in 8 carré broché, couverture rempliée illustrée en couleur Faux-titre, titre 221 pages, table des matières. 236 héliogravures. Grenoble éditeur 1929. Successeur de J REY édition numérotée 252 sur hollande BFK de Rives au filigrane de la collection. Rousseurs en marges inférieures.
, Brepols, 2024 Hardback, 448 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:11 b/w, Language: English. ISBN 9782503601502.
Summary In the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, Scandinavia was rocked by an ongoing period of ?civil war?, conflicts traditionally characterized by medieval historians as internal struggles that took place in the context of predominantly national, state-centred, political and constitutional frameworks. This volume, however, aims to overturn these established narratives, with carefully curated essays written by experts in the field offering a new pan-Scandinavian perspective on the period in question that emphasizes the importance of fluid, often overlapping social networks, permeable borders between realms, and constant underlying hostilities between rival groups. Through detailed examinations of pivotal moments in Danish, Norwegian, and Swedish history, together with analyses of topographical patterns, gender issues, diplomacy, and three contributions that draw parallels within similar conflicts outside of Scandinavia, this book provides an important corrective to teleological narratives of the medieval ?civil wars? as a necessary stage on the route to state formation and modernity. TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Illustrations Aknowledgements 1. Network Dynamics, Conflict as Context, and Internal War. Outline of a Scandinavian Medieval Case for Comparison Kim Esmark, Hans Jacob Orning, and J n Vi ar Sigur sson Part I. Case Studies Introduction to Part One Kim Esmark, Hans Jacob Orning, and J n Vi ar Sigur sson 2. Networks and flokkar. The Civil Wars in Norway c. 1134?1163 J n Vi ar Sigur sson 3. Messy Conflict. Socio-political Competition and War in Denmark c. 1128?1137 Kim Esmark 4. Constant Crisis in Norway, 1202?1208 Hans Jacob Orning Part II. Thematic Analyses Introduction to Part Two Jenny Benham, Lars Hermanson, and Bj rn Poulsen 5. Spatial Practices in the Twelfth and Early Thirteenth Century Scandinavian Power Game Bj rn Poulsen 6. The Memory of Margrethe. Noblewomen as Power Agents in Multi-Party Conflicts c. 1120?1170 Lars Hermanson 7. Peacemaking and Negotiations in High Medieval Scandinavia Jenny Benham Part III. European Comparisons Introduction to Part Three Gerd Althoff, Warren C. Brown, and Stephen D. White 8. Political Networks in Conflict. A German Perspective Gerd Althoff 9. War Stories. Re-Thinking Rebellion in Anglo-Norman and Angevin England, 1066 to 1217 Stephen D. White 10. Scandinavia in Medieval Europe Warren C. Brown Index
, Gemeentemuseum Den Haag & Thoth, Bussum, 2014 144 pagina's, 22 x 28 cm, 300 illustraties in kleur, paperback, Nederlands. ISBN 9789068686432.
De ambitie van Piet Mondriaan (1872-1944) was grenzeloos. Hij ontwikkelde zich tot n van de grootmeesters van de moderne kunst en legde een vastberaden weg af naar abstractie. Hij vertrok in januari 1912 naar Parijs om het kubisme te bestuderen. Twee jaar later keerde hij terug en toonde zijn nieuwe werk bij kunsthandel Walrecht in Den Haag. Toen werd duidelijk hoe mijlenver Mondriaan in twee jaar tijd verwijderd was geraakt van de Nederlandse kunst. Hij groeide uit tot een groot inspirator voor andere kunstenaars. Precies 100 jaar na de tentoonstelling bij Walrecht brengt het Gemeentemuseum Den Haag deze herinneringstentoonstelling als hommage aan Mondriaan, die in 2014 precies 70 jaar geleden overleed.
, Brepols, 2023 Hardback, 716 pages, Size:216 x 280 mm, Illustrations:15 b/w, 267 col., 3 tables b/w., Language: English. FINE ISBN 9782503604589.
Summary In 1997 the canonesses regular of Soeterbeeck moved from their convent in Deursen (the Netherlands) to a nursing home in Nuland. They left behind an old library of considerable size and historical significance that is now the core of the Soeterbeeck Collection at Nijmegen University Library. It is a suitable starting point for telling the story of the historical library of a women's convent with roots in the Modern Devotion, from the community's humble beginnings in 1448 to the present day. This study describes the collective history of all manuscripts and early printed books that are known to have been in communal or personal ownership at Soeterbeeck. It investigates the books' production and delves into their traces of use. Many of these are connected to each other, usually because they were left by the same person or had the same purpose. Such units transcend the level of individual volumes and reveal what might be called the stratification of the historical library as a whole. They can be interpreted in the context of the sisters' personal lives and the convent's communal history. This approach provides insight in the multiplicity of meanings that the books had for their users. For the first time, theoretical principles of modern archaeology are used to map a historical library as an archaeological site. A scholarly catalogue of the Soeterbeeck Collection that documents its traces of use is also included. Stunning illustrations visually lay bare the books' eventful lives. TABLE OF CONTENTS Part I Study Chapter 1 An Archaeological Approach 1.1 The Madonna of Soeterbeeck 1.2 The Historical Library 1.3 A Book Collection as an Archaeological Site 1.4 Plan of the Following Chapters Chapter 2 Faithful to the Divine Office 2.1 The First Phase 2.2 Choir Books Attributed to Mari nhage 2.3 Two Stratigraphic Units in Choir Books Chapter 3 In Times of Trouble 3.1 The Fire of 1539 3.2 Book Production at Soeterbeeck 3.3 Ownership Notes from the Years 1606-1608 3.4 Books that Came in 1613 3.5 Aftermath Chapter 4 Personal Ownership of Books in a Monastic Environment 4.1 Two Circuits 4.2 The Sisters of 1632 and Their Books 4.3 Not to Forget 4.4 After the Relocation 4.5 Sister Lips's Booklets 4.6 Books in the Choir Stalls Chapter 5 Changing Attitudes towards Old Books 5.1 Cut to Pieces or Sold 5.2 First Signs of a Library 5.3 Revaluation Chapter 6 On the Edge of Beyond 6.1 Special Attention for the Manuscripts 6.2 Witnessing to a Tradition 6.3 The Soeterbeeck Collection 6.4 Towards an Archaeology Chapter 7 Back to Hodder Appendices A Books with Ownership Notes of the Convents of Soeterbeeck and Nazareth B Alienated Books C Books in the Archives of Soeterbeeck D Shelf-Marks on Labels of Woody Paper (ca 1952) E Fragments from the Winter Part of an Antiphonary Excursuses 1 The Term Stratigraphic Unit 2 A Bindery at Mari nhage 3 Incongruities in the Additional Office for Anthony Abbot in IV 4 and IV 22 4 Mysteries surrounding Psalter IV 75 5 Antonius van Hemert 6 Catharina Dekens 7 A Spiritual Exercise at Mass 8 A View on the Seventeenth-Century Convent 9 A Nuns' Gallery at Soeterbeeck 10 The Uncertain Origin of Mater 2 11 The Contents of IV 12 The Choir Stalls of Soeterbeeck 13 The Duration of Petronella van Berckel's Priorate 14 Issues about Wouter Willems's Rectorate 15 Rumbling in the Convent 16 From Sister Verhoeven with Compliments 17 The Bishop's Rule 18 A Sister's Hand on Loose Leaves in IV 15 19 Against the Plague 20 Names of Loved Ones in Two Printed Books 21 Copies of the Windesheim Officia propria from St Joseph-Nazareth in Antwerp 22 A Bookcase in the Choir 23 Two Books near the Prioress 24 Books of Lay Boarders 25 Soeterbeeck's Antiphonaries 26 The Feast of Vincent of Saragossa in Soeterbeeck's Graduals 27 The Patched-Up State of IV 78 28 The Present State of IV 24 29 Lots 64-66 and 70-72 in the Auction Catalogue of the Estate of Theresia Smits 30 'Made by' Antoon Hermans 31 More Roads to Haaren 32 Exceptionally Black 33 The Notebooks of ENK AR-Z104/545 34 Tight Links between the Text Block and Endpapers of The Hague, 130 G 18 35 The Sections of the Library of 1958 36 Soeterbeeck's Books on Display 37 From Another Past 38 Books in the Care of Van Dijk Part II: Catalogue of the Soeterbeeck Collection Introduction In General Titles Annotations Traces of Use The Sisters' Old Library Case III Case IV Case V Indices Previous Book-Owners Notes Bibliography Pictures from the Archives Statues, Portraits and Other Objects
Trilingueue allemand, angalis, français, München, 1962, 246 pp., relié, jaquette défraîchie, état correct.
Phone number : 0033 (0)1 42 23 30 39
, Imhof verlag, 202 Hardcover 22 29 cm, 312 pages 546 Farb- und 27 SW-Abb.text. deutsch / englisch. ISBN 9783731909606.
This book is a supplementary volume to the standard work Vom F rben des Holzes. Holzbeizen von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart (2006) and the following publication Quellentexte zum F rben des Holzes. Restorers and natural scientists from Germany, England, the USA, and the Netherlands describe in 14 case studies current results for the exploration of the original blaze of colour of historic furnitures and wooden equipment. Themes are changing of colours on stained and coloured wood of intarsia, as well as colouring matters and charts of colour range of the great European cabinetmakers of the 18th century (Oeben, Riesener, Chippendale, Spindler, and Roentgen). Further essays deal with the reconstruction of the formerly coloured appearance of historic furniture and the conservation of the marquetry colour with transparent overlays. Die Kunst des Holzf rbens / The Art of Wood Dyeing Neue Forschungen zur Farbpalette der Ebenisten / New researches on the colour palette of the b nistes Der vorliegende Band ist eine Erg nzung zum Standardwerk ?Vom F rben des Holzes? und der Folgepublikation ?Quellentexte zum F rben des Holzes?. Restauratoren und Naturwissenschaftler aus Deutschland, England, den USA und den Niederlanden beschreiben in vierzehn Fallstudien aktuelle Ergebnisse zur Erforschung der urspr nglichen Farbenpracht historischer M bel und Holzausstattungen. Thematisiert werden die Farbver nderungen an gebeizten und gef rbten H lzern der Intarsien und Marketerien sowie die F rbemittel und die Farbpalette der gro en europ ischen Ebenisten des 18. Jahrhunderts Oeben, Riesener, Chippendale, Spindler und Roentgen. Der Rekonstruktion des ehemaligen farbigen Erscheinungsbildes historischer M bel und der Erhaltung der Marketeriefarbigkeit durch geeignete transparente berz ge sind weitere Aufs tze gewidmet. Hinzu kommen technologische Studien zu Herstellungsverfahren f r farbige Steinimitationen aus Holz, zu historischen Durchf rbepraktiken an saftfrischem Holz und zur Verwendung pilzverf rbter H lzer als farbiges Gestaltungsmittel im Kunsthandwerk der Gegenwart. Die Rekonstruktion und Analyse synthetischer Farbstoffbeizen sowie die neuesten M glichkeiten naturwissenschaftlicher Untersuchungsmethoden zur Identifizierung von Farbstoffen werden veranschaulicht. Mit diesem dritten Band ist die historische und technologische Entwicklung der Kunst des Holzbeizens f r Restauratoren, Denkmalpfleger, Kunsthistoriker, Kunsth ndler, Tischler, Holzgestalter und technikgeschichtlich Interessierte umfassend aufgearbeitet und beschrieben.
, Terra-Lannoo, 2021 Gebonden, Hardcover 256 pagina's 33,2 x 25,3 x 2,9 cm. ISBN 9789089898432.
Vanaf de vroege zestiende eeuw verschenen er in Europa steeds meer studies waarin dieren en planten 'naar het leven' werden beschreven en verbeeld. In de daaropvolgende eeuwen werd het onderzoek naar de natuurlijke wereld verdiept en werd de kunst om die wonderbaarlijke natuur af te beelden geperfectioneerd. In De ontdekking van de natuur vindt u twintig prachtige en rijk ge llustreerde verhalen over vogels, insecten, bacteri n, draken en nog veel meer. De beschreven ontdekkingen zijn doorspekt met anekdotes over de bijzondere mannen en vrouwen die er tussen 1500 en 1900 voor hebben gezorgd dat wij het leven om ons heen en dat van onszelf zoveel beter begrijpen. Lees over de draak die in 1572 op een akker bij Bologna werd verslagen, over Van Leeuwenhoek, die met behulp van de door hemzelf gemaakte microscoop bacteri n in zijn eigen tandplak ontdekte. Of over hoe de jonge Charles Darwin tijdens zijn reis met de Beagle inzichten kreeg die de basis legden voor zijn evolutieleer. Hans Mulder is opgeleid als historicus en werkt als conservator natuurlijke historie van het Allard Pierson, de collecties van de Universiteit van Amsterdam. Hij publiceert over de geschiedenis van het boek en over hoe in de westerse samenleving de kijk op de natuur in de loop der tijd veranderde. Onderwerpen waarover hij ook doceert aan de UvA. Veel van de belangrijkste natuurhistorische handschriften, gedrukte boeken, tekeningen en aquarellen die Mulder in dit boek heeft gebruikt, zijn te vinden in de Artis Bibliotheek, onderdeel van het Allard Pierson.
Antwerp, Dorothea De Pauw Gallery & CERA, 2001 Hardcover , in pictorial boards. Oblong 4to. Color ills. 208 pages.
Berlin, , Hans von Hans-Orlowski-Kreis, 1969., Series of 10 sheet-sized Orig woodcuts by Hans Orlowski. 2 unn. Bll., 10 unn. Boards. Folio. Loose as published in Orig.-Pp.-Folder with light linen spine. One of 100 numbered copies n . 21. .
commemorating the artist's 75th birthday. Typographic design by Hans-Werner Schwarzenberger.
, Berlin im Wiking Verlag, 1944 Vorliegend Exemplar Nummer MXIV der Vorzugsausgabe von 100 ( total 1100) Exemplaren, die nicht f r den Handel bestimmt waren! Mit eigenh ndiger Zueignung Orlowskis: F r Herrn Roger Avermaete 1949, Hans Orlowski.
Folio. Weinroter Originalumschlag mit wiederholtem Textholzschnitt (Kasperlekopf) auf vorderem Au endeckel und hinterem Innendeckel. Gedruckt bei Eduard Stichnote in Potsdam in der Lutetia Antiqua auf handgesch pftem, schweren B tten. Lose gefalzte Bogen. 24 (+4) Seiten. Innen sauber. Sehr gutes Exemplar.
, , 1924 11 feuilles n/b. (avec titre grav sur bois) et quatre gravures originales sur bois de Hans Orlowski,.
Signature : quatre gravures sur bois originales, chacune 'Orlowski', ainsi que la mention d'impression 'Hans Orlowski', Tirage : 31/50 exemplaires, Dimensions : 32 x 25,5 cm, Maison d' dition : Wendekreis Verlag, Berlin, Presse : Charlottenburger Kunstgewerbeschule
Hans-Peter Wipplinger.; Annegret Hoberg, Lena Scholz; August Ruhs, Burghart Schmidt,
Reference : 58935
, Walther Koenig Verlag (Thames) 2022, 2022 Hardcover, 288 pages, ENG, 285 x 240 mm, New, illustrations in colour, . ISBN 9783753301983.
The art of the great draftsman, illustrator and author of the novel The Other Side, Alfred Kubin, appears more current today than ever before: for it was violence, wartime destruction, pandemics, natural disasters, the manipulation of the masses and other abysses of human existence that pervaded his highly narrational works. The oeuvre of this fantastical creator confronts us with pessimistic visions which - to quote Schopenhauer - delineate "the worst of all possible worlds". Kubin's childhood and adolescence was shaped by setbacks and depression - he was dismissed from high school, abandoned his photography apprenticeship, lost his mother at an early age, attempted suicide at her grave and suffered a nervous breakdown after a short stint in the military. These are only some of the blows of fate that characterize his traumatic biography. Kubin found relief by moving to Munich in 1898, where he began to study art. His first visit to the Alte Pinakothek left him "filled with astonishment and ecstasy". He described seeing Max Klinger's etchings as a "cascade of visions of black and white images". As we know from his biographical notes, he subsequently familiarized himself "with the entire graphic oeuvre of Klinger, Goya, de Groux, Rops, Munch, Ensor, Redon and comparable artists". It was from this variety of impressions and artistic positions, but especially from his own empirical and emotional worlds and unbridled imagination, that Kubin created his unparalleled, mysterious-fantastical oeuvre. The exhibition at the Leopold Museum is the first to attempt an exploration of Kubin's oneiric worlds - which all too often enter nightmarish-somber spheres - in terms of their relation to the unconscious and the deep dimensions of the psyche. In this interpretation attempt, the psychoanalyst and psychiatrist August Ruhs will orient himself on works by Kubin selected by curator Hans-Peter Wipplinger with specific thematic emphases in mind. Kubin's works are placed into a dialogue with works by artists of the 19th century and of Classical Modernism from which Kubin derived inspiration for his oeuvre. Kubin's dystopian visualizations, which carry on from Symbolism and the fantastical art of the 19th century and may be considered precursors to French Surrealism, are composed of actual and imaginary reality: an ingenious synthesis, in which the uncanniness of these pessimistic realms is often seasoned with humor, irony and exaggeration.
, Snoeck Verlagsgesellschaft Mbh 2013, 2013 Hardcover, 202 pages, English, 305 x 245 mm, fine copy, lots of illustrations and pictures,. ISBN 9783864420313.
Using an array of media, from found photography, gouache and charcoal on paper and silkscreen to assemblage and installation, acclaimed New York-based artist Adam Helms (born 1974) explores social and military conflict and the continuities between past and present instances of injustice. Helms draws heavily on found imagery (such as online images or photographs from library archives), frequently superimposing contemporary images and drawings upon them to establish both the eerie remoteness and the relevance of the past. This volume, the artist's first monograph, consists of full-page color spreads of installation views and details of the artist's oeuvre from 2007 to the present, as installed at institutions such as The Walker Art Center, Minneapolis; Sister, Los Angeles; The Museum of Contemporary Art, Denver; Grimm Gallery, Amsterdam and Marianne Boesky Gallery, New York.
Lescuyer collection sans date d'édition. 15x20. Sans date. Broché. 40 pages. bon état intérieur propre
, Walther and Franz Koenig Verlag, 2023 LEPORELLO, 220 x 275 mm, 32 p, 21 Coloured illustr. , EN-GE edition , PB, .NEW ISBN 9783753303468.
Luc Tuymans' aim was to create pertinent images during the global pandemic. The arist explores issues of history and memory as well as the relationship between photography and painting, using a muted palette to create canvases that are at once withholding and disarmingly stark.The catalogue centered on four monumental canvases on which numbers were painted, alongside three paintings and an animation film. Drawing on imagery from photography, television and film, his distinctive compositions make ingenious use of cropping, close-ups and framing, offering fresh perspectives on the medium of painting as well as on broader cultural issues.
, Posture Editions Nr 46, 2021 HB, 297 x 210 mm, 72 pages, Illustrated. ENG-FR-NL edition. ISBN 9789491262470.
Hans Segers examines the formal properties of a painting. He emphasises how a painting is only a representation and presents it as an imitation of reality, 'trompe l'oeil', painted object and elevated art object. References to painting and sculpture are never far away. He chooses a number of abstracted, recurring forms that evoke the thought of a cloud, tree trunk and house. They function as his image library from which he draws to refer to reality. In the book Images Trouv es, Hans Segers collected twenty-nine shapes originally in a long concertina-shaped picture atlas, an archive of icons. Twenty-nine people from the art world in Belgium and France were invited to verbalise an image. As a result, the images in this book are enriched with new layers of meaning. The text contributions are by: Paul Morez, Philip Aguirre, Herv Br hier, Koen Brams, Kasper De Vos, Nav Haq, Kathleen Weyts, H l ne Audiffren, Gw nola M nou, Patrick Ronse, Win Van den Abbeele, Rinus Van de Velde, Lucie Renneboog, Frank Maes, Phillip Van den Bossche, Liesje Vandenbroeck, Suzanne Hetzel, Arnaud Vasseux, Kati Heck, Narcisse Tordoir, Isabelle Viallat, Inge Henneman, Pascal Neveux, Sofie Dederen, Indra Devriendt, Philippe Van Cauteren, Koen Sels, Rokus Hofstede and Xavier Noiret-Thom
, Posture Editions Nr 24, 2017 PB, 297 x 210 mm, 72 pages, Illustrated.ENG-FR-NL edition. ISBN 9789491262241.
The best introduction to the work of Carole Vanderlinden (b. 1973) is explaining how it was created. It's probably easier to read her work if you know how it came to life. Many artists take inspiration from existing works of art they?ve generally come into contact with when growing up, often in books or magazines, sometimes in museums and galleries. Carole Vanderlinden loves to read and to leaf through books, but her main interest is visiting museums of ancient or ethnographic art. In general, she looks for any event, drawing, object, pattern, colour and rhythm that speaks to her. Joining her on two of these trips of discovery, once in Brussels and once in Paris, she can be fascinated by the most diverse objects, such as a zigzag Navajo carpet, Egyptian alabaster Canopic jars dating back to 1500 BC, 18th-century glazed biscuit from Tournai or a herbarium. These objects and their colours and rhythms are copied in notebooks, often with an accompanying text. Later she might re-paint them on paper creating new combinations or compositions. These works on paper usually remain quite light, with a lot of cut-outs, like minimalist collages. In parallel Vanderlinden works on her paintings without any preconceived idea. Layer after layer the paintings try to avoid being controlled or supervised in any way. Sometimes we see patterns emerge that are familiar from her works on paper. These patterns are used as ways of countering a painting, destabilising it, recreating a balance or finishing it. During this practice, the patterns become more compact and dense. Slowly they merge with the stubborn texture of the painting. The book Mon seul d sir is a follow-up to Nocturne (2013). It contains reproductions of works on paper by Carole Vanderlinden and an oniric essay of Hans Theys, inspired by Carole?s works on paper and the medieval tapestry La dame la licorne.? Hans Theys Launched at Galerie Zwart Huis Brussels, 08.09.2017
, MER Paper Kunsthalle, 2012 Softcover,SC / 240 pages / 29,7 x 21 cm. fine. ISBN 9789490693398.
For many years now, Johan De Wilde's work has been praised for its meticulous drawing style. The many solemnly applied layers that compose the works also hide in their folds, ever shrinking never to vanish, the Great Irony of our existence and its languages. This first monography presents over 500 drawings, prints and collages from the early nineties to today, concluding with the epic series Hands of Time. The book includes an essay by Hans Theys. A must for those acquainted with De Wilde?s works and a perfect introduction for all others.
, Ronny Van de Velde Gallery, 2019 Softcover, 128 pages, illustrations couleur, Texte en Francais / Nederlands/ English
Suivies d?une Traduction Fran aise des M mes Pens es / With an English Translation of Some of These Thoughts; Inhoud; De Aardappeleters / De Grote Verdwijntruc / Hors Commerce is ook commerce / The Great Disappearing Act / Les Mangeurs de Pommes de Terre / Le Grande Disparition / Hors Commerce c?est aussi du commerce / Lijst van afgebeelde werken .
, Antwerpen: Artesis Hogeschool, 2012 Paperback, 480 pagina's, NL, 245 x 170 x 27 mm, in Nieuwstaat !, met illustr. in kleur / z/w. ISBN 9789079282128.
De voorbije vijfentwintig jaar werkte de auteur veelvuldig samen met vooraanstaande hedendaagse kunstenaars bij het maken van teksten, boeken, sculpturen, tentoonstellingen en films. In dit splinternieuwe, rijkelijk ge llustreerde boek brengt hij hierover verslag uit aan de hand van enkele concrete voorbeelden zoals het maken van de de monumentale oeuvrecatalogus over Panamarenko (1992), de Middelheim-catalogus over Ann Veronica Janssens (2003), een film over de Duitse choreograaf Stefan Dreher (2005) en de spraakmakende tentoonstelling 'Xanadu' in het S.MA.K. (2010). We maken kennis met tal van prominente figuren uit de Belgische kunstwereld en hun specifieke manier van kijken en handelen, die door Hans Theys beschreven wordt op basis van zijn ervaringen
Leiden, Primavera Pers, 2002 Paperback, 234 blz, Nederlands, Illustraties. ISBN 9789074213257.
Degelijk overzicht van de geschiedenis en techniek van lantaarnklokken, stoeltjesklokken, staartklokken, comtoiseklokken, klokken uit het Zwarte Woud, staande klokken, tafelklokken, pendulerie, schoolklokken, caf klokken, cartels, wekkers, reisklokken en precisie-uurwerken.
Hans Vandenbroucke, Isabel Decrock, Johan Ingelaere en Filip Coutigny
Reference : 64009
, Aan de Schreve , 2024 garen genaaid, paperback met 2 flappen, 300 bladzijden, formaat 235 x 270 mm, . Het verschijnt volledig in kleurendruk en is rijkelijk ge llustreerd.
BOUDRY publiceert de koninklijke heemkring een overzichtswerk. In dit lijvig boek geven Hans Vandenbroucke, Isabel Decrock, Johan Ingelaere en Filip Coutigny een inkijk in de kunstenaarsfamilie Boudry, die veel verder strekt dan de ons gekende Poperingse tak van Jules, Paul en Nele Boudry. Wist je dat de familie Alphonse Boudry, broer van Jules, in de Priesterstraat ook een verfwinkel uitbaatte en dat ook Alphonse heel wat kunstwerken heeft gemaakt. Wie kent er niet Helena Boudry, die jaarlijks exposeert in het Cultureel Centrum Scharpoord in Knokke-Heist En de vele vissersportretten van Alo s Boudry
, M nster : Westf lisches Landesmuseum, 1985 softcover 134 pages ill. ISBN 9789068290042.
Paris, Ernst Wasmuth Verlag, 2005, fort in-4, broché, 501 pages. Bon état. Frais et sans annotations.
Antwerp, Phoebus Focus VIII, 2019 Paperback, 86 pages, 21,1 x 14,1 x 1,1 cm. Illustrated. Text in ENG ISBN 9789463883351.
Phoebus Focus 8 - Apollo on His Sun Chariot A Baroque Masterpiece by Jan Boeckhorst (1604-1668)