Previous 1 ... 870 871 872 873 ... 985 1097 1209 1321 ... 1324 Next Exact page number ? OK

‎LINDSEY Bruce, ‎

Reference : 57132

‎Digital Gehry: Material resistance / Digital contruction, ‎

‎Langue anglaise, Birkhäuser, 2001, 93 pp., broché, bon état.‎

Phone number : 0033 (0)1 42 23 30 39

EUR10.00 (€10.00 )

‎Line Dru et Carlo Aslan‎

Reference : EXP10610


‎Cafés in-4,couverture souple,118 pages,abondamment illustré.‎

‎Sélection de Cafés réalisés dans les années 80 dans le monde entier.A chaque lieu correspond une fiche signalétique avec un descriptif du lieu parun texte, des photographies et des plans. Electa Moniteur 1988‎

‎Bon état petite tache sur la couverture.‎

Phone number : 06 83 06 99 49

EUR50.00 (€50.00 )

‎LINKENS (Henri).‎

Reference : 60206

‎Tractatus de Juribus Templorum cum Discursu praeliminari de Juris Canonici origine et auctoritate.‎

‎Jenae, typis Samuelis Adolphi Mülleri, 1674. 4 feuillets. 311 pages. (20,5x16 Cm). Demi-maroquin vert. Dos lisse orné. Reliure du XIXème. Charnière partiellement ouverte. Petits manques sur les plats. Coiffes et coins émoussés. Edition très rare de cet ouvrage d’inspiration protestante, étudiant les règles et les usages s’appliquant à l’édification des temples et lieux de culte. L’auteur compare les pratiques en vigueur dans les différentes religions et examine successivement les questions suivantes : attribution d’un nom au temple, organisation des lieux, leur juridiction, leur caractère sacré, fêtes et cérémonies d’inauguration, censure ecclésiastique s’y exerçant, emploi des cloches, etc. Précédé d’un discours sur le droit canonique, l’ouvrage fut mis à l’Index plus de trente ans après sa parution en 1711. Papier roussi par endroits. Page de titre un peu tachée. Rousseurs éparses. Bon exemplaire. ‎

Ultimo Capitulo S.L. - Barcelona

Phone number : +33 973 037 007

EUR300.00 (€300.00 )

‎Linsenmaier. – Jünger, Ernst:‎

Reference : 2629DB


‎Subtile Jagden.‎

‎Stuttgart, Klett-Cotta, 1995. 4°. 228 (4) S. Mit 10 farb. Tafeln nach Farbstiftzeichnungen von Walter Linsenmaier. Farb. illustr. Leinenband mit illustr. Vorsätzen.‎

‎Erschien in einer Auflage von 1000 Exemplaren.‎

EOS Buchantiquariat Benz - CH-8001 Zürich

Phone number : 41 (0)44 261 57 50

CHF80.00 (€85.75 )

‎L'Insensé - Directrice de la publication : Vanessa van Zuylen‎

Reference : 98583


Phone number : 04 78 38 32 46

EUR35.00 (€35.00 )


Reference : 27307

‎INDUSTRIA. Industria, architecture industrielle en Belgique - Industriele architectuur in Belgie - Industrial architecture in Belgium.‎

‎Liege, Mardaga, 1986. Hardcover in-4 carre, 232 pp., illustrations en noir et en couleurs, cartonnage editeur sous jaquette illustree.‎

‎Tres bel exemplaire [PIL-HA1@] Trilingue : francais-neerlandais-anglais - Text and descriptions in three languages: French, Dutch and English.‎

Phone number : 07 80 01 72 79

EUR39.00 (€39.00 )


Reference : 180360


ISBN : 2855791553

‎Les hommes et la pierre dans le Carladez barrézien. Des multiples usages de la pierre dans l'histoire du Barrez‎

‎ Editions Gerbert Aurillac, Editions Gerbert, 2012. Grand In-8 carré relié plein cartonnage éditeur illustré de 93 pages. Nombreuses photos. Très bon état‎

‎ Toutes les expéditions sont faites en suivi au-dessus de 25 euros. Expédition quotidienne pour les envois simples, suivis, recommandés ou Colissimo. ‎

Phone number : 05 65 42 95 21

EUR17.00 (€17.00 )

‎Linton, Ralph and Wingert, Paul S.:‎

Reference : 1623DB


‎Arts of the South Seas. In collaboration with Rene d'Harnoncourt.‎

‎New York, The Museum of Modern Art, Simon and Schuster, 1946. Kl.-4°. 199 S. Mit 1 Frontispiz und zahlr. z.T. ganzs. Abb. sowie 4 farb. Tafeln nach Photographien von Miguel Covarrubias. Farbig illustr. Orig.-Broschur (leicht berieben, bestossen und gebräunt).‎

‎Schnitt leicht gebräunt.‎

EOS Buchantiquariat Benz - CH-8001 Zürich

Phone number : 41 (0)44 261 57 50

CHF60.00 (€64.31 )

‎LIOCOURT (François de)‎

Reference : 665875

‎Monographie architecturale de l'église de Champ-Le-Duc. (Vosges)‎

‎Saint-Dié, Cuny, 1904 in-8, 31 pp., ill. in et h.-t., broché. Qqs rousseurs.‎

‎Tiré à part du Bulletin de la Société Philomatique Vosgienne, année 1904-1905. - - VENTE PAR CORRESPONDANCE UNIQUEMENT‎


Phone number : 06 46 54 64 48

EUR40.00 (€40.00 )

‎Lionel Blaisse ; Béchu Anthony‎

Reference : 116925


ISBN : 2871432333 9782871432333

‎L'architête(S). Antony Béchu, Un Père Hors Pair (1921-2006)‎

‎Archives d’Architecture Moderne 2010 In-8 broché 24 cm sur 15. 310 pages. Couverture rempliée. Nombreux dessins et illustrations en couleurs et noir et blanc. Très bon état d’occasion.‎

‎ Très bon état d’occasion ‎

Librairie de l'Avenue - Saint-Ouen

Phone number : 01 40 11 95 85

EUR21.00 (€21.00 )

‎Lionel Blaisse ; Chlo Lamotte ; Sophie Eberhardt ; ‎

Reference : 29499

‎19 place Vendome - Une renaissance parisienne.‎

‎Bruxelles, Archives d'Architecture Moderne, 2010 Bound, 172 pages, ENG. / FR. edition; white boards with dustjacket, 290 x 240 x 20 mm, in very good condition ! ISBN 9782871432302.‎

‎The stunning H tel d' vreux - built on place vend me under Louis XIV - and the H tel Desvieux and the H tel Castanier - erected on rue des Capucines during his successor's reign - became home, in 1854, to the newly-founded Cr dit Foncier de France headquarters, set up to finance Baron Haussmann's ambitious construction projects during the Second Empire. Renovated in the 19th century, and extended into two office buildings in rue Cambon in the 20th century, this exceptional heritage site - sold to a private fund in 2003 - has been restored to its former glory after seven years of planning and works. Indeed, general contractors Vinci Immobilier, ADIM, Anthony B chu - Heritage Architect - and Alain-Charles Perrot - Chief Architect of Historical Monuments - laid out a vision for restoring the site, which was brought about by over five hundred colleagues and construction workers from seventy six companies, led by Vinci Construction. This book pays tribute to them by laying bare the many facets of this enterprising project which, in all its human and technical dimensions, seeks to support the Parisian ambition to remain the international capital of the arts.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR35.00 (€35.00 )

‎Lionel Blaisse , Delphine Jacob , Aur lien Jeauneau‎

Reference : 54247

‎Pierre Guariche.‎

‎, Norma editeur, 2020 Hardcover, 305 x 230 mm, 400 pages, 600 illustrations,French edition. ISBN 9782376660286.‎

‎L'oeuvre foisonnante de Pierre Guariche (1926-1995) accompagne les Trente Glorieuses comme les grands changements administratifs et soci taux des ann es 1980. Form par Marcel Gascoin, Guariche d bute en 1951 comme d corateur-cr ateur de mod les ind pendant. Il con oit pendant pr s de vingt ans un mobilier novateur en s?appuyant sur des diteurs d?avant-garde, tels Airborne, la galerie MAI, Meubles TV, Steiner, Les Huchers-Minvielle, puis Meurop, ou encore Pierre Disderot pour les luminaires. Revisitant les formes utiles l?aune de nouveaux mat riaux, il fonde en 1954 l?Atelier de recherches plastiques (ARP) avec Michel Mortier et Joseph-Andr Motte, premier collectif fran ais de cr ateurs qui durera trois ans. partir des ann es 1960, il privil gie l?architecture int rieure, o sa ma trise de l'espace, des mati res et de leur mise en oeuvre l'impose sur de nombreux projets. Il participe au chantier de Firminy apr s le d c s de Le Corbusier et collabore avec l?architecte Michel Bezan on la cr ation de La Plagne ou Jean Dubuisson Bandol. Sollicit pour de multiples chantiers priv s ou publics, il am nage notamment la pr fecture et le conseil g n ral de l?Essonne vry ainsi que le tribunal de grande instance de Cr teil. S'appuyant sur des archives in dites, cet ouvrage revient sur un parcours riche de plus de 200 am nagements, presque autant de meubles et un ensemble exceptionnel d?appareils d' clairage qui pose les jalons du luminaire moderne.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR65.00 (€65.00 )


Reference : RO60064192



‎MICHAEL JOSEPH. 1979. In-8. Cartonnage d'éditeurs. Etat d'usage, Couv. légèrement passée, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 416 pages. Premier plat illustré en couleurs. Nombreuses photos en noir et blanc dans et hors texte. Texte en anglais.. . . . Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture‎

‎ Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR14.90 (€14.90 )

‎LIPPARINI G. Abondamment illustré.‎

Reference : 90023


‎Urbino Italia artistica N° 6.‎

‎Couverture souple. Broché. 124 pages. Sous emboîtage. 19 x 25 cm. Quelques rousseurs.‎

‎Livre. Monografie illustrate pubblicate sotto la direzione del Dott. Corrado Ricci. Abondamment illustré. Istituto italiano d'Arti grafiche, editore, 1906.‎

Librairie et Cætera - Belin-Beliet

Phone number : +33 (0) 5 56 88 08 45

EUR13.50 (€13.50 )


Reference : R320079179


‎EDITION ARDO. NON DATE. In-8. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 62 Pages - Nombreuses illustrations en couleur dans et hors texte. . . . Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture‎

‎ Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR49.50 (€49.50 )


Reference : 28997AB


‎Morice Lipsi. Einführung von R.V. Gindertael.‎

‎Neuchâtel, Éditions du Griffon, 1965. 4°. 114 (2) S. Mit einigen Abb. im Text und zahlr. ganzs. Abb. Orig.-Leinenband mit Schutzumschlag (Schutzumschlag leicht gebräunt).‎

‎Durchgehend minim lichtrandig.‎

EOS Buchantiquariat Benz - CH-8001 Zürich

Phone number : 41 (0)44 261 57 50

CHF40.00 (€42.87 )

‎Liris (Robert)‎

Reference : 13482


ISBN : 2950973302

‎Ces belles Mairies de France‎

‎Patrimoine plus 1995 In-4 toilé, sous jaquette illustrée, 315 pp, nombreuses illustrations en couleurs.‎

‎ Bon état d’occasion ‎

Librairie de l'Avenue - Saint-Ouen

Phone number : 01 40 11 95 85

EUR34.00 (€34.00 )

‎LIRIS, Robert.‎

Reference : 12867

‎Ces belles mairies de France. Volume I.‎

‎Paris, Patrimoine Plus, 1995. In quarto, 315 pp. entièrement illustrees en couleurs, reliure pleine toile brune, titre dore, jaquette illustree plastifiee, sous emboitage illustre plastifie.‎

‎Tres bel exemplaire, très frais. [VU-3] ‎

Phone number : 07 80 01 72 79

EUR35.00 (€35.00 )

‎LIRIS (Robert) ‎

Reference : 9628


‎Ces belles mairies de France - volume I‎

‎ 1995 Paris, Patrimoine Plus, 1995, In quarto, 315 pp, reliure toilée brune, titre doré sous jaquette et sous emboitage illustrés, ‎

‎. ‎


Phone number : 01 42 96 06 24

EUR40.00 (€40.00 )

‎ lisabeth de Balanda, Armando Uribe Echeverria‎

Reference : 55217

‎Br silbaroque : entre ciel et terre 1999-2000‎

‎, Union latine, 1999 Softcover, 518 pages, Texte en Francais, 300 x 240 x 40 mm, Tres belle exemplaire, beaucoup illustrations en couleur / n/b. ISBN 9782909290218.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR30.00 (€30.00 )

‎ Lisa Fagin Davis, Anne-Marie Eze, Jeffrey F. Hamburger, Nancy Netzer, William P. Stoneman‎

Reference : 65355

‎Beyond Words. New Research on Manuscripts in Boston Collections‎

‎, Brepols, 2021 Hardback, xxxii + 361 pages, Size:228 x 304 mm, Illustrations:91 b/w, 200 col., Language: English. ISBN 9780888442215.‎

‎Summary In the fall of 2016 an international scholarly conference accompanied the exhibition Beyond Words: Illuminated Manuscripts in Boston Collections. The speakers were chosen because of their expertise and because they were known to have research underway pertaining to important manuscripts in the exhibition. The aim of both exhibition and conference was to provide a broad overview of the history of patronage and book production over the course of the High and late Middle Ages, to the extent that the eclectic holdings of Boston-area institutions permitted. Most of the papers delivered at the conference have been collected as essays in this abundantly illustrated volume which, while still linked to the exhibition, now has an independent purpose. Just as the essays cover a wide range of topics, all relating to the history of the book, but also, inter alia, to the history of law, liturgy, literature, and libraries as well as to devotion, theology, and art, so too the approaches adopted by the contributors are as varied as the materials they study, ranging from paleography, codicology, and provenance research to painstaking reconstructions of historical patterns of patronage and the interpretative strategies of authors and artists. What results is not simply a wealth of fascinating insights into individual illuminated books, their makers, and their readers, but also an indication of how much remains to be learned about the materials to which the exhibition served as no more than an introduction. TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Figures Contributors Abbreviations Introduction ? JEFFREY F. HAMBURGER Monastic Manuscripts Gilbert de la Porr e: The Man and His Manuscripts ? PATRICIA STIRNEMANN Writing Culture and Society over the longue dur e: The Charters of Sawley Abbey, from Medieval Yorkshire to Present-Day Harvard, Houghton Library ? BRIGITTE MIRIAM BEDOS-REZAK Boston Public Library MS q Med. 86 in the Context of Manuscript Production in Delft ? KATHRYN M. RUDY Courtly Culture and Patronage Jean Bourdichon's Boston Hours and the Miniature-as-Object ? NICHOLAS HERMAN Rereading Boccaccio in tienne Chevalier's Les cents nouvelles (Houghton Library, MS Richardson 31) ? ANNE D. HEDEMAN Picturing and Collecting Virgil in Mid-Fifteenth Century France ? CHRISTINE SEIDEL Vicarious Entertainment for the Mature Aristocrat and Bibliophile Louis of Gruuthuse (Houghton Library, MSS Typ 129 and 130) ? SCOT McKENDRICK Court Patronage in Renaissance Italy: Hercules in Illuminated Manuscripts Given as Diplomatic Gifts ? FEDERICA TONIOLO Princes, Patricians, Prelates, and Pontiffs Illumination in Rome and L'Aquila during the Schism and in Florence during the Council: Artists and Patrons of the Calderini Pontifical (Harvard, Houghton Library, MS Typ 1) ? FRANCESCA MANZARI Niccol da Ferrara's Polistorio (Houghton Library, MS Typ 329): New Proposals on Don Simone Camaldolese and Mantuan Artistic Culture on the Eve of the Renaissance ? ADA LABRIOLA Cristoforo Cortese and the Donato Master: Venetian Liturgical Manuscripts in American Collections ? LILIAN ARMSTRONG Illuminating Law and Order in Venice ? HELENA K. SZ PE Illuminating History Kings as Kin: Picturing the English Monarchy in Houghton Library, MS Typ 11 ? ALIXE BOVEY The Shapes of History: Houghton Library, MS Richardson 35 and Chronicles of England in Codex and Roll ? SONJA DRIMMER Hannibal's Journey: Ancient History, Material Philology, Medieval Illumination ? JESSICA BERENBEIM Manuscripts in the Modern Era Medieval Manuscripts from the Collection of Captain Jack Ball ? PETER KIDD Notes Index of Manuscripts General Index‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR140.00 (€140.00 )

‎Lisa Lovatt-Smith‎

Reference : 63089


ISBN : 9783822892893

‎Intérieurs parisiens (anglais, allemand, français)‎

‎Paris, Taschen, 1996, Relié-Jaquette éditeur. Très bon état., 340 pages. ‎

Phone number : (+32) 470 87 87 88

EUR40.00 (€40.00 )

‎Lisane Basquiat, Jeanine Heriveaux‎

Reference : 59142


‎, Rizzoli 2022, 2022 Hardcover, 336 pages, ENG, 275 x 210 mm, NEW, dustjacket, with 250 pictures/ illustrations in colour. ISBN 9780847871872.‎

‎Organised by the family of Basquiat, the exhibition and accompanying catalogue feature over 200 never before and rarely seen paintings, drawings, ephemera, and artifacts. The artist s contributions to the history of art and his exploration into our multi-faceted culture incorporating music, the Black experience, pop culture, African American sports figures, literature, and other sources are showcased alongside personal reminiscences and firsthand accounts providing unique insight into Basquiat s creative life and his singular voice that propelled the social and cultural narrative that continues to this day. Structured around key periods in his life, from his childhood and formative years, his meteoric rise in the art world and beyond, to his untimely death, the book features in-depth interviews with his surviving family members.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR61.95 (€61.95 )


Reference : RO30042453


‎H. LAURENS. non daté. In-4. Cartonnage d'éditeurs. Etat d'usage, Coins frottés, Coiffe en tête abîmée, Quelques rousseurs. Pagination non continue, environ 300 pages. Nombreuses illustations en noir et blanc dans le texte et hors texte. Tranche en-tête dorée. Déboité, Traces de crayon de couleurs rouge. Couverture : toile bleue illustrée en doré. Dos fané.. . . . Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture‎

‎Style roman, style gothique, Style renaissance, Style Louis 13, Style Louis 14, Style Louis 15, Style Louis 16, Empire. Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR79.00 (€79.00 )

‎ lise Boillet, Ian Johnson (eds)‎

Reference : 64477

‎Religious Transformations in New Communities of Interpretation in Europe (1350?1570). Bridging the Historiographical Divides‎

‎, Brepols, 2023 Hardback, 275 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Language: English. ISBN 9782503601779.‎

‎Summary This volume brings together medievalist and early modernist specialists, whose research fields are traditionally divided by the jubilee year of 1500, in order to concentrate on the role of the laity (and those in holy orders) in the religious transformations characterizing the 'long fifteenth century' from the flourishing of the Devotio Moderna to the Reformation and Counter-Reformation. Recent historiography has described the Christian church of the fifteenth century as a world of 'multiple options', in which the laity was engaged with the clergy in a process of communication and negotiation leading to the emergence of hybrid forms of religious life. The religious manifestations of such 'new communities of interpretation' appear in an array of biblical and religious texts which widely circulated in manuscript before benefiting from the new print media. This collection casts a spectrum of new yet profoundly historical light on themes of seminal relevance to present-day European society by analysing patterns of inclusion and exclusion, and examining shifts in hierarchic and non-hierarchic relations articulated through religious practices, texts, and other phenomena featuring in the lives of groups and individuals. The academic team assembled for this collection is internationally European as well as interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary in its methodology. TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Contributors Introduction: Investigating and Reconsidering Medieval and Early Modern Divides and Connections ? IAN JOHNSON Lay and Clerical Cultures in Heaven and on Earth: Divides, Interactions, and Negotiations Gertrude More's 'Confessiones Amantis' and the Contemplative Identity of the Cambrai Benedictine Community? MARLEEN CR Helper Saints and their Critics in the Long Fifteenth Century? OTT GECSER Censoring Popular Devotion in French Protestant Propaganda: The Reformer Pierre Viret, the Rosary, and the Question of the Proper Honouring of the Virgin Mary? DANIELA SOLFAROLI CAMILLOCCI Lay Literacy and the Press: Forms and Transformations of Religious Writing and Rewriting Changes in the Grammar of Legibility: Influences on the Development of 'New Communities of Interpretation'? ? MARCO MOSTERT Biblical Genres through the Long Sixteenth Century: Italy as a Case Study? ERMINIA ARDISSINO Vernacular Culture and Ecclesiastical Censorship Printed Italian Vernacular Biblical Literature: Religious Transformation from the Beginnings of the Printing Press to the Mid-Seventeenth Century? LISE BOILLET Communities of Interpretation of the Bible along the European Margins: Hussite Teachings, the Hussite Bible, and the Bogomils, from the South of Hungary to the Periphery of Eastern Europe in the Long Fifteenth Century? MELINA ROKAI Political and Religious Cultures Language as a Weapon: Hilarius of Litom??ice and the Use of Latin and the Vernacular Language in Religious Polemics in Fifteenth-Century Bohemia? V CLAV ??REK The Legitimacy of Making Alliances between Christians and Infidels: Arguments of Polish Jurists in the First Half of the Fifteenth Century? WOJCIECH ?WIEBODA Confessional Coexistence, Conversion, and Confusion Peasants and 'Sectarians': On the Ineffectiveness of Evangelical Persuasion in Sixteenth-Century Poland? WALDEMAR KOWALSKI Religious Transformation on the Early Modern Periphery: Law and Gospel: Image, Place, and Communication in the Multi-Confessional Community of Sixteenth-Century Moravian Ostrava? DANIELA RYWIKOV Index of Persons and Places‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR85.00 (€85.00 )
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