, Brepols, 2022 Hardback, 465 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Language(s):English, Arabic, Hebrew. ISBN 9782503577838.
Summary This volume explores attempts at the popularization of philosophy and natural science in medieval Islam, Judaism, and Christianity. Medieval philosophers usually wrote their philosophical books for philosophers, so the desire to convey psychological, cosmological, metaphysical, or even physical teachings to the 'vulgus' may seem surprising. This disdain for the multitude and their weak intellectual capabilities is expressed most clearly in the medieval Islamic and Jewish Aristotelian traditions of philosophy, but is certainly found among the Scholastics as well. Yet philosophy was taught to non-philosophers and via a variety of literary genres. Indeed, scholars have argued that philosophy most influenced medieval society through popular forms of transmission. Among the questions this volume addresses are the following: Which philosophers or theologians sought to direct their philosophical writings to the many? For what purposes did they seek to popularize philosophy? Was the goal to teach philosophical truths? Were certain teachings not transmitted? Which teachings were transmitted most often? For whom exactly were these popularized texts written? Were the authors of popularized philosophy always aware they were writing for non-philosophers? How did they go about teaching philosophy to a wide audience? How successful were these attempts? In what ways did popularized philosophy impact upon society? To what extent were the considerations and problems in the medieval popularization of philosophy the same or different in the various religious traditions of philosophy? How philosophical was the popularized philosophy? In addressing these questions, this pioneering volume is the first of its kind to bring together scholars of medieval Islamic, Jewish, and Christian thought to discuss the popularization of philosophy in these three religious traditions of philosophy. TABLE OF CONTENTS General Introduction ? Marieke Abram and Steven Harvey PART I: INTRODUCTORY REMARKS 1. Philosophy as Literature: Appraisal, Defence, and Satire of Rational Thought in Classical Arabic Poetry and Prose ? Gerhard Endress 2. Broadening the Audience for Philosophy Among Medieval Jews ? Charles H. Manekin 3. Popularization of Philosophy in the Latin West: The Philosophical Opportunities of Popularization ? John Marenbon PART II: POPULARIZATION OF PHILOSOPHY VIA THE MEDIEVAL ENCYCLOPEDIAS 4. Introduction ? Steven Harvey 5. Anonymous Philosophical Compendia: An Attempt at Vulgarization? ? Elvira Wakelnig 6. Levels of Philosophical Sophistication in Medieval Hebrew Encyclopedias of Philosophy and Science ? Resianne Fontaine 7. The Summa dictorum: A Theological-Philosophical Encyclopedia for Monks ? Guy Guldentops PART III: POPULARIZATION OF PHILOSOPHY VIA BOOKS OF INSTRUCTION 8. Introduction ? Sarah Stroumsa 9. Between Popularity and Marginality: al-Ba?alyaws?'s Book of Imaginary Circles ? Ayala Eliyahu 10. Rua? ?en: An Early Popular Hebrew Introduction to Science ? Ofer Elior 11. Medieval Philosophy of Nature Popularised? Albert the Great's De animalibus ? Katja Krause PART IV: POPULARIZATION OF PHILOSOPHY VIA MYSTICAL LITERATURE 12. Introduction ? Yossef Schwartz 13. Popularization of Philosophy in the Sufi Milieu: The Reception of Avicenna's Doctrine of the Origination of the Human Soul in ?Ayn al-Qu??t al-Hamad?n?'s Writings ? Salimeh Maghsoudlou 14. Myth and Metaphysics: The Popularization of Platonic and Neo-Platonic Motifs through Kabbalistic Theosophy ? Tanja Werthmann 15. Popularized Philosophy in Hendrik Herp's Mystical Guide, the Spieghel der volcomenheit ? Marieke Abram PART V: POPULARIZATION OF PHILOSOPHY VIA SCRIPTURAL EXEGESIS AND SERMONS 16. Introduction ? Howard Kreisel 17. The Conception of Philosophical Problems in Fakhr al-D?n al-R?z?'s Qur??n Commentary (Maf?t?? al-ghayb) and the Popularization of Philosophy ? Lukas Muehlethaler 18. Fifteenth-Century Synagogue Sermons ? Chaim Meir Neria 19. Approaching Wisdom: The 'Anonymous of Tegernsee' and his Translation of Bernard's Sermones super Cantica Canticorum ? Lydia Wegener PART VI: POPULARIZATION OF PHILOSOPHY VIA POETRY 20. Introduction ? Anne Eusterschulte 21. Intellectual Poetry in the Medieval Islamicate World: Verse and the Popularization of Philosophical Knowledge ? M. A. Mujeeb Khan 22. The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Philosophers: The Ladder of Knowledge in Immanuel of Rome's Hell and Heaven ? Yehuda Halper 23. 'Donna gentile': Philosophy in and around the Vita nuova ? Myrtha de Meo-Ehlert PART VII: CONCLUDING REFLECTIONS 24. Religious Critique as a Popularization of Philosophy ? Frank Griffel 25. Jewish Averroists contra the Popularization of Philosophy: The Case of the Philosophists ? Shalom Sadik 26. Popular Philosophy is the True Philosophy ? Warren Zev Harvey 27. The Modern Popularization of Medieval Philosophy ? Peter Adamson 28. Some Remarks on Vulgarization of Philosophy in the Middle Ages ? Loris Sturlese INDICES Index of Names, Ancient and Premodern Index of Names, Modern and Contemporary Index of Books, Ancient and Premodern Index of Subjects
, Brepols, 2020 Paperback, 232 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:3 b/w, Languages: French, Spanish. ISBN 9782503569321.
Summary During the Modern Period, the condition of the French migrant is fragile. He comes from a suspicious community that does not exist in substance, that of the "French", and is a part of an evolving category, the one of people without "rights". His foreign origin can also be an advantage and he can make it work in his favour. He cannot be defined as being from a State, yet his condition is inseparable from the international conjuncture and the construction of evolving modern States. Actually, to question the stakes in the reception of the French migrants is an open window to a better understanding of the social and political culture of the Spanish Low Countries. Indeed, this work probes the mechanisms of self-definition in border provinces within a catholic global empire, the Spanish Monarchy, in front of France. The exercise of power and the capacity for action appear there as the result of an equilibrium in which all social actors are negotiating their position. Most of all, it is the result of a dialogue fueled by the protagonists of History themselves. Cette tude consacr e aux migrants invisibles offre une histoire sociale du politique, en m lant les dimensions anthropologique, juridique et conomique. Elle contemple des trangers peu ou pas visibles, les Fran ais , issus d'une communaut qui n'existe pas en substance. Tout comme les personnes et les groupes avec lesquels ils interagissent, ces migrants sont des acteurs plus ou moins ordinaires, affichant surtout les capacit s agir et parler l' poque moderne. Et s'il y a une infinit de mani res d' tre consid r s comme trangers , ces migrants ne sont pas syst matiquement tenus pour tels dans des provinces de fronti re s parant (ou unissant) les Pays-Bas habsbourgeois et le royaume de France. D s lors, quels sont les m canismes de d finition des individus dans un espace frontalier original relevant de l'empire mondial et composite des Habsbourg, la crois e des tensions confessionnelles et internationales des XVIe et XVIIe si cles ? travers cette question, cet ouvrage souligne l'importance de d cloisonner des historiographies nationales et de renouveler la m thodologie entre histoire locale et histoire globale, pour une meilleure compr hension des soci t s anciennes. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction g n rale Les Pays-Bas m ridionaux et la monarchie espagnole La monarchie espagnole : une construction dynastique, politique et id ologique Le sud des Pays-Bas espagnols : zone tampon ou champ de Mars ? La limite sud des Pays-Bas espagnols : fronti re tatique et espace transr gional Francophobies, hispanophilies et r cits sur un migrant fran ais sans Histoire Chapitre 1/ R partition spatio-temporelle des migrations Introduction : Le sud des Pays-Bas m ridionaux, un espace conomique attractif ? 1. A. Les Pays-Bas espagnols terre de refuge : projet politique et dynamisation conomique Aux sources des exils du XVIIe si cle : conflits confessionnels et guerres pour l'h g monie L'Artois rural et meurtri : des migrations au b n fice de la relance Les r fugi s de la guerre franco-espagnole et de la Ligue : des migrations catholiques Entre la France, les Pays-Bas m ridionaux, l'Angleterre et la Hollande : des migrations circulaires et multiconfessionnelles Activation de la m moire et volution du discours du refuge 1. B. L'espace frontalier g n rateur de mobilit s De la condition d'itin rance du soldat la vie de l' homme de guerre Les effets criminog nes de la fronti re : des migrants et des brigands Anciens sujets des Pays-Bas et nouveaux sujets fran ais : des migrants issus des modifications de fronti res Conclusions : Les donn es fragmentaires d'une quantification d mographique impossible Chapitre 2/ Tisser des liens juridiques entre les autorit s et les migrants Introduction : Remarques pour une tude sur la r gulation de l'immigration des naturels de France 2. A. Devenir membre de la r publique locale : tapes et droits vers une naturalisation R sider comme tous autres inhabitans natifs La bourgeoisie, entre pr rogative municipale et raison d' tat 2. B. Tisser les liens juridiques entre le souverain et les migrants : une structuration des principes de fid lit la Monarqu a Cat lica Loin du droit des trangers, des droits sur les trangers Faire le naturel des Pays-Bas espagnols 2. C. L'impact de la R volte des Pays-Bas et des relations franco-espagnoles sur la r gulation de l'immigration : l' crasement par le droit de guerre Quand le souverain affirme son autorit : les objets de l'identification La confiscation des biens fran ais : une fen tre sur les pratiques d'exploitations fonci res des naturels de France et des Pays-Bas La n cessit d'une r gulation urbaine contre les Fran ais en temps de guerre la recherche d'un quilibre entre rigueur, r gimes d'exceptions et pragmatisme Conclusions : la crois e de chemins, devenir bourgeois et devenir sujet Chapitre 3/ Aspects sociaux de la r ception : les enjeux locaux de la r gulation et du contr le social Introduction : Le migrant, de l'invisibilit la marque du r seau 3. A. Gagner son pain : mall abilit des conditions d'acc s aux ressources et des r ponses face aux strat gies d'implantation professionnelle des migrants L'Assistance au service de la r gulation des migrations Enjeux et jeux de pouvoir autour de l'acc s aux structures corporatives L'admission la ma trise comme expression d'int r ts divergents Mobilisation positive de l'extran it et recours ambigus la naturalit fran aise : plus-value professionnelle et circulation des savoirs 3. B. Les canons du contr le social mis l' preuve : le Fran ais criminel et le criminel fran ais Sources et m thode pour une lecture judiciaire de la r ception des migrants fran ais Variations typologiques et g ographiques de la criminalit et de la criminalisation La peine et l'usage de la violence : un usage politique du corps des Fran ais condamn s dans la ch tellenie de Lille ? Intervention royale, cl mence et pardon Conclusions : Quand le migrant devient fran ais Conclusions g n rales
2005 chez Ouest France. In-8, relié, 120p. Nombreuses illustrations en couleurs. Exemplaire en très bon état, proche du neuf !
, Etnografisch Museum Antwerpen, 1995 Softcover,192 pages, ill. 253 afbeeldingen in kleur, tekst in het Nederlands. Prima staat. ISBN 9788843553006.
De kunst van Angola is reeds lang bekend in de volkenkundige musea en bij verzamelaars. Er was nog geen goed overzicht in het Nederlands van de kunst uit dit gebied. Dit boek voorziet op voortreffelijke wijze in deze leemte. De tekst van dit boek is van de hand van Europa's grootste kenner van deze kunst. Zij beschrijft eerst de oudste geschiedenis van het gebied en geeft een goed gedocumenteerd overzicht van de bronnen. In zes hoofdstukken gaat zij vervolgens in op de kunst uit de verschillende regionale culturen. Steeds geeft zij de politieke en maatschappelijke structuur, en de religieuze basis voor de cultus - objecten. In het catalogusgedeelte staat een representatieve selectie van voorwerpen uit de verschillende stijlen, meestal uit Portugese verzamelingen. De foto's zijn van goede kwaliteit, zodat belangrijke details zichtbaar zijn voor vergelijkingen met andere voorbeelden.(NBD|Biblion recensie, Drs. H.M. Leyten.)
Préface du Vicomte Paul Fleuriot de Langle. 1964 / 234 pages. Broché. Editions Plon.
Couverture très légèrement frottée, tête de dos rognée, intérieur frais malgré de rares rousseurs. Bon état.
1978 Editions Subervie, 1978, 420 pages, in 8 broché, état d'usage, quelques usures et frottements, coins cornés.
, Brepols, 2019 Hardback, xvii + 365 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:22 b/w, 2 tables b/w., 2 Maps, 14 Graphs, Language: English. ISBN 9782503578712.
Summary By the late Middle Ages, mendicant spiritual confraternities had developed a poor reputation. Their spiritual status was ill-identified: somewhere between requests for intercession, necrological commemoration, and pious associations. In the hands of the mendicants, they seemed to resemble what indulgences had supposedly become in the hands of the papacy: bait that was handed out to extort funds from the faithful while offering an apparently immediate access to Paradise. Thus, like indulgences, they seem to have been gradually emptied of their substance and denounced (even before Luther) as glaring evidence of the corruption of the Roman Church. Much recent scholarship has followed this negative portrait of spiritual confraternities ? unless it has conflated them with other non-spiritual confraternities, or indeed ignored them altogether. This volume draws on the abundant number of letters of confraternity available from Hungarian sources in order to provide a more nuanced picture of mendicant spiritual confraternities. It sheds new light on the links between the mendicants and their supports among the laity, and emphasises the broader significance of the confraternity movement in late medieval piety in Central Europe and beyond. TABLE OF CONTENTS Acknowledgements Introduction Chapter 1. Spiritual Confraternities of the Mendicant Orders - In a Blind Spot of Research An Elusive Object of Study The Link Between Confraternitas and the Monks Do Mendicant Spiritual Confraternities Exist? Established Historical Givens Unresolved Questions Central European Trajectories Chapter 2. The Hungarian Documentary Corpus Sources on The Spiritual Confraternities of the Mendicant Orders in the Middle Ages The Documentation Pertaining to Hungary: Overview 'Hungarian' Letters of Confraternity Chapter 3. The Success of Mendicant Spiritual Confraternities in Hungary until about 1530 The Hungarian Religious Context The Infatuation with Mendicant Spiritual Confraternities Sociography of the Affiliates Chapter 4. The Process of Spiritual Affiliation to the Mendicants A Nebula of Graces The Letter in Spiritual Affiliation From Individual to Confraternitas Chapter 5. Mendicant Uses of Spiritual Confraternity The Involvement of the Mendicants in the Development of Spiritual Confraternities The Interest of Spiritual Association for the Friars The Franciscans and Spiritual Confraternity The Other Mendicants Chapter 6. Confraternity and Salvation: The Affiliates' View The Value of Spiritual Confraternity on the Salvation Market Why Affiliate Oneself with The Mendicants? Three Itineraries of Spiritual Associates Conclusion Bibliography Tables, Maps, Graphs Appendix: Sixteen Letters of Confraternity Figures (Letters Of Confraternity, Seals) Index of Proper Names
Bruxelles, Biblioth que Royale Albert I. Alan Wofsy Fine Arts, 1991 Softcover, two volumes, 220 + 208 pages, 29 x 21.5 cm. Images in b/w. French.
The complete graphic works of Antoine Van Dyck.
Berger-Levrault 1978
Bon état
, Brepols, 2024 Hardback, 224 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Language: English. ISBN 9782503605883.
Summary What did the body mean for inhabitants of the medieval Norse-speaking world? How was the physical body viewed? Where did the boundary lie between corporality and the psychological or spiritual aspects of humanity? And how did such an understanding tie in with popular literary motifs such as shape-shifting? This monograph seeks to engage with these questions by offering the first focused work to delineate a space for ideas about the body within the Old Norse world. The connections between emotions and bodily changes are examined through discussion of the physical manifestations of emotion (tiredness, changes in facial colour, swelling), while the author offers a detailed analysis of the Old Norse term hamr, a word that could variously mean shape, form, and appearance, but also character. Attention is also paid to changes of physical form linked to flight and battle ecstasy, as well as to magical shapeshifting. Through this approach, diametrically different ways of thinking about the connection between body and soul can be found, and the argument made that within the Old Norse world, concepts of change within the body rested along a spectrum that ranged from the purely physical through to the psychological. In doing so, this volume offers a broader understanding of what physicality and spirituality might have meant in the Middle Ages. TABLE OF CONTENTS Acknowledgements Introduction. Searching for the Body Methodological Limitations Influence of Continental Writings Chapter 1. Somatic Aspects of Emotion The Study of Emotions Genre Specifics and Saga Style The Emotional Content of Physical Displays Exhaustion and Fatigue Change of Facial Colour Swelling Eye Pain Death The Concept of the Body in Light of the Semantic Field of Emotions as Physical Experiences Chapter 2. Change of Form The Concept of hamr The Etymology of the Root ham- and its Compound Words The Compound Words hamingja and l kamr Interpretive Dilemmas Changes Associated with Flight Changes Linked with Strong Animals Transformations in the Context of Battle Ecstasy Hybrid Forms The Transformations of Magic Practitioners Witches Journeying of hamr The Disappearance of hamr The Surface of the Body The Post-medieval Development Scandinavian Ballads Modern Icelandic The Concept of the Body in Light of the Semantic Field of hamr Conclusion. The Period of Transition Appendix. Occurrences of the ham- Root in Old Norse Literature The Poetic Edda Skaldic Poetry Snorra Edda (Prose Edda) Landn mab k (Book of Settlements) The Sagas Kings' Sagas (konungas?gur) Tales ( ttir) Sagas of Icelanders ( slendingas?gur) Legendary Sagas (fornaldars?gur) Indigenous Romances (lygis?gur) The Chivalric Sagas (riddaras?gur) Christian Sagas Contemporary Sagas (samt ars?gur) Scholarly Literature Works Cited Index
Antwerpen , Oktober publications,, 2019 paperback,520 pages, 26,7 x 20,1 cm, illustrated, Text; Nederlands/English / ITAL. ISBN 9789082681918.
Paul Gees ( 1943) neemt een bijzondere plaats in de Belgische kunstsc ne in. Sinds 1980 onderzoekt Gees in zijn werk de relatie natuur-cultuur. Zijn sculpturen belichamen bedacht samengestelde composities waarbij evenwicht, spanning en geraffineerd gevoel voor verhoudingen de boventoon voeren. Daarbij valt het weloverwogen gebruik van hout, metaal en gesteente sterk op. Metaal krijgt een constructieve en ruimte-omschrijvende betekenis, goed gedimensioneerd hout vormt een dynamische component en onbewerkte steen zorgt voor natuurlijke massa. Uit de confrontatie tussen deze traditionele materialen ontstaan spanningsvolle tegenstellingen in een breekbaar evenwicht: ?een hedendaagse alchimist, die energie ontlokt aan de materie? volgens kunstcriticus Eric Rinkhout.
Éditions de Lodj, 2006. In-4, relié, cartonnage éditeur sous jaquette illustrée, 287 pages. Bon exemplaire
Non daté / Composé de 43 planches. Relié avec jaquette. Editions Charles Massin.
Jaquette présentant des frottements épars et rescotchée sur le dernier plat, intérieur très frais malgré des rousseurs sur la page de faux titre, la planche N°16 est détachée de la reliure. Bon état.
, Brepols, 2021 Paperback, 722 pages, Size:165 x 250 mm, Language: French. ISBN 9782851213037.
Summary In his preaching, does Augustine of Hippo adapt his biblical commentaries and, if so, according to what criteria? To answer this question, this book studies the exegesis of some twenty sermons preached on the Gospel of Matthew. The first chapter places them in their historical, geographical, polemical and liturgical contexts. The following chapters investigate the patristic tradition and the Augustinian works in order to shed light on the specificity of the interpretations; the rhetorical dimension is also taken into account. Through their scriptural interpretations, these sermons assume the concrete situation of the audience and are inserted into the dynamics of the liturgy from which they receive the material for the commentary and the finality that guides it. Their exegesis is situated at the intersection between the Word of God which it extends and implements (chapters 2 to 4) and the responses it seeks to elicit from the listeners (chapters 5 to 7). This desire to edify the listeners, both personally and communally, while aiming at spiritual progress and orthopraxis rooted in the confessed truth, helps to enlighten the preacher's adaptation of the Sermons on Matthew. Dans sa pr dication, Augustin d'Hippone adapte-t-il ses commentaires bibliques et, si oui, selon quels crit res ? Pour r pondre cette question, cet ouvrage tudie l'ex g se d'une vingtaine de sermons pr ch s sur l' vangile de Matthieu. Un premier chapitre les replace dans leurs contextes d' nonciation, historiques, g ographiques, pol miques et liturgiques. Les chapitres suivants proc dent une enqu te dans la tradition patristique et dans l'oeuvre augustinienne pour, le cas ch ant, mettre en lumi re la sp cificit des interpr tations ; la dimension rh torique est aussi prise en compte. Ces sermons assument par leurs interpr tations scripturaires la situation concr te de l'assembl e et s'ins rent dans la dynamique de la liturgie dont ils re oivent la mati re du commentaire et la finalit qui l'oriente. Leur ex g se se situe l'intersection entre la Parole de Dieu qu'elle prolonge et met en oeuvre (chapitres 2 4) et les r ponses qu'elle cherche susciter de la part des auditeurs (chapitres 5 7). Cette volont d' difier les auditeurs, la fois personnellement et communautairement, en visant tout autant un progr s spirituel et une orthopraxie d coulant de la v rit confess e, contribue clairer l'adaptation du pr dicateur dans les Sermons sur Matthieu. TABLE OF CONTENTS Ante omnia Sigles Introduction Chapitre 1. Prol gom nes. Contextes des Sermones in Matthaeum Premi re partie: Per ministrum sermonis. La m diation du pr dicateur Introduction Chapitre 2. M diations et annonce (S. 66). Mt 11, 2-11. Lc 7, 18-28 Chapitre 3. Ministerium sermonis. Le minist re du pr dicateur Chapitre 4. "Petite! Quaerite! Pulsate!" Enseigner l'ex g se Per ministrum sermonis. Conclusion Seconde partie: Fructus quaeritur. Les fruits de la pr dication Introduction Chapitre 5. Images bibliques de la fructification Chapitre 6. Fides. La foi, fruit de la pr dication Chapitre 7. Caritas. L'amour de Dieu et du prochain, fruits de la pr dication Fructus quaeritur. Conclusions Conclusion Annexes Indices
MASSIN CHARLES 2010 19 2x1 4x24 8cm. 2010. Broché. 96 pages. Très bon état
Edité par Editions Alternatives, Paris, 2007. Broché avec rabats, 22 x 24 cm. 160pp. Nombreuses illustrations en couleurs. Très bon état.
STRASBOURG ecole d'architecture. 2023. In-8. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 69 pages - quelques illustrations en couleur. . . . Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
, Archidoc, 2023 Paperback, 320 pages, Texte en Francais , 190 x 150 x 24 mm, Tres bien condition, illustr. / foto's en couleur / n/b. ISBN 9782960192278.
Architecte et paysagiste form e l?Institut d?architecture Saint-Luc de Li ge, Anne Rondia d veloppe une pratique professionnelle qui l?am ne aborder tant l?insertion paysag re d?infrastructures de transport en divers milieux que la conception et la gestion d?espaces publics d? chelles et de natures tr s vari es en milieu urbain, principalement en tant qu?auteur de projet au sein de la Ville de Li ge (1994-2017). Son apport dans la red finition des espaces publics est fondamental. Il se caract rise entre autres par une vision soci tale engag e, orient e vers les pratiques habitantes, respectueuse du contexte historique et paysager tout en soutenant l?int gration d??uvres d?art dans l?espace public. Les am nagements port s par Anne Rondia sont nombreux : quai des Tanneurs, place mile Wiket, cour du Cin ma Sauveni re? Mais c?est surtout en remportant le concours pour le parc Saint-L onard (en association avec Arlette Baumans et Aloys Beguin, 1994) et avec les projets du parc Sainte-Agathe (Prix de l?urbanisme, 2015) et de valorisation touristique des Coteaux de la Citadelle Li ge qu?Anne Rondia touche la reconnaissance tant de la critique que du grand public. Ce dernier projet obtient en 2016 le prix du paysage de Wallonie et une mention sp ciale pour la participation du public, au prix europ en du paysage 2017. De 1980 2013, Anne Rondia partage ses exp riences et son expertise en tant qu?assistante puis chef de travaux Saint-Luc puis la facult d?architecture de l?Universit de Li ge et exerce actuellement en tant que conseill re ou partenaire pour le paysage dans le cadre d? quipes pluridisciplinaires.
, Brepols - Harvey Miller, 2019 Hardback, iv + 232 pages, Size:220 x 280 mm, Illustrations:71 b/w, 77 col., Languages: English, Italian, Latin. ISBN 9781909400276.
Summary The paintings for Philip II, known as the Poesie, are among the most frequently discussed works of art that address a favored Renaissance theme, the influence of the pagan gods on human actions. The commission is traceable to 1549, when Emperor Charles V summoned the artist to Augsburg following Prince Philip's triumphal parade through the empire as his father's heir apparent. The cycle that took shape comprises Danae and Venus and Adonis (Madrid, Prado); Diana and Actaeon and Diana and Callisto (Edinburgh, National Gallery of Scotland); Perseus and Andromeda (London, Wallace Collection) and Europa (Boston, Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum). These masterpieces of the artist's mature period can be considered the most important Renaissance grouping of mythological paintings executed by a single artist. The author proposes that Philip's expected elevation prompted the commission and that the subjects form a cohesive program of Hapsburg ethical views and political concerns, and that Titian created new visual idioms to represent the complex issues which the subjects address in part by engaging themes with a significant prior history in family patronage. While Titian's Poesie for Philip II are well known monuments of western culture, they have never before been investigated with this focus. The dispersal of the pictures' in the seventeenth century resulted in a scholarly focus on the single pictures and a concentration on their sensual aspects. In Aretino, a Venetian dialogue on painting, Titian's friend and apologist Lodovico Dolce is a spokesman for art that following poetry, entices through beauty, while hiding important truths beneath the veil of allegory. This study analyzes the ways in which Titian incorporates new concepts of sensuality and spirituality in a Venetian vernacular to create masterpieces whose originality and ravishing beauty belie their didactic content.
AU BUREAU DE LA REVUE. 1981. In-8. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 48 pages. Premier plat illustré en couleurs. Quelques photos et illustrations en noir et blanc, dans et hors texte.. . . . Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
, Brepols, 2019 Hardback, 280 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:2 b/w, Language: English. ISBN 9782503581514.
Summary The Fourth Lateran Council (1215) was groundbreaking for having introduced to medieval Europe a series of canons that sought to regulate encounters between Christians and Jews and Muslims. Its canon 68 demanded that Jews and Muslims wear distinguishing dress, in order to prevent Christians from entering into illicit sexual relations with them, restricted the movement of Jews in public spaces during Holy Week, and exhorted secular authorities to punish Jews who in any way "insult" or blaspheme against Christ himself. Other canons sought to exercise greater control over moneylending, to provide relief to Christian borrowers, to extract tithes from Jews who held Christian properties as pledges, and prohibited Jews from exercising power as public officials over Christians. The canons condemned converts who preserved elements from their former religion, promoted a fifth Crusade to the East, exempted Crusaders from taxes and from interest payments to Jewish moneylenders, restricted trade with Muslims or Saracens, and condemned Christians who provided arms or assistance to Saracens. The Council's canons affected the missionary efforts of the late medieval Church and its attempts to convert Jewish and Muslim minorities, and established essential guidance on minority relations not to be surpassed until Vatican II in the 1960s. TABLE OF CONTENTS John Tolan, Introduction Part I-Jews under the Fourth Lateran Council Valerie Ramseyer, Wellesley College, Rethinking Boundaries between Christian, Jewish, and Muslim Communities in Pre-Lateran IV, Southern Italy Alex Novikoff, Kenyon College, Performance and the Audio-Visual Jew in the Age of Pope Innocent III Irven Resnick, University of Tennessee-Chattanooga, The Jews' Badge Anna Sapir Abulafia, Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford University, The Fourth Lateran Council through the Lens of Jewish Service Rebecca Rist, University of Reading, From a Jewish Text: Anti-Jewish Papal Policy of the Lateran IV Decrees Part II-Muslims under the Fourth Lateran Council Ryan Szpiech, University of Michigan, Saracens and Church Councils, from Nablus (1120) to Vienne (1313-1314) Giulio Cipollone, Pontificia Universit Gregoriana, Christian and Muslim Captives Taken in Crusades and Jih?d: Not a Single Word Spoken at the Fourth Lateran Council Yvonne Friedman, Bar-Ilan University, The Crusade/Peacemaking Dichotomy: A Nuanced Approach Clara Almagro Vidal, Universidade de vora/CIDEHUS, Military Orders, Muslims, and the Fourth Lateran Council in Castile Ana Echevarria, Universidad Nacional de Educaci n a Distancia, The Marks of the Other: The Impact of Lateran IV in the Regulations Governing Muslims in the Iberian Peninsula Josep Hernando Delgado, Universitat de Barcelona, From Islam to Christianity: Preaching, Conversion, and the Religious Practices of Muslim Slaves from the Fourth Lateran Council through the Fifteenth Century Appendix Bibliography Index
Couverture souple. Broché. 234 pages.
Livre. Editions Ernest Leroux, 1911.
, Brepols, 2023 Paperback, 452 pages, Size:200 x 280 mm, Illustrations:74 b/w, 238 col., Language(s):English, Italian. ISBN 9789538250163.
Summary This volume, dedicated to Ivan Matej?i?, a distinguisehd Croatian art historian and conservator, in honour of his 70th birthday, contains thirty articles covering the fields of art history, archaeology and history. These are all original contributions to debates regarding mostly the period from Late Antiquity to the Renaissance, but not disregarding the Baroque and thus reflecting the broad interests of the celebrant. While several contributions discuss themes related to Dalmatia or Italy, the foucs of the volume is on istria, the meeting point of Central, Mediterranean and Southeast Europe, which was also the region to which Ivan Matej?i? dedicated most of his outstanding work. Therefore it will, withouth doubt, find an interested readership among scholars from many different counries and fields of interest, Byzantine and Carolingian Europe being only the two most prominent. - Prof Neven Budak, University of Zagreb The reviewed book presents more than 30 original scientific papers dealing mostly with Middle Ages and the Renaissance, practically all in the field of art history or archaeology, authored by some of the most qualified international researchers in these fields. It includes diachronical research related to medieval architecture and liturgy, ecclesiastic history, medieval paintings mostly focusing on Christian history and material culture. Most topics published in this book are presented for the first time. The interest of the scientific immunity will be visible in the use of new methodologies in a quite prolific number of papers, with new interpretations of old known material. All former studies of the topics elaborated in this volume are questioned - providing andwers and new perspectives of old problems, while giving new methodologies of interpreting the past. - Prof. Alexandra Chavarria Arnau, University of Padova TABLE OF CONTENTS Miljenko Jurkovi? - Marijan Bradanovi?, Predgovor / Foreword Marijan Bradanovi?, ?ivjeti povijest umjetnosti, raditi ?uvaju?i ba?tinu / Living Art History - Working Preserving Heritage Bibliography of Ivan Matej?i? Branko Orbani?, Gard Ivana Matej?i?a u borbi za ba?tinu / Fighting for Heritage - the Stance of Ivan Matej?i? Gaetano Ben?i?, Parenzo dal IV al VII secolo alla luce delle evidenze archeologiche Pascale Chevalier, Antonivs, Eufrasivs, Frvgifervs, Probinvs, Helias : des v ques b tisseurs et leurs sceaux de pierre Ivan Josipovi?, Et Verbum caro factum est - Iconographic and Iconological Interpretation of the Mosaics of Euphrasian Basilica in Pore? in the Context of a Final Confrontation with Arian Heresy Ranko Starac, La basilica in localit ?Mire? a Ba?ka sull'isola di Krk (Veglia) Morana ?au?evi? Bully, S bastien Bully, Jessy Crochat, avec la collaboration de Pascale Chevalier, Quelques consid rations sur l'architecture et les installations liturgiques de l' glise pal ochr tienne de Martin??ica (Punta Kri?a, le de Cres) Gian Pietro Brogiolo, Santa Giustina di Padova, sepolture presso il sacello Michelle Beghelli, On the Road and in the Tavern. Practical Aspects of the Master Builders' Mobility: Distances, Journey Durations, Stopovers and Hospitality, Costs (7th-9th c.) Miljenko Jurkovi?, Carolingian Istria - an Introduction to a Renaissance of the Late 8th Century Ivan Basi?, Patriarch or Bishop? Aemilianus of Pula at the Turn of the 9th Century Ante Milo?evi?, Early Medieval Belt Strap-end from Dubrovnik between the West and the East Josip Bani?, Marchionatus Istrie origo mythosque Wodalrici marchionis: (Re)interpreting the Genesis of the March of Istria and the Socio-Genealogical Background of its First Margraves (c. 1060 - c. 1100) Nikolina Marakovi? - Sun?ica Musta?, I capitelli della chiesa di S. Martino a San Lorenzo del Pasenatico nel contesto della scultura del primo romanico nel Nord Adriatico Nata?a Nefat, Due absidi per il professor Matej?i? - contributo allo studio del gruppo di chiese biabsidiali in Istria ?eljko Pekovi?, Fortification Architecture on the Islet of St. Mary on the Island of Mljet Jean-Pierre Caillet, La tavola Bembo attribu e Paolo Veneziano : contextualisation hagiographique et typologique Nikola Jak?i?, Sant'Oronzo nei reliquiari medievali a Zara e Nona Zoraida Demori Stani?i?, The Icon of Virgin Glykofilousa in Vodnjan Marijan Bradanovi?, Andanti e in moleca per Ivan Matej?i? Danijel Cikovi?, Tre aggiunte al catalogo della bottega di Paolo Campsa Giovanna Valenzano, Primizie da un restauro in corso: le sante dipinte da Giotto sull'intradosso della cappella di Santa Caterina al Santo di Padova ?eljko Bistrovi?, Gotische Wandmalereien in der Kapelle der Hl. Dreifaltigkeit des ehemaligen Augustinerklosters des Hl. Hieronymus im mittelalterlichen Sankt Veit am Pflaum (heutiges Rijeka in Kroatien) Goran Nik?i?, Creation of the World on the Fa ade of the Kor?ula Cathedral Josip Belamari?, The Church of St Jerome on Marjan Hill - a Renaissance camera picta Predrag Markovi?, The Relief of St John the Evangelist from Marjan (Split) - At Least ?the First Consideration? Samo ?tefanac, Nuove osservazioni sull'architettura del duomo di Ossero Xavier Barral i Altet, Ravenne tardo-antique et m di vale comme nouvelle J rusalem : propos d'une vue de la ville de 1664 Radoslav Tomi?, Il pittore Giovanni Francesco Fedrigazzi: nuove opere a Tra Vinni Lucherini, Due lettere inedite per l'edizione muratoriana (1725) della Cronaca altomedievale dei vescovi di Napoli Jasenka Gudelj, Il cerimoniale e la storia: le committenze del vescovo Marino Bozzatini (1742-1754) a Cittanova e Buie Mirjana Repani?-Braun, Caspar Franz Sambach's Painting on the High Altar of the Cathedral of St Theresa in Po?ega
, Brepols, 2021 Paperback, 402 pages, Size:216 x 280 mm, Illustrations:130 col., 19 tables b/w., Language: English. ISBN 9782503596242.
Summary Church interiors, cortegaerdjes, scenes of everyday life, tronies, landscapes, spoockerijen, group portraits, bambocciate, hunting scenes, history paintings, sottoboschi, still lives and many other subjects: the wide variety of pictorial genres and sub-genres in which Dutch artists specialized is a key component in our perception of Dutch seventeenth-century art. Yet the epistemological framework constituted by genre definitions, conventions and hierarchies is far from self-evident, nor does it necessarily reflect how people in the seventeenth-century thought about artworks. In fact, art literature of the period is largely silent on these matters and artists do not appear to have followed an established set of principles. This volume examines the way pictorial genres can be, and have been, defined by artists, theorists, audiences and art historians; how individual artists conceived the subject matter of their artworks; and how society and the art market contributed to the development of certain subjects. As such, it embraces the complex and often messy reality of pictorial genres in seventeenth-century Dutch art. TABLE OF CONTENTS Questioning Pictorial Genres in Dutch Seventeenth-Century Art: Introduction Marije Osnabrugge (University of Geneva) I. Defining genre The So-Called Hierarchy of Genres in Seventeenth-Century Dutch Art Theory Jan Blanc (University of Geneva) Spotting Specialists: A Digital Approach to Contemporary Concepts of Genre and Specialisation Weixuan Li (University of Amsterdam / Huygens - KNAW) The Seventeenth-Century Dutch Portrait: An Unstable Genre Ann Jensen Adams (UC Santa Barbara) The Bambocciata: Investigating a "Would-be genre" Suzanne Baverez (ENS ULM/EPHE, Paris) From Genre Scenes l'antique to genre s rieux : the Contribution of Gerard de Lairesse Tijana ?akula (Utrecht University) Definition through Appreciation: The Corporate Group Portrait from the Seventeenth until the Twenty-First Century Norbert Middelkoop (Amsterdam Museum) II. Artists and Genres Guns and Roses: Versatility and Variety in the Oeuvre of Jacques de Gheyn Susanne Bartels (University of Geneva / RKD The Hague) Otto Marseus van Schrieck and the Sottobosco Paintings: Hybrid Subject as a form of Automimesis. VE. Mandrij (Unversity of Konstanz) Rembrandt as Genre and History Painter: Picturing Pain Stephanie Dickey (Queen's University, Kingston) Defining the Hybrid Genre in the Context of Saenredam's Perspectives Helen Hillyard (Dulwich Picture Gallery, London) The 'Little Street' - Vermeer's Writing on the Wall Reindert Falkenburg (NYU Abu Dabi) III. The Market and Society The Dominance of History Painting: Social Class and Subject Matter of Paintings in Amsterdam, 1650-1700 Angela Jager (University of Geneva) Rethinking Swanenburg: The Rise and Fortune of New Iconographies of the 'Hell' in Italy and the Northern Netherlands Tania De Nile (MiBAC, Rome) La Sc ne de Corps de Garde comme Autorepr sentation L onard Pouy (Haute cole de la Joaillerie, Paris) Honour and Shame in Dutch Seventeenth-Century Art and Culture Wayne Franits (Syracuse University)
, S.M.A.K. - Stedelijk Museum voor Actuele Kunst Gent, 2019 softcover, 142 pag. met illustraties, 29.5x23.5cm. ISBN 9789075679571.
Philippe Van Snick (1946-2019) is een Belgisch kunstenaar die woonde en werkte in Brussel, waar hij jarenlang lesgaf aan de kunsthogeschool Sint Lukas.Hij was in de jaren 60 en 70 actief als een conceptueel en minimalistisch kunstenaar en werkte met diverse materialen zoals film, fotografie, en installaties. Weerkerende thema's zijn de ellips, het dualisme, en het decimaal systeem. Vanaf 1979 en vooral in de jaren 80 en 90 zal hij zich vooral wijden aan de abstracte minimalistische schilderkunst. Bekende motieven van Philippe Van Snick zijn dan het dag-nacht motief, gesymboliseerd in de kleuren blauw en zwart, en het tiendelige kleurenpalet met de kleuren rood, geel en blauw (als hoofdkleuren),oranje, groen en violet (als secundaire kleuren), goud en zilver (als kleuren met fysische waarde) en wit en zwart(als niet-kleuren). Aan dit boek werd heel geconcentreerd samengewerkt door de reeds terminaal zieke kunstenaar en grafisch ontwerpster Inge Ketelers. Helaas heeft hij de gedrukte publicatie niet meer in handen kunnen nemen.