Paris, Librairie de l'Enseignement Technique, Editions Léon Eyrolles, 1937. 16 x 25, 307 pp., 58 figures dont 2 dépliantes, broché, bon état (1 cachet d'ex-propriétaire).
Tome 2 seul.
[Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées] - KOCH, Pierre ; Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées
Reference : 47827
1 vol. petit in-folio rel. demi-percaline verte, ill. noir et blanc, Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées, 1955, 232 pp. et 234 pp.
Bon état (ex libris ms., très bon état par ailleurs). Pierre Koch, ingénieur en chef des Ponts et Chaussées et Docteur en droit, fut notamment directeur honoraire des Eaux et de l'Assainissement à la Ville de Paris. Poids de 2 Kg.
Zürich, Verlag des Verbandes Schweizerischer Schreinermeister und Möblefabrikanten VSSM, 1993, in-4to, 172 S. + 4 gefaltete Tafeln, orange Etikette "Belegexemplar", Original-Broschüre.
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808
SOLAR. 2004. In-12. Broché. Très bon état, Couv. fraîche, Dos impeccable, Intérieur frais. 194 pages illustrées de nombreux dessins et de photographies en noir et blanc; couverture cartonnée.. . . . Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
Traduit de l'allemand par Léa Marcou. Lexique de poche illustré avec plus de huit cents illustrations de la main de l'auteur. Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
FRANCE LOISIRS. 1979. In-12. Broché. Très bon état, Couv. fraîche, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 194 pages. Nombreuss illustrations et quelques photos en noir et blanc dans le texte et hors-texte.. . . . Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
Lexiwue de poche illustré. Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
solar. Non daté. In-12. Relié. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 194 pages. NOmbreuses illustrations en noir et blanc.. . . . Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
SOLAR. 1997. In-12. Relié. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 194 pages - nombreuses photos et illustrations noir et blanc dans le texte. . . . Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
Solar. 1989. In-12. Cartonn. Bon tat, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intrieur frais. 194 pages.Nombreux schmas en noir et blanc, in texte. Quelques rousseurs.. . . . Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
Paris Solar 1976 In 12 Collection " Comment reconnaître " . Nombreux dessins et photographies en noir et blanc . . - 194 p. , 350 gr.
Couverture rigide Parfait État . Perfect State .
, Stevens, J. Mechelen, 1982 Oorspronkelijk uitgevers omslag, 221 pages oblong 27x22cm, z/w afbeeldingen.
Koelliker Martine, Bujard Jacques, Bornand Gérald, Duclos Bernard:
Reference : 15353
Ville de Genève, Département municipal de l'aménagement, des constructions et de la voirie, 1994. In-8 broché de 56 pages, couverture illustrée.
Archéologie, histoire et restauration.
Ville de Genève, Département municipal de l'aménagement, des constructions et de la voirie, 1995. In-8 broché de 32 pages, couverture illustrée.
Présente l'histoire et des considérations générales sur la restauration de la Maison Picot.
, Canaletto, Alphen aan den Rhijn, 1985 Hardcover, 249 pages, ENG / NL , 315 x 245 x 22 mm, in New condition, illustrated in colour / b/w. ISBN 9789064696237.
Bibliography of terrestrial, maritime and celestial atlases and pilot books published in the Netherlands from 1570 up to the 20th century, in nine volumes, each describing a coherent group of atlases and supplied with indexes. The work is fully illustrated with all engraved title-pages, all maps of the folio-atlases, and a selection of the other maps. The first edition of Atlantes Neerlandici was compiled and edited by professor C. Koeman and published in six volumes by Theatrum Orbis Terrarum from 1967-1985. Koeman?s magisterial work was the first work in the field of atlasbibliography. This completely revised edition has new bibliographical descriptions of the atlases and maps according to the latest standards and based upon an inquiry to about 1500 libraries all over the world.
, Posture Editions Nr 23, 2017 HB, 297 x 210 mm, 64 pages, EN-NL edition, Illustrated. ISBN 9789491262234.
buren the collective of Melissa Mabesoone (b. 1988) and Oshin Albrecht (b. 1986) ? functions as a noun and as a verb, as an umbrella term for their practice and as a way of working together. They research, amongst others, subconscious sensations and desires, ways of dealing with commodity and property, the promise of happiness and a unique identity. How to deal with today?s impasse and the possible failure of our good life fantasies? This is expressed in different media such as performance, installation, video and film. The book Confusion of Tongues rejoices in confusion: the artists assume inexplicable poses, surrounding objects that are groped in an inappropriate manner. Over 20 short texts, Koen Brams conjures a world of fingers, watches, buses and other ?Things?. Image and text come together to create a theatrical world in which the everyday seems to flirt with the supernatural. ?IN THE PALM OF THE HAND ? The objects have just two things in common: they have all belonged to different owners and they all fit in the palm of the hand. Whether it be a poker chip, a glass marble, a watch or a badge, they were all once noticed, picked up and safely concealed in a clasped hand. Then they travelled with him in his shirt or trouser pocket. The paths of his walks could be traced retrospectively and maps drawn up based on the things. This map of things would take you along fields, rivers and canals, on steep paths and ridges, into blind alleys and via secret shortcuts.? From: ?Things? Koen Brams, in: Confusion of Tongues
, Posture editions plus, PB, 195 x 130 mm, 160 pages, Illustrated.NL edition. ISBN 9789491262500.
In December 1966, a group exhibition titled PLUS met opzet takes place at the Sint-Lucas Institute in Ghent. What does this title mean? 'Intentionally' 'Plus'? 'Deliberately' 'Plus'? 'Deliberately' 'Plus'? What is meant by 'PLUS' with intent? Not only is the title puzzling, so is the composition of the group of participating artists: Am d e Cortier, Yves De Smet, Gerard Geerinckx, Ren Heyvaert, Willy Plompen, Albert Rubens and Jan Van Den Abbeel. Some of them have become key figures of Belgian post-war art, others have fallen into the folds of history. The richly illustrated essay describes the tortuous course of the figure Yves De Smet and the famous 'PLUS' group, which makes it read like an exciting detective at times. Yves De Smet acts as a passionate initiator, artist and group member and also fulfils the role of graphic designer, curator and gallerist. The story of Plus has lost nothing of its topicality through the accurate descriptions of the artists' restlessness, their unbridled ambitions and human shortcomings. PLUS en Yves De Smet. Ideologie, kameraadschap en rivaliteit op het speelveld van de Gentse kunst tussen 1965 en 1970 is part of the multi-year research project Gent, speelveld van de beeldende kunst (1957-1987) (KASK & Conservatorium (HOGENT - Howest)) by Godart Bakkers, Koen Brams, Wouter De Vleeschouwer, Sofie Frederix and Naninga Lens. The project is funded by the HOGENT Research Fund for the Arts.
, Artha. Art & Heritage, 2021 HB, 260 x 210 mm, 160 p, 130 illustraties. NL edition. ISBN 9789464368000.
De Belgische kunstenaar Koen Broucke ( 1965) publiceert sinds 2013 regelmatig een schilderij of tekening op sociale media. Bij deze beelden schrijft hij gedachten over zijn werk, zijn bezigheden, zorgen en vreugden. Er zijn bespiegelingen bij de tijdgeest, reisnotities, literaire commentaren, herinneringen en observaties. Vooral na ingrijpende gebeurtenissen zoals de aanslagen in Brussel of het uitbreken van de pandemie wordt de urgentie groter om over de wereld na te denken. Dit boek bundelt een selectie van die geschilderde 'dagboekfragmenten' verzameld en aangevuld met nooit eerder gepubliceerd materiaal.
, Brepols, 2023 Hardback, 182 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:1 b/w, Language(s):English, French. ISBN 9782503602820.
Summary This book explores representations of saints in a variety of Latin and Greek late antique hagiographical narratives, such as saints' Lives, martyr acts, miracle collections, and edifying tales. The book examines techniques through which the saints featured in such texts are depicted as heroes and heroines, i.e., as extraordinary characters exhibiting both exemplary behaviour and a set of specific qualities that distinguish them from others. The book inscribes itself in a growing body of relatively recent scholarship that approaches hagiographical accounts not just as historical sources but also as narrative constructions. As such, it contributes to the development of a scholarly rationale which increasingly values imaginative and fictional aspects of hagiography in their own right, with the aim of answering broader questions about narrative creativity and ideology. For instance, individual chapters examine how hagiographical accounts mobilize and capitalize on earlier literary and rhetorical traditions or narrative models. These questions are specifically addressed to explore the narrative construction of characters. The chapters thereby encourage us to acknowledge that many hagiographers were more skilful than is often accepted. TABLE OF CONTENTS Saints, Narratives, and Hero(in)es: Scholarship, Definitions, and Concepts ? KOEN DE TEMMERMAN Saints and Secondary Heroes in Byzantine Hagiography ? STEPHANOS EFTHYMIADIS Rh torique de l' loge et construction des mod les de saintet dans l'hagiographie africaine (IIe-VIe si cles) ? SABINE FIALON Listen to Her: Rewriting Virgin Martyrs as Orators in the Byzantine Passions of St. Tatiana and St. Ia ? ANNE ALWIS Fail Again. Fail Better. Notker Balbulus cum suis on the Impossibility of Writing the Life of St. Gallus ? PIET GERBRANDY Character Types and Characterization in Byzantine Edifying Stories ? MARK TA KULH NKOV Money and Sainthood: Doctor Saints as Christian Heroes ? CHRISTIAN H GEL An Unstable Heroine: The Life and Lives of Constantina ? VIRGINIA BURRUS Index
BE, Scheepmodelbouw, 2021 Gebonden, Hardcover, 125 pagina's met prachtige illustraties in kleur en z/w. oblong 21x16m.
In deze monografie beschrijft Koen De Vriese, voorzitter van de School voor Scheepsmodelbouw, de historische achtergrond en de bouw van de Lierse kruisnetvisser. Ook de rol van dit unieke scheeptype in het verenigingsleven komt aan bod. In de periode 2019-2021 bouwt de School voor Scheepsmodelbouw een model van een Lierse palingschuit. Dit gegeven vormt de aanleiding tot deze publicatie. Daar over deze typische Lierse visboot bitter weinig informatie is terug te vinden, leek het zinvol de erg verspreide gegevens over dit vaartuig te bundelen en aan te vullen met nieuwe informatie. Het standaardwerk van Gaston en Roland Desnerck ?Vlaamse Visserij en Vissersvaartuigen? besteedt amper drie zinnen aan dit scheepstype. Met deze studie over een vrijwel onbekend scheepstype vult de School deze leemte op.
, WBOOKS 1996, 1996 Paperback, 160 pagina's, NL, 280 x 230 mm, in goede staat, met illustraties en foto's in kleur en z/w, . ISBN 9789040099243.
In de Middeleeuwen waren overal in de steden verenigingen van beoefenaars van hetzelfde beroep ontstaan, gilden geheten. Een stad als Gouda heeft niet minder dan 55 gilden gekend. Zo sloten onder meer brouwers, knopenmakers, lakenwevers, pijpenmakers, schippers, schoolmeesters en zakkendragers zich aaneen
Paris IMPRIMERIE DES APPRENTIS ORPHE 1878 1 Paris-Auteuil, imprimerie des Apprentis Orphelins, Roussel, 1878, grand in-12, broché, couverture imprimée, titre en noir et en rouge, 140 pp.
Etude descriptive et historique sur Saint-Eustache. Petites usures et salissures à la couverture, infimes dechirures internes p.81.
KOENIG, Magali (photos). - GALLAZ, Christophe (texte). - BORY, Monique (texte). - GIULI, André de (texte).
Reference : 110833
Lutry, Société d’art public 1997, 220x230mm, 93pages, broché. Couverture à rabats. Format oblong. Exemplaire à l'état de neuf.
photos couleurs, Pour un paiement via PayPal, veuillez nous en faire la demande et nous vous enverrons une facture PayPal
Montreux, Impr. Corbaz 1992, 300x210mm, 111pages, reliure d'éditeur. Exemplaire à l'état de neuf.
photos couleurs et n/b, Pour un paiement via PayPal, veuillez nous en faire la demande et nous vous enverrons une facture PayPal
, [ander]-zijds, 2020 Paperback, , 310 x 235 mm, 176 pages, 230 illustrations. English / NL edition. ISBN 9789082808063.
Music For The Deaf II' is het 2e boek van concertfotograaf Koen Keppens. Zijn eerste boek 'Music For The Deaf' verscheen in 2010, nu exact 10 jaar geleden. KOEN KEPPENS ( 1967, Dendermonde) is behalve fotograaf, vooral muziekliefhebber Hij maakt al meer dan 30 jaar foto's van artiesten. In de zomer van 1996 is hij de eerste fotograaf van 'Go for music', een equipe die online en live verslag uitbrengt van Rock Werchter en Pukkelpop. Keppens ontwikkelt doorheen de jaren een zeer eigen stijl die pas echt op de radar komt met zijn boek 'Music For The Deaf' (2010). Het geprezen overzichtsboek van 20 jaar rockfotografie toont hoe anders en hoe uniek Keppens is. En hoe onterecht het is dat hij - bij ontstentenis van een opvallend medium - zolang over het hoofd is gezien. 'Keppens kan zich meten met de besten', schrijft het gezaghebbende Nederlandse muziekblad Oor. 'Het meeste heeft hij van Rembrandt, zijn spel met licht (meestal met donker), precies die uitdrukkingen op de gezichten.' Keppens werkt voor Focus Knack en Humo en is een van de huisfotografen van Rock Wercher. "Music For The Deaf II" is the 2nd book by concert photographer Koen Keppens. His first book "Music For The Deaf" was published in 2010, exactly 10 years ago. KOEN KEPPENS (1967, Dendermonde) is a photographer with an undying love for music. He has been shooting musicians for more than 30 years. In the summer of 1996 he became the first photographer of "Go for music", a team that reports online and live from Rock Werchter and Pukkelpop. Keppens has developed a very idiosyncratic style throughout the years. This culminates in the publication of 'Music For The Deaf' in 2010, putting him on the map as one of the most distinct music photographers active today. The book, collecting the best of twenty years of music photography, receives rapturous reviews and underscores how different and unique Keppens' body of work is. And how unfair it is that he has remained under the radar for so long, for lack of a more prominent and visible medium as an outlet for his talent. 'Keppens belongs up there with the best of them', the prominent Dutch music magazine Oor states in its review. 'Most of all he calls to mind Rembrandt, with his deft use of light (and shade as well), and with a knack for capturing the most unique facial expressions.' ? Keppens' work has been published in Focus Knack and Humo, and he is one of the resident photographers for Rock Wercher.
Drogenbos, Pandora Publishers, 2024 Softcover,144 pagina's, 25 x 25 cm. ISBN 9789053254936.
, Oktober Publications, 2023 160 pages, 24x17cm Illustrated. ISBN 9789082681970.
Bouwkunst, architectuur