Kruishoutem, Shoes Or No Shoes, 2009 Ingenaaid, halflinnen gekartonneerde originele uitgeversomslag, 21.3x15.2 cm., 50 pp., geillustreed in z/w en in kleur, drietalige editie Nederlands/francais/English.
SONS is een plek van directe confrontatie : een hoogstaande architectuur in een prachtig landschap en twee exceptionele collecties maken van SONS een uniek project met internationale uitstraling. et schoenenmuseum Sons, de afkorting van "Shoes Or No Shoes ?", vertelt een verhaal van pure passie, het verhaal van de aankleding van voeten doorheen de tijd en wereldwijd. Het museum werkt rond drie verschillende thema's : een ethnografische, een moderne en een designers collectie. Dit schoenenparadijs is ondergebracht in de gebouwen van de voormalige kunstgalerie Veranneman.
BE, booQs, 2010 Paperback, 170 x 216mm., 620pp. ISBN 9789460650406.
De steeds kleinere afmetingen van de woningen heeft de architecten, ontwerpers en fabrikanten ertoe gebracht concepten en elementen te bedenken die het mogelijk maken ruimte te besparen. Dit boek laat talrijke ideeen en suggesties zien om de beschikbare ruimte maximaal te benutten maar zonder af te zien van orde en comfort. Les maisons etant de plus en plus petites, les architectes, les designers et les fabricants ont du creer des concepts et des elements qui permettent de gagner de la place. Ce livre propose de nombreuses idees et suggestions afi n de tirer le meilleur parti possible de l'espace disponible sans renoncer pour autant a l'ordre et au confort. The shrinking size of homes has led architects, designers and manufacturers to come up with concepts and elements to save space. This book compiles ideas and suggestions to make full use of available space without compromising order and comfort. Die immer kleiner werdenden Wohnungen haben Architekten, Designer und Hersteller dazu gefuhrt, Platz sparende Konzepte und Elemente zu entwickeln. In diesem Buch sind vielfaltige Ideen und Vorschlage aufgenommen, um den verfugbaren Platz vollstandig auszunutzen, ohne auf Ordnung und Bequemlichkeit zu verzichten. English/ French/ Dutch (NL)/ German edition. New book.
Turnhout, Brepols, 2012 Paperback, 314 p., 76 b/w ill. + 233 colour ill., 1 colour tables, 235 x 305 mm. ISBN 04010954.
Languages: English, Italian, French.
Lisboa, , 1990 Broche, couvert. rouge d'editeur, 71pp., 23x30cm., nombr. illustr. en n/b et en coul., bon etat.
Oeuvres de Alvaro Siza, Hestnes Ferreira, Luiz Cunha, Manuel Vicente, Tomas Taveira.
Antwerp, Tim Van Laere Books 2010, 2010 Gebonden, vlaskleurig linnen met titelopdruk, 200 x 255mm., pages are not numbered, colour illustration throughout.
? 1984 in Szczebrzeszyn, Poland. Lives and works in Krakow and Szczebrzeszyn, Poland. Exhibition : 9/9/2010 - 16/10/2010. In good condition.
, Bastogne, Credit Communal, 1987, Broche, couverture d' editeur illustre en couleur, 21x29,5cm, 135pp, illustre en couleur et n/b. ISBN 9782871930341.
Art religieux et croyances populaires en Ardenne et Luxemborg.
Rotterdam, 010 Publishers, 1990 Blauwe geillustreerde kartonomslag, 215 x 270mm., 103pp., uitgebreide z/w illustratie. ISBN 9064500967.
Een architect die gebouwen ontwerpt wordt traditioneel de project-architect genoemd. Iemand die bouwprodukten ontwerpt zou je een produkt-architect of produkt ontwerper kunnen noemen, afhankelijk van de opleiding tot architect of industrieel ontwerper. Taak en werkwijze van beide zijn heel verschillend en hoewel er uitzonderingen zijn is het bijna onmogelijk om op beide terreinen even effectief werkzaam te zijn. In dit boek wordt onderzocht hoe de ontwikkeling van bouwprodukten een stimulans kan zijn voor het ontwerpen van gebouwen en welke invloed dat heeft voor de wijze van bouwen. De stichting Booosting, die het initiatief heeft genomen tot dit boek, heeft ten doel het bevorderen van onderzoek, ontwerp en ontwikkeling door samenwerkende teams met betrekking tot industriele gebouw (onderdelen). Deze teams bestaan uit architecten, industrieel ontwerpers en producenten van bouwprodukten. Op verhelderende wijze doen ze hier verslag van hun ideeen en ervaringen. Out of print. In goede staat.
, Casale sul Sile, UTOPICA, 1987, Pictorial softcover, cardboard, frontispice, 205 x 260mm., pages not numbered, profound b/w illustration.
In good condition.
, Caja de Ahorros Provincial 1988, 1988 Hardcover, 223 paginas, Spanish, 225 x 225 mm, prima condicione!. ISBN 9788450582154.
dura, s mil piel Buen estado, lomo deslucido Valladolid a trav s de los sentidos; grabados de Valladolid; Andr s Navagiero; Enrique Cock; Antonio Ponz; Te filo Gautier; Edmundo de Amicis, etc.
, Antwerpen, Studie Commissie Dtot Inrichting Der Antwerpsche Agglomeratie. 1911, Gebonden, linnen, 32x24cm., 140pp+80 z/w ills./ plans buitentekst, goede staat. Tweetalig Fr.-Ned.
voor het benuttigen der beschikbare gronden ten gevolge de slechting der versterkte omheining van Antwerpen / Wedstrijd voor het benuttigen der beschikbare gronden ten gevolge de slechting der versterkte omheining van Antwerpen = Concours pour l'am nagement des terrains devenants disponibles par suite du d mant lement de l'enceinte fortifi e d'Anvers Instelling/Organisatie Belgi . Ministerie van Landbouw en Openbare Werken. Studie-Commissie tot Inrichting der Antwerpsche Agglomeratie Belgique. Minist re de l'agriculture et des travaux publics. Commission d' tudes pour l'am nagement de l'agglom ration anversoise [Belgi . Ministerie van Landbouw en Openbare Werken. Studie-Commissie tot Inrichting der Antwerpsche Agglomeratie] Opmerking Titel varieert: Wedstrijd tot inrichting der krijgsgronden van Antwerpen 1910 Titel varieert: Concours pour l'am nagement des terrains militaires d'Anvers 1910
, Groningen, Groniger Museum, z.d., Gekartonneerd, originele geillustreerde uitgeversplatten in kleur, 25x30cm, 91pp + 120pp, fraai geillustreerd in kleur en z/w.
Deel 1: Architecture. Deel 2: Musicvideos. Text in Dutch and in English !! In good condition, this book has been publised on the occasion of the manifestation What a wonderfull world an dwas organised by the departement of city planning. One part only about photographie,
Centre D’Etudes et De Recherches Architecturales,Paris, (1979), in-4, 192 pages, reproductions, broche, couverture illustree
Soft Cover. Minor edgewear. Well illustrated work on the architecture of the 19th century French architect, Hector Horeau. Contains the "Gazette des Architectes et de Batiment", 1868 issue reprinted; as well as the "Catalogue des Dessins et des Oeuvres Figurees d"Hector Horeau". Written in French. Very Good.bon etat
MARDAGA editeur, 1990, un volume in 8 carré, 158pages, illustré, bon état.
Alger Ministère De L'Information et de La Culture 1974 In Quarto Collection " Art et Culture " . Bibliographie . Illustré de très nombreuses photographies en couleurs et noir et blanc , carte . Couverture grise entoilée , avec photographie couleurs contre-collée. ( Commandez plusieurs livres de cette collection dans notre librairie et payez un seul frais de port ) . Histoire Maghreb . - 94 p. , 1 kg 100 gr .
Couverture rigide Très Bon État . 1ère Édition
France Loisirs. 2008. In-4. Relié. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 159 pages augmentées de nombreuses photos en couleurs, dans et hors texte.. . . A l'italienne. Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
Photos de Sylvain Elsa. Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
Paris, E. Bernard, 1902. 4°. V, (41) S. Mit 39 Tafeln. Halbleinenband der Zeit.
Mit handschr. Widmung auf dem Titelblatt (Bleistift).
, Brepols, 2021 Hardback, xlii + 319 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:28 b/w, Language(s):Italian, English, German. ISBN 9782503594088.
Summary This volume is an homage to the great intellectual contribution made by Loris Sturlese to the field of history of medieval philosophy. Its point of departure lies in a methodological line, which Sturlese has maintained throughout his whole academic career: the importance in the historical and conceptual reconstruction of medieval philosophical thought of focusing not only on the classical, most famous centers of knowledge production and transmission, but also on the often-neglected peripheries, which during the Middle Ages were increasingly more relevant in propelling the circulation of texts and ideas. In this volume, the notions of 'center' and 'periphery' are not understood in a merely geographical sense, but also in conceptual, linguistic, historical and literary terms. The richness of this approach is demonstrated by the broad spectrum of the contributions, which range from Islamic philosophy to Italian Renaissance, including the reception of ancient philosophy and of Arabic scientific works in the Latin world, and up to eighteenth-century French geography. Special attention is devoted to the philosophical thought developed in the German area. The volume does not lack in giving space to important medieval figures, such as Dante, as well as to more general philosophical notions, such as the concept of rationality. The volume explores connections, ruptures, relations and affinities through the analysis of paradigmatic figures, places and topics within the micro- and macro-histories of philosophy. TABLE OF CONTENTS Nadia Bray, Diana Di Segni, Fiorella Retucci, Elisa Rubino, Introduction Loris Sturlese, Bibliography Ruedi Imbach, Ein nicht-existierender Gegenstand? Eine gelehrte und nichtsdestotrotz pers nliche Geschichte der Bochumer Schule (1971-1995) Carmela Baffioni, Il Linguaggio di Adamo, la Caduta di Adamo. Walter Benjamin alla luce di un inedito testo arabo medievale Luca Bianchi, L'aristotelismo vernacolare nel Rinascimento italiano: un fenomeno 'regionale'? Charles Burnett, Cleaning up the Latin Language in Mid-Sixteenth-Century Basel: Antonius Stuppa's purgation of Albohazen's De iudiciis astrorum Stefano Caroti, "Est autem testis Melissus pro cunctis temporis sui Philosophis, sed et pro omni antiquitate". Le metamorfosi di Melisso Giulio d'Onofrio, Dante dal centro al cerchio Onorato Grassi, Per l'edizione critica delle opere di Pietro Aureoli Mikhail Khorkov, Nicholas of Cusa's marginalia to Plato's dialogue Phaedrus as one of the forgotten sources of the supposed Cusanian Platonism Catherine K nig-Pralong, Centri, periferie, luoghi e percorsi. Jules Michelet versus Victor Cousin Freimut L ser, On the Margin. Some Notes on Meister Eckhart Pasquale Porro, Da Tommaso al tomismo. Napoli come centro filosofico nel Medioevo Valeria Sorge, Per una microstoria dell'umanesimo rinascimentale. Agostino Nifo e la cultura napoletana del Cinque-cento Andreas Speer, Die Universalit t der Vernunft und die Vielheit ihrer Sprachen Markus Vinzent, The Self-Location of Meister Eckhart Index
, WBooks, 2023 hardcover, 192 pages, Illustrated. ISBN 9789462585720.
The Brueghels are the most famous family in the history of Western art. They were innovators and entrepreneurs who were active from around 1550 to 1700. Their roots in Brabant played a major role in their art, which focuses on the people, land, and culture of this region. For almost two centuries, the Brueghels produced hundreds of paintings, drawings, and prints that captivate and entertain viewers. These works are admired for their witty compositions, universal messages, and exceptional craftsmanship. From depictions of familiar proverbs to insect studies, and from credit card size paintings on copper to monumental canvases, the variety is endless. This reunion of all five generations looks anew at the Brueghels and the context in which they worked. Who were the members of this successful family and what connects their diverse careers? How did their fascination with the local landscape lead to new ways of representing nature in art? What do their artworks reveal about the consequences of global trade and European colonization? For the first time, attention is given to the crucial role of women in the family business. Brueghel: The Family Reunion is a catalogue that is as visually rich as the artworks themselves, and it unravels the secret of a centuries-long successful family of artists.
BE, fonds erfgoed, 2015 Softcover-72pp met prachtige illustraties. French ed. ISBN 9789082377255.
Table des matieres Peintre et graveur liegeois, Armand Rassenfosse est incontestablement l?un des plus grands artistes wallons au tournant des 19e et 20e siecles. Parmi ses talents multiples, son travail d?illustrateur a pourtant rarement ete souligne. Jouissant d?une reputation internationale, il s?est vu confier de nombreuses commandes, souvent prestigieuses. En la matiere, le sommet de son art ? et de l?art de l?illustration tout entier ? fut certainement le celebre recueil de poemes de Charles Baudelaire, Les Fleurs du Mal. Cette publication met l?accent sur l?importante contribution de l?artiste au monde de l?edition ainsi que son role en tant qu?illustrateur d?ouvrages de haute bibliophilie, d?affiches ou encore de recueils de poemes.
, Brepols, 2020 Hardback, xiv + 422 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Languages: English, French. ISBN 9782503588926.
Summary The annual colloquium of the SIEPM in Freiburg, Germany, was groundbreaking in that it featured a more or less equal number of talks on all three medieval cultures that contributed to the formation of Western philosophical thought, the Islamic, Jewish, and Christian traditions. Indeed, the subject of the colloquium, 'The Origin and Nature of Language and Logic in Medieval Islamic, Jewish, and Christian Thought', lent itself to such a cross-cultural approach. In all these traditions, partially inspired by ancient Greek philosophy, partially by other sources, language and thought, semantics and logic occupied a central place. As a result, the chapters of the present volume effortlessly traverse philosophical, religious, cultural, and linguistic boundaries and thus in many respects open up new perspectives. It should not be surprising if readers delight in chapters of a philosophical tradition outside of their own as much as they do in those in their area of expertise. Among the topics discussed are the significance of language for logic; the origin of language: inspiration or convention; imposition or coinage; the existence of an original language; the correctness of language; divine discourse; animal language; the meaningfulness of animal sounds; music as communication; the scope of dialectical disputation; the relation between rhetoric and demonstration; the place of logic and rhetoric in theology; the limits of human knowledge; the meaning of categories; the problem of metaphysical entailment; the need to disentangle the metaphysical implications of language; the quantification of predicates; and the significance of linguistic custom for judging logical propositions. TABLE OF CONTENTS Nadja Germann and Steven Harvey, Introduction 1. The Origin and Nature of Human Language Pierre Larcher, Et Allah apprit Adam tous les noms? (Cor., 2, 31) : L'Origine du langage dans la pens e islamique Warren Zev Harvey, Three Medieval Jewish Philosophers on the Hebrew Language Aviram Ravitsky, Maimonides' Linguistic Thought and Its Greek, Islamic and Jewish Background Beata Sheyhatovitch, The Notion of Wa?? in Shar? al-K??ya by Ra?? al-D?n al-Astar?b?dh? Josef Stern, Profayt Duran's Ma?aseh Efod: The Philosophical Grammar of a Converso 2. Non-Human and Non-Verbal Communication Ziad Bou Akl, Dieu comme locuteur : le bay?n et son report dans les u??l al-?qh Luis Xavier L pez-Farjeat, The 'Language' of Non-Human Animals in al-F?r?b? and Avicenna Th r se-Anne Druart, What Does Music Have To Do With Language, Logic, and Rulership? Al-F?r?b?'s Answer 3. The Nature, Kinds, and Limits of Logic Laurent Cesalli, De quibus est logica ? La position de Gauthier Burley dans le d bat m di val Fouad Ben Ahmed, Ibn ?uml?s on Dialectical Reasoning: The Extent of His Reliance on al-F?r?b? and Averroes Catherine K nig-Pralong, Roger Bacon. Rh torique et sens litt ral Peter S. Eardley, Rhetoric and the Epistemic Status of Theology in the Late-Thirteenth Century Yehuda Halper, Abraham Bibago on the Logic of Divine Science: Metaphysics ? and the Legend of the Pardes 4. The Signi?cance of Language for Logic Pasquale Porro, Keeping Language under Control: Late-Antique and Medieval Interpretations of the First Chapter of Aristotle's Categories Margaret Cameron, The Constraints of Nature(s): Abelard on Modality, Understanding and Linguistic Meaning Charles H. Manekin, Logic, Linguistic Custom, and the Quanti?cation of the Predicate in Gersonides
Lausanne, Impr. Vaudoise, 1929-1939, in-8°, 117 p. / 224 p., qqs ill. in-texte, brochure originale.
1) La Chapelle. Le Donjon. Le batiment du trésor. / Tome 2, en coll. de O. Schmid. Le grand sous-sol. La salle de justice. La grosse tour de l'entrée. Une inspection. Au Chateau de Chillon en 1498. La tour du Duc.
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808
Association pour la restauration du Château de Chillon, 1904, brochure in-8 (17 x 25), non paginé (16 p.), 7 dessins pleine page, 2 petits manques angulaires sur la couverture sup., bon état.
Les illustrations sont précédées d'une étude de 6 pages de A. Naef, architecte de Chillon, sur l'histoire du château.
Lausanne, Georges Bridel 1873, 185x120mm, 44pages, broché. Bon état.
Nom de possesseur. Pour un paiement via PayPal, veuillez nous en faire la demande et nous vous enverrons une facture PayPal
Lausanne, Corbaz, 1886, in-8°, 36 p.+ 1 gr. planche dépl. lithogr. ‘Le Château de Gruyère, La Part Dieu et la Tour de Treme 1886’ Etudes archeol. par J. Naeher, Ing. brochure originale.
Image disp.
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808
Selbsverlag des Autors. Druck Friedrich Gutsch Karlsruhe, o.J. (1886), in-4to, VIII + 14 S. + 1 Bl. leer + 9 Doppelt-Tafeln mit 70 autographierte Aufnahmen des Verfassers kleiner Stempel auf Umschlag ‘B.Benda, libraire éditeur, (Lausanne), illustrierte Original-Broschüre.
Planches 1: Les anciens Châteaux de la Suisse romande 1885- 1) Château des Eveques à Lausanne, Morges, Allaman, Vufflens, / 2) aux environs de Lausanne: Bloney, Chillon, Châtelard, Tour Bertholo / 3) Les anciens Château de la Suisse romande: Rue, Oron, Tour de Marsens, Carouge / 4) Romont, Gruyère, Bulle, La l’ancien couvent La Part-Dieu / 5) Lucens, Avenches, Payerne / 6) La Sarraz, Orbe, Glées, Romainmotier / 7) Yverdon, Colombier, Grandson, Neuchâtel / 8) Aigle, St. Maurice, Tourbillon et Valère à Sion / 9) Nyon, Echallens, Gingins, Aubonne, St. Sulpice
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808