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‎Joeri de Bruyn / Dimitri Neyt‎

Reference : 65580

‎Polo architects Poponcini & Lootens‎

‎, Luster Publishing, 2015 hardcover, 505 pages, Illustrated. 28x20cm. ISBN 9789491789083.‎

‎Met het boek 'Polo Architects' blikt het architectenbureau van Mauro Poponcini en Patrick Lootens terug op een carri re van 25 jaar. De publicatie brengt een selectie van gerealiseerde projecten tussen 1991 en 2015: van de vroege eengezinswoningen tot de grote projecten zoals de Artesis Plantijn Hogeschool bij Park Spoor Noord, Cadiz op het Antwerpse Eilandje of de kantoortoren aan het station van Gent Sint-Pieters. De gebouwen worden voorgesteld aan de hand van foto's van onder andere Filip Dujardin en Stijn Bollaert, en zijn vergezeld van plannen en bondige teksten. Het rijk gestoffeerde oeuvredeel is aangevuld met conversaties met vijf vooraanstaande gesprekspartners, die beschouwen en bevragen vanuit hun eigen relatie tot de architectuur. Samen met Filip Canfyn, b0b Van Reeth, Kristiaan Borret, Bart Verschaffel en Henk Visch werpen de architecten een kritische blik op de architectuurpraktijk in Vlaanderen en verschillende thema's die hen nauw aan het hart liggen. //// With the book ?Polo Architects,? the architectural firm of Mauro Poponcini and Patrick Lootens looks back on a 25-year career. The publication presents a selection of completed projects between 1991 and 2015: from early single-family houses to major projects such as the Artesis Plantijn Hogeschool at Park Spoor Noord, Cadiz on Antwerp's Eilandje or the office tower at Ghent's Sint-Pieters train station. The buildings are presented through photographs by Filip Dujardin and Stijn Bollaert, among others, and are accompanied by plans and concise texts. The richly padded oeuvre section is supplemented by conversations with five prominent interlocutors, who consider and question from their own relationship to architecture. Together with Filip Canfyn, b0b Van Reeth, Kristiaan Borret, Bart Verschaffel and Henk Visch, the architects cast a critical eye on architectural practice in Flanders and various themes close to their hearts. ‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR90.00 (€90.00 )

‎ Joey McCollum, Brent Niedergall ‎

Reference : 64866

‎Acts of John‎

‎, Brepols, 2022 Paperback, 110 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:3 tables b/w., Language(s):English, Greek. ISBN 9782503600161.‎

‎Summary The Acts of John is a second- or third-century work of unknown authorship combining elements of the apocryphal acts and pious romance genres. It was labeled heretical by both Eusebius and Augustine, and condemned at the Second Council of Nicea (787). Scholars debate the influence of Gnosticism and docetism upon the work. This narrative presents the lifelong ministry of the apostle John preaching and performing miracles in Ephesus, Smyrna, and elsewhere. At different turns in the exciting account, John resurrects the dead, reunites families, heals the sick, confronts pagan opponents, commands bedbugs, and divulges mysteries about his travels with Jesus. The present edition offers the celebrated Greek text of Junod and Kaestli (Corpus Christianorum, Series Apocryphorum, 1-2, 1983) alongside a new English translation on the facing pages, complete with hundreds of cross-references and other helpful notes for the reader.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR45.00 (€45.00 )


Reference : RO40195715



‎La Maison Rustique. 1954. In-12. Broché. Etat d'usage, Couv. légèrement passée, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 47 pages. Illustré de photos en noir et blanc hors texte.. . . . Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture‎

‎Ls Origines. La Folie d'Artois... Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR10.95 (€10.95 )

‎JOFFROY Pascale‎

Reference : 99911031


‎ClaudeVasconi. 1980 - 1990‎

‎ Electa Moniteur Electa Moniteur, 1990. In-8 carré broché, couverture illustrée. 166 pages. Nombreuses reproductions de l'oeuvre architecturale de Claude Vasconi. Parfait état.‎

‎ Toutes les expéditions sont faites en suivi au-dessus de 25 euros. Expédition quotidienne pour les envois simples, suivis, recommandés ou Colissimo. ‎

Phone number : 05 65 42 95 21

EUR23.00 (€23.00 )

‎Joffroy Pascale‎

Reference : 60045


ISBN : 2866530845

‎Claude Vasconi : 1980-1990‎

‎Electa Moniteur 1990 Jaquette tachée et fendillée.‎

‎ Etat correct d’occasion ‎

Librairie de l'Avenue - Saint-Ouen

Phone number : 01 40 11 95 85

EUR34.00 (€34.00 )

‎Jo Gerard, ‎

Reference : 55250

‎Belgique 1830 - 1980‎

‎, Meddens 1979, 1979 Softcover, 116 pages, Texte en Francais, 280 x 250 mm,. ISBN 9782870130353.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR12.00 (€12.00 )

‎Johan Ballegeer , Jean-Pierre Braems ‎

Reference : 58174

‎Binnenscheepvaart in Vlaanderen in oude postkaarten‎

‎, Europese Bibliotheek - Zaltbommel 1978, 1978 Hardcover, NL, 210 x 150 mm, oblong, 116 pagina's met foto's / illustraties in z/w, in prima staat. ISBN X.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR14.00 (€14.00 )

‎Johan Ballegeer , Jean-Pierre Braems ‎

Reference : 58172

‎Dorpen achter de Gentele in oude prentkaarten‎

‎, Europese Bibliotheek - Zaltbommel 1977, 1977 Hardcover, NL, 210 x 150 mm , 76 pagina's met foto's / illustraties in z/w, in prima staat. ISBN X.‎

‎Vlissegem (De Haan) ; geschiedenis, Blankenberge ; geschiedenis, Houtave (Zuienkerke) ; geschiedenis, Lissewege (Brugge) ; geschiedenis, Klemskerke (De Haan) ; geschiedenis, Meetkerke (Zuienkerke) ; geschiedenis, en meer‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR15.00 (€15.00 )

‎Johan Bosschem, Bruno De Loght‎

Reference : 61037

‎Kunst op de campus : bouwen en verbinden‎

‎, Stichting Kunstboek, 2018 Hardcover, 108 pag. NL, 305 x 250 x 15 mm, in prima conditie, illustraties in kleur. ISBN 9789058566126.‎

‎?In de voorbije decennia werd door de Universiteit Antwerpen een unieke collectie bijeengebracht met beeldende kunst van Belgische en internationale origine en allure. Met bijzonder veel zorg krijgen deze kunstwerken een specifieke, uitgezochte en bediscussieerde plaats in en om de gebouwen op de verschillende universitaire campussen. Studenten, professoren, onderzoekend en ondersteunend personeel worden zo in hun dagelijkse werkomgeving met fragmenten uit de verzameling verbonden. Bij nieuwbouw wordt ook consequent de procentregel voor kunstintegratie toegepast. Recent werd een geschaalde geschiedenis van de Belgische kunst sedert 1950 met meer dan 100 museumzalen ? op schaal 1/7 ? toegevoegd. In dit boek wordt thematisch en visueel ingegaan op de vele wisselwerkingen tussen architectuur, beeldende kunst, bewoners en passanten. De geraffineerde en eigenzinnige fotografie onderstreept de vele mogelijke verbindingen die er tot stand komen, leven, evolueren. Aan de hand van een veertigtal ruimtelijke situaties wordt de breedte en diepte van Kunst op de Campus gepresenteerd.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR25.00 (€25.00 )

‎Johan Chiaramonte, Camille Mathieu‎

Reference : 65259

‎Museum of Wes Anderson His Movies and the Works that Inspired Them‎

‎, Prestel Publishing, 2024 Hardback, 290 x 230 mm, 130 Illustrations, 216 pages, English ed. ISBN 9783791393414.‎

‎This museum in book form takes readers deep into the world of Wes Anderson. Bursting with an exhaustive and eclectic collection of film stills, accessories, clothes, souvenirs, books, and delightfully bizarre ephemera, this immersive treasury offers extraordinary insight into Wes Anderson's literary, musical, and cinematic influences, which range from Indian cinema, French pop music, Italian speed car racing, to The New Yorker magazine and the work of J. D. Salinger.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR35.50 (€35.50 )

‎Johan Creten‎

Reference : 51394

‎Johan Creten. De Storm‎

‎, Middelheimmuseum, Antwerpen, 2014, hardcover,127 pagina's, rijk ge llustreerd, 17,5 x 24,7 cm text ENG / NED. ISBN 9789081185370.‎

‎Deze publicatie is uitgegeven naar aanleiding van de tentoonstelling De Storm, Middelheimmuseum, Antwerpen. ?De Storm? verkent in vier delen de relationele en emotionele stormen die bij elke persoonlijke ontwikkeling horen en de grotere stormen die woeden binnen de samenleving. Het werk van Johan Creten maakt deel uit van collecties over de hele wereld, en blijft overal hevige reacties oproepen. Relatief onbekend bij ons, maar een grote naam in het buitenland: hij was de eerste levende Belgische beeldend kunstenaar die in het Louvre mocht tentoonstellen. Net als Schutte en Fontana is Creten altijd een voortrekker geweest om traditionele materialen zoals brons en keramiek terug te brengen in de hedendaagse kunst. Is Johan Creten een freak, een outsider, een weirdo die al klei ademend eet en slaapt? Neemt hij een anachronistische positie in binnen de hedendaagse kunstscene? Ogenschijnlijk onschuldige, haast naief ogende figuratieve beelden blijken complexe metaforen te zijn. Recent zijn de beelden abstracter geworden en verbeelden ze de chaos van de hedendaagse werkelijkheid. Het Middelheimmuseum toont met deze tentoonstelling hun actuele zeggingskracht aan. Dit in relatie tot andere tendensen in de hedendaagse beeldende kunst en in relatie tot de eigen collectie. ‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR30.00 (€30.00 )

‎Johan Creten; Colin Lemoine‎

Reference : 57396

‎Johan Cretan : 8 Gods‎

‎Brussels , London & Paris, Almine Rech Gallery 2017, 2017 Hardcover, 151 pages, English / Francais, 320 x 285 mm, fine copy/bon etat, illustrations in colour, in combination with poems, rare ex, . ISBN 9782930573236.‎

‎Johan Creten is a Belgian visual artist, born in 1963 in Sint-Truiden. He is considered a pioneer in the revival of modern ceramics, which reintroduced clay into contemporary art. He was the first Belgian to exhibit at the Louvre in Paris during his lifetime. ///// Johan Creten est un artiste plasticien belge, n en 1963 Sint-Truiden. Il est consid r comme un pionnier du renouveau de la c ramique moderne, qui a r introduit l'argile dans l'art contemporain. Il fut le premier Belge exposer de son vivant au Louvre Paris.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR42.50 (€42.50 )

‎Johan Creten, Joost Bergman‎

Reference : 61220

‎Johan Creten : Naked Roots / Naakte Wortels‎

‎, Lannoo, 2018 Hardcover, 136 pages , ENG / NL, 320 x 285 x 20 mm, New, full page coloured ill. ISBN 9789401455121.‎

‎EN - Together with Lucio Fontana and Thomas Sch tte, Johan Creten is considered one of the pioneers of the revival of ceramics in contemporary art. He has been using clay in a highly innovative and personal manner since as far back as the 1980s. His beautifully coloured sculptures contain numerous (ambiguous) references. Influenced by man and nature, classical antiquity, art history, opera, literature, and poetry, complemented with more current, socially charged subjects such as politics, racism, power relations, and sexuality, Johan Creten moulds all these impressions into a wonderful world filled with fantastic animals, flowers, and human figures. His work is stunningly beautiful and, at times, very controversial. This book contains nine exceptional historical objects from Creten's collection that relate to his groundbreaking oeuvre. This book was published on the occasion of the exhibition Naked Roots/Naakte Wortels in museum Beelden aan Zee in The Hague. Explanatory text by Joost Bergman, art historian, art advisor, and lecturer in art history at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR39.95 (€39.95 )

‎Johan Dambruyne ‎

Reference : 57213

‎Mensen en centen : het 16de-eeuwse Gent in demografisch en economisch perspectief‎

‎Gent, Maatschappij voor geschiedenis en oudheidkunde, 2001 softcover, 446 pages afbeeldingen .‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR35.00 (€35.00 )

‎Johan De Smet‎

Reference : 64651

‎Emile Claus Prince of Luminism‎

‎, Hannibal Books, 2024 Hardcover- 29,2 x 24,5 cm - 224 pagina?s -Quadrichromie colors -English edition Fine ISBN 9789464941340.‎

‎Impressive monograph of the most important Belgian Impressionist: Emile Claus Emile Claus: Prince of Luminism celebrates the centenary of the death of Belgium?s leading impressionist, Emile Claus (1849?1924). He captured the unique atmosphere that characterised life around the river Lys in Flanders like no other artist, before or since. During his early academic years in Antwerp, Claus emerged as a portrait and genre painter. Over the course of the next decade, his interest in landscapes expanded significantly. He established his reputation with such key works as Cockfight in Flanders, Cows Crossing the River Lys, Beet Harvest and The Skaters, becoming a prominent figure in the art world of his time, both in Belgium and overseas. His virtuoso touch means that his work is included in the holdings of several prestigious museums as well as the Royal Collection and countless private collections. Emile Claus expert Johan De Smet, senior curator at the Museum of Fine Arts Ghent, sheds light on the key moments of Claus?s artistic career via literary references, archival documents and a comprehensive exploration of his most important paintings. This is an essential work for enthusiasts of impressionist art, and an eye-opening introduction to those new to Claus. This book is published on the occasion of the exhibition Emile Claus: Prince of Luminism at mudel Museum of Deinze and the Leie Region, Deinze from 27 September 2024 until 26 January 2025.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR59.00 (€59.00 )

‎Johan De Smet‎

Reference : 64653

‎Emile Claus, Prins van het luminisme.‎

‎, Hannibal Books, 2024 Hardcover- 29,2 x 24,5 cm - 224 pagina's -Quadrichromie colors -Nederlandstalige uitgave, nieuwstaat! / *Out of print / ISBN 9789464941494.‎

‎Indrukwekkend overzichtswerk van de belangrijkste Belgische impressionist Emile Claus Prins van het luminisme herdenkt het honderdjarige overlijden van de belangrijkste Belgische impressionist Emile Claus (1849-1924), die als geen ander de unieke atmosfeer en het leven rond de Leie wist te vangen. Tijdens zijn vroege academische periode in Antwerpen ontpopte Claus zich als portret- en genreschilder. In het daaropvolgende decennium nam zijn aandacht voor landschappen alleen maar toe. Met sleutelwerken als Hanengevecht in Vlaanderen, Koeien die de Leie oversteken, Bietenoogst en De ijsvogels vestigde hij zijn reputatie en werd hij een onmisbare figuur in de kunstwereld. Zijn virtuoze schildertoetsen bevinden zich ondertussen in de collectie van diverse prestigieuze musea, de Koninklijke Verzameling en talloze priv verzamelingen. Emile Claus-expert Johan De Smet, senior curator van het Museum voor Schone Kunsten Gent, belicht de belangrijke momenten in Claus artistieke carri re aan de hand van talrijke meesterwerken, literaire referenties en archiefstukken. Een onmisbaar referentiewerk voor liefhebbers van impressionistische kunst. Deze publicatie verschijnt naar aanleiding van tentoonstelling Emile Claus Prins van het luminisme in mudel Museum van Deinze en de Leiestreek, Deinze van 27 september 2024 tot 26 januari 2025.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR65.00 (€65.00 )

‎Johan De Smet‎

Reference : 64652

‎ mile Claus Prince du luminisme‎

‎, Hannibal Books, 2024 Hardcover- 29,2 x 24,5 cm - 224 pagina's -Quadrichromie colors -Texte en Francais edition **Fine ISBN 9789464941500.‎

‎Impressionnante monographie du plus important impressionniste belge : mile Claus mile Claus, prince du luminisme c l bre le centenaire de la mort du plus grand impressionniste belge, mile Claus (1849-1924), un peintre qui n?eut pas son pareil pour saisir la vie et l?atmosph re unique des bords de la Lys. D s ses premi res ann es l?Acad mie d?Anvers, Claus s?est affirm comme portraitiste et peintre de genre. Au cours de la d cennie suivante, son int r t pour les paysages n?a cess d?augmenter. Avec des ?uvres-cl s comme Combat de coqs en Flandre, Vaches traversant la Lys, La R colte de betteraves et Les Patineurs, il a confort sa r putation au point de devenir une personnalit incontournable dans le monde de l'art. Ses ?uvres magistrales figurent aujourd?hui dans les collections de plusieurs mus es prestigieux, ainsi que dans la Collection royale et d?innombrables collections priv es. Johan De Smet, sp cialiste d? mile Claus et conservateur charg des collections, de la recherche et des expositions au Mus e des Beaux-Arts de Gand, met en lumi re les principaux moments de la carri re artistique de Claus travers de nombreux chefs-d??uvre, t moignages litt raires et documents d'archives. Un ouvrage de r f rence indispensable aux amateurs d?art impressionniste. Ce livre para t l'occasion de l'exposition mile Claus, prince du luminisme, organis e du 27 septembre 2024au 26 janvier 2025 au mudel ? Mus e de Deinze et de la r gion de la Lys, Deinze.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR59.00 (€59.00 )

‎Johan De Wilde‎

Reference : 55376

‎Ik wordt Ik wordt (E/ F/ NL/ NO)‎

‎, MER Paper Kunsthalle, PAPARBACK. 317 PAGES 24x17cm. ISBN 9789491775048.‎

‎The book ik wordt runs parallel to the exhibition of the same title-it is as such not a record of the exhibition-the book exists as exhibition. The title ik wordt (I become) refers to the drawing of the same title by Johan De Wilde and to the request he addressed at 300 people to take part in a solo exhibition by associating something with one or several of his works. All texts and images, and an equal number of fragments from the Sistine Chapel ceiling fresco-a reference to an in situ work by the artist-are depicted in the book in their mutual relationship. One of the questions the artist raises, is how the work of art (and therefore also the artist) relate as form and contents to the outside world, including when it is not being looked at (at nighttime, or when the museum is closed, or when the work is stored away in the museum depot). Another issue entails a critical approach to the viewer's participation. According to De Wilde, art only exists if it is created all over again. The artist thus argues in favour of the museum and real commitment.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR25.00 (€25.00 )

‎Johann Alexander Thiele, Harald Marx,‎

Reference : 55511

‎sch nsten Ansichten aus Sachsen : Johann Alexander Thiele (1685-1752) zum 250. Todestag‎

‎, Sandstein Verlag, 2002 Softcover, 268 seiten, Deutsche sprache, 270 x 240 mm, im guten zustand!. ISBN 9783930382675.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR18.00 (€18.00 )

‎Johannes Hevelius, Stanislaw Lubieniecki‎

Reference : 65167

‎Correspondence of Johannes Hevelius. Volume IV. The Correspondence with Stanislaw Lubieniecki‎

‎, Brepols, 2021 Hardback, 573 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:22 b/w, Language(s):English, Latin, French. ISBN 9782503571188.‎

‎Summary Stanislaw Lubieniecki (1623-1675) was a Polish nobleman and adherent to the Unitarian religion. After his coreligionists were expelled from Poland and Lithuania in 1658, he settled in Hamburg and in the neighbouring town of Altona. When a comet appared in the sky in late 1664, Lubieniecki entered into correspondence with about forty astronomers, mathematicians and other scholars - Giovanni Battista Riccioli, Athanasius Kircher, Otto von Guericke, Erasmus Bartholin and Isma l Boulliau, among others. Johannes Hevelius was one of the addressees of his letters, and their correspondence turned out to be long-lasting and abundant. In the years 1664-1673, they exchanged 92 letters (31 from Hevelius, 61 from Lubieniecki). This correspondence is the fourth most voluminous in the entire corpus of Hevelius's letters. Hevelius was a reputed astronomer, sometimes unwilling to share his observations and ideas, and Lubieniecki was an interested dilettante, striving to learn more about the comets of 1664 and 1665 and other astronomical phenomena as well as their significance. He wanted to collect as many accounts of contemporary and historical comets as possible, and he published them in his Theatrum cometicum. Even though at the same time Hevelius worked on his Cometographia, they both realized that their books touched upon different aspects of cometary studies: historical in the Theatrum cometicum and astronomical in Cometographia. This volume is a part of the edition of Johannes Hevelius's correspondence. The collection of letters, whose manuscripts are kept in the Library of the Paris Observatory, has not been published nor thoroughly studied yet. TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 1 : Stanislaw Lubieniecki and his Theatrum cometicum 1.1. The Life of Stanislaw Lubieniecki 1.2. Outline of Cometary Studies in Lubieniecki's Time 1.3. Theatrum cometicum 2 : The Hevelius-Lubieniecki Correspondence 2.1. The Number of Letters 2.2. Overview of the Correspondence 2.3. Hevelius's Input to Lubieniecki's Cometary Discussions 2.4. Overlap of Hevelius's and Lubieniecki's Networks 3 : Lubieniecki and the Heavens 3.1. Lubieniecki and the Theatrum cometicum in the Critical Literature 3.2. Lubieniecki and Astronomy 3.3. Lubieniecki and Astrology 3.4. Lubieniecki's Astronomical Correspondence 3.5. Letters in the Theatrum cometicum 4 : Editorial Principles CORRESPONDENCE APPENDICES Appendix 1. : Lubieniecki's Extract from Hevelius's Prodromus cometicus Appendix 2. : Lubieniecki's Extract from Hevelius's Descriptio cometae Appendix 3. : Lubieniecki's Opinion on the Meaning of Comets BIBLIOGRAPHY INDICES‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR95.00 (€95.00 )

‎Johannes Meyer, Claire Taylor Jones (ed)‎

Reference : 65940

‎Women's History in the Age of Reformation. Johannes Meyer's Chronicle of the Dominican Observance‎

‎, Brepols, 2019 Paperback, approx. x + 306 pages, Size:152 x 229 mm, Illustrations:2 maps b/w, Language: English. ISBN 9780888443083.‎

‎Summary In his work The Book of the Reformation of the Order of Preachers, the Dominican friar Johannes Meyer (1422-1485) drew on letters, treatises, and other written records, as well as interviews, oral accounts, and his own personal experience, to record the blossoming of the Observant reform movement. The result is this sprawling, eclectic, yet curiously intimate account of the men - but mostly of the women - who devoted their lives to revitalizing the Dominican order in southern Germany. With his reliance on their accounts and archives and respect for their intellectual abilities and spiritual resolve, Meyer's treatment of medieval Dominican women provides a model from which today's historians stand to learn. The introduction contextualizes Meyer's celebratory work within a more objective historical background; it is followed by a full translation, making this remarkable history available to English-speaking readers for the first time.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR35.00 (€35.00 )

‎Johannes Norlander / Marc Dubois / Carlo menon‎

Reference : 65668

‎H VN nieuw zuid Antwerpen‎

‎, Brutem, 2024 softcover, 77 pages, Illustrated. text in English. ISBN 9789152778920.‎

‎Zweeds minimalisme H VN is een ontwerp van de Zweedse architect Johannes Norlander. Het is zijn eerste ontwerp buiten de eigen landsgrenzen. Het gebouw werd opgeleverd in 2021 en telt 56 appartementen. In H VN's design process, the Scheldt River played an important role. The building is 90 meters long and was constructed to be very transparent. Norlander wanted to create a building without a back, in which all facades are the same. H VN stretches between north and south, providing perfect sun conditions. All apartments will receive sunlight at all hours of the day. This is something that Norlander considers very important as an architect. By the way, all the concrete in this building is cast on site. That has a very big impact on the look of the building because it gives it a very quality look. You can really see and feel the craftsmanship. ‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR44.99 (€44.99 )

‎Johannes Sambucus, G bor Alm si (ed), Lav Subaric (ed)‎

Reference : 65873


‎, Brepols, 2024 Hardback, 511 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:1 b/w, Languages: English, Latin. ISBN 9782503610986.‎

‎Summary This is the first full edition of the correspondence of the humanist Johannes Sambucus (1531?1584). Sambucus was a philologist, book collector, doctor, and imperial historian, most famous for his beautiful collection of emblems (the Emblemata), his exceptionally large private library, and his excellent editions of Classical, Byzantine and Renaissance authors, which were printed by the best publishers of Europe. Sambucus hailed from the prosperous and cosmopolitan city of Trnava in western Hungary. After studying at the universities of Vienna, Wittenberg, Ingolstadt, Strasburg, Paris, and Padua, he toured Europe and collected books for many years before settling in Vienna in 1564. By that time, he was a renowned Latin poet and philologist, the author of several books, and a respected friend of many humanists and learned men. Although the first items of his correspondence go back to 1549, it was only after his settlement that the exchange of letters became an essential means of furthering his publishing projects and maintaining his prestigious position in the Republic of Letters. The 377 Latin, German, Hungarian, and Greek letters of the present edition come mostly from archives scattered throughout Europe and from old prints (Sambucus's personal collection of letters has scarcely survived). Thirty-two dedicatory epistles, which appeared in the 14th volume of the series Europa Humanistica in 2014-to which this is a complementary volume-have not been reproduced here. With over a hundred corresponding partners, these letters provide a unique perspective, shedding light not only on Sambucus's philology but also on the wider intellectual culture of Central Europe. TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface Letters (1549-1584) Bibliography Index‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR115.00 (€115.00 )

‎Johannes strup, Cisca Spencer (ed)‎

Reference : 64875

‎Shifting Horizons: Observations from a Ride Through the Syrian Desert and Asia Minor. A Translation of Johannes Elith strup's 'Skiftende horizonter'‎

‎, Brepols, 2022 Paperback, xii + 180 pages, Size:216 x 280 mm, Illustrations:65 b/w, 2 maps b/w, Language: English. ISBN 9782503596822.‎

‎Summary Johannes Elith strup (1867-1938), son of a Danish farmer, philologist of Turkish and Semitic languages, and later Vice Chancellor of Copenhagen University, spent 1891-1893 travelling by horse around Syria, Lebanon, and Anatolia. Unlike most European travellers, his language skills allowed him to chat with locals in caf s, stay in people's homes, and travel with the Bedouin. A curious young man, strup travelled with eyes, ears, and mind open to the unknown, and recorded his journey in this lively travelogue, Skiftende horizonter (1894). His writing offers a vivid account of his time in the region, and dwells with equal interest on both the region's broader political, ethnic, and religious struggles, and the day-to-day concerns of those who lived there. Now, for the first time, this text is available to English-speaking readers thanks to this translation by Cisca Spencer, strup's great granddaughter and a former Australian diplomat. With a foreword by Rubina Raja, Professor of Classical Archaeology at Aarhus University, together with strup's own photographs and new maps, this volume captures all the charm and enthusiasm of the original in bringing this nineteenth-century travelogue to a modern readership. TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Illustrations Acknowledgements Foreword: Making the Danish Engagement in Near Eastern Research Available to a Broader Public: On the Value of an English Translation of Johannes Elith strup's Skiftende Horizonter from 1894, Rubina Raja Shifting Horizons Foreword Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Notes on the Context Works Cited‎


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EUR90.00 (€90.00 )

‎Johann Goeken‎

Reference : 64928

‎Boire sous l'oeil de Gorgias. Un commentaire rh torique du Banquet de Platon et du Banquet de X nophon‎

‎, Brepols, 2022 Hardback, 442 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Language: French. ISBN 9782503595757.‎

‎Summary Le Banquet de Platon et le Banquet de X nophon constituent des sources inattendues et inexploit es sur la rh torique et sur les liens qu'elle entretient avec le rite socioreligieux du banquet. Ils proposent deux points de vue diff rents et parfois oppos s sur la rh torique, et ils comportent tous les deux, contrairement ce qui a t souvent dit, une vision critique des rituels de sociabilit . Platon et X nophon r agissent, l'un comme l'autre, en fonction des r alit s de leur temps et ils sugg rent, chacun leur mani re, que la rh torique, sous certaines conditions, peut tre un mode de convivialit , c'est- -dire un outil intellectuel, un exercice d'apprentissage de la citoyennet , un instrument de recherche, voire une tape vers la v rit . Dans les deux cas, la figure tut laire et fascinante de Gorgias est convoqu e, tant t pour critiquer la rh torique mortif re des sophistes qui constitue un obstacle au dialogue convivial, tant t pour promouvoir un exercice constructif de la parole dans l'espace communicationnel et visuel que construit le symposion. TABLE OF CONTENTS SOMMAIRE Pr face AVANT-PROPOS PREMI RE PARTIE - LE BANQUET DE PLATON : UN CONCOURS D' LOGE INTRODUCTION 1. La critique platonicienne de la rh torique 2. Platon et le banquet 3. Socrate et Platon au banquet 4. La rh torique au banquet selon Socrate et Platon 5. Pour une lecture rh torique du Banquet de Platon I. DIALOGUE NARRATIF ET R CIT DE DISCOURS 1. La performance du dialogue ou l'????????? d'Apollodore (172 a 1 - 174 a 2) 2. Socrate et Aristod me en route pour espionner les sophistes (174 a 3 - 174 d 3) 3. L'arriv e chez Agathon : premiers loges et proc s report (174 d 4 - 176 a 4) II. LE PROGRAMME RH TORIQUE DU BANQUET : une ???????? ??? ????? 1. La d cision de limiter la boisson (176 a 4 - e 3) 2. L' limination de l'????? (176 e 4-9) 3. Le choix du discours d' loge en l'honneur d' ros (176 e 7 - 177 e 7) 4. L'instauration d'un banquet rh torique (177 e 8 - 178 a 4) III. UN CONCERT D' LOGES DE L'AMOUR 1. La rh torique classique de Ph dre (178 a 5 - 180 b 8) 2. Les distinctions de Pausanias (180 c 1 - 185 e 5) 3. ryximaque iatrosophiste (185 e 6 - 188 e 5) 4. La rh torique comique d'Aristophane (189 a 1 - 193 e 2) 5. La rh torique dramatique et gorgianique d'Agathon (193 e 2 - 197 e 8) 6. Bilan de la premi re partie du concours rh torique IV RH TORIQUE ET PHILOSOPHIE DE SOCRATE 1. La t te de Gorgias (198 a 3 - c 6) 2. Socrate critique la m thode des orateurs qui l'ont pr c d (198 c 7 - 199 b 5) 3. Socrate interroge Agathon (199 b 5 - 201 c 8) 4. La rh torique philosophique de Diotime (201 d 1 - 212 d 3) V. ALCIBIADE ET LES PARADOXES DE L' LOGE 1. L'arriv e d'Alcibiade (212 d 4 - 215 a 3) 2. L' loge de Socrate (215 a 4 - 222 b 7) VI. LA FIN DES LOGES ET L'AV NEMENT AVORT DU DIALOGUE 1. Les r actions suscit es par le discours d'Alcibiade (222 c 1 - e 8) 2. La suite programm e des loges (222 e 8 - 223 a 9) 3. Le d but et la fin du dialogue (223 b 1 - d 13) CONCLUSION 1. L'emprise de la rh torique sur le Banquet platonicien 2. Une nouvelle fa on de critiquer la rh torique 3. L'absence relative de dialogue 4. La critique platonicienne du banquet 5. Le r le de la rh torique dans la qu te philosophique DEUXI ME PARTIE - LE BANQUET DE X NOPHON : ACTES OU DISCOURS ? INTRODUCTION 1. L'autre Banquet 2. X nophon et la rh torique 3. X nophon et le banquet 4. Le Socrate de X nophon au banquet 5. X nophon et la rh torique de la conversation conviviale 6. La rh torique au banquet de Callias I. UNE DESCRIPTION PROBANTE D'ACTIONS LUDIQUES 1. Une d claration d'intention rh torique (I, 1) 2. Les circonstances du banquet de Callias 3. Le d roulement du ??????? chez Callias 4. Le programme d'activit s du ????????? 5. Regards et r flexions au banquet 6. La pantomime finale (chapitre IX) II. L'HORIZON SOPHISTIQUE DU BANQUET CHEZ CALLIAS 1. Les connexions sophistiques des convives 2. Une rencontre sous le signe de la sophistique (I, 4-6) 3. Boire comme Gorgias (II, 24-26) 4. Le cas d'Antisth ne 5. La conqu te de la parole 6. L'instauration d'un concours d'????????? (III, 1-3) 7. Le probl me du silence (chapitres VI-VII) III. LES PRATIQUES RH TORIQUES DES CONVIVES 1. Le ??????? (chapitre III) 2. La ???????? ????? (chapitre IV) 3. Le concours de beaut (chapitre V) 4. L'???????? ????? de Socrate (chapitre VIII) CONCLUSION 1. Une alternative au Banquet de Platon : des discours en acte 2. L'influence rh torique de Socrate : des actes de discours 3. Un banquet dialogu 4. La rh torique comme outil du dialogue convivial 5. Une vision critique et constructive du ????????? PILOGUE Bibliographie Index des auteurs anciens et des principaux passages cit s‎


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