Beytouth - Liban, Société Tecnopresse Moderne 1975 Photographies de Vazken TUTUNDJIAN
Texte trilingue : arménien, français, anglais. Bon état d’occasion
Paris, France Loisirs, 1996. in-4° 240 pp., importante iconographie en couleurs (gravures, schemas, cartes et photos), reliure cartonnage ed., jaquette illustree.
Bel exemplaire. [PLC-11]
Tunis, Inst. national d'Archéologie et d'Art, 1982. In-4 broché, 221 pp., 2 grandes pl. dépl. h.-t. (Bibl. archéologique, 4).
Dos passé, discret cachet ex-libris, bonne condition. - Frais de port : -France 6,9 € -U.E. 9 € -Monde (z B : 15 €) (z C : 25 €)
, Brepols, 2024 Hardback, 492 pages, Size:216 x 280 mm, Illustrations:448 col., 8 tables b/w., 7 maps b/w, Language: English. ISBN 9782503599380.
Summary This is the first comprehensive, interdisciplinary analysis to demonstrate that the representation of Infancy cycles on twelfth-and-thirteenth-century baptismal fonts was primarily a northern predilection in the Latin West directly influenced by the contemporary military campaigns. The Infantia Christi Corpus, a collection of approximately one-hundred-and-fifty fonts, verifies how the Danish and Gotland workshops modified and augmented biblical history to reflect the prevailing crusader ideology and rhetoric that dominated life during the Valdemarian era in the Baltic region. The artisans constructed the pictorial programs according to the readings of the Mass for the feast days in the seasons of Advent, Christmas and Epiphanytide. The political ambitions of the northern leaders and the Church to create a Land of St. Peter in the Baltic region strategically influenced the integration of Holy Land motifs, warrior saints, militia Christi and martyrdom in the Infancy cycles to justify the escalating northern conquests. Neither before nor after, in the history of baptismal fonts, have so many been ornamented with the Infancy cycle in elaborate pictorial programs. A brief revival of elaborate Infancy cycles occurs on the fourteenth and fifteenth century fonts commissioned for sites previously located in the Christian borderlands east of the Elbe River with the rise of the Baltic military orders and the advancement of the Church authority. This extraordinary study integrates theological, liturgical, historical and political developments, broadening our understanding of what constituted northern crusader art in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Maps Part I. The Historical And Political Contexts Chapter 1. The Workshops and Continental Networks 1.1 The Workshops 1.2 Inscriptions 1.3 Dating Medieval Baptismal Fonts Chapter 2. The Ecclesiastical, Cistercian, and Artistic Relationships between Denmark and Gotland 2.1. Medieval Kingdom of Denmark 2.2. land and Gotland 2.3 The Church, Cistercians, and Military Orders 2.4 The Cistercian Period 2.5 Trade and the Church Chapter 3. The Eucharist, New Law, and Crusader Theology 3.1. De fontibus salvatoris: The Chalice-Shaped Fonts and the Cult of the Child 3.2. The Eucharist and Baptismal Fonts 3.3. The Judicial Century 3.4. Vineam Domini and the Crusades Part II. The Iconography, Liturgy, and Crusades Chapter 4. The Advent Season and Feast Days 4.1. The Liturgy and Biblical Readings 4.2. Palmers and Crusades 4.3. Christ's Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem 4.4. The New Jerusalem 4.5. St George, St Mercurius, St Methodius and St Cyril 4.6 Advent of Ecclesia 4.7 The Visitation and the Four Daughters Chapter 5. The Christmas Season 5.1. Vigil of Christmas (24 December) 5.2. Christmas Day (25 December) 5.3. Feast Day of St Stephen (26 December) and Legend of Staffan the Stable Boy 5.4. Feast of the Holy Innocents (28 December) 5.5. Feast Day of St Thomas Becket of Canterbury (29 December) 5.6. Feast of the Circumcision / Octave of Christmas (1 January) Chapter 6. The Epiphany Season: Crusader Kings and Peregrini 6.1. The Vigil of the Epiphany (5 January) 6.2. The Epiphany (6 January) 6.3. Moses and the Crusades 6.4. The Cult of the Magi 6.5. Milites Christi and Martyrdom 6.6 Candlemass: The Feast of the Purification (2 February) Conclusion Appendix 1. Tables Appendix 2. Figures Bibliography Index of Biblical References Index of Baptismal Fonts General Index
CAMPUS PRESS. 2004. In-4. Relié. Très bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 844 pages augmentées de nombreuses captures-écran dans le texte. . . . Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
Batsford Ltd 2004 Livre en anglais. In-8 broché 24,4 cm sur 18,6. 128 pages. Très bon état d’occasion.
Archéologie de la guerre civile anglaise, Très bon état d’occasion
Paul Tacussel, 1987. Edition originale. In-4 relié (30,5 x 24,6 cm), jaquette imprimée, 269 pages, illustré de photos et documents.- 1760g. - Etat neuf.
Cambridge, Cambridge university press, 1991. Petit in-4 rel. pleine toile d'éd. bordeaux , titres dorés au dos, sous jaq. ill., 571 pp., index. Texte en anglais.
Très bonne condition. - Frais de port : -France 6,9 € -U.E. 11 € -Monde (z B : 18 €) (z C : 31 €)
Centre Canadien d’Architecture Grand In-8, broche, 276pp. Edition en Francais.
Très bon état d’occasion
Yale University Press 1996 In-4 relié 28,6 cm sur 25,2. 240 pages. Très bon état d’occasion.
Très bon état d’occasion
A. Zwemmer, LTD 1999 In-4 relié. Livre en anglais. Jaquette comme neuve. Bon état d’occasion.
Bon état d’occasion
Asnière (France), Ulisse Editions, 1992. 22 x 28, 144 pp., très nombreuses illustrations en couleurs, reliure d'édition pleine toile + jaquette, très bon état.
London, Paul Elek, 1975. in-8°, 257p., 224 illustrations, index, bind in b., dustwrapper.
Very good condition. [EN-2/3]
New York Press ofthe American Institute of Architectsd New York Press of the American Institute of Architects, 1927, In-4 reliure éditeur pleine percaline verte, titre doré en dos et au premier plat. 23 pages de texte en anglais + nombreuses plances photos et plans légendés. Ex-libris Henry May. Tome 1 seul. Bon état.
Toutes les expéditions sont faites en suivi au-dessus de 25 euros. Expédition quotidienne pour les envois simples, suivis, recommandés ou Colissimo.
Harrow, J. C. Wilbee, [no year]. 8vo-oblong. In publishers full blue clothbinding with gilt lettering to front board. Spine lacking cloth. Bookblock partly detached from binding. 10 ff. [14 photos of Harrow].
, Yale University Press 2014, 2014 Paperback, 132 pages, ENG, 330 x 225 mm, dustjacket, New, with illustrations in colour, . ISBN 9780300207903.
Featuring thirty-five outstanding abstract paintings made between 1950 and 1975 from the collection of the National Gallery of Art, Washington, this fascinating book casts a new glance at a renowned period in the history of art, including works by Lynda Benglis, Jasper Johns, Yayoi Kusama, Jackson Pollock, and Mark Rothko. A groundbreaking essay by Harry Cooper explores Pollock's preeminent role for these and other artists, analyzes artistic influence, and discusses what it means to be original. Focusing on Frank Stella, Helen Frankenthaler, Morris Louis, Robert Ryman, Cy Twombly, and Simon Hantai, and viewing their relationships to Pollock through the lens of Harold Bloom's seminal text The Anxiety of Influence, Cooper addresses the material, psychological, and thematic ties between Pollock's work and theirs and expands the circle of artists that we might consider his artistic heirs.
, Thames & Hudson, 2025 Hardback,Dimensions 225 x 255 mm,Illustrations 170 col. & bw ill.,Pages 256,Language(s) English ed. ISBN 9780500028995.
Born in Belgium in 1941, Harry Gruyaert was one of the first European photographers to take advantage of colour, following in the footsteps of US pioneers like William Eggleston and Stephen Shore. Heavily influenced by Pop Art, his dense compositions are known for weaving together texture, light, colour and architecture to create filmic, jewel-hued tableaux. As a result, they often seem closer to painting than to photography.
, Thames & Hudson, 2019 hardcover 96 pages, full color, 31.7x23.5cm, . ISBN 9780500545225.
Alongside American photographers such as Saul Leiter, Joel Meyerowitz, Stephen Shore and William Eggleston, Harry Gruyaert became one of the few European pioneers to explore the creative possibilities of colour in the 1970s and 1980s. The previous decades had elevated black and white photography to the realms of art, relegating colour to use in advertising, the press and illustration. Gruyaert's work suggested new territory for colour photography: an emotive, non-narrative and boldly graphic way of perceiving the world. Gruyaert's ability to seamlessly weave texture, light, colour and architecture comes together to wonderful effect in this new collection. His photographs of airports beautifully - and at times surreally - record these liminal, yet reliably inhabited spaces.
, Thames and Hudson, 2024 HB, 290 x 235 mm, 208 pages, 150 Color illustrations? ENG edition. ISBN 9780500027950.
The vivid colors of Morocco as seen by master of color photography Harry Gruyaert. When Harry Gruyaert first visited Morocco in 1969, it was love at first sight. On every return visit, he has tried to relive that initial feeling of enchantment, the splendid harmony between form and color, people, and nature. From the High Atlas Mountains to the desert, from rural areas to the bustling streets of Marrakech and Essaouira, Gruyaert's photographs take us on a dreamlike cinematic journey through a reality that is nonetheless highly physical, its textures shaped by light and shadow. Each image has its own power, and all of them reflect the importance of family, community, and faith to the people of Morocco, as well as Gruyaert's own innate curiosity and desire to understand different realities.
, XAVIER BARRAL, 2020 Couverture reliee Hardcover, 250 pages. Texte en Francais. ISBN 9782365112758.
India. Harry Gruyaert. Durant plus de trente ans Harry Gruyaert a sillonn la p ninsule indienne. Pour la premi re fois, cet ouvrage rassemble environ 200 photographies, pour la plupart in dites, qui racontent une Inde la fois intemporelle et moderne. Ces images t moignent de la singularit du photographe : de son int r t pour le r cit, l'espace public et les sc nes inattendues. Gruyaert dit avoir besoin de voyager pour ressentir le monde et l'exprimer en images. Texte liminaire du photographie. Le livre est ponctu de plusieurs extraits du Dictionnaire amoureux de Jean-Claude Carri re.
in 12 broché,faux-titre,titre,318 pages,1 page de table en partie non coupé,Arthème Fyard & Cie sans date
Antwerp, Dereede, 2022 softcover, 204 pagina's, 21,5 x 15 cm, Tekst Nederlandstalig / English /FR.
Weinig kunstenaars zijn zo iconisch en onlosmakelijk verbonden met Antwerpen als Fred Bervoets. In het jubileumjaar 2022, waarin de kunstenaar zijn tachtigste verjaardag viert en ook MDR vijf kaarsen mag uitblazen, hoeft de overzichtstentoonstelling ?Gewoon Ongewoon?, een samenvatting van meer dan 60 jaar kunstenaarschap, dan ook niet te verbazen. De tentoonstelling zet de poorten van Bervoets? fantasie wagenwijd open en laat de bezoeker kennismaken met een wereld vol fantastische figuren en groteske personages, monumentale scenes en intimistische zelfportretten. Een leven vol kunst, samengevat in de vorm van werken op papier. Few artists are as iconic and inextricably linked to Antwerp as Fred Bervoets. In this milestone year, in which the artist celebrates his 80th birthday and MDR blows out five candles, the retrospective Gewoon Ongewoon (Ordinary Extraordinary), a synopsis of more than 60 years of being an artist, may therefore not come as a surprise. The exhibition opens the doors wide on Bervoets? fantasy and introduces the visitor to a world full of fantastic figures and grotesque characters, monumental scenes and intimate self-portraits. A life full of art, encapsulated in the form of works on paper.
, Kunsthalle Dusseldorf, 1984 Original publishers paper-covered boards, 184 pages text in DE / FR / ENG.
Expo catalogue illustrated.
Paris, Dominique Vincent, 1974, in-4to, 359 p. rich. illustrés + liste des principales règles, normes et recommandations en France, timbre humide de l’ancien propriétaire, Reliure en toile avec étiquette de titre au dos.
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808
Small 4to. Orig. full cloth with dustjacket. 104 pp. Richly illustrated.