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‎Johan Selders ; Cees Peeters‎

Reference : 62261

‎Horloges van Duitse en Zwitserse Uurwerkmakers‎

‎, stichting tijdmeetkunde, 2000 softcover, 553 pagina's, met prachtige illustraties. ISBN 9789082284104.‎

‎Horloges van Duitse en Zwitserse Uurwerkmakers is de vierde en laatsteaflevering in de serie bestandscatalogi van de horlogecollectie van de SMAT.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR25.00 (€25.00 )

‎Johan Selders ; Cees Peeters‎

Reference : 62263

‎Horloges van Franse Uurwerkmakers‎

‎, stichting tijdmeetkunde, 2000 softcover, 205 pagina's, met prachtige illustraties. ISBN 9789082284102.‎

‎Horloges van Franse Uurwerkmakers is de tweede aflevering in de serie bestandscatalogi van de horlogecollectie van de SMAT.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR25.00 (€25.00 )

‎Johan Swinnen‎

Reference : 61761

‎PIET LEPPENS, FOTOGRAAF Onder het plaveisel, het licht ‎

‎, ASP, 2023 paperback, 184 Pagina's, afbeeldingen, . ISBN 9789461174932.‎

‎Piet Leppens (1952-2016) is een Belgische fotograaf die bekend staat om zijn intense en persoonlijke benadering van autonome fotografie. Leppens? werk richt zich op de menselijke conditie en de complexe emoties die onze levens bepalen. Zijn foto?s zijn vaak rauw, ongepolijst, en tonen de kwetsbaarheid en intimiteit van zijn onderwerpen. Hij heeft een voorliefde voor het vastleggen van mensen in de marge van de samenleving, zoals daklozen, caf gangers, transseksuelen en prostituees, maar ook gewone mensen in alledaagse situaties. Leppens? oeuvre is een weerspiegeling van zijn eigen leven, een reis vol ups en downs, waarin hij zijn eigen innerlijke demonen heeft overwonnen en zich bevrijd heeft van de restricties van de samenleving in zijn zoektocht naar menselijke verbondenheid. In Piet Leppens, fotograaf. Onder het plaveisel, het licht wordt voor het eerst door kunstexpert Johan Swinnen een selectie van zijn fotowerk gebundeld en aan de buitenwereld getoond. Het werk van Leppens is een testament van de kracht van de fotografie om verhalen te vertellen, grenzen te verleggen en de wereld te veranderen. Dit is een must-read voor iedereen die ge nteresseerd is in fotografie, kunst en het menselijk bestaan. ‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR35.00 (€35.00 )

‎Johan van Cauwenberge ‎

Reference : 62873

‎stille wereld van Goedele Peeters = The silent world of Goedele Peeters = Le monde silencieux de Goedele Peeters‎

‎, , 2012 Hardcover, 72 pages, illustraties, Text in Nederlands, Frans, Engels. ISBN 9789090271361.‎

‎Dat grafiek de jongste decennia in het verdomhoekje is geraakt, is een betreurenswaardige evolutie die sommige museumdirecteuren en beleidsmakers in Vlaanderen mee in de hand hebben gewerkt. Gelukkig zijn er ook mensen met een bredere kijk, bijvoorbeeld bij de stad Brugge die een schitterende collectie aankocht, een overzicht van de prentkunst vanaf de zestiende tot en met de twintigste eeuw. De miskenning van de grafiek is vooral veroorzaakt door de kortzichtigheid van enkele invloedrijke mensen uit het wereldje die vinden ?dat het toch maar om prenten gaat? en dat ?origineel werk voorrang verdient?. Een aantal hogere kunstscholen heeft de grafiek als een ars minor afgebouwd en hun studenten dienen zich verder te bekwamen door les te gaan volgen in het Deeltijds Kunstonderwijs. De Vlaamse grafiek kent nochtans ook vandaag meesters die in vele internationale museumcollecties te bewonderen zijn. Kunstenaars als Enk De Kramer ( 1946) en Veerle Rooms ( 1947) worden in Japan hoog gewaardeerd. Emiel Hoorne ( 1951) heeft zich vele jaren onzelfzuchtig ingezet voor de jonge Vlaamse grafici en Marnix Everaert ( 1960) ijvert voor een ecologisch en ergonomisch verantwoord gebruik van materialen en technieken en wordt tot ver in het buitenland als leermeester onthaald. ‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR45.00 (€45.00 )

‎Johan van Cauwenberghe , Roland Rens‎

Reference : 55905


‎, P Uitgeverij 1999, 1999 Hardcover, 62 pagina's, met tekeningen en poezie, Nederlands, in zeer goede staat !. met opdracht ! ISBN 9789073214705.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR25.00 (€25.00 )

‎John Arblaster, Patricia Stoop, Dani l Ermens, Veerle Fraeters, Kees Schepers (eds)‎

Reference : 64290

‎Spiritual Literature in the Late Medieval Low Countries. Essays by Thom Mertens‎

‎, Brepols, 2024 Hardback, 472 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:1 b/w, Language: English. ISBN 9782503581002.‎

‎Summary This volume brings together fifteen seminal essays by Thom Mertens, a professor at the Ruusbroec Institute (Ruusbroecgenootschap) at Antwerp University since 1985, and a pioneer in the study of the late medieval spiritual literature of the Low Countries, a field that had previously been neglected in favour of the study of belles lettres. This volume is therefore also a celebration of the paradigm shift that Mertens led, as he demonstrated that most of the late medieval texts produced in the Low Countries actually qualify as spiritual literature, and that these understudied literary works are of prime importance within late medieval textual culture. Of the essays gathered here, nine have been translated into English for the first time, while six have been re-edited, forming a collection that bears witness to the importance of Dutch literature as a broader part of the vernacular literatures of Western Europe, and of the societies that gave rise to these works. It is in large part thanks to Mertens' efforts that serious scholarly engagement with these spiritual texts, their characteristics, and their function has become a field of research in its own right that continues to flourish. TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface: Pioneering Middle Dutch Spiritual Literature Publications by Thom Mertens Thom Mertens: A Tribute by John van Engen I. Spiritual Literature in the Late Medieval Low Countries - An Overview Chapter 1: Books for Eternity Chapter 2: Mystical Culture and Literature in the Late Middle Ages Chapter 3: The Monastery as a Literary Institution in the Low Countries (13th-16th Century) II. Middle Dutch Sermons Chapter 4: The Middle Dutch Sermon. A Premature Synthesis Chapter 5: Collatio and Codex in the Context of the Devotio Moderna Chapter 6: Ghostwriting Sisters. The Preservation of Dutch Sermons of Father Confessors in the Fifteenth and the Early Sixteenth Century Chapter 7: The Sermons of Johannes Brugman OFM (? 1473). Preservation and Form Chapter 8: Private Revelation and Public Relevance in the Middle Dutch Sermon Cycle Jhesus collacien III. Aspects of Genre in Middle Dutch Spiritual Literature Chapter 9: Reading with a Pen. Developments in Late Medieval Spiritual Prose Chapter 10: Consolation in Late Medieval Dutch Literature Chapter 11: Spiritual Testaments in the Late Medieval Low Countries. An Exploration of the Genre Chapter 12: Die gheestelicke melody. A Program for the Spiritual Life in a Middle Dutch Song Cycle Chapter 13: Voices without Words. Hendrik Mande's Spiritual 'Love Complaint' as a Mystical Dialogue Chapter 14: Hendrik Mande's Apocalypse Bibliography Index‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR120.00 (€120.00 )

‎John Baldessari, Ashley Bickerton, Liz Craft, Meg Cranston, Julieta Gonz lez, Kit Hammonds, Matt Mullican, Tony Oursler, David Salle, James Welling.‎

Reference : 61759

‎Learning to Read with John Baldessari‎

‎, JRP Ringier, 2017 312 pages, 66 color- & 91 b/w illustrations, 22,5 x 28 cm, hardcover, English. ISBN 9783037645185.‎

‎A portrait of the artist as an inspiring teacher: this publication focuses on Baldessari?s practice at the intersection between pedagogy and art. Visually organized in alphabetical order, Learning To Read features essays, artworks, a chronology, and personal insights on Baldessari?s teaching and influence by a group of the artist?s former students and CalArts collaborators such as Ashley Bickerton, Liz Craft, Meg Cranston, Matt Mullican, and Tony Oursler. As ludic and non-authoritarian as John Baldessari?s art, this new monograph on the ?father of Conceptual art? is dedicated to his practice as an artist and a teacher, and the many ways in which both practices intertwine in his life. Having been trained as an arts educator, John Baldessari is today renowned for his work as much as for his innovative post studio class at CalArts, Los Angeles, where he has formed many generations of artists and participated in shaping the West Coast art scene. Visually organized in alphabetical order, ?Learning to Read with John Baldessari? ? which accompanies a retrospective of his work at Museo Jumex, Mexico City, from November 11, 2017, to April 8, 2018 ? gathers together a comprehensive essay on the artist?s approaches to art making and teaching, a biography of the artist as a teacher, artworks reproduced thematically, and many stories and anecdotes told by former students such as Liz Craft, Ed Henderson, Matt Mullican, Tony Oursler, David Salle, about their years at CalArts, and the uniqueness and serious playfulness of their formation. Emphasizing Baldessari?s works in which language, task making, and learning processes are tackled, this publication highlights what the artist describes as the central function of art making: to communicate in a way that people can understand. *****Our copy is in perfect condition and sealed***** !!‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR550.00 (€550.00 )

‎John Belle, Maxinne Rhea Leighton‎

Reference : 60720

‎Grand Central: Gateway to a Million Lives‎

‎, Norton, 2000 Hardcover, 230 pages, ENG, 275 x 210 mm, dustjacket, in very good condition, illustrated in colour / b/w., ***With greeting & Signatures of both authors !!*** ISBN 9780393047653.‎

‎The information-packed yet spirited text about one of the most famous rail terminals in the world is well supported by abundant illustrations. Coauthor Belle was the principal architect of the $400 million Grand Central restoration project, which concluded with the station's rededication in October 1998. Belle and Leighton's lively chronicle of the history of the station and its rescue from the wrecking ball offers not only a fascinating microcosm of the rise and fall of rail transportation in this country but also a view of the restoration project as a watershed in the landmark preservation movement. Grand Central was built in the early twentieth century, and it quickly became a crossroads of rail travel. In 1947, for instance, more than 65 million people passed through its halls and corridors, a number that represented the equivalent of 40 percent of the U.S. population at the time. This book glowingly touts Grand Central Station's architectural significance and its place in American business and culture‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR39.50 (€39.50 )


Reference : RO60063334


ISBN : 071952640X


‎JOHN MURRAY. 1972. In-4. Relié toilé. Etat d'usage, Couv. légèrement passée, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 112 pages. Nombreuses illustrations en couleurs Eet en noir et blanc dans et hors texte. Texte en anglais.. . . . Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture‎

‎ Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR14.90 (€14.90 )

‎John B. Ward Perkins‎

Reference : EXP18166


‎Architecture romaine in-4,broché,205 pages‎

‎ Gallimard /Electa Histoire de l'architecture 1994‎

‎Très bon état‎

Phone number : 06 83 06 99 49

EUR35.00 (€35.00 )

‎John Capgrave, Peter Lucas (ed)‎

Reference : 65049

‎Rome 1450. Capgrave's Jubilee Guide. The Solace of Pilgrimes‎

‎, Brepols, 2022 Paperback, xcv + 442 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:63 b/w, 1 col., Language(s):English, Middle English. ISBN 9782503594675.‎

‎Summary The scene is Rome in the fifteenth century, Golden Rome, a magnet drawing pilgrims by its architectural attractions and the magnitude of its religious importance as the mother of faith. The Austin friar John Capgrave attended Rome for the Jubilee in 1450, including the Lenten stations, and his Solace of Pilgrimes, intended as a guide for subsequent pilgrims, was written up following the author's own pilgrimage. In three parts it covers the ancient monuments, the seven principal churches and the Lenten stations, and other churches of note, especially those dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary. The work has been described as the most ambitious description of Rome in Middle English. The present edition offers a new Text based on a transcription of the author's holograph manuscript. Parallel with the Text there is a modern English Translation. The illustrations, mostly from a period slightly later than the 1450 Jubilee, aim to give some visual clue as to what Capgrave saw. There is a full account of the multiple sources that he used, most of which is the product of new research. Following the Text there is a Commentary that aims to provide some background information about the buildings and monuments that Capgrave focuses on, and to explain and illuminate any difficulties or points of interest in the Text. Capgrave is an omni-present guide leading us towards what he considered an appropriate interpretation of the classical past as a foundation for the Christian present, which built on it and surpassed it. TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface Abbreviations Introduction Select Bibliography Editorial Procedure The Solace of Pilgrimes by John Capgrave OSA Part I Ancient Rome Introduction and list of chapters in Part I ch 1 The original founders of Rome ch 2 The gates, walls and towers of Rome ch 3 The bridges of Rome ch 4 The hills of Rome ch 5 The 'palaces' in Rome ch 6 The triumphal arches in Rome ch 7 The cymyteries 'catacombs' in Rome ch 8 Holy places and their pre-Christian names ch 9 The Angulla Sancti Petri 'St Peter's Obelisk' ch 10 Pagan temples turned to Christian use ch 11 The Capitol ch 12 The statue of the Dioscuri ch 13 The statue of Marcus Aurelius at the Lateran ch 14 The Coliseum ch 15 The Pantheon ch 16 Ara Celi ch 17 The Mausoleum of Augustus ch 18 The Septizodium ch 19 The Circus of Tarquinius Priscus ch 20 The Cantharus in the atrium in front of old San Pietro ch 21 The 'pyramid' or tomb of Romulus ch 22 The paleys 'temple' of Trajan ch 23 The conch-shaped font where Constantine was allegedly baptized ch 24 The place called Omnis Terra (= Monte Testaccio) ch 25 The rulers of Rome from the time of Romulus to the last king Tarquinius ch 26 The rulers of Rome from Tarquinius to the first emperor ch 27 The emperors of Rome from Julius Caesar to Frederick II (d 1250) Part II The seven principal churches and the stations for Lent Prologus ch 1 San Pietro ch 2 San Paolo fuori le Mura ch 3 San Sebastiano ch 4 San Giovanni in Laterano ch 5 Santa Croce in Gerusalemme ch 6 San Lorenzo fuori le Mura ch 7 Santa Maria Maggiore ch 8 The station at Santa Sabina ch 9 The station at San Giorgio in Velabro ch 10 The station at Santi Giovanni e Paolo ch 11 The station at San Trifone ch 12 The station at San Giovanni in Laterano ch 13 The station at San Pietro in Vincoli ch 14 The station at Santa Anastasia ch 15 The station at Santa Maria Maggiore ch 16 The station at San Lorenzo in Panisperna ch 17 The station at Santi Apostoli ch 18 The station at San Pietro ch 19 The station at Santa Maria in Domnica ch 20 The station at San Clemente ch 21 The station at Santa Balbina ch 22 The station at Santa Cecilia in Trast vere ch 23 The station at Santa Maria in Trast vere ch 24 The station at San Vitale ch 25 The station at Santi Marcellino e Pietro ch 26 The station at San Lorenzo fuori le Mura ch 27 The station at San Marco ch 28 The station at Santa Pudenziana ch 29 The station at San Sisto Vecchio ch 30 The station at Santi Cosma e Damiano ch 31 The station at San Lorenzo in Lucina ch 32 The station at Santa Susanna ch 33 The station at Santa Croce in Gerusalemme ch 34 The station at Santi Quattro Coronati ch 35 The station at San Lorenzo in Damaso ch 36 The station at San Paolo fuori le Mura ch 37 The station at San Martino ai Monti and the station at San Silvestro in Capite ch 38 The station at Sant'Eusebio ch 39 The station at San Nicola in Carcere ch 40 The station at San Pietro ch 41 The station at San Crisogono ch 42 The station at San Ciriaco in Thermis ch 43 The station at San Marcello al Corso ch 44 The station at Sant'Apollinare ch 45 The station at San Stefano Rotunda ch 46 The station at San Giovanni alla Porta Latina ch 47 The station at San Giovanni in Laterano ch 48 The station at Santa Prassede and the station at Santi Nereo e Achilleo ch 49 The station at Santa Prisca ch 50 The station at Santa Maria Maggiore ch 51 The station at San Giovanni in Laterano ch 52 The station at Santa Croce in Gerusalemme ch 53 The station at San Giovanni in Laterano ch 54 The station at Santa Maria Maggiore Part III Other churches of note, especially those dedicated to our Lady Prologus ch 1 Santa Maria Rotunda (= Pantheon) ch 2 Santa Maria in Aracoeli ch 3 Lacking ch 4 Santa Maria sopra Minerva ch 5 Santa Maria Annunziata ch 6 Santa Maria in Transpontina ch 7 Santa Maria in Palmis ch 8 Santa Maria del Populo ch 9 Santa Maria Antiqua ch 10 Santa Maria in Cosmedin ch 11 Santa Maria Imperatrice ch 12 Santa Maria della Consolazione ch 13 Santa Maria in Portico Further chapters lacking Commentary Appendix Index of Names and Places‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR90.00 (€90.00 )

‎John Cohen‎

Reference : 61048

‎John Cohen: Here and Gone : Bob Dylan, Woody Guthrie & the 1960s‎

‎, Steidl, 2014 Hardcover, 151 pages, ENG, 245 x 245 x 20 mm, as New, illustrated in colour / b/w. ISBN 9783869306049.‎

‎John Cohen was a founding member of the New Lost City Ramblers, one of the American folk revival's most authentic and respected musical groups. In the 1960s he made a series of photographs of the last years of Woody Guthrie's life, and early portraits of Bob Dylan on his arrival in New York, depicting two titans of American music at opposite ends of their careers. In the process, Cohen portrayed one of the great moments of American folk music history. The book contains other images from the 1960s, including the music scenes at Washington Square and on MacDougal Street in Greenwich Village, images of Jerry Garcia and the musicians in San Francisco's Family Dog, as well as the psychedelic Sky River Rock festival. In 1970, Dylan requested Cohen make another set of color photographs of him with a camera that could take photographs from a block away. He was portrayed walking unrecognized on the streets of the city and at a farm in upstate New York. The photographs were used in Dylan's album Self Portrait.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR19.95 (€19.95 )

‎ John Fardell‎

Reference : 58124

‎Help! Lucas is opgegeten !‎

‎, Vries-Brouwers, Uitgeverij C. 2014, 2014 Hardcover, 26 pagina's, NL, 298 x 245 mm, mooi prentenboek voor de leeftijd van 4-8 jr. ISBN 9789053419878.‎

‎Wanneer een jongetje wordt opgegeten door een vreemd wezen, gaat zijn zusje hem achterna om hem te redden. Maar, dat is niet zo makkelijk, want er zijn nog andere eigenaardige dieren die hongerig zijn.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR17.50 (€17.50 )

‎John Fiorillo‎

Reference : 64734

‎Hokuei. Masterworks of Osaka Actor Prints ‎

‎Gent, ludion, 2024 Hardcover, 288 pages, 29 x 23.5 cm, 150 illustrations.‎

‎The ultimate publication on Hokuei, the master of Osaka ukiyo-e printmakers and one of the most intriguing artists ever in kabuki-actor prints. Hokuei: Masterpieces of Japanese Actor Prints profiles one of the most intriguing artists ever in kabuki-actor design: Shunbaisai Hokuei (active 1828-1836). A culminating figure in Osaka printmaking, Hokuei produced more masterworks than any other artist of his day. The prints, all shown in color, are largely drawn from the most extensive collection of Hokuei's works to be found anywhere. The book presents two chapters on the artist's life and work, situating his oeuvre within the demimonde of pleasure and entertainment known as the Floating World (Ukiyo). An early chapter discusses the production of Japanese prints and leads into a central section highlighting fifty-six meticulously researched masterworks in remarkable condition. The world of kabuki comes alive in fascinating detail, while assessments of design and technical attributes bring into focus the achievements of Hokuei and printmaking artisans of his age. Of particular importance for scholars and collectors, there is a fully illustrated and annotated catalogue raisonn of 270 prints-the artist's entire known print oeuvre-including designs not to be found anywhere else. As an added bonus, all Japanese inscriptions are translated into English. Well-illustrated appendices cover essential tabulations of Hokuei's prints and their formats, his students, his artist signatures and seals, publishers, carvers, printers, theaters, a glossary, an index, and a bibliography. All-told, the range of comprehensive information featured in this publication make it a singular reference not only for admirers of Hokuei, but also for those interested in the world of actors on stage. - This is the first book about Hokuei - one of the most intriguing artists ever in kabuki-actor prints. Lavishly illustrated with over 150 prints, it brings the world of kabuki alive in fascinating detail. The book includes a fully illustrated and annotated catalogue raisonn of 270 prints (the artist's entire known print oeuvre). John Fiorillo is an independent researcher and writer on traditional and modern Japanese prints, with a particular interest in Kamigata-e ("Osaka prints") and Sosaku Hanga ("Creative prints"). Over time, he came to especially love and admire the actor prints produced in Osaka, a genre often overlooked by collectors and scholars. Mr. Fiorillo has regularly published in the art journal Andon (Society for Japanese Art, Leiden), contributed to the Hotei Encyclopedia of Japanese Woodblock Prints (2005), and designed and written extensive articles for the websites " " (since 1999) and " " (since 2005). Mr. Fiorillo also serves as a member of the Andon editorial board. ‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR60.00 (€60.00 )

‎John Fiorillo‎

Reference : 64790

‎Hokuei. Masterworks of Osaka Actor Prints ‎

‎, ludion, 2024 Hardcover, 290 x 235 mm, 288 pages, 150 iColor illustrations , ENG edition. ISBN 9789464781151.‎

‎The ultimate publication on Hokuei, the master of Osaka ukiyo-e printmakers and one of the most intriguing artists ever in kabuki-actor prints. Hokuei: Masterpieces of Japanese Actor Prints profiles one of the most intriguing artists ever in kabuki-actor design: Shunbaisai Hokuei (active 1828-1836). A culminating figure in Osaka printmaking, Hokuei produced more masterworks than any other artist of his day. The prints, all shown in color, are largely drawn from the most extensive collection of Hokuei's works to be found anywhere. The book presents two chapters on the artist's life and work, situating his oeuvre within the demimonde of pleasure and entertainment known as the Floating World (Ukiyo). An early chapter discusses the production of Japanese prints and leads into a central section highlighting fifty-six meticulously researched masterworks in remarkable condition. The world of kabuki comes alive in fascinating detail, while assessments of design and technical attributes bring into focus the achievements of Hokuei and printmaking artisans of his age. Of particular importance for scholars and collectors, there is a fully illustrated and annotated catalogue raisonn of 270 prints-the artist's entire known print oeuvre-including designs not to be found anywhere else. As an added bonus, all Japanese inscriptions are translated into English. Well-illustrated appendices cover essential tabulations of Hokuei's prints and their formats, his students, his artist signatures and seals, publishers, carvers, printers, theaters, a glossary, an index, and a bibliography. All-told, the range of comprehensive information featured in this publication make it a singular reference not only for admirers of Hokuei, but also for those interested in the world of actors on stage. - This is the first book about Hokuei - one of the most intriguing artists ever in kabuki-actor prints. Lavishly illustrated with over 150 prints, it brings the world of kabuki alive in fascinating detail. The book includes a fully illustrated and annotated catalogue raisonn of 270 prints (the artist's entire known print oeuvre). John Fiorillo is an independent researcher and writer on traditional and modern Japanese prints, with a particular interest in Kamigata-e ("Osaka prints") and Sosaku Hanga ("Creative prints"). Over time, he came to especially love and admire the actor prints produced in Osaka, a genre often overlooked by collectors and scholars. Mr. Fiorillo has regularly published in the art journal Andon (Society for Japanese Art, Leiden), contributed to the Hotei Encyclopedia of Japanese Woodblock Prints (2005), and designed and written extensive articles for the websites " " (since 1999) and " " (since 2005). Mr. Fiorillo also serves as a member of the Andon editorial board.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR59.99 (€59.99 )

‎John Fitzhugh Millar‎

Reference : 81657


ISBN : 0934943060

‎Classical Architecture in Renaissance Europe: 1419-1585‎

‎Thirteen Colonies Press 1987 In-4 broché à l’italienne, 241 pp. Illustrations et schémas en noir in et hors-texte. Plats un peu gauchis, nénamoins inétérieur frais, bon état d’occasion. ‎

‎Fac-simile. Exemplaire en anglais. Bon état d’occasion ‎

Librairie de l'Avenue - Saint-Ouen

Phone number : 01 40 11 95 85

EUR19.00 (€19.00 )


Reference : 55214

‎Blaeu. De grote Atlas van de wereld in de 17de eeuw.‎

‎, Lisse, Rebo voor Robas Weesp 1992, 1992 Gebonden, hardcover, 385 x 290 mm, Nederlands, inclusief stofomslag; 1992; 224pp.; Conditie: Goed. ISBN 9789072770288.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR25.00 (€25.00 )

‎John Haines‎

Reference : 57190

‎Chants du diable, chants du peuple . Voyage en musique dans le Moyen ge‎

‎, Brepols 2018, 2018 165 p., 110 x 180 mm, Texte en Francais, Paperback, . ISBN 9782503579627.‎

‎Ce livre est une invitation au voyage dans le temps, un voyage en musique dans le Moyen ge. Comme le chant m di val semble loin ! Ce voyage, forc ment, il nous faut le commencer l o nous sommes, assaillis par le vacarme des temps modernes. chants vanouis ! Chants d?hommes et surtout de femmes dans leur besogne quotidienne, dans leurs gu risons, divinations et danses ! Voix f minines puissantes, voix envo tantes reliant la vie la mort ! Chants retentissant pendant les si cles du Moyen ge, vous ne retentirez plus jamais ! Mais la trace de votre symphonie immense demeure avec nous, p le murmure, dans les harangues de l?homme contre les chants du diable. Ce livre est une invitation voyager dans le temps, entendre tous les chants du Moyen ge et non seulement ceux du grand homme. En partant du vacarme des temps modernes, le lecteur d couvrira une panoplie de musiques quotidiennes que les autorit s eccl siastiques nommaient jadis les chants du diable . John Haines is Professor of musicology and medieval studies at the University of Toronto, where he holds a joint appointment at the Faculty of Music and Centre for Medieval Studies.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR20.00 (€20.00 )

‎John Harris, Stephen Orgel et Roy Strong‎

Reference : 2115

‎The King's Arcadia : Inigo Jones and the Stuart Court‎

‎Arts Council of Great Britain, London, 1973. In-8, broché sous couverture illustrée en noir et blanc, 232 pp. Preface - Foreword - Chronology - Catalogue note - Part I. Jones in the Making : The early years : 1573-1605. - The festival tradition. - The architectural tradition. - The jacobean romantic : Jones and Robert Cecil, Earl of ...‎

‎Nombreuses illustrations en noir et blanc in texte. --- Plus d'informations sur le site‎

Phone number : 01 42 73 13 41

EUR37.00 (€37.00 )


Reference : RO60064331



‎B.T. BATSFORD LTD. 1963. In-12. Broché. Etat d'usage, Couv. légèrement passée, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 187 pages. Premier plat illustré en couleurs. Texte en anglais.. . . . Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture‎

‎ Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR10.95 (€10.95 )

‎John Hejduk‎

Reference : 57819

‎Berlin night, thirty water colours.‎

‎Rotterdam,, The Netherlands Architecture Institute,, 1993 Ringband, Metal coil binding, gekartonneerd, 25,3 x 19 x 1,6 cm, Text in NL/ENG. ISBN 9072469488.‎

‎This publication is appearing on the opening of the new building of the Netherlands Architecture Institute (NAI), on 29 october (sic) 1993. The exhibition 'Verschoven Fundamenten / Adjusting Foundations, the work of John Hejduk, architect' In deze verzorgde uitgave - waarbij harde kaft en spiraalband doen denken aan een 'schetsboek' - zijn dertig aquarellen (in kleur) en wat tekstjes opgenomen die Hejduks associaties met Berlijn verbeelden en ontstonden in samenhang met zijn prijsvraagontwerp voor het Joods Museum.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR150.00 (€150.00 )

‎John James‎

Reference : 166053


‎Chartres : les constructeurs ( deuxième partie )‎

‎Société archéologique d'eure et loir 1979 in folio. 1979. Broché. 339 pages. envois en suivi pour la france et l'etranger Bon Etat intérieur propre couverture légèrement jaunie‎

Livres-sur-sorgue - Isle-sur-la-sorgue

Phone number : 04 90 26 49 32

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‎John J. Murray‎

Reference : 55487

‎ Flandre et Angleterre. L'influence des Pays-Bas sur l'Angleterre des Tudors et des Stuarts‎

‎, Fonds Mercator 1985, 1985 Hardcover, 401 pages, Texte en Francais, 305 x 240 mm, dans un manteau solide, Tres belle exemplaire. ISBN 9789061531489.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR30.00 (€30.00 )

‎John Julius Norwich Pevsner Nikolaus‎

Reference : 100065880


‎Le grand livre de l'architecture mondiale - des premiers temples de Mésopotamie aux structures avancées du XXe siècle‎

‎Elsevier Sequoia 1976 in4. 1976. Cartonné jaquette. illustré en noir et blanc et couleurs‎

‎Bon état rousseurs sur tranche intérieur propre avec sa jaquette (petit accroc en bas du 4e plat) annotation au crayon à papier sur la page titre‎

Un Autre Monde - Val Couoesnon

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‎John Milner‎

Reference : EXP14655


Phone number : 06 83 06 99 49

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