KEISER Isabelle; COUGNARD Jules; DUCHOSAL Louis; AVENNIER Louis; LENOIR Eugène; BONIFAS Charles; VADIER Berthe; MONNIER Philippe:
Reference : 13424
Genève, [imprimerie suisse], 1895. Petit in-folio non paginé, couverture souple pleine percaline verte, titre doré au premier plat.
Bien complet des 8 illustrations à pleine page par Otto Vautier, Alfred Rehfous, Sophie de Niederhausern, Sophie Bovet, J. Simonet, Louis Dunki, Ernest Bieler et Henry van Muyden. Tirage limité à 500 exemplaires, celui-ci un des 400 non numérotés. Publié à l'occasion du Bazar en faveur de la restauration de Saint-Pierre, les 8 et 9 mai 1895. Première charnière faible, quelques légers frottements à la percaline, très rares rousseurs.
, Brepols, 2020 Paperback, 494 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:3 b/w, Languages: English, Old French. ISBN 9782503582948.
Summary At the beginning of the fourteenth century, Jofroi, a brother of the Dominican house of St Saviour's in Waterford, Ireland, translated into French and adapted from the Latin three texts: the De excidio Troiae of the so-called 'Dares Phrygius', the Breviarium historiae romanae of Eutropius, and Pseudo-Aristotelian Secretum secretorum. While the first two, La gerre de Troi and Le regne des Romains are generally close translations, Le secr de secr s is much modified by omissions and interpolations of exempla and scientific material. In his enterprise, Jofroi was aided and abetted by his scribe, the Walloon merchant and custos, Servais Copale. This book is the first critical edition of Jofroi's oeuvre. The texts are accompanied by a general introduction, individual introductions to each of the three texts, extensive notes, a substantial glossary, and an index of proper names. Jofroi and Servais collaborated in Waterford, not Paris, as has long been assumed, and these texts are therefore witness to the importance of French as a literary language in southeastern Ireland. TABLE OF CONTENTS General Introduction La gerre de Troi Introduction Edition Textual and Explanatory Notes Le regne des Romains Introduction Edition Textual and Explanatory Notes Le secr des secr s Introduction Edition Textual and Explanatory Notes Glossary Index of Proper Names
New York, Tony Shafrazi Gallery, 1982 Original Spiral bound and original illustrated cardboard covers in fine condition! 144 pages, Many colour, B/w photographs and B/w illustrations. 9 9inch. | 22.9 22.9cm.
First edition of this book, limited to 2000 copies, rare and wanted in perfect condition, 144 pages. (the first 32 on yellow paper). Many colour, B/w photographs and B/w illustrations,all present as called for plus very informative text, stickers are not present. This rare book is in very good condition! -- The exhibition catalog for the landmark 1982 show that launched Keith Haring's career. The first professional publication of Haring's work, the catalog surveys Haring?s work from the late 1970s and early 1980's. The catalog includes writings on the artist as well as shots of Haring's studio, works on paper and canvas, sculpture, subway graffiti, billboards, posters, ephemera, portraits of the artist, and other works. Presented in strikingly printed full color and black and white pages.
, Exeter Book 1979, 1979 Hardcover, 120 pages, ENG, 305 x 225 mm, in good condition, with coloured illustrations. ISBN 0896730085.
KELCHE general (preface)- FOUCART jacques- Barreau
Reference : RO20256998
ISBN : 2903824622
MONELLE HAYOT. 2009. In-4. Relié. Etat d'usage, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 383 PAGES illustrées en couleur - jaquette en état d'usage- 2 photos disponibles. Avec Jaquette. . . Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
"KELCHE general (preface)- FOUCART jacques- Barreau joelle- DE CHEFDEBIEN anne- SAMOYAULT jean pierre - ""L'hôtel de Salm naît sous Louis XVI de l'émergence d'un nouveau quartier à la pointe de la mode, le faubourg Saint-Germain. Conçu par l'architecte Rousseau pour le prince de Salm ce palais aux colonnes dans l'esprit de Palladio, vendu sous l'Empire pour devenir le siège de la Légion d'honneur, incendié sous la Commune, puis transformé, côté gare d'Orsay, pour conserver les collections du musée de la Légion d'honneur est la résidence du Grand Chancelier de l'Ordre.Ce livre vous ouvre ses portes pour une visite privée et complète guidée par Jean-Pierre Samoyault pour ce qui est du décor intérieur et de Jacques Foucart pour les peintures. Anne de Chefdebien vous convie à revisiter le musée entièrement rénové, dont elle est le conservateur."" Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture"
Zurich, Keller & Fussli, marchands d'estampes et de fournitures pour le dessin, s.d. (vers 1830), in-8vo, oblong, 2 ff. + 21 (sur 24) aquatintes en noir (non mises en couleur), rousseurs marginales, tache d’humidité au coin inf. des dernières ff., reliure en plein cuir orange légèrement usée, dos avec petit manque de cuir.
1) Maison de païsan au Canton de Zurich / 2) Maison de païsan au Canton de Berne à Munsingue / 3) Maison de païsan au Canton de Lucerne / 4) Maison de païsan au Canton d’Uri / 5) Maison de païsan au Canton de Schwyz / 6) Maison de païsan au Canton d’Unterwalden / 7) Maison de païsan au Canton de Glarus à Nestall / 8) Maison de païsan au Canton de Zoug / 9) Maison de païsan au Canton de Frybourg à Ubersdorf / 10) Maison de païsan au Canton de Schaffhouse à Hallau / 11) Maison de païsan au Canton d’Appenzell, le Weissbaad / 12) Maison de païsan au Canton de St. Gall à Muls sur le lac de Wallenstadt / 13) Maison de païsan au Canton de Grisons à Fideris / 14) Maison de païsan au Canton de Thurgovie près Mammern / 15) Maison de païsan au Canton du Tessin, Auberge de Poleggio / 16) Maison de païsan au Canton de Vaud, près de Lucens / 17) Maison de païsan au Canton de Valais près Lax vers le glacier de Viesch / 18) Maison de païsan au Canton de Neuchâtel à Motiers (demeure de J. J. Rousseau) / 19) Maison de païsan au Canton de Genève à Versoix / 20) L'intérieur d'une cabane Suisse / 21) Chalet sur les Alpes de l'Oberland Bernois.Manquent: Bâle, Argovie, Soleure, Thurgovie. Lonchamp L’Estampe et livres à gravures n° 126; Lonchamp sous Collection N° 677 (ex. colorié). Image disp.
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808
(Genève, Skira, 1943). 103 (4) S. Mit 14 lithogr. Tafeln und 5 Textlithographien von Wilhelm Gimmi. Lose in Orig.-Umschlag und Pappchemise.
Nr. 36 von 125 Exemplaren (GA 151 Ex.), vom Künstler und Verleger signiert. Es erschien gleichzeitig eine franz. Ausgabe. - Gelenke angeplatzt.
Winterthur, Sonnenberg Presse, 1979. 4°. 15 (dv. 3 doppels.) Holzschn. v. Heinz Keller + 1 lose beiliegender signierter Holzschnitt u. 1 Schallplatte. Illustr. Orig.-Halbleinenband in Schuber.
Nr. 1 von 500 Exemplaren.
Winterthur, Sonnenbergpresse, 1988. 4°. 36 S. Mit sign. Orig.-Holzschnitt und 12 reproduzierten Holzschnitten. Orig.-Broschur mit Schutzumschlag.
Eins von 1000 Exemplaren.
1979. Holzschnitt Blattgrösse: 20 x 14 cm.
Neujahrskarte von Heinz Keller. – Mit Widmung von Heinz und Sylvia Keller.
Les Editions de la Passion, 1995 - In-4° carré presque à l'italienne, 224 pages, fort index sur trois colonnes, l'ensemble de la typocomposition, également sur deux ou trois colonnes ( mention marginales ou vignettes dans le texte ), est en très belle condition et comporte également 64 vues légendées et raisonnées en noir.
Bel Exemplaire Franco de port pour la France par MONDIAL RELAY dés 20 euros pour les ouvrages modernes . Paiement immédiat par Paypal . Chèques et virement acceptés. Votre Libraire vous accompagne dans toutes les étapes de vos achats. Achat et déplacement France Suisse.
, Hatje Cantz, 2016 Hardcover, 336 pages, ENG, 265 x 195 x 33 mm, New, illustrated in colour / b/w. ISBN 9783775741644.
Sean Scully (born 1945) is among the greatest abstract painters of our age. He is also one of the most outspoken. Since the late 1960s, Scully's visual expressiveness has been matched by a verbal dynamism that is no less arresting than his art. Varying widely in form from brief reflections to essay-length meditations on artists such as Van Gogh, Morandi and Rothko, Scully's writings are distinguished by a brutal lyricism and an effortlessly aphoristic turn of phrase. The nearly 200 texts that comprise this collection provide a unique perspective on one of the most engaging artistic imaginations of the past half-century. Here, readers will discover the effusions of a mind tirelessly wrestling with the profoundest issues of art, cultural history and what it means to be a creator in the contemporary world. The texts are illustrated by images including facsimile reproductions of handwritten pages which also feature drawings.
Hrsg. vom basler Münsterbauverein, Berlin, Ernst Wasmuth, o.J. (um 1890), in-Folio, 25 Tafeln, Lose in OHLwd.-Mappe, (Mappe oben etwas lädiert.)
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808
Imprimerie "A Jeanne D'arc" Saint-Martin-de-Ré 1966 In-4 carré ( 260 X 205 mm ) de 540 pages, demi-chagrin vert à coins, dos à nerfs janséniste, couvertures et dos conservés. Réédition à l'identique de la seconde édition corrigée, augmentée et illustrée de 150 photogravures, La Rochelle, Mareschal, 1888. Bel exemplaire.
München, F. Bruckmann Verlag, 1950. 4°. 176 S. 482 Abbildungen.. Pp.
Berlin, 1968 45pp. + ills., 21cm., softcover, text in German, Doctoral dissertation (Von der Fakultät für Architektur der Technischen Universität Berlin zu Verleihung der akademischen Würde Doktor-Ingenieur genehmigte Dissertation), stamp at verso of title page, text is clean and bright, good condition, S109432
Hemiksem, Heymissen VZW , 2022, Oorspronkelijk uitgevers omslag, 59 pagina's met afbeeldingen in kleur.
Het boek "250 jaar Sint-Niklaaskerk Hemiksem" beschrijft de geschiedenis, de kunstwerken en het funerair erfgoed van de jarige kerk. Het bevat 60 pagina's en vele kleurenfoto's.
, Mercatorfonds, 2024 HB, 250 x 190 mm, 192 p, 200 illustrations, ENG edition. ISBN 9789462303737.
In 1912 was Marcel Duchamp ontgoocheld in de Franse kunstscene. Daarom verliet hij Parijs en bracht hij drie maanden in M nchen door. Hij beschrijft deze periode als de plaats van zijn 'complete bevrijding' en ze zette de toon voor de rest van zijn leven. Het was in M nchen dat hij besloot om te stoppen met schilderen en in plaats daarvan readymades te maken. De hele loop van de 20ste-eeuwse kunstgeschiedenis veranderde als direct gevolg van deze 'complete bevrijding' en toch weten we niet wat er toen gebeurd is, behalve dat Duchamp twee kleine schilderijen en enkele tekeningen maakte. Honderd jaar later was de Zuid-Afrikaanse kunstenaar Kendell Geers in M nchen om een retrospectieve tentoonstelling op te stellen in het Haus der Kunst, en hij kwam in een depressie terecht door zijn eigen ontgoocheling in de kunstscene. 'Duchamp's Endgame' is een persoonlijk boek over een kunstenaar die naar het werk van een andere kunstenaar kijkt en probeert om een honderd jaar oud enigma te doorgronden, te doorgronden wat het betekent o"Duchamp's Endgame" answers the century old question, what did Marcel Duchamp do in Munich in 1912 and why did he stop painting ? The book follows a visual logic driven by the question of how artists construct their imagery. In 1912 Marcel Duchamp was disillusioned with the French art scene, so leaves Paris and spent 3 months in Munich. He describes this period as the scene of his "complete liberation" and it set the tone for the rest of his life. It was in Munich that he decided to stop painting and instead create readymade works of art. The entire course of twentieth century art history changes as a direct result of this "complete liberation" and yet we know absolutely nothing about what happened, except that Duchamp created 2 small paintings and a few drawings. One hundred years later, South African artist Kendell Geers was in Munich to install a retrospective at the Haus der Kunst, and fell into a depression on account of his own disillusionment with the art scene. "Duchamp's Endgame" is a personal book about one artist looking at the work of another artist, trying to make sense of a century old enigma, trying to make sense of what it means to be an artist. Geers offers a unique reading of Duchamp that takes the reader on a labyrinthine journey through art history, revealing how one generation of artists secretly looked at another generation artists, all the way back to Leonardo da Vinci via Cranach, Poussin, Ingres and Durer. "Duchamp's Endgame" is a passionate story about art and the real life art historical version of the "Da Vinci Code" written by a contemporary artist with his tongue firmly in our cheek. A century after Duchamp declared painting is dead, nobody has yet offered any evidence beyond conjecture what he meant by that statement. Kendell Geers uses the works of art themselves as visual evidence to explain what Duchamp was looking at and researching during his 3 month stay in Munich. The book follows the links between works of art created by 5 generations of artists, explored through the eyes of the artists themselves. "Duchamp's Endgame" is entirely divergent from the official art historical canon on Marcel Duchamp in arguing that he was the last of a long line of classical European painters and not the American iconoclast of his reputation. The book focuses on the way artists think about other artists and argues that art historians have paid more attention to quoting each other, rather than taking the time to look at the actual works of art. Kendell Geers has published in numerous art historical journals as well as contributed to books and conferences. In 2022 he presented a paper on African Art at a conference in Harvard University and in 2023 published an essay in Gavin Jantjes' retrospective catalogue for The Africa Institute and Sharjah Art Foundation. The book draws upon statements and quotes from Marcel Duchamp, but is entirely the author's own theory. The publication accompanies a solo exhibition at Wilde Gallery in Basel presented during the Basel Art Fair.
, Mercatorfonds, 2024 HB, 250 x 190 mm, ENG. edition, 194 pages , NEW, 200 illustrations in color / b/w. . ISBN 9789462303737.
In 1912 Marcel Duchamp was disillusioned with the French art scene, so leaves Paris and spent 3 months in Munich. He describes this period as the scene of his "complete liberation" and it set the tone for the rest of his life. It was in Munich that he decided to stop painting and instead create readymade works of art. The entire course of twentieth century art history changes as a direct result of this "complete liberation" and yet we know absolutely nothing about what happened, except that Duchamp created 2 small paintings and a few drawings. One hundred years later, South African artist Kendell Geers was in Munich to install a retrospective at the Haus der Kunst, and fell into a depression on account of his own disillusionment with the art scene. "Duchamp's Endgame" is a personal book about one artist looking at the work of another artist, trying to make sense of a century old enigma, trying to make sense of what it means to be an artist. Geers offers a unique reading of Duchamp that takes the reader on a labyrinthine journey through art history, revealing how one generation of artists secretly looked at another generation artists, all the way back to Leonardo da Vinci via Cranach, Poussin, Ingres and Durer. "Duchamp's Endgame" is a passionate story about art and the real life art historical version of the "Da Vinci Code" written by a contemporary artist with his tongue firmly in our cheek. A century after Duchamp declared painting is dead, nobody has yet offered any evidence beyond conjecture what he meant by that statement. Kendell Geers uses the works of art themselves as visual evidence to explain what Duchamp was looking at and researching during his 3 month stay in Munich. The book follows the links between works of art created by 5 generations of artists, explored through the eyes of the artists themselves.
, Gent : Stan Kenis , 1978, Oorspronkelijk uitgevers omslag, 52 pag. z/w foto's.
, Nazraeli Press, Tucson, 2000 , Hardcover with dustjacket , 96 pages. Illustrated with black & white full pages plates by Kenna 33x30cm, Fine condition. ISBN 3923922833.
First edition. Inscribed / Signed by Kenna on the title page.
Bruxelles, Banque Nationale de Belgique, 1978. 21 x 21, 150 pp., plusieurs illustrations en N/B, broché, bon état.
"exposition organisée par la Banque Nationale de Belgique, à l'occasion de l'émission du nouveau billet de 100 francs; 28 avril au 3 juin 1978."
Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2002 hardcover, Faux-linnen bound with dustjacket, 241 pages + 249 illustrations, 28 x 23 cm. ENG text . As new. ISBN 9780198153115.
Composite statues of gold (chrysos), ivory (elephas), and other precious materials were the most celebrated artworks of classical antiquity. Greek and Latin authors leave no doubt that such images provided a centrepiece for religious and civic life and that vast sums were spent to produce them. A number of these statues were the creations of antiquity's most highly acclaimed artists: Polykleitos, Alkamenes, Leochares, and, of course, Pheidias, whose magnificent Zeus Olympios came to be ranked among the Seven Wonders of the World. Although a few individual images such as Pheidias' Athena Parthenos have been the subject of detailed scholarly analysis, chryselephantine statuary as a class, from the exquisite statuettes of Minoan Crete to the majestic temple images constructed by classical Greek city-states and imitated by the Romans, has not received comprehensive study since 1815. This book presents not only the ancient literary and epigraphical evidence for lost statues and examines representations of them in other media, but also assembles and analyses much-neglected physical survivals, elucidating throughout the innovative techniques, such as ivory-bending, employed in their production as well as the variety of social, religious, and political roles they played within the ancient societies that produced them.
Artemis Zürich, Munich et Londres, 1993, 221 pages. In-4 oblong en anglais. Nombreuses photos en couleurs et noir/blanc ainsi que de nombreux croquis et planches du concepteur mondialement connu: Santiago Calatrava. Livre en excellent état mis-à-part les jaquettes papier (un peu) et plastique (très) jaunies.
Livre très rare et recherché. Egalement très onéreux à son époque!
Kenneth Frampton, Vittorio Gregotti fotografie di Alberto Flammer, Eduard H ber
Reference : 57800
Milano , Electa, 1984 Original publishers paper-covered boards, 135 pages, Documenti di architettura"--Jacket. Issued in connection with the exhibition held October 20-December 9, 1984 at the Architektur-Museum Basel. Italian and German text. Fine !. ISBN 8843512900.
Il libro dedicato all'opera architettonica di Luigi Snozzi, architetto svizzero dal linguaggio colto ed essenziale. Il linguaggio di Snozzi quello asciutto e colto dell?architettura ticinese. Nato a Mendrisio nel 1932, rifiuta qualsiasi eccesso retorico in nome dell?essenzialit . Le sue prime costruzioni, risalenti agli anni Sessanta, sono definite ?neorealiste? da Kenneth Frampton, autore in questo volume del saggio che ripercorre le tappe principali della sua carriera. Segue lo scritto di Vittorio Gregotti ?Sulle tracce dell?architettura?, in cui il radicalismo di Snozzi viene messo a confronto con il rifiuto di ogni ?illusionismo stilistico-conciliativo? catteristico del metodo di Alvaro Siza. Infine il catalogo delle opere dal 1957 al 1984, la cui suddivisione scandita da brevi frasi dello stesso Snozzi; emergono con chiarezza l?attenta analisi dei fenomeni urbani e paesaggistici, nonch il rapporto dialettico con Kahn e con le pi importanti esperienze coeve dell?architettura internazionale: ?Il progetto, prima che strumento di trasformazione, strumento di conoscenza?.