, Norma ditions, 2022 Hardcover, 192 pages, ENG / FR, 310 x 225 x 25 mm, NEW , illustrated in colour. ISBN 9782376660743.
The 80s vibrate with energy. In their whirlwind, a generation of creators has emerged, carrying arts of living different from those of the past: Mark Brazier-Jones, Franck Evennou, Elizabeth Garouste, Marco de Gueltzl, Hubert Le Gall, Thierry Peltrault, Laurence Picot, Andrea Salvetti or even Claude de Wulf. In order to give flesh to this period in France, this book has collected the words of a witness of its actors, Elisabeth Delacarte whose Avant-Sc ne gallery is one of the few to have survived until today. For almost 40 years, it has defended singular artists who have become essential in their field. From France to England, Italy or Russia, the elaborate portraits dedicated to them evoke the atmosphere and the news that accompany them. Each embodies the importance of artistic craftsmanship, and all take particular paths in order to express universal emotions in their own way. The great subjects of today are declined along their course. We discover upcycling ahead of time with the fiery Marco de Gueltzl and the beginnings of the libertine punk Mark Brazier-Jones, the vital need for nature in the works of Frank Evennou or the sculptor chef Andrea Salvetti, the romanticism advocated by Laurence Picot, the joyful poetry of Elizabeth Garouste, the humorous fantasy of Hubert Le Gall. They have in common to have changed their lives to devote themselves to art furniture. This is also the case of Elisabeth Delacarte. His personal point of view illuminates from the inside the changes in the decorative arts at the end of the 20th century. Staging the productions of each artist, decoration projects punctuate the book and leave room for contemplation.
Paris, EREME, 2006 Hardcover in dusjacket, 76 pages, 16,0 cm x 22,5 cm x 1,1 cm in fine condition !. ISBN 9782915337402.
Promenade dans la ville, promenade dans le temps, cel ivre est une invitation a redecouvrir un aspect malheureusement inconnu de Paris : ses portes. Qu'elles soient Renaissance, Empire, Art Nouveau ou contemporaines, elles nous en disent parfois tout aussi long sur l'evolution de la capitale que les traites les plus savants. Massives ou delicates, sobres ou richement decorees, de bois ou en metal, quelques cent-vingt portes ou details de portes nous plongent au c?ur du patrimoine parisien, a travers une balade savoureuse et coloree.
, Brepols, 2022 Hardback, ix + 615 pages, Size:178 x 254 mm, Illustrations:58 b/w, 16 col., Language: English. ISBN 9782503596068.
Summary Astronomical tables are a significant yet understudied part of the scientific historical corpus. They circulated among many cultures, and were adopted and transformed by astronomical practitioners for a variety of purposes. The numerical data conveyed in these tables provides rich evidence for pre-modern scientific practices. In the last fifty years, new approaches to the analysis and critical editing of astronomical tables have flourished due to advances in computing power and associated modern mathematical tools. In more recent times, the rapid growth of digital humanities and modern data analysis promises exciting further developments in this area. The present collection of studies on astronomical tables captures this momentum. It is a result of long-term collaborative work on building a database of astronomical tables and other objects found in manuscripts, released under the name DISHAS (Digital Information System for the History of Astral Sciences). The fourteen contributions in this volume provide a broad coverage of astronomical traditions throughout Eurasia and North Africa, which, with very few exceptions, find their roots in the mathematical astronomy of Ptolemy. The contributions include critical editions of previously unexamined astronomical tables along with insightful mathematical analyses, as well as reflective methodological surveys that open up new perspectives for research on these fundamental sources for the history of mathematics and astronomy. TABLE OF CONTENTS Matthieu Husson, Clememcy Montelle and Benno van Dalen Introduction Part 1 : Classical Approaches to Table Cracking Glen Van Brummelen , Matthieu Husson, and Clemency Montelle Tools of the Table Crackers: Using Quantitative Methods to Analyze Historical Numerical Tables Jos Chab s and Bernard R. Goldstein The Almanac of Jacob ben Makhir Sebastian Falk Copying and Computing Tables in Late Medieval Monasteries Kailyn Pritchard Determining the Sine Tables Underlying Early European Tangent Tables Part 2 : Editing and Analysing Astronomical Tables Clemency Montelle Editing Sanskrit Astronomical Tables: The Candr?rk? of Dinakara (1578 CE) Anuj Misra Recomputing Sanskrit Astronomical Tables: The Am?talahar? of Nity?nanda (c. 1649/50 CE) Part 3: Computational Practices and Table Cracking Li Liang Tables of Sunrise and Sunset in Yuan and Ming China (1271-1644) and their Adoption in Korea Glen Van Brummelen The Tables of Planetary Latitudes in Jamsh?d al-K?sh?'s Kh?q?n? Z?j Sho Hirose Equation Tables in the D?gga?ita of Parame?vara Richard Kremer Cracking the Tabulae permanentes of John of Murs and Firmin of Beauval with Exploratory Data Analysis Part 4: Pushing Approaches to Table Analysis Further Matthieu Husson Computing with Manuscripts: Time between Mean and True Syzygies in John of Lign res' Tabule magne Johannes Thomann Reverse Engineering Applied to Ephemerides: Analysis and Edition of the Arabic Ephemeris of 1326/27 CE (MS Cairo, D?r al-Kutub, m?q?t 817) Benno van Dalen The Geographical Table in the Sh?mil Z?j: Tackling a 13th-Century Arabic Source with the Aid of a Computer Database
, Brepols, 2021 Hardback, 288 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:4 b/w, 2 tables b/w., Language(s):English, French, Latin. ISBN 9782503591223.
Summary This volume contains the proceedings of the international conference on anonymous sermons, funded by the F.R.S.-FNRS and held on 16 May 2019 at the Universit de Namur (Belgium), within the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters and the research centre Pratiques M di vales de l' crit (PraME). It brings together scholars working on late antique and early medieval Latin preaching, and follows on previous volumes on Augustine and African sermons published in the Ministerium Sermonis subseries. The focus here is on Christian Latin preached texts, thought to date from the period c. 300-800 AD, which are not currently attributed to a known author. Long neglected because of their uncertain attribution, these sermons offer new material for the study of late antique and early medieval Christianity. The contributions assembled here provide an essential entry point to the study of these little-known sermons: after an introduction which sets the aims of the book, discusses the state of the art and describes main avenues for research, individual papers present future tools to classify sermons and explore their medieval transmission in manuscripts, offer new critical editions of previously unknown sermons, and develop methods and reliable criteria to shed new light on their historical context of composition. Both engaging with current issues and challenges and offering innovative case studies, this book opens up new ground for future research on late antique and early medieval Latin Christian preaching in general. TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Abbreviations Introduction: Past and Current Research on Latin Anonymous Sermons (Matthieu Pignot) The Medieval Transmission and Reception of the Pseudo-Augustinian AU s 382/PS-AU s Bou 1. Notes on Converting a Scholarly Tradition into a Digital Network (Shari Boodts) Le corpus du pseudo-Eus be Gallican et l'essor de la pr dication en Provence aux Ve et VIe si cles (Ra l Villegas Mar n) Patchwork Sermons: An Understudied Genre of Late Antique Latin Literature (Clemens Weidmann) Un sermon pseudo-augustinien pour la f te de P ques, confront ses sources (Fran ois Dolbeau) Le Sermon Mai 53 (CPPM I 1218, Nutritos hirundo pullos) propos de la marche de Pierre sur les eaux (Matth. 14, 22-33), un pseudo-augustinien africain ? (Marie Pauliat) Two Anonymous Preachers on the "Woman Taken in Adultery": S. Mai 8 and an Unedited Homily in a Manuscript from Moissac (Gert Partoens & Andr s Handl) propos du sermon De laudibus Mariae (PS-AU s 123; PS-FU s 36) : sa tradition dans les imprim s de Fulgence (Pierre-Maurice Bogaert & Matthieu Pignot) Un tractatus sur Prou. 30, 15-20 (CPPM I 5027) et la question de son attribution Gr goire d'Elvire (J r my Delmulle) Indices
, Society for Japanese Arts and Crafts 1982, 1982 Paperback, 164 pages, ENG, 300 x 210 mm , good , lots of illustrations in b/w, . ISBN 9070216027.
Katsushika Hokusai (October 31, 1760 - May 10, 1849) was a Japanese printmaker, painter, and draftsman. He was mainly concerned with making woodblock prints, better known as ukiyo-e. Hokusai has worked within all genres of ukiyo-e, but he became most famous for his landscape images. His life summarizes the transition from the elegance of printmaking in the 18th century to its zenith in the 19th century. His best-known works include The Great Wave off Kanagawa, the Thirty-Six Views of Mount Fuji and his Manga.
, NRC, 2005 Paperback, 196 pag. NL, 210 x 150 mm; als Nieuw, vele voorbeelden in kleur. ISBN 9789077019085.
schildertechniek, Restauratie, restauratie, Pigmenten, Technologie, Nijverheid, Ambachten, Bindmiddelen
, Vantilt, 2019 Gebonden, Hardcover 363 pagina's, als nieuw. Met illustraties.
In de kunst- en cultuurgeschiedenis van Noord-Europa hebben de late 15de en vroege 16de eeuw altijd bijzonder tot de verbeelding gesproken. Tot op de dag van vandaag wordt erover gediscussieerd of die een laatste fase van de middeleeuwen zijn of een vroege manifestatie van een internationale renaissance. Juist het gevoel te maken te hebben met een overgangsperiode maakt deze tijd zo fascinerend. In dit boek bespreken vijftig kenners vijftig kunstobjecten in de historische context van dit 'herfsttij', soms ook met aandacht voor hun voortleven en receptie in later tijd. Deze miniaturen hebben steeds n kunstwerk als onderwerp, wat uitnodigt tot grasduinen in een schat aan thema's, wetenswaardigheden en benaderingswijzen. Maar ook biedt dit rijk ge llustreerde boek een prachtig moza ek van recente inzichten in de schilderkunst en sculptuur, teken- en prentkunst, architectuur en toegepaste kunst uit de tijd van Jheronimus Bosch en Desiderius Erasmus. Dit boek verschijnt naar aanleiding van het afscheid, in juni 2019, van prof.dr Jos Koldeweij als hoogleraar Kunstgeschiedenis van de middeleeuwen en de vroegchristelijke tijd aan de Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen.
, Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds , 2016 Paperback, 270x225mm, 192p, 140 colour illustrations, English edition ISBN 9789462301184.
Expo: 13/2/2016 - 8/5/2016, Noordbrabants Museum, ?s-Hertogenbosch Hieronymus Bosch (1450-1516) lived and worked in 's Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands, where he created enigmatic paintings and drawings full of bizarre creatures, phantasmagoric monsters, and terrifying nightmares. He also depicted detailed landscapes and found inspiration in fundamental moral concepts: seduction, sin, and judgment. This beautiful book accompanies the largest exhibition ever held on Bosch's work, and will feature important new research on his 25 known paintings and 20 drawings. The book, divided into six sections, covers the entirety of the artist's career. It discusses in detail Bosch's Pilgrimage of Life, Bosch and the Life of Christ, his role as a draftsman, his depictions of saints, and The Garden of Earthly Delights, among other topics, and is handsomely illustrated by new photography undertaken by the Bosch Research and Conservation Project Team. Matthijs Ilsink is project coordinator of the Bosch Research and Conservation Project and teaches at Radboud University, Nijmegen. Jos Koldeweij is professor in art history of the Middle Ages at the University of Nijmegen, the Netherlands. The authors are the curators of the's-Hertogenbosch exhibition.
, Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds , 2016 Paperback, 270x225mm, 192 pages, 140 colour illustrations, French edition ISBN 9789462301177.
Expo: 13/2/2016 - 8/5/2016, Noordbrabants Museum, s-Hertogenbosch Jerome Bosch (1450-1516) a vecu et travaille a Bois-le-Duc, ou il a cree des ?uvres enigmatiques peuplees d'etres etranges, de monstres fantastiques et de cauchemars inquietants inspires de ses themes de predilection : la seduction, le peche et le Jugement dernier. Ce magnifique ouvrage parait en marge de la plus grande exposition jamais dediee a son travail. Les six chapitres du livre retracent sa carriere, traitant en details des themes varies comme la Perigrinatio vitae de Bosch, Bosch et la vie du Christ, son role en tant que concepteur d'estampes, ses peintures de saints ou le Jardin des delices. Ce livre, qui a ete supervise par l'equipe du BRCP, est magnifiquement illustre grace a de nouvelles photographies. Hieronymus Bosch (1450-1516) lived and worked in 's Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands, where he created enigmatic paintings and drawings full of bizarre creatures, phantasmagoric monsters, and terrifying nightmares. He also depicted detailed landscapes and found inspiration in fundamental moral concepts: seduction, sin, and judgment. This beautiful book accompanies the largest exhibition ever held on Bosch's work, and will feature important new research on his 25 known paintings and 20 drawings. The book, divided into six sections, covers the entirety of the artist's career. It discusses in detail Bosch's Pilgrimage of Life, Bosch and the Life of Christ, his role as a draftsman, his depictions of saints, and The Garden of Earthly Delights, among other topics, and is handsomely illustrated by new photography undertaken by the Bosch Research and Conservation Project Team. Matthijs Ilsink is project coordinator of the Bosch Research and Conservation Project and teaches at Radboud University, Nijmegen. Jos Koldeweij is professor in art history of the Middle Ages at the University of Nijmegen, the Netherlands. The authors are the curators of the's-Hertogenbosch exhibition.
, Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds , 2016 Paperback, 270x225mm, 192p, 140 colour illustrations, Dutch (NL) edition . NIEUW ISBN 9789462301160.
Expo: 13/2/2016 - 8/5/2016, Noordbrabants Museum, s-Hertogenbosch Hieronymus Bosch (1450-1516) leefde en werkte in 's Hertogenbosch waar hij raadselachtige schilderijen en tekeningen vol bizarre wezens, fantastische monsters en angstaanjagende nachtmerries schiep. Hij schilderde ook gedetailleerde landschappen. Zijn inspiratie vond hij in fundamentele morele begrippen: bekoring, zonde en oordeel. Dit prachtige boek verschijnt naar aanleiding van de grootste tentoonstelling die ooit aan zijn werk werd gewijd. Hiervoor werd belangrijk nieuw onderzoek verricht over de 25 schilderijen en 20 tekeningen die van hem bekend zijn. In de zes secties van het boek komt de hele carriere van de kunstenaar aan bod. Het behandelt op gedetailleerde wijze thema's als Bosch' Peregrinatio Vitae, Bosch en het leven van Christus, zijn rol als ontwerper van prenten, zijn schilderijen van heiligen, en de Tuin der Lusten. Het boek is prachtig geillustreerd met nieuwe foto's, gemaakt in opdracht van het Bosch Research and Conservation Project Team. Kenmerkend voor Bosch zijn de beroemde monsters, duivelse figuren, engelen en heiligen die zijn tekeningen en panelen bevolken. Zijn karakteristieke werk, vol illusies en hallucinaties, wonderlijke gedrochten en nachtmerries, verbeeldt onnavolgbaar de grote thema's van zijn tijd: verleiding, zonde en rekenschap. Werkend in de periode rond 1500, de overgang tussen middeleeuwen en renaissance, weerspiegelen Jheronimus' schilderijen en tekeningen op raadselachtige wijze de relatie tussen de mens, zijn omgeving en zijn schepper. Jheronimus Bosch geldt als een geniale kunstenaar, die in zijn werk werelden toonde die zijn tijdgenoten niet voor mogelijk hielden. Het is een kunstenaar die tot de absolute wereldtop behoort, wiens werk navolging kreeg bij generaties na hem en die tot op de dag van vandaag ook nieuwe kunstenaars weet te inspireren. "Jheronimus Bosch is de belangrijkste en meest oorspronkelijke middeleeuwse kunstenaar die ons land heeft voortgebracht. Het is fantastisch dat in 2016 het overgrote deel van zijn oeuvre in zijn geboortestad 's-Hertogenbosch te zien zal zijn. Geweldig ook dat een nieuwe generatie kennis kan maken met dit in alle opzichten unieke werk." Charles de Mooij, directeur van Het Noordbrabants Museum
, Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds , 2016 Hardback, 325x240mm, 592 pages, 450 colour illustrations, French edition neuf. ISBN 9789462301122.
Le 500e anniversaire de la mort de Jerome Bosch sera l'occasion de la publication, en 2016, de trois ouvrages sur ce grand maitre a l'imagination foisonnante. Le premier sera un nouveau catalogue raisonne, complet et definitif, de ses 25 tableaux et 20 dessins. Il s'agit de l'aboutissement de six ans de recherches menees par le Bosch Research and Conservation Project. A travers de splendides photographies prises apres restauration, tres detaillees et entierement nouvelles, les auteurs y examinent en details chacun des tableaux et dessins conserves, rendant hommage a l'incroyable creativite de cet artiste de l'extreme fin du moyen age qui en est arrive a changer les regles de la peinture. Compiled by members of the Bosch Research and Conservation Project and published on the 500th anniversary of Hieronymus Bosch's death, this is the definitive new catalogue of all of Bosch's extant paintings and drawings. His mastery and genius have been redefined as a result of six years research on the iconography, technics, pedigree and conservation history of his paintings and on his life. This stunning volume reproduces all new photography, as well as up-to-date research on the individual works. For the first time the incredible creativity of this late medieval artist, expressed in countless details, is reproduced and discussed in this book. Special attention is being paid to Bosch as an image maker, a crafty draughtsman and a brutal painter, changing the game of painting around 1500 by his innovative way of working. Matthijs Ilsink is project coordinator of the Bosch Research and Conservation Project and teaches at Radboud University, Nijmegen. Jos Koldeweij is professor in art history of the Middle Ages at the University of Nijmegen, the Netherlands. Published on the 500th anniversary of Hieronymus Bosch's death, this book represents the most definitive catalogue of the artist's iconic works. Authors: Bosch Research and Conservation Project: Matthijs Ilsink, Jos Koldeweij, Ron Spronk, Luuk Hoogstede, Robert G. Erdmann, Rik Klein Gotink, Hanneke Nap, Daan Veldhuizen
, Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds , 2016 Hardcover, 607 pag. NL editie, 330 x 255 x 45 mm, NIEUW !!, in een stevig foedraal, stofomslag, 450 illustraties in kleur, ISBN 9789462301115.
Vijfhonderd jaar na de dood van de kunstenaar verschijnt de nieuwe en definitieve catalogus van al zijn bewaard gebleven schilderijen en tekeningen, samengesteld door leden van het Bosch Research and Conservation Project. Zes jaar wetenschappelijk onderzoek over zijn leven en over de iconografie, de technieken, de pedigree en de bewaringsgeschiedenis van zijn schilderijen resulteren in een nieuwe definitie van zijn genie en meesterschap. De recentste gegevens over de afzonderlijke werken zijn in het boek verwerkt, samen met nieuwe foto's. De ongelooflijke creativiteit van deze laatmiddeleeuwse kunstenaar die in ontelbare details tot uiting komt, wordt hier voor het eerst uitvoerig toegelicht. Er wordt speciale aandacht besteed aan Bosch als inventor, als geraffineerd tekenaar en als vrijmoedig schilder, die rond 1500 door zijn vernieuwende werkwijze de spelregels van de schilderkunst veranderd heeft. Auteurs: Bosch Research and Conservation Project: Matthijs Ilsink, Jos Koldeweij, Ron Spronk, Luuk Hoogstede, Robert G. Erdmann, Rik Klein Gotink, Hanneke Nap, Daan Veldhuizen
[Cantr , Jozef [ill.]] - Matthijs, Marcel / Cantr , Jozef [ill.]
Reference : 64859
Antwerpen , De Sikkel, 1940 Oorspronkelijk uitgevers omslag, 233 pagina's, met illustraties van Jozef Cantr . 21.5x16cm.
Mooi exemplaar.
Zürich, ABC Verlag, 1975. 8°. 140 S. Mit zahlr. Abb. Orig.-Papp-Leinenband.
Mit Beiträgen von Walter Bernet, Hans Knecht und Willy Rotzler.
Firenze (Italie), Bonechi/Editzioni II Turismo, 1973. 20 x 27, 79 pp., 91 illustrations en couleurs, plusieurs illustrations et cartes en N/B, broché, bon état.
traduit de l'italien par Micheline Gille.
, Milan, Actes Sud / Motta, 1999, Relie, toile vert, jaquette illustree, 255 x 290mm., 288pp., illustration profonde en couleures et b/n. ISBN 274272222X.
Les peintures a fresque, ont aujourd'hui presque disparu. Il nous reste le cycle de st. Pierre martyre de la chapelle Portinari, de l'Eglise Sant'eustorgio de Milan. Cette oeuvre endommagee au cours des siecles par le badigeonnage baroque mais plus encore par la restauration malheureuse de l'Italie postunitaire, renait aujourd'hui a sa fraicheur d'origine au terme d'une nouvelle campagne de restauration, et dont ce livre presente les resultats. Livre nouveau.
Arthème Fayard. 1959. In-4. Relié. Etat d'usage, Couv. légèrement passée, Dos fané, Intérieur frais. 12 pages de texte et env. 50 planches de photos héliogravées en noir et blanc. Légères mouillures sur la couverture. Jaquette manquante.. . . . Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
Collection 'Roma'. Préface de Jérôme Carcopino. Intro. de Noël Calef d'après Bernard Andreae. Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
Athènes, 1960, 220x170mm, 251pages, broché. Sous jaquette. Bel exemplaire.
80 planches en n/b, Pour un paiement via PayPal, veuillez nous en faire la demande et nous vous enverrons une facture PayPal
1966 Institut français d'Athènes, collection "Villes et paysages de Grèce" - 1966 - In-8, broché - Couverture à rabats illustrée - 273p. - Avec 21 plans et cartes et 224 photographies hors-texte
Bon état - Couverture légèrement défraichie (frottements, rousseurs) - Pli de lecture au dos insolé
Los Angeles, J. Paul Getty Museum, 2005 Chocolate cloth binding with dustjacket, 390 pages, 31 x 24 cm. Folding color plan of the villa tucked into envelope inside back cover. EN. Sealed. ISBN 9780892367221.
The Villa dei Papiri at Herculaneumburied during the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius in A.D. 79, then rediscovered in 1750 contained a large collection of bronze and marble statuary and busts. Before they were published or exhibited, the sculptures were restored so as to appear whole, thereby helping to shape early modern tastes in classical sculpture. This book describes the nature of the ancient sculptures and their impact on the modern public. Their chance discovery affected the interpretation of the statuestheir styles and subjectsover the course of the next 250 years. The ancient sculptures were copied extensively in reproductions of various sizes and patinas. The author traces the popularity of these copies in Europe and America. Also presented in the book is a technical study of the production techniques and materials of the sculptures, as well as of their modern restoration history. Scientific analyses and detailed photographs reveal both how the pieces were cast and pieced together in antiquity and how they were restored in the eighteenth century. Even though this collection has been known for two and a half centuries, this book covers for the first time the eclectic nature of the sculptures, their actual condition, and their quality, pointing in some cases to mass production.
Paris, Editions Corrêa /Buchet/Chastel, 1956. 19 x 26, 271 pp., 116 illustrations hors texte, reliure d'édition pleine toile, bon état (traces d'adhésif sur la page de garde).
Texte français de Jacques Boitel.
LES EDITIONS D'ART ET D'HISTOIRE - PARIS. 1944. In-4. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 333 pages - Augmentées de nombreuses illustrations en noir et blanc in et hors texte - EXEMPLAIRE N°120 / 400.. . . . Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
PREFACE PAR LOUIS HAUTECOEUR. Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
Paris, Ed. dArt et dHistoire, 1944. In-4, 335 pp. broché.
Avec 92 figures, la plupart à pleine page. Donne la description et la collation précise des recueils, entre autres du "Grand Marot" et du "Petit Marot". Tirage limité à 400 exemplaires.
Paris, Vanoest 1945 In-4 27,5 x 21,5 cm; Reliure demi-toile verte, pièce de titre maroquin vert, 253 pp., 40 planches hors-texte, annexes, notes et références, bibliographie, table des planches, table des matères. Exemplaire en très bon état.
Tirage limité à 500 exemplaires numérotés; celui-ci, N° 257. Très bon état d’occasion
Imp. des arts et Manufactures. Non daté. In-8. Cartonné. Etat d'usage, Couv. défraîchie, Dos abîmé, Papier jauni. 716 pages. Nombreux schémas en noir et blanc, hors texte+ quelques dessins au crayon hors texte. Page de titre manquante. Epidermures sur les plats. Toile partiellement arrachée au dos. Couverture désolidarisée. Ouvrage légèrement désolidarisé. Coins émoussés. Police type manuscrite. Revêtement du 2ème plat partiellement arraché. Quelques rousseurs.. . . . Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture