EDITIONS OUEST FRANCE. 1984. In-8. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. Non paginée, environ 30 pages. Nombreuses photographies en couleur, dans le texte et hors texte, par Maurice BERNON, Nicolas FEDIAEVSKY, Jacques VILET.. . . . Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
Marc Ruyters Frank Heirman, Dennis Tyfus, Bert Govaerts Co-auteur: Bert Govaerts Dennis Tyfus
Reference : 66120
, Stockmans, 2019 Hardcover 184 PAGES tekst nederlands. . ISBN 9789077207673.
Frans Van Roosmaelen Living greedily, painting generously ?Knallen? (to let it rip) is an expression Frans Van Roosmaelen liked. In his paintings he allowed colours and strokes to rip with outright joy, in his life he went looking eagerly for extreme experiences. To his inner circle he would admit that he needed to be charged, certainly sexually, to be able to paint. Absence of such tension had repercussions for his art. Greedily he would explore the bleak realms of life which generously bore witness in his drawings, paintings and collages. Frans Van Roosmaelen needed the high to be creative. What he sucked from life he gave back in restless generous works of art, charged with ecstasy and violence, primal urges, but also great myths of life and death.
, Brugge, 1976., In suite, originele uitgeversomslag, 21,5x28cm, z.p., geillustreerd met 10 originele houtsneden.
MARC VAN CAUWENBERGH De bladen voor de grafiek nr.2 jrg.9
, ander]-zijds , 2021 Hardcover, HB, 230 x 345 mm, 144 p, 63 illustrations Eng./ NL/ IT edition . ISBN 9789082808087.
Photographer Marc T. left Antwerp for London at a very young age, where he started working as an assistant for Cecil Beaton, known for his fashion photos and celebrity portraits. After Beaton's death in 1980, Marc T. worked as a freelancer for several British magazines such as 'The Face' and 'New Musical Express', and he also got a contract with Warner Bros UK. Afterwards he went to Italy where he worked for the "Corriere Della Sera" and became friends with columnist/editor, Alessio Gaggioli, who provides the epilogue in this book. After a long absence of more than 30 years, Marc T. returned to Belgium. 'MOMENTS' is primarily a reaction to that return to Belgium. Because he has not maintained any contact during his absence, he feels like a foreigner in his own country. People who continue to live in the same place do not see the big changes around them in the same way as someone who has been away for years. And he had to do something with that. Marc T. started traveling through Belgium, where only the rediscovery mattered at that point in time. But without any nostalgia. It was certainly not a search for a loss. Every photo, every moment in this book tells its own story, captured by the eye of a local stranger ...
Amsterdam, Bijleveld, 1996 Paperback, 215 pagina's, 20.5 x 13.5 x 2 cm. ISBN 9789061316626.
Havard Univ. Press ; 1990, in-4 softcover,, 496 pp, illustrations. In english. Cover in good condition, inside very good.
, Homunculus, 2022 340 bladzijden op hoogkwalitatief papier, A4- formaat, pur-gelijmd in en stevige soepele kaft. Vierentwintig afwisselende artikelen. Voorzien van indexen op meer dan 1200 familie- en persoonsnamen, 92 gemeenten en 47 wapenspreuken. Rijk ge llustreerd in kleur met foto?s en tekeningen van meer dan 650 wapenschilden (waarvan 92 gemeentewapens) en verschillende genealogische schema?s. Beperkte, genummerde, oplage van 165 exemplaren.
MISCELLANIA HERALDICA II Inhoud Een genealogisch-heraldisch vraagstuk. De wapenschilden op het grafmonument van de Oudenburgse abt Albert Frederik Taye te Wemmel De zeven geslachten van Brussel Heraldiek in de kringwinkel: De obiit van Theresia Maria van Susteren en iets over haar familie* (*met Hugo Lambrechts-Augustijns) Het gemeentewapen van ?s-Gravenwezel Over kunst, praalgraven en hondenhalsbanden: De hond van Roose Gelijke namen, verschillende wapens: Twee zegelmatrijzen ?de Carnin? en iets over de meerltjes van ?le Poyvre? Over scutellofobie en logomanie: ?De nieuwe gemeentelijke huisstijl? of de miskenning en teloorgang van achthonderd jaar erfgoed Verplaatst, verdwenen n teruggevonden te Wommelgem: De grafsteen en het wapen van Karel van den Heetvelde Heraldiek op Hulgenrode in Wommelgem: Joanna von Wasservas en Thomas H tter: hun wapens en hun familie Kerkelijke heraldiek: De wapenschilden van de Belgische en Nederlandse missiebisschoppen van Scheut in China Een boeketje heraldiek: Over de vormgeving van bloemen in de heraldiek en de vlasbloem in het bijzonder De zeven geslachten van Leuven* (*met Dirk Coutereels) Naar Amerika en terug: Iets over de familie Stier, hun wapen en Maryland* (*met Stefan Crick) De herkomst van het wapen Stier: een alternatieve hypothese Een paar zegels en wat genealogie: Was- zegels van Brouchoven en van Berlaer in Antwerpse schepenakten* (*met Hugo Lambrechts-Augustijns) Blazoenen in het groen van Deurne: De wapens van Havre en della Faille op de ?Dellafaillebrug? in het Boekenbergpark Kwartierstaat of niet? Het glasraam van Pieter van Dorp: een onoplosbare puzzel Op zoek naar een gemeentewapen: Heral- diek van de ?heren? en ?vrouwen? van Wuustwezel Een verwarrend plaatje: Het votiefschilderij van Wouter van der Noot en Digna van Grimbergen Kerkelijke heraldiek: Een wapenbord in de abdij van Averbode met de blazoenen van abt Halloint en wijbisschop Jacquet Over handen in de heraldiek: Heraldische gebarentaal Van Maaseik naar Antwerpen en Duin- kerken: De familie en het wapen van Jan van Eelen (ca. 1625?1695) Waarom staat het wapen van Zemst op een glasraam uit 1459 in een Duitse kerk? Over de herkomst van het wapen van de familie van Bergen en dat van de gemeente Zemst Terug naar de bron: Het wapen van de adellijke familie von Westerholt und Gysenberg
Paris , Eug. Fasquelle Editeur, 1908 Reliure demi-cuir basane vert bleu originale de l' diteur, In-4; 26 x 32,5 cm, 395pp, 347pp, 339pp, 315pp, 335pp, 371pp, 371pp et 347 pages et table des 8 volumes. illustr hors texte de gravures couleurs d'apr s les fac-simil s des miniatures, et in texte encadrements et enluminures qui ornent les manuscrits originaux persans et hindous-Chromotypes grav s par Mulot, Krieger et Cie. Texte en Francais. Bon etat.
8 tomes complets Traduction litt rale et compl te; cette dition du livre des mille nuits et une nuit est illustr e par le fac-simil des miniatures originaux persans et hindous. Chromotypes grav s par Mulot, Krieger et Cie; Texte et eencadrements imprim s par Motteroz et Martinet; Planches en couleurs tir es par G. de Malberbe. Bel ensemble richement illustr dans la c l bre traduction de Mardrus
[Imprimerie Nouvelle A. Bellier et Cie] - MARECHAUX, Dom Bernard ; FONREMIS, M. de
Reference : 55385
Illustrations de M. de Fonremis, 1 vol. in-12 reliure de l'époque demi-chagrin noir, Imprimerie Nouvelle A. Bellier et Cie, Bordeaux, 1893, 179 pp.
Bon exemplaire bien relié, en très bon état. Fameuse église de Gironde longtemps ensablée, Notre-Dame de la Fin des Terres de Soulac fit à partir de 1859 l'objet de travaux pour son désensablement et sa restauration ; cet ancien site de pèlerinage sur la côte girondine servait notamment de relais sur le chemin de Compostelle.
Chêne/Hachette, 1979, in-4 à litalienne, reliure déditeur, jaquette illustré, 20 pages non paginées suivies de 81 planches photographiques couleurs. Très bon état.
Magnifique reportage réalisé eu République Arabe du Yémen.
BORDEAUX, R. Picquot Ed. - 1945 - In-8 - Broché - Couverture illustrée - 130 héliogravures NB HT - 126 pages - Propre
- Livraison a domicile (La Poste) ou sur simple demande en Mondial Relay.- ATTENTION: Colis recommandé uniquement sur demande (parcel recommended on request). Si vous désirez un remboursement équivalent au montant de votre achat, en cas de perte détérioration ou spoliation, demandez-nous expressément un envoi en recommandé ( if you wish a repayment equivalent to the amount of your purchase, in case of loss - deterioration or despoliation, ask us expressly for a sending recommended)- Conditions de vente : Les frais de port sont affichés à titre Indicatifs (pour un livre) Nous pouvons être amené à vous contacter pour vous signaler le surcoût du au nopmbre de livres achetés ou du poids de ceux-ci. - Conditions of sale : The shipping costs are displayed as an indication (for one book) We may need to contact you to inform you of the cost of the additional shipping depending on the weight and the number of books- Possibilité d'envoi par Mondial-Relay - Réception en boutique sur rendez-vous. Librairie G. PORCHEROT - SP.Rance - 0681233148
, Brepols, 2020 Paperback, 175 pages, Size:178 x 254 mm, Language: English. ISBN 9782503587035.
Summary The Versus Eporedienses (Verses from Ivrea), written around the year 1080 and attributed to a certain Wido, is a highly fascinating elegiac love poem celebrating worldly pleasures in an age usually associated with contemptus mundi. One of the poem's intriguing features, its extensive use of the Latin classics, especially of Ovid, makes it a precursor of the poetry of the so-called twelfth-century renaissance. In this first book-length study of the poem, the author provides a historical contextualisation, an edition and translation, a verse-by-verse commentary, a detailed analysis of the classical sources and a discussion of its similarities with contemporary and later medieval poetry. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction ? Text and Translation ? Commentary ? Sources of Inspiration ? The Versus Eporedienses and the Dawn of the Twelfth Century ? Similarities and Matches in Twelfth- and Thirteenth-Century Love Poetry ? Bibliography ? Index auctorum et carminum ? Index locorum similium ? Index locorum similium per ordinem auctorum et carminum digestus
EDITIONS DU CADRAN. 1970. In-16. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 28 pages illustrées de quelques photographies en noir et blanc hors texte.. . . . Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
, Brepols, 2019 Hardback, xxiii + 635 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:9 b/w, 10 col., 4 tables b/w., 2 Musical Examples, Languages: English, Old Norse. ISBN 9782503568805.
Summary Over more than a thousand years since pre-Christian religions were actively practised, European - and later contemporary - society has developed a fascination with the beliefs of northern Europe before the arrival of Christianity, which have been the subject of a huge range of popular and scholarly theories, interpretations, and uses. Indeed, the pre-Christian religions of the North have exerted a phenomenal influence on modern culture, appearing in everything from the names of days of the week to Hollywood blockbusters. Scholarly treatments have been hardly less varied. Theories - from the Middles Ages until today - have depicted these pre-Christian religious systems as dangerous illusions, the works of Satan, representatives of a lost proto-Indo-European religious culture, a form of 'natural' religion, and even as a system non-indigenous in origin, derived from cultures outside Europe. The Research and Reception strand of the Pre-Christian Religions of the North project establishes a definitive survey of the current and historical uses and interpretations of pre-Christian mythology and religious material, tracing the many ways in which people both within and outside Scandinavia have understood and been influenced by these religions, from the Christian Middle Ages to contemporary media of all kinds. The previous volume (I) traced the reception down to the early nineteenth century, while the present volume (II) takes up the story from c. 1830 down to the present day and the burgeoning of interest across a diversity of new as well as old media. TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Illustrations Abbreviations for Volume II The Contributors Introduction to Volume II - MARGARET CLUNIES ROSS Part 1 The Later Grundtvig 1.1 N. F. S. Grundtvig's Use of Norse Mythology (1815-72) and its Aftermath - FLEMMING LUNDGREEN-NIELSEN Part 2 The Influence of Cultural Milieu on the European Reception 2.1 Germany 1650-1860 - CHRISTINA LEE 2.2 Finns, S mi and Swedes - THOMAS A. DUBOIS Part 3 Studies of Norse Myth and Religion in the Nineteenth Century 3.1 The Character of the New, Comparative Scholarship - MARGARET CLUNIES ROSS 3.2 The Nineteenth-Century Emergence of Religionswissenschaft and its Impact on the study of the pre-Christian Religions of the North - BERNHARD MAIER 3.3 The Heavenly Mountains of Asia: Old Norse Religion and Comparative Religion - ANNETTE LASSEN 3.4 The Comparative Study of Celtic and Nordic Religions - BERNHARD MAIER 3.5 Nordic, Germanic, German: Jacob Grimm and the German Appropriation of Old Norse Religion and Myth - SIMON HALINK 3.6 The Rise of Folklore Studies - JOHN LINDOW Part 4 The Influence of Old Norse Myth on Music in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries 4.1 Wagner, the Ring and its influence - EDWARD HAYMES 4.2 Scandinavian Myths in Nineteenth-century Opera and Choral Music - BARBARA EICHNER 4.3 The Music of J n Leifs - FLORIAN HEESCH Part 5 The Reception in Theatre and Performance 5.1 Theatre and Performance (1830-2012) - TERRY GUNNELL AND SVEIN EINARSSON Part 6 The Reception in Literature 6.1.1 Literary Modernism and Old Norse Myth - KATJA SCHULZ 6.1.2 Old Norse myth in James Joyce's Finnegans Wake CHRISTOPHER BLACK 6.2 Old Norse Mythology in Anglophone Fantasy and Science Fiction from 1940 - RANDI ELDEVIK 6.3.1 Norse Medievalism in Children's Literature in English - DAVID CLARK 6.3.2 Norse Mythology in Nordic Children's Literature 1970-2012 - ANNE-KARI SKARDHAMAR Part 7 The Reception in Mass Culture 7.1 Nordic Gods and Popular Culture - J N KARL HELGASON Part 8 The Reception in Modern and Contemporary Art 8.1 Norse Myths in the Visual Arts of the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries: A Short Catalogue Raisonn - SARAH TIMME Part 9 The Role of the pre-Christian Religions of the North in Modern National, Political and Religious Movements 9.1 Old Norse Mythology and Heroic Legend in Politics, Ideology and Propaganda - JULIA ZERNACK 9.2 Germanic Neopaganism - STEFANIE VON SCHNURBEIN Part 10 Modern Scholarship and Research as Reception 10.1 On the Concept of 'Germanic' Religion and Myth - JULIA ZERNACK 10.2 Philological Studies of Nordic Religion from rni Magn sson until Today - ANNETTE LASSEN 10.3 The Social Turn: The pre-Christian Religions of the North in the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries - MARGARET CLUNIES ROSS 10.4 Pre-Christian Religions of the North: The Reception Now - MARGARET CLUNIES ROSS Index of Authors, Artists and Works Index of Concepts
, Brepols, 2023 Hardback, 2 vols, cxliv + 1606 pages, Size:160 x 240 mm, Language(s):English, Old Norse. ISBN 9782503518985.
Summary Collected together in this volume are long poems and stanzas attributed to the characters who appear in sagas of Icelanders (family sagas), including such well known figures as Egill Skallagr msson, G sli S rsson and Grettir smundarson. The poetry from twenty-four complete sagas and four short tales are edited here, together with two texts from non-saga manuscripts, including the scurrilous Grettisf?rsla, 'The Moving of Grettir'. The texts range chronologically from early poets' sagas to late and little known works from the later thirteenth and fourteenth centuries. TABLE OF CONTENTS Volume Editor's Preface and Acknowledgements General Abbreviations Sigla used in this Volume Technical Terms The Contributors Introduction Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages - a New Edition Poetry in Sagas of Icelanders Manuscripts Dating and Authenticity Metres Normalisation Poetic Form and Function Poetic Diction How to use this edition Appendix: Half-kennings in the skaldic corpus Poetry in Sagas of Icelanders: The Corpus PART 1 Bandamanna saga ? Edited by Margaret Clunies Ross B rdar saga Sn fells ss ? Edited by Margaret Clunies Ross Bergb a t ttr ? Edited by Tarrin Wills Bjarnar saga H tdoelakappa ? Edited by Alison Finlay Draumr Torsteins S duhallssonar ? Edited by Tarrin Wills Droplaugarsona saga ? Edited by Richard Perkins Egils saga Skalla-Gr mssonar ? Edited by Margaret Clunies Ross Eir ks saga rauda ? Edited by Margaret Clunies Ross Eyrbyggja saga ? Edited by Judy Quinn and Kate Heslop Fl amanna saga ? Edited by Richard Perkins F stbroedra saga ? Edited by R. D. Fulk G sla saga S rssonar ? Edited by Kari Ellen Gade Grettis saga smundarsonar ? Edited by Jonathan Grove PART 2 Gunnlaugs saga ormstungu ? Edited by Diana Whaley Hallfredar saga ? Edited by Diana Whaley Hardar saga ? Edited by Margaret Clunies Ross H vardar saga sfirdings ? Edited by Rolf Stavnem and Margaret Clunies Ross Heidarv ga saga ? Edited by Colin Grant Korm ks saga ? Edited by Edith Marold Kr ka-Refs saga ? Edited by Kari Ellen Gade Kumblb a t ttr ? Edited by Tarrin Wills Laxdoela saga ? Edited by Margaret Clunies Ross Nj ls saga ? Edited by R. D. Fulk Stj?rnu-Odda draumr ? Edited by Tarrin Wills Svarfdoela saga ? Edited by Kari Ellen Gade V ga-Gl ms saga ? Edited by John McKinnell V glundar saga ? Edited by Klaus Johan Myrvoll T rdar saga hredu ? Edited by Klaus Johan Myrvoll Torsteins t ttr Austfirdings ? Edited by Kari Ellen Gade Texts recorded outside a saga context Sk ldhelgi r arson Verses addressed to a sorceress ? Edited by Margaret Clunies Ross Grettisf rsla ? Edited by Kate Heslop Bibliography Index of First Lines ? Edited by Hannah Burrows Indices of Names and Terms Ethnic and Regional Names Personal Names Nicknames Mythical and Legendary Names Biblical Names Place Names Other Names Indigenous Terms
, Chrysalis Books 1995, 1995 Hardcover, 127 pages, EN, 275 x 215 mm, book is in fine order, with lots of coloured illustrations. ISBN 9780713476576.
A project based course on calligraphy, illustrated in full colour throughout. Contains graded exercises and techniques and provides a background history to the craft. Will appeal to the amateur calligrapher with a basic knowledge of the craft who wants to develop a personal style. An excellent looking book that should do well.
, Brepols, 2020 Paperback, 241 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:1 b/w, 11 col., Language: French. ISBN 9782503583204.
Summary Cic ron oppose dans le De oratore loquence et rh torique : c'est en prenant des le ons de ceux qui avaient une loquence naturelle que l'art de la rh torique est n . L' loquence n'est pas une cons quence de la rh torique, mais la rh torique l'est de l' loquence. La rh torique ne doit jamais oublier son rapport la nature. Or, aux cours des ges, la rh torique devenue prescriptive finit par s'isoler du sens, de la cr ation, de l'action humaine et devenir l'exercice st rile d'hommes obscurs, ab m s dans le silence de la vita contemplativa. Lorsque les pr tres donnent plus dans les mots que dans le contenu, chante le fou dans Le Roi Lear (III, 2), le royaume n'est pas loin du pourrissement. Dans cette relation entre loquence et action la Renaissance, l'action n'est autre que le concept sugg r par la vita activa, tout ce qui touche la vie sociale et politique et que la p riode humaniste privil gie. Si l'action se distingue ainsi de l'actio, la cinqui me t che de la rh torique, qui met en oeuvre le corps m me de la parole, la voix et le geste, qu'il soit de la main ou de l'oeil, elle peut aussi l'inclure. la cour d'Elsinore, les gestes et les regards de l'acteur ont un r le politique. Ainsi se propose-t-on de comprendre comment la Renaissance a repris le grand d bat classique sur la valeur thique de l' loquence et de son art, la rh torique. Comment les oppositions mots/choses, mots/faits et mots/actes se relaient entre elles pour fonder des th ories du langage qui peuvent aboutir un scepticisme sur le pouvoir des mots ou au contraire sa valorisation, allant jusqu' faire de l' loquence une arme contre la violence. L' tude de la vie publique et de la langue, en passant par celle des arts, musique et peinture, fait appara tre l'importance de ce d bat l' ge moderne. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction - Margaret Jones-Davies LOQUENCE ET MODERNIT rasme : les contradictions f condes d'une loquence agissante - Blandine Perona la recherche de l'oralit rasmienne - Jean-Claude Margolin Le bref discours sur la rh torique de William Medley (1575) - Guillaume Coatalen Quand le corps trahit l' me, ou la duplicit des gestes dans Polymnia de Juan Caramuel Lobkowitz - Alicia O ffer-Bomsel LOQUENCE ET VIE PUBLIQUE Henri III ou le paradoxe d'un roi loquent incapable de persuasion - Claude La Charit Publier sa comp tence : le cas de la pol mique de Gentian Hervet avec des ministres protestants - Tatiana Debbagi Baranova L'actio au f minin la Renaissance - Diane Desrosiers LOQUENCE ET ARTS Renaissance de la voix : du mod le rh torique aux arts - Florence Malhomme loquence et rh torique dans la pens e musicale espagnole la Renaissance - Louise Audubert Image, geste, pri re : la recherche de la compassion du XVIe si cle l' ge post-tridentin. La figure de saint Fran ois - Lauro Magnani
, Brepols, 2019 Hardback, 303 pages, Size:178 x 254 mm, Illustrations:48 b/w, 9 col., Language: English. ISBN 9782503583334.
Summary European Renaissance Festivals are noted for their extravagance, for their inherited classical culture, and as evidence of how court and civic spectacles could express political, religious, social, and economic aspirations. In this new monograph, the accent is firmly on the violent context of Magnificence: it examines how war affected the minds and practice of both artists and princes, and shows how victims and their suffering were as prominent in festival as were conquerors and their projections of victory. What emerges here is the dark side represented in princely entries where imperial ambitions are built upon civic devastation and where myths elaborate and expose their ambiguous nature and message. Artists and poets collaborated in bringing victory and violence together: Mantegna and Durer in triumphal processions; Frans Floris and Rubens on the canvases they created for triumphal arches, where mythology was put to work to arouse excitement for deeds of heroism and death, while engravers depicted scenes of war and destruction to accommodate contemporary taste. TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface and Acknowledgements List of Illustrations Plates Introduction Chapter I. The Military Entry Classical Prototypes of Triumph Military Pomp in Renaissance Triumphs Charles V's Entry into Bologna - Defender of the Faith Chapter II. The Phantom of Empire Aspirations for Empire Assertions of Imperialism through Cartography and Tapestries Appropriation of the Imperial Dream Chapter III. Military Spectacle during Princely Entries Chivalric Performances Mock Sieges and Mock Battles Naumachia Military Drills Chapter IV. Representations of Victory and of the Conquered Images of War in Art and in Poetry Ambivalence in the Vision of Triumph and Defeat The Roman Legacy A Taste for Scenes of War Memorials of Achievement Chapter V. Mythological Representations of Victory and Violence Hercules and his Twelve Labours Jupiter's Triumph over the Giants Jason and the Golden Fleece Gideon, Man of God Chapter VI. Symbolic Images of Achievement and Inscriptions of Hope The Persuasive Power of Symbols Allegories as Expressions of Victory and Punishment Imprese, Hieroglyphs and Dynasties The Sun: Symbol of Power Coherence and Confusion: Addiction to Symbols Chapter VII. How to Express the Extraordinary: The Art of Hyperbole Resplendence: A Necessary Condition Believing the Hyperbole Poetry and Music Epilogue: The Realities of Performance Authenticity of Records Preparations for the Entry The Realities of Performance Reconstruction Bibliography I List of Entries into European Cities, 1480-1635 II Printed Primary Sources III Catalogues IV Secondary Studies Index of Ceremonial Entries General Index
, Brepols, 2021 Hardback, 377 pages, Size:178 x 254 mm, Illustrations:36 b/w, 36 col., Language: English. ISBN 9782503586151.
Summary This book is based on an international conference held in the capital of Hainault to celebrate the city of Mons as European Capital of Culture (2015). For the first time, through a range of interdisciplinary studies, the magnificent festivals created to honour Prince Philip of Spain as he journeyed across Europe to receive his sovereignty of the Low Countries are brought to life. The splendour of entries in the cities of Northern Italy (such as Genoa and Milan) was challenged by the civic allegories of triumph displayed throughout the Low Countries in Ghent, Antwerp, and Amsterdam. Outpacing all that magnificence were the entertainments prepared by Mary of Hungary at Binche: triumphal arches, martial feats of arms, balls, masquerades, and castle-stormings entertained Emperor Charles V and his son Prince Philip. The essays in this volume reconstitute the political and social context of these extraordinary celebrations and focus on the purpose and role of festival in the changing political strategies of Charles V. They are illustrated with a total of 36 b&w and 36 colour images. Contributors: Sydney Anglo, Francesca Bortoletti, Stijn Bussels, Tobias Capwell, Jos Eloy Hortal Mu oz, F lix Labrador Arroyo, Margaret M. McGowan, R. L. M. Morris, Jessie Park, Yves Pauwels, M. J. Rodr guez-Salgado, Margaret Shewring, Hugo Soly, Lisa Wiersma. TABLE OF CONTENTS Acknowledgements, List of Illustrations, Editors and Contributors Introduction Imperial Festivities in Mons and Hainault, 1549: Festivit s imp riales dans le Hainaut, 1549 Margaret M. McGowan and Margaret Shewring Part I: Setting the Scene Chapter 1. Prince Philip's Itinerary across Europe, 1548-1550: An Overview Margaret M. McGowan Chapter 2. 1549: A Year of Grace for Emperor Charles V and His Subjects in the Low Countries Hugo Soly Chapter 3. The Transformation of Philip, Prince of Spain, into the Lord of the Low Countries M. J. Rodr guez-Salgado Chapter 4. The Entourage of Prince Philip in Connection with the Felicissimo Viaje: The Beginning of Burgundian Etiquette at the Spanish Court? F lix Labrador Arroyo and Jos Eloy Hortal Mu oz Part II: Entries Chapter 5. Concordiam principum: The Triumphal Entry of Prince Philip into Milan (1548) Francesca Bortoletti Chapter 6. Prince Philip's Entry into Ghent, 1549: History, Language, Architecture Yves Pauwels Chapter 7. The Importance of Being Present: The Performances of Prince Philip in Binche and Antwerp Stijn Bussels Part III: D cor Chapter 8. The Enchantment of Woven Surfaces: The Seven Deadly Sins Tapestries and Habsburg Propaganda in Binche, 1549 Jessie Park Chapter 9. Garden of Cast Flowers: The 'Enchanted Salon' and the Making of Sculptures for Festivals Lisa Wiersma Part IV: Entertainments Chapter 10. The Tournament at Binche Sydney Anglo Chapter 11. Theatre of War: Armoured Combat at the Festivals of Binche Tobias Capwell Chapter 12. Masquerades at Binche: A New or Traditional Spectacle? Margaret M. McGowan Epilogue: Munich 1568 Fashioning Identities in Habsburg-ruled Lands: The 1568 Wedding of Wilhelm V, Duke of Bavaria, and Ren e, Duchess of Lorraine R. L. M. Morris Appendix Prince Philip's Journey Across Europe, 1548-1550: A Timetable of Dates and Places Index
Margiela, Maison Martin/ Gaultier, Jean Paul (Con)/ Zahm, Olivier (Con)/ Putman, Andree (Con)/ Beecroft, Vanessa (Con)
Reference : 47420
, Rizzoli , 2010 Hardback, 330x244mm, 352p, 300 colour illustrations, English edition . ISBN 9780847831883.
Formally and conceptually, the book is both a comprehensive visual document of the designers work and an art object in itself. Lavishly illustrated with over 400 sketches, concept renderings and photographs. The design of the book's exterior case and interior layout feature a number of custom printing effects - textured details, varied papers, embroidered and letterpress elements - that link the finished product to the manufactures of small presses, that distinguish it from the conventional treatment of fashion monographs, showcasing the text in 12, 8-page uniquely designed booklets. The hardcover case employs a unique packaging strategy utilizing embroidered cloth. Interior spreads will convey their particular approach to design and pattern-making, with the inclusion of pages with a variety of printing
New York, Guggenheim Museum, 1983 softcover, 27.5 x 21.5 x 1.3 cm). 216 pages 254 B&W plates. FINE CONDTION . ISBN 9780892070398.
Exhibition catalogue
Berlin-Charlottenburg, Ernst Pollak Verlag 1930 In-4. Reliure éditeur pleine toile noire, report auteur et titre rouge et argent sur le dos et le premier plat, 364 pp., 371 illustrations et plans. Bel exemplaire sans jaquette.
édition originale. Texte en allemand. Très beau livre présenté dans l’esprit du Bauhaus, présentant l’oeuvre de plus de 80 architectes, la plupart allemands du début du XXe siècle : Walter Gropius, Hans Poelzig, Bruno et Max Taut, etc. Très bon état d’occasion
New York Penguin Books 1981 1 vol. broché petit in-4, broché, couverture illustrée, 22 pp. et 126 photos en couleurs. Texte en anglais. Bon état. Exemplaire provenant de la bibliothèque d'Alain Resnais.
Paris , Centre Georges Pompidou, 1993 Softcover, 160pp., 25x30cm;, 332 ills. (180in col.),Texte en fran ais. ISBN 9782858507467.
Roman Cieslewicz (1930-1996) est un graphiste, illustrateur, affichiste et photographe franco-polonais. Il a travaill de nombreuses ann es en tant qu'illustrateur ou directeur artistique, par exemple pour ELLE, il a cr des magazines pour OPUS INTERNATIONAL et CNAC-Archives. Bien que son approche soit comparable celle de l'Ecole polonaise, Cieslewicz a trouv sa propre technique et son propre langage, que l'on retrouve dans des affiches, des livres et des magazines, des photomontages et des illustrations. Ce volume pr sente chronologiquement les nombreuses expressions de son ?uvre, avec entre autres 180 reproductions en couleur.
8 demi-cuir fauve, titre, filets dorés.Faux-titre,titre XV, 544 pages,Paris Tournai H. Casterman éditeur 1859,très bon état la moralité,la police et les voleurs,de la débauche, l’ivresse et le suicide:à Rome et à Londres