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‎Marko Sauer‎

Reference : RO40053268


ISBN : 3955532453

‎Hermann Kaufmann Izm Illwerke Zentrum Montafon‎

‎DETAIL. 2015. In-4. Relié. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 115 pages. Nombreuses illustrations / plans, en couleur et noir et blanc, dans et hors texte. Jaquette légèrement abîmée en coiffe de pied. En allemand et anglais.. Avec Jaquette. . . Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture‎

‎ Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR49.50 (€49.50 )

‎[ Salvador Dali] - ‎ ‎Mark Polizzotti ; Andre Breton‎

Reference : 57632

‎Andre Breton : Surrealism and Paintings.‎

‎, Museum of Fine Arts,Boston 2002, 2002 Paperback, 448 pages, English, 265 x 210 x 28 mm, New, with illustrations in b/w. ISBN 9780878466283.‎

‎Originally published in 1928, Surrealism and Painting is the most important statement ever written on surrealist art, and the only book on the subject composed by the movement's founder and prime theorist. It contains Breton's seminal treatise on the origins and foundations of artistic surrealism, with his trenchant assessments of its precursors and practitioners, and his call for the plastic arts to "refer to a purely internal model." Also included are essays - on Picasso, Duchamp, Dali, Ernst, Masson, Miro, and many others, as well as pieces on Gaulish art, outsider art, and the folk arts of Haiti and Oceania. But what makes this book most compelling is Breton's mix of rigorous erudition and visceral passion, his sense of adventure, and his discoveries of many of Modernism's most prominent figures early in their careers. Long unavailable in English, Surrealism and Painting remains one of the masterworks of twentieth-century art criticism.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR28.50 (€28.50 )

‎Mark Seliger‎

Reference : 53763

‎Mark Seliger Photographs‎

‎, teNeues Publishing, 2018 hard Hardcover with dusjacket, 256 pages , 36 x 28 cm. ISBN 9781419726613.‎

‎Mark Seliger's extraordinary portfolio is 30 years in the making. In 1987 Seliger began shooting small assignments for Rolling Stone; in 1992 he became their chief photographer, a position he kept for 15 years. During the course of his time at the magazine, he photographed more than 125 covers. He has captured some of the most iconic images of the most famous and influential faces of our time, including Kurt Cobain, Nelson Mandela, Leonardo DiCaprio, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Emma Stone, Angelina Jolie, Bruce Springsteen, David Byrne, Matthew Barney, Jennifer Lawrence, Mick Jagger, Bob Dylan, Jerry Seinfeld, Jay-Z, Misty Copeland, Amy Schumer, and Paul McCartney. Mark Seliger Photographs showcases his best-known portraiture, as well as never before seen outtakes and select standouts from his landscape and personal work including portraits of Holocaust survivors and transgender men and women on Christopher Street, and documentary photography of Cuba. Accompanying the photographs is an interview between Mark Seliger and Judd Apatow, in which Seliger shares stories behind some of his most iconic work: Kurt Cobain showing up for a Rolling Stone shoot in a Corporate Magazines Still Suck T-shirt; taking a road trip with Brad Pitt; and navigating a room full of Tibetan monks while shooting His Holiness the Dalai Lama. In addition, the book also features an essay by Lyle Lovett. Mark Seliger Photographs is the ultimate celebration of one of the most in-demand portrait photographers.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR29.00 (€29.00 )

‎Markus Br derlin, Roman Kurzmeyer, Hamburger Bahnhof (Berlin)‎

Reference : 61142

‎Zeitlos: Kunst von heute im Hamburger Bahnhof, Berlin, Volume 10‎

‎, Prestel Verlag, 1988 Paperback, 232 seiten, Deutsch, 320 x 240 mm, in gute kondition, illustr. in farbe. ISBN 9783791308890.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR35.00 (€35.00 )

‎Markus Stegmann‎

Reference : 62961


‎, Tim Van Laere Books , 2023 Hardcover, 96 pages, ENG / NL / FR / ITA., quadrilingual, 260 x 210 mm, NEW, illustrated in colour / b/w. ISBN 9789464004250.‎

‎ADRIAN GHENIE 1977 Baia-Mare, Romania. Lives and works in Rome and Berlin.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR34.00 (€34.00 )

‎Markus Stegmann, Text(e) von Markus Stegmann, Rudij Bergmann, Beitr ge von Jean-Christophe Ammann‎

Reference : 59616

‎Matthias Weischer Malerei = Painting: ‎

‎, , Hardcover, 148 pages, 219 Illustratons, English and German Edition 24,10 x 31,70 cm . ISBN 9783775719049.‎

‎Mit seinen Interieurs, deren gro e Bandbreite diese Monografie mit Werkverzeichnis beeindruckend vor Augen f hrt, nimmt Matthias Weischer (*1973 in Elte) ein klassisches Genre auf und kn pft an holl ndische Meisterwerke des 17. Jahrhunderts an. Doch in Weischers kargen, wie erstarrt wirkenden Inszenierungen fehlt der Mensch, jedes belebende oder pers nliche Element. Der K nstler intensiviert die installationshafte Wirkung des Dargestellten durch Wandscheiben und Einrichtungsteile wie Matratzen, Tische oder Vorh nge, die sich als reine Formen oder Ornamente in den gew hlten Bildausschnitt schieben. Extrem pastoser Farbauftrag betont zudem die Leinwandoberfl che und zerst rt die malerische Illusion. Weischers virtuose Gem lde offenbaren dem Betrachtenden private Innenwelten, die jedoch artifiziell bleiben und Fragen nach Vergangenheit und Erinnerung stellen. Ausstellungen: Museum zu Allerheiligen Schaffhausen 13.5.?12.8.2007 Kunsthalle Mannheim 22.9.2007?1.1.2008 Gemeentemuseum Den Haag 12.1.?13.4.2008‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR95.00 (€95.00 )

‎Mark Verstockt‎

Reference : 57044

‎Mark Verstockt, Cahier #4. Art-Script. ‎

‎, Pandora Publishers 1997, 1997 Paperback, 151 pagina's, Nederlands, 240 x 175 mm, in prima staat, . ISBN 9789053250853.‎

‎Een bundeling van teksten die Mark Verstockt schreef in de marge van zijn kunstenaarsactiviteiten, gaande van reeds gepubliceerde essays tot vluchtig neergeschreven krabbels. Anderzijds zijn een aantal bijdragen opgenomen van vrienden-auteurs die zijn werk telkens vanuit een zeer persoonlijke invalshoek benaderen. A collection of texts Marc Verstockt wrote in the margin of his artistic activities, ranging from already published essays to brief scribbles and scrabbles. On the other hand this Art-Script is a 'liber amicorum' in which his author friends speak about his work in a very personal way.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR29.00 (€29.00 )

‎Marleen Cr , Diana Denissen, Denis Renevey (eds)‎

Reference : 65822

‎Late Medieval Devotional Compilations in England‎

‎, Brepols, 2020 Hardback, xii + 464 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:3 col., Language: English. ISBN 9782503574776.‎

‎Summary Devotional compilations were the staple spiritual food for lay and religious readers in the late medieval period. As well thought-out assemblages of texts or extracts of texts, they provided readers with material from basic catechetic instruction to advice and tools for the practice of contemplation. Their exploration enables a more sophisticated understanding of the authorial roles played by compilers, the reading practices of their recipients, and the patronage of compilations carried out by religious and secular individuals and communities. It also offers a new window into late medieval English religiosity as well as demonstrating the complexity and creativity associated with compiling activity. In this volume, leading scholars in the field of medieval English literature consider the role and impact of a substantial number of devotional compilations, offering new evidence about the manuscripts, sources, and contexts that frame this important corpus. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction - MARLEEN CR , DIANA DENISSEN, AND DENIS RENEVEY Part I: The Dynamics of Devotional Compilations Building a Bestseller: The Priest, the Peartree, and the Compiler - VINCENT GILLESPIE Compilation: The Gift that Keeps on Giving - RALPH HANNA Theorizing the Miscellaneous and the Middle English Biblical Paratext - IAN JOHNSON A Talkyng of the Loue of God: The Art of Compilation and the Compiled Self - ANNIE SUTHERLAND Reading Late Medieval Devotional Compilations in the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries - MARGARET CONNOLLY Part II: Compiling the Compilation: Manuscript Transmission Form and Fluidity: Reshaping The Pore Caitif and Contemplations of the Dread and Love of God in Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Bodley 423 and Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Bodley 938 - DIANA DENISSEN Suffering for Love: Compilation and Asceticism in Life of Soul - SARAH MACMILLAN Compilers' Voices in Cambridge, University Library MS Ii. 6. 40 - MARLEEN CR Part III: Compilation and Devotional Practice A Hagiographic Compilation of Medieval Native Women in the South English Legendaries: Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Bodley 779 - MAMI KANNO Devotional Compilations and Lollard Sanctity in a Fifteenth-Century Anthology - NICOLE RICE 'When is a man proude. Whe[n] he wol not beknowen suche as he is': Knowing oneself in London, British Library, MS Additional 27787 - SHERI SMITH Resignation or Rebuttal?: Three Biblical Exempla in Richard Whitford's Dyuers Holy Instrucyons and Teachynges - BRANDON ALAKAS Part IV: Mystics Compiled 'Desyrable is thi Name': Fashioning the Name of Jesus in Some Devotional Compilations - DENIS RENEVEY The Scale of Perfection in Devotional Compilations - MICHAEL G. SARGENT The Liber Specialis Gratiae in a Devotional Anthology: London, British Library, MS Harley 494 - NAOE KUKITA YOSHIKAWA Part V: Texts, Images and Affect The Living Book of Cambridge, Trinity College MS B.15.42: Compilation, Meditation, and Vision - LAURA SAETVEIT MILES The Desert of Religion: A Textual and Visual Compilation - ANNE MOURON What Grace in Presence: Affective Literacies in The Chastising of God's Children - A.S. LAZIKANI Afterword The Terminology and Ethos of Vernacular Compilatio - NICHOLAS WATSON *** Index of Manuscripts General Index‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR125.00 (€125.00 )

‎Marleen Weel | Fotografie Walter Lensink‎

Reference : 44689

‎Goed gevonden, Een historie van archeologen en amateurs - Het portret van Martien Weel (1935-2011)‎

‎, Uitgeverij Polder, 2014 272 pagina's. Hardcover. Fine copy. Including an index. 4to Illustrated. ISBN 9789081706346.‎

‎Makelaar en fervent amateurarcheoloog Martien Weel (1935-2011) legde al rond 1950 de basis voor zijn eigen collectie bodemvondsten. In de periode waarin hij gewapend met schop, laarzen en (later) detector op pad ging, veranderde niet alleen het hobbygraven zelf, maar ook de manier waarop men naar deze liefhebberij keek. De vele vindplaatsen door grootschalig grondverzet, koerswijzigingen binnen de archeologie, de ontdekking van de metaaldetector, nieuwe wetgeving? Al die ontwikkelingen worden belicht in het boek.>Goed gevonden vormt een kleine geschiedenis van (amateur)archeologie in Nederland, maar vertelt bovenal het levensverhaal van een gelukkige graver. Ook bovengronds: alle vondsten werden met zorg gearchiveerd. De mooiste en meest bijzondere worden nu onthuld. Van munten, insignes en riembeslag tot steengoed, aardewerk, tegels en glas.Treed in Weels voetsporen en volg hem tijdens zijn zoektochten in onder meer Medemblik, Hoorn en Amsterdam. Hoe ging hij te werk? Waar werd gegraven? Wat is de geschiedenis van de vindplaatsen? Marleen Weel vertelt het levensverhaal van haar vader. Verschillende (amateur)-archeologen en andere verzamelaars onderzoeken de vondsten en het vinden door de jaren heen. Het levensverhaal van een gelukkige graver- Een kleine geschiedenis van (amateur)archeologie- Rijk geillustreerd ‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR37.50 (€37.50 )

‎Marlene Hennessy‎

Reference : 64555

‎Scottish Manuscripts & English Manuscripts in Scotland. Fascicle I: National Library of Scotland, Edinburgh‎

‎, Brepols - Harvey Miller, 2022 Paperback, 182 pages, Size:210 x 270 mm, Illustrations:50 col., Language: English. ISBN 9781915487018.‎

‎Summary This is the tenth volume in a continuing series of publications listing and identifying all illustrations contained in English manuscripts from the time of Chaucer to Henry VIII. This was an important period in the history of book production in Britain, and the range of subject-matter illustrated is of significance to historians of art, religion, literature, costume, natural science, and social custom. The present volume extends the survey to Scotland and catalogues not only English but also Scottish and Gaelic manuscripts from the collections of the National Library of Scotland, Edinburgh, as well as manuscripts made on the Continent for English and Scottish book-owners. The catalogue contains entries for 112 manuscripts and notes the subject-matter of every illustration in each manuscript, from full-page miniatures and historiated initials to marginalia, added drawings and nota bene signs. A comprehensive index of pictorial subjects provides readers with complete references to the visual material with thematic groupings making the following categories easily accessible: animals, architecture, birds, Christ, costume, furniture, kings, musical instruments, occupations/professions, plants, saints, Virgin Mary, weapons, and women. The volume also includes a user's guide, an extensive glossary of subjects and terms, and indexes of authors/texts, manuscripts with coats of arms, and Scottish and English names. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Users' Manual I. Scope of the Search II. Cataloguing the Manuscripts III. Principles of Pictorial Description IV. The Template: Opening Headings V. The Template: Pictorial Information VI. The Template: Costume of Specialized Interest VII. The Template: Headings under 'Other Information' List of Manuscripts Catalogued Other Manuscripts Examined List of Abbreviations Catalogue of Manuscripts The Template Edinburgh, National Library of Scotland Glossary of Subjects and Terms Index of Authors and Texts Index of Incipits Index of First Words of Acephalous Texts Index of Pictorial Subjects Index of Manuscripts with Coats of Arms Index of Scottish and English Names List of Illustrations Illustrations‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR75.00 (€75.00 )

‎Marlene Jochem ; Mit einem Vorwort von Martin Eberle‎

Reference : 58863

‎Keramische Horizonte : Die Sammlung der Lotte Reimers-Stiftung auf Schloss Friedenstein in Gotha ///// Ceramic Horizons : The Lotte Reimers Foundation Collection at Friedenstein in Gotha D / ENG‎

‎, Arnoldsche 2018, 2018 Hardcover, 336 seiten / pages, D / ENG, 290 x 220 mm, New, dustjacket, Abb. in Farbe und Schwarz-Wei / Images in colour and b/w, . ISBN 9783897905207.‎

‎The grande dame of the Western European ceramics, Lotte Reimers (*1932), is an outstanding artist and at the same time a great collector. For more than twenty years she has been closely associated with the wide range of historical ceramic collections at Friedenstein Palace, Gotha. Lotte Reimers donated a collection of international ceramics to the Gotha Foundation from the excellent collections of her own museum in Deidesheim, Rhineland-Palatinate. This generous and magnificent donation of more than 300 contemporary ceramics by a total of 115 artists from all over the world is now being shown for the first time in Gotha. This special show is present in the entire palace building and corresponds with the historical Gotha collections.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR48.00 (€48.00 )


Reference : 3747

‎Les cent merveilles des Sciences et des Arts.‎

‎Petit in 8 pleine toile rouge éditeur,titre doré. Frontispice(moulage du zinc)titre,190 pages,1 feuillet de table. A Mame 1874.les aérostats,la machine pneumatique, la pierre de Bologne artificielle,les ouvrages d'optique,les machines électriques,l'autoclave,les chefs-d'oeuvre de l'architecture,de l'art militaire,la pyrotechnie,les grandes mines du monde,etc… ‎

Charbonnel - Bar le Duc

Phone number : 03 29 79 40 63

EUR12.00 (€12.00 )

‎MARLES M. ( De )‎

Reference : 885249

‎Alfred, ou le jeune voyageur en France.‎

‎Didier Paris 1837 In-12 ( 180 X 110 mm ) de XI-372 pages, plein veau framboise, dos lisse orné d'un grand fer et de frises romantiques dorés, filet doré sur les plats encadrant un grand décor romantique estampé à froid, coupes et coiffes filetées d'or, tranches dorées. ( Reliure de l'époque ). 4 fines gravures hors-texte. Joli spécimen de reliure romantique.‎

Phone number : 04 91 42 63 17

EUR80.00 (€80.00 )

‎Marlier, Georges‎

Reference : 57647

‎Jakob Smits 1856-1928‎

‎, Editions des Cahiers de Belgique, 1931 cartonnage illustre de l'editeur, 16pp text + 16pp ill noir. 15x19cm.‎



Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR12.00 (€12.00 )

‎MARLIER Georges / Jacqueline Folie.‎

Reference : 54791

‎Pierre Brueghel Le Jeune. Edition Posthume, mise au point et annot e par J. Folie. ‎

‎, ditions Robert Finck, 1969 Hardcover with dusjacket, publisher's red cloth , with original dustwrapper, 481 pages, (+errata pag.) with b/w & coloured ill. 31 x 24 cm. *bon etat ‎

‎Texte en fran ais. Une tude approfondie de la vie et de l'?uvre du peintre flamand de la Renaissance Pieter Bruegel l'Ancien (1525-1569). Divis en six parties distinctes, ce volume est illustr de nombreuses et belles planches et comprend un index des collections de ses ?uvres dans le monde entier.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR120.00 (€120.00 )

‎Marlier, Georges; Pierre Coeck D'Alost‎

Reference : 54661

‎Pierre Coeck, La Renaissance Flamande Pierre Coeck D'Alost, Catalog Raisonn , Complete Works‎

‎, Editions Robert Finck, 1966 Hardcover slipcase, 31 x 24 cm, 425 pages with black/white illustrations.* no dusjacket * bon etat.‎

‎La Renaissance Flamande ( the Flemish Renaissance): Pierre Coeck D'Alost Catalogue Raisonne, Complete Works, La Vie Et L'Oeuvre, Oeuvre Raisonnee.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR495.00 (€495.00 )

‎Marlis Arnhold‎

Reference : 65550

‎Transformationen stadtr mischer Heiligt mer w hrend der sp ten Republik und Kaiserzeit‎

‎, Brepols, 2020 Paperback, xxxii + 384 pages, Size:216 x 280 mm, Illustrations:167 b/w, 2 tables b/w., Language: German. ISBN 9782503588353.‎

‎Summary Was geschah in der Stadt Rom mit den republikanischen Tempelbauten w hrend der Kaiserzeit? Wie wurden diese (noch) genutzt? Welchen baulichen Ver nderungen unterlagen sie? Neue Akteure, ver nderte Machtverh ltnisse, eine ganze Stadt im Wandel, zunehmend begrenzter Raum, wegfallende Sichtachsen, letztendlich aber auch neue Kulte sowie neue Formen von Kultbauten und -praktiken bestimmen den Rahmen, vor dem auch das Fortbestehen der bereits in republikanischer Zeit vorhandenen Heiligt mer betrachtet werden muss. Dabei zeichnet sich ein Bild ihrer Nutzungsweisen und Funktionen, das kaum heterogener sein k nnte, sich bei n herer Betrachtung jedoch sinnvoll zu einem Ganzen verbindet. Gepr gt von Pragmatismus und dem Repr sentationswillen verschiedener Akteure spiegelt sich im unterschiedlichen Umgang mit den Heiligt mern die r umliche und funktionale Segmentierung der kaiserzeitlichen Stadt eindrucksvoll wider. Dabei steht weit mehr als die Rekonstruktion der bisher h ufig vernachl ssigten kaiserzeitlichen Phasen ausgew hlter Heiligt mer im Vordergrund. Es sind die Einbettung der Architekturen und R ume dieser St tten in das urbane Umfeld, die Konzeption st dtischen Raumes und insbesondere auch die Frage, welche Rolle den ?alten' Kulten in einer ?neuen' Stadt beigemessen wurde, die das Augenmerk dieses Buches bilden. TABLE OF CONTENTS Abbildungsverzeichnis Abk rzungsverzeichnis Einleitung Teil 1. Einzelbeispiele 1. Die sog. Area Sacra des Largo Argentina 2 Der sog. Tempel der Via delle Botteghe Oscure 3 Der Portunus-Tempel im Forum Boarium 4 Die sog. Area Sacra von Sant'Omobono im Forum Boarium 5 Die drei Podiumtempel des Forum Holitorium 6 Die Porticus Octaviae und Porticus Philippi am Nordrand des Circus Flaminius 7 Die Heiligt mer des Apollo und der Bellona in circo 8 Die sog. Area Sacra dei Templi Repubblicani in Ostia Teil 2. Transformationen 1 Architekturen 2 R umlicher Wandel von Heiligt mern 3 Nutzungen und Funktionen 4 Kultfragen Schluss Literaturverzeichnis English Summary‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR135.00 (€135.00 )

‎Marlise Rijks‎

Reference : 60514

‎Artists and Artisans Collections in Early Modern Antwerp Catalysts of Innovation‎

‎, Brepols - Harvey Miller, 2022 Pages: xviii + 278 pages, Size:220 x 280 mm, Illustrations:87 col. Language(s):English. ISBN 9781912554058.‎

‎Paintings, drawings, prints, maps, jewels, gems, statuettes, medals, exotica, antiquities, dried animals, shells, corals, and scientific instruments. All these objects and more were on display in collectors? cabinets in Early Modern Antwerp. This book tells the story of the collections of artists and artisans, who stood at the centre of and shaped the city?s cultural life. In their double roles as maker-collectors, they put a strong mark on the culture of collecting. The culture of collecting was inextricably linked to changing conceptions of the material world, which went hand in hand with the emergence of new pictorial genres and the increasing dominance of forms of knowledge based on objects and material evidence. This book traces the important role of Antwerp artists and artisans in this culture of art and knowledge. It is a story about friendship and networks; about new forms of connoisseurship; and about innovation and appreciation.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR140.00 (€140.00 )

‎Marli Shamir et Albakaye Ousmane Kounta‎

Reference : AFR16M


ISBN : 2909550524

‎Djenné-ferey : La terre habitée‎

‎Edité par Grandvaux, 2007. 32x24cm. 119pp. Broché. Légers frottements sur la couverture. Bon état général. ‎

‎Photographies de Marli Shamir et poèmes de Albakaye Ousmane Kounta.‎


Phone number : +33 5 59 03 69 40

EUR30.00 (€30.00 )

‎ Marl ne Albert Llorca, Pierre Rouillard‎

Reference : 65870

‎Many Faces of the Lady of Elche. Essays on the Reception of an Iberian Sculpture‎

‎, Brepols, 2024 Hardback, 155 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:5 b/w, 36 col., 1 maps b/w, Language: English. ISBN 9782503610306.‎

‎Summary On 4 August 1897, farm workers in Elche - the site of ancient Ilici - discovered an Iberian sculpture of a woman that dated from the fifth- fourth centuries BCE. French archaeologist Pierre Paris dubbed this figure 'the Lady of Elche', and promptly purchased the sculpture on behalf of the Louvre Museum. There, she drew the attention of European scholars who were intrigued by her stylistic features, finally concluding that she bore witness to the existence of a specifically Iberian art. Since her discovery, the Lady of Elche has been a source of fascination not only for scholars, but also for artists, and she has become an icon of regional and national identity across Spain. This volume, co-written by an archaeologist and an anthropologist and translated here into English for the first time, seeks to explore the importance of the Lady of Elche, both for students of the past, and for the peoples of Iberia. The authors here explore not only what we know - and still do not know - about her creation, but also engage with key questions about what she represents for the men and women of our time who have questioned, manipulated, admired, loved, and often reinvented the singular beauty of this iconic figure. TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Illustrations Acknowledgements Chapter 1. Introduction A Unique Work A Remarkable History Actors and their Agendas Chapter 2. The Lady and the Discovery of Iberian Art Ilici in the Iberian World A Newly Defined Art From la Alcudia's Soil to the Louvre: How the Discovery Came about An Exceptional Piece Chapter 3. A Century of Discussions about the Lady The First Attempts at Identification: The Moorish Queen, Apollo The Lady and the Archaeologists Iberian or Mediterranean, Goddess or Queen? Chapter 4. Through Artists' Eyes: The Lady from Orientalism to Primitivism and Art Nouveau Painters' Interpretations: Oriental or Hellenizing Iberians and 'Primitives' Ignacio Pinazo Martinez, Art Nouveau Sculptor Chapter 5. Women in Stone, Women in Flesh and Blood The Iberians and Valencian Identity The Lady as Archetypal Valencian Woman The Venus of Arles and the Lady of Elche Female Beauty A 'Living Lady' in Elche Chapter 6. The Lady between Elche and Madrid Ramon Folqu s's Account of the Discovery of the Statue Reasons for Rewriting the Account An Account that Became the 'Official Account' The Lady and the Virgin: Holiness Transferred After Francoism: The Rise of Heritage Manuel and 'His' Lady From Nationalism to Localism Chapter 7. Conclusion Works Cited‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR80.00 (€80.00 )


Reference : M13908

‎PLOERMEL . Son église , ses monuments‎

‎ Ploermel , Calindre , sd , in12 br , 44 pp . Nombreuses illustrations photo hors texte . Cachet . Langue: Français ‎

Nord - Sud - Kervignac

Phone number : 06 98 91 56 56

EUR20.00 (€20.00 )

‎MARMONTEL, ( Jean François ) ‎

Reference : 39843


‎Paris L'an III de la République 1795 in 16 (13,5x9) 3 volumes reliure pleine basane fauve de l'époque, dos lisses ornés, pièces de titre et de tomaison de cuir vert, tranches teintées rouge, XXXII et 183 pages, 226 pages, 208 pages, avec un frontispice gravé dans chacun des 3 volumes, petite usure sur 2 coiffes supérieures. Jean François Marmontel, 1723-1799, poète, romancier et critique français. Bon exemplaire ( Photographies sur demande / We can send pictures of this book on simple request ) ‎

‎Bon Reliure ‎

Librairie Rouchaléou - Saint André de Sangonis

Phone number : 06 86 01 78 28

EUR80.00 (€80.00 )

‎[Demoraine, Marckle et Warin ] - ‎ ‎MARMONTEL, ( Jean François ) Demoraine, Marckle et Warin ‎

Reference : 17483


‎ Arnaud de Vesgre - Idégraf 1989 in 8 (22x15) 1 volume reliure plein cuir noir orné de l'éditeur, tranches dorées, 295 pages, papier vergé de 120 grammes. Illustrations de Demoraine, Marckle et Warin. Ouvrage réalisé d'aprés l'édition Lehuby de 1845. Edition du tirage de tête limité, et numéroté. Marmontel Jean François, 1723-1799, poète, romancier et critique français. Très bel exemplaire ( Photographies sur demande / We can send pictures of this book on simple request ) ‎

‎Parfait Reliure Ed. numérotée ‎

Librairie Rouchaléou - Saint André de Sangonis

Phone number : 06 86 01 78 28

EUR60.00 (€60.00 )

‎Marnef, Guido / B. Blond , S. Geens, H. Greefs, W. Ryckbosch, T. Soens, P. Stabel‎

Reference : 57161

‎Inequality and the City in the Low Countries (1200-2020)‎

‎, Brepols 2020, 2020 Hardcover, 409 pages., 178 x 254 mm, English, . ISBN 9782503588681.‎

‎Social inequality is one of the most pressing global challenges at the start of the 21st century. Meanwhile, across the globe at least half of the world?s population lives in urban agglomerations, and urbanisation is still expanding. This book engages with the complex interplay between urbanisation and inequality. In doing so it concentrates on the Low Countries, one of the oldest and most urbanised societies of Europe. It questions whether the historic poly-nuclear and decentralised urban system of the Low Countries contributed to specific outcomes in social inequality. In doing so, the authors look beyond the most commonly used perspective of economic inequality. They instead expand our knowledge by exploring social inequality from a multidimensional perspective. This book includes essays and case-studies on cultural inequalities, the relationship between social and consumption inequality, the politics of (in)equality, the impact of shocks and crises, as well as the complex social relationships across the urban network and between town and countryside.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR90.00 (€90.00 )


Reference : 31792

‎La Perspective. L'Architecture. Fortification ou Architecture Militaire.‎

‎, paru à Amsterdam en 1652. En 3 parties: La Perspective, contenant la Théorie pratique et Instruction fondamentale par Jean Vredeman Frison, augmentée par Samuel Marolois. 43 ff, 70 planches gravées. L'Architecture, contenant la Toscane, Dorique, Ionique, Corinthiaque et composée; fait par Henri Hondius, avec quelques belles ordonnances d'Architecture mises en perspective par Jean Vredeman Frison. 9 ff et 30 planches gravées. Fortification ou Architecture Militaire tant offensive que deffensive; supputée et dessinée par Samuel Marolois, revue et corrigée par Alfred Girard, Mathématicien. (en 2 parties, 42 ff + 46 ff) et 41 planches gravées. Pages de titre avec gravures. Restauration des pages de garde. Reliure 19ème, copie des reliures à la Dusseuil. Tranches marbrées. Bon état.‎


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