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‎Marc Heiremans‎

Reference : 46576

‎Lieve De Pelsmaeker. 1936-1984. Sculptress / Ceramist.‎

‎Antwerp, private edition Marc Heiremans, 2015 Hardcover 112pp., 25.5x17.5cm., richly illustr. in col., new.‎

‎Lieve De Pelsmaeker is allicht voor velen een onbekende naam. Hoewel in de kunstwereld het cynische gezegde gangbaar is dat een goede kunstenaar een dode kunstenaar is, mag men om bekend te blijven niet te vroeg sterven. Dit overkwam Lieve de Pelsmaeker. Nochtans heeft ze een rol gespeeld in de geschiedenis van de kunst die het medium keramiek als een volwaardige sculpturale expressievorm beschouwt. Met daarenboven een avant-gardistische dimensie. Vanaf 1964 was ze aanwezig in collectieve tentoonstellingen die men ? ook vandaag nog ? gerust internationaal mag noemen. Ze begon begin in de jaren zestig als materiekunstenaar die de natuurlijke dimensie van het keramische ten volle liet zien via abstracte vormen. Sculpturen die de organische verwantschap toonden met de lavastenen. Een vulkaan is immers een natuurlijke oven die met een bijzonder snelle dynamiek nieuw gesteente creeert. Dit in tegenstelling tot het feit dat we gewoon zijn te veronderstellen dat stenen ouderdom hebben. Lieve De Pelsmaeker herschiep dit proces in haar oven. Ze was daarin toen vernieuwend maar niet uniek. Dit laatste was ze wel wanneer ze een combinatie maakte tussen keramiek en assemblagekunst. Ze gebruikte hiervoor afgedankte stukken van de elektriciteitsindustrie zoals stopcontacten, zekeringen, toppen die draden in de goede richting hielpen leiden enz? Nog experimenteler werd ze toen ze haar keramische muziekinstrumenten maakte. Ze gaf hieraan de naam ?sonomobielen?. Deze waren niet louter functioneel, maar konden ook als volwaardige sculpturen doorgaan. Sonomobielen zijn objecten in keramiek die, zoals hun naam het zegt, bewegen en geluiden voortbrengen. De voortgebrachte klanken, al dan niet in concertverband, doen denken aan de eenvoudige muziek van primitieve culturen. Anderzijds verwijzen deze klanken naar de geluiden uit de kinderjaren, wanneer men plezier vond in het horen van een rammelaar en het ratelen van speelkaarten tegen de spaken van het eerste fietsje. Het werk van Lieve De Pelsmaeker moet door verschillende zintuigen simultaan ervaren worden, zonder de totaliteit te laten verloren gaan, zoniet wordt het zinloos. Een buisje is niet zomaar een buisje, het is een hoorn, een luidspreker, een klankkast, maar ook een sierlijke vorm, gemaakt uit korrelige tastbare materie. Je kan zien, voelen en horen. Kortom, het is een ruimtelijke ervaring, die aanzet tot mijmeren, zodat de artistieke manifestatie innerlijk voortgezet wordt. De toeschouwer-bespeler geniet van een meerdimensionale ervaring: visueel, tactiel en auditief. De toeschouwer blijft niet meer louter contemplatief, maar hij wordt opgenomen in de totaliteit van het artistiek gebeuren: de happening rond het object. Logos, een werkgroep voor geengageerde avant-gardemuziek is er ooit (1975) in geslaagd een ?sonomobilofonie? te componeren en uit te voeren. Het geheel kan een interessant experiment in de elektronische muziek genoemd worden. Deze toepasbaarheid doet geen afbreuk aan de sculpturale waarde van het werk van De Pelsmaeker . ‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR55.00 (€55.00 )

‎Marc Held ‎

Reference : EXP19658

Phone number : 06 83 06 99 49

EUR50.00 (€50.00 )

‎[Marc Held]‎

Reference : 96728


‎Marc Held 10 ans de recherche . Musée des Arts décoraifs - Château des ducs de Bretagne -10 novembre 1973 - 7 janvier 1974‎

‎Nantes, Musée des Arts décoraifs de Nantes 1973 In-8 24 x 21 cm. Broché, couverture noire, non paginé 106 pp., illustrations et reproductions en noir & blanc, plans, bibliographie. Exemplaire en très bon état.‎

‎ Très bon état d’occasion ‎

Librairie de l'Avenue - Saint-Ouen

Phone number : 01 40 11 95 85

EUR109.00 (€109.00 )

‎Marc Held, introduction by Mich le Champenois‎

Reference : 66241

‎SAMBA DIA L'ecole Du Centre De La Terre‎

‎, Norma Editions, 2024 HardbackDimensions 250 x 205 mm, Illustrations 120 col.ill., 80 Pages, Language(s) Fr. edition. ISBN 9782376661009.‎

‎Marc Held, designer et architecte, est surtout connu par certaines oeuvres embl matiques: le fauteuil Culbuto ou Utopia, la fameuse maison en acier Corten Gif-sur-Yvette. Engag pour l' cologie d s les ann es 60, Marc Held va faire deux rencontres essentielles. Ren Dumont en 1967, auteur du fameux L'afrique noire est mal partie puis, en 1979, le grand Hassan Fathy avec qui il passera une semaine inoubliable en Corse.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR19.00 (€19.00 )

‎Marc-Henri Deroche‎

Reference : 63454

‎qu te tib taine de la sagesse. Praj ?ra?mi (1518-1584) et l?attitude impartiale (ris med)‎

‎, Brepols, 2023 Paperback, 724 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:30 b/w, 35 col., 18 tables b/w., Language: French. ISBN 9782503603377.‎

‎Summary Praj ?ra?mi (1518-1584), ou Lumi re de Sagesse , est le nom de plume sanskrit d'un auteur tib tain qui v cut durant une p riode de crise politico-religieuse situ e entre la pleine assimilation du bouddhisme indien par les Tib tains et l'instauration du r gime des Dala -Lamas. Dans ce contexte d'instabilit , Praj ?ra?mi se distingua par une formation clectique exceptionnelle et un enseignement qui, centr sur l'id e de sagesse - ou gnose -, chercha montrer l'unit des diff rentes traditions du bouddhisme au Tibet. Ses grands textes sont pr sent s et traduits dans cet ouvrage, notamment l'Ambroisie de l' tude, de la r flexion et de la m ditation, et la Lampe qui illumine les deux v rit s, qui traite de la philosophie de la voie du milieu (Madhyamaka). Sa biographie, ainsi que l' tude de son oeuvre et de son h ritage, r v lent une filiation entre les renouveaux de l' cole des Anciens (Rnying ma pa) durant la r unification du Tibet sous le Ve Dala -Lama (xviie s.), la nouvelle r v lation de 'Jigs med gling pa (xviiie s.), et la floraison du mouvement impartial (ris med, xixe si cle) avec la collection transsectaire du Tr sor des instructions spirituelles. Il se dessine ici une qu te tib taine de la sagesse qui, conjuguant l'histoire des traditions, le discours philosophique, le yoga et la contemplation, visait une libert int rieure con ue au-del de tout parti pris, intention unique de tous les enseignements du Bouddha, ou, selon sa propre lign e de la Grande Perfection (Rdzogs chen), sph re de la lib ration . TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Partie I. L'homme Portrait et sources Ma tres spirituels et cheminement Activit s et transmission Partie II. L'?uvre L'?uvre de Praj ?ra?mi L'unification du bouddhisme au tibet selon les tapes du d veloppement de la sagesse : l'ambroisie de l' tude, de la r flexion et de la m ditation La sagesse du milieu: la lampe qui illumine les deux v rit s, suivie d'instructions sur la contemplation L'aspiration aux vertus et la sagesse de tous les v hicules du bouddhisme : les souhaits des s?tras et des mantras Partie III. L'h ritage La filiation de 'Phyong Rgyas Dpal Ri Les renouveaux de l' cole ancienne aux XVIIe s. Et XVIIIe s La floraison du mouvement impartial (ris med) au XIXe s. Conclusion Annexes Bibliographie‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR100.00 (€100.00 )

‎Marchiori, Giuseppe‎

Reference : 56700

‎Sculpture De Berrocal‎

‎, Brussels, La Connaisance,, 1973 Hardcover with dusjacket 142 pages, Illustrated. b/n. bon etat. ‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR25.00 (€25.00 )

‎Marc Holthof ‎

Reference : 53095

‎Paul De Vylder beeldprojecten 1980 -1994‎

‎Brugge, Stichting Kunstboek, 1996 Paperback, 210x148mm, 151 pages , English/ Dutch (NL) edition. ISBN 9789074377386.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR45.00 (€45.00 )

‎Marcia Reiss ; Evan Joseph‎

Reference : 60794

‎New York City at Night : A Tour Of The City That Never Sleeps‎

‎, Thunder Bay Press, 2010 Hardcover, 144 pages, ENG, 290 x 250 x 20 mm, dustjacket, in a perfect condition, illustrated in fabulous colours of a fabulous city !. ISBN 9781607101130.‎

‎With its dramatically lit skyscrapers, twinkling bridges, neon lights, and yellow cabs streaking down Broadway, it's no wonder that New York is the city that never sleeps! From the awesome golden sunsets over the Hudson River to the pale yellow sunrise breaking over the East River, you'll see the world's most popular city illuminated like never before. New York City at Night is a stunning blend of aerial photographs of the city's iconic skyline and most famous landmarks as seen through the lens of world-famous aerial photographer Evan Joseph. During the daytime, the Empire State Building is a large-shouldered, gray giant on the horizon; but at nighttime, this 120-story Art Deco gem is enchanting. See this landmark building all lit up, and enjoy sparkling views from the deck of its Observatory and beyond. A tourist book to break the mold! New York City at Night offers a dramatic new perspective of the world's favorite destination.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR27.50 (€27.50 )


Reference : 103651


ISBN : 2859174834


‎Paris Les Editions de l'Amateur 2008 Pleine toile noire jaquette illustrée. Édition originale. (103651) ‎

‎ Neuf sous blister ‎

Phone number : +33 1 48 01 02 37

EUR250.00 (€250.00 )


Reference : grav47a


‎Belle Gravure De Hotel à Paris rue Bauffremont FLAMANT architecte Moniteur Des Architectes 1878 Pl 20‎

‎LEMERCIER IMPR 1878 35.5/ 27.5 Année 1878 planche n°20 du Moniteur des Architectes - bon état - dim extérieures 36.50cm x 27.5 cm - cadre blanc de quelques cm -‎

‎Bon Pas de jaquette ‎

L'Encrivore - Vendôme

Phone number : 0033 (0)6 859 610 48

EUR14.00 (€14.00 )

‎MARCIREAU Jacques .‎

Reference : 4544


‎ Editions Robert Laffont, 1974, collection "Les Enigmes de l'Univers", bibliographie, broché, 350pp. très bon état, 215x135 . (p4) ‎

‎Dédicace manuscrite de l'Auteur . ‎

Librairie ancienne du Petit-Breuil - Mauze-sur-le-Mignon

Phone number : 33 05 49 26 70 36

EUR8.00 (€8.00 )

‎Marc Lagrange ‎

Reference : 43633

‎Marc Lagrange, Diamonds and Pearls. Diamonds & Pearls.‎

‎, teNeues, 2018 Hardback, 355x280mm, 208 pages, 120 colour illustrations,** Fine ! English/ French/ Dutch (NL)/ German edition ISBN 9783832797058.‎

‎Belgian photographer Marc Lagrange has quickly gained a reputation as one of the most original and talented erotic photographers around. Taking a distinctive approach to setting voluptuous scenes, Lagrange meticulously composes timeless settings-with each location and prop carefully chosen to enhance the romantic and revealing mood. Building trust and chemistry with his models, Lagrange is daring but never crosses into mere titillation. The tension is palpable and a sense of mystery pervades each elaborate vignette. Combining the glamour of classic Hollywood with the sensibility of an Old Master painting, all his alluring heroines seem at ease and approachable-yet just tantalizingly out of reach.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR195.00 (€195.00 )

‎Marc Lagrange / Patrick De Rynck ‎

Reference : 50251

‎Marc Lagrange, Timeless beauty: door de lens van Marc Lagrange in de woorden van klassieke auteurs.‎

‎, Provincie Limburg, 2017 Gebonden, Hardcover,103 pagina's. 24 x 1.5 x 34 cm. Nederlands/Dutch. Met prachtige illustraties. ISBN 9789074605809.‎

‎Door de lens van Marc Lagrange in de woorden van klassieke auteurs, met prachtige foto's !‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR150.00 (€150.00 )

‎Marco Bussagli ‎

Reference : 66119

‎L'art de Rome.‎

‎, Soci t des Editions Meng s, 1999 Couverture reliee sous jaquette? 2 VOLS in original slipcase. 679 pages Illustrated. 28.2 x 7.9 x 33.1 cm **TRES BON ETAT. ISBN 9782856204122.‎

‎L'art de Rome 2 VOLUMES ‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR150.00 (€150.00 )

‎Marco Cosci‎

Reference : 64327

‎Egisto Macchi: The Assassination of Trotsky. Sources of the Creative Process‎

‎, Brepols, 2023 Hardback, 156 pages, Size:240 x 340 mm, Illustrations:60 col., Language: English. ISBN 9782503593517.‎

‎Summary This volume traces Egisto Macchi's creative process for the soundtrack of The Assassination of Trotsky directed by Joseph Losey (1972). Through a close reading of the sources preserved at the Egisto Macchi Collection at the Institute of Music, Fondazione Giorgio Cini, (Venice) and at the Joseph Losey Collection at the British Film Institute (London), the book sheds light on the first collaboration between Losey and Macchi, which continued in the following years for the film Mr. Klein (1976). Why did Losey choose this apparently unknown composer? How did an avant-garde composer approach the cinematic system? What kind of audio-visual experience did Macchi and Losey explore through this film? To answer these questions, the volume deals with different aspects of the creative process, combining letters, notes, drafts, sketches, and the final orchestral scores. The introductory essay presents Egisto Macchi within the context of the Roman avant-garde and the cinematic environments of the Sixties and early-Seventies. The volume is complemented by a wide selection of sources reproduced in facsimile.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR90.00 (€90.00 )

‎Marco Dezzi Bardeschi. Edition présentée par Giulio Segoloni. Traduction adaptée par Yves Levard.‎

Reference : 74411


‎Villas italiennes d'aujourd'hui.‎

‎Paris, Edizioni C.E.L.I. Eyrolles Editeur, 1966, in-4, relié sous jaquette, 241 pages. Rousseurs sur les gardes, sinon bon état. Signet avec légende des plans. Nombreuses photographies NB. ‎

Phone number : (+32) 470 87 87 88

EUR40.00 (€40.00 )

‎Marco Franciolli, Guido Comis;‎

Reference : 36370

‎TONY CRAGG, EXPO Museo d'Arte of Lugano‎

‎Milano, Silvana, 2012 Paperback with flaps, 280x220mm, 192p, 150 colour illustrations. ISBN 9788836622498.‎

‎In Spring 2012 the Museo d'Arte of Lugano will present in Villa Ciani a wide retrospective of the work of Tony Cragg (Liverpool, 1949), one of the most significant artists in the contemporary scene. Through some forty sculptures and assemblages, and a hundred drawings and etchings, the exhibition will retrace the artist's creative history from the late Seventies up to the most recent works. The exhibition in Lugano, and its accompanying catalogue, will however not be a simple presentation of the wide range of visual ideas and forms generated by the artist in the course of the years. The selection of the works on display and their sequence will also allow, together with the works on paper, to grasp the logic and the creative processes which lie at the basis of the most revolutionary shapes in contemporary sculpture. The catalogue will also include texts by Marco Franciolli and Guido Comis, as well as an interview to Tony Cragg never published before. English/ IT edition ‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR45.00 (€45.00 )

‎Marco Gurrieri, Vasco Zara (eds)‎

Reference : 65902

‎Renaissance Music in the Slavic World‎

‎, Brepols, 2019 Paperback, 304 pages, Size:178 x 254 mm, Illustrations:32 b/w, Languages: English, French, Italian. ISBN 9782503582429.‎

‎Summary In the essays collected in this volume, leading scholars from Croatia, the Czech Republic, and Poland, as well musicologists from Western Europe, take on the challenge of fulfilling a historiographical and cultural gap in music history by restoring the place of the countries of Central Europe that, as Milan Kundera put it succinctly, 'vanished from the map of the West'. The opportunity to consider 'other' renaissances enlarges the historiographical perspectives of Renaissance musicology, going beyond the traditional focus on the Franco-Flemish or Franco-Italian axis, and opens new scenarios on unexplored Renaissance music. What was it that happened on a cultural and musical level on the Dalmatian coast - influenced by the economic boost of a powerful Venice? The same question emerges when considering Habsburg Prague and its renewed, central role in the European political theatre, and as a reaffirmed capital that inaugurated a period of economic and cultural renaissance for the Bohemian Kingdom. How did the secularization process evolve in these territories, caught between the religion wars following the Counter-Reformation in the West, and the Turkish threat on the East? What peculiar features does the musical production of these territories reveal? The preference accorded to the expression Renaissance Music is not to be intended as a shortcut. The intention of the contributing scholars is to focus on, and to handle independently, the endogenous cultural production without considering it only as a phenomenon of importation or as the mere imitation of an existing model. In this way, borders reveal a dialectical function in the context of musical Humanism, revealing here, maybe for the first time, an authentic European dimension. The essays in this volume were undertaken within the framework of the European programme EACEA - Culture Programme 2007-2013 Aux confins de l'Humanisme musical: monde slave et culture m diterran enne, developed between 2010 and 2012 by the Centre d' tudes sup rieures de la Renaissance in Tours, the Matica Hrvastka - Ogranak Dubrovnik (Mediterranean Study Centre of Dubrovnik), the Univerzita Karlova v Praze, and the University of Palermo. TABLE OF CONTENTS On Historical, Musicological and Cultural Borders in Renaissance Central Europe - Marco Gurrieri & Vasco Zara The Tradition of Liturgical Polyphony on the Eastern Adriatic Coast - Hana Breko Kustura The Reception of Marsilio Ficino's Work in the sthetic and Political Philosophy of Nicol Vito di Gozze - Grantley McDonald Some Fragments on Renaissance Music in Dubrovnik - Ennio Stip?evi? Lambert Courtoys the Elder - Flemish in Dubrovnik - Ivana Petravi? La mauresque sur sc ne et les contacts musico-th atraux entre l'Italie et la ville de Dubrovnik au XVIe si cle - Ivano Cavallini The Jesuits for Society. The Soundscape of the Jesuits in post-Tridentine Silesia - Tomasz Je? Provenienza dei musicisti e rapporti di parentela alla corte dell'imperatore Rodolfo II d'Asburgo (1576-1612) - Michaela ? ?kov Rossi The Migration of Czech Musicians toward German Lands at the Turn of the Sixteenth-Century: The Study Case of Eusebius Bohemus - Marco Gurrieri Twin Treatises on Music: Exploring Anglo-Bohemian Connections of Kepler and Fludd and their Struggle for Modernity - Elina G. Hamilton Music in Between?: Sacred Songs in Bohemia, 1517-1618 - Erika Supria Honisch Da pacem Domine: The Desire for Peace in Rudolfinian Music - Christian Thomas Leitmeier Furor turcicus. The Turkish Threat and Musical Culture of the Czech Lands during the Sixteenth and Early Seventeenth Centuries - Jan Bat'a‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR85.00 (€85.00 )

‎Marconi, Clemente‎

Reference : 66394

‎Selinunte: Le metope dell'Heraion (Italian Edition) ‎

‎Modena, Franco Cosimo Panini, 1994 Cloth bound with dustjacket, 355 pages, illustr. 31 x 25.5 cm. ITAL TEXT * very fine condition ISBN 9788876864544.‎

‎Selinunte: Le metope dell'Heraion (Italian Edition) ‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR40.00 (€40.00 )

‎Marconi, Clemente‎

Reference : 66393


‎Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2007 Hardcover with dustjacket, 352 pages, 130 illustrations, 26 x 15.5 cm. ENG text fine! ISBN 9780521857970.‎

‎In this book, Clemente Marconi provides a new interpretation for the use of figural decoration in Greek temples of the archaic period, through a study of the archaic metopes of Selinus. The study of figural decoration on Greek temples has traditionally been identified with the broader study of architectural sculpture. At the same time, the original, articulated appearance of archaic temples has been fragmented into a discussion of individual types. Marconi argues against both the typological approach and the tendency to investigate style and iconography as two aspects unrelated to the cultural and social background within which temple decoration operated. He explores the relation between style and function and examines the function of figures on temples within the cultural and social context of the communities for which these images were created. Critical to this exploration are the reintegration of the figures into the fabric of buildings, the space of archaic sanctuaries and cities, and the ritual dimension that represented the context for the reception of the figural decoration of Greek temples.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR50.00 (€50.00 )

‎MARCONOTJean-Marie ‎

Reference : 33073

ISBN : 2859981837

‎HABITER EN GARRIGUE. Une tradition nimoise ‎

‎Montpellier Les Presses du Languedoc / Riresc 1997 in 8 (24x17) 1 volume broché, couverture illustrée en couleurs, 199 pages, avec des illustrations en noir et blanc. Le quartier Russan-Terres de Rouvière. Essai d'anthropologie. Etat de neuf ‎

‎Neuf Broché ‎

Librairie Rouchaléou - Saint André de Sangonis

Phone number : 06 86 01 78 28

EUR15.00 (€15.00 )

‎Marco Ramazzotti (ed)‎

Reference : 64924

‎Historical and Cultural Memory of the Babylonian World. Collecting Fragments from the 'Centre of the World'‎

‎, Brepols, 2022 Paperback, viii + 193 pages, Size:216 x 280 mm, Illustrations:28 b/w, 5 col., 2 tables b/w., 2 maps b/w, 1 maps color, Language: English. ISBN 9782503595368.‎

‎Summary In the study of the ancient world, Babylon can be considered as the most impressive representation, historically, archaeologically, and in literature, of urbanism in the Near East. This first example of an urban centre and its cultural heritage ? both tangible and intangible ? provides a focal point for discussions of historical and cultural memory in the region. The eleven contributions gathered here draw together multidisciplinary research into Babylonian culture, exploring the epistemic foundations, contacts, resilience, and cultural transmission of the city and its milieu from ancient times up until the modern day. Through this approach, this volume is able to support conversations concerning the historical and cultural memory of Babylon and promote a dialogue that cuts across, and unites, both cultures and academic disciplines. TABLE OF CONTENTS Section I. The Epistemic Foundation of the Historical and Cultural Memory of Babylon The Historical and Cultural Memory of Babylon: Collecting Fragments of the 'Centre of the World' ? MARCO RAMAZZOTTI Babylon as Seen by Babylonians ? FRANCIS JOANN S Traces of Babylon in the Old Testament ? ALESSANDRO CATASTINI Section II. Semantic Waves in the Historical and Cultural Memory of Babylon The View of Babylon in Hittite Texts ? RITA FRANCIA The Perception of Babylonia in the Historical Memory of the Assyrians between Evocation and Negation, and its Reflections in the Urbanization of the Imperial Seats ? RITA DOLCE From Plains to Mountains: Literary and Cultural Models between Mesopotamia and Urar?u ? ROBERTO DAN and MARIE-CLAUDE TR MOUILLE The 'Mesopotamian Connection': An Overview of South Arabian Data Relating to Mesopotamia (1st Millennium BCE) ? ALESSIO AGOSTINI A 'Persian conception of urbanism' as Seen from the Results of New Field Researches in Fars (Southern Iran) ? PIERFRANCESCO CALLIERI Section III. The Literary Form of Cultural Memory of Babylon Reversing and Reinventing the Centre of the World: Iranian and Zoroastrian Perception of the Old Babylon ? GIANFILIPPO TERRIBILI Receiving Knowledge of the Past: Narratives of Babylon in the Medieval Arabic Culture ? LEONARDO CAPEZZONE Untranslatable Babel: A Quick Glance at the Contemporary Reception of the Biblical Myth ? GIOVANNI GRECO‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR75.00 (€75.00 )


Reference : 16869

‎L'art de bâtir une maison agréable et saine.‎

‎ ,Paris et Liège, Librairie Polytechnique Ch. Béranger 1930, xxxii-572 pp., 1 vol. in 8 relié Ouvrage fondamental sur la technique et l'hygiène des habitations et des installations accessoires dans les villes et à la campagne, en France et aux colonies. Avec de nombreuses figures dans le texte . Reliure cartonnage éditeur en percaline, titre argenté au dos et sur le premier plat. Illustrations in et hors-texte. Cachets.‎

EUR30.00 (€30.00 )

‎Marco Vespa‎

Reference : 64920

‎Geloion mimema. Studi sulla rappresentazione culturale della scimmia nei testi greci e greco-romani‎

‎, Brepols, 2022 Paperback, 556 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:6 b/w, 5 col., Language(s):Italian, Greek, Latin. ISBN 9782503595818.‎

‎Summary Comment les Grecs et les Romains ont-ils repr sent le singe, cet animal qui, dans la culture occidentale des deux derniers si cles, a surtout incarn de nouvelles possibilit s de repenser la relation entre les hommes et les non-humains ? En dehors du paradigme volutionniste labor par Darwin, sans les donn es de la g n tique et le dispositif disciplinaire de la primatologie, les textes anciens ont construit d'autres repr sentations culturelles du singe sans le concevoir comme un cousin ou un parent proche avec lequel nous aurions un anc tre commun. travers une analyse philologique rigoureuse des textes anciens, des trait s savants de la zoologie et la m decine grecques aux laborations symboliquement plus complexes du th tre comique ou de la fable, cette tude propose une analyse approfondie de la repr sentation discursive des primates non humains dans la culture antique. Des questions essentielles pour la compr hension des cultures anciennes - de l'anthropomorphisme des animaux au d bat sur l'intelligence des vivants en passant par les laborations autour de l'importante cat gorie de la mim sis - sont abord es selon une approche d'anthropologie historique. Les relations intersp cifiques, la repr sentation de l'alt rit g ographique et culturelle, les jugements de valeur exprim s sur les groupes minoritaires et marginaux seront trait s travers la perspective transversale donn e par l'analyse d'une partie sp cifique de l'encyclop die culturelle ancienne, savoir le singe des Anciens. TABLE OF CONTENTS Prefazione - Antropologia della scimmia e pitecologia dell'uomo (Cristiana Franco & Arnaud Zucker) Ringraziamenti Introduzione Capitolo I - Z?ographein: morfotipo, etologia e tassonomia delle scimmie nelle fonti antiche Capitolo II - All'ombra dell'uomo: la rappresentazione della relazione interspecifica tra uomini e scimmie nel mondo greco e greco-romano Capitolo III - Inquietanti imitatori: allineamenti e associazioni simboliche tra scimmie e uomini nel mondo greco e greco-romano Capitolo IV - Racconti tradizionali: rappresentazione narrativa e implicazioni culturali dei primati nel racconto mitico Conclusioni Lista delle immagini Bibliografia Indice delle fonti Indice dei nomi e delle cose notevoli‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR95.00 (€95.00 )

‎Marc Pairon‎

Reference : 50248

‎Belgian Impressionism. The Hidden Masterpieces A tribute to Jean Colin ‎

‎Aartselaar, Charles Catteau, asbl , 2017 Hardback, 310x250mm, 304p, 110 colour illustrations, English/ French/ Dutch (NL) edition . ISBN 9789491218095.‎

‎Jean Colin (1881-1961) is a Brussels painter that is no longer known today because he often followed the way to realism. This way of painting, which while he was alive fully assured him success, has passed fashion and no longer draws art lovers. But Colin also left high level impressionist works that have no longer been shown since his death, works he painted for his own pleasure, conscious as he was that his conservative customers couldn't appreciate them. After Colin's death, most of his impressionist works were spread out between the members of his family-in-law or bordered in the museum reserves. This ?tribute? is the amazing story of what happened to Jean Colin and to his hidden masterpieces. The introduction essay is by Eric Min, biographer of James Ensor, Rik Wouters and Henri Evenepoel. Jean Colin (1881-1961) est un peintre bruxellois qu'on ne connait guere aujourd'hui parce qu'il a surtout suivi la voie du realisme. Cette facon de peindre, qui lui assura de son vivant un plein succes, a passe de mode et n'attire donc plus les amateurs d'art. Mais Colin a aussi laisse une ?uvre impressionniste de haut niveau sur laquelle on fit silence apres sa mort, des tableaux qu'il peignit pour son propre plaisir, conscient du fait que sa clientele conservatrice ne pouvait les apprecier. L'artiste disparu, la plupart de ses ?uvres impressionnistes furent reparties entre les membres de sa belle-famille ou confinees dans les reserves des musees. Cet ? hommage ? est l'etonnant recit de ce qu'il advint de Jean Colin et de ses chefs-d'?uvre caches. L'essai d'introduction est d'Eric Min, biographe de James Ensor, Rik Wouters et Henri Evenepoel. Jean Colin (1881-1961) is een tot op heden nauwelijks bekende Brusselse kunstschilder, omdat hij meestal werkte in een realistische stijl. Kunst die toentertijd vlot kopers vond, is vandaag echter uit de mode en wordt niet meer door de geroutineerde kunstliefhebber gewaardeerd. Nochtans heeft Colin ook een meesterlijk impressionistisch oeuvre nagelaten, al werd geen enkel stuk ervan ooit postuum geexposeerd. Colin schilderde die doeken immers voor zijn eigen plezier. Hij besefte dat zijn conservatieve clientele er niet rijp voor was. ‎


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