, Sterck & De Vreese, 2023 Hardcover, 216 pag. NL, 260 x 205 mm, NIEUW, prachtige illustraties in kleur / z/w. ISBN 9789464710571.
Boeken kan je niet alleen lezen, je kan er ook mee pronken. De schitterendste boekbanden zijn de geborduurde, gemaakt van zijde, goud, zilver en parels afkomstig uit de hele wereld. Pure luxe, maar ook stille getuigen van een maatschappij in beweging. Meer dan dertig geborduurde boekbanden uit de periode 1585-1670 hebben de tand des tijds doorstaan. Ze liggen zorgvuldig opgeslagen in musea en bibliotheken in de hele wereld. Dit was d bloeiperiode van de borduurkunst, maar er is bijzonder weinig werk bewaard gebleven. Textiel versleet, goud en parels werden hergebruikt. Samen met de vele portretten van mannen en vrouwen in rijkelijke kleding met fijn geborduurde lijfjes en handschoenen vertellen de boekbanden een uitzonderlijk verhaal. De eigenaars van deze pronkstukjes, veelal kerkboeken, lijken te zeggen: Kijk mij! Ik ben rijk, ik verkeer in de beste kringen, maar ik ben ook een goed christen. MARIKE VAN ROON is sinds 2022 zelfstandig kunsthistoricus, gespecialiseerd in textielgeschiedenis. Als hoofdconservator bij het Allard Pierson, de erfgoedinstelling van de Universiteit van Amsterdam, ontdekte zij de betekenis van de geborduurde boekband.
, Harry N. Abrams, 1997 Hardcover, 248 pages, English, 365 x 230 x 30 mm, In Fine Condition!.,Oblong, Illustrated dustjacket, illustrations in colour / b/w. ISBN 9780810963412.
This book reproduces more than 150 works dating from the 1890s to the 1930s. They include examples of furniture, ceramics, metalwork, jewellery, textiles, photography, book arts and typography, and wood-block prints. Boston's Society of Arts and Crafts was the first such organization in the USA. Published to mark the centenary of its founding, and examining Boston's role in the growth of the nation's Arts and Crafts movement. Essays by specialists explore each medium, and there is also discussion of Boston's many reform societies, settlement houses, trade schools, craft workshops and publishers, which helped to propel the Arts and Crafts movement to national significance.
, Aperture Book 1997, 1997 Hardcover, 106 pages, English, 325 x 290 mm, book in fine condition, with pictures in b/w, . ISBN 9780893816049.
This Land Is Your Land offers a unique perspective on the American landscape, making the familiar fantastic, as well as an aesthetic experience of dizzying proportions. Marilyn Bridges takes us on an inspiring journey, as we look down together on the fleeting moments and lasting signatures of the United States that are etched on our continent. An aerial photographer who has explored ancient cultures around the world for more than a decade, Bridges has now focused her attention on a subject no less intriguing: the grandeur of America. By flying and photographing at low altitudes, and by maintaining a sensuous closeness with her subject, Bridges avoids the simplistic representation of landscape as mere design. Divided regionally, This Land Is Your Land accents the variety of America, but follows civilization's uneasy interaction with the environment as a common thread. We see the earth shaped and reshaped to service humanity. Monuments rise to celebrate our achievements even as nature wards off intrusion. Fledgling communities spring up among lava and sand. Scars left by clear-cutting, mining, and nuclear waste raise concerns for the future. Yet here, too, there is ironic wit. The towering presidential portraits at Mount Rushmore appear dwarfed by surrounding mountains. The Statue of Liberty hides in plain sight, completely swathed in scaffolding. From the intimacy of a farmhouse to the majesty of the Grand Canyon, Bridges's original vision provides an unequaled perspective on the land in which we live. In the Book's Essay by acclaimed writer William Least Heat-Moon, and the Afterword by Bridges, we are given insight into the photographer's working process and the inspiration behind her images. Certainly, This Land Is Your Land contains an urgent environmental message; in every photograph we sense a longing for a purer time, before humanity dismissed the land's indigenous curves and flow in favor of the urban grid. Still, Bridges offers no facile solutions or sentimental appeals. Faced with the jumble of American progress, we look for a vision of nature as idyllic--only to be awed by the savage forces unleashed by Mount St. Helens and the Kilauea volcano. Never what you expect, This Land Is Your Land provides page after page of visual surprises. The book inspires in us a haunting and profound admiration for a vibrant land which will prevail long after our civilization has gone.
, Harper & Row 1986-1988, 1986-88 Paperback, 446 pages, ENG, 235 x 185 mm, book is in fine order, dozens of illustrations in b/w and some in colour, . ISBN 9780064301329.
This survey of over a thousand years of Western art and architecture, from ancient Rome to the age of exploration, introduces the reader to a period of extraordinary historical and geographical extent. The monumental arts of architecture and sculpture and the diverse minor arts of the Middle Ages are presented here within social, religious, political, and intellectual framework of lands as varied as France and Denmark, Spain and Germany. Medieval Art covers all the major monuments, describing each important work clearly and in detail. Marilyn Stokstad's descriptions are sensitive and articulate, giving the reader a sense of the beauty of the work. They also teach the reader how to look at medieval artwhich aspects of architecture, sculpture, or painting are important and for what reasons. Stylistic and iconographic issues and themes are dealt with clearly, and the author presents medieval art in an aesthetic and social context so that it can be fully understood and appreciated. The book consists of twelve chapters and covers the period from the second to the fifteenth centuries
United Kingdom, Prestel Publishing, 2024 In slipcase, hardcover, 352 pages, 24 x 17 cm, ENG. ISBN 9783791377681.
Compiled over the course of four decades on stationery from various hotels and other temporary residences, this self-curated collection of Marina Abramovic's original drawings, collages, poetry, writings, cutouts, and photographs offers readers a rare insight into a daring and utterly original body of work. This book takes readers on a journey through the brilliant mind of the world's most revered performance artist-a mind in constant motion and always evolving. "I believe we humans need to keep moving forward and my own life was purely nomadic," Abramovic writes of her travel diaries. "My home was everywhere I went, because my home was my own body."Now available in a limited, slipcased edition of three hundred copies signed by the artist.
, Edita, 1989 Couverture reliee sous jaquette 163 pages, Illustrated. ISBN 9782880012489.
Histoire d'une oeuvre. La vie, la technique, l'oeuvre peint.
, Snoeck Publishers (France), 2023 PB+, 290 x 240 mm, 256 pages , 195 illustraties, FR edition, Publication date: Juni 23, Nouveau, . ISBN 9789461617859.
Parmi les nabis, douard Vuillard (1868-1940), le nabi la barbe rousse , est certainement celui qui poss da le plus grand nombre d'estampes ukiyo-e. Il en r unit jusqu' cent quatre-vingt. Inspir es des paysages du Japon, de geishas ou d'acteurs de kabuki, elles sont sign es des ma tres de la gravure sur bois. C'est vraisemblablement la grande exposition consacr e l'art du Japon par l' cole des Beaux- Arts en 1890 qui a d cid Vuillard s'int resser une esth tique jusqu'alors ne glig e par les circuits acad miques. Pas plus que les ma tres de l'ukiyo-e, Vuillard ne pr tend d livrer d'autre message que la c l bration de la vie quotidienne et de la nature. De 1890 la Premi re Guerre mondiale, les r f rences l'art japonais impr gnent profond ment son oeuvre de peintre, de dessinateur et de lithographe. Sans faire de concession un exotisme tr s galvaud , il enrichit son art en adoptant librement les codes mis l'honneur au pays du Soleil-Levant.
Parenthèses. 2017. In-8. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 183 pages - couverture contrepliée - nombreuses photographies en couleurs et en noir et blanc dans et hors texte.. . . . Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
Préface de Bertrand Jouve - Introduction de Brigitte Marin. Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
Paris, Ecole nationale supérieure du génie maritime , 1948; in-4, cartonnage de l'éditeur. Planches sous pochette cartonné : Architecture navale tome IV constitution du navire.
Planches sous pochette cartonné : Architecture navale tome IV constitution du navire.
P., Véritas, 1946, in 4° carré, cartonnage demi-percaline à coins de l'éditeur, XVIII-226 pages ; texte sur deux colonnes ; cartonnage frotté et taché.
PHOTOS sur DEMANDE. ...................... Photos sur demande ..........................
Phone number : 04 77 32 63 69
Bruxelles, Credit Communal, 1996 cartonnage illustre de l' diteur, pages 414, 24 x 16 cm. ISBN 5411572080942.
Industrie et Soci t en Hainaut et en Wallonie du XVIIe au XXe Si cle, Recueil d'articles de Marinette Bruwier.
Venise, Ardo, Editions d'art, 1979. 19 x 24, 58 pp., nombreuses illustrations en couleurs, broché,très bon état.
texte en français.
Milan, Kina Italia, 2000. 19 x 24, 61 pp., très nombreuses illustrations en couleurs, broché, très bon état.
Ardo 1979 in4. 1979. Broché.
Bon Etat de conservation intérieur propre propre accroc sur le haut du premier plat petite tache sur la première page
, Prestel, 2025 Three Volumes in a Slipcase, hardcovers, 1712 pages, 30,0 x 32,0 cm, 3,285 color illustrations. ISBN 9783791377391.
This magnificent and unprecedented three-volume set showcases one of the world?s most important collections of twentieth-century Venetian glass?1.000 masterpieces marvelously photographed and cataloged by a renowned expert in the field. Celebrated for its exceptional craftsmanship, artistic mastery, and iconic design, Venetian glass has a rich historical legacy. The techniques developed by Venetian glassmakers have influenced glassmaking worldwide. Presented in three impressive volumes, this private collection includes works by thirty of the most influential artists, artisans, and studios from 1895?1970. Through Marino Barovier?s expertly insightful texts, readers will learn the evolution of the techniques, forms, colors, and tastes in Venetian glass during the Novecento?a century of sociopolitical, historical, and cultural change of egregious magnitude. Each glass object is described in terms of its aesthetic beauty, style and proportions, artistic quality and rarity. The author describes the technical difficulties of the realization and the perfection of the technique that went into each piece. He also considers the designer?s standing; the significance of the manufacturers and glass masters; and their historical importance. Photographed with exceptional clarity and quality, the works are presented in remarkable full-page spreads, grouped by manufacturer, designer and type. The result is an impeccable and invaluable reference work reflecting the latest scholarship, that will appeal to glass experts, collectors, and anyone interested in modern glass art and design.
1989 23x34. 1989. Broché. 1810 pages. Très bon état
Skira, 1996. Format 29x28 cm, reliure souple a rabats, 79 pages. 4eme de couverture tachee. Bon etat.
Skira 1996
in4, carre, broche, couverture rempliee, bon etat d'usage sauf un accroc sans manque en quatrieme de couverture et couverture un peu salie, dedicace anonyme au stylo en haut premiere page, interieur tres propre avec plans, dessins N&B et photos couleurs, Skira, 1996, 79p
Paris, Berger-Levrault, 1980, in-4, relié sous jaquette éditeur, 433 pages. Bon état. Ill. (photos et plans) N/B. Index. Importante bibliographie.
, Silvana Editorale, 2024 PB, 310 x 260 mm, 112 pages, 60 Color illustrations, EN-IT edition. ISBN 9788836657896.
This volume accompanies the exhibition Belle Haleine by German artist Georg Baselitz (1938) - a leading figure in the world of contemporary art - hosted in the splendid setting of the Galleria degli Antichi in Sabbioneta (Mantua), the Ideal City founded by Vespasiano Gonzaga Colonna. Among the works presented - chosen from among the most significant in his artistic career - are imposing sculptures, large paintings on canvas, and the ten provocative engravings collectively entitled Belle Haleine in homage to Marcel Duchamp, an artist to whom Baselitz - provocatively - often refers in his work, and first exhibited in 1963. The volume offers a broad view of the multifaceted nature of the pioneer of neo-expressionist art, whose hallmark is to reproduce figures "upside down".
, Hamlyn 1970, 1970 Hardcover, 75 pages, English, 290 x 230 mm, Fine copy., very richly illustrated with coloured illustrations !!.
Zwolle, Waanders & De Kunst, 2024 Oorspronkelijk uitgevers omslag, 184 pagina's, 29 x 23.5 cm. ISBN 9789462625709.
Ruim 200 jaar geleden waren er in het Mauritshuis niet n, maar twee musea te bezoeken. Op de bovenverdieping bevond zich het Koninklijk Kabinet van Schilderijen, terwijl op de begane grond duizenden objecten van allerlei aard tentoongesteld waren in het Koninklijk Kabinet van Zeldzaamheden. Dit zeldzaamhedenkabinet sloot in 1875 en de objecten werden verdeeld over verschillende Nederlandse instellingen. Bij de tijdelijke tentoonstelling Het verdwenen museum over dit Koninklijk Kabinet
, Brepols, 2020 Paperback, 424 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Language: French. ISBN 9782503584430.
Summary Par quel prodige une philosophie mat rialiste et naturaliste qui posait tout la fois l'unit du continuum cosmique et l'existence du destin a-t-elle pu donner naissance une conception forte de l'individu, et de cet individu singulier qu'est le sujet humain? Tel est le paradoxe que nous cherchons ici clairer. Sur pr s de cinq si cles, le sto cisme construit en effet une conception unifi e de l'individu, depuis sa forme commune tous les vivants jusqu' la sp cificit radicale de l'individuation humaine, celle de la subjectivit . C'est cette gen se dans laquelle le passage du sto cisme Rome a jou un r le d cisif que nous nous attachons reconstruire.
Harder-Merkelbach Marion Dr 2003 in4. 2003. Cartonné. 88 pages. Bon Etat
1 vol. in-8 reliure bradel demi-percaline marron, A. Aubry, Paris, Chaumas-Gayet, Bordeaux, 1861-1865, 549 pp.
Important ouvrage qui évoque exclusivement le patrimoine religieux bordelais. Charles Marionneau évoque successivement la Cathédrale Saint-André, l'Eglise Saint-Bruno, Sainte-Croix, Saint-Eloi, Sainte-Eulalie, Saint-Louis, Saint-martial, Saint-Michel, Notre-Dame, Saint-Paul, Saint-Pierre, Saint-Seurin, les chapelles d'établissements publics et les crois de cimetières ou de carrefours... Bel exemplaire en parfait état, du premier ouvrage important de l'historien de l'art Charles Marionneau (1823-1896)