Antwerpen, Meulenhoff / Manteau 2010, 2010 Hardcover, 240 pagina's, NL, in nieuwstaat, 220 x 160 mm, met enkele foto's in z/w, met een groet en gesigneerd door de auteur, . ISBN 9789085422228.
De Grote Antwerpse Willem Elsschot Atlas brengt de stad van Willem Elsschot en Alfons De Ridder in kaart: in woord en beeld, met foto's en plattegronden. Antwerpen is voor Elsschot een zakenstad, een woonstad en een gedroomde stad. Willem Elsschot (1882-1960) was een man van steden. Hij woonde en werkte achtereenvolgens in Parijs, Rotterdam en Brussel. Toch is Antwerpen de stad waar hij onverbrekelijk mee verbonden is. In Antwerpen werd hij geboren en stierf hij. Het is de stad waar zakenman Alfons De Ridder werkte, zijn reclamebedrijf uitbouwde, waar hij trouwde en waar zijn kinderen opgroeiden. En het is de stad waar de auteur Willem Elsschot het merendeel van zijn literaire oeuvre schreef. Antwerpen speelt ook een prominente rol in zijn werken, als decor en als personage.
, Hannibal Books, 2024 Hardcover, 29 24 cm -208 pagina's Tweetalige editie Nederlands-Engels, Quadrichromie afbeeldingen . ISBN 9789464941029.
Kleurrijk overzichtswerk van beeldend kunstenaar Hans Vandekerckhove ?Silence is a message. De titel van dit boek is niet toevallig gekozen. In de schilderijen van Hans Vandekerckhove heerst stilte: een oorverdovende maar weldadige stilte, even weldadig als hun intense kleuren en golvende, bijna flu de vormen.? ? Eric Rinckhout In zijn oeuvre omarmt kunstenaar Hans Vandekerckhove ( 1957) op een persoonlijke en meeslepende manier de complexiteit van het leven. Zijn werk is een harmonieuze fusie van persoonlijke indrukken, kunsthistorische verwijzingen en een diepgaande, intieme connectie met de natuur, architectuur en de mensen om hem heen. In zijn unieke benadering combineert Vandekerckhove de eeuwenoude frescoschilderkunst uit de vroege renaissance met de verfijnde glacistechniek van de Vlaamse primitieven. Het resultaat is een po tische beeldtaal die balanceert op de grens tussen tastbare verwondering en een wereld vol kwetsbaarheid. Met tekstbijdragen van Eric Rinckhout, Christophe Vekeman, Peter Verhelst en Els Wuyts -------------------Colorful survey of the work of visual artist Hans Vandekerckhove ?Silence is a message. The title of this book is anything but accidental. Silence rules in Hans Vandekerckhove?s paintings: a deafening but salutary stillness, as salutary as their intense colours and undulating, almost fluid shapes.? ? Eric Rinckhout In his work, Hans Vandekerckhove (b. 1957) embraces the complexity of life in a unique and compelling way. His art is a harmonious synthesis of personal impressions, art historical references and a deep, intimate connection with nature, architecture and his environment. Vandekerckhove?s distinctive approach combines early Renaissance fresco techniques with the refined glazing of the Flemish Primitives. The result is a poetic visual language that hovers between tangible wonder and a world full of vulnerability.
, Harvill, 1997 Paperback, 624 pages, ENG., 240 x 230 x 30 mm, in good condition, illustrated in b/w and some in colour. ISBN 9781860462146.
This volume can be used both as a chronological history of the development of Britain and as a work of reference. It looks at the origins, evolution and progress of Britain's villages, towns, universities, pubs and parks, farms and industries, explaining everything from Iron Age forts to the iron bridges to the Industrial Revolution.
, Pandora, 2016 Hardback, 285 x 285 x 20 mm, NEW, 186p, throughout colour illustrations, English edition. ISBN 9789053254158.
Few ports in the world can boast such a rich history as the Port of Antwerp. Back in the 16th century, the port was a hub of international trade. Five centuries and many chapters later, Antwerp still holds that position. The port is the heartbeat of the region, the lifeblood connecting Antwerp to the rest of the world. Inspired by this unique context, rich history, and exceptional location, Zaha Hadid Architects has created a new Port House for Antwerp. This new building has taken up a suitable place in the age-old dialogue between city and river. Coupled with a sustainable and future-oriented workplace for the staff, the building personifies the global character of the Port of Antwerp and forms a conducive setting for the many international contacts of the port community. The Port House combines the old and the new to yield an awesome composition which plays with light. Zaha Hadid's design shows how 'former' buildings can play a starring role even in modern architecture. The result is an undoubted masterpiece, a landmark on the Antwerp skyline, and an eternal light on the River Scheldt.
Antwerpen, gompel-svacina, 149 Hardcover, 3 volumes, foedraal, 2056 pagina's, full colour illustraties, . ISBN 9789463715461.
De Maritieme Canon van Vlaanderen is de allereerste omvattende maritieme geschiedenis van Vlaanderen, het noordelijke, aan de zee gelegen, Nederlandstalige deel van Belgi . Het driedelige werk van meer dan 2000 pagina?s toont hoezeer de zee, de scheepvaart en de havens gedurende eeuwen de Vlaamse welvaart hebben bepaald. Vlaanderen, dat zijn rijkdom altijd dankte aan de maritieme factor, kan ook vandaag worden beschouwd als de belangrijkste maritieme regio in Europa. De Maritieme Canon van Vlaanderen is veel meer dan een verhaal over oude boten, zeeslagen en scheepsrampen. Het is een breed opgevatte Vlaamse maritieme beschavingsgeschiedenis, complementair aan andere historische overzichten die zijn geschreven vanuit een landperspectief. De Maritieme Canon van Vlaanderen brengt heel wat nieuwe inzichten, bijv. in het historische kantelpunt dat de Scheldesluiting betekende voor de Zuidelijke Nederlanden, de wereldwijde invloed van de grote Vlaamse maritieme diaspora, de Hollandse Gouden Eeuw ? die in feite een Hollands-Vlaamse Gouden Eeuw was ? en de onvermoede maritieme roots van het negentiende-eeuwse Belgische Congoproject. Ook de wisselwerking tussen de politieke en de economische ontbolstering van de Vlaamse regio doorheen de twintigste eeuw komt aan bod. Last but not least werpt het werk een blik op de maritieme toekomst van Vlaanderen, met al zijn sterkten en zwakten. De Maritieme Canon van Vlaanderen wil het Vlaamse publieke bewustzijn rond het historische en het hedendaagse belang van de maritieme factor versterken. Tevens wil het boek historisch onderzoek rond maritieme thema?s aanmoedigen. De erin verzamelde verhalen bieden ook de onderbouw voor een Vlaams Maritiem Museum ? het VLAMM. Het boek telt meer dan 2100 wereldwijd verzamelde afbeeldingen, waarvan vele nooit eerder zijn gepubliceerd. Aan het einde zijn een uitvoerige wetenschappelijke bibliografie en een afbeeldingenverantwoording opgenomen. De drie delen zijn verpakt in een fraai foedraal. Eric Van Hooydonk ( Antwerpen, 1965) is licentiaat en doctor in de rechten, bijzonder licentiaat in de maritieme wetenschappen en professor aan de Universiteit Gent, waar hij verbonden is aan het Maritiem Instituut. Eric leidt ook een maritiem advocatenkantoor in Antwerpen. Eerder werkte hij twintig jaar aan de Universiteit Antwerpen, waar hij het zee- en transportrechtinstituut leidde. Hij adviseert overheden en ondernemingen over beleid, regelgeving en beheer rond havens, waterwegen en scheepvaart en behandelt daaromtrent ook geschillendossiers. Eric werkte in alle continenten en heeft meer dan 35 jaar ervaring in maritiem-historisch onderzoek.
, Brepols, 2020 Hardback, 348 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:3 b/w, 9 tables b/w., Languages: English, Latin, Greek. ISBN 9782503588438.
Summary Confronted with the shifting idea of the authority of a text and its transmission and reception in a variety of genres, settings and contexts, this collective volume envisages to enlarge and deepen our understanding of these notions by tangling literary forgery and emulation. Authority and authoritative literary productions provoke all kinds of interest and emulation. Hermeneutical techniques, detailed exegesis and historical critique are invoked to put authority, and indeed also possible falsifications, to the test. Scholars from various disciplines working on texts, either authoritative or forged, and stemming from different periods of time, reflect on these topics on a methodological basis and from a hermeneutical entrance. In doing so, a threefold axis for questioning the phenomenon is proposed, namely the motif of falsification, the mechanism or technique applied, and the direct or indirect effect of this fraud. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction. The Protean Appearance of Falsifications: Emulating and Challenging Authority in Antiquity, the Middle Ages and the Renaissance (Jan Papy & Erika Gielen) The Documents in the Attic Orators: Early Antiquarians and Unintentional Forgers (Mirko Canevaro) Four Forged Orations by Aeschines, Demades and Demosthenes and their Reception during the Renaissance (Luigi Silvano) The Fate of the Pridie: Tracing the Decline of Manuscript Authority (Katherine A. East) Causes, Opportunities and Methods in the Falsification of Roman Epigraphy in Renaissance Spain. The Case of the Tetrachs' Inscriptions (Joan Carbonell Manils & Gerard Gonz lez Germain) Is On Theriac to Piso a Forgery? (Robert Leigh) The Creation of Authority in Pseudo-Pythagorean Texts and Their Reception in Late Ancient Philosophy (Angela Ulacco) Pseudo-Plutarch's On Rivers and the School Tradition (F lix Racine) Rufinus versus Jerome in the Falsification Affair (Christian M ller) The Forgery of Isaac Casaubon's Name: Authority and The Originall of Idolatries (Jacqueline Hylkema) Index manuscriptorum Index nominum
, Kapellen: Pelckmans, 2005 158 p. : ill, Hardcover, stofomslag. ISBN 9789028936089.
Vlaamse Gemeenschap
, Hatje Cantz , 2021 HB, 290 x 227 mm, 240 pages +, 250 Illustrations en couleur.Eng edition. ISBN 9783775748155.
Landscape architecture is a form of high art for Erik Dhont, who has brought both nuance and sensitivity to various sites. Playing with flowers, grasses, shrubs or trees, he creates unique spaces, structures and textures. His timeless green paradises which are the result of true craftsmanship, are deeply rooted in the European garden tradition. They stand for longevity, evolution, dreams, and life. In this second monograph, Dhont presents his creations from over the last twenty years, combining photographs with abstract drawings, colorful planting plans, and sculptural models that reflect on his artistic approach. Intimate views of seminal creations such as the garden of fashion designer Dries van Noten immerse one into Dhont's creative and sensual universe. Ed. Erik Dhont, Suzanne Krizenecky. Textes de Michael Jakob, Suzanne Krizenecky. Pr face de Michael Jakob. Photographies de Georg Aerni, Jean-Pierre Gabriel, Reiner Lautwein. Graphic design de Jurgen Persijn
, Max Str m , 2020 Hardcover, HB, 232 x 295 mm, 144 pages , 105 colour illustrations,English edition. ISBN 9789171264916.
The photographer and visual artist Erik Johansson creates surreal worlds through his own unique method. It often takes him months just to make one image, in a process where his photographs are combined so that an original place emerges. The result is often humorous, sometimes even scary, but always mind-blowing. Erik Johansson has become world-famous through his captivating and detailed images. Places Beyond is his second and biggest book so far, presenting his best images in large format. He also reveals the secrets of his method in an inspirational chapter where he explains his creative process. Places Beyond contains more than a hundred stunning pictures. - Features classic images as well as never before published photographs - Includes a chapter explaining the wonder behind Erik Johansson's images and how they are created
, Brepols, 2019 Hardback, xxxvi + 255 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:46 b/w, 16 col., 6 tables b/w., Language: English. ISBN 9782503579214.
Summary Fleeing his North-African homeland for Italy, Constantine the African arrived in Salerno and then joined the abbey of Monte Cassino south of Rome in c. 1077. He dedicated his life to the translation of more than two dozen medical texts from Arabic into Latin. These great efforts produced the first substantial written body of medical theory and practice in medieval Europe. His most important contribution, an encyclopedia he called the Pantegni (The Complete Art), was translated and adapted from the Complete Book of the Medical Art by the Persian physician 'Ali ibn al-'Abb?s al-Ma??s? (d. 982). This monograph focuses on the oldest manuscript of the Pantegni,Theorica, which represents a work-in-progress with numerous unusual features. This study, for the first time, identifies Monte Cassino as the origin of this oldest Pantegni manuscript, and asserts that it was made during Constantine's lifetime. It further demonstrates how a skilled team of scribes and scholars assisted the translator in the complex process of producing this Latin version of the Arabic text. Several members of this production team are identified, both in the Pantegni manuscript and in other copies of Cassinese manuscripts. The book breaks new ground by identifying a range of manuscripts produced at Monte Cassino under Constantine's direct supervision, as evidenced by their material features, script, and contents. In rare detail, this study explores some of the challenges met by 'Team Constantine' as they sought to reveal new knowledge to the West, which in turn revolutionized medical understanding throughout medieval Europe. This is really a quite remarkable study, utterly transformative of our understanding of one of the turning points in the history of Western civilization, the moment when Greco-Arabic medicine was introduced into the Latin European world. Michael McVaugh TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface Acknowledgements List of Abbreviations Introduction. Constantine the African and the Pantegni in Context (by Eliza Glaze) Chapter 1. The Dossier of the Scribe Chapter 2. Producing the Manuscript Chapter 3. Team Constantine Chapter 4. Using the Manuscript Chapter 5. Implications and Complications Appendices Appendix A. The Hague, Koninklijke Bibliotheek, MS 73 J 6 Appendix B. The Biographies of Constantine the African Appendix C. Latin Text and English Translation of the Prologue of the Pantegni Appendix D. English Translation of the Theodemar Chapter of Ortus et vita Appendix E. Holster Books Copied Prior to 1200 Appendix F. Glossary of Scribes Bibliography Manuscript Index General Index
, Universitaire Pers Leuven, 2014 softcover,272pp. Illustrated. Fine copy.english only. 230 x 170 mm, ISBN 9789058679918.
The first monograph covering Dibbets's iconic photographic oeuvre Dutchman Jan Dibbets ( b. 1941) is one of the principal artists to have introduced photography into the plastic arts, and this as early as the 1960s. At a time when photography has massively invaded contemporary art institutions?not without generating confusion and excess?it is not easy to evaluate the full radicality of Dibbets's approach. This radicalism has nothing to do with modernist overkill. Dibbets did not merely go further than others; rather, he simply went elsewhere. Beginning in 1967, he embarked on a long-range project which, as we advance into the 21st century, he seems not to have abandoned: the "pictorializing" of photography. Jan Dibbets is one of the few artists of his generation and reputation not to have seen his oeuvre accorded full monographic coverage. This exhaustive study seeks to fill this gap by covering almost fifty years of his photographic oeuvre.
Amsterdam, Wereldbibliotheek, 2004 Softcover, 153 pagina's, 21 x 13 x 1.5 cm, gesigneerd met opdracht. .
, Erik Wauters, 2020 softcover, 78 pages, Illustrations en couleurs , Texte en Francais. ISBN 9789464072099.
, Brepols - Harvey Miller, 2022 Hardback, iv + 202 pages, Size:220 x 280 mm, Illustrations:120 col., 2 maps b/w, Language: English. ISBN 9781912554775.
Summary The return of a saint's body to its rightful resting place was an event of civic and spiritual significance retold in Medieval sources and substantiated by artistic commissions. Legends of Saint Thomas Apostle, for instance, claimed that the martyred saint had been miraculously transported from India to Italy during the thirteenth century. However, Saint Thomas's purported resting place in Ortona, Italy did not become a major stopping point on pilgrimage or exploration routes, nor did this event punctuate frescoed life cycles or become a subject for Renaissance altarpieces as one would expect. Instead, the site of the apostle's burial in Chennai, India has flourished as a terminus of religious pilgrimage, where a multifaceted visual tradition emerged, and where a vibrant local cult of 'Thomas Christians' remains to this day. An unlikely destination on the edge of the 'known' world thus became a surprising source of early modern Christian piety. By studying the art and texts associated with this little-known cult, this book disrupts assumptions about how knowledge of Asia took shape during the Renaissance and challenges art historical paradigms in which art was crafted by locals merely to be exported, collected, and consumed by curious European patrons. In so doing, Italy by Way of India proposes that we redefine the parameters of early modern visual culture to account for the ways that global mobility and the circulation of objects profoundly influence how cultures see and know each other as well as themselves. TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGMENTS LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS INTRODUCTION Translating Saints An Apostle in India CHAPTER I. SAINT THOMAS AND THE MAKING OF CHRISTIANITY IN SOUTHERN INDIA Re-situating Christianity in India Thomas, Builder of Churches The Cross and the Lotus Dar?an in the Church The Reform of Thomas Christianity in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries CHAPTER II. INDIAN CHRISTIAN ART IN THE AGE OF COLONIALISM Devotional Objects in Churches Devotional Objects for Domestic Use CHAPTER III. POSSESSING INDIA Indian Things in Italy Shopping in India Putting Saint Thomas on the Map Bringing Saint Thomas's India to Florence Experiencing Indian Objects in the Medici Collections CHAPTER IV. AN INDIAN SAINT IN ITALY The Deaths of Saint Thomas First Translation Mistranslation CONCLUSION NOTES BIBLIOGRAPHY
Aarau, Sauerländer, 1949, in-8vo, 32 S. mit 16 ganzseit. Abb., ill. farb. O.-Broschüre.
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808
New York New-York-Plaisance (Rogers & Company, Chicago and New-York) 1908 in 4 (32x23,5) 1 volume reliure toilée ornée de l'éditeur, non paginé (unpaged), avec de nombreuses illustrations, dont planches hors-texte contrecollées, avec 22 pages de publicités in fine. Contains illustrated interiors of the New Amsterdam Theatre designed by Herts & Tallant, and Murray's Restaurant in New York City designed by Henry Erkins. First Edition. Bel exemplaire ( Photographies sur demande / We can send pictures of this book on simple request )
Très bon Couverture rigide
Paris, éd. Mazenod, coll. "L'Art et les grandes civilisations", 1983 - fort in-folio, reliure éditeur pleine toile, couv. et jaquette illustrées, 628 pages, très nbses illustrations couleurs (souvent pleine page) et N&B -TBE
Le grand livre du mois. 1989. In-8. Broché. Très bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 418 pages augmentées de quelques schémas et photos en noir et blanc dans texte.. . . . Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
Jean paul Gisserot. Mai 2001. In-8. Broché. Très bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 30 pages augmentées de nombreuses photos en couleurs dans texte.. . . . Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture
Paris Fayard 1999. In-8 broché 350pp. Petite pliure angulaire au bas du 1er plat de la couverture, quelques mots ou passages soulignés en début d'ouvrage, sinon exemplaire frais et complet. Envoi de l'Auteur sur le faux-titre. (BAL 24)
, H.N. Abrams, 1989 hardcover with dusjacket 630 pages, ENG. edition, 320 x 255 x 50 mm. ISBN 9780810906310.
Authoritative work and invaluable reference book of the Gothic era. With 935 ilustrations, including 178 in full color, foldouts, map, ground plans, elevations.
Paris, Fayard, 1989. 16 x 24, 418 pp., nombreuses figures, cartonnage souple d'édition, bon état.
Paris, Fayard, 1989. 16 x 24, 418 pp., 160 figures, reliure souple d'édition, très bon état (1 cachet et 1 signature d'ex-particulier sur la page de faux-titre).
,Paris, Mame 1990, 79 pp., 1 vol. in 8 carré br. couverture illustrée, illustrations in et hors-texte en noir et en couleurs.