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Reference : A1539


‎Éditions Anciennes Demeures Françaises, Paris, 1973 – Ouvrage de la collection « Les vieux logis de France », collection qui présente l'architecture et l'histoire des châteaux, vieilles demeures et manoirs d'un département. Album de 12 planches, dessins de Rémy Brault, de couleur noire ou sienne brûlée. Avec un envoi signé Jean-Pierre (l'auteur?). Auquainville, Honfleur, Bretteville-sur-Laize, Bellou, Orbec-en-Auge, Coupesarte, Saint-Germain-de-Livet, Cambremer, Burcy, Notre Dame de Courson, Biéville -sur-Orne, Brécy. ‎

‎Feuilles dans une chemise cartonnée toilée fermée par des liens, format 25 x 34 - Très bon état, dos insolé - Les frais d'envoi sont en sus, les envois se faisant en recommandé ou avec un suivi.‎

A chacun son livre - Saint Avé

Phone number : 06 28 36 10 21

EUR30.00 (€30.00 )

‎J.P. Sigmond‎

Reference : 56386

‎Nederlandse zeehavens tussen 1500-1800‎

‎, Uitgeverij de Bataafsche Leeuw B.V. 1989, 1989 Hardcover, 262 pagina's, Nederlands, 290 x 225 mm, boek in goede staat, met illustraties in z/w,. ISBN 9789067072106.‎

‎ Met behulp van cartografisch materiaal en fraaie illustraties wordt de ontwikkeling van de zeehavens in beeld gebracht.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR12.00 (€12.00 )

‎J rgen Brodwolf ; Wolfgang-Heidenreich‎

Reference : 62201

‎J rgen Brodwolf : Stationen - ein_kunstlerbuch‎

‎, Radius Verlag, 2002 Hardcover, 120 seiten, Deutsch, 285 x 215 x 18 mm, in sehr guten kondition, ill. in s/w. ISBN 9783871732324.‎

‎Brodwolf ist ein bedeutender deutscher K nstler. Er fertigt haupts chlich r umliche Arbeiten, in denen ?R hrenfiguren? und Schatten eine wichtige Rolle spielen. Brodwolf ging 1948 an die Kunstgewerbeschule in Bern, um eine Ausbildung zum Lithografen zu absolvieren. Nach seinem Abschluss im Jahr 1953 blieb er in Paris und erlernte die Malerei autodidaktisch. 1955 erhielt er ein Bundesstipendium f r Malerei, lie sich in Vogelbach im Schwarzwald nieder und arbeitete als Freskenrestaurator und Glasmaler. Mit einem neuen Stipendium konnte er 1968 an der Akademie der K nste in Berlin beginnen. Und 1976 wurde er Professor f r Zeichnung an der Fachhochschule f r Gestaltung Pforzheim Ab Sommer 1982 wurde er als Nachfolger von Rudolf Hoflehner Professor f r Bildhauerei an der Akademie der Bildenden K nste Stuttgart. Seit seiner Pensionierung im Jahr 1995 lebt und arbeitet er in Kandern.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR59.95 (€59.95 )

‎J rgen J. Rasch‎

Reference : 66345

‎Mausoleum bei Tor de' Schiavi in Rom.‎

‎Mainz am Rhein, Zabern Verlag, 1993 Verlagsneu Leinen, 106 Textseiten, sowie 88 Tafeln mit 276 Abbildungen und 3 Falttafeln, 26 x 35 cm. GER. ISBN 9783805313582.‎

‎Das Mausoleum bei Tor de' Schiavi in Rom. Mit einem Beitrag von Harald Mielsch. Institut f r Baugeschichte der Universit t Karlsruhe und Deutsches Arch ologisches Institut. Sp tantike Zentralbauten in Rom und Latium Band 2.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR50.00 (€50.00 )

‎J rgen Vijgen, Piotr Roszak (eds)‎

Reference : 65417

‎Reading the Church Fathers with St. Thomas Aquinas. Historical and Systematical Perspectives‎

‎, Brepols - Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, 2021 Paperback, 520 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:1 b/w, 4 tables b/w., Language(s):English, French. ISBN 9782503593203.‎

‎Summary In his richly documented and still valuable study of Aquinas and the Church Fathers, published in 1946, Gottfried Geenen, o.p. noted that the study of this aspect of Thomas Aquinas's thought was just beginning to take place. More than seventy years later considerable progress has been made, both historically and doctrinally, not at least due to the technological advances in the area of the study of Aquinas' writings. It has been argued both that Aquinas had a remarkable knowledge of a wide range of the Church Fathers and that he was actively engaged in acquiring new material from hitherto unknown Fathers. Due to Thomas' profound commitment to both Latin and Greek patristic sources he was not only able to draw on the rich tradition of the past but also explore new possibilities and solutions. This commitment and interaction between tradition and speculative reason has led some to claim tentatively that one might characterize Thomas Aquinas' theology as being ad mentem patrum. The goal of this volume is to explore ways to corroborate this claim. In order to do so, the contributions investigate the presence and use of the Church Fathers in Aquinas' thought both historically and systematically. TABLE OF CONTENTS Piotr Roszak, J rgen Vijgen, Introduction Gilbert Dahan, J r me dans les commentaires bibliques de Thomas d'Aquin Carmelo Giuseppe Conticello, Theophylactus Latinus. La r ception m di vale de Th ophylacte de Bulgarie, source majeure de Thomas d'Aquin Piotr Roszak, How is the Patristic Method Shaping Sacra Doctrina in Aquinas? Serge-Thomas Bonino o.p., Saint Thomas d'Aquin et les P res de l' glise. Le cas de l'ang lologie dans la prima pars de la Summa theologiae Ezra Sullivan o.p., The Church Fathers' Influence on Aquinas's Account of Habitus Cajetan Cuddy o.p., Isidore and Augustine in Aquinas's Teaching on the Essence and Kinds of Law (ST I-II, qq. 90-91) Joseph Wawrykow, The Fathers in the Summa's Teaching about Grace Anton ten Klooster, Aquinas and Augustine on the Gifts of the Holy Spirit Andrew Hofer o.p., Aquinas's Use of Patristic Sources in His Theology of Religious Life Franklin T. Harkins, Christ's Perfect Grace and Beatific Knowledge in Aquinas: The Influence of John Damascene Conor McDonough o.p., Is Christ Head of the Church as Man? The History of a Problem between St. Augustine and St. Thomas J rgen Vijgen, The Patristic Sources of Thomas' Treatise on Penance Bryan Kromholtz o.p., Reditus: The Eschatology of St. Thomas Aquinas and Eastern Patristic Sources Bibliography Indices‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR78.00 (€78.00 )

‎J rg Glauser, Pernille Hermann (eds)‎

Reference : 65413

‎Myth, Magic, and Memory in Early Scandinavian Narrative Culture. Studies in Honour of Stephen A. Mitchell‎

‎, Brepols, 2021 Hardback, 456 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:17 b/w, 19 col., 5 tables b/w., Language: English. ISBN 9782503589879.‎

‎Summary Myth, magic, and memory have together formed important, and often intertwined, elements to recent studies in the narrative culture of Viking-Age and Medieval Scandinavica. Analytical approaches to myth (prominent in the fields of history of religion, archaeology, language, and literature, and central to studies of visual cultures up to modern times), magic (drawing on a wealth of Norse folkloric and supernatural material that derives from pre-modern times and continues to impact on recent practices of performance and ritual), and memory (the concept of how we remember and actively construe the past) together combine to shed light on how people perceived the world around them. Taking the intersection between these diverse fields as its starting point, this volume draws together contributions from across a variety of disciplines to offer new insights into the importance of myth, magic, and memory in pre-modern Scandinavia. Covering a range of related topics, from supernatural beings to the importance of mythology in later national historiographies, the chapters gathered here are written to honour the work of Stephen A. Mitchell, professor of Scandinavian Studies and Folklore at Harvard University, whose research has heavily influenced this multi-faceted field. TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Illustrations Foreword Part I - Myth and Legend Same Place, Different Time: Temporal Aspects of Imagined Landscapes in Some Northern Contexts - JOHN LINDOW Jarl, Konr, and inn in R gs ula - JENS PETER SCHJ DT 'I remember giants': Mythological Remembering through V?lusp - CAROLYNE LARRINGTON AND JUDY QUINN On Rereading Oddr nargr tr - JOSEPH HARRIS The Agency in F?r Sc rnis - Subjects, Objects, and Diff rance. A Subversive Reading - LUKAS R SLI The Threat of Induced Desire in Sk rnism l - RICHARD COLE Part II - Magic and Folklore Enchantments, Spells, and Curses: The Sorcery of Stories and the Magic in Them - MARIA TATAR Trolls in the Mill: The Supernatural Stakes of Waterpower - MERRILL KAPLAN A Prophylactic Pig, a Long-Lost Hunter, and the Recording of Oral Tradition - JOSEPH FALAKY NAGY A Male Cinderella and a Sea-Serpent's Teeth: Scandinavian Echoes in an Orkney Folk-Tale - SARAH K NZLER Axe on the Water. A Unique Magical Ritual in Lj svetninga saga - TERRY GUNNELL 'In the Name of the 7 fatherless devils?': Pain, Fear, Anger and Revenge in Magical Practice - ANE OHRVIK Lessons in Magic: Making Use of Early Twentieth-Century Accounts of Magical Procedures in the Folklore Classroom - THOMAS A. DUBOIS A Conspiracy of Witches - TIMOTHY R. TANGHERLINI Part III - Memory and Reception Metaphors for Forgetting and Forgetting as Metaphor in Old Norse Poetics - KATE HESLOP Olavifications. Spatial and Temporal Formations of Trondheim as a Memory Place - LENA ROHRBACH The Middle Ages in the Construction of Nineteenth-Century Norway - ARNE BUGGE AMUNDSEN History and Cultural Memory in the Icelandic Annals 1400-1800 - AGNES S. ARN RSD TTIR Assembling Memory: The Questionnaire of 1817 from Den kongelige Commission til Oldsagers Opbevaring and the Origins of Icelandic Romantic Nationalism - SHAUN F. D. HUGHES The 'Asgard' Superphylum and Lokiarcheaota: Mythic Relapse in Evolutionary Biology - KIMBERLEY C. PATTON Part IV - Influence and Interaction OGu vergildi and V lde in Etelhem, Gotland - STEFAN BRINK The Judensau in Uppsala - ANDERS ANDR N The Devil is Awake. Pre-Reformation Church Murals in Post-Reformation Danish Churches - LOUISE NYHOLM KALLESTRUP A Female Job and a Witch. High and Low in Leonora Christina Ulfeldt's Jammers minde - PERNILLE HERMANN O'Brazile: The Short Textual Life of a Floating Island in Seventeenth-Century Scandinavian Book History - J RG GLAUSER Geijer och Eddornas 'sinnebildsspr k' - LARS L NNROTH List of Stephen A. Mitchell's Selected Publications Index‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR105.00 (€105.00 )

‎ J rg Walz‎

Reference : 56926

‎Porsche Model Cars. 70 Years of Sports Car History.‎

‎, Delius Klasing, 2019 Hardcover , 320 pages, 25x19cm fine!. ISBN 9783667116567.‎

‎#PorschePur ... That's the hashtag that marked the start of this project. From the 356 to the 911 GT2 RS, from Porsche no. 1 to the Panamera Turbo S E-Hybrid Executive, from Le Mans to the Nurburgring, from the Rallye Monte Carlo to Dakar, from James Dean and Hans Herrmann to Mark Webber and Neel Jani - this book retraces the rich and varied history of the Porsche brand and its models. Included in this book are all the sports car models as well as the race cars with which the brand has earned its laurels in sporting competitions. The visual story is told by means of unique photography of highly detailed miniatures in 1:43 scale, photographed in the actual surroundings be it at the Nurburgring, in Hong Kong, Los Angeles, Paris or any other place on earth. The camera used in all cases is an iPhone. The photos and the fascinating text were originated by long-standing motoring journalist, book author and communications professional Joerg Walz. His 'Instagram car park' has grown to become a unique automotive museum with space for more than 1,000 cars. A large proportion of this collection is showcased here in this unique book.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR39.99 (€39.99 )

‎J r my Delmulle‎

Reference : 66070

‎Prosper d'Aquitaine contre Jean Cassien. Le Contra collatorem, l'appel Rome du parti augustinien dans la querelle postp lagienne‎

‎, Brepols - Fidem, 2019 Paperback, xliv + 381 pages, Size:165 x 240 mm, Illustrations:1 col., Languages: French, Latin. ISBN 9782503584294.‎

‎Summary Compos en 432-433, le Liber contra collatorem de Prosper d'Aquitaine entend r futer les positions d'un certain conf rencier - comprendre : l'auteur des Conf rences, Jean Cassien. C'est dans cette oeuvre que Prosper, d fenseur autoproclam de saint Augustin et de sa doctrine sur la gr ce, a pu fournir la premi re critique, et la plus compl te, des th ories propag es Marseille et dans le sud-est de la Gaule par les adversaires proven aux de l' v que d'Hippone, en s'appuyant exclusivement sur des extraits tir s de la Conlatio XIII Sur la protection de Dieu , publi e quelques ann es plus t t. En s'attachant, par une approche philologique, historique, stylistique et doctrinale, tudier les diff rentes sp cifi cit s de l'oeuvre de l'Aquitain (la fi nalit du trait , le modus operandi de l'auteur, le genre litt raire adopt , les strat gies du pol miste et les enjeux th ologiques du trait ), le pr sent livre cherche d fendre l'hypoth se qu'en composant son Liber, Prosper a voulu constituer un dossier charge suffi samment tay pour obtenir de l' v que de Rome nouvellement lu, Xyste III (432-440), une condamnation offi cielle de ce que l'on a nomm le semip lagianisme et, par l , la reconnaissance de l'autorit de la doctrine augustinienne en mati re de gr ce. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Chapitre premier. Asc tisme et postp lagianismes dans la Gaule m ridionale : le Contra collatorem et le contexte de sa r daction Chapitre II. Datation et destination du Contra collatorem Chapitre III. Le Contra collatorem et la Collatio XIII : Prosper, premier lecteur et critique de Jean Cassien Chapitre IV. Prosper pol miste ou comment r pliquer sans argumenter Chapitre V. D finir l'orthodoxie : l ments de doctrine du Contra collatorem Conclusions R f rences bibliographiques‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR55.00 (€55.00 )

‎J. R. Perronet‎

Reference : ARCHI702M

‎Construire des ponts au XVIIIe siècle‎

‎Presses de l'École Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées, coll. L'Oeuvre de J. R. Perronet, 1987. Fac-similé de l'édition originale de 1788. In-folio, relié plein simili, 340 pages. Nombreuses figures in et hors textes. Léger accroc en pied. Intérieur frais. Bon exemplaire‎


Phone number : +33 5 59 03 69 40

EUR40.00 (€40.00 )

‎J.S. Dijkstra, N.J. Habraken, P.K.A. Pennink, L. Wijers (redactie), Kees Nieuwenhuijzen (vormgeving)‎

Reference : 63218

‎Forum voor architectuur en daarmee verbonden kunsten. Jaargang XVIII - Nr. 5/6 labyrint met grammofoonplaat compleet.‎

‎, G. van Saane Lectura Architectonica Hilversum 1964, Oorspronkelijk uitgevers omslag, .‎

‎Forum voor architectuur en daarmee verbonden kunsten. Jaargang XVIII - Nr. 5/6 labyrint met grammofoonplaat compleet.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR24.00 (€24.00 )


Reference : R260124068



‎ARTHAUD. 1950. In-12. Broché. Etat d'usage, Couv. légèrement passée, Dos plié, Intérieur frais. 87 pages. Premier plat illustré en couleurs. Nombreuses photos héliogravées en noir et blanc et légendées.. . . . Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture‎

‎ Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR19.80 (€19.80 )

‎ J. ten Hove‎

Reference : 56526

‎Vrouwenhuis te Zwolle‎

‎, WBOOKS 1994, 1994 Softcover, 80 pagina's, Nederlands, 250 x 220 mm, boek in prima staat, met anekdote's, illustraties en foto's in kleur en z/w, . ISBN 9789040096952.‎

‎Het Vrouwenhuis is een particulier museum in het hart van de hoofdstad van Overijssel, knus gelegen onder de Peperbus. Stichteres Aleida Greve (1670-1742) bepaalde in haar testament dat haar woning aan de Grote Aa (Melkmarkt) na haar overlijden in 1742 geschikt werd gemaakt voor de huisvesting van alleenstaande, bejaarde vrouwen die lid waren van de hervormde kerk. De begane grond van het Vrouwenhuis is sinds 1987 een museum dat op afspraak open is voor publiek. Je loopt er door bijzondere interieurs uit drie eeuwen, van 1680 tot 1980, van rijk tot eenvoudig. Het museum biedt verschillende rondleidingen aan voor zowel kleine als grote groepen. Daarnaast ben je hier voor lezingen over verschillende onderwerpen uit de geschiedenis van het Vrouwenhuis aan het goede adres. Een leuk uitstapje voor jong en oud, man en vrouw. Nieuwsgierig naar dit bijzondere (Oude) Vrouwenhuis? Maak dan een afspraak voor je groepje ! Ook verliefd worden op het Vrouwenhuis ? Lees dan dit. Of bekijk de plaatjes met praatjes bij Uitgelicht op deze website of op Instagram . Er is ook nog een oud filmpje uit 2004 bij RTV Oost. En een heel oud filmpje over Zwolle in 1925 met het oudste bewegende beeld van het Vrouwenhuis op 6 minuten via weblogzwolle. Het Vrouwenhuis is vanaf 2 juni tot en met 8 augustus 2020 weer open voor publiek maar onder strikte voorwaarden en op zeer bescheiden schaal. Daarna gaat het sluiten tot 2022 wegens een grote restauratie. Alleen bestellingen uit de museumwinkel kunnen op afspraak worden opgehaald.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR14.50 (€14.50 )

‎J. Timmers‎

Reference : ART6822M

‎Petit atlas de l'art roman‎

‎Sequoia, Paris-Bruxelles, 1965. In-8, relié, 243 pages, nombreuses illustrations, cartes n&b et couleurs. Dos partiellement cassé, couverture légèrement pliée, quelques rousseurs sur la tranche. Intérieur agréable. Exemplaire satisfaisant.‎


Phone number : +33 5 59 03 69 40

EUR12.00 (€12.00 )


Reference : 54827


‎, EDITORE NACIONAL, 1970 Hardcover, 305 paginas, Spanish, 320 x 275 mm, in Casete, Illustraziones,.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR30.00 (€30.00 )

‎Juan Antonio Quir s Castillo (ed)‎

Reference : 65837

‎Social Inequality in Early Medieval Europe. Local Societies and Beyond‎

‎, Brepols, 2020 Paperback, 360 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:87 b/w, 5 col., 11 tables b/w., Language: English. ISBN 9782503585659.‎

‎Summary The goal of this book is to discuss the theoretical challenges posed by the study of social and political inequality of local societies in Western Europe during the Early Middle Ages. Traditional approaches have defined rural communities as passive bodies, poor and unstable in the framework of a self-sufficient economy. In the last few decades, social approaches both in medieval history and archaeology have neglected the opportunity to re-evaluate the role of peasantry and other subaltern groups, even where new written and material evidence has challenged traditional assumptions. Conversely, scholars focussing on elites and aristocracies have promoted powerful research agenda. As a consequence of the 2007-2008 recession, the social sciences began to be interested in social and economic inequality, opening up new avenues for a reassessment of social history. The early medieval period has been identified by numerous scholars as a key arena for the analysis of political complexity and social inequality in long-term perspective. The study of local societies has become one of the most fruitful areas for innovative research in medieval archaeology and history, using approaches related to micro-history. This book, dedicated to Chris Wickham, is formed of fourteen papers centred on early medieval local communities drawing on both written and material records, which identify complex frameworks of social inequality at the local scale. TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface Juan Antonio Quir s Castillo, Equal and Unequal Societies in Early Medieval Europe. An Introduction State Formation and Socio-Political Complexity Julio Escalona, Towards an Archaeology of State Formation in North-Western Iberia Robin A. Beck, Maize, Mounds, and Cosmos. Durable Inequality in the Mississippian World (AD 1000-1250) Economic Specialization, Elite Demand and Social Inequality Sauro Gelichi, Pottery as Inequality? Systems of Production and Distribution in North Italian Societies During the Early Middle Ages Francesca Grassi, Social Complexity in Peripheral Areas in the Light of Pottery Production Between Sixth and Tenth Centuries (Alava, Basque Country, Spain) Edith Peytreman, Indications of an Estate Economy from a Renewed Analysis of Sites of Rural Settlements Catarina Tente, Social Complexity in Local Communities During the Tenth Century in Central-Northern Portugal. Negotiation and Opposition Richard Hodges, The Primitivism of the Early Medieval Peasant in Italy? 'Small World' and Social Inequalities Jean-Pierre Devroey and Nicolas Schroeder, Land, Oxen, and Brooches. Local Societies, Inequality, and Large Estates in the Early Medieval Ardennes (c. 850-c. 900) Igor Santos Salazar, Fiscal lands, Rural Communities and the Abbey of Nonantola. Social Inequality in Ninth-Century Emilia (Italy) Fabio Saggioro, Rural Communities and Landscapes in Northern Italy (Ninth-Twelfth Centuries AD) I aki Mart n Viso, Unequal Small Worlds. Social Dynamics in Tenth-Century Leonese Villages Alvaro Carvajal Castro, Collective Action and Local Leaderships in Early Medieval North-Western Iberia. Ninth-Eleventh Centuries Juan Antonio Quir s Castillo, Village Formation, Social Memories and the Archaeology of Rural Communities in North-Western Iberia Carlos Tejerizo-Garc a, The Archaeology of the Peasant Mode of Production. Peasant-Based Societies in Central and Northern Iberia During the Early Middle Ages Chris Wickham, Conclusion‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR85.00 (€85.00 )

‎Juan Carlos Jim nez del Castillo (ed)‎

Reference : 65024

‎Austriaca siue Naumachia de Francisco de Pedrosa‎

‎, Brepols - Fidem, 2022 Paperback, 315 pages, Size:165 x 240 mm, Illustrations:1 tables b/w., Language(s):Spanish, Latin. ISBN 9782503599786.‎

‎Summary La ins lita victoria de la Santa Liga sobre la flota turca en la batalla de Lepanto (1571) inspir la puesta en marcha de la maquinaria propagand stica imperial, destinada a ensalzar el reinado de Felipe II y las virtudes de Juan de Austria como general de la armada cristiana. Esto ofrec a un marco id neo para el desarrollo de toda clase de poes a encomi stica, donde el g nero pico hab a ocupado un lugar destacado desde antiguo. El vigoroso aliento po tico de Lepanto lleg a Santiago de Guatemala, donde el poeta y gram tico madrile o Francisco de Pedrosa compuso una epopeya titulada Austriaca siue Naumachia, que ha permanecido in dita hasta nuestros d as. Este volumen consta de dos partes. La parte I contiene el estudio introductorio de la obra, donde se ofrecen, en primer lugar, los datos biogr ficos de Pedrosa. Seguidamente se examinan las caracter sticas y los diversos procedimientos compositivos de la Austriaca, donde lo cl sico y lo moderno, la pica y la historia, lo pagano y lo cristiano confluyen en un juego incesante. Tambi n se abordan algunas cuestiones problem ticas como la dataci n de algunos de los paratextos del manuscrito y los indicios que apuntan al estado in fieri de la versi n que se ha conservado de esta epopeya. La parte II consta de la edici n cr tica del poema y de estos escritos que lo acompa an: dos versiones -una en lat n y otra en castellano- de una carta prologal, los poemas laudatorios y una carta de fray Mart n de la Cueva dirigida a Pedrosa. TABLE OF CONTENTS PARTE I. ESTUDIO INTRODUCTORIO 1) Apuntes para una biograf a de Francisco de Pedrosa 2) La Austriaca sive Naumachia: aproximaciones 3) La Austriaca siue Naumachia como poema pico 4) Criterios de edici n 5) Bibliograf a Parte II. EDICI N CR TICA‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR49.00 (€49.00 )

‎Juan Gil (ed)‎

Reference : 65693

‎Scriptores Muzarabici saeculi VIII-XI, I‎

‎, Brepols, 2020 Hardback, 708 pages, Size:155 x 245 mm, Illustrations:4 col., Languages: Latin, Spanish. ISBN 9782503580869.‎

‎Summary Todos los autores citados escribieron en al-Andalus, esto es, en la Hispania sometida a la dominaci n rabe. Su obra es muy interesante por estar sujeta a tendencias ntag nicas. Por un lado, constituye una respuesta, incluso exacerbada, a los retos que plantaeaba a la comunidad cristiana andalus la brillant sima cultura de la C rdoba califal, dando cauce literario a un conflicto religioso que acab de manera sangrienta en la era de los m rtires voluntarios. Por otro, supone un intento, a veces tambi n llevado al l mite, por mantenerse firme frente a las exigencias de los reinos cristianos, extremando la postura en cuestiones teol gicas: as surgi la herej a adopcionista. En ese mundo, hostil por ambos lados, la literatura moz rabe se caracteriza por su tradicionalismo a ultranza, que se traduce en un respeto y fidelidad inquebrantables a las formas y contenidos de un mundo ideal ya periclitado (el reino visigodo). TABLE OF CONTENTS PR LOGO INTRODUCCI N Cap tulo primero: La Sociedad Mozarabe 1. La nobleza 2. La Iglesia 3. El funcionariado 4. Las profesiones liberales 5. La nueva burgues a 6. El pueblo llano 7. Los esclavos Cap tulo segunda: Las Tribulaciones de la Minor a 1. La presion religiosa 2. La presion social 3. La presion politica Cap tulo tercero: La Pol mica religiosa 1. Esperaindeo y el Islam 2. La doctrina antimusulmana de Eulogio de C rdoba 3. El Indiculus luminosus de lbaro 4. Otra breve exposici n de la doctrina musulmana 5. Vidas legendarias de Mahoma Cap tulo cuarto: La Lengua de los Mozrabes Cap tulo quinto: La Citas b blicas BIBLIOGRAF A EVANTHII EPISTVLA Introducci n 1. Vida y obra 2. Transmisi n manuscrita y ediciones Textus CIXILIANIS VITA ILDEPHONSI Introducci n 1. Problemas de autor a 2. Vida y obras de Cixil n 3. El Cixil n ap crifo 4. Transmisi n manuscrita y ediciones Textus PETRI ET FELICIS EPISTVLAE Introducci n Textus Petrus, Epistula Felix, Epistula ELIPANDI OPERA Introducci n 1. La herej a de Migecio 2. El adopcionismo 3. ltimos ecos del adopcionismo 4. Transmisi n manuscrita y ediciones Textus Epistola I Epistola II Epistola III Epistola IV Epistola V Epistola VI Epistola VII ASCARICI ET TVSEREDI EPISTVLAE Introducci n 1. Vida y obra 2. Transmisi n manuscrita y ediciones Textus Ascaricus, Epistula Tuseredus, Rescriptum INDICVLVS DE ADVENTV ENOCH ET ELIAE Introducci n Textus CONCILIVM CORDVBENSE Introducci n 1. Los "casianos", disc pulos de Migecio 2. Transmisi n manuscrita y ediciones Textus ALBARI OPERA Introducci n 1. Vida 2. Hafs ibn Albar al-Quti 3. Obras 4. Transmisi n manuscrita y ediciones 5. Las apostillas Textus Epistola I Epistola II Epistola III Epistola IV Epistola V Epistola VI Epistola VII Epistola VIII Epistola IX Epistola X Epistola XI Epistola XII Epistola XIII Epistola XIV Epistola XV Epistola XVI Epistola XVII Epistola XVIII Epistola XIX Epistola XX Indiculus luminosus Confessio Vita uel passio Eulogii Versi‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR385.00 (€385.00 )

‎Juan Gil (ed)‎

Reference : 65694

‎Scriptores Muzarabici saeculi VIII-XI, II‎

‎, Brepols, 2020 Hardback, 768 pages, Size:155 x 245 mm, Languages: Latin, Spanish. ISBN 9782503589312.‎

‎Summary Todos los autores citados escribieron en al-Andalus, esto es, en la Hispania sometida a la dominaci n rabe. Su obra es muy interesante por estar sujeta a tendencias ntag nicas. Por un lado, constituye una respuesta, incluso exacerbada, a los retos que plantaeaba a la comunidad cristiana andalus la brillant sima cultura de la C rdoba califal, dando cauce literario a un conflicto religioso que acab de manera sangrienta en la era de los m rtires voluntarios. Por otro, supone un intento, a veces tambi n llevado al l mite, por mantenerse firme frente a las exigencias de los reinos cristianos, extremando la postura en cuestiones teol gicas: as surgi la herej a adopcionista. En ese mundo, hostil por ambos lados, la literatura moz rabe se caracteriza por su tradicionalismo a ultranza, que se traduce en un respeto y fidelidad inquebrantables a las formas y contenidos de un mundo ideal ya periclitado (el reino visigodo). TABLE OF CONTENTS EVLOGII OPERA Introducci n 1. Vida 2. Obra 3. Transmisi n manuscrita y ediciones 4. Criterios de edici n 5. La pasi n de Aurelio, Sabigot n y companeros (Mem. II, 10, 755-1370) 6. La Vita Mahometis (Ap. 18, 311-377) Textus Memoriale sanctorum Epistula Rescriptum Albari Liber primus, Praefatio Liber primus Liber secundus Liber tertius Documentum martyrii Epistulae praeuiae Textus Liber apologeticus Epistula I Epistula II Epistula III SAMSONIS OPERA Introducci n 1. Vida 2. Obras 3. Transmisi n manuscrita y ediciones Textus Apologeticum contra perfidos Praefatio Liber primus, Capitula Liber primus Liber secundus, Praefatio Liber secundus, Capitula Liber secundus De gradibus consanguinitatis tractatulus Carmina LEOVIGILDI LIBER DE HABITV CLERICORVM Introducci n 1. Vida y obra 2. Transmisi n manuscrita y ediciones Textus CYPRIANI ET ALIORVM CARMINA Introducci n 1. Vida y obra 2. Transmisi n manuscrita y ediciones Textus QVAESTIONES DE TRINITATE Introducci n Textus INVENTARIVM LIBRORVM Introducci n Textus TVLTVM SCEPTRVM Introducci n Textus CHRONICA PSEVDO-ISIDORIANA Introducci n 1. La Cr nica pseudoisidoriana y al-Razi 2. Una cr nica moz rabe perdida 3. Fecha de la Cr nica Pseudo-Isidoriana 4. La traducci n y el traductor 5. Caracter sticas de la Cr nica pseudoisidoriana 6. Transmisi n manuscrita y ediciones Textus CALENDARIVM Introducci n 1. Problemas de autor a 2. El obispo Recemundo 3. Caracter sticas del Calendario 4. El Calendario de Vic 5. Los 'anw' y la traducci n al lat n de las estrellas en los dos Calendarios. El l xico 6. Transmisi n manuscrita y ediciones Textus EPIGRAPHIA MVZARABICA Introducci n I. Inscriptiones Hispaniae musulmanae A. Inscriptiones Cordubae B. Inscriptiones prouinciae Cordubensis C. Inscriptiones Granatae et prouinicae Granatensis D. Inscriptiones Malacae et prouinicae Malacitanae E. Inscriptiones prouinicae Badajocensis F. Inscriptiones Toleti et prouinicae Toletanae G. Inscriptiones Portucaliae H. Inscriptiones originis incertae II. Inscriptiones Hispaniae christianae III. Subscriptiones codicum, scribarum preces vel possessorum notae INDICES Index locorum S. Scripturae Index fontium‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR425.00 (€425.00 )

‎Juan Gris.- Soby, James Thrall:‎

Reference : 19320AB


‎Juan Gris.‎

‎New York, Museum of Modern Art, 1958. 8°. 128 Seiten. Mit zahrleichen Abbildungen, davon 16 ganzseitige farbig. Orig. Pappband mit Schutzumschlag.‎

EOS Buchantiquariat Benz - CH-8001 Zürich

Phone number : 41 (0)44 261 57 50

CHF40.00 (€42.87 )

‎"Juan Perucho Leopoldo Pomes"‎

Reference : 17391


‎"Gaudi Una Arquitectura De Anticipation"‎

‎"1967. Barcelona Ediciones Poligrafa 1967 - Cartonné bien complet de la jaquette 26 cm x 29 cm 219 pages 132 ills noir & blanc et couleur in et hors-texte - Texte en espagnol anglais français et allemand de Juan Perucho photos de Leopoldo Pomes - Deux déchirures sur la jaquette sans manque sinon très bon état de l'ouvrage" ‎

Librairie Sedon - Rochefort

Phone number : 06 19 22 96 97

EUR60.00 (€60.00 )

‎Juan Usl ‎

Reference : 57545

‎Juan Usl : La novia de Belchite‎

‎, Tim Van Laere Books 2009, 2009 Hardcover, 37 pagina's/pages, Nederlands/English, 260 x 210 mm, goede staat/fine condition, met illustraties .‎

‎Juan Usl Oceja (born 1954) is a Spanish contemporary painter. His work varies between abstraction and figurative representation. In 2002, he received the Premio Nacional de Artes Pl sticas, a national arts prize awarded by the Ministerio de Cultura of Spain.[1] He works both in New York City and in Saro in Cantabria.[2]‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR34.00 (€34.00 )


Reference : 4457


‎Examen maritime, théorique et pratique, ou Traité de mécanique, appliqué à la construction et à la manuvre des vaisseaux & autres bâtiments.‎

‎Nantes, chez l'auteur, Augustin-Jean Malassis, Despilly, 1783. 1783 2 vol. in-4° (264 x 206 mm.) de : I. XII pp. (Faux-titre, Titre, Dédicace au Marquis de Castries, Extraits des Registres de l'Académie Royale des Sciences, Privilège, Préface du Traducteur) ; 396 pp. ; 14 pp. (Table des matières) ; 5 planches dépliantes in-fine ; II. [1] f. (Titre) ; 364 pp. ; 20 pp. (Table des matières) ; 9 planches dépliantes in-fine ; Soit 14 planches au total. Cartonnage éditeur de papier bleu, exemplaire à toutes marges, non rogné. (Annotations d'époque ou calculs en marges au crayon, défauts d'usage à la couvertures, quelques feuillets un peu roussis, rares taches ou salissures).‎

‎Première édition française de cette importante contribution aux sciences nautiques, due au géomètre et officier de marine Jorge Juan Y Santacilla, édition originale datant de 1771, à Madrid. Il participa notamment à la célèbre expédition franco-espagnole au Pérou en 1735 pour mesurer l'arc du méridien proche de l'Equateur. Il fonda quelques années plus tard l'observatoire astronomique de Cadiz. "La combinaison de l'érudition et de l'expérience permit à Juan, dans son Examen maritimo, de fournir une base solide pour l'amélioration des sciences maritimes, de réfuter des théories empiriques en matière de navigation, et d'établir des principes fondamentaux d'architecture navale. L'ouvrage est une application estimable de la mécanique à la science navale." (DSB). La présente édition française est enrichie d'importantes additions dues à son traducteur, l'hydrographe français Pierre Lévêque (1746-1814). (World Cat ne référence que cinq exemplaires dans les bibliothèques à travers le monde : deux en France, deux en Suisse et un en Allemagne). Exemplaire désirable, à toutes marges. 2 vols. 4to. I. 5 folding plates. II. 9 folding plates. Publisher covers blue paper. First French edition of this important contribution to naval science by Spanish geometrician and naval officer, Jorge Juan Y Santacilla, originally published in Spanish at Madrid in 1771. Among other notable accomplishments the author participated in the famous joint French-Spanish expedition to Peru in 1735 to measure an arc of the meridian near the equator, founded the astronomical observatory at Cadiz, and established the Friendly Literary Society, the forerunner of the Royal Society of Sciences of Madrid. "His combination of theoretical learning and practical experience enabled Juan, in his Examen maritimo, to provide a considerable base for the improvement of naval science, to refute several empirical theories of navigation, and to establish the fundamental principles of naval architecture. The book is a valuable application of mechanics to naval science." (DSB) The French edition contains significant additions by the translator, French hydrographer, Pierre Lévêque [1746-1814].‎

J-F Letenneur Livres Rares - Saint Briac sur Mer

Phone number : 06 81 35 73 35

EUR1,200.00 (€1,200.00 )

‎Judith A. Lerner, Annette L. Juliano (eds)‎

Reference : 65958

‎New Research on Central Asian, Buddhist and Far Eastern Art and Archaeology‎

‎, Brepols, 2019 Paperback, 346 pages, Size:216 x 280 mm, Illustrations:86 b/w, 185 col., Language: English. ISBN 9782503584508.‎

‎Summary This second volume of the series offers a broad range of subject matter from an equally broad range of regions. Michael Shenkar compares a particular type of deity from the Parthian West (Palmyra, Hatra) with the colossal image of a divinity from Akchakhan-kala in ancient Choresmia (part of modern-day Uzbekistan). Careful iconographic analysis of a sealing showing the god Mithra, found at Kafir Qala near Samarkand, allows Fabrizio Sinisi to suggest a Kushan origin for the seal that made the impression. Several contributions on Sogdiana concern its archaeology and early history (Bi Bo on Kangju and Sogdiana); the iconography of one of the major wall painting cycles at Panjikent (Matteo Compareti) as well as the city's temples and deities worshipped (Markus Mode). By drawing on archaeological, ethnological and historical data, S ren Stark offers an extensive discussion of mountain pastoralism and seasonal occupation in northern Tajikistan, north of the Zerafshan River in what were borderlands for Sogdiana. Rounding out the first part of this volume is Suzanne G. Valentine's publication of a Bactrian camel clay sculpture, excavated in the Sui-Tang capital of Xi'an, its saddlebags decorated with an unusual motif. The second and last part is guest-edited by John Clarke, convener of a Buddhist conference in 2010. This section contains updated or new papers by some of the participants-Naman P. Ahuja on Buddhist imagery in Bengal; Amy Heller on the impact of Kashmiri art on Guge and Ladakh; Deborah Klimburg-Salter on Buddhist pilgrimage sites in Afghanistan; and Michael Willis on sculpture from Sarnath in the British Museum-along with that of Chiara Bellini on the restoration of the Alchi Sumtsek and the dating of the Ladakhi temple. TABLE OF CONTENTS On Central Asian Art and Archaeology Michael SHENKAR - "The Chorasmian Gad: On the "Colossal" Figure from Akchakhan-kala" Fabrizio SINISI - "A Kushan Investiture Scene with Mithra on a Seal Impression from Kafir Qala, Samarkand" BI Bo - "Recent Archaeological Discoveries Regarding Kangju and Sogdiana" Matteo COMPARETI - "Simurgh or Farr? On the Representation of Fantastic Creatures in the Sogdian 'Rustam Cycle' at Panjikent" Markus MODE - "In the Heart of the City: On Sogdian Temples and Deities at Panjikent" ? ? On Buddhist Sculpture: Papers from a Symposium held at the Victoria and Albert Museum, London, November 8 and 9, 2010, and Papers Inspired by the Symposium John CLARKE (Guest Editor) - "Introduction" Naman P. AHUJA - "A Buddhist Interpretation of Small Finds in the Early Historic Period" Michael WILLIS - "Markham Kittoe and Sculpture from Sarnath in the British Museum" Deborah KLIMBURG-SALTER - "Buddhist Pilgrimage to India: Bamiyan, Kapisa -Kabul, and Mes Aynak" Amy HELLER - "Tracing the Impact of Kashmiri Art in Guge and Ladakh, Eleventh to Thirteenth Centuries" Chiara BELLINI - "Some Other Pieces of the Puzzle: The Restoration of the Alchi Sumtsek by Tashi Namgyal and Other Considerations on the Dating of the Ladakhi Temple" On Far Eastern Art and Archaeology Bonnie CHENG - "The Underground Silk Road - Pictorial Affinities in Fifth-century Cave Temples and Tombs" Heather D. CLYDESDALE - "Buried Towers: Artistic Innovation on China's Frontier" Suzanne G. VALENSTEIN with Annette L. JULIANO and Judith A. LERNER - "Hellenism in Sui-Tang Chang'an: Dionysiac Imagery on Mortuary Camels" Young-pil KWON - "Note on Border Patterns Dividing the Earthly and Heavenly Realms in Goguryeo Tomb Paintings"‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR140.00 (€140.00 )

‎Judith Brodie, Amy Johnston and Michael J. Lewis ‎

Reference : 49347

‎Three Centuries of American Prints. From the National Gallery of Art.‎

‎, Thames & Hudson , 2016 Hardback, 29x24.5mm, 360p, 206 colour illustrations, English edition . ISBN 9780500239520.‎

‎Nearly 200 American prints, representing more than 100 artists, and dating from the colonial era to the present day, are brought together in this unprecedented volume from the National Gallery of Art to commemorate its collection and recent acquisitions. The artists featured range from Paul Revere through James McNeil Whistler, Mary Cassatt, Winslow Homer, Louise Nevelson, Romare Bearden, Andy Warhol, Robert Rauschenberg, Chuck Close, and Kara Walker. The works date from essentially every period in American history, so major art and historical themes running through the collection are readily visible. Lending context, twelve contributing authors discuss the varied themes in American art. Biographies of the artists and a glossary of printmaking terms are also featured. Since its founding in 1941, the National Gallery of Art has assiduously collected American prints with the help of many generous donors. The Gallery?s American print collection has grown from nearly 1,900 prints in 1950 to more than 22,500 prints today. The collection was recently transformed by the acquisition of an extraordinary group of 5,200 American prints brought together by Reba and Dave Williams. ‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR57.50 (€57.50 )

‎Judith Miller‎

Reference : 58414

‎Decorative arts : Style and Design from Classical to Contemporary‎

‎, DK Publishing (Dorling Kindersley) 2006, 2006 Hardcover, 440 pages, ENG, 310 x 260 mm, book is in very fine order, with hundreds of images / photo's, in colour, everything you ever wanted to decorate your house with, is in this book !. ISBN 9780756623494.‎

‎This comprehensive resource for collectors is a complete visual guide to the history of the decorative arts from furniture and ceramics to glass, silver and metalware, and textiles.‎


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EUR20.00 (€20.00 )
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