, Brepols, 2023 Hardback, xvi + 300 pages, Size:152 x 229 mm, Illustrations:23 col., Language: English. ISBN 9780888448361.
Summary This volume offers a substantial and versatile contribution to the history and culture of the late-medieval Carthusians in England. The nine essays presented here focus primarily on the double charterhouses built on the outskirts of London, at Smithfield and Sheen. Syon Abbey, the Bridgettine house which stood a short distance from Sheen, and was founded at the same time, is also drawn into the conversation because of its sympathetic and practical links to the Carthusians. Particular attention is paid to the London Charterhouse. This institution is revaluated here as an engineered and ornamented structure, a sanctuary nourished by books and texts, a beacon of religion, a theatre of devotion and political manoeuvres and, in the wake of its dissolution, both a dwelling-place for affluent citizenry and a lieu de m moire for the English Carthusians in exile. TABLE OF CONTENTS llustrations Abbreviations James P. Carley ? Preface Julian Luxford ? Introduction Part 1: The Material Record Julian Luxford ? The London Charterhouse: Iconography, Buildings, and Art Glyn Coppack ? Water and the Carthusians: The Contribution of the London Charterhouse to Knowledge of the Order's Plumbing Part 2: Spiritual Writings and Textual Transmission Marlene Villalobos Hennessy ? British Library, MS Egerton 1821: Devotional Practice and Book Production at the London Charterhouse Michael G. Sargent ? The Transmission by the English Carthusians of Some Late-Medieval Spiritual Writings: A Reconsideration of Walter Hilton and Nicholas Love Vincent Gillespie ? Preaching to the Choir: Another Look at English Carthusian Transmission of Vernacular Spiritual Writings Part 3: Religious Conscience, Politics, and Afterlife Ann M. Hutchison ? United in Devotion and Martyrdom: The English Carthusians and Bridgettines and Their Fate Diarmaid MacCulloch ? The End of the Carthusians at the London Charterhouse James P. Carley ? After the Dissolution: John Leland and His Neighbours in Charterhouse Square Peter Cunich ? Maurice Chauncy and the Burdens of the English Reformation Epilogue Martyn Percy ? A Eucharist for Martyrs: ?A Fragrant Offering and Sacrifice? - A Sermon Preached at the London Charterhouse on 3 September 2016 Contributors Index
, Brepols, 2019 Hardback, xvi + 500 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:21 b/w, 7 col., Language: German. ISBN 9782503579740.
Summary Die Untersuchung stellt sich die Frage, weshalb die ,Periegesis Hellados' des Pausanias aus dem 2. Jahrhundert n. Chr. so h ufig Siedlungen und Geb ude im Zustand der Zerst rung thematisiert. Die ,Periegesis Hellados' unternimmt eine r umlich organisierte Zusammenstellung von Wissen, insbesondere zur myth-historischen Vergangenheit sowie zu den Kulten der Griechen, und schreibt sich auf diese Weise in zentrale Diskurse der Zweiten Sophistik ein. Die prominente Rolle, die zerst rte Architektur im Werk des Pausanias spielt, wurde bislang nicht systematisch analysiert. Hier setzt die Untersuchung an. Alle einschl gigen Textpartien werden vorgelegt und innerhalb zweier entscheidender Bezugshorizonte ausgewertet: zum einen im Rahmen der inh renten Logik der ,Periegesis Hellados', zum anderen im Verh ltnis zum zeitgen ssischen Ruinendiskurs. Welch essenziellen Stellenwert die Ruine f r die Programmatik und das Selbstverst ndnis des Textes einnimmt, kann auf diese Weise erstmals umfassend nachgezeichnet werden. TABLE OF CONTENTS Vorwort 1. Einleitung 2. Der Ruinendiskurs im zeitlichen Umfeld von Pausanias' Periegesis 3. Die Periegesis des Pausanias 4. Ruinen bei Pausanias 5. Zusammenfassung English Summary Bibliographie
, Brepols, 2022 Paperback, xiv + 294 pages, Size:216 x 280 mm, Illustrations:49 b/w, 39 col., 23 tables b/w., 1 maps color, Language: English. ISBN 9782503597850.
Summary Palmyra, located in the Syrian desert, is famous for the portraiture of its citizens, produced when the ancient city was at the height of its powers in the Roman era. At this time, several hundred funerary monuments were built and the Palmyrenes decorated their tombs with numerous portraits. The most common of these are the loculus reliefs that depicted Palmyra's men, women, and children, and were used to close off the niches in tombs behind which the dead were buried. Between AD 50 and AD 273, these stone slabs were produced in sufficient numbers to make Palmyra home to the largest corpus of funerary portraits outside Rome itself. This volume offers a fresh and nuanced analysis of Palmyrene funerary reliefs and their production in order to shed light not just on the people they depicted, but on the individuals responsible for their creation. Across a range of different case studies, the author explores the making of single portraits from the local limestone, examining how Palmyrene carvers worked, the techniques they used, the tools they employed, the ways in which style and technique changed over time, and the mode of production that was in place. Furthermore, the workshops' organization, the interaction between carvers and customers, and their influence on the portraits are explored. In doing so, the volume offers not just a detailed study of limestone carving and the techniques that underpinned Palmyra's famous portraits, but also offers a significant contribution to wider research on funerary portraiture of the city and in Roman Syria. TABLE OF CONTENTS Table of Contents List of Figures Acknowledgements Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: The Palmyrene Graves and the Placement of the Reliefs Chapter 3: The Toolset of the Palmyrene Carvers Chapter 4: The Chronological Development of the Toolset Chapter 5: Palmyra's Economy: Producing Loculus Reliefs Chapter 6: Palmyrene Customers: Ordering and Buying a Loculus Relief Chapter 7: The Palmyrene Workshops and Craftspeople Chapter 8: Regional and Transregional Comparisons Chapter 9: Conclusion Bibliography Catalogue of Studied Loculus Reliefs Appendix I. Size of Loculus Reliefs Appendix II. Tool Traces Appendix III. Additional Elements Index
, Brepols, 2022 Hardback, 2 vols, approx. 460 pages, Size:225 x 295 mm, Illustrations:140 b/w, Language: French. ISBN 9782503575643.
Summary R dig en grande partie en 1909 en parall le avec le Cahier 6, le Cahier 7 fait partie du projet pr coce d'un Contre Sainte-Beuve la fois narratif et critique. On y trouve ainsi, outre des descriptions de l' glise de Combray et de l'abbaye de Guermantes, les premi res r dactions d' pisodes qui deviendront centraux dans la recherche du temps perdu - pr sentation du petit noyau des Verdurin , rencontre du h ros et de Guercy (le futur Charlus), soir e chez la princesse de Guermantes, tirade sur la race maudite - mais aussi une conversation entre le h ros et sa m re sur Guermantes, puis sur Sainte-Beuve et Baudelaire . L' dition critique et g n tique sans fac-simil est galement disponible. Voir Cahier 7: Cahier'>https://www.brepols.net/products/IS-9782503575629-1 (ISBN 978-2-503-57562-9)
, , 2004 Hardcover, 368 pages, ENG / FR / GER, 375 x 290 x 40 mm, illustrated dustjacket, book is in very good condition, Full page coloured photographs, Large and Heavy ex. ISBN 9783822835043.
A monumental series of over a hundred color-photographic portraits of Americans. Shot against luminous painted backdrops devoid of any other imagery, each figure is presented alone and calmly posed (except for the corpses). Each image clings to the surface value of the photograph, yet alludes to the subject beneath. This is a work whose sentiment towards its subject matter occurred post-9.11: it opens with the image of a fresh-faced boy scout and closes with the image of "Blood on the Flag." The vast circuitry of lives between these bookends' divides the book into several series, after "America": A History of Sex, The Morgue, Nomads, The Church, Budapest, Bodily Fluids & more. W/Interview.
, Brepols, 2024 Hardback, 350 pages, Size:216 x 280 mm, Illustrations:5 b/w, 139 col., Language: English. ISBN 9782503611235.
Summary This book examines the production, patronage, and use of sculptures made in the Low Countries between 1400 and 1600. Two questions frame the book: 'Why did Sculpture from the Low countries matter' and 'Why will Sculpture from the Low Countries matter for future research'. Answers to these questions will be offered in a coherent and richly illustrated study which considers Sculpture as a pivotal subject field within Art Historical discourse. TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface Julie Beckers and Hannah De Moor Introduction Ethan Matt Kavaler Chapter 1: Use and Function of Sculpture Accommodating Altarpieces: The Impact of Circumstantial Factors on the Design of Altar Decorations in Medieval Churches Justin Kroesen Working Sculpture: The Forms and Functions of Netherlandish Brass Lecterns Douglas Brine The Church's a Stage: Late Medieval Altarpieces as Part of an Ever-Changing Environment Wendy Wauters The Stem of a Once Ornate Fountain: The Use of a Table Fountain Fragment at Museum Mayer Van den Bergh in Antwerp Julie Beckers Chapter 2: Patronage of Sculpture Patronage Jeffrey Chipps Smith Noble Expectations of Memorial Sculpture: Commissioning the Jauche Monuments in Brugelette (c. 1527-1573) Ruben Suykerbuyk The Chapel Space and Interiority in the Ringsaker Altarpiece Lynn F. Jacobs Prestige and Display: Noble Patronage of Sculpture in the Low Countries Elizabeth Rice Mattison Chapter 3: Production and Workshop Continuity and Discontinuity in the Sculpture Workshop Practice Aleksandra Lipi?ska The Leuven Connection: A New Look at the Social and Artisanal Network of Leuven Late Gothic Sculptors (c. 1475-1525) Marjan Debaene Te maken ende te leveren: The Transport of Netherlandish Carved Altarpieces Hannah De Moor Epilogue: Seeing Sculpture Stephanie Porras
, Brepols, 2023 Hardback, 1068 pages, Size:178 x 254 mm, Illustrations:1 col., 73 tables b/w., 17 maps b/w, 41 maps color, Language(s):French, Latin. ISBN 9782503607764.
Summary Fond e en 1113 au pied de la montagne Sainte-Genevi ve, l'abbaye de Saint-Victor de Paris s'est rapidement dot e de petits tablissements, des prieur s simples et des prieur s-cures, pour g rer un patrimoine dispers et desservir des glises paroissiales entre Senlis et Orl ans. Le r seau prioral victorin, de taille r duite, reste tr s dynamique aux XIIe-XIIIe si cles, p riode d'intense essaimage et de d veloppement des domaines g r s par les chanoines forains. partir de 1330 et jusqu'au milieu du XVe si cle, ces petites d pendances directes subissent de plein fouet les crises. Mais d s 1460, le grand mouvement de reconstruction conomique donne l'occasion aux prieurs d' tre plus actifs dans l'administration de leurs tablissements et d'utiliser de nouvelles m thodes de gestion. En analysant les aspects institutionnels, conomiques, sociaux et spirituels de la vie des fr res dans les petites d pendances directes de l'abbaye, cette tude approfondie met en lumi re le fonctionnement des prieur s canoniaux du XIIe au XVIe si cle. Ce volume montre comment les relations m re-fils voluent au cours du temps en fonction des r formes abbatiales et r v le la foss qui s pare parfois la conception du r seau dict e par l'abb et le convent, et l'attitude des chanoines forains sur le terrain. TABLE OF CONTENTS Avant-propos Introduction Premi re partie : Les sources Chapitre premier : Pr sentation des archives victorines Chapitre II : tude des sources priorales et abbatiales Deuxi me partie : Cr ation et structuration du r seau prioral victorin (d but XIIe - milieu du XIVe si cle) Chapitre premier : Fondation et d veloppement du r seau prioral Chapitre II : Consolidation conomique et seigneuriale du r seau de d pendances victorines Chapitre III : Le contr l conomique des paroisses Chapitre IV : L'attractivit religieuse des prieur s Conclusion de deuxi me partie Troisi me partie : D t rioration et redressement des prieur s victorins (milieu du XIVe si cle - premi re moiti du XVIe si cle) Chapitre premier : Les prieur s face aux malheurs du temps (milieu du XIVe si cle - seconde moiti du XVe si cle) Chapitre II : Reconstruction priorale et reprise en main du r seau par Saint-Victor (v. 1370-1420) Chapitre III : Reconstruction mat rielle et reconqu te des biens et des droits (v. 1460-1540) Chapitre IV : De nouvelles dynamiques conomiques et judiciaires (v. 1460-1540) Chapitre V : Les nouvelles dynamiques religieuses et institutionnelles au sein du r seau (fin XVe - premi re moiti du XVIe si cle) Conclusion de troisi me partie Conclusion g n rale R pertoire des seize prieur s victorins Pr sentation de la base de donn es Ambert - Ambertus (Notre-Dame) Amponville - Amponvilla (Notre-Dame) Athis - Athiis (Saint-Denis) Bois-Saint-P re - Nemus Sancti Petri (Notre-Dame) Bray-sur-Aunette - Brayum (Saint-Victor) Bucy-le-Roi - Buciacum Regis (Saint-Pierre) Chanteau - Cantolium (Notre-Dame) Corbeil - Corbolium (Saint-Gu nault) Faronville - Farunvilla (Sainte-Madeleine/Saint- loi) Fleury-en-Bi re - Floriacum (Notre-Dame) Montb on - Montebeonis (Notre-Dame) Puiseaux - Puteolis (Notre-Dame) Saint-Donain - Sanctus Donnini Saint-Paul-des-Aulnois - Sanctus Pauli de Alnetis Vaujours - Vallegaii (Saint-Nicolas) Villiers-le-Bel - Villaribellum (Saint-Didier) Annexes Sources et bibliographie Index des noms de personnes Index des noms de lieux Cahier de planches en couleur
, Drawn & Quarterly Publications, 1999 Paperback, 104 pages , ENG, 230 x 155 x 10 mm, As New !, illustrated in b/w. ISBN 9781896597249.
Julie Doucet is widely regarded as one of the most prominent cartoonists to emerge in the past decade. Now, Drawn & Quarterly is publishing Doucet's third book, her longest and most ambitious story collected for the first time in one beautifully produced softcover edition. The New York Diary documents in compelling and graphic detail the events in Doucet's life during a six-month period in 1991. At that time, she packed her bags and moved to New York and waiting for her in anticipation was her new boyfriend, an aspiring cartoonist himself who took Julie into his upper west side apartment. The excitement of this new beginning was short-lived; gradually, her boyfriend's over-bearing jealousy became more evident, and the confines of her surroundings slowly became more suffocating. Rounding up this new book are two more stories that complete the obsessive-boyfriend triptych: the sad and revealing "My First Time" and the 25-page "Julie in Junior College".
Spéracèdes : Éditions TAC Motifs, 1999. 120 pages illustrées en noir et couleur (photographies Alain Volpi), glossaire, bibliographie.
Site (relief, climat, végétation, cultures et élevage) / Établissement de l'habitat rural (historique, choix des sites, définition, habitat groupé et dispersé) / Différents types d'habitation rurale (mas, bastide ou château, cabanon, hameau) / Matériaux employés (pierre et mortier, tuile et génoise, tomette, bois) / Bâti à usage collectif (chapelles rurales, oratoires, cimetière, fontaines, lavoirs, bassins et citernes, puits, cercle, moulins) / Évolution de l'habitat rural (transformations récentes, nouvelles techniques architecturales, évolution du bâti ancien, apparition des constructions neuves)
Le Croît Vif, in-4 broché,, 190 pp, illustrations. Couverture en bon état (petite trace de pli en coin), intérieur en très bon état.
C.I.L.. 1981. In-4. Relié. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 63 pages augmentées de nombreuses photos en couleurs dans et hors texte. . . . Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
Julien van Remoortere ; Hugo Maertens ; Pascal Moens ; Gerrit Op de Beeck
Reference : 55300
, France Loisirs, 1997 Hardcover, 239 pages, FR. edition, 305 x 240 x 25 mm, jaquette illustre , Tres belle exemplaire , illustrations en couleur. ISBN 9782744105944.
, COB , 1980 Hardcover, 176 pages, Texte en Francais, 295 x 220 x 27 mm, illustrations en couleur / n/b. Tres belle exemplaire. ISBN 9789031004911.
COB] guide illustr pour un voyage de d couverte, une r serve naturelle, richesse du folklore, conserver le pass , verdure, richesses arch ologiques, in-4 175
, Tervuren, Koninklijk Museum voor Midden - Afrika,, 2018 HB, 260 x 215 mm, 176 pages, English edition. FINE. ISBN 9789085867760.
This book, which is being published to mark the opening of the museum, unveils an ensemble of 77 important works from the collection held by the Royal Museum for Central Africa. A range of academics, conservators, and experts on African art provides an examination and analysis of each of these pieces. Many of the works brought together here can be found in the gallery assigned to the temporary exhibition Unrivalled Art. Others can be encountered in the rooms devoted to the permanent exhibition. And some of the works afford a glimpse behind the scenes at the RMCA, in the hushed atmosphere of the depots, about which the general public is largely unaware. Researcher and curator Julien Volper has selected pieces that come not only from the Congo, but also from other countries, such as Angola or Gabon. Sometimes they are physical testaments to lost cultures dating from the eighth to tenth century, or even dating to tens of thousands of years ago! However, most of the works belong to the more recent period of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. All of these masks, statuettes, ivories, weapons, receptacles and other artefacts express a genuine creativity - a creativity described so aptly in 1919 by the theorist Vladimir Markov: '[.] this [African] art is unrivalled anywhere else in the world.'
, MER Paper Kunsthalle, 2011 Oorspronkelijk uitgevers omslag, groot formaat, 48 pages, ill. 42 x 30 cm. ISBN 9789490693251.
Een belangrijk deel van zijn oeuvre bestaat uit architecturale installaties, gebaseerd op bestaande ruimtes: van een architectenkantoor ('re-flex/ flex/re-flection', Sint-Niklaas, 2010) tot een anonieme doorgangsruimte in een kunstencentrum ('Who Framed this House?', Leuven, 2010) of de Kortrijkse Broeltoren ('Shifting Grounds', Kortrijk, 2010). Die ruimtes analyseert en meet de kunstenaar eerst meticuleus op om ze op hun mogelijkheden te onderzoeken. Daarna realiseert hij een veranderde, verschoven of geconverteerde reproductie. Gipswanden en houten latten, balken en panelen vormen daarbij zijn voornaamste materiaal.''
Paris, Editions Dilecta, , 2015 Hardcover , 144 pages , 19 x 24 cm, text ENG / FR. ISBN 9791090490710.
Martial Raysse: Dessins/Drawings aantalIn winkelmand New Realistic France, a close friend of the artists of Pop Art in New York and Los Angeles, director of psychedelic films? Raysse is a major artist of the contemporary scene. While his portraits of women of the sixties are become icons and its allegorical frescoes surprise again, Dilecta Publishing has released a book presenting a selection of his drawings, from its beginnings to the present. Still little known, these works on paper are fraught with the same audacity and impertinence that his paintings, eroticism haloed and mythologies updated. One hundred selected drawings constitute this publication, showing the practice of drawing, not as one preparatory step to his paint job, but especially as plastics experiences, very free, allowing him to explore techniques as diverse as mine graphite, pastel or watercolor. After literary studies, in 1959 Martial Raysse made his first assemblages by enclosing small toys and toiletries in transparent boxes, in order to foreground, unfussily, the charge of emotion and visual intensity these cold little objects can hold. In 1960, his Visual Hygiene series of household implements hung around a long-handled scrubbing brush, or sunscreen products and beach toys crowned by an advertising dummy, ushered into the realm of art a world that is new, antiseptic and pure , that of the supermarkets and advertising for the consumer society. This reappropriation of objects that are supremely banal aligned him with the experiments of Arman, Spoerri and Tinguely, with whom he founded the New Realists group in 1960. Soon regarded as the young French artist who came closest to American Pop Art, between 1961 in 1966 Raysse participated in numerous artistic events throughout Europe and the United States. After 1968, Raysse underwent a shift which led him to make a sudden break with the circuit of dealers and galleries, and to withdraw to the south of France. Within the community he formed with a number of friends, he made works using craft techniques, and subsequently returned to the most traditional modes of painting. Martial Raysse , monographic exhibition dedicated to French artist Martial Raysse. Curated by Caroline Bourgeois in collaboration with the artist. From 12 April 2015 to 31 November 2015, Palazzo Grassi, Venice (It.)
, Brepols, 2022 Paperback, 483 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:6 tables b/w., Language: French. ISBN 9782503596341.
Summary Quel est le r le du philosophe dans la cit ? Comment celui que l'on appellerait aujourd'hui l'intellectuel remplit-il au mieux ses devoirs d'homme et de citoyen ? Est-ce en choisissant l'action, notamment politique, dans la sph re publique ? Est-ce plut t en contemplant , c'est- -dire en se consacrant la recherche et l' criture ? Ou encore en enseignant ? Ces questions sont centrales dans l'Antiquit . Pr sent d s Platon, le d bat sur les genres de vie devient pr gnant dans les philosophies hell nistiques et prend une tournure singuli re Rome, o les concepts grecs de praxis et de theoria rencontrent les notions d'otium et de negotium. L'?uvre de S n que s'av re, sur cette question, tout fait novatrice. Dans une approche qui m le des enjeux philosophiques et culturels, mais aussi linguistiques et litt raires, le philosophe romain renouvelle la fois le d bat philosophique et la notion romaine d'otium, synonyme chez lui de retraite philosophique. Prolongeant les r flexions de Cic ron sur la l gitimit de l' tude philosophique, mais poussant plus loin que ce dernier la promotion de la contemplation et pr cisant la posture sociale du philosophe, S n que est le premier penseur romain construire une v ritable thique de l'otium. L'int r t philosophique de l'?uvre s n quienne se double d'un int r t litt raire dans la mesure o l' criture est une activit majeure du philosophe retir dans l'otium. La r flexion de S n que sur l'activit intellectuelle du philosophe est aussi une r flexion litt raire sur la fonction et les modalit s de l' criture philosophique.
, ludion, 2022 Hardcover, 280 x 230 mm, 192 pages, throughout colour illustrations, ENG edition only. fine!. ISBN 9789493039735.
Paper was a source of pleasure for Magritte. Where his oil paintings demanded meticulousness and patience, this was a medium in which he could give his ideas free rein. Fresh approaches were tried out first on paper - in his correspondence as well as in drawings, collages and gouaches. Magritte's many sketches, grid drawings, scribbles in letters and book illustrations demonstrate the extent to which drawing lay at the core of his work. While this aspect of the artist's oeuvre has rarely been examined, it nevertheless underpins all his painting. His drawings help us understand how his ideas evolved. For the first time, this comprehensive publication brings together more than 200 works on paper by Ren Magritte, many of which have not previously been published.
Julio Escalona Monge, Alvaro Carvajal Castro, Cristina Jular P rez-Alfaro (eds)
Reference : 63332
, Brepols, 2024 Hardback, 678 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:5 b/w, 3 tables b/w., 1 maps b/w, Language: English. ISBN 9782503603896.
Summary Isabel Alfonso is one of the finest scholars on the rural and political history of the European Middle Ages. She is widely known for her contributions to the study of the peasantry, social conflict, and political discourses. Her research has transcended the boundaries of medieval studies, incorporating insights from disciplines beyond including legal anthropology, philology, and discourse analysis, among others. Over her academic career Isabel Alfonso has made a continued effort to make the work of international scholars known in Spain and to communicate advancements in Spanish historiography to international audiences; and yet most of her own research has only been published in Spanish. As a means to acknowledge her long-standing commitment to bridge different historiographies and overcome national boundaries, this unusual Festschrift offers a selection of her most relevant publications, many of which appear in English for the very first time. Each paper is preceded by commentaries by leading scholars that discuss the enduring relevance of Isabel Alfonso,s work, its richness and complexity, and its potential to inspire further research along a vast array of lines. Commentaries by Jean Birrell, Fran ois Bougard, Warren Brown, Peter Coss, Wendy Davies, Chris Dyer, Ros Faith, Fran ois Foronda, Paul Freedman, Piotr Gor cki, John Hudson, Andr Evangelista Marques, Jes s Rodr guez-Velasco, Phillipp Schofield, Stephen D. White, Chris Wickham. TABLE OF CONTENTS Abbreviations, Foreword Introduction: Dealing with the Past, Dealing with the Present: Yet another talk with Isabel Alfonso Part I: Medieval Minds: Language and Concepts Chapter 1: On Friendship, with a Commentary by Fran ois Foronda Amicitia: Early Writings, a Revelation, and the Identity of a Historian On Amicitia in Medieval Spain: A Document that Merits Study Chapter 2: On the Language and Practice of Negotiation, with a Commentary by Wendy Davies Commentary The Language and Practice of Negotiation in Medieval Conflict Resolution (Castile-Le n, Eleventh-Thirteenth Centuries) Chapter 3: On Judicial Rhetoric and Political Legitimation, with a Commentary by John Hudson Justice, Power, and Legitimation Judicial Rhetoric and Political Legitimation in Medieval Le n-Castile Chapter 4: On Memory and Identity, with a Commentary by Piotr G recki Words, Again? Memory and Identity in Judicial pesquisas in Medieval Leon-Castile Chapter 5: Two Approaches to Justice and Vengeance, with a Commentary by Stephen D. White Commentary Vengeance, Justice, and Political Struggle in Castilian Medieval Historiography Vengeance and Justice in the Poem of the Cid Part II: Community Ties and Social Differenciation 200 Chapter 6: On Social Differentiation in Rural Communities, with a Commentary by Christopher Dyer Middlemen and Intermediaries in Medieval Village Society Local Power and Internal Differentiation in the Rural Communities of Galicia Chapter 7: On Social Differentiation within Rural Communities, with a Commentary by Phillipp R. Schofield Commentary Exploring Difference within Rural Communities in the Northern Iberian Kingdoms, 1000-1300 Part III: Conflict and Competition: from Local Disputes to Political Struggles Chapter 8: On Violence, with a Commentary by Andr Evangelista Marques The Social Logic of Vengeance: Towards a Reading of Isabel Alfonso,s Work on Conflict Resolution Death without Vengeance? The Regulation of Violence in Local Settings (Castile-Le n 13th c.) Chapter 9: On Peasants and the Law, with a Commentary by Paul Freedman The Historiography of Peasant Resistance to Seigneurial Authority Peasants and the Law: Legal Avenues in their Struggle (Castile and Le n, 10th-13th Centuries) Chapter 10: On Rural Churches and Peasant Struggles, with a Commentary by Chris Wickham On Rural Churches and Peasant Struggles Rural Churches in the North of Castile: A Religious Dimension to Peasant Struggles during the Middle Ages Chapter 11: Two Anthropological Approaches to Peasants and Lords, with Commentaries by Jean Birrell and Rosamond Faith A Commentary on ?Peasant Opposition to Labour Services, and ?The Rhetoric of Seigneurial Legitimation, Pacts, Conventions and Contracts between Lords and Peasants in Anglo-Norman England Peasant Opposition to Labour Services in Castile and Le n. Forms and Symbolic Significance The Rhetoric of Seigneurial Legitimation in the Fueros of Le n (11th to 13th centuries) Chapter 12: On Punishment and Exemplary Violence, with a Commentary by Warren C. Brown Commentary Corpus Delicti and Exemplary Violence Chapter 13: On Disputes and Wrongdoings, with a Commentary by Fran ois Bougard Written Disputes: Just the Tip of the Iceberg Land Disputes and malfetr as among the Medieval Nobility in Castile and Le n Chapter 14: On Revolting Noblemen, with a Commentary by Fran ois Foronda Questioning the Evidence: Political History and Social Mentality Desheredamiento and Desafuero, or the Alleged Justification of a Revolt of the Nobility Part IV: Historians, Minds. Concepts, Language and Debates Chapter 15: On Cistercians and Feudalism, with a Commentary by Peter Coss Commentary Cistercians and Feudalism Chapter 16: Three Review Articles, with a Commentary by Jes s Rodr guez Velasco How to Read Continuity and Documentary Revelation, or Mutation and Feudal Revolution? Historical Discourse as History Naming Violence and Controlling its Legitimation Appendix: Full List of Publications by Isabel Alfonso
, Brepols, 2019 Hardback, xviii + 430 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:14 b/w, 39 maps, 6 graphs, Language: English. ISBN 9782503581682.
Summary How were early medieval people connected to each other and to the wider world? In this collection, archaeologists and historians working in very different areas of early medieval Europe explore diverse evidence - from landscape and burial archaeology to charters and chronicles - to discuss the relationships that constituted neighbourhoods and the roles these played in the processes of state formation that can be observed in the peripheries of the Frankish world. What these case-studies teach us, the contributors argue, is that polities are formed not through the exclusive operation of either top-down or bottom-up agencies, but from the interplay between them. By exploring the ways in which local knowledge, social ties, and understandings of landscape interacted with higher-level authorities and institutions, we can gain real insights into the nature of early medieval power and people's experiences of it. Marking the culmination of a collective effort that has spanned over a decade and three funded projects, this volume brings together case-studies from Spain, Italy, England, northern Frankia, Norway, and Iceland to offer a comparative view of polities and neighbourhoods in early medieval Europe. Drawing on new research, and offering new perspectives driven by an interdisciplinary approach, this volume is of relevance to a range of disciplines including archaeology, history, onomastics, geography, and anthropology. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction - JULIO ESCALONA, ORRI V STEINSSON, AND STUART BROOKES Polities, Neighbourhoods, and Things In-Between - JULIO ESCALONA, ORRI V STEINSSON, AND STUART BROOKES Understanding the Identities and Workings of Local Societies in Early Medieval England, AD 800-1100 - GRENVILLE ASTILL Peasant Communities and Landscape Change in Northwest Iberia - MARGARITA FERN NDEZ MIER Early Medieval Burials and Settlements: Some Reflections on Northern Italian Archaeological Evidence - ALEXANDRA CHAVARR A Ancestors and Landscape: Early Medieval Burial Sites in the Central-Western Regions of the Iberian Peninsula - I AKI MART N VISO The Thing and the King: The Formation of the Norwegian Medieval Kingdom - FRODE IVERSEN Meeting Places, Markets, and Churches in the Countryside between Madrid and Toledo, Central Spain, c. AD 500-900 - ALFONSO VIGIL-ESCALERA State Formation and World View: Commonwealth Iceland as a Part of the Norwegian Realm - ORRI V STEINSSON 'Est haec effera gens': Landscapes of Negotiation on the Former Island of Walcheren, the Netherlands - LETTY TEN HARKEL Territoriality and Social Stratification: The Relationship between Neighbourhood and Polity in Anglo-Saxon England - STUART BROOKES AND ANDREW REYNOLDS Regions and Micro-Regions of Scribal Practice - WENDY DAVIES The Use of the Term Villa in Early Medieval Le n: A Review of the Economic Base of the Astur-Leonese Monarchy, Ninth-Eleventh Centuries - LVARO CARVAJAL CASTRO Dense Local Knowledge: Grounding Local to Supra-local Relationships in Tenth-Century Castile - JULIO ESCALONA Local Places and Local People in Anglo-Saxon Wessex - ALEX LANGLANDS Conclusion - JULIO ESCALONA, ORRI V STEINSSON, AND STUART BROOKES Index
, MER Paper Kunsthalle, 2012 SC / 168 pages / 24 x 12 cm. ISBN 9789490693411.
This little Polaroid Atlas is pretty much self explanatory: for many years Sarmento has used Polaroid photographs to work on his pieces, as ?crutches? for his paintings, his drawings and other projects. Sometimes the polaroids were used as artworks by themselves. Other times they were used as portraits of friends or memories of glimpses. Sarmonto gathered all the polaroids he could find in his studio, just randomly lying around or pinned up on walls or wherever... He found 95 of them and organized them in this book. There are no polaroids left in Sarmento's studio now!...
, MER. Paper Kunsthalle, 2013 HC / 112 pages / 27 x 21 cm. ISBN 9789490693428.
The artist Juli o Sarmento grew up with a somewhat complicated background. This book is a testimony to his 'real' biological family and his 'other' foster family. The first part of the book; 'Bloodline', has all the photographs the artist could find of his biological family up to his birth, they show persons he often doesn't feel connected to or hardly knows. 'Heartline' has all the photographs he could find of the two people in his foster family. They are close to his heart, far from his blood. The book is signed and numbered by the artist in an edition of 250 copies.
BE, MER.paperkunsthalle, 2012 Hardback, 210x270mm, 112 pages . ill. ISBN 9789490693428.
I have a very small, complicated and a bit weird family. In fact I almost had two families: my real biological one (a very mysterious group of people some of whom I hardly knew... others I never even met!....) and also some other people who were kind of my foster family. There are very few photographs, or memories left of both of them. "Bloodline" has all the photographs I could find of my real, biological family up to my birth. The existing blood trail up to me, so to speak... "Heartline" has all the photographs I could find of the two people in my foster family. Close to my heart, far from my blood. On the occasion of the exhibition Retrospective Juliao Sarmento, Serralves Museum, O'Porto, 23.11.2012
, Benno Filser verlag 1921, 1921 Hardcover, 184 seiten, 128 abbildungen, Deutsche sprache, 100 jahre alt aber in guten zustand,.
Dieses Buch versucht die Stilwandlungen der deutschen Bildnerkunst des 14. Jahrhunderts an dem Beispiele schw bischen Kunstschaffens darzulegen. Das individuelle Gestalten der einzelnen K nstlerpers nlichkeit wird durch zwei Triebkr fte entscheidend beeinflu t. (aus dem Buch) aus dem Inhalt: Die Wandlungen der Formgestaltung - Zum Verst ndnis des Inhaltes - Kunstgeschichtliche Nachweise - Verzeichnis der Abbildungen - Quellennachweis der Abbildungen
, Taschen, 2012 Hardcover, 33,2 x 25,7 cm, 440 pages. Multilingual Edition: English, French, German ISBN 9783836510219.
The Case Study House program (1945-66) was an exceptional, innovative event in the history of American architecture and remains to this day unique. The program, which concentrated on the Los Angeles area and oversaw the design of 36 prototype homes, sought to make available plans for modern residences that could be easily and cheaply constructed during the postwar building boom. The program?s chief motivating force was Arts