1888 TOURS, L. Pélicat - 1888 - In-8 - broché - VII-134 pages, dont table des planches au nombre de 7 dont 2 grandes dépliantes (usure à 1 planche) - Ex-libris Gwenc'han Le Scouezec - Bon exemplaire - envoi rapide et soigné
- Livraison a domicile (La Poste) ou sur simple demande en Mondial Relay.- ATTENTION: Colis recommandé uniquement sur demande (parcel recommended on request). Si vous désirez un remboursement équivalent au montant de votre achat, en cas de perte détérioration ou spoliation, demandez-nous expressément un envoi en recommandé ( if you wish a repayment equivalent to the amount of your purchase, in case of loss - deterioration or despoliation, ask us expressly for a sending recommended)- Conditions de vente : Les frais de port sont affichés à titre Indicatifs (pour un livre) Nous pouvons être amené à vous contacter pour vous signaler le surcoût du au nopmbre de livres achetés ou du poids de ceux-ci. - Conditions of sale : The shipping costs are displayed as an indication (for one book) We may need to contact you to inform you of the cost of the additional shipping depending on the weight and the number of books- Possibilité d'envoi par Mondial-Relay - Réception en boutique sur rendez-vous. Librairie G. PORCHEROT - SP.Rance - 0681233148
"... M. Griaule J. Nougayrol R. Bloch P. Lévy J. Daniélou J. David-Weil A. Chastel"
Reference : 14254
"1953. Paris Éditions des Musées Nationaux Musée Guimet 1953 - 2 vol. brochés 15 5 cm x 22 cm 106 pages+ XLVII planches Illustrés - Textes de J. Nougayrol R. Bloch P. Lévy J. Daniélou J. David-Weil A. Chastel M. Griaule ... - Quelques passages soulignés au stylo état correct"
HACHETTE. 1957. In-4. Broché. Etat d'usage, Couv. légèrement passée, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 107 pages. Jaquette illustrée en couleurs, abîmée (réparation de déchirures au ruban adhésif). Nombreuses photos en noir et blanc héliogravées, par Célestin Louis le Goff.. Avec Jaquette. . . Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
Envoi des auteurs et du photographe sur la page de faux-titres. Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
IMP. CLERC. Non daté. In-8. Broché. Etat d'usage, Couv. légèrement passée, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur acceptable. Plaquette de 24 pages. Quelques planches de photos en noir et blanc. Nombreux passages soulignés dans lae texte, au crayon à papier. Dos fendu.. . . . Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
H. LAURENS. 1957. In-4. Broché. Etat d'usage, Couv. légèrement passée, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 140 pages. Couverutre contrepliée illustrée en couleurs. Nombreuses héliogravures en noir et blanc dans et hors texte. Un plan en noir et blanc.. . . . Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
, Brepols - Harvey Miller, 1996 paperback. 90 pages ., 8 ill., 160 x 240 mm, Languages: English, Fine copy. Including an index. ISBN 9782503360768.
This study aims at providing a comprehensive overview of the scholarship on medieval stained glass windows.<br>This study provides an up-to-date overview of the scholarship on a single source material, stained glass. Included are an extensive bibliography, and brief chapters on the nature and development of this medium, the technique of making a window in the middle ages, post-medieval reception and documentation, and the historical significance of windows. Most examples are chosen from English or French sites, though the reference material is comprehensive; for instance, the bibliography includes all the catalogues published by thirteen countries in the Corpus Vitrearum series. The author guides the reader to recent literature on medieval attitudes to glass as a window material, the encoding of exegetical and theological systems, the structuring of narrative, and the function of windows as luminous altar-pieces or as memorials. Researchers are invited to cull from windows information concerning technology, latinity, piety, heraldry and genealogy, dress, and attitudes to class and gender. In order to understand the present condition of windows, brief accounts are given of iconoclasm, early restoration practices, and patterns of collecting. There are nine black and white illustrations that serve to clarify technical details; one of them, illustrating the paint layers in a group of twelfth century heads, was drawn especially for this book. The author, Madeline H. Caviness, is Mary Richardson Professor and Professor of Art History at Tufts University, and served as President of the International Board of the Corpus Vitrearum from 1987 to 1995. Her last book, The Sumptuous Arts at the Royal Abbeys in Reims and Braine (1990), was awarded the Haskins Medal of the Medieval Academy of America for 1993.<br>Review<br>"There is no one more qualified to present an overview of current scholarship in the field of stained glass studies than Madeline H. Caviness. (...) the present volume is a welcome addition to anyone's library of reference tools and pedagogical resources." (H. M. Sonne, in: The Medieval Review, 99.01.07)
, Brepols 1996, 1996 90 pages., + 8 ill., 160 x 240 mm, English, Paperback, . ISBN 9782503360768.
This study aims at providing a comprehensive overview of the scholarship on medieval stained glass windows. This study provides an up-to-date overview of the scholarship on a single source material, stained glass. Included are an extensive bibliography, and brief chapters on the nature and development of this medium, the technique of making a window in the middle ages, post-medieval reception and documentation, and the historical significance of windows. Most examples are chosen from English or French sites, though the reference material is comprehensive; for instance, the bibliography includes all the catalogues published by thirteen countries in the Corpus Vitrearum series. The author guides the reader to recent literature on medieval attitudes to glass as a window material, the encoding of exegetical and theological systems, the structuring of narrative, and the function of windows as luminous altar-pieces or as memorials. Researchers are invited to cull from windows information concerning technology, latinity, piety, heraldry and genealogy, dress, and attitudes to class and gender. In order to understand the present condition of windows, brief accounts are given of iconoclasm, early restoration practices, and patterns of collecting. There are nine black and white illustrations that serve to clarify technical details; one of them, illustrating the paint layers in a group of twelfth century heads, was drawn especially for this book. The author, Madeline H. Caviness, is Mary Richardson Professor and Professor of Art History at Tufts University, and served as President of the International Board of the Corpus Vitrearum from 1987 to 1995. Her last book, The Sumptuous Arts at the Royal Abbeys in Reims and Braine (1990), was awarded the Haskins Medal of the Medieval Academy of America for 1993. Review "There is no one more qualified to present an overview of current scholarship in the field of stained glass studies than Madeline H. Caviness. (...) the present volume is a welcome addition to anyone's library of reference tools and pedagogical resources." (H. M. Sonne, in: The Medieval Review, 99.01.07)
Geel, Geels Geschiedkundig Genootschap, 1969 Gebonden, Hardcover, 239 pagina's, 25.5 x 18 cm, Bibliotheekstempel en rugnummer.
La Chaise-Dieu, Editions la Casadeene 1980, 290x230mm, 129pages, reliure d'éditeur. Bel exemplaire.
photos couleurs et n/b, Pour un paiement via PayPal, veuillez nous en faire la demande et nous vous enverrons une facture PayPal
1993, NORMA. In-4, broché sous jaquette illustrée, 173 pages. Riche iconographie n&b et couleurs. Jaquette très légèrement émoussée. Très bon exemplaire
, Brepols - Harvey Miller, 2022 Hardback, 228 pages, Size:225 x 300 mm, Illustrations:160 col., Language: English. ISBN 9781912554874.
Summary This second volume in the series Studies in English Medieval Embroidery is dedicated to the Opus Anglicanum Cope of St Domenico, Bologna now housed in the Museo Civico Medievale. Essays are by the Director, curators and conservation staff of the Museo Civico in collaboration with new archival research by leading scholars in the field of textiles and the production of medieval liturgical vestments. It is edited by Dr. M.A. Michael, head of the Opus Anglicanum Project at the University of Glasgow. This volume presents the first detailed investigation of the iconographical cycle depicted on the cope and provides new evidence for dating which places the Bologna Cope within the short-lived patronage of Pope Benedict XI before 1304. A comprehensive investigation of the archival materials relating to the Cope and its rediscovery in the 19th century is also accompanied by a detailed historiography of the literature and exhibition history of the cope and an account of the challenges faced during its recent conservation. TABLE OF CONTENTS Massimo Medica ? A King's Gift to a Pope: Benedict XI and the Bologna Cope M.A. Michael ? The Cultural Context of the Bologna Cope: The Design and Production of Opus Anglicanum Liturgical Vestments in England Franco Faranda and M. A. Michael ? The Iconography of the Cope of San Domenico in Bologna Giancarlo Benevolo ? The San Domenico Cope in the Inventories of the Sacristy and Convent of the Friars Preachers, Bologna: 14th -19th centuries Silvia Battistini ? An Historiography of the Bologna Cope Marta Cuoghi-Costantini ? Textiles and Embroidery in Italy between 1200 and 1300 Manuela Farinelli ? The Conservation of the Bologna Cope Silvia Battistini ? The Bologna Cope (Catalogue description) Bibliography Glossary Index
Cambridge, Mass., United States, MIT Press Ltd 2007, 2007 Paperback, 565 pages, ENG, 230 x 205 mm, in very good condition, with over 180 images/ illustrations in b/w. ISBN 9780262524797.
Mario Carpo provides a subtle and insightful discussion of the intellectual structures that guide architectural composition and the ways that these structures were transformed by the historic shifts from script to print and from hand-made drawings to mechanically reproduced images. He goes on to suggest that the current shift from print to digital representations will have similarly profound consequences. This is a crucial text for anyone interested in the interrelationships of media and design processes. As urban planning moves from a centralized, top-down approach to a decentralized, bottom-up perspective, our conception of urban systems is changing. In Cities and Complexity, Michael Batty offers a comprehensive view of urban dynamics in the context of complexity theory, presenting models that demonstrate how complexity theory can embrace a myriad of processes and elements that combine into organic wholes. He argues that bottom-up processes--in which the outcomes are always uncertain--can combine with new forms of geometry associated with fractal patterns and chaotic dynamics to provide theories that are applicable to highly complex systems such as cities. Batty begins with models based on cellular automata (CA), simulating urban dynamics through the local actions of automata. He then introduces agent-based models (ABM), in which agents are mobile and move between locations. These models relate to many scales, from the scale of the street to patterns and structure at the scale of the urban region. Finally, Batty develops applications of all these models to specific urban situations, discussing concepts of criticality, threshold, surprise, novelty, and phase transition in the context of spatial developments. Every theory and model presented in the book is developed through examples that range from the simplified and hypothetical to the actual. Deploying extensive visual, mathematical, and textual material, Cities and Complexity will be read both by urban researchers and by complexity theorists with an interest in new kinds of computational models.
, Brepols, 2020 Hardback, 231 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:13 b/w, Languages: English, Old English, Latin. ISBN 9782503583846.
Summary In recent years numerous advances in archaeological and historical studies have enhanced our understanding of the form and function of settlements and strongholds in the landscapes of early medieval England. Until now, this groundbreaking work has not been matched in studies of early English literature, where no concerted effort has been made to investigate how these findings can inform our understanding of their representation in texts - and vice versa. This study shows that literary works offer considerable insight into the ways their authors, readers, and other audiences thought and felt about the constructed places and spaces in which they lived their lives. Covering a broad range of evidence from the end of Roman rule to the Conquest, it is the first study of its kind to offer an interdisciplinary account of the relationship between the built environment as it appears in the material record, and in a range of textual productions. Settlements and Strongholds interrogates correlations and disjunctions between the stories found in the soil and in written works of various kinds, focusing on vernacular texts and Latin works that informed their development. It argues for a deeper appreciation of the relationship between imaginative works and the material contexts in which they were created, revealing the parallel development of ideas and concepts that were fundamental in shaping early medieval England. TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Illustrations Acknowledgements Abbreviations Chapter 1. Introduction: Texts and Landscapes in Early Medieval England Texts Materials Contexts Chapter 2. Ruin Mythologies The Desolation of Britain Origin Mythologies Roman Buildings in the Exeter Book Elegies Roman Buildings in Andreas Rural Settlements in Early-Saxon England Loci Amoeni in the Vernacular Tradition Conclusion Chapter 3. Settlements Before the 'Viking Age' Rebuilding Christendom in the Ruins of Rome Cosmic Halls in Beowulf and C dmon's Hymn Minster Authority: C dmon in the Historia Ecclesiastica Building the English Church in De Templo Structuring the Everyday in the Exeter Book Elegies W?cs in Old English Poetry? Burhs in Middle-Saxon England Conclusion Chapter 4. Settlements, Strongholds, and the Alfredian Reinvention Reclaiming the Urban Landscape in Andreas The Archaeology of the Burghal Hidage Society, Settlements, and the 'Alfredian' Translations Society, Settlements, and Asser's Vita Alfredi Conclusion Chapter 5. Spiritual Strongholds in Late-Saxon England Bethulia as Burh in the Old English Judith Cities of Good and Evil in Elene, Juliana, and Daniel lfric, Wulfstan, and the Building of Christendom The Anglo-Norman City in Durham Conclusion Chapter 6. Afterword Of Time and the City Earth, Wood, Stone Structures of Community Works Cited Index
, David Zwirner Books , 2018 Gebonden, Hardcover met stofomslag compleet. HB, 254 x 178 mm, 80 pages, throughout colour illustrations. English edition. ISBN 9781941701836.
Known for his ability to recall classical painting, both through technical mastery and subject matter, Borremans's depiction of the uncanny, the perhaps secret, the bizarre, often surprises, sometimes disturbs the viewer. In this series of work, children are presented alone or in groups against a studio-like backdrop that negates time and space, while underlining the theatrical atmosphere and artifice that exists throughout Borremans's recent work. Reminiscent of cherubs in Renaissance paintings, the toddlers appear as allegories of the human condition, their archetypal innocence contrasted with their suggested deviousness. In his accompanying essay, critic and curator Michael Bracewell .takes an in-depth look into specific paintings, tackling both the highly charged subject matter and the masterly command of the medium. He writes, "The art of Michael Borremans seems always to have been predicated on a confluence of enigma, ambiguity, and painterly poetics-accosting beauty with strangeness; making historic Romanticism subjugate to mysterious controlling forces that are neither crudely malevolent nor necessarily benign." Published on the occasion of Borremans's eponymous exhibition at David Zwirner in Hong Kong,
, Brepols, 2021 Paperback, x + 198 pages, Size:216 x 280 mm, Illustrations:2 b/w, 77 col., Language: English. ISBN 9782503583563.
Summary If dance on the London stage can be said to have had a 'golden age', it might be thought to be the years between 1760 and 1830. The changes included the arrival on the London stage of ballet d'action, and the appearance of Vestris and Noverre. Dance in the theatre and the opera house continued to be essential to the financial success of any season, and it was a ubiquitous element in the London theatrical season both in dramatic works and as entr'acte pieces. These years also saw important changes that affected theatrical dance and thus public perceptions of celebrity dancers. Despite this, and in comparison with other performers, far fewer portraits of dancers were produced. This can be explained in part by a visual culture that privileged a particularly national view of celebrity. As one of the contributors argues in this volume, 'The rhetoric of a "British school of art" contributed to marginalizing foreign singers and dancers on the London stage, as well as other immigrant artisans who had a major role to play in the economics of eighteenth-century London leisure life.' Through the examination of a series of major dancers, this volume examines the way in which the images created represented a dancer's image, which was then often exploited through the medium of print. The images discussed in the volume include formal and informal portraits, portraits in character, prints, and caricatures. TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface I. The London Dancer Portrait in Context Portraiture and the Import of Dancers in Eighteenth-Century London - Shearer West II. Dancers of the Opera and Playhouse Garrick's Muse? Eva Maria Veigel and her Husband - James Harriman-Smith Portraits of Jean-Georges Noverre - Jennifer Thorp Dancers Acting in 1781: The Vestris, p re et fils, Adelaide Simonet, and Giovanna Baccelli - Judith Milhous Natural Beauty or 'Paint-Painted'? Giovanna Baccelli by Thomas Gainsborough - Joanna Jarvis 'Grace, Beauty, and Surprising Agility' - Representations of Barbarina Campanini, 1742-48 - Samantha Owens Portraying Heroic Masculinity: James Harvey D'Egville on Stage - Keith Cavers III. The 'Other' Dancers Philip Astley and the Amphitheatre - Joe Lockwood Tumbling Images: Carlo Antonio Delpini at Work - Michael Burden Bibliography About the Authors Index
, Brepols, 2019 Hardback, xlvii + 328 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:110 b/w, 8 col., 4 tables b/w., Language: English. ISBN 9782503581934.
Summary The Cistercian abbeys of northern England provide some of the finest monastic remains in all of Europe, and much has been written on their twelfth- and thirteenth-century architecture. The present study is the first in-depth analysis of the art and architecture of these northern houses and nunneries in the late Middle Ages, and questions many long-held opinions about the Order's perceived decline during the period c.1300-1540. Extensive building works were conducted between the fourteenth and sixteenth centuries at well-known abbeys such as Byland, Fountains, Kirkstall, and Rievaulx, and also at lesser-known houses including Calder and Holm Cultram, and at many convents of Cistercian nuns. This study examines the motives of Cistercian patrons and the extent to which the Order continued to enjoy the benefaction of lay society. Featuring over a hundred illustrations and eight colour plates, this book demonstrates that the Cistercians remained at the forefront of late medieval artistic developments, and also shows how the Order expressed its identity in its visual and material cultures until the end of the Middle Ages. TABLE OF CONTENTS Acknowledgements List of Illustrations Abbreviations Colour Plates Introduction: Debates and Definitions Chapter 1: The Evidence Chapter 2: Patronage Chapter 3: Religious Art Chapter 4: Death and Commemoration Chapter 5: The Art and Architecture of Cistercian Nuns Chapter 6: Suppression and Survival Conclusion Bibliography Index
, Brepols, 2024 Hardback, xii + 392 pages, Size:210 x 270 mm, Illustrations:39 b/w, 16 tables b/w., 34 musical examples, Language: English. ISBN 9782503611778.
Summary The sound image of Otherness has been a significant source of inspiration for Western music, especially since the late eighteenth century. Encounters with the racial and geographical Other fomented interest in unfamiliar musical traditions, which informed exotic projections by Western composers. This volume explores aspects of musical exoticism and its staging during the long nineteenth century, with a special focus on the Mediterranean. This diverse and yet historically interconnected region was arguably the heart of the exotic enterprise during this period. The intersection of exoticism, nationalism and empire is considered, with a special focus on the situation of Spain as both source of local colour and purveyor of musical exoticism. The essays in this volume explore elements of exoticism across a range of musical styles: from song to opera and the popular musical stage, and from instrumental to symphonic works. The analysis of this corpus also involves the examination of musical culture in dialogue with literature and figurative arts. While many of the essays focus on constructions of exoticism in individual works, several essays focus on repertories of musical exoticism and their coverage in musicological literature. TABLE OF CONTENTS Michael Christoforidis - Ram n Sobrino, Preface Musical Exoticism and the Mediterranean to the Mid Nineteenth Century Ralph P. Locke, Leaving alla turca behind: The Middle East in Opera and Other Musical Genres, 1800-1850 Mar a Encina Cortizo, Exotic Sounds of Spain: French Musical Imageries Between Spain and the Orient: Musical Exoticism, Nationalism and the Alhambra Ram n Sobrino, Musical Exoticisms in 19th-Century Spain: Imaginary Sounds of Spanish Otherness Francesc Cort s, Oriental and National Elements in the Early Operas of Felip Pedrell: Changes and Transformations of El ltimo Abencerraje (1868) into L'Ultimo Abenzeraggio (1889) Gloria A. Rodr guez-Lorenzo - Francisco J. Gim nez-Rodr guez, Granada la bella (1896): Musical Exoticism and Nostalgia at the Turn of the Century Michael Christoforidis - Elizabeth Kertesz, Exoticism and Beyond: The Habanera, Alhambrism and Musical Modernity in Belle- poque Paris Staging Exoticism in Opera Roberto Scoccimarro, Otherness, Self-Affirmation and Self-Denial in F licien David's Op ras-comiques Lalla-Roukh (1862) and La captive (1864) Valeria Wenderoth, Reynaldo Hahn's L' le du R ve (1898) and the Multi-Faceted Representation of Otherness Stanislav Tuksar, Exoticism as a Specific Expression of Otherness in Some Acculturation Phenomena within Nineteenth-Century Croatian Arts Vjera Katalin c, Staging Exoticisms: Case Studies in the Operatic Iconography of the Late Nineteenth-Century Zagreb National Theatre Exoticism in Song and Popular Musical Theatre Nicolas Boiffin, Exoticism in the German Lied: E. Geibel and P. Heyse's Spanisches Liederbuch and Its Musical Settings Sonja Starkmeth, 'Off to Cairo': Musical Orientalism in Late Victorian Musical Comedy Andrea Garc a Torres, The bayadera on the Spanish Stage: Frivolity and Colonialism in European Cultures via the Orient Paul Krejci, A Case Study of White American Male Othering in Early 20th Century Popular Music: The Exotic Songs of Seattleite Minstrel Harold Taylor Weeks Reflection Jean-Pierre Bartoli, From 1974 to 2022: Some Reflections for a Short History of Studies on Exoticism and Orientalism in Music
, Taschen, 2019 312 pagina's, 29 x 21,5 cm, NEW, hardcover, Engels, Frans, Duits, Spaans, dustjacket. ISBN 9783836525237.
Andy Warhol and Jean-Michel Basquiat's complex relationship captivated the art world then and now. At a time when Warhol was already world famous and the elder statesman of New York cool, Basquiat was a downtown talent rising rapidly from the graffiti scene. Together, they forged an electrifying personal and professional partnership. As a prolific documentarian of his own world, Warhol extensively photographed and wrote of his friendship with Basquiat, all played against the backdrop of 1980s downtown New York City. It reveals not only the emotional depth of their relationship but also its ambiguities, extremities, and complexities. Produced in collaboration with The Andy Warhol Foundation and Jean-Michel Basquiat?s estate, this book chronicles the duo?s relationship in hundreds of previously unpublished photographs of Basquiat along with a dynamic cast of characters from Madonna to Grace Jones, Keith Haring to Fela Kuti. The shots are accompanied by entries from the legendary Andy Warhol Diaries, selected collaborative artworks, and extensive ephemera. Touching, intimate, and occasionally sardonic, Warhol on Basquiat is a voyeuristic glimpse into the lives of two of modern art?s brightest stars.
Michael Depreter, Jonathan Dumont, Elizabeth L'Estrange, Samuel Mareel (eds)
Reference : 65159
, Brepols, 2021 Paperback, 475 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:61 b/w, 44 col., 2 tables b/w., Language(s):French, English. ISBN 9782503588087.
Summary Mary of Burgundy (r. 1477-1482) occupies an important place in the history of late medieval and early modern Europe, yet her life and principate have received relatively little scholarly attention. They are, however, key to the history both of the Low Countries and of Europe, since her marriage to Maximilian of Austria united the Habsburgs with the Valois-Burgundy dynasty, giving them vast territories on the borders of France. In this book, some of the best specialists in the field contribute to a better understanding of Mary's principate, its features, and its long-term perception. In the first part, the authors address the issue of Mary's contested legitimacy as a late medieval female ruler: law, literature, visual arts and theatrical representations are examined as means of communication, strengthening or weakening her authority. In the second part, the authors examine some of Mary's governmental tools and the agents behind them. Finally, the last part questions the ways in which Mary's power and her principate have been represented and reinterpreted in subsequent eras, often with political or social intent, beginning with Maximilian's long regency and reign immediately after her death, right up to modern-day Belgium. Marie, duchesse de Bourgogne (r. 1477-1482), occupe une place essentielle entre Moyen ge et premi re Modernit dans l'histoire des Anciens Pays-Bas et d'Europe. Alors que son mariage avec Maximilien d'Autriche unit la dynastie des Valois-Bourgogne celle des Habsbourg, laquelle s' tablit alors durablement aux fronti res de la France, la vie et le bref principat de Marie restent peu tudi s. Visant comprendre cette p riode de transition et ses ressorts, tant l' poque que dans le temps long, ainsi qu' tablir un bilan et lancer de nouvelles pistes de recherche, cet ouvrage r unit plusieurs des meilleurs sp cialistes actuels autour de trois questions essentielles. Dans un premier temps, la l gitimit contest e de ce pouvoir f minin est abord e sous diff rents angles : le droit, la litt rature, les arts visuels et les spectacles publics qui sont tudi s en tant que moyens de communications renfor ant ou affaiblissant l'autorit de la duchesse. Ensuite sont mis en lumi re les agents et les outils gouvernementaux au service de ce pouvoir. Enfin, les contributeurs s'interrogent sur la mani re dont ce pouvoir et ce principat furent (re)lus et repr sent s aux poques ult rieures en fonction d'agendas politiques volutifs, du long r gne de Maximilien de Habsbourg la Belgique contemporaine. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Mary of Burgundy. Agency, Government, and Memory Michael Depreter, Jonathan Dumont, Elizabeth L'estrange & Samuel Mareel Construire l'autorit et la l gitimit d'une princesse naturelle / Building the Authority and Legitimacy of a Natural Princess 2. Galans de Picardie, de Flandres et d'Artois? La po sie de circonstance sous le r gne de Marie de Bourgogne Jean Devaux 3. Construire la l gitimit d'un pouvoir f minin. Marie de Bourgogne dans le M moire de Jean d'Auffay Jonathan Dumont & lodie Lecuppre-Desjardin 4. Pour la preminence de la Couronne et l'evidente utillit de la Chose Publique du royaulme. The Medieval French State versus Mary of Burgundy Kathleen Daly 5. Gendered Political Ideology in Late Medieval Bruges. Mary of Burgundy as City Maiden in the Manuscripts of the Excellente Cronike van Vlaenderen Lisa Demets 6. Panthasilia virgo in civitatem Tryona amicabiliter recepta fuit. La Joyeuse Entr e de Marie de Bourgogne Bruges en 1477 Olga Karaskova 7. Rulership, Ridership, and the Perils of Sealing Andrea Pearson 8. Evidencing the Right to Rule. Mary of Burgundy and the Tombs of Isabella and Jacques of Bourbon Ann J. Adams 9. Beauty and the Beasts. Rereading the Hours of Mary of Burgundy Sherry C.M. Lindquist 10. Mothers and Daughters. Isabella of Bourbon in the Vienna Hours of Mary of Burgundy Erica O'Brien Cour, conomie et institutions / Court, Economics and Institutions 11. Des conseillers protecteurs ? L'entourage politique de Marie de Bourgogne Jean-Marie Cauchies 12. L'h tel de Marie de Bourgogne d'apr s l'ordonnance de cour du 26 mars 1477. Continuit s et adaptations Val rie Bessey 13. Mary, a ?Diplomatic Weapon of Universal Value? for Charles the Bold Sonja D nnebeil 14. The House of Cro and Mary of Burgundy. Or How to Keep Noble Elites at the Burgundian-Habsburg Court (1477-1482) Violet Soen 15. Les arm es bourguignonnes apr s Nancy. Ruptures et continuit s structurelles d'un instrument politique Michael Depreter 16. Le r gne de Marie de Bourgogne et l' conomie des Pays-Bas dans la seconde moiti du XVe si cle Jean-Marie Yante 17. Entre continuit dynastique et pouvoir du luxe. La Petite Italie de Marie de Bourgogne Federica Veratelli 18. Le nord en M diterran e. Influx franco-bourguignons la cour des Este entre Charles le T m raire et Marie de Bourgogne Giovanni Ricci M moires contest es d'une princesse bourguignonne / Contested Memory of a Burgundian Princess 19. L'ultime voyage de Marie de Bourgogne. Des fun railles de duc ou de duchesse ? Alain Marchandisse, Christophe Masson & Bertrand Schnerb 20. L'h ritage de Marie de Bourgogne dans les collections et les commandes artistiques de Marguerite d'Autriche Pierre-Gilles Girault 21. La disparition du cercueil pr sum de Marie de Bourgogne l' poque de la R volution fran aise. Enqu te sur le vol d'un effet appartenant la R publique Emmanuel Berger 22. La m moire de Marie de Bourgogne dans les anciens duch et comt de Bourgogne (XVIe-XIXe si cle) Dominique Le Page 23. Les al as d'une Iphig nie bourguignonne . M moire, culture et historiographie de Marie de Bourgogne en Belgique Gilles Docquier 24. Conclusions: Triste plaisir. Mary of Burgundy in a Turbulent Era ric Bousmar & Jelle Haemers Index Nominum Planches en couleurs / Colour Illustrations
, UK-PHA-M, 2023 HB, 292 x 241 mm, 272 p, 225 Kleurenillustraties, EN edition, dustjacket, NEW, Publication date: April 23. ISBN 9781580935906.
The once rarified and exclusive world of antiques is bursting open thanks to a new generation of collectors. The New Antiquarians captures 17 of the spaces of these young connoisseurs, spirited interiors formed from unorthodox approaches to collecting and living with objects with history. Flouting conventions of good taste and revealing irreverent modes of decorating with antiques that echo the way we consume visual material today, they brazenly blend the historical and the contemporary, embrace anachronism and pastiche, employ serious knowledge with humor and wit, and consider historical objects through the lens of present-day values. The New Antiquarians, featuring residences on both sides of the Atlantic, is an exuberant and accessible entry point into the once staid world of antiques with featured collectors of all stripes, with varied interests and resources. Collectors whose homes are featured include: Jared Austin; Emily Adams Bode Aujla & Aaron Singh Aujla; Pablo Bronstein; Collier Calandruccio; Adam Charlap Hyman; Emily Eerdmans; Jared Frank; Andrew LaMar Hopkins; Kyle Marshall; Sean McNanney & Sinan Tuncay; Avril Nolan & Quy Nguyen; Camille Okhio; Jeremy K. Simien; Abel Sloane & Ruby Woodhouse; Samuel Snider; Alex Tieghi-Walker; and Giancarlo Valle & Jane Keltner de Valle.
, Brepols, 2023 Hardback, 187 pages, Size:178 x 254 mm, Illustrations:1 b/w, 25 col., 2 tables b/w., 1 maps color, Language: English. ISBN 9782503599977.
Summary This book explores the legend of Adam's Contract with Satan that was made after the expulsion from the Garden of Eden.This legend was current in the Eastern Orthodox churches of SE Europe as well as in the Caucasus. Unknown forms of the legend have been found in two traditions, the Romanian and the Armenian, and are investigated here. Notably this legend has found its way into folk stories and sometimes into folk music, showing how widely it was accepted and distributed. This legend also inspired images in both traditions. In Romania the most striking illustrations are to be found in Bukovina province, in frescos on the famous painted churches of that region, as well as in manuscripts. In Armenia features of this story are incorporated into the iconography of the Baptism of Christ in the River Jordan. TABLE OF CONTENTS Series' preface Preface Abbreviations and Critical Signs Introduction Part 1: New Armenian Evidence for the Cheirograph Legend Armenian Folk Tales A Literary Text A Proposed New Piece of Armenian Iconographic Evidence New Armenian Evidence from Literary Texts Part 2: New Romanian Evidence for the Cheirograph Legend The Legend of the Cheirograph in the Romanian Literary Tradition Iconography Between Literary and Iconographic Tradition Epilogue Bibliography Index of Ancient and Medieval Sources Subject Index
Dutton and Dial 1991 In-8 broché 27,4 cm sur 21,1. 80 pages. Très bon état d’occasion.
Très bon état d’occasion
BE, Lannoo, 2019 Gebonden, 320 pagina's met kleurrijke afbeeldingen, 320x240mm.*volledig nieuw exemplaar! ISBN 9789401463423.
Een thuis zou een oase moeten zijn, een veilige haven die geluk en vreugde uitstraalt Al een halve eeuw cre ert de wereldbefaamde kunsthandelaar en interieurvormgever Axel Vervoordt met zijn bedrijf unieke woningen over de hele wereld. Hij vindt zijn inspiratie in verschillende culturen en tijdperken. Vandaag vloeien in de projecten van Vervoordt traditionele, wabi- en hedendaagse elementen samen. Deze elementen zijn tegelijk verankerd in het verleden en verbonden met de toekomst. Dit boek brengt zeventien uiteenlopende residenties samen, waaronder de allereerste Vervoordt-projecten in Japan, Rusland en India, maar ook stedelijke penthouses in New York en Londen, een wabi-schuur in Vlaanderen, een Venetiaans palazzo, een toevluchtsoord op Ibiza en een huis aan de kust van New England. Elk huis ademt een unieke en serene sfeer uit en verbindt op de typische Vervoordt-manier kunst met architectuur en natuur
K ln, Taschen, 1997 Hardcover with dustjacket, 255 pages, 32.5 x 25 cm. FR. ISBN 9783822883488.