, Plantin?s production was marked by its quality. Both his correspondence and the surviving business documents give testimony of his great ambitions, his understanding of the different buyers and markets, and his extreme care for book design. Christopher Plantin and his successors transformed the aesthetics of the Renaissance book and inaugurated the Baroque era in terms of its mise en page by mobilizing new typographical and ornamental materials and by promoting copperplate illustrations. In addition, they set up a privileged collaboration with the artist Pieter Paul Rubens. During this golden century of the Officina Plantiniana, which gave birth to more than 5,000 editions, visual temptation is combined with readability and efficiency in the shaping of the texts and book design. Published in 2021 in Antwerpen by Vereniging van Antwerpse bibliofielen. Volume 98, Nummer 2 van Gulden Passer/The Golden Compasses
Gand, W. Siffer, Imprimeur, 1928. "14 x 22, 21 pp., 9 planches, broché, état moyen (couverture abîmée; cachets du Collège jésuite Saint Stanislas à Mons; 1 petit manque à la page de titre)."
BE - , Hannibal Books, 2022 Hardcover, 120 pages, 32x31cm. English edition. Magnifiques illustrations en couleurs FINE!. ISBN 9789464366273.
Een unieke kijk op dans en choreografie door fotograaf Erwin Olaf en choreograaf Hans van Manen Ballet inspireert mij. De mens heeft de capaciteit om zich uit te drukken in vele kunstvormen, maar bij dans en zeker bij klassiek modern ballet verbaas ik me altijd weer over die ongelooflijk hoge vorm van expressie. Het is zo precies en zo ontzettend ambachtelijk, dat bewonder ik enorm. Fotograaf en filmmaker Erwin Olaf Dat de fotograaf kijkt via de camera is anders dan het direct aankijken van de figuur. Dat is voyeuristisch. De camera kan iets wat je als toeschouwer niet kan: een close-up maken. Choreograaf Hans van Manen Dit jaar viert de grootmeester van de Nederlandse dans, choreograaf Hans van Manen, zijn negentigste verjaardag. Dat wordt internationaal gevierd door vooraanstaande balletgezelschappen met het omvangrijke Hans van Manen-festival van 8 tot 29 juni 2022, de exclusieve publicatie Dance in Close-Up en de gelijknamige expo in Galerie Ron Mandos in Amsterdam van 19 juni tot 17 juli 2022. Vanaf de jaren zeventig tot de jaren negentig was Hans van Manen niet alleen een van ?s werelds vooraanstaandste choreografen maar eveneens een internationaal gevierde fotograaf. Het was in die tijd dat de toen piepjonge fotograaf Erwin Olaf de ver maarde kunstenaar ontmoette, die hem onmiddellijk bij de hand nam en hem met de wereld van de beel dende kunst en studiofotografie liet kennismaken. In dit boek wordt hun veertigjarige vriendschap gevierd met een fotoserie waarin Van Manen momenten uit zijn choreografie n regisseert, uiterst precies vastgelegd door Erwin Olaf. Met tekstbijdragen van auteurs Nina Siegal en Michael James Gardner.The grand master of Dutch dance, Hans van Manen, celebrates his ninetieth birthday this year. That has given rise to international celebrations by leading ballet companies with the Hans van Manen festival from 8 to 29 June 2022, the exclusive publication Dance in Close-Up and the exhibition of the same name in Galerie Ron Mandos in Amsterdam from 19 June to 17 July 2022. From the 1970s to the 1990s, Hans van Manen was not only one of the world?s leading choreographers, but also an internationally acclaimed photographer. It was during this period that the then very young photographer Erwin Olaf met the famed artist, who immediately took him under his wing and introduced him to the world of the visual arts and studio photography. This book celebrates their forty years of friendship, with a photo series in which Van Manen directs moments from his choreographic career, recorded with the utmost precision by Erwin Olaf. With text contributions from the authors Nina Siegal and Michael James Gardner.
Montréal Atelier d'histoire d'Hochelaga-Maisonneuve 2001
in-4 bien illustré, noir et couleurs, 56p. Couverture illustrée couleurs. :: Guido Nincheri (Prato, Italie 1885 - Montréal, 1973), peintre, verrier, muraliste. :: Monographie et catalogue des pièces exposées au Château Dufresne. Textes de Paul Labonne, Ginette Laroche, Paul F. Norton, Michèle Picard et Pierlucio Pellissier. :: Broché. Bel état.
Brussel, Plazier prints, 2023 Poster formaat 70x50cm reprint.
geleverd in een stevige koker.
Troyes, Imprimerie et lithographie Dufour-Bouquot, 1895 in-8, 21 pp., broché, couverture partiellement déchirée.
, Brepols, 2024 Paperback, 252 pages, Size:216 x 280 mm, Illustrations:89 b/w, 14 col., 42 tables b/w., 1 maps b/w, Languages: English, French. ISBN 9782503608631.
Summary In recent decades, the Ancient Egyptian realm of pictorial script and meta-textuality has been the focus of many research projects. Foremost among them is the innovative and ground-breaking sub-field that was helmed by Prof. Orly Goldwasser, exploring the study of classifiers and the ways in which Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs mirror the Ancient Egyptian mind. Taking Goldwasser's pioneering work as its inspiration, this volume draws together contributions from some of the leading voices in Egyptology and neighbouring fields to illuminate different aspects of the use of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs, their semiotic value, and of the language that they record, as well as looking more broadly at the use of signs, pictorial systems, script, learning processes, and classifications. Together, these chapters offer a unique and multi-layered picture of the ways in which Ancient Egyptian language and Hieroglyphs emerged within Ancient Egyptian culture, and the means by which they interacted with other script systems and languages. TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Illustrations Introduction: Signs of Life Section I. Sign and Icon 1. Le signe composite L7 de la d esse Serket Nathalie Beaux 2. Two Seals from a Late Bronze Age Burial at Tel Bene Beraq Irit Ziffer, Ron Be'eri, Dor Golan, Ayelet Dayan, and Gil Haklay 3. Layers of Meaning: Iconicity Patterns in Anatolian Hieroglyphic Inscriptions Annick Payne 4. Non-Textual Markings from Thebes. New Interpretations and Lasting Enigmas Julia Budka Section II. Classifiers in Ancient Egyptian and Broader Perspectives 5. The 'Determinatives' of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs are 'Root Classifiers'. How Egyptology and Linguistics Met to Show It Colette Grinevald 6. Classifying beyond Classifiers Jean Winand 7. Variation in Classifier Use: Counting People in Burmese D rte Borchers 8. Ridiculing the Nomads. On Dehumanizing Strategies in the Old Babylonian School Gebhard J. Selz Section III. Linguistic Variation 9. The Secondary Future Paradigm tw=j/tw=k/tw=tw/noun+r+ Infinitive and Its Reflex in ' gyptien de tradition' Pascal Vernus 10. The King's Purest Joy. Some Remarks on Two Hitherto Neglected Epithets of Queen Nefertiti Roman Gundacker 11. The West Semitic Alphabet in Iron I and IIA or c. 1100-800 BCE. A Recently Transformed Picture, for Once, Based on Stratified Inscriptions Benjamin Sass 12. Learning to Write in Hebrew Ruth A. Berman Section IV. Archaeological and Cultural Currents 13. Familiarly Foreign: Canaanite Gods in New Kingdom Egypt (1550-1070 BCE) Niv Allon 14. A Foreign Bloom: Narrating the Tale of p-r-? across Egyptian Texts Haleli Harel 15. The Meaning of Golem: Psalm 139.16 and Afroasiatic Lexicology in Dialogue Thomas Schneider 16. Horse Names and Chariots Anthony Spalinger 17. On the Origin of Multi-Statuary Ka-Temples Manfred Bietak
1964 Paris, A. et J. Picard, 1964, fort volume in 4° broché, 270 pages ; piqûres à la couverture ; bibliographie et index ; complet de la carte dépliante et de l'errata volant ; couverture illustrée.
...................... Photos sur demande ..........................
Phone number : 04 77 32 63 69
Gent -, SMAK, 2002 Hardcover, 95 pages, Illustrated. Text: Dutch / English. 16,5 x 23,5 cm; 400g. ISBN 90805595810.
Exposition - Tentoonstelling: Stedelijk Museum voor Actuele Kunst [Gent]. Les sources des couleurs divines (un loge fun bre pour la peinture): Jan van Imschoot
Bruges, Vandecasteele-Werbrouck 1849 24pp., 24cm., br.orig., rare, B92152
Paris, 1962 46pp.+ 40pp.planches hors-texte, catalogue d'exposition: Paris, Galerie Creuze oct.-nov.1962
Bangkok, Continuing Education Center Chulalongkorn University 2002 [6] + 255pp.with ills. + plates out-of-text, 21cm., softcover, stains of humidity on edges, else VG, X71667
Tübingen/ Strasbourg, 1971 152pp.with some illustrations, 21cm., in the series "Glossaria Artis" volume 1, bilingual: german-french, good condition, G87204
Milan, chez Louis de Jacques Pirola 1862 47pp.+ 3 planches dépliantes (3 vues sur le dome) & un plan dans le texte, avec vignette (vue sur la cathédrale) sur la page de titre, 22cm., brochure originale, texte frais, R96298
, Robert Laffont 1970 146pp.richement illustré + quelques planches hors-texte, toile, jaq. (qqs.déchirures restaurées), 28cm., texte et intérieur en très bon état, B81231
s.l., s.d. [2nd half 19th c.] 72pp.+ 3 plates out-of-text, text in gotic german, titlepage is missing, modern softcover, interior VG
, s.l., s.d. [+/- début 19° siècle], 49 + 32pp.+ 10 planches hors-texte dépliantes, br.muet (dos restauré), page de titre manque, texte et planches en bon état, [titre complet est: "ELEMENS DE PERSPECTIVE, A l'Usage des Eleves de L'Academie De Dessein, Peinture & Architecture, de la Ville de Gand.- SUPPLEMENT A La Perspective.", édité à Ghent, Bernard Poelman, (+/- 1800)]
, Vereniging van historische steden van België 1981, 63pp. geïll., [Catalogus van rondreizende tentoonstelling 1981-'82], S21482
Milano, Tipografia Pontifica di S.Giuseppe 1890 47pp.plein d'illustrations, 28cm., br.orig. (dos restauré), texte en italien, qqs.rousseurs, rare