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Reference : 103866

‎Le Metabolisme 1960-1975‎

‎ Paris, Centre Georges Pompidou, 1997, 305x240mm, 66p., couverture rigide illustrée.Collections du Musée national d’Art Moderne Centre de création industrielle.(103866) ‎

Phone number : +33 1 48 01 02 37

EUR60.00 (€60.00 )

‎KUROKAWA KISHÔ (1934-2007)‎

Reference : 103868

‎Mirai o sôzô suru kenchiku Kurokawa Kishô /Architecture of Metabolism‎

‎ Tokyo, Nobel Shobo, 1969, 312 x 267 mm, 304pp., pleine toile marron de l’éditeur, jaquette illustrée. ‎

‎Photographies de Osamu Murai, Masao Arai, Tomio Ohashi, Takashi Koyama, Yutaca Suzuki, Hideki Hongo, entre autres, reproduites en photogravure.Edition originale de la première monographie importante de l’architecte, un des fondateurs du Métabolisme. Illustré de photographies de bâtiments ou de maquettes l’ouvrage s’attache à montrer les oeuvres réalisées de 1960 jusqu’au projet pour Expo 70 à Osaka, alors en construction. (103868) ‎

Phone number : +33 1 48 01 02 37

EUR950.00 (€950.00 )

‎Kurrent (Friedrich)‎

Reference : 15536


ISBN : 3764361026

‎Scale Models - Houses of the 20th Century‎

‎Birkhäuser 1999 In-4 broché, 436 pp, nombreuses illustrations en noir.‎

‎ Très bon état d’occasion ‎

Librairie de l'Avenue - Saint-Ouen

Phone number : 01 40 11 95 85

EUR28.00 (€28.00 )

‎Kurt Deruyter ; Kristof Vadino ; vertaling : Philippe Debroe‎

Reference : 61084

‎HELMET : portret van een wijk in een stad‎

‎Schaarbeek, Brussel, Deruyter Kurt, 2013 Hardcover, 128 pag. NL / FR, 245 x 175 x 10 mm, Nieuw, met foto's in kleur. ISBN 9789082058901.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR25.00 (€25.00 )

‎Kurt Hielscher‎

Reference : ALL09C4


‎L'ALLEMAGNE. Architecture et Paysage.‎

‎1924 / 304 pages. Relié Editions Librairie Arts Décoratifs / Calavas.‎

‎Couverture insolée, intérieur frais. Bel état.‎


Phone number : +33 5 59 03 69 40

EUR50.00 (€50.00 )

‎Kurth, Julius:‎

Reference : 5056BB



‎Leipzig, Brockhaus, 1907. Lex-8°. (1) Bl., XIII, 390 S., (2) S. (Anzeigen). Mit 45 Tafeln. Illustr. Orig.-Pappband.‎

‎Der Einband fleckig und berieben.‎

EOS Buchantiquariat Benz - CH-8001 Zürich

Phone number : 41 (0)44 261 57 50

CHF180.00 (€192.94 )

‎Kurt Lackner ; Johannes Dorflinger ; Robert Wagner ; Franz Wawrik‎

Reference : 54674

‎Descriptio Austriae : Osterreich und seine Nachbarn im Kartenbild von der Spatantike bis ins 19. Jahrhundert.‎

‎, Edition Tusch, 1977 Hardcover, 216 zeiten, Deutsche edition, 330 x 310 x 25 mm, Wie Neu !!, Illustrierter Schutzumschlag, reichhaltig illustriert in Farbe / s/w; ***Teils gefalteten Karten in farbe und s/w*** besondere seltene Ausgabe... ISBN 9783850630740.‎

‎ Die Geschichte sterreichs umfasst die Geschichte sterreichs und seiner Vorg ngerstaaten. In der sp ten Eisenzeit wurde sterreich von Menschen der keltischen Hallstatt-Kultur besetzt (ca. 800 v. Chr.), die sich zun chst als keltisches K nigreich organisierten, das von den R mern als Noricum bezeichnet wurde und aus dem Jahr ca. stammte. 800 bis 400 v. Chr. Am Ende des 1. Jahrhunderts v. Chr. wurden die Gebiete s dlich der Donau Teil des R mischen Reiches. In der V lkerwanderungszeit, im 6. Jahrhundert, besetzten die Bavarien, ein germanisches Volk, dieses Land, bis es im 9. Jahrhundert an das Frankenreich fiel, das von den germanischen Franken gegr ndet wurde. Der Name Ostarr chi ( sterreich) wird seit 996 n. Chr. verwendet, als es eine Markgrafschaft des Herzogtums Bayern und ab 1156 ein unabh ngiges Herzogtum (sp ter Erzherzogtum) des Heiligen R mischen Reiches (962?1806) war.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR55.00 (€55.00 )

‎ Kurt Schwitters, M. Dachy‎

Reference : 62026

‎Merz : Ecrits‎

‎, Ivrea, 1990 Broch , 406 pages, Texte en Francais / Tres belle exemplaire, 240 x 170 x 25 mm, ill.en n/b. ISBN 9782851842251.‎

‎Kurt Hermann Eduard Karl Julius Schwitters (20 juin 1887 - 8 janvier 1948) tait un artiste allemand n Hanovre, en Allemagne. Schwitters a travaill dans plusieurs genres et m dias, notamment le dada sme, le constructivisme, le surr alisme, la po sie, le son, la peinture, la sculpture, le graphisme, la typographie et ce qui est devenu l'art de l'installation. Il est surtout connu pour ses collages, appel s "Merz Pictures".‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR37.50 (€37.50 )

‎Kurt Villads Jensen, Torben Kjersgaard Nielsen (eds)‎

Reference : 65163

‎The Crusades: History and Memory. Proceedings of the Ninth Conference of the Society for the Study of the Crusades and the Latin East, Odense, 27 June - 1 July 2016. Volume 2‎

‎, Brepols, 2021 Hardback, 222 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:10 b/w, 6 maps b/w, Language: English. ISBN 9782503587868.‎

‎Summary The crusades have been remembered and commemorated in many ways, from the late eleventh century until today. Soon after the conquest of Jerusalem in 1099, the fate of the First Crusade inspired literary, historiographical and artistic traditions. Participants in the subsequent crusades would look to the first Crusade for inspiration and spiritual guidance, while playing out their own ideas of crusading. Since then the crusades have been put to use in very divers ways and for different purposes. This volume explores how the crusades have been remembered, revered and ridiculed by those who participated in them and by those who in later periods made use of the crusades as an historical phenomenon. The volume thus traces the memory and legacy of the crusades by putting together essays that focus on the specific ways in which the crusades have been memorized, evoked and exploited from the eleventh century until today. TABLE OF CONTENTS The Crusades. History and Memory: Introduction Kurt Villads Jensen & Torben Kjersgaard Nielsen When Was the First History of the Crusades Written? Christoph T. Maier The Memory of Saladin and the Crusades in the Near East from the Fifteenth to the Late Nineteenth Centuries Jonathan Phillips When the Saints go Marching in. The Memory of the Miraculous in the Sources for the First Crusade Carol Sweetenham Once and Future Crusades. Past and projected plans of Emperor Frederick II and King Valdemar II of Denmark, c. 1214-1227 Kurt Villads Jensen The Circulation of the Eracles in Italy and Galeotto del Carretto's Chronicle(s) Massimiliano Gaggero From 'Superstitious Veneration' to 'War to Defend Christendom'. The Crusades in the Encyclopaedia Britannica (1771-2018) Mike Horswell Has Emperor Henry of Constantinople's Legend Survived in Greek Folk Poetry? Aphrodite Papayianni Paradigms for Understanding Modern Crusading Adam KnoblerMemorials to Crusaders. The Use of Crusade Imagery in British First World War Memorials Elizabeth Siberry When and Where did the Word 'Crusade' Appear in the Middle Ages? And Why? Benjamin Weber‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR75.00 (€75.00 )

‎Kushyar ibn Labban al-Jilli, Benno van Dalen (ed)‎

Reference : 65065

‎Ptolemaic Tradition and Islamic Innovation: The Astronomical Tables of Kushyar ibn Labban‎

‎, Brepols, 2022 Hardback, xviii + 614 pages, Size:178 x 254 mm, Illustrations:8 b/w, 16 col., 159 pages of tables, Language(s):English, Arabic. ISBN 9782503593418.‎

‎Summary The Jami'Zij (Comprehensive Zij) was a highly popular Arabic astronomical handbook with tables written by the Iranian astronomer Kushyar ibn Labban al-Jili around the year 1000. It belonged to an important category of works, modelled after Ptolemy's Almagest and Handy Tables, that allowed the practising astronomer/astrologer to carry out all necessary calculations of arcs on the celestial sphere and planetary positions, and ultimately to cast horoscopes. Around one hundred such works are extant, but only very few have been edited, translated or studied in detail. This book contains a full treatment of Book II of Kushyar's astronomical handbook centred around a critical edition of all the mathematical tables and their paratexts. It sets new standards for the edition of such tables by designing new types of apparatus entries for related variants in the tabular values. The introductory part describes the eight surviving manuscripts that transmit Kushyar's tables and establishes by a detailed survey that they represent at least three different versions of the Jami'Zij that in all likelihood stem from Kushyar himself. An extensive commentary with mathematical analyses uncovers numerous new details of the methods by which the tables were computed, the astronomical parameter values on which they were based, the sources for the tables, and their influence on later zijes. These results show how Kushyar, on the one hand, stayed firmly within the framework of the Ptolemaic tradition, but on the other introduced several types of innovations that later became common in Arabic and Persian astronomical handbooks. TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface Part I: Introduction Part II: Tables Part III: Texts Part IV: Commentary Quick references: zijes and technical concepts for the analysis of tables Indexes Bibliography‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR120.00 (€120.00 )

‎KUTAL Albert.‎

Reference : 682

‎Gotische Kunst in Böhmen.‎

‎Prague, Artia, 1971. In-4° reliure pleine toile, jaquette illustrée. Avec 180 illustrations représentant l'architecture, la sculpture et la peinture de l'époque gothique en Bohème.‎

‎Texte allemand.‎


Phone number : + 41 22 310 32 10

CHF40.00 (€42.87 )

‎KUTCHER Arthur‎

Reference : 18665


‎THE NEW JERUSALEM. Plannings and Politics. With 183 plans and drawings.‎

‎ 1973 London, Thames and Hudson, 1973. Grand in-8 broché de format carré, 23 x 23 cm., 128 pp. Comprenant 183 plans et dessins de l'auteur. Couverture illustrée. Un léger pli de lecture au dos sinon très bon état. EN ANGLAIS ‎

Phone number : 01 44 61 00 77

EUR25.00 (€25.00 )

‎[Jozef Cantr ] - ‎ ‎Kuyle Albert‎

Reference : 65610

‎Kinderen der mensen‎

‎Utrecht, De Lanteern, 1954 Gebonden linnen, stofomslag met houtsnede van Jozef Cantr , 245 pagina's, 13.5 x 19.5 cm.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR20.00 (€20.00 )


Reference : 46524


‎Eigenverlag, Hall in Tirol, 1992, in-4 softcover, dustjacket, 144 pp, illustrations. In english & german. Library copy. Cover Used, inside good.‎

Phone number : 06 34 99 23 95

EUR20.00 (€20.00 )

‎K. Van der Stighelen, H. Vlieghe‎

Reference : 56425

‎Portraits of Unidentified and Newly Identified Sitters Painted in Antwerp - Corpus Rubenianum Ludwig Burchard XIX. / 3‎

‎, Brepols - Harvey Miller, 2021 Hardcover with dusjacket, 410 pages ., 75 b/w ill. + 60 colour ill., 175 x 260 mm,.Fine. ISBN 9781912554638.‎

‎This book, one of four devoted to Rubens's portraiture, contains a catalogue of all the portraits of unidentified individuals attributed by Ludwig Burchard or by the authors to Rubens and executed in Antwerp. The volume thus complements the catalogue of all the portraits of known persons painted by Rubens in Antwerp, published in the Corpus Rubenianum Ludwig Burchard as Part XIX.2 in 1987. A decade earlier the volume on the portraits painted by Rubens outside Antwerp (XIX.1) had inaugurated the series on Ruben's portraits. In 2016, the book dealing with Portraits after Existing Prototypes (XIX.4) also appeared, so that now the cataloguing of Rubens?s entire oeuvre in the field of portraiture is complete. Not all the works discussed in the present book (XIX.3) are, however, portraits of unidentified sitters ? initially the volumes title. Recent scholarly research has not only allowed insights into sitters previously unrecognised, but has indeed made it possible to give an identity to a number of persons portrayed in works that were not included in the second volume (XIX.2). Among these sitters are members of Rubens's own family, as well as his contemporaries, including significant figures in the political, economic or religious life of the period.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR175.00 (€175.00 )

‎K. Van Herck, Tom Avermaete‎

Reference : 61331

‎Wonen in welvaart woningbouw en wooncultuur in Vlaanderen, 1948-1973‎

‎, 010 Publishers / vai, 2006 Softcover, 320 pagina's met illustraties, prima staat. ISBN 9789064506291.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR20.00 (€20.00 )

‎K. Wilson‎

Reference : 57159

‎Power of Textiles : Tapestries of the Burgundian Dominions (1363-1477)‎

‎, Brepols 2018, 2018 XII+221 p., 28 b/w ill., 2 b/w tables, 156 x 234 mm, English, Paperback, . ISBN 9782503533933.‎

‎The power of textiles in the Burgundian Dominions, spinning webs between city and court c. 1363-1477. Textiles were used as markers of distinction throughout the Middle Ages and their production was of great economic importance to emerging and established polities. This book explores tapestry in one of the greatest textile producing regions, the Burgundian Dominions, c. 1363-1477. It uses documentary evidence to reconstruct and analyse the production, manufacture, and use of tapestry. It begins by identifying the suppliers of tapestry to the dukes of Burgundy and their ability to spin webs between city and court. It proceeds by considering the forms of tapestry and their functions for urban and courtly consumers. It then observes the ways in which tapestry constructed social relations as part of gift-giving strategies. It concludes by exploring what the re-use, repair, and remaking of tapestry reveals about its value to urban and courtly consumers. By taking an object-centred approach through documentary sources, this book emphasises that the particular characteristics of tapestry shaped the strategies of those who supplied it and the ways it performed and constructed social relations. Thus, the book offers a contribution to the historical understanding of textiles as objects that contributed to the projection of social status and the cultural construction of political authority in the Burgundian polity. Katherine Anne Wilson is Senior Lecturer in Medieval History at the University of Chester. Her research interests lie in understanding the relationship between social and cultural change, and shifting patterns in the use of material culture in the later Middle Ages. She has worked and published on the circulation of tapestry and luxury goods of the Burgundian Netherlands as well as the biographies of their producers and consumers.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR77.00 (€77.00 )

‎Kwinter Sandford‎

Reference : 114627


ISBN : 3791338765 9783791338767

‎Coop Himmelb(l)au BMW Welt Munich Dynamic Forces‎

‎Prestel 2007 Livre en anglais. In-8 relié 24,5 cm sur 29,30. 246 pages. État correct d’occasion.‎

‎ Mauvais état d’occasion ‎

Librairie de l'Avenue - Saint-Ouen

Phone number : 01 40 11 95 85

EUR34.00 (€34.00 )


Reference : 148.1aaf


Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808

CHF250.00 (€267.97 )

‎KÖNIG-VON DACH, Charlotte:‎

Reference : 51940aaf

‎Das Casino der Stadt Bern. Vom Barfüsserkloster zum Gesellschafts und Konzerthaus.‎

‎Bern, Verlag Stämpfli & Cie AG, 1985, in-8vo, 224 S. reich. ill., reliure en toile originale ill., jaquette ill.‎


Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808

CHF20.00 (€21.44 )

‎KÜSTER, Fr. Peter: / WICKI, Jos. Mich.:‎

Reference : 124940aaf

‎Architecturae civilis et gnomonicae solaris elementa, quae una cum selectis positionibus ex universa philosophia ac mathesi sub auspiciis... / Domini Bernardi Emanuelis de Lenzburg, propugnanda auscipiunt Ornatissimi ac Perdocti D.D. Jos. Mich. Wicki... et Fr. Petr. Küster... ; Preasidibus P. Mich. Moret, Phil. Prof. ord. et P. Lud. Esseiva, Math. Prof. ord. *n Lyceo Friburg, apud Helvet.‎

‎Friburgi Helvetiorum (Fribourg), Anno M. D. CC. LXXXIII, typis B. Ludov. Piller, 1783. pt. in-8vo, VIII (mit Holzschnitt. Wappenvignette) + 71 S. + (selbständig paginiertem Anhang) 9 S. : Positiones philosophicae...hsr. Thesen + 2 gef. Kupfertafeln, (etwas eingerissen), brochure originale. Couvert de papier dominoté.‎

‎Soutenances de thèses en architecture et en gnomonique solaire (en vue de la construction d’une horloge solaire) par Franz Peter Küster et Joseph Michel Wicky, au Collège St-Michel de Fribourg, sous la direction des professeurs Pierre-Louis Esseiva (1738-1799) et Michel Moret (1744-1813), tous deux anciens Jésuites. Bosson, L’Atelier typographique de Fribourg (Suisse) n° 826; Le livre fribourgeois 1585-1985 n° 93. Image disp.‎


Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808

CHF100.00 (€107.19 )

‎Laar, Gijsbert van‎

Reference : 1975


‎Magazijn van Tuin-Sieraden (Magasin des ornements des Jardins)‎

‎ 1831 Edité par Johannes Nomann et fils, Zalt-Bommel, sans date (1831). In-4, demi-veau. (iv), 100 pages. Vignette gravée en page de titre, 190 planches gravées, joliment aquarellées d'époque. Texte Néerlandais. Le texte se compose de notices sur les 190 planches‎

‎Premier mors un peu faible. Très bon exemplaireTrès bel état des gravures et grande fraîcheur de coloris.Rare ‎

Phone number : 0633772411

EUR2,500.00 (€2,500.00 )

‎[Editions du Centre Nationale de la Recherche Scientifique] - ‎ ‎LABANDE, Edmond-René ; FAVREAU, Robert ; MICHAUD, Jean ; LEPLANT, Bernadette ‎

Reference : 62437


‎Corpus des Inscriptions de la France Médiévale. Tome 8 : Ariège, Haute-Garonne, Hautes-Pyrénées, Tarn-et-Garonne‎

‎1 vol. in-8 br., Editions du Centre Nationale de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris, 1982, 332 pp.‎

‎Bon exemplaire de cet ouvrage de référence désormais épuisé.‎

Phone number : 09 82 20 86 11

EUR150.00 (€150.00 )


Reference : 212009

‎La Cathédrale de Vaison.. Étude historique et archéologique‎

‎Caen, Henri Delesques, 1905 in-8, 71 pp., 3 planche dont une repliée, broché. ‎



Phone number : 06 46 54 64 48

EUR40.00 (€40.00 )

‎Labande L.-H‎

Reference : 100120816


‎L'Eglise Saint-Trophisme d'Arles‎

‎Henri Laurens 1930 collection "petites monographies des grands édifices de la france". Paris. in8. 1930. Broché. 95 pages. Bon Etat intérieur propre‎

Livres-sur-sorgue - Isle-sur-la-sorgue

Phone number : 04 90 26 49 32

EUR12.00 (€12.00 )
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