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‎Giovanna De Palma‎

Reference : 66387

‎I bronzi di Riace. Restauro come conoscenza‎

‎Roma, Artemide, 2002 3 volumes in case, 484 pages, 27.5 x 21 cm. Italian. Volume 3 has a creased spine. ISBN 9788886291736.‎

‎I bronzi di Riace. Restauro come conoscenza‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR120.00 (€120.00 )

‎Giovanna Guidicini‎

Reference : 65680

‎Triumphal Entries and Festivals in Early Modern Scotland. Performing Spaces‎

‎, Brepols, 2020 Hardback, 349 pages, Size:178 x 254 mm, Illustrations:45 b/w, 23 col., Language: English. ISBN 9782503585413.‎

‎Summary This book offers unprecedented insights into the richness of Scottish culture in the early modern period, studying triumphal entries - that is, processional civic welcomes offered to royal guests - staged in Edinburgh in the period between 1500 and the Wars of the Three Kingdoms. Based on a comprehensive and imaginative analysis of the written and archival sources available for these events, it also brings renewed attention to the country's artistic, architectural, and literary traditions. The analysis of comparable events staged in England and continental Europe - in France, the Italian peninsula, and the Low Countries - helps frame Scotland's distinctiveness within a network of international connections. The book explores how the urban space of early modern Edinburgh was employed with changing fortunes to address potentially explosive power dynamics, expressed by civic and royal, secular and religious (pre and post Reformation), Scottish and post-1603 pan-British worldviews. Scottish triumphal culture is presented as profoundly embedded in the urban context within which it is set, rich in politicised rituals of negotiation and mutual acknowledgement, and visually vibrant through temporary structures, decorations, pageants, and costumed performers. This book offers a well-rounded answer to the still relevant question of Scottish identity, and how identity and power - individual, communal, national, royal - can be performed through active engagement with civic space. TABLE OF CONTENTS Acknowledgements List of Illustrations Chapter I. Introduction to Edinburgh as a Ceremonial City Chapter II. The Outdoors: Wilderness and Taming Nature Extramural Nature and Edinburgh's Surroundings Triumphal Entries: Nature and the Outdoors Burgh's Rights: The Otherness of Outside Space Addressing Local and International Views of Scottish Nature The Triumphal Route: The Role of Nature Wild Men and Highlanders in Scottish Ceremonies Extramural Sites and the Use of Chivalric Language Chapter III. The West Port: The Meeting of Royal and Civic Identities The West Port Triumphal Entries: Gateways and Urban Borders Burgh's Rights: Defence and Identity The Triumphal Route: Approaching the West Port Absent Royal Residences: The Castle and Holyrood Palace Ceremonies of Negotiation and Gift-Giving Thresholds, Fabric, and Spaces of Portable Royalty Chapter IV. The Overbow: Discovering and Creating History The Overbow The Triumphal Route: A Tour through History Romanitas in Scottish Triumphal Entries Representing an Alternative Past The Legitimizing Power of Shared History Chapter V. Butter Tron: Representing a Mercantile Community The Butter Tron Triumphal Entries: Representing Local Economy Burgh's Rights: Producing and Trading The Triumphal Route: Visiting a Productive Community The Burgh as Organiser and Host Inhabiting the Productive Space; Identity during Triumphal Entries Spectators: Inclusion and Exclusion Chapter VI. Tolbooth, St Giles Kirk, and the Market Cross: Displaying and Defending Government and Authority The Tolbooth, St Giles Kirk, and the Market Cross Triumphal Entries: The Role of Core Buildings Burgh's Rights: Secular and Religious Self-Determination Tolbooth and Representations of Virtuous Judgement St Giles Kirk and Religious Identities The Triumphal Route: Addressing Stability and Change Market Cross: Concord, Abundance, and Merriment Chapter VII. The Salt Tron: Some Iconographic Considerations The Salt Tron The Triumphal Route: Selecting Iconographies The European Dimension of Scottish Triumphal Language Triumphal Entries and Courtly Ceremonies Triumphal Language in the Context of Scotland's Artistic Production Chapter VIII. The Netherbow: Expectations and Outcomes The Netherbow Farewells and Predictions at the Exit Gateway The Triumphal Route: Visiting Extramural Communities Non-Royal Processions and the Urban Spaces Welcoming Monarchs in Edinburgh after 1633 Index of Stewart Triumphal Entries Index of Triumphal Stations in Edinburgh General Index‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR95.00 (€95.00 )

‎Giovanni Alberto Cecconi, Rita Lizzi Testa, Arnaldo Marcone (eds)‎

Reference : 65862

‎Past as Present. Essays on Roman History in Honour of Guido Clemente‎

‎, Brepols, 2020 Paperback, 810 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:24 b/w, 1 maps b/w, Languages: English, Italian, Spanish. ISBN 9782503585246.‎

‎Summary This volume in honour of Guido Clemente collects essays by nearly 40 established and younger scholars from all over the world, who want to express their gratitude for prof. Clemente's direct or indirect teaching. While the essays included in the volume cover domains ranging from methodology and (the history of) historiography, over archaeology and epigraphy, to politics and religion, they all resort under the main theme of 'the past as present'. This main theme is inspired by a prominent feature of Guido Clemente's scholarly work: the awareness that from the last centuries of the Roman Republic up until Late Antiquity, a sense of the past 'as present' marked the rhythm of everyday life and provided the key to understanding ongoing societal change. TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface List of illustrations List of abbreviations Un profilo di Guido Clemente (Giovanni Alberto Cecconi) Bibliografia di Guido Clemente (Nicola Barbagli) Historiography and Methodology Il perdono degli Alessandrini: fortuna di un episodio di clemenza imperiale (Nicola Barbagli) Da Rufino a Orosio: la battaglia al Fiume Freddo e l'eclissi della storiografia classica (Giorgio Bonamente) The Present in the Past and the Past in the Present (Averil Cameron) Il diritto, il mito e la rappresentazione simbolica nell'ermeneutica di Bachofen (Luigi Capogrossi) Monarchia delle origini e regnum in Cicerone: tra passato e presente (Chiara Carsana) Die keltische Ethnographie zwischen Poseidonios und Ammian (Maria Cesa) Der Beitrag der Sch ler Mommsens zur Erforschung der Geschichte der Stadt Rom (Werner Eck) Mussolini: Ancient Rome on the Sea (Daniele Foraboschi) The Darkening of the West: A Note (Ramsay MacMullen) 'Fine' della schiavit antica: considerazioni inattuali a margine di un'ancora aperta discussione (Mario Mazza) Hermann Strasburger (1909-1985) (Barbara Scardigli) Cassiodorus' Historiographical Plan (Giuseppe Zecchini) Archaeology and Epigraphy Les gaiet s de la cohorte (Jean-Michel David) The Economy of the Monastery of L rins (c. 400-c. 460) (Matheus Figuinha) Composite Constantine (Paolo Liverani) A proposito di alcune indagini recenti sulla fiscalit dell'Impero romano tra Principato e tarda antichit (Elio Lo Cascio) Gaio, Livio e la funzione esplicativa della storia (Digesto, I. 2. 1) (Dario Mantovani) Food, Popinae, and the Emperor: Some Considerations on the Early-Imperial Policies on the Sale of Food (Annalisa Marzano) Servi, liberti, colliberti, ancillae nella Sardegna romana: nota su possibili continuit , eredit e trasformazioni (Attilio Mastino & Maria Bastiana Cocco) Per la storia edilizia di Roma nel IV secolo. Qualche contributo epigrafico (Silvia Orlandi) La quaestio consolare del 138 a.C. per la strage della Sila (Bernardo Santalucia) Rivisitazione di un'epigrafe tardoantica di Canusium (Marina Silvestrini) Note topografiche sulla rivolta dei mercenari di Cartagine in Sardegna (240-237 a.C.) (Raimondo Zucca) Las transformaciones del Senado en la antig edad tard a (Hugo Zurutuza) Politics and Religion Late-Republican Theatre: A Source for Public Opinion (Andrea Angius) Debt-bondage, Fides, and Justice: Republican Liberty and the Notion of Economic Independence in the First Century BC (Valentina Arena) Episodi di guerra e lotte di potere in Italia nel III secolo d.C.: storia degli eventi alla vigilia dell'ordinamento provinciale (c. 235-285) (Giovanni Alberto Cecconi) Iside e i vota publica nel IV secolo d.C. (Filippo Coarelli) Reflections on the Foundation of Aelia Capitolina (Hannah M. Cotton Paltiel & Avner Eckner) L'ultima rivolta ebraica e l'esercito romano tardoantico (Ariel S. Lewin) The Bishop of Rome and the Ostrogothic Kings (Rita Lizzi Testa) Privato consilio (Augusto, RG 1,1): una nota (Arnaldo Marcone) Comment identifier un lieu de culte ? (John Scheid) Saliae virgines: un lemma di Festo e i rilievi trionfali Medinaceli (Mario Torelli) The Impact of the Kerygma on the Diaspora Communities: Political Aspects (Lucio Troiani) Tiberius, the Legacy of Augustus, and the Shadow of the Republic: 'Accession Debate' and Beyond (Alexander Yakobson)‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR125.00 (€125.00 )

‎Giovanni Careri‎

Reference : 64784

‎Making of the Affetti. Torquato Tasso?s Jerusalem Delivered from the Carracci to Tiepolo‎

‎, Brepols - Harvey Miller, 2022 Hardback, 284 pages, Size:220 x 280 mm, Illustrations:8 b/w, 55 col., Language: English. ISBN 9781912554102.‎

‎Summary Armida reaches out to Rinaldo armed with a long knife. She hates him, she wants to kill him. Cupid restrains her arm, but the left hand of the sorceress already lies on that of the sleeping hero, a touch that leads her to fall in love. The blue and the red divide the scene. Two contrary passions--narrated by Torquato Tasso, depicted by Nicolas Poussin--are depicted across the canvas. Tasso's Jerusalem Delivered is by definition the poem of the affetti, and on this account it drew the undivided attention of painters, musicians, playwriters and choreographers throughout Europe from the moment of its publication in 1581 onward. Going beyond the narrated action, painters in particular focused on the complex dynamics of passion that Tasso's masterpiece conveys in literary images, and through new pictorial devices reconfigured the notion of profane affetti in opposition to the affectum devotionis of the sacred texts.? This volume investigates the exchange between the poetic word and the most stimulating works that have interacted with it. Condensed within visual formulas, a variety of themes emerge such as the blurring of the lines between male and female identity, between love and war; the confrontations and exchanges between different cultures through violence, religious conversion, and the assimilation of one another; the modern hero divided between the worldly, affective arena of the court and a locus amoenus where he could be sheltered from the assault of passions. Ultimately, the book examines the political implications of art in relation to court rituals and to all those practices through which power is built and strengthened. Examining the images that permeate poetry and the poetic devices that have found their way into painting, Careri identifies and examines a fundamental moment of reconfiguration in the visual history of passions. Through the paintings of great artists such as Poussin, Tintoretto, Guercino, Tiepolo, and the Carracci, he explores the "affective" revolution at the origin of the contemporary world.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR125.00 (€125.00 )

‎Giovanni Di PASQUALE et Mathilde BARDI‎

Reference : LFA-126711947



‎Un ouvrage de 36 pages, format 240 x 305 mm, illustré, relié cartonnage couleurs, publié en 2006, Editions Place des Victoires, très bon état‎

‎Découverte du Moyen-Age à travers l'histoire, l'architecture, l'art et la vie quotidienne‎

Phone number : 04 74 33 45 19

EUR8.00 (€8.00 )

‎Giovanni Florio, Alessandro Metlica (eds)‎

Reference : 64294

‎Contending Representations II: Entangled Republican Spaces in Early Modern Venice‎

‎, Brepols, 2024 Hardback, 192 pages, Size:216 x 280 mm, Illustrations:86 col., Language: English. ISBN 9782503605197.‎

‎Summary The volume addresses the issue of political celebration in early modern Venice. Dealing with processional orders and iconographic programs, historiographical narratives and urbanistic canons, stylistic features and diplomatic accounts, the interdisciplinary contributions gathered in these pages aim to question the performative effectiveness and the social consistency of the so called 'myth' of Venice: a system of symbols, beliefs and meanings offering a self-portrait of the ruling elite, the Venetian patriciate. In order to do so, the volume calls for a spatial turn in Venetian studies, blurring the boundaries between institutionalized and unofficial ceremonial spaces and considering their ongoing interaction in representing the rule of the Serenissima. The twelve chapters move from Palazzo Ducale to the Venetian streets and from the city of Venice to its dominions, thus widening considerably the range of social and political actors and audiences involved in the analysis. Such multifocal perspective allows us to challenge the very idea of a single 'myth' of Venice. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction 1. Giovanni Florio and Alessandro Metlica, Universit degli Studi di Padova: Ritual and Popular Politics in the Republic of Venice 2. Giorgio Tagliaferro, Warwick University: The Meeting of Sebastiano Ziani withAlexander III in the Great Council Hall: Staging, Viewing, and Understanding the Body Politic in Late Sixteenth-Century Venice 3. Monique O'Connell, Wake Forest University: Representative Spaces of Republicanism: Constitutional Thinking, Virtue Politics, and Venice's Great Council Hall in Early Modern Europe 4. Massimo Rospocher, Istituto Storico Italo-Germanico di Trento: 'Una parola in piazza fa pi male che dieci libri in un gabinetto': The Square as Political Space in Sixteenth Century Venice 5. Iseabail Rowe, European University Institute: 'From the Clocke to the Shore': Thomas Coryat's 'Streets' of Piazza San Marco 6. Evelyn Korsch, Universit t Erfurt: A Republic Becomes Divine: The Sacred Role of Topography in Venetian Civic Ritual 7. Umberto Cecchinato: Beyond the Ceremonial City: Music, Public Revelries, and Urban Spaces in Everyday Renaissance Venice 8. Marco Bellabarba, Universit di Trento: Power, Friendship, and Protection: Venetian Rectors in Verona Between the Sixteenth and the Seventeenth Centuries 9. Erika Carminati, Indipendent scholar: Celebrations of Venetian Terraferma's Rettori: From the Good Fama to its Subversion in the Public Ritual Sphere 10. Alfredo Viggiano, Universit degli Studi di Padova: The Good Use of 'People' in Fifteenth-Century Venice: Reflections over a Controversial Term 11. Matteo Casini, University of Massachusetts: Venice Beyond Venice: The Foreign Approach to Venetian Rituals, 1400-1600s List of Abbreviations Bibliography Notes on Contributors‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR50.00 (€50.00 )

‎Giovanni Hermanin de Reichenfeld‎

Reference : 65086

‎The Spirit, the World and the Trinity: Origen's and Augustine's Understanding of the Gospel of John‎

‎, Brepols, 2021 Paperback, 276 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Language: English. ISBN 9782503589916.‎

‎Summary How come that ancient Christian authors elaborated a theology of the Holy Spirit? This innovative study tackles this question by analysing how the exegesis of the Gospel of John shaped the Trinitarian and soteriological agency of the Holy Spirit in the theologies of two of the most important Christian authors of all times: Origen and Augustine. Overall, it proposes a re-evaluation of some of the most debated doctrines of the two authors such as subordinationism in Origen and the understanding of Gods essence in Augustine, showing that the Johannine Father-Son-Spirit relation and the dichotomy between God and the world represent the foundation on which Origen and Augustine built their pneumatologies. The heuristic comparison proposed in this book is focused on the three large themes towards which Origen and Augustine represent opposite approaches: the understanding of the immanent Trinity, the dualism between God and the world, and the proper role of the Holy Spirit. On the one hand, Origen puts forward a paradigm of participation to explain the oneness and threeness of God, and of transformation to explain human participation in God. On the other, Augustine refers to God's self-relation through a paradigm of identity, and to salvation of humankind as an act of separation of the wicked world from the saved. These two trinitarian and soteriological constructions are shaped by a different understanding of the Gospel of John: while Origen's theology mostly smooths the gospel's dualism between God and the world by interpreting God's salvific act as a gradual spiritualisation of the world, Augustine tends to accentuate the Gospel's dichotomies by radicalising the Johannine dualism.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR65.00 (€65.00 )

‎Giovanni Michelucci‎

Reference : ARCHI114M


‎UN VIAGGIO LUNGO UN SECOLO. Disegni di architettura. (en français)‎

‎1988 / 301 pages. Relié avec jaquette. Editions Alinea.‎

‎Bel état malgré de légers frottements d'usage en tête et pied de dos de jaquette. Intérieur très frais. ‎


Phone number : +33 5 59 03 69 40

EUR65.00 (€65.00 )

‎Giovanni Peirs‎

Reference : EXP8372


Phone number : 06 83 06 99 49

EUR25.00 (€25.00 )

‎Giovanni Peirs , Peter Labarque, Paul Van Aerschot ‎

Reference : 46558

‎terre cuite. . L'architecture en terre cuite apres 1945 - L'architecture en terre cuite apres 1945‎

‎, MARDAGA PIERRE,, 1982 hardcover with dusjacket 197pp ill. fine ! ISBN 2802100424.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR45.00 (€45.00 )

‎GIOVANOLA, Marc, dir‎

Reference : 100087


‎Bauen in Stahl 2 : Hallen, Stockwerkbauten, Brücken, Stahlkonstruktionen für verschiedene Anwendungszwecke / Construire en Acier 2 : Halles, Bâtiments à étages, Ponts, Constructions à usages divers‎

‎Zürich, Schweizer Stahlbauverband / Chambre Suisse de la Construction Métallique 1962 In-4 30, 5 x 21 cm. Reliure éditeur pleine toile grise avec report du titre en noir sur le dos et le premier plat, sous jaquette illustrée en noir & blanc, 509 pp., 147 exemples d’architecture métallique provenant de 15 pays sur 3 continents, abondamment illustré avec des centaines de plans, de dessins, de reproductions photographiques en noir & blanc et en couleurs, sommaire. Jaquette effrangée, sinon exemplaire en très bon état.‎

‎Texte et légendes bilingues allemand / français. Bon état d’occasion ‎

Librairie de l'Avenue - Saint-Ouen

Phone number : 01 40 11 95 85

EUR69.00 (€69.00 )

‎GIRARD (Alain)‎

Reference : SPN-711


‎L'AVENTURE GOTHIQUE ENTRE PONT-SAINT-ESPRIT ET AVIGNON DU XIIIE AU XVE SIÈCLE : Genèse des formes et du sens de l'art gothique dans la basse vallée du Rhône.‎

‎Aix-en-Provence : Edisud, 1996. Broché 28x21cm, couverture couleur, photographies de Maryan Daspet, 189 pages illustrées en noir et couleur, glossaire, bibliographie. [BE]‎

‎Le Rhône, frontière ou trait d'union ? / La naissance et le développement d'un style régional au 14e siècle / Une commande des moines pour leur siècle : "Le Couronnement de la Vierge" et la quête de paix et d'unité des Chartreux / Le 15e siècle : entre tradition et modernité, l'affirmation de l'unité et la montée de l'individualisme.‎

Librairie Bois d'Encre - Moulins la Marche

Phone number : 02 33 24 76 09

EUR12.00 (€12.00 )

‎GIRARD Christian‎

Reference : 92486

ISBN : 2870092598

‎"Architecture et concepts nomades; Traité d'indiscipline. Collection : Architecture + Recherches, N° 26."‎

‎Liège, Pierre Mardaga, 1986. 15 x 22, 224 pp., broché, très bon état.‎

Librairie Ausone - Bruxelles

Phone number : 32 (0)2 410 33 27

EUR18.00 (€18.00 )


Reference : 5328

‎Les Peuples de l’Asie et de l’Europe‎

‎notions d’ethnologie.In 12 broché,titre,188 pages,4 pages de catalogue Germer Baillière & Cie sans date(1881 ) édition originale rousseurs plus ou moins fortes. Bibliothèque Utile LXX ‎

Charbonnel - Bar le Duc

Phone number : 03 29 79 40 63

EUR60.00 (€60.00 )

‎Girardin, René-Louis de ‎

Reference : 104175


ISBN : 2863600060 9782863600061

‎De la Composition des paysages‎

‎éditions du Champ Urbain 1979 In-8 broché 22,8 cm sur 13,6. 251 pages. Couverture légèrement passée avec quelques marques d’usage, intérieur très propre. Bon état d’occasion.‎

‎ Bon état d’occasion ‎

Librairie de l'Avenue - Saint-Ouen

Phone number : 01 40 11 95 85

EUR19.00 (€19.00 )

‎Girard J.-M.‎

Reference : RO20228444


‎"Immeuble de la Librairie Armand Colin 103bis, bd St-Michel, à Paris I. Ensemble de la façade, boulevard Saint-Michel - Planche en noir et blanc n°32 extraite de l'ouvrage ""L'architecture au XXe siècle Tome IV."‎

‎"Librairie Centrale d'art et d'architecture Ch. Eggimann anc. Maison Morel. 1919. In-Plano. En feuillets. Bon état, Livré sans Couverture, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. Planche en noir et blanc n°32 extraite de l'ouvrage ""L'architecture au XXe siècle Tome IV. Dimensions : 45 x 30 cm environ.. . . . Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture"‎

‎Immeuble de la Librairie Armand Colin 103bis, bd St-Michel, à Paris I. Ensemble de la façade, boulevard Saint-Michel Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR29.80 (€29.80 )

‎GIRARD (Joseph).‎

Reference : 20313

‎La Construction de l'église Saint-Didier d'Avignon.‎

‎Paris, Imprimerie Nationale, 1943 1 volume In-8° (15 x 23cm) Agrafé. Double pagination: 19p., également paginées de [631] à 649. Pliure de couverture fendue; petit cachet d'ex-libris.‎

‎Etude de Joseph GIRARD, archiviste et historien qui fut conservateur de la bibliothèque et du Musée Calvet (Avignon), puis du Palais des Papes et des antiquités de Vaucluse, suivie, en "pièce justificative", du "Prix-fait de l'église Saint-Didier d'Avignon" (construite en 1356-1359), texte en latin de 1356 qui "nous livre le nom des constructeurs et quelques-unes des circonstances de la construction" (l'auteur); notes et références. Extrait du "Bulletin archéologique" 1936-1937, avec cachet d'ex-libris de S[ylvain] Gagniere, Conservateur du Palais des Papes (1905-1997). ‎

Librairie Paroles - Avignon

Phone number : 06 09 18 58 78

EUR12.00 (€12.00 )

‎GIRARD (Joseph)‎

Reference : 211775

‎Les Villeneuve-Martignan et leur hôtel à Avignon.‎

‎Avignon, Aubanel père, s.d. (1935) in-8, 40 pp., 2 planches, broché. Envoi.‎

‎Tiré-à-part des Mémoires de l'Académie de Vaucluse. - - VENTE PAR CORRESPONDANCE UNIQUEMENT‎


Phone number : 06 46 54 64 48

EUR40.00 (€40.00 )

‎[Fernand. et A. Detaille ] - ‎ ‎GIRARD Joseph Fernand. et A. Detaille ‎

Reference : 057378

‎AVIGNON, SES MONUMENTS, SES HÔTELS, SES TRESORS D'ART. Illustrations de F. et A. Detaille ‎

‎Marseille F. Detaille Editeur 1930 in 4 (33x25) 1 volume broché, couverture rempliée illustrée d'un médaillon en couleurs (restauration ancienne sur le dos de la couverture), 187 pages, avec des illustrations photographiques de Fernand et A. Detaille tirées en héliogravure, dont 8 planches hors texte contrecollées, dont 6 d'après les dessins ou gouaches de F. de Marliave. Bel exemplaire ‎

‎Très bon Broché ‎

Librairie Rouchaléou - Saint André de Sangonis

Phone number : 06 86 01 78 28

EUR75.00 (€75.00 )

‎GIRARD Luc - BRETON Marie ‎

Reference : QWA-15879

‎Maisons 1900 avec céramique ‎

‎Le Musoir, 2000, in-4 rel. Cart; oblong (22 x 27,5), 95 p., photos de Marie Breton, jaquette, très bon état. ‎

‎Un tour de France des "Maisons 1900" pavoisées d'exubérantes céramiques. Un carnet de voyage en France où le théâtral et la fantaisie des architectures sont confiés au dessin aquarellé de maisons exubérantes de la Belle Epoque jusqu'aux années 20, et dont les décors en céramique sont reproduits en photographie. ‎

Librairie de la Garenne - Clichy-la-Garenne

Phone number : 01 42 70 11 98

EUR25.00 (€25.00 )

‎GIRARD (Paul)‎

Reference : 148208

‎L' Asclépion d'Athènes d'après de récentes découvertes.‎

‎Paris, Thorin, 1881 in-8, 134 pp., carte dépl., broché. ‎



Phone number : 06 46 54 64 48

EUR80.00 (€80.00 )

‎Girard Paulette & Fayolle Lussac Bruno‎

Reference : RO80266470


ISBN : 2858922152

‎Cités, cités-jardins : une histoire européenne - Actes du colloque de Toulouse des 18 et 19 novembre 1993, organisé par le groupe de recherches production de la ville et patrimoine des écoles d'architecture de Toulouse et Bordeaux.‎

‎Editions de la maison des sciences de l'homme d'Aquitaine. 1996. In-8. Broché. Etat du neuf, Couv. fraîche, Dos impeccable, Intérieur frais. 262 pages - nombreux plans en noir et blanc dans et hors texte.. . . . Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture‎

‎Publications de la M.S.H.A n°203. Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR49.50 (€49.50 )

‎Girard, P.S. :‎

Reference : 3015


‎Devis général du canal Saint-Martin.‎

‎Paris, Mme Vve Coursier (imp. Huzard-Courcier), 1820 ; grand in-4, broché ; XXII pp., 40 pp., grand plan et profil du canal dépliant, gravé (75 cm de long.) et couverture de papier rose décoré à l'éponge.‎

‎Approuvé en 1808, le projet du canal Saint-Martin a subi, au fil des années, diverses modifications. La première partie nous en donne le détail, nous avons donc ici la version définitive ; la seconde partie, toute aussi intéressante, chiffre le coût des travaux et nous donne une foule de détails soit techniques, soit d'environnement.Quelques manques au dos de la couverture et bords de quelques feuillets défraichis, deux petites mouillures en marge du plan dépliant. ‎

Librairie Ancienne Clagahé - Saint Symphorien d’Ozon

Phone number : 06 60 22 21 35

EUR450.00 (€450.00 )

‎GIRAUDET (Eugène)‎

Reference : 176980

‎Les Artistes Tourangeaux.. Architectes. Armuriers. Brodeurs. Emailleurs. Graveurs. Orfèvres. Peintres. Sculpteurs. Tapissiers de haute lisse. Notes et documents inédits‎

‎Tours, Rouillé-Ladevèze, 1885 gr. in-8, CIV-419 pp., ill. in-t., index, demi-chagrin rouge, dos à nerfs, couverture conservée (reliure de l'époque). Coins légt émoussés. Qqs rousseurs.‎



Phone number : 06 46 54 64 48

EUR300.00 (€300.00 )

‎GIRAUDET (Eugène)‎

Reference : 224924

‎Les Artistes Tourangeaux.. Architectes. Armuriers. Brodeurs. Emailleurs. Graveurs. Orfèvres. Peintres. Sculpteurs. Tapissiers de haute lisse. Notes et documents inédits‎

‎Tours, Rouillé-Ladevèze, 1885 gr. in-8, CIV-419 pp., ill. in-t., index, demi-basane aubergine, dos lisse, filets à froid (reliure de l'époque). Épid. Dos passé.‎



Phone number : 06 46 54 64 48

EUR200.00 (€200.00 )
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