, Brepols, 2020 Hardback, 306 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:19 col., 6 tables b/w., Language: English. ISBN 9782503579009.
Summary This book investigates the interface between faith and knowledge in Scandinavia in the centuries before and after the Reformation, a period in which the line between belief and knowledge was often blurred, and local traditions remained influential. While Scandinavia was undoubtedly an integral part of Latin Christendom before the arrival of Lutheranism, the essays gathered together in this volume demonstrate that religious discourse still took a unique form in this region. Faith was influenced by magical practices centred on remnants of Nordic paganism, local wisdom literature, and metaphoric language about the divine that diverged considerably from that of the Judeo-Christian tradition. Texts, motifs, and practices that were common throughout Europe were also transformed and altered within this northern setting. Covering the late medieval up to the early modern period, this volume offers new insights into intellectual culture in Scandinavia, and the remarkable longevity of local beliefs even into the early post-Reformation period. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction: Learning the Truth - KAROLINE KJESRUD AND MIKAEL MALES The European Challenges of Faith & Knowledge in the Late Middle Ages: The Concepts of Nature and Knowledge - AKSEL HAANING The Distribution of Authority as Reflected in Literary Transmission - KAROLINE KJESRUD 'Apparuit ei Christus in eodem loco': Physical Presence and Divine Truth in Birgitta of Sweden's Revelations from the Holy Land - MARIA H. OEN Mapping Hagiographical Literature in Medieval and Early Modern Iceland - NATALIE?M. VAN DEUSEN AND KIRSTEN WOLF How Do We Know, How Did They Know? The Cult of Saints in Iceland in the Late Middle Ages -MARGARET CORMACK Denoting the Holy in Skaldic Tradition - MIKAEL MALES 'A allra or a undirsta an sie riettlig fundin': The Virgin Mary and the Holy Spirit in Lilja 90 - MARTIN CHASE Faith and Knowledge in Nordic Charm Magic - STEPHEN A. MITCHELL Christian Knowledge in Late Medieval Norway - ELISE KLEIVANE The Cross before Christ: Ecclesiastical History and Esotericism in the Antiquarian Scholarship of Johannes Bureus - MATTHEW NORRIS Biblical Magic as a Manifestation of Folk Belief in the North - ALESSIA BAUER
New York, The New York Cultural Center, 1970. Grand in-8 (27.7 cm) (4) feuillets, 100 pages, (2) feuillets. Broché. Couverture d'origine bleu-gris en très bel état. Intérieur à l'état de neuf. Pièce jointe :« The Seventies : Post-Object Art. A Statement... by Donald Karshan ». Feuille volante in-f° de 2 pages datée du 9 avril 1970. Note manuscrite donnant l'adresse du journal britannique « Art & Language Press ».
Provenance : Bibliothèque de Melvin Charney, architecte conceptuel montréalais de renommée internationale.
Kasper H. Andersen, Jeppe B chert Netterstr m, Lisbeth Imer, Bjorn Poulsen, Rikke Steenholt Olesen (eds)
Reference : 65099
, Brepols, 2021 Hardback, xv + 465 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:46 b/w, 2 maps b/w, Language: English. ISBN 9782503596747.
Summary This volume explores literacy in the medieval towns of Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and Finland, and aims to understand the extent to which these medieval urban centres constituted a driving force in the development of literacy in Nordic societies generally. As in other parts of Europe, two languages - Latin and the vernacular - were in use. However, the Nordic area is also characterised by its use of the runic alphabet, and thus two writing systems were also in use. Another characteristic of the North is its comparatively weak urbanization, especially in Finland, Sweden, and Norway. Literacy and the uses of writing in medieval towns of the North is approached from various angles of research, including history, archaeology, philology, and runology. The contributions cover topics related to urban literacy that include both case studies and general surveys of the dissemination of writing, all from a Northern perspective. The thematic chapters all present new sources and approaches that offer a new dimension both to the study of medieval urban literacy and also to Scandinavian studies. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction: Urban Literacy in the Nordic Middle Ages Kasper H. Andersen, Jeppe B chert Netterstr m, Lisbeth M. Imer, Bj rn Poulsen, Rikke Steenholt Olesen Runic Writing in Danish Medieval Towns Lisbeth M. Imer Medieval Runic Latin in an Urban Perspective Rikke Steenholt Olesen Roman-Script Epigraphy in Norwegian Towns Elise Kleivane "Fann ek bein..., I found a bone?": Runic Artefacts as Material Evidence of Writing in Medieval Norwegian Towns Kristel Zilmer (Il)literacy Reflected on Scandinavian Viking Coins Gitte Tarnow Ingvardson Medieval Literacy in Turku - Material and Linguistic Remains from a Multilingual Townscape Janne Harjula, Visa Immonen and Kirsi Salonen Searching for Urban Literacy in the Archaeological Record Morten S vs Civic Literacy in Late-Medieval Ribe Jeppe B chert Netterstr m Markers of Civic Literacy in Medieval Danish Towns Kasper H. Andersen Putting Town Life in Writing: Medieval Danish Town Scribes Bj rn Poulsen: Variance and Change in Civic Literacy in Late-Medieval Stockholm: The Liber Memorialis Theresia Pettersson The Dominican Order and Urban Literacy in Medieval Scandinavia Johnny Grandjean G gsig Jakobsen Lost Notes and Hidden Spells: Scraps of Worldly Literacy from the Choir Stalls in Lund Cathedral Andreas Manhag
, Silvana Editoriale, 2023 PB, 290 x 230 mm, 240 p, 100 illustraties, EN-FR edition, NEW / NOUVEAU,; ***Expo: 07/04/2023 - 03/09/2023, Mus e d'Art de Nantes. ISBN 9788836653638.
For its major exhibition 2023, the Mus e d'arts de Nantes looks at hyperrealistic sculpture. Since the 1990s there has been a renewed interest in this art form which has rarely been exhibited in France since its birth in the United States during the 1960s. Through over thirty works by eleven international sculptors, some of which have never been exhibited before, the Mus e d'arts explores the profoundly human and sensitive characteristics of these meticulously realistic sculptures, and the striking illusions they create. A sensory experience and not-to-be-missed event! The artists exhibited Gilles Barbier, Berlinde De Bruyckere, John DeAndrea, Daniel Firman, Duane Hanson, Sam Jinks, Tony Matelli, Saana Murtti, Evan Penny, Marc Sijan and Tip Toland
Katerina Gregos. Met bijdragen van Sven Beckert, Katerina Gregos, Oulimata Gueye, Nav Haq en Jan Zalasiewicz.
Reference : 59580
, Mercatorfonds, 2021 verstevigde softcover, 280 x 242 mm, 224 pages, 200 illustraties, NL edition. ISBN 9789462302662.
De praktijk die de Belgische kunstenaar Maarten Vanden Eynde (geboren in 1977) heeft ontwikkeld, stoelt op wetenschappelijk onderzoek en verenigt diverse maatschappelijke, economische, ecologische en antropologische invalshoeken. Zijn oeuvre behandelt enkele van de belangwekkendste thema's van onze tijd, gaande van ongebreidelde bodemontginning en ecologie tot het kolonialisme en zijn nasleep. Het werk is opgevat als een alternatieve encyclopedie van de menselijke geschiedenis, een onderzoek naar onze invloed op Planeet Aarde. Het stelt een (post)industri le archeologie van de toekomst voor, een speculatieve vooruitblik op onze evolutieve sporen, en geeft een overzicht van de werken die Vanden Eynde in de loop van de twee laatste decennia heeft voortgebracht, waaronder Plastic Reef, een massieve sculptuur gemaakt van plastic afval dat de kunstenaar in alle oceanen van de wereld verzamelde. Katerina Gregos is kunsthistorica, tentoonstellingscommissaris en auteur. Aan de hand de werken van de voorbij twintig jaar, stelt dit werk aan de lezers de multidisciplinaire Belgische kunstenaar Maarten Vanden Eynde voor.
, Brepols, 2020 Hardback, xlv + 390 pages, Size:216 x 280 mm, Illustrations:63 b/w, 31 col., Language: English. ISBN 9780897223553.
Summary This systematic analysis of the gold and silver coinages of "King Antigonos" is intended to explore the nature of the Antigonid cash economy during the second and the third quarter of the third century BC. The author's principal aim in reconstructing the precious metal coinage of "King Antigonos" is to comprehend the way in which the mints concerned functioned and to identify the major issues of the period. This helps us to answer questions such as, whether or not production was continuous; on which occasions/for which purposes the mints operated; where and why the coins produced circulated and what their value at the time was; finally, whether these issues outlasted their initiator, Antigonos Gonatas. The macroeconomic profile of Antigonid Makedonia during this period is completed by an attempt to quantify and to contextualize these Antigonid silver issues. Explanations other than military for the production of this coinage are explored and the chronology and the role of those silver coins issued posthumously in the name of Alexander that are currently assigned to the early reign of Gonatas are reconsidered. Finally, the geographical distribution of these Antigonid issues is reassessed. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2.0-5.0 Catalogue and Commentary: Gold and Silver Issues "of king Antigonos" 2. Period I: The Chremonidean War and the Battle off Kos (274/1-260/255 BC), "Plain Style" 3. Period II: From the Revolt of Alexander, Tyrant of Korinth, to the Battle of Andros (252/1-246 BC), "Dramatic Style" 4. Period III: From the Battle of Andros to the Death of Demetrios II 246/5-229 BC), "Portrait Style" 5. Period IV: Antigonos Doson (229-221/0 BC), "Expressive Style" 6. Numismatic Evidence: General Considerations 7. Coinage, Money and the Economy 8. Concluding Remarks 9. Appendices 10. Bibliography Plates
Antwerpen, Eigen Vermogen van het Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten , 2014 Gebonden, linnen 140 pages met prachtige illustraties in kleur door Nick Andrews. ISBN 9789085866862.
teksten en met mooie illustraties in z/w van de bekendste Nederlandstalige schrijvers en kunstenaars . ,
, Hannibal, 2021 hardcover , 290 x 250 mm, 304 pages, ENG edition. ISBN 9789463887441.
Why did Hans Memling paint everything in such minute detail? How did Rubens, in just a few brushstrokes, create special effects that Steven Spielberg would envy? And why was the Southern Netherlands the artistic centre of the world for three centuries? From Memling to Rubens: The Golden Age of Flanders tells the story of Flemish art from the 15th, 16th and 17th centuries, as you've never read it before. It's a rollercoaster ride through 300 years of cultural history. Leading the charge are breathtaking masterpieces from the collection of The Phoebus Foundation, unknown gems by the likes of Hans Memling, Quinten Metsys, Peter Paul Rubens and Anthony Van Dyck that plunge you into a world full of folly and sin, fascination and ambition. Along the way you'll bump into dukes and emperors, rich citizens and poor saints, picture galleries like wine cellars, and Antwerp as Hollywood on the Scheldt. This is a stirring tale about the image and its meaning, and the link between culture and society. Above all, it's about us, and about who we are today - as people. Dr. Katharina Van Cauteren (b. 1981) heads the Chancellery of The Phoebus Foundation. Katharina is an art historian and has already curated numerous exhibitions from Belgium to India.
Antwerpen , Phoebus Focus V, 2015 Oorspronkelijk uitgevers omslag, 94 pagina's. ISBN 9789082829044.
een wetenschappelijke publicatiereeks waarin pareltjes uit de collectie in de schijnwerpers worden geplaatst. Hierbij wordt voor elke nieuwe uitgave een beroep gedaan op kunsthistorici die gespecialiseerd zijn in het betreffende thema, en het verhaal op een boeiende en toegankelijke manier kunnen vertellen. Het eerste boekje uit de reeks verscheen naar aanleiding van de eerste focustentoonstelling in de Keizerskapel, waarbij het triptiekje van Sint-Lukas schildert de Madonna getoond werd. De tweede en derde uitgaven volgden snel, waarbij twee schilderijen besproken worden die vandaag te zien zijn in het nieuwe Snijders&Rockoxhuis in Antwerpen: Keukenstilleven met Christus in het huis van Marta en Maria door Frans Ykens (1601-1693) en Allegorie van de zeven vrije kunsten van Maerten de Vos (1532-1603). Het vierde boekje verscheen vervolgens naar aanleiding van VOSSEN. Expeditie door het land van Reynaert, en handelt ? u kon het al raden ? over Reynaert de vos. Recent verscheen ook de vijfde uitgave, waarin het Meermonster van Tagua Tagua besproken wordt. Dit schijnbaar vrolijke en komische schilderij blijkt een brede betekenis te hebben: je zou het een geschiedenisboekje kunnen noemen, samengebald in een merkwaardig beeld...
Antwerp, Phoebus Focus V, softcover, 21 x 14,8 cm, 96 pages TEXT IN ENGLISH ISBN 9789463883368.
Phoebus Focus V Het anonieme Het Meermonster van Tagua Tagua uit 1784 geeft, tweehonderdvijftig jaar na datum, als geen ander kunstwerk inzicht in de kracht van het beeld in een krakend tijdsgewricht. Het beest brengt een synthese van driehonderd jaar beeldtraditie. In de kern gaat het terug op middeleeuwse encyclopedie n, maar zijn galante snuit verraadt een achttiende-eeuwse identiteit. Sterker nog: het Meermonster blijkt pure politieke propaganda..
Antwerp, Phoebus Focus V, 2019 Paperback, 96 pages, 21,1 x 14,1 x 1,1 cm. Illustrated. Text in ENG. ISBN 9789463883368.
Phoebus Focus 5 - The Mere-Monster of Lake Tagua Tagua Monster Mania and Court Intrigues in the Eighteenth Century
Tielt, Lannoo, 2016 Hardcover with dusjacket, 416 pages, 30 x 26 x 4 cm, English, Richly illustrated. ISBN 9789401432399.
Apart from a handful of art historians no sane person has ever heard of the Brussels painter Hendrick De Clerck (1560-1630). Nevertheless, De Clerck was a contemporary of Peter Paul Rubens and like Rubens he worked for the Archdukes Albert and Isabella. But while Rubens has gone down in history as an artistic trailblazer and painting powerhouse, Hendrick De Clerck has quietly faded into oblivion. Yet the subtly coded, vibrantly coloured pictures that De Clerck paints for Albert and Isabella are political propaganda of the highest order. In creating a mode of archducal representation that could help to gain an empire, the sky is quite literally the limit. De Clerck represents Isabella as wise Minerva, chaste Diana, the Virgin Mary. And that's nothing compared to her husband, for in De Clerck's paintings Albert is transformed into the sun god Apollo or even into Jesus Christ himself. Hendrick De Clerck's mastery of ingenious pictorial strategy made him a leading player in one of the most ambitious projects history has ever seen. For those who know how to read them, his paintings tell a story of power, political promises, and grandiose ambition. Most of all, they are supreme examples of image-building. For as the Archdukes were well aware, even as a monarch you're only as important as you make yourself.
, Phoebus Focus XXX, 2023 Softcover, 152 pag. ENG, 21 x 14,8 cm, ill., Phoebus Focus XXX ENG ISBN 9789464666342.
The Brussels painter Hendrick De Clerck (c.1560-1630) was a celebrated artist in his day. He worked regularly for the Archdukes Albert and Isabella and those in their European network. De Clerck and his workshop also painted hundreds of pictures for the rest of the great and the good in the Spanish Netherlands, including moralizing biblical episodes such as the painting of Susanna and the Elders that is the subject of this edition of Phoebus Focus. Susanna?s story has been represented in the visual arts since the early centuries of Christianity. But its greatest popularity comes in the sixteenth century. Under the safe umbrella of a moralizing life lesson, it provides the perfect excuse for a spot of titillating nudity. Although Hendrick De Clerck covers Susanna with elegant yet suggestive drapery, she still reveals all in this edition of Phoebus Focus.
, Phoebus Focus XXX, 2023 Softcover, 152 pag. NL, 21 x 14,8 cm , ill. Phoebus Focus XXX NL ISBN 9789464666144.
De Brusselse schilder Hendrick De Clerck (ca. 1560-1630) was in zijn dagen een gevierd kunstenaar. Met de regelmaat van de klok werkte hij voor de aartshertogen Albrecht en Isabella en hun Europese netwerk. Ook voor de rest van de beau monde in de Spaanse Nederlanden penseelden De Clerck en zijn atelier honderden taferelen bij elkaar, waaronder moraliserende Bijbelse voorstellingen zoals de Suzanna en de ouderlingen die centraal staat in deze editie van Phoebus Focus. Het thema van Suzanna komt al voor in de beeldende kunst sinds de eerste eeuwen van het christendom. Pas in de zestiende eeuw krijgt Suzanna artistiek echt vleugels. Onder de veilige paraplu van een moraliserende levensles, biedt haar verhaal het perfecte excuus voor een tafereel in het teken van zinnenprikkelend naakt. Hoewel Hendrick De Clerck sierlijke maar suggestieve gewaden over zijn Suzanna drapeert, geeft ze in deze editie van Phoebus Focus alsnog alles bloot.
Katharina Van Cauteren, Nils B ttner, Matthias Ubl, Hildegard Van de Velde
Reference : 64771
, Hannibal Books, 2020 HARDCOVER 290 x 250 mm, 288 pages, NL edition met prachtige illustraties in kleur. ISBN 9789463887397.
Mannen in statig zwart, vrouwen met molensteenkragen, kinderen met gouden rammelaars, oude besjes en zelfgenoegzame kunstenaars? Ze zijn de hoofdrolspelers op zowat ieder portret dat ooit werd geschilderd in de Zuidelijke Nederlanden. Van de vijftiende tot de zeventiende eeuw is het kleine lapje grond dat vandaag ?Vlaanderen? heet het economische en culturele, intellectuele en financi le hart van Europa. En geld moet rollen: iedereen die het zich kan veroorloven, investeert in een portret. Vandaag hebben de gekoesterde statussymbolen van weleer hun oorspronkelijke betekenis grotendeels verloren. Van functioneel en emotioneel transformeerden de portretten tot toegangspoortjes tot het verleden. Aan de hand van topstukken uit de collectie van The Phoebus Foundation schetst dit boek de brede context waarin ze tot stand kwamen. Het pelt de betekenislagen van de voorstellingen, als waren het rokken van een ui. Want of het nu gaat om een indrukwekkende Rubens of Van Dyck, of om een intiem portret door een vergeten kunstenaar: ooit waren de mensen op deze schilderijen van vlees en bloed. Ze hadden eigenaardigheden en verborgen agenda?s, ambities en hogere doelen. Soms zijn die hoogstpersoonlijk en hyperindividueel. Soms ligt er een laagje stof op, en zijn de dames en heren kinderen van hun tijd. Meestal echter, zijn hun dromen en pretenties verrassend tijdloos en ontnuchterend herkenbaar. Blind Date is een afspraak met de geschiedenis: een ontmoeting met geportretteerde mannen en vrouwen uit vervlogen eeuwen. Maar voor wie bereid is om goed te kijken, blijkt de grens tussen heden en verleden flinterdun. HET VERHAAL VAN DE VLAAMSE PORTRETKUNST VERTELD AAN DE HAND VAN TOPSTUKKEN UIT DE COLLECTIE VAN THE PHOEBUS FOUNDATION De gelijknamige tentoonstelling Blind Date. Portretten met blikken en blozen loopt van 14 maart tot 31 december 2020 in het Snijders&Rockoxhuis Antwerpen, gecureerd door dr. Katharina Van Cauteren & Hildegard Van de Velde en in een scenografie van Walter Van Beirendonck.
Katharina Van Cauteren, Nils B ttner, Matthias Ubl, Hildegard Van de Velde. Scenography by Walter Van Beirendonck
Reference : 53784
, Hannibal / Kannibaal , 2020 Hardcover, 290 x 250 mm, 288 pages, English edition. ISBN 9789463887403.
Portraits from the late Middle Ages and the early modern period, what should we do with those long forgotten people from centuries ago? They stare at us, sometimes with a little monk, or ignore us completely. Without saying a word. Yet they have so much to tell us. About their fascinating lives, who they were or hoped to be. This book wants to offer the reader an appointment with history, or rather, a blind date with portrayed men and women from days gone by. Blind Date shows an exceptional sample of portraiture from the past. The Phoebus Foundation possesses a wealth of such portraits, so many and diverse that they could compile an exhibition and a book that illuminate the genre of portrait painting in all its facets, from selfie to group portrait.
, Hannibal Publishing, 2021 Hardcover , 290 x 250 mm, 304 pages, NL edition. ISBN 9789463887434.
Wij - Van zalig tot zot is een unieke rollercoaster ride door drie eeuwen kunst- en cultuurgeschiedenis. Honderd adembenemende topstukken uit de collectie van The Phoebus Foun dation, van onder meer Hans Memling, Quinten Metsys, Peter Paul Rubens en Antoon Van Dyck, nemen de lezer mee langs een wereld vol zotheid en zonde, fascinatie en ambitie. Ze vertellen over rijke burgers en arme heiligen, over kunstenaars en wijnkelders, en over Antwerpen als Hollywood aan de Schelde. Dit boek is een meeslepend verhaal over het beeld en zijn betekenis, en over de band tussen cultuur en maatschappij. Want bovenal gaat dit over ons en over wie wij vandaag zijn - als mensen. Publicatie bij de grote tentoonstelling From Memling to Rubens - The Golden Age of Flanders in het Kadriorg Art Museum in Tallinn, Estland, en in het MAS in Antwerpen.
, Hannibal, 2024 Hardcover, HB+, 290 x 250 mm, 304 pages, FR edition. ISBN 9789464666823.
Pourquoi Hans Memling peignait-il tout avec une telle minutie dans le d tail? Comment Rubens cr ait-il, en quelques coups de pinceau, des effets sp ciaux qui feraient p lir d'envie Steven Spielberg? Et pourquoi les Pays-Bas m ridionaux ont-ils t le centre artistique du monde durant trois si cles? De Memling Rubens : l' ge d'or de la Flandre raconte l'histoire de l'art flamand des quinzi me, seizi me et dix-septi me si cles comme vous ne l'avez jamais lue auparavant. Un v ritable tour de montagnes russes travers 300 ans d'histoire culturelle. Les chefs-d'oeuvre poustouflants de la collection de The Phoebus Foundation, des joyaux inconnus de Hans Memling, Quentin Metsys, Pierre Paul Rubens et Antoine Van Dyck, vous plongent dans un monde de folie et de p ch , de fascination et d'ambition. En chemin, vous croiserez des ducs et des empereurs, des citoyens riches et des saints pauvres, des galeries d'art comme des caves vin, et Anvers comme Hollywood sur l'Escaut. Il s'agit d'un r cit passionnant sur l'image et sa signification, et sur le lien entre culture et soci t . L'ouvrage parle surtout de nous et de ce que nous sommes, aujourd'hui, en tant que personnes.
, Luster Publishing, 2023 hardcover, 191 pagina's, illustr. 24.7 x 17.7 cm. ISBN 9789460583544.
Na het succes van de eerste "Goed bewaarde winkelinterieurs" (2014), verzamelde erfgoedkundige Katherine Ennekens in dit boek opnieuw een reeks prachtig geconserveerde winkelinterieurs verspreid over heel Belgi . Winkelinterieurs worden vaak in een nieuw jasje gestoken, om de mode van de tijd te volgen of om te voldoen aan nieuwe opgelegde normen. Maar soms blijft de tijd stilstaan en wordt het interieur lange tijd bewaard. Gelukkig maar, want vaak barsten deze winkels van de charme en brengen ze klanten in verwondering. Daarover gaat dit boek. Het is een ode aan de winkeliers die hun interieur lang niet verbouwd hebben en zo, soms zonder uitgestippeld plan, een heerlijk vintage interieur hebben vandaag. Sommige winkelinterieurs hebben een bijzonder ontwerp, in andere werden materialen gebruikt die vandaag zeldzaam zijn. Allemaal zijn ze uniek en op maat van de ruimte gemaakt. De interieurs overleefden vele generaties en zijn zo tot ons erfgoed gaan behoren. Het is pas wanneer een vertrouwd waardevol interieur verdwijnt, dat buurtbewoners het gemis voelen. Auteur en onderzoekster Katherine Ennekens is interieurarchitecte gespecialiseerd in erfgoed. In 2014 schreef ze een eerste boek over dit onderwerp. Na lang zoeken vond ze opnieuw veertig waardevolle interieurs in Belgi . Ze sprak met de winkeliers en werkte samen met fotograaf Bart Kiggen om ze in beeld te brengen. Dit boek is een oproep aan eigenaars, klanten en de overheid om dit kwetsbare erfgoed te koesteren n te bewaren
, Brepols - Harvey Miller, 2022 Hardback, 416 pages, Size:225 x 300 mm, Illustrations:33 b/w, 222 col., 1 maps b/w, Language: English. ISBN 9781912554454.
Summary Riemenschneider in Situ presents the newest research on the work of one of the most famous late medieval and early Renaissance sculptors, Tilman Riemenschneider. Moving beyond questions of style, date, and workshop practice, this volume investigates the sculptor's programs across the south German region of Franconia that survive in situ, within the particular contexts for which they were designed and in which they were originally experienced. In shifting the focus from fragmentary pieces in museum collections to extant installations in their original church settings, the volume contributes to a wave of scholarship interested in reanimating medieval artistic ensembles by considering them as complex visual environments. Together, the authors?conservators, museum professionals, and art historians?provide an essential and overdue study of Riemenschneider's best-preserved pieces, while also making an important, collaborative addition to the broader discipline of pre-modern art history. TABLE OF CONTENTS Karin and Eike Oellermann, Hartmut Krohm, 1940-2018 Julien Chapuis, Seeing and Exhibiting Riemenschneider Katherine M. Boivin and Gregory C. Bryda, Introduction PART 1: PLACE AND PLACEMENT Chapter 1: Jeffrey Chipps Smith , The Historiography of Place in Early Riemenschneider Scholarship Chapter 2: Katherine M. Boivin, The Topography of a Style Chapter 3: Volker Schaible, The Marian Retable by Tilman Riemenschneider in the Church of Our Lord in Creglingen: Results of a Technical Investigation Chapter 4: Matthias Weniger, Riemenschneider's Altarpieces from the Perspective of a Museum Collection PART 2: DYNAMIC ENVIRONMENTS Chapter 5: Johannes Tripps, Space, Light, and Liturgical Plays as a Source of Inspiration for Riemenschneider's Altarpieces Chapter 6: Thierry Greub, Placement and Replacement: Tilman Riemenschneider's Holy Blood Altarpiece in Rothenburg ob der Tauber and its Function in Liturgical Context Chapter 7: Mitchell B. Merback, Immanence and Intercession: Rooted Sanctity and the Creglingen Marienaltar Chapter 8: Tim Juckes, The Creglingen Altarpiece and its Multimedia Environment: Metamorphoses of a Furnishing Ensemble in Sacred Space ca. 1460-1510 PART 3: SURFACE AND COMPOSITION Chapter 9: Hartmut Krohm, Folding Textures and Rhetoric: Observations on the Manipulation of Light as an Artistic Factor in the Work of Riemenschneider and his Contemporaries Chapter 10: Ruth Ezra, Seeing Stoss in Riemenschneider's Resurrection Chapter 11: Georg Habenicht, Riemenschneider Uncolored Chapter 12: Michele Marincola and Anna Serotta, Riemenschneider's Assumption Altarpiece in the Church of Our Lord, Creglingen: A Review of its Restoration History and the Application of a New Examination Method Chapter 13: Assaf Pinkus, Compilatio at the Portal: The Last Judgment of Bern Minster Afterword: Oliver Gussmann, Riemenschneider's Holy Blood Altarpiece in its Present Ecclesiastical and Touristic Contexts in the Church of St. James in Rothenburg ob der Tauber Bibliography
, Brepols - Harvey Miller, 2024 Hardback, 344 pages, Size:225 x 300 mm, Illustrations:2 b/w, 165 col., 2 tables b/w., Language: English. ISBN 9781915487179.
Summary This book fills a significant gap in the literature on eighteenth-century art in Britain. Although immigrant Italian artists played a crucial role in the development of Britain's expanding art world over the course of that century, they have been largely overlooked in books on both British and Italian art. When mentioned in works on eighteenth-century British art, Italian artists are regarded as bit players who were tangential to the art world. Ingenious Italians seeks to correct this view, demonstrating the critical role played by immigrants who brought their skills and talents to a new country. In Britain, they established networks of Italian and British colleagues, cultivated new patrons and created innovative works for a growing market. In doing so, they influenced the development of art in British society. This little-explored facet of art history in Britain presents readers with a new perspective from which to consider the art of the era, highlighting the important work contributed by Italian artists in Britain. The book also contains an appendix of biographical information on the Italian artists working in Britain throughout the eighteenth century. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Chapter 1: Early Arrivals: Verrio and the Venetians Chapter 2: Life in Britain Chapter 3: Innovative Italians: New Ideas for New Clients Chapter 4: The Impact of Italian Immigrants: 'Exciting a Spirit of Ardent Emulation' Conclusion Bibliography Appendix: Italian Artists Active in Britain 1700-1800 Index
London, The Penguin Press, 1989 Original blue and black dust-jacket, 183 pages, 23.5 x 31 cm. EN. ISBN 9780713990218.
Masters of the Italic Letter: Twenty Exemplars from the Sixteenth Century
, Brepols, 2022 Hardback, viii + 265 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:5 b/w, 20 col., 1 tables b/w., Language: English. ISBN 9782503593883.
Summary Crusading and western interaction with the Holy Land is often a contentious topic, not least because modern popular perception of medieval east-west contact is that it was defined by violence, conquest, and religious persecution. Building on recent scholarship, this collection of essays takes an interdisciplinary approach to the role of crusading and contact with the Holy Land in medieval Britain in order to investigate the myriad ways in which these contacts influenced artistic, literary, visual, and social culture in medieval Britain. By looking at new material and focusing on the domestic response to crusading and the Holy Land, the contributions gathered here offer new insights into the influence of these contacts on the medieval British world view, as well as their impact on topics such as ideals about masculinity and kingship, geographical perception, and aspirational codes of conduct for the medieval British elite. TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Illustrations Introduction. Ideas of Crusading and the Holy Land in Medieval Britain Kathryn Hurlock and Laura J. Whatley Chapter 1. (Visualising) Jerusalem in Early Medieval England Meg Boulton Chapter 2. Europe and the Holy Land in the British Branch of the Imago mundi Tradition Natalia I. Petrovskaia Chapter 3. Remembering and Mythologizing Richard. Translation and the Representation of the Crusader King in Latin and French Accounts of Richard I's Expedition to the Holy Land Marianne Ailes Chapter 4. 'As You Came from the Holy Land'. Medieval Pilgrimage to Walsingham and its Crusader Contexts Elisa A. Foster Chapter 5. Bodies or Buildings? Visual Translations of Jerusalem and Dynastic Memories in Medieval England Laura Slater Chapter 6. Family, Faith, and Knights of the Holy Sepulchre in Late and Post-Medieval Wales Kathryn Hurlock Chapter 7. Eleanor de Quincy and Imagined Crusading in the Lambeth Apocalypse (London, Lambeth Palace, MS 209) Laura J. Whatley Chapter 8. A Royal Crusade Chronicle. Visual Exempla in King Edward IV's Royal Eracles (London, British Library, Royal MS 15 E I) Erin K. Donovan Chapter 9. Refashioning Henry VIII as a Crusader King: Edward I, Crusading and Ideal Kingship in BL, Royal MS 18 XXVI Katherine J. Lewis
, Brepols, 2021 Hardback, 488 pages, Size:220 x 280 mm, Illustrations:300 col., Language: English. ISBN 9782503589350.
Summary The Religious Architecture of Islam is a wide-ranging multi-author study of the architectural traditions associated with the religion of Islam across the globe. A total of 59 essays by 48 authors are presented across two volumes, Volume 1: Asia and Australia and Volume 2: Africa, Europe, and the Americas. Essays address major themes across historical and contemporary periods of Islam and provide more focused studies of developments unique to specific regions and historical periods. The essays cover Islamic religious architecture broadly defined, including mosques, madrasas, saints' shrines, and funerary architecture. The Religious Architecture of Islam both provides an introduction to the history of Islamic architecture and reflects the most recent scholarship within the field. TABLE OF CONTENTS Hasan-Uddin Khan and Kathryn Blair Moore - Introduction Background Themes Heba Mostafa - Locating the Sacred in Early Islamic Architecture Nezar AlSayyad and ?pek T reli - The Mosque in the Urban Context D. Fairchild Ruggles - Gardens as Places of Piety and Faith Imdat As - Complex Patterns and Three-Dimensional Geometry in Islamic Religious Architecture Matthew Saba and Michael A. Toler - Archives and Archival Documents in the Study of Islamic Religious Architecture West and Central Asia Abeer Hussam Eddin Allahham - The Holy Mosque of Mecca Akel Ismail Kahera - The Mosque of the Prophet at Medina Kathryn Blair Moore - The Dome of the Rock through the Centuries Mattia Guidetti - The Great Mosque of Damascus through the Medieval Period Mattia Guidetti - Early Islam and Byzantine Churches Melanie Michailidis - Early Mosques in Iran and Central Asia Matthew Saba - Funerary Architecture in Iraq under the Abbasids and their Successors, 750-1250 Megan Boomer and Robert Ousterhout - Muslims, Byzantines, and Western Christians on the Haram al-Sharif Stephennie Mulder - Mosques under the Ayyubids Stephennie Mulder - Shrines in the Central Islamic Lands Melanie Michailidis - Shrines and Mausolea in Iran and Central Asia Sheila Blair - The Ilkhanids and their Successors Bernard O'Kane - Religious Architecture of Central Asia under the Timurids and their Successors Farshid Emami - Religious Architecture of Safavid Iran Oya Pancaro?lu - Islamic Architecture in Medieval Anatolia, 1150-1450 Zeynep Y rekli - Three Sufi Shrines under the Ottomans Ali Uzay Peker - Seljuk and Ottoman Mosques Imdat As - Kocatepe: The Unbuilt State Mosque of Turkey James Steele - Regionalist Expressions of the Mosque in the Arabian Peninsula and Middle East South and East Asia Alka Patel - The Sultanates in South Asia, 700-1690 Laura E. Parodi - Mughal Religious Architecture Kamil Khan Mumtaz - Badshahi Masjid, Lahore Kamil Khan Mumtaz - The Architecture of Sufi Shrines in Pakistan Imran bin Tajudeen - Pre-Islamic and Vernacular Elements in the Southeast Asian Mosques of Nusantara Nancy S. Steinhardt - The Mosque in China Hasan-Uddin Khan - The Great Mosque of Xi'an (Qing Zhen Si) Australia Tammy Gaber - New Australian Mosques
, Brepols, 2022 Hardback, 360 pages, Size:220 x 280 mm, Illustrations:293 col., Language: English. ISBN 9782503589367.
Summary The Religious Architecture of Islam is a wide-ranging multi-author study of the architectural traditions associated with the religion of Islam across the globe. Essays both address major themes across the history of Islamic architecture and provide more focused studies of developments unique to specific regions and historical periods. The essays cover the history of Islamic religious architecture broadly defined, including mosques, madrasas, saints' shrines, and funerary architecture. The Religious Architecture of Islam both provides an introduction to the history of Islamic architecture and reflects the most recent scholarship within the field. TABLE OF CONTENTS AL-ANDALUS AND THE MAGHRIB Glaire D. Anderson ? Early Mosque Architecture in Al-Andalus and the Maghrib Glaire D. Anderson ? Islamic Religious Spaces in Secular Monuments in the West Through the Caliphal Period Susana Calvo Capilla ? The Mosque of Cordoba Juan Carlos Ruiz Souza ? The Mosque of Cordoba and Iberia's Christians Jessica Renee Streit ? Almohad Religious Spaces Susana Calvo Capilla ? The Taifa-period Mosques of Al-Andalus Susana Calvo Capilla ? The Rural and Urban Mosques of Al-Andalus AFRICA AND SICILY Jonathan M. Bloom ? Fatimid Mosques Kristen Streahle ? Religious Spaces in Islamic and Norman Sicily Lara Tohme ? The Ribats of North Africa Mariam Rosser-Owen ? The Almoravid Religious Spaces of Marrakesh and Fez Cynthia Robinson ? The Great Mosque of Tlemcen Hasan-Uddin Khan ? The Mosque of Hassan II, Casablanca Amira K. Bennison ? Madrasas in the Maghrib Amira K. Bennison ? Mosques and Society in the Maghrib Stephennie Mulder ? Mamluk Religious Architecture Nnamdi Elleh ? The Earth Mosques of West Africa Vera-Simone Schulz ? Coral Stone Mosques in East Africa EUROPE Jelena Bogdanovi? ? Religious Landscape in the Balkans in the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries Jelena Bogdanovi? and Vladimir Kuli? ? The ?erefudin White Mosque Nebahat Avc?o?lu ? The Modern and Contemporary Mosque in Europe, Russia, and Turkey Nebahat Avc?o?lu ? Britain's First Mosque: Woking THE AMERICAS Omar Khalidi ? North American Mosques Tammy Gaber ? Canadian Mosques Caroline ?Olivia? Wolf ? Modern and Contemporary Mosques in Latin America Caroline ?Olivia? Wolf ? Argentina's King Fahd Islamic Cultural Center Glossary Index