1936 PÄRIS, les éditions d'art et d'histoire, 1936 - In-folio - br., non rogné - 36 pages - complet des 26 planches: 25 en noir et blanc& 1 en couleurs h.t. - 18 ill. noir et blanc in-texte - 1 carte - Bel exemplaire, très frais.
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GREVEN VERLAG, KÖLN. 1965. In-8. Broché. Etat d'usage, Couv. légèrement passée, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 39 pages. Couverture rempliée illustrée en noir et blanc. Nombreuses photos en noir et blanc dans et hors texte.. . . . Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
Paris, Plon, 1862, 1 cartonnage éditeur, dos entoilé, plat inférieur taché. in-plano, f.t., titre, 40 planches dessinées et lithographiées par l'architecte Joseph Nicolle, bien complet des planches, légères traces de mouillure sur les marges des 13 dernières planches, sans gravité ;
Phone number : 06 80 15 77 01
Brussel, Kredietbank, 1996 Softcover, 27 pagina's, kleurenplaten, 23x20,50 cm.
Imprimerie Emm. Dichemin 1929 Broché - Photos hors-texte - Carte dépliante - 212 pages Bon état - Couverture quelques petites rousseurs - Intérieur non coupé 348 g
, G n rale de banque 1992, 1992 Paperback, 332 pages, ENG / FR, 235 x 215 mm, bon etat / good condition, bio's and illustrations n/b/b/w.
catalogue de l'exposition Li ge, G n rale de banque [et] Luxembourg, Banque g n rale du Luxembourg : 1992-1993
Anvers 1924 Veritas Soft cover No Jacket 1st Edition
Un labyrinthe souterrain gigantesque ou le réseau général d'égouts de l'agglomération anversoise. Eléments juridiques et administratifs sur la question broché, 24.5x16 cm; 128pp. Illustré avec carte dépliable. bonne état.
Anvers 1924 Veritas Soft cover No Jacket 1st Edition
Un labyrinthe souterrain gigantesque ou le réseau général d'égouts de l'agglomération anversoise. Eléments juridiques et administratifs sur la question broché, 24.5x16 cm; 128pp. Illustré avec carte dépliable. petit chirure sur le premier plat du couverture, bonne état.
Versailles, J.-M. Mercier, 1928, 20 p., broch. in-8, Extrait de la Revue de Versailles et de Seine-et-Oise (Janvier-Mars 1928), 8 figures dont un plan dépl. de la maquette du château de Marly en 1679 par Jacques Hulot, bon état
Etude bien documentée sur le château de Marly
1951 / 263 pages. Relié. Editions Charles Massin et Cie.
Bon état malgré la couverture légèrement insolée. Intérieur très frais.
1958 In-4 relié 28,4 cm sur 21,8. 144 pages. Jaquette en état moyen. Bon état d’occasion.
Bon état d’occasion
Bruxelles, Crédit Communal 1988 256pp.richement illustré, in-4, Catalogue d'exposition (Charleroi, Musée de la photographie, 28 mai au 4 sept. 1988), très bon état, S85137
, Brepols, 2020 Paperback, xvi + 157 pages, Size:216 x 280 mm, Illustrations:80 b/w, 1 col., 15 tables b/w., 15 maps b/w, Language: English. ISBN 9782503581088.
Summary Through careful analysis of the Romanesque cathedral of Molfetta (in Apulia, southern Italy), Williams demonstrates how the commercial boom of the medieval Mediterranean changed the way churches were funded, designed, and built. The young bishopric of Molfetta, emerging in an economy of long-distance trade, competed with much wealthier institutions in its own diocese. Funding for the cathedral was slow and unpredictable. To adapt, the builders designed toward versatility, embracing multi-functionalism, change over time, specialization, and a heterogeneous style. TABLE OF CONTENTS Acknowledgements Introduction: Studying Architecture at the Joints 1. A Disjointed Program: Form, Function, and Finances 2. The Joints of Process: Design Change Through Constructional Episodes 3. The Joints of Expertise: Design Choice Across the Division of Labor 4. The Joints of Geography: Geology, Travel Pathways, and Knowledge Cabotage Conclusion: A Mediterranean Building Strategy Appendix 1: Construction Chronology of Molfetta Cathedral (c. 1100 - 1300) Charts Illustrations Bibliography
Ediciones Poligrafa 2006 In-4 relié 29,8 cm sur 24,9. 160 pages. Très bon état d’occasion.
Très bon état d’occasion
, Kunsthal, Rotterdam), halfcloth with dust jacket; unpag. 68 pages. / Exhibition catalogue. ISBN 9080365211.
Undressed by Marlies Dekkers.; publication focusing on women underwear Marlies Dekkers designed since 1991; exh.cat. (Kunsthal, Rotterdam) with text by Jose Teunissen in Dutch and English and samples of her work; publication focusing on women underwear Marlies Dekkers designed since 1991; exh.cat. (Kunsthal, Rotterdam) with text by Jose Teunissen in Dutch and English and samples of her work.
, Fondation Pierre Gianadda, Martigny, 2002 Paperback, 463 pages, Texte en Francais, 240 x 220 mm, tres bon etat,, illustrations en couleur et n/b. ISBN 9782884430692.
, Brepols, 2023 Hardback, x + 377 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:49 b/w, 15 col., Language(s):English, French. ISBN 9782503603407.
Summary Visual representations were deeply involved in medieval traditions related to the dissemination and teaching of philosophy and science. Consequently, they were not only examples of theological or philosophical interpretation, but rather brought together manifold intellectual activities, illuminating various perceptual, cognitive, and spiritual concerns. Visual tools, which appear frequently in medieval manuscripts, have often been considered as ?illustrative material? intended to facilitate the comprehension and interpretation of texts. These ?visual aids? offer something more than a straightforward correspondence between a conceptual interpretation and its figurative depiction. They are, in fact, key to understanding the methods of acquiring and shaping knowledge through visual frameworks with didactical, disputational or heuristic purposes. The aim of this volume is to deepen our understanding of medieval visual tools that represented and demonstrated philosophical and scientific knowledge and, to an extent, the accumulation of empirical information. TABLE OF CONTENTS Jos Higuera (UNED), Introduction Diagrams & Graphics Roberto Hofmeister Pich (PUCRS), Dialectics, Visual Tools, and the Methods of Learning: Exploring ?Visual Cognition? in Manuscripts on Logic by Jesuits Masters from Ecuador (17th-18th Centuries) Pippa Salonius (Monash University), Ordo and Nature: The Trees of Sculpted Narrative at Orvieto Cathedral Albert Soler (UB), Ramon Llull and the Ars Diagrammatica Astrology & Geomancy: Visual Tools Arianna Dalla Costa (Warburg Institute), Lunar Mansions as Celestial Images in the Thirteenth-century De signis Astronomicis Alessandro Palazzo (Univerist di Trento), Images and Visual Tools in the Geomantic Treatise Estimaverunt Indi Visio et cognitio Maria Manuela Brito Martins (Universidade Cat lica Portuguesa), Repr sentations et sch mas graphiques de la species visibilis dans le De homine d'Albert le Grand Peter John Hartman (Loyola University), John Pouilly and John Baconthorpe on Reflex Acts Paula Oliveira e Silva & Jo o Rebalde (IF-UP), The Diagram of minima naturalia in Marcos Jorge's Commentary on Aristotle's Physics (Physics, I, 4) Nicol s Vaughan (Universidad de los Andes), Ockham and Wodeham on Perceptual Experience Tamar Tsopurashvili (Ilia State University), Eckhart's Metaphysics: The Example of Predigt 9 Luciano Micali, Visual Perception and Knowledge of God in Jean Gerson's Tractatus de oculo Visio et experientia Yael Barash (Cohn Institute-Tel Aviv University), Using Visual Conventions to Depict a Visionary Experience: The Illustration of Vision II of Hildegard's Liber divinorum operum in Lucca Codex Francesca Galli (Universit della Svizzera Italiana) Through the Mirror. (Super-)natural Properties of Reflecting Surfaces in 13th-Century Scientific and Theological Thought (Open Access) Jos Higuera (UNED) The Visualization of Motion: Averroes and Albertus Magnus
, Anthos / Lannoo 1996, 1996 Hardcover, 288 pagina's, Nederlands, 290 x 230 mm, boek in zeer goede staat, met veel info, tekst, en illustraties in kleur, . ISBN 9789041401205.
Naslagwerk waarin alle bijbelboeken en belangrijke episodes en verhalen worden behandeld.
, Brepols, 2020 Hardback, xiv + 484 pages, Size:210 x 260 mm, Languages: English, Spanish, German. ISBN 9782503586434.
Summary This volume deals, from multiple perspectives, with the complex world of European symphonism during the nineteenth century, a period in which it encompassed not only the creation of musical products and performances, but also significantly affected many compositional approaches, as well as aesthetic factors, such as the opposition between programme and absolute music. The emergence of the great symphony orchestras led to unprecedented types of professional interaction, and new forms of patronage. It also fostered the creation of a specific repertoire, and the construction of the first purpose-built concert halls. These developments originated in Europe at the beginning of the 19th century, in conjunction with the growth of music destined for increasing orchestral formations and the concert as a social phenomenon, available to the common public. About twenty authors discuss in this volume issues about analysis and musical creation, repertoire, musical aesthetics and criticism, orchestras and symphonic ensembles, musical performing venues, production system, consumption, entertainment system and the dissemination and reception of symphonic models in Europe. Through the work of Beethoven, Berlioz, Mendelssohn, Brahms, Mahler, Strauss, among others, the volume addresses these and other aspects across the European geography and in different contexts: Spain, Italy, French, Portugal, United Kingdom, Northern Europe and Eastern Europe. TABLE OF CONTENTS Jos Ignacio Su rez Garc a - Ram n Sobrino S nchez Introduction Symphonic Works by Western European Composers Christian Speck Zum Orchester in Beethovens Symphonien R. Larry Todd Und es soll wahrhaft kein Choral darin vorkommen : On Mendelssohn's Use of Chorales in His Symphonies Virginia Whealton Transformed Abruzzi: Harold en Italie, the r cit de voyage, and French Romantic Visual Culture James L. Zychowicz Gustav Mahler's Adagio Movements and His Evolving Symphonic Structures Vadim Rakochi Dramaturgical Functions of Solos in Richard Strauss's Symphonic Poems Johannes Brahms: A Case Study George S. Bozarth Brahms's Symphonism Jacquelyn Sholes On Meaning in Brahms's Symphonies David Hurwitz Dvo! k's Fifth Symphony: A Politically Incorrect Inspiration for Brahms's Third? National Approaches to Symphonic Literature Marino Pessina Le 'Sinfonie' giovanili di Antonio Bazzini: una ricognizione Ram n Sobrino S nchez The Sociedad de Conciertos de Madrid (1866-1903) and the Uni n Art stico-Musical (1877-1891): From the Reception to the Creation of a Symphonic Repertoire in Spain Jeremy Dibble The Last Symphonies of Hubert Parry and Charles Villiers Stanford: A Journey towards Structural Compression Pauline Fairclough Legacies of Romanticism in the early Soviet Symphony Musical Performance Venues, Organizations, and Entertainment Systems Francesco Esposito The Concertante Symphony as 'Musical Metaphor': The Role of Orchestral Music in the Concert Practice of Liberal Lisbon (1822-1853) Francesc Cort s La orquesta del G. T. del Liceu de Barcelona: organizaci n y funcionamiento en los conciertos sinf nicos de la segunda mitad del s. xix Andrea Garc a Torres Los conciertos populares en el mbito madrile o: la b squeda de nuevos p blicos y la urgencia por europeizar el sistema musical Mia L wengart From a Bourgeois Concern to a Matter of Social Urgency: Legitimization and Institutionalization of Symphonic Music in Stockholm, 1890-1926 Musical Practices, Reception, and Criticism Chloe Valenti Pitched Battles? Vocal Health and the British Pitch Debate in the Late Nineteenth Century Jos Ignacio Su rez Garc a Wagner en los conciertos sinf nicos: su recepci n en Madrid en el siglo xix (1864-1901) Stanislav Tuksar The Issues of Programme and Absolute Music in the Writings of the Leading Croatian 19th-Century Musicologist Franjo Ksaver Kuha" (1834-1911) Abstracts Biographies Index of Names
Belgique, 1970. 20 x 25, 34 figures, broché, très bon état.
, Benedikt Taschen Verlag 1999, 1999 Hardcover, 328 pages/seiten, Eng/French/Deutsch, Including an index., Fine copy. very richly illustrated with coloured illustrations. ISBN 9783822865330.
This illustrated work provides a catalogue raisonne with explanatory notes based on modern scientific studies, and locations of the works.
, Biblioth que des Arts , 1981 Hardcover, 557 pages, FR., 290 x 230 x 45 mm, NOUVEAU !!, jaquette illustr e, beaucoup illustrations en couleur / n/b, dans une cassette en carton ISBN 9782850470165.
The complete Vel zquez in one volume. All the paintings are reproduced with detailed explanations. The text contains biographical data, including references to contemporary sources and re-evaluated historical documents. A register of his work with scholarly analysis is also included. // L'int grale de Vel zquez en un volume. Toutes les peintures sont reproduites avec des explications d taill es. Le texte contient des donn es biographiques, y compris des r f rences des sources contemporaines et des documents historiques r valu s. Un registre de son travail avec une analyse savante est galement inclus.
, Brepols, 2022 Hardback, cxxxviii + 159 pages, Size:155 x 245 mm, Language(s):Greek, English. ISBN 9782503588629.
Summary The Florilegium Coislinianum is a Byzantine alphabetical anthology compiled sometime between the end of the ninth and the beginning of the tenth century, most probably in Southern Italy. A research team based at the KU Leuven has already published several sections of the anthology. The present volume offers the first critical edition of three significant sections, namely, Books ?-Z. The Greek text is based on the collation of more than 25 witnesses and is accompanied by a set of apparatuses: manuscripts, sources, parallels in other anthologies, titles, apparatus criticus, apparatuses of comparison with sources and other anthologies, and marginalia. The critical edition is supplemented with a philological introduction which explores the manuscript tradition, offers a complete textual study of the witnesses that contain excerpts from Books ?-Z, and studies the links between the Florilegium Coislinianum and other relevant Byzantine florilegia such as Sacra, Corpus Parisinum, and Loci communes of a Ps.-Maximus the Confessor.
, INSTITUTO CERVANTES, 2003 Softcover, 180 paginas, Spanish, Illustraciones,. ISBN 9788488252432.
El conjunto de proyectos expositivos presentan, por un lado, una serie de grabados inspirados en las principales pinturas de Vel zquez, y por otro, nos revela la importancia del elenco de grabadores desde el siglo XVIII al XIX as como sus diferentes t cnicas y estilos.