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‎Luis Ribot ; Maira Herrero‎

Reference : 54726

‎Felipe II: Un monarca y su epoca. La monarquia Hispanica‎

‎, Los Centenarios de Felipe II y Carlos V, 1998 Hardcover, 615 pages, SPA, 300 x 250 x 55 mm, dustjacket , illustrations in colour / b/w, in Good Condition, ISBN 9788495146014.‎

‎exposici n celebrada en el Museo Nacional de Escultura. Palacio de Villena. Valladolid del 22 de octubre de 1998 al 10 de enero de 1999 Libro Tela editorial sin sobrecubierta. Esta publicaci n la edita Sociedad Estatal Para La Acci n Cultural Exterior, S.a.. y actualmente se encuentra en Madrid. La editorial tiene m s de 100 publicaciones en cat logo. Sociedad Estatal Para La Acci n Cultural Exterior, S.a. tiene libros sobre todo de Revistas Museos, Cultura De Espa a y Arte De Espa a.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR40.00 (€40.00 )

‎Luis Ribot ; Maira Herrero.‎

Reference : 54723

‎ Felipe II -Un Monarca y su Epoca - Las tierras y los hombres del rey.‎

‎, Sociedad Estatal para la Conmemoraci n, 1998 Hardcover , 587 pages; SPA, 300 x 250 x 55 mm, dustjacket, illustrations in colour / b/w, in Good Condition. ISBN 9788495146090.‎

‎exposici n celebrada en el Museo Nacional de Escultura. Palacio de Villena. Valladolid del 22 de octubre de 1998 al 10 de enero de 1999 Libro Tela editorial sin sobrecubierta. Esta publicaci n la edita Sociedad Estatal Para La Acci n Cultural Exterior, S.a.. y actualmente se encuentra en Madrid. La editorial tiene m s de 100 publicaciones en cat logo. Sociedad Estatal Para La Acci n Cultural Exterior, S.a. tiene libros sobre todo de Revistas Museos, Cultura De Espa a y Arte De Espa a.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR49.00 (€49.00 )

‎Luis Rubio Gil‎

Reference : 54705

‎Felipe II. Luis Rubio Gil Guia Historica Ilustrada-Luis Rubio Gil ‎

‎, Celeste Ediciones, 1998 Paperback, 71 pages,30x21cm Spanish, Illustrated. ISBN 9788482111612.‎

‎Esta obra est editada por Celeste Ediciones, S.a.. en Madrid. Tiene m s de trescientos setenta textos en cat logo. Arquitectura, M sica, Astronom a, Ficcion, No Ficci n... son las especialidades de la editorial. Celeste Joven, Comer Para Sanar, Guias Para Viajeros Tranquilos, Letra Celeste. Min scula., Pioneros De La Ciencia... son algunos ejemplos de colecciones de Celeste Ediciones, S.a.. Amado Nervo, Alberto Manzano, James Ackerman, Emilio Calderon, Jos Ram n G mez Fern ndez entre otros son algunos de los escritores que han publicado en dicha editorial.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR10.00 (€10.00 )


Reference : R260119531



‎EVEREST. 1976. In-4. Broché. Etat d'usage, Couv. légèrement passée, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 62 pages. Premier plat illustré en couleurs. Nombreuses photos en couleurs dans et hors texte. Texte en anglais.. . . . Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture‎

‎ Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR14.90 (€14.90 )

‎Luiz C. Marques.‎

Reference : 42093

‎peinture du Duecento en Italie Centrale.‎

‎Paris, Picard, 1987 Relie, toile sous jaquette d'editeur, 297pp., 28x20cm., nombr. ills. n/b., belle exemplaire. ISBN 2708403257.‎

‎La peinture du Duecento en Italie centrale ‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR39.00 (€39.00 )

‎Lukas Jodogne / derycke‎

Reference : 53866

‎Urban Arboretum Lukas Jodogne.‎

‎, MER Paper Kunsthalle, 2002 Oorspronkelijk uitgevers omslag, GROOT FORMAT, 16 PAGES, 42 x 30 cm. Language ENG. ISBN 9789076979076.‎

‎A tree. The biggest and oldest living things on Earth are trees. All Live is shaped by a struggle for survival. Competition for nutrients and reproductive success is unceasing. In contrast to animals, which must move around in search of food and mates, the plant kingdom places a premium on patience. At first glance trees appear to embody this vegetative strategy to perfection: they seem to achieve all their goals by standing still. What could be more emblematic of patience than a tree that has been rooted in the same spot for hundreds or even thousands of years, taking all it needs from the air, the sun, and the soil? nAs for competition with other forms of life, a tree seems to operate on the principle that a good defence is the best offence .nIn addition to providing shade and cooling through evaporation, trees filter noise, dust, and chemical pollutants from the air. Curiously enough, one of the greatest benefits that trees can provide for human populations is being realised by extending and improving what todays foresters call the 'urban forest'. This includes all the trees in the city parks as well as all the trees planted along city streets and highways, and trees in peoples yards. The extent of this forest is surprising. About one third of the surface area of the average city is given over to streets and structures‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR40.00 (€40.00 )

‎Luk de Vos ‎

Reference : 55119

‎enfant dans l'art belge: de 1800 nos jours‎

‎, Galerie CGER 1983, 1983 Softcover, 302 pages, Texte en Francais, 210 x 210 mm, condition tres bien!.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR15.00 (€15.00 )

‎Luke Giraudet‎

Reference : 64437

‎Public Opinion and Political Contest in Late Medieval Paris. The Parisian Bourgeois and his Community, 1400-50‎

‎, Brepols, 2023 Hardback, 328 pages, Size:178 x 254 mm, Illustrations:8 b/w, 5 tables b/w., 2 maps b/w, Language: English. ISBN 9782503593869.‎

‎Summary Public Opinion and Political Contest presents an important historiographical intervention regarding the emergence of larger political publics during the fifteenth century. The study analyses political interaction and public opinion in medieval Europe's largest city through the lens of the only continuous narrative source compiled in Paris during the early fifteenth century, the well-known Journal d'un bourgeois de Paris. Examining one of the most turbulent periods in Paris' history, which witnessed civil conflict and English occupation, the monograph contributes substantially to understandings of late medieval popular opinion conceptually and empirically, revealing Parisian groups bound by shared idioms and assumptions engaging with supralocal movements. Through an assessment of contemporary reactions to official communication, protest in public space, rumour and civic ceremony, the book presents a timely mirror to themes in flux today, addressing historiographical conclusions that have relegated premodern societies from considerations of the public sphere. As a result, this nuanced assessment of the Journal d'un bourgeois de Paris reveals how access to informational media and forums for discussion bound Parisians and framed a wider commentary upon political issues beyond the highest echelons of medieval society. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction 1. The Bourgeois of Paris and his Community 2. Official Communication, Propaganda and Popular Reaction 3. Rumour and Resistance 4. Public Space and Political Contest 5. Civic Ceremony and Royal Ideology Conclusion‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR104.00 (€104.00 )


Reference : 42880

ISBN : 2263026010

‎Déco-idées : Stores.‎

‎Paris, Edition Solar, 1998. 22 x 28, 80 pp., très nombreuses illustrations en couleurs, reliure d'édition carton imprimé, très bon état.‎

Librairie Ausone - Bruxelles

Phone number : 32 (0)2 410 33 27

EUR17.00 (€17.00 )

‎Luke Penkett‎

Reference : 65949

‎Pore Caitif. A Modern English Translation, with Introductory Essays and Notes‎

‎, Brepols, 2024 Paperback, 173 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Language: English. ISBN 9782503613741.‎

‎Summary The Pore Caitif is a popular, late-fourteenth-century, carefully crafted compilation of biblical, catechetical, devotional and mystical material drawing on patristic and medieval sources, in Middle English, consisting of a Prologue and a variable number of sections of differing lengths according to each manuscript, assembled probably by a clerical writer for an increasing literate lay readership/audience.The Prologue sets out the reason for writing and its overall structure as an integrated ladder leading the reader to heaven. The text begins with basic catechetical instruction modelled on John Peckham's Lambeth Constitutions of 1281 before continuing with more affective material, meditating, for example, on the Passion, and concludes with a treatise on virginity, leading the reader from an active to a contemplative way of life. The Pore Caitif was written about the time the Lollards were starting to propagate their programme of universal vernacular education. The writer believes in the need to educate his readers in the truths necessary for salvation without necessarily subscribing to Lollard positions. Although referred to in a number of secondary articles and books, and serving as the focus of three doctoral dissertations, an edition of the work was not published until 2019. Penkett's publication is the first Modern English translation based on the 2019 publication and is in a readily accessible format for the modern reader, accompanied by a series of ground-breaking essays. TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface Introduction Chapter 1. The Pore Caitif and its Historical Context Chapter 2. The Pore Caitif and its Literary Contexts Chapter 3. The Poor Caitif Himself Chapter 4. The Structure of the Pore Caitif Chapter 5. The Pore Caitif and its Readers Chapter 6. This Translation Translation Prologue [Creed] Ten Commandments Peter Noster Christ's Counsel Of Virtuous Patience Of Temptation The Charter of Heaven [The] Horse or Armour of Heaven Love of Jesus Desire of Jesus Of Meekness The Effect of Will Active Life and Contemplative Life [Mirror of Chastity] Bibliography General Index Index of Scriptural References‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR115.00 (€115.00 )

‎Luk lambrecht‎

Reference : 56124

‎Lawrence Weiner : Cleared From Wall To Wall‎

‎, Mulier Gallery, 2003 Oorspronkelijk uitgevers omslag, 18 PAGES 20x20cm.‎

‎Exhibition catalogue 03.2003 - 04.2003‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR15.00 (€15.00 )

‎Luk Lambrecht‎

Reference : 49981

‎Panamarenko North Sea Depot.‎

‎, Knokke-Heist, Mulier Mulier Gallery, 2016, Gebonden, zilverkleurig linnen met titelopdruk, 70pp., 24x28cm., ills. in kleur. Nieuw. ISBN 9789082530117.‎

‎NORTH SEA DEPOT. Het is buitengewoon heerlijk dat een mooie en architecturaal onthechte gallery een tijdelijke hangar wordt voor een perfect geselecteerde greep uit het machtige ?uvre van Panamarenko, wiens belang zal blijken met het verstrijken van de tijd ! Luk Lambrecht NORTH SEA DEPOT is het grootste Panamarenko overzicht ooit in een gallery en loopt tot 20 april. Ter gelegenheid van deze tentoonstelling wordt een catalogus uitgegeven.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR35.00 (€35.00 )

‎Luk Lambrecht / Jose Luis Brea‎

Reference : 63961

‎Richard Venlet‎

‎Antwerp, ADO Gallery, 1993 Original publishers paper-covered boards, 24 pages 21x16cm text ENG/FR.‎

‎Exhibition catalog Richard Venlet 1993‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR15.00 (€15.00 )

‎Luk Lambrechts.‎

Reference : 33131

‎Tomasz Kowalski powrot przodka.‎

‎Antwerp, Tim Van Laere Books 2010, 2010 Bound, cloth, unpag., 20.5x25.5cm., illustr. throughout in col., as new. exhibition catalogue. Text in English and Dutch.‎

‎'The entangled complexity in the successfully layered semi-figuration which in the works by Kowalski invariably remains ?open? where interpretation is concerned, is perfectly complemented by the various painting styles effortlessly fused together by the young artist not unlike a skilled dj at work. Within a single base he smoothly switches from fairly expressive sections to a style reminiscent of the naive figurative Kasimir Malevich, the soft degrading in. The beautiful reference to the sublime and monumental work ?Bez Tytulu? (2010) depicting against a cardboard-like monochrome background a figure on the bottom of the painting under a sheet with its head painted ?in? a pillow with wide-open and obsessive eyes that seem to open ?the mental window? into the imaginative rich plastic world of Tomasz Kowalski. ‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR35.00 (€35.00 )

‎Luk Lambrecht/Tanguy Eeckhout ‎

Reference : 44929

‎Willy De Sauter.‎

‎Antwerp, Ronny Van de Velde Gallery, 2013 Hardback, 290 x 245 mm, 212p, , throughout colour illustrations, English/ French/ Dutch (NL) edition fine condition. ISBN 13010943.‎

‎Willy De Sauter (1938, Brugge) volgde een opleiding als graficus, wat een belangrijke stempel op zijn plastisch werk heeft gedrukt. Hij is steeds op zoek naar de essentie, wat in zijn vroegste werk evolueerde naar een spaarzaam gebruik van de lijn. Toen die lijn het ganse blad in beslag nam, werd de stap gezet naar andere materialen, met nieuwe visuele mogelijkheden. Er dook kleur op in het werk, dat ook meer ruimtelijk werd opgevat. Waar de vroegere werken louter zelfreferentieel waren, worden nu bovendien referenties aan architecturale vormen opgenomen. Ondanks deze evolutie blijft De Sauter wat hij zelf noemt, een minimalist. ‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR35.00 (€35.00 )

‎Luk Lambrecht, Thibaut Verhoeven‎

Reference : 53851

‎Dirk Vander Eecken‎

‎, MER Paper Kunsthalle, 2010 hardcover, HC / 112 pages / 28 x 21,5 cm, ill. ISBN 9789490693107.‎

‎At a first viewing of Dirk Vander Eecken's recent work, I was peripherally reminded of the edition "Erster Blick" (2000) of the German artist Gerhard Richter. This simple appropriation of a page from the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung shows a photo with a text fragment of the first image of the inside of an atom, made by scientists at the University of Augsburg. It is an edition in which Gerhard Richter expresses his fascination for what underlies the material world, or what it is made up of. Concrete reality is tipped over through a microscopic examination that creates a mysterious image which evades all human control. Gerhard Richter also painted, after an illness, snow landscapes that conjure up a similar fascination with a landscape that exists but is temporarily covered with a layer of white snow. In a similar way, the oeuvre of Dirk Vander Eecken is an attempt at creating a continuum, an attempted contemplation of "realities" that directly opposes the routinous perception of the overpressurised rustling reality that surrounds us. / Bij een eerste blik op het recente werk van Dirk Vander Eecken moest ik zijdelings denken aan de editie Erster Blick (2000) van de Duitse kunstenaar Gerhard Richter. Deze eenvoudige toe-eigening van een deeltje van een pagina uit de Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung toont een foto met tekstfragment van de eerste afbeelding van de binnenkant van een atoom gemaakt door wetenschappers aan de Universiteit van Augsburg. Het is een editie waarin Gerhard Richter zijn fascinatie toont voor de achter- en binnenkant van de materi le wereld. Het concrete kantelt via electromicroscopische waarneming in een mysterieus beeld waarop de mens alle greep verliest. Gerhard Richter schilderde na een ziekte ook sneeuwlandschappen waar eenzelfde fascinatie wordt opgeroepen voor een landschap dat er is maar tijdelijk bedekt is met een laag witte sneeuw. Op een gelijkaardige manier is het oeuvre van Dirk Vander Eecken een poging tot continu m, een trachten kijken naar 'werkelijkheden' dat haaks staat op de routineuze perceptie van de ons omringende, overdruk ruisende werkelijkheid.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR29.50 (€29.50 )


Reference : 89075aaf

‎Zarskoje Selo. Eine Geschichte der Zarenschlösser, der Gartenpavillons und Gärten.‎

‎München, Orchis, 1923, in-8vo, Front. + 56 S. (Text) + 32 S. (Abb.), Original- ill. Broschüre.‎


Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808

CHF20.00 (€21.44 )

‎LUNDBERG, Av Erik:‎

Reference : 16919aaf

‎Arkitekturens Formspräk. Studier över arkitekturens konstnäarliga värden i värden i deras historiska utveckling. 5 volumes.‎

‎Stockholm, Nordisk Rotogravyr, 1945, gr. in-8°, clothbound.‎

‎1) Den äldre antiken, 569 p., 455 textill. + 77 plates + 6 colourplates / 2) Den yngre antiken. 300 f. Kr. - 600. 742 p., 615 textill. + 80 plates + 3 colour plates / 3) Västerlandets medeltid 600-1200, 618 p., 494 textill. + 80 plates / 4) Västerlandets medeltid 1200-1450, 513 p., 403 textill. + 80 plates / 5) Renässansen i Italien 1420-1620. 532 p., 428 textill. + 80 plates. ‎


Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808

CHF250.00 (€267.97 )


Reference : 709



Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK1,400.00 (€187.77 )


Reference : 54559


‎Ad Quadratum. Det geometriske System for Antikens og Middelalderens sakrale Bygningskunst opdaget paa Kathedralen i Nidaros. I-II (Tekstbd. + Plancher).‎

‎Kristiania, Helge Erichsen & Co., 1919. Stor 4to. 2 originalbind. Tekstbindet i helshirt, planchemappen i hshirt. XII,393 pp., 337 tekstillustrationer samt 40 foldeplancher (numm. I-XXXVI, flere med a og b-numre).‎

‎Originaltrykket af dette yderst kontroversille værk, som i anledning af restaureringen af Nidaros-domkirken, hævdede at have opdaget de geometriske hemmeligheder bag kirkebygningskunsten og i særdeleshed Gotikkens.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK3,000.00 (€402.37 )


Reference : 41398


‎De kongelige lysthaver.‎

‎København, 1977. Folio. Originalt shirtingsbind med smudsomslag. I kassette. 283 pp. Rigt Illustreret i sort/hvid og farver.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK400.00 (€53.65 )


Reference : 12312


‎Danmarks Bygningskunst fra Oldtid til Nutid.‎

‎Kbhvn., 1963. Lex8vo. Ohshirtbd. med smudsomslag. 480 pp. Rigt illustr.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK350.00 (€46.94 )

‎Lunsingh Scheurleer, D. F. (préface)‎

Reference : 815

‎Carreaux de Delft et d'ailleurs - Du XVe au XIXe siècle‎

‎Institut néerlandais, Paris, s.d. [1962]. In-12, broché sous couverture illustrée en couleurs, 31 - 14 pp. Introduction, par Lunsingh Scheurleer, D. F. - Histoire du carreau de l'Antiquité à la Renaissance - Carreaux de dallage et de cheminée - Le carreau en Hollande - Les tableaux de carreaux et leur utilisation - La renommée du carreau ...‎

‎Avec 32 reproductions en noir et blanc en hors-texte. --- Plus d'informations sur le site‎

Phone number : 01 42 73 13 41

EUR14.00 (€14.00 )

‎Lupu, Fran ois‎

Reference : 60975

‎Oc anie le masque ua long cours‎

‎, Rennes, 1983 257 pp, gebonden Frans. ISBN 9782858826599.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR15.00 (€15.00 )

‎[A. Bourgeois de Soye] - ‎ ‎LUQUET, Mgr. ; TILLOY, Abbé A.‎

Reference : 36577


‎Les Sanctuaires de Rome‎

‎1 vol. in-folio reliure demi-chagrin, dos à 5 nerfs orné, A. Bourgeois de Soye, Paris, 1863, 160 pp. et 28 planches lithographiées hors texte‎

‎Sans le portrait de Pie IX. Etat moyen (rel. fort. frottée, fortes rouss. dans le texte, mouill. marginale, mais hormis cette mouill., les lithographies sont en bon état). Prix en l'état.‎

Phone number : 09 82 20 86 11

EUR45.00 (€45.00 )
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