, Stichting Kunstboek 2013, 2013 Hardcover, 64 pagina's, Nederlands, 245 x 175 mm, wetenschap voor kinderen EN hun ouders, . ISBN 9789058564443.
Hoe ver we kinderen ook proberen te houden van verdriet, de meesten ontkomen niet aan het nemen van afscheid. Afscheid van iets (een knuffel, een school, een vakantieplek,...) maar ook van iemand (een gestorven huisdier, een vriendje dat verhuist, een zieke oma,...). Het kind zit op dat moment met ontzettend veel vragen die vaak onbeantwoord blijven. Jaklien Eyckerman heeft al 15 jaar ervaring als rouwtherapeute bij kinderen en jongeren die geconfronteerd werden met een schokkende gebeurtenis of verlies. Zo maakte ze deel uit van het team dat de nabestaanden van de busramp in Zwitserland opving. Ze sprokkelde het afgelopen jaar 100 vragen bijeen die men haar tijdens de klas- of individuele sessies stelde en gaf er in dit boek een troostvol maar duidelijk antwoord op. 100 Kindervragen: Afscheid en Verlies is een handboek waar ouders kunnen naar grijpen bij moeilijke momenten. Ook voor begeleiders en leerkrachten kan het een werkinstrument zijn bij het omgaan met klassituaties of pakkende nieuwsberichten.
, Brepols, 2024 Hardback, 389 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:16 col., 1 tables b/w., Language(s):English, Latin. ISBN 9782503602103.
Summary How did medieval authors publish their works in the age before print? This study seeks to achieve new insights into the publishing strategies of medieval authors by focusing on Nicholas Trevet, an English Dominican friar and Oxford master. Shortly after 1317, Trevet was commissioned by his provincial prior to write a literal commentary on the Psalter. He chose as his reference version the less commonly used Latin translation by Jerome from the Hebrew, and delivered his work before 1321/22. The first book-length examination of Trevet's commentary, this detailed study traces the ways in which the work was circulated by the author and his proxies. Through a combined analysis of codicological, textual, and historical features of the nine extant fourteenth-century manuscripts, this study identifies contemporary efforts to make Trevet's work available to readers within and without the Dominican Order, in England and on the Continent. Even during the author's lifetime the commentary was copied in Paris and reached readers in Avignon and likely in Naples. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Chapter 1. From Commission to Presentation: The Dedicatory Letter of the Expositio super Psalterium Chapter 2. The Publication of the Expositio in Light of the Earliest Manuscript Tradition: Codices MANCGHBR Chapter 3. The Publication of the Expositio in Light of the Earliest Manuscript Tradition: Codex extravagans (O) Chapter 4. The Effects of Publication: The Earliest Reception Chapter 5. The Effects of Publication: Fame Conclusions Appendices A. Psalm Numbering B. Descriptions of the Early Manuscripts C. Edition of the Dedicatory Letter D. List of Selected Variant Readings from the Collated Portions of the Expositio E. Register of Explicit References to Trevet's Expositio in the Commentary on the Psalms by Henry Cossey in Cambridge, Christ's College, MS 11 F. Illustration of Ps. 150 G. What Did Thomas Gascoigne See at a London Stationer's? H. Entries in Medieval and Early-Modern Documents That Refer to Trevet's Expositio, Other Than Those Identified with Extant Copies Bibliography Indices
, Brepols, 2023 Hardback, xlv + 765 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:60 b/w, 16 col., 2 maps b/w, Language: English. ISBN 9782503604305.
Summary Late medieval and early modern cities in Europe could not exist without the use of the written word. Based on a case study of Vilnius ?the capital of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the fourteenth -eighteenth centuries ?this book shows how rhetoric influenced all the spheres of urban literacy: the rules of writing, rhetorical genres and their functions, and the social practices of producing, preserving, and disseminating texts. Vilnius was a multi-ethnic, multi-religious, and multi-scriptural city, and its literary culture was particularly rich. What was the legal basis of the city? Who were the professionals of the written word? What was the role of schools and books in the literary culture of the city? How did women participate in Vilnius's textuality? Which rhetorical genres were used? This study is based on research into the different types of texts used in Vilnius: contracts; last wills; sermons; municipal, state, and church records; primers; shopping lists; poetry; manuals; and letters, in Polish, Latin, Ruthenian, Lithuanian, Yiddish, and other languages written or printed in five alphabets. The rhetorical organization of Vilnius can serve as a model for examining other towns of the time. It also shows the complexity of the use of script in the multi-ethnic urban communities of North-Eastern Europe. TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface, Abbreviations, Images Chronological Table List of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania and the Kings of Poland Maps Transcriptions, Translations, and Spellings Introduction Part 1: Loci Textuales in Late Medieval and Early Modern Vilnius 1. Chanceries, Courts, and Their Writing Staff 2. The Preservation of Texts 3. Schools 4. Loci Textuales of Women Part 2: Languages and Scripts: Materiality, Writing and Reading 5. Reading and Writing in Early Modern Vilnius 6. The Materiality of Texts 7. The Book Part 3: Genera Scribendi 8. Genus Deliberativum: Letters and Testaments 9. Texts in a Dispute 10. Epideictic Texts 11. Religious Texts Recapitulation Conclusion The Lost Voices of the Inhabitants of Vilnius Bibliography Indices
Picard ,1968, in-4 de 105 pages ,illustrations in-texte et hors-texte ,broché ,Très bon état , .(4 photos du livre sur mon site https://www.vieuxlivre.fr) .Les frais de port pour la France sont offerts à partir de 20 euros d'achat (Mondial relay )et 30 d'achat (colissimo suivi ). Pour l'étranger : tarif livre et brochure, colissimo international, DHL express
1968. Picard, Petit in 4° br.101 pp.+84 planches H.T.en hélio.
Etat de neuf .
Paris, Picard, 1968 ; in-4, broché. 101pp.-84 planches hors-texte en noir. Parfait état.
P., Picard, 1965, in 4° broché, 130 pages.
Illustré de 84 planches de photographies et de nombreux dessins de l'auteur. PHOTOS sur DEMANDE. ...................... Photos sur demande ..........................
Phone number : 04 77 32 63 69
Reference : 541476
P., Henri Laurens, 1932-1948 et Bulletin paroissial de Saint-Germain des Prés, 1924. Cinq ouvrages réunis en un vol. in-12, rel. demi-maroquin havane, dos à nerfs titré, couv. du premier titre conservée, 126, 103, 111, 110 et 35 pp., ensemble 182 ill. photogr. en phototypie et fig. en noir dans le texte et 8 plans en noir ou en couleurs, bibliographies (Petites monographies des grands édifices de la France).
Le dernier titre ne fait pas partie de la collection des Monographies des grands édifices de la France. Dos lég. taché, sinon très bonne condition. - Frais de port : -France 6,9 € -U.E. 9 € -Monde (z B : 15 €) (z C : 25 €)
DOPTER ET CIE. NON DATE. In-4. Relié. Etat d'usage, Plats abîmés, Mors fendus, Mouillures. 60 pages de coupes architecturales. . . . Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
Praha, statni nakladatelstvi krasne SNKLHU, 1948- 21 volumes / issues 1 - 21 complet ; 655 pages. illustre. 21x 30cm
Pvodni monografie, opirajici se peva o pramenny material, pojednava o ivot a praci 1200 mistr housla, ijicich na uzemi ech, Moravy a Slovenska v minulosti i souasnosti. Vymezeni ukolu je teritorialni, nikoliv narodnostni. Uvodni pehledna studie seznamuje s vyvojem s. nastroja?stvi. Na mapach Prahy a ?SR jsou vyzna?ena psobit? housla??. Podstatnou ?ast rozsahu tvo?i dokonale snimky vyrobk?, reprodukce vin?t a obrysy housli, viol a violoncell. 2000 vyt. Jmenny seznam housla a seznam housla podle mista p?sobeni ? Pozn. The original monograph, based mostly on spring material, deals with the life and work of 1200 masters of violinists living in the Czech Republic, Moravia and Slovakia in the past and present. The task definition is territorial rather than national. An introductory overview study introduces the development of MS. toolmaking. Maps of Prague and Czechoslovakia are marked by violinists. A substantial part of the range is made up of perfect product images, vintage reproductions and violin contours, violins and violoncello. 2000 vyt. Nominal list of violinists and list of violinists by location Note
, schlassgoart gallery, 2010 Original publishers paper-covered boards, illustrations en noir et blanc et en couleurs. ISBN 2919969676.
1954 Plon, 1954, 316 pages, in 8 broché, état d'usage, papier jauni, insolé, quelques usures, pliures et frottements.
, Cannibal/Hannibal Publishers 2020, 2020 Hardcover, 176 pages; English, 218 x 172 mm, with illustrations, Fine copy. NEW !. ISBN 9789463887519.
Through this extraordinary selection of photographs and accompanying text,we follow elephants on their journey from Ancient Rome to Coney Island and beyond. Across battlefields and city bridges, in railway cars and circus rings, adored, applauded and at times brutally mistreated, elephants have truly come to town.' - James Attlee When Elephants Come to Town: A Visual Anthology is a visual celebration of man's timeless fascination with the world's largest land animal through the medium of photography. The joy and excitement elephants arouse when they make an appearance in our lives is brought to life through a combination of iconic photographs by, amongst others, Garry Winogrand and unattributed, archival material. Rather than a series of contemporary nature photographs, the book is a collection of exceptional images from around the world of elephants in captivity, dating from Victorian times to the height of circus culture in the mid-20th century, many of them taken by anonymous photographers. Elephants parade through the streets and perform tricks in circuses and shows, their riders ranging from royalty to children, from showgirls to soldiers. In times of war they assist with logistics, shifting heavy loads, ploughing fields and hauling vehicles; in peacetime they add a touch of glamour and exoticism to locations as varied as casinos, hospital courtyards and amusement parks, and are in turn transformed into elephant-shaped buildings, mechanised automatons or balloons. In the essay that accompanies the photographs, acclaimed British author James Attlee describes the broader context of that relationship through the ages. In doing so, he doesn't shy away from describing the abuse and poor living conditions captive elephants have had to endure; at the same time he evokes the depth of understanding that can exist between man and animal, often in the words of those who have experienced it first-hand. Intensely nostalgic, often poignant and always fascinating, these images capture the complexity of one of the planet's most enduring inter-species relationships.
, Phaidon Press Ltd, 2015 Hardcover, 456 pages, ENG, 340 x 230 x 45 mm, in Brandnew Condition !!, photographs / illustrations in sharp colour / b/w, Numerous fold-out pages, hours of reading and exploring, not your daily book. ISBN 9780714871004.
The first-hand, behind-the-scenes account of the creative inspiration behind the High Line, the transformative public 'park in the sky' that has reshaped global perceptions of urban space - and become one of the most beloved and visited destinations in New York City. The first full documentation that visually charts the journey of this global landmark from the designer's point of view. Hundreds of illustrations showcase every aspect of the project and its unforeseen influence in its entirety. Includes previously unpublished archival materials such as the drawings behind the original proposal and exclusive images of construction. The book mirrors the architecture and composition of the park through its large landscape format with foldouts, surprising packaging and inserts. More than a visual masterpiece - its seven chapters are well-organized, legible, comprehensive and accessible. Detailed, obsessive, quirky, compelling, and beautiful, the book captures the essence of the High Line. THE book for design enthusiasts including architects, landscape designers and urban planners - as well as for general-interest lovers of New York City, culture, art, gardens, and city life.
, British Museum Press, 2023 Hardcover, 240 pages, ENG, 255 x 195 x 25 mm, NEW, illustrated in colour / b/w, very, very interesting!. ISBN 9780714111964.
Luxurious objects are celebrated for their exoticism, rarity and style, but also disparaged as indulgent, extravagant and corrupt. The ancient origins of these attitudes emerged at the boundary between the imperial Persian and democratic Athenian Greek worlds. Luxury was at the center of the royal Persian court and behaviors of ostentatious display rippled through the imperial provinces, whose elite classes emulated luxury objects in lesser materials. But luxury is contrastingly depicted through Athenian eyes - within the philosophical context of early democratic codes and the historical context of the Greco-Persian Wars, which suddenly and spectacularly brought eastern luxuries into the imagination of the Athenian populace for the first time. While Greek writers rejected luxury as eastern, despotic and corrupt, the Athenian elite adopted Persian luxuries in imaginative ways to signal status, distinction and prestige. Under the Macedonian empire of Alexander the Great and its subsequent kingdoms, royal Achaemenid luxury culture would later be adopted and displayed by the Macedonian and local elite across the Greek and Middle Eastern worlds: behaviors of ostentatious display were a means to seek advantage in the new Hellenistic world order. Ultimately, this publication demonstrates how competing political spins woven around 2,500 years ago still continue to shape modern perceptions of luxury today.
Rome: Palazzo Braschi, 1985. Catalogue for an exhibition in Rome at the Palazzo Braschi Piazza San Pantaleao, May 28 - June 16, 1985. Twelve black and white photos of Itralian gardens. Text in Italian.
Really good condition. Minor wear overall. Near fine.
, Cambridge University Press 1993, 1993 Paperback, 345 pages, English, 230 x 150 mm, text and some illustrations in b/w, book in fine order,. ISBN 9780521446051.
This exploration of sexuality and gender in Renaissance art and literature starts from an assumption that would have seemed unthinkable a generation ago: that the 'natural' phenomena of sex, gender and subjectivity are constructed rather than essentially biological or fixed. The essays rise to the challenge of producing a new post-Foucaultian history of gender and sexuality. All of them have been influenced by feminism, and several deal with women not just as objects of representation, but as subjects and authors in their own right. Among the historical issues examined are the production and suppression of women's voices, the relation between illicit sexuality and social order, the ambiguity of beauty, lesbian erotics, birth-imagery and the birthing ritual, the class status of women, the 'femininity' of masculine dress, and the sexual politics of courtesy.
, Brepols, 2020 Paperback, lxxiv + 131 pages, Size:210 x 297 mm, Illustrations:16 tables b/w., 68 musical examples, Languages: English, Latin. ISBN 9782503574561.
Summary The Holy Trinity forms a cornerstone of Christian belief, and references to it abound in the liturgy. Every Psalm ends with the invocation of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost in the Doxology supplied as the final verse. But around the turn of the tenth century, clerics decided to devote the first Sunday after Pentecost to the veneration of the Trinity. They created a new liturgy for the day, and evidence suggests that Stephen, Bishop of Li ge (? 920) revised an earlier form of the Office into the version that saw wide dissemination in the Latin West from the end of the tenth century. The abbey of Saint Martial in Limoges exhibited considerable enthusiasm for the feast and its Office beginning in the early eleventh century. Its scriptorium prepared no fewer than five copies of the Office, including four fully neumed versions between ca. 1010 and 1050, including the earliest extant transcribable copy with music in the hand of Ad mar de Chabannes, musician, scribe, homilist and historian. This edition presents a critical text of the Office as it was practised at Saint Martial during the first half of the eleventh century, beginning with Ad mar's version, but also considering the other witnesses from the abbey. It includes full critical and explanatory commentary with an Introduction that discusses the role of Stephen of Li ge in the authorship of the Office, the witnesses from Saint Martial and their relationship to other early witnesses of the Office, and its musical and literary style. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction with discussion of the contribution of Bishop Stephen of Li ge to the authorship of the Office, the witnesses, liturgical considerations, editorial principles and the musical styles of the melodies as transmitted at Saint Martial. The edition itself, with comprehensive commentary. Appendix with liturgical lections from Matins. Indices.
, Brepols, 2021 Hardback, 411 pages, Size:216 x 280 mm, Illustrations:94 tables b/w., Language(s):English, Latin. ISBN 9782503590882.
Summary Christians have observed vigils in both East and West from earliest times. In the broad liturgical tradition of Christianity, the idea of keeping vigil appears to manifest the Church's eschatological nature. Documentary evidence from the earliest centuries reveals that some Christians kept a night watch at the graves of martyrs and other heroes of the faith as to anticipate that dawn when the rising Sun of Justice would return in fulfilment of his promise. Eventually, vigils appear not just for Easter, Pentecost and saints' days, but also for Christmas, the dedication of a church building, and on Saturday evening of the uniquely Roman quarterly Ember Weeks. Liturgical sources of the sixth, seventh, and eighth centuries reveal that such practices became relatively standardized with the assignment of specific Mass texts and scriptural readings, yet we know very little about the precise elements which comprised a vigil liturgy and of their theological significance. At the same time these vigils were so important that they attracted to themselves the celebration of major sacramental liturgies during them. Hence, the Paschal Vigil, which existed for centuries as a vigil liturgy of scriptural readings and prayers gradually became the setting for the annual baptismal celebration. This book examines the nature of Roman vigil liturgies in the early centuries of Christianity to unravel the most primitive structure of keeping vigil and to provide a better understanding of the Paschal Vigil, which Augustine of Hippo affirms as the 'mother of all vigils.'
Chartres, Société Archéologique d'Eure-et-Loir, 1977-1982 3 vol. in-folio, 617 pp. (pagination continue), nbses ill. in-t., broché, sous étui de toile grise (reliure de l'éditeur).
NEW YORK METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART. 1951. In-8. Broché. Etat d'usage, Couv. légèrement passée, Dos frotté, Intérieur frais. 158 pages. Premier plat illustré en noir et blanc. Nombreuses illustrations en noir et blanc dans et hors texte. Texte en anglais.. . . . Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
Villars-sur-Glâne, Service des biens culturels, 2003, in-4to, 72 p. richement ill., brochure originale ill.
Isabelle Chassot: Enquêtes dans le passé. Ermittlungen in der Vergangenheit / François Guex: Vom Gestrüpp bei Lussen zum Herrensitz Sonnenberg auf Ginggenrain / Ivan Andrey: La chapelle de Montban à Farvagny / Marc-Henri Jordan: Le salon rococo de l’ancienne maison Reyff de Cugy à Fribourg / Cahterine Waeber: Bois Murat, un jardin d’Achille Duchêne / Anne Schaller: Les vitraux 1900 du café „A la Viennoise“ à Bulle / Alain Robiolio / François Guex: Das Stellwerk im Bahnhof Kerzers / Marie-Thérèse Torche-Julmy / Marino Maggetti / Julian James: L’église d’Orsonnens, son décor et sa restauration / Claude Castella: Transformation d’une grange à Granvillard.
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808
London, J.M. Dent, 1950, in-4°, XVII + 240 p., ill with 100 drawings + 24 photographs on half- and full-pages, original cloth with ill. jacket.
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808
Presses De L Université Paris-Sorbonne Paris 2010 In-8 ( 240 X 160 mm ) de 316 pages, broché sous jaquette illustrée. Illustrations dans et hors-texte. Très bel exemplaire.