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Reference : 18793


‎En Provence.‎

‎ 1953 Plon, 1953, 242 pages, in 8 broché, état d'usage, légèrement jauni, usures et frottements sur les bords des plats, coins cornés.‎

Phone number :

EUR8.00 (€8.00 )

‎Emile Kaufmann‎

Reference : 100097850


‎De Ledoux à Le Corbusier origines de l'architecture moderne‎

‎Fondation claude nicolas Ledoux 1987 in folio. 1987. broché. non paginé pages. Bon Etat intérieur propre‎

Livres-sur-sorgue - Isle-sur-la-sorgue

Phone number : 04 90 26 49 32

EUR15.00 (€15.00 )

‎Emile Kesteman‎

Reference : 58917

‎bladen voor de grafiek nr.2 jrg 1- TOM PAYOT‎

‎, Lier, 1968., In suite, originele uitgeversomslag, 21,5x28cm, z.p., geillustreerd met 10 originele houtsneden.‎

‎TOM PAYOT De bladen voor de grafiek nr.2 jrg.1‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR10.00 (€10.00 )

‎Emile Langui‎

Reference : 62814

‎Expressionism in Belgium‎

‎, Laconti, 1972 Hardcover, 236 pages, ENG edition, 240 x 200 mm, book is in good shape, the illustrated dustjacket "lost" its good shape, illustrations in colours / b/w.‎

‎Kunst > Expressionisme - Fauvisme‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR25.00 (€25.00 )

‎Emile Langui‎

Reference : 60574

‎peinture sous le signe de la mer: Ostende, Galeries Royales, 5 ao t - 4 septembre 1951‎

‎Ostende, Galeries Royales, 1951 softcover, 50 pages illustre. catalogue expo.‎

‎Editions de la connaissance, ‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR20.00 (€20.00 )


Reference : R260160503



‎PAUL HARTMANN. 1948. In-4. Cartonné. Etat d'usage, Coins frottés, Dos abîmé, Intérieur frais. Environ 200 pages. Frontispice en noir et blanc. Nombreuses photos en noir et blanc, dans et hors-texte de Pierre Devinoy. Mors fendu, dos partiellement détaché.. . . . Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture‎

‎Envoi de l'auteur sur la page de garde. Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR49.50 (€49.50 )


Reference : R260113449



‎J. PEYRONNET ET Cie. 1929. In-8. Broché. Etat d'usage, Couv. défraîchie, Dos satisfaisant, Mouillures. 62 pages. Premier plat illustré d'une photos sépia contrecollée.. . . . Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture‎

‎ Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR24.90 (€24.90 )


Reference : 85928aaf

‎Les Arts Méconnus. Les nouveaux musées du Trocadéro. Ouvrage orné de 400 gravures.‎

‎Paris, Ernest Leroux, 1881, in-4to, XV + 531 p., ill. avec 400 gravures + 3 planches dépliantes ill., reliure en toile originale, ill. avec des ornements en or et noir, tranches dorées .‎


Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808

CHF170.00 (€182.22 )

‎Emile Thézard‎

Reference : est262t8

‎L'architecture Usuelle‎

‎Dimension extérieur : 31,7 x 24,2 cm. Terrasses et Treilles, à Walmer-Lodge et à Courtlands (Angleterre). M.M Mawson et Mallows, architectes.‎

‎Planche 81, gravure dans son jus, en bon état général.‎


Phone number : +33 5 59 03 69 40

EUR20.00 (€20.00 )

‎Emile Wennekes, Emilio Audissino (eds)‎

Reference : 66042

‎Cinema Changes: Incorporations of Jazz in the Film Soundtrack‎

‎, Brepols, 2019 Hardback, xxvi + 334 pages, Size:210 x 260 mm, Illustrations:35 b/w, 26 musical examples, Language: English. ISBN 9782503584478.‎

‎Summary Cinema is the form of entertainment that can be, above all, identified with the twentieth century. It gradually replaced theatre as a popular form of performed storytelling, and replaced opera too as the new "multimedia" art form, soon incorporating music as one of cinema's privileged means to co-tell stories. Speaking of music, jazz was as sensational a twentieth-century novelty as cinema was. The two soon teamed up, and jazz, with its various incarnations and styles, has accompanied the moving images and the cinematic narratives throughout the decades. It was inevitable that these two iconic art/entertainment forms, jazz and cinema, should meet, blend, cooperate, and have a reciprocal influence. While the early film music was mostly symphonic and inspired by the late-romantic nineteenth-century idiom, jazz and Afro-American music - in various form and with diverse and changing racial/social connotations - appeared onscreen even before the landmark film The Jazz Singer (1927), which officially launched the sound era. This collection of essays seeks to study the long-standing relationship between jazz and cinema, from the silent era to the contemporary sound cinema, on an international level. TABLE OF CONTENTS Emile Wennekes - Emilio Audissino Prologue: A Reel Jazz Survey Rendition / Reception Emile Wennekes Out of Tune? Jazz, Film and the Diegesis Phillip Johnston Jazzin' the Silents: Jazz and Improvised Music in Contemporary Scores for Silent Film Luca Stoll Cinema: A Privileged Way of Acquiring Intimacy with Jazz Standards Marida Rizzuti Play, My Fiddle, Play! Jazz and Klezmer at the End of the 1930s Randall Cherry Ethel Waters and the Search for Racial Redemption Jazz and National Cinemas Emilio Audissino The Multiform Identity of Jazz in Hollywood: An Assessment through the John Williams Case Study Nicolas Pillai Rhythms of the Everyday: an Alternative History of the British Jazz Film Philippe Gonin Jazz and Cinema: Which Jazz for Which Movies in France from 1945 to the early 1960s? Julio Arce - Celsa Alonso From the Chotis to the Charleston: Jazz in Spanish Films prior to the Civil War Roberto Calabretto Jazz Music in Michelangelo Antonioni's Films Willem Strank When Jazz Meets German Cinema: A Brief Overview Jason R. Hillebrand A Song Helps Us Live: The Narrative Function of Jazz in the Soviet Musical Film Jolly Fellows Case Studies Francesco Finocchiaro - Leo Izzo The Sound of the Nightmares: On the Jazz Music in Fritz Lang's Metropolis Ryan Patrick Jones Dignity in the Twilight of Minstrelsy: Race, Nuance, and Aspiration in Duke Ellington's Symphony in Black: A Rhapsody of Negro Life Adam Biggs The Blues and Dissonance in Michelangelo Antonioni's Blow-Up Armando Ianniello Umiliani, Trovajoli, and Rota: The Jazz Film Score of Boccaccio '70 Marcel Bouvrie Synergetic Jazz Score: The Narrative of the Relation between the Diegetic and Nondiegetic Music in Whiplash Mervyn Cooke 'The Same Goddamn Songs the Same Goddamn Way'? Makin' Whoopee with The Fabulous Baker Boys Abstracts Biographies Index of Names‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR120.00 (€120.00 )

‎Emiliano Bugatti, Cemal Emden, Dr Jane N. Erzen, Luigi Guzzardi‎

Reference : 65261

‎Carlo Scarpa The Complete Buildings‎

‎, Prestel, 2024 Hardback, 324 x 216 mm, 280 Illustrations col., 352 Pages, English ed. ISBN 9783791377148.‎

‎Featuring exquisite photographs of every structure the architect designed from scratch or incorporated into a historical building, this elegant volume is as sumptuous and inviting as a Scarpa interior. Although he was not widely known during his lifetime, Carlo Scarpa has in the past-half century become one of the most revered of modern architects. ‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR69.99 (€69.99 )

‎Emilio Audissino (ed.)‎

Reference : 57186

‎John Williams Music for Films, Television, and the Concert Stage‎

‎, Brepols 2018, 2018 xxiv + 440 pages., 220 x 280 mm, English, Hardcover, . ISBN 9782503580340.‎

‎This volume is a large exploration of the many sides of Williams's output. Once mostly considered a commercial composer and a mere rewriter of previous composers? styles, only recently Williams? music has begun to be taken seriously, and scholars from the music and the film departments have begun to produce research in the form of books, journal articles, conference papers, and Ph.D. theses. The present volume seeks to build upon, complement and review what has been written so far on Williams. This volume is a large exploration of the many sides of Williams's output, aimed at showing the range of his production (not merely focussing on film music) and at analysing the depth of his dramaturgic and compositional skills with selected case studies. To accomplish this exploration ? which has not the pretence of exhaustiveness but certainly that of being an accurate survey possessing both latitude and depth ? a large team of international scholars has been assembled from all around the world. The contributors come from film, media and music departments ? to provide a variety of disciplinary perspectives on Williams's work. Emilio Audissino (University of Southampton, UK) is a film scholar and film musicologist. Dr Audissino's main research interests are Hollywood and Italian cinema, film style and technique, horror and comedy, film analysis, and sound and music in films. His book Film/Music Analysis. A Film Studies Approach (2017) concerns a method to analyse music in films that blends Neoformalism, Gestalt Psychology, and Leonard Meyer's musicology. A John Williams specialist, he is the author of John Williams's Film Music: 'Jaws', 'Star Wars', 'Raiders of the Lost Ark' and the Return of the Classical Hollywood Music Style (2014), the first book in English on the composer.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR99.00 (€99.00 )

‎Emilio Fernandez Mir , Pilar Ortega Chapel‎

Reference : 63870

‎Mir Sculptures : 1928-1982 (Complete Works) : Catalogue Raisonn ‎

‎, Galerie Lelong, 2010 Hardcover with illustr. dustjacket, 390 pages, ENG. 330 x 260 x 33 mm, Large / Heavy format, illustrated in colour / b/w. ISBN 9782868820747.‎

‎Alongside Picasso and Warhol, Joan Mir (1893-1983) is one of the twentieth century's most influential artists. Mir created a pictorial world of intense imaginative power, in which visionary and cosmic elements are inextricably intertwined with the earthly and mundane. The research for this six-volume catalogue raisonn of Mir 's paintings, spanning the years 1908 to 1981, was begun in 1957. The artist himself and later the Mir Estate were largely involved in its preparation--Jacques Dupin, Ariane Lelong-Mainaud and Joan Punyet Mir . The catalogue includes all the artist's oils, acrylics and works in various media--on canvas, cardboard, wood, masonite, copper and other hard supports. In the six volumes--all published only in English--all paintings are reproduced in color, whenever possible, accompanied by their title, date, technique and dimensions, with indication of signature and inscriptions on the back, as well as their collection, provenance, important exhibitions and major publications in which they are reproduced.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR39.95 (€39.95 )

‎Emily A. Winkler, Liam Fitzgerald (eds)‎

Reference : 65410

‎Normans in the Mediterranean‎

‎, Brepols, 2021 Hardback, 268 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:11 b/w, 5 col., Language: English. ISBN 9782503590578.‎

‎Summary In both popular memory and in their own histories, the Normans remain almost synonymous with conquest. In their relatively brief history, some of these Normans left a small duchy in northern France to fight with Empires, conquer kingdoms, and form new ruling dynasties. This book examines the explosive Norman encounters with the medieval Mediterranean, c. 1000-1250. It evaluates new evidence for conquest and communities, and offers new perspectives on the Normans' many meetings and adventures in history and memory. The contributions gathered here ask questions of politics, culture, society, and historical writing. How should we characterize the Normans' many personal, local, and interregional interactions in the Mediterranean? How were they remembered in writing in the years and centuries that followed their incursions? The book questions the idea of conquest as replacement, examining instead how human interactions created new nodes and networks that transformed the medieval Mediterranean. Through studies of the Normans and the communities who encountered them - across Iberia, the eastern Roman Empire, Lombard Italy, Islamic Sicily, and the Great Sea - the book explores macro- and micro-histories of conquest, its strategies and technologies, and how medieval people revised, rewrote, and remembered conquest. TABLE OF CONTENTS Illustrations Acknowledgments Introduction: The Normans and Conquest in the Mediterranean - EMILY A. WINKLER AND ANDREW SMALL Part I. Motivations and Strategies Norman Conquests: Nature, Nurture, Normanitas - MATTHEW BENNETT Marriage as a Strategy for Conquering Power: Norman Matrimonial Strategies in Lombard Southern Italy - AUR LIE THOMAS The Changing Priorities in the Norman Incursions into the Iberian Peninsula's Muslim-Christian Frontiers, c. 1018-c. 1191 - LUCAS VILLEGAS-ARISTIZ BAL Part II. The Implications of Conquest in Sicily and Southern Italy Norman Change, Lords and Rural Societies - SANDRO CAROCCI The Nobility of Norman Italy, c. 1085-1127 - GRAHAM A. LOUD Shaping the Urban Landscape: The Normans as New Patrons in Salerno - MADDALENA VACCARO Palermo and the Norman Conquest of Sicily - THERESA J CKH Community and Conquest on Medieval Monte Iato, Sicily - NICOLE M LK Part III. Perceptions and Memories Holy War in the Central Mediterranean: The Case of the Zirids and the Normans - MATT KING Hagiography and the Politics of Memory in the Norman Conquest of the Italian South - KALINA YAMBOLIEV‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR75.00 (€75.00 )

‎Emily Braun ; Letitia O'Connor ; Fronia Simpson‎

Reference : 61072

‎Hillman Family Collection : Manet to Matisse‎

‎, Alex Hillman Family Foundation, 1994 Hardcover, 216 pages, ENG, 310 x 235 x 25 mm, in New condition, no dustjacket, illustrated in colour. ISBN 9780295973876.‎

‎"Manet to Matisse: The Hillman Family Collection is a history and catalogue of one of the foremost art collections formed in America in the 1950s and 1960s. The collection is best known for its Impressionist, Post-Impressionist, and early modern masters, among them Bonnard, Braque, Dufy, Gris, Manet, Matisse, Modigliani, Picasso, Pissarro, Renoir, and Rouault. The Hillman Collection also includes works by Americans of the WPA era and postwar European artists." "The introductory essays document the acquisitions made by the Hillmans over three decades and analyze many of the best-known images in an art historical context. The seventy-eight paintings, sculptures, and works on paper are illustrated in color and accompanied by detailed catalogue entries with complete exhibition histories and bibliographic references. An illustrated Appendix listing works formerly in the Hillman Collection is also included."‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR39.95 (€39.95 )

‎Emily Wingfield‎

Reference : 63122

‎Scotland's Royal Women and European Literary Culture, 1424-1587‎

‎, Brepols, 2024 Hardback, 448 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:9 b/w, 37 col., Language: English. ISBN 9782503600291.‎

‎Summary Scotland's Royal Women and European Literary Culture, 1424-1587 seeks to fill a significant gap in the rich and ever-growing body of scholarly work on royal and aristocratic women's literary culture in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. There has, to date, been no book-length study of the literary activities of the female members of any one family across time and little study of Scotland's royal women in comparison to their European and English counterparts. This book adopts the missing diachronic perspective and examines the wives and daughters of Scotland's Stewart dynasty and their many and various associations with contemporary Scottish, English, and European literary culture over a period of just over 150 years. It also adopts a timely cross-border and cross-period perspective by taking a trans-national approach to the study of literary history and examining a range of texts and individuals from across the traditional medieval/early modern divide. In exploring the inter-related lives and letters of the women who married into the Scottish royal family from England and Europe ? and those daughters who married outwith Scotland into Europe's royal families ? the resultant study consistently looks beyond Scotland's land and sea borders. In so doing, it moves Scottish literary culture from the periphery to the centre of Europe and demonstrates the constitutive role that Scotland's royal women played in an essentially shared literary and artistic culture. TABLE OF CONTENTS Select Genealogy / Key Figures Introduction Part 1: The Wife and Daughters of James I of Scotland Chapter 1. Joan Beaufort Chapter 2. Margaret Chapter 3. Isabella Chapter 4. Eleanor Part 2: Queens Consort, James II-V Chapter 5. Mary of Gueldres Chapter 6. Margaret of Denmark Chapter 7.Margaret Tudor Preface to Chapters 8 and 9. The Wives of James V Chapter 8. Madeleine of Valois Chapter 9.Mary of Guise Part 3: Queen Regnant Chapter 10. Mary Queen of Scots Bibliography Index‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR115.00 (€115.00 )

‎E.m. jung-inglessis‎

Reference : RO40053542


‎St pierre - edition speciale pour les galeries et musees pontificaux‎

‎Edition speciale pour les galeries et musees pontificaux. 1989. In-4. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 69 pages, nombreuses illustrations couleurs, dans et hors texte. Couverture illustrée.. . . . Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture‎

‎ Classification Dewey : 720-Architecture‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR24.90 (€24.90 )

‎Emma Annette Wilson, Sarah Knight (eds)‎

Reference : 65908

‎European Contexts of Ramism‎

‎, Brepols, 2019 Hardback, xii + 353 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:13 b/w, Language: English. ISBN 9782503574998.‎

‎Summary Pierre de la Ram e or Petrus Ramus (1515-1572) has long been a controversial figure in educational reform and innovation, from the moment of his first public academic statements in the 1530s, to his reception among scholars in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. What is beyond dispute, however, is the vast reach of his influence throughout Europe. Ramus's ideas were disseminated through copious editions and translations of his own textbooks, and in wave after wave of adaptations and re-imaginings of his ideas that swept across the continent. This volume embarks on a European tour of Ramism, using a wide range of previously unpublished or untranslated archival evidence from throughout the continent to examine the dissemination of Ramus's works and his intellectual influence in geographic and in disciplinary terms. The ten chapters explore the spread of Ramism from his home country of France to Protestant strongholds in Germany, Holland, and Britain, and in the Catholic context of the Iberian peninsula. The book also examines Ramism in the less familiar territories (to most Anglophone readers) of Scandinavia and Hungary, and considers the preceding and contemporary Dutch and German educational reform movements from which Ramus borrowed to forge his own distinctive intellectual method. TABLE OF CONTENTS Notes on Contributors List of Illustrations Introduction - SARAH KNIGHT and EMMA ANNETTE WILSON Ramus and Humanist Pedagogy in the Language Arts - JUDITH RICE HENDERSON Ramus and Agricola - MARC VAN DER POEL The International Nature of Britannic Ramism - EMMA ANNETTE WILSON Ramus and the Teaching of Mathematics - ISABELLE PANTIN Teacher, Rival, Martyr: Ramus in French Literature and Thought - SARAH KNIGHT 'Reduced to Order' and 'Just for Show'? Ramus, Print, and Visual Aesthetics - RAPHAEL HALLETT Ramism in the North - GUNNAR HARDARSON The Reception and Influence of Ramism in Spain - ALFONSO MART N-JIM NEZ Hungarian and Transylvanian Ramism - G BOR KECSKEM TI Select Bibliography Index‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR100.00 (€100.00 )

‎Emma J. Wells, Claire Kennan (eds)‎

Reference : 63123

‎What is Medieval? Decoding Approaches to the Medieval and Medievalism in the 21st Century‎

‎, Brepols, 2024 Hardback, 288 pages, Size:178 x 254 mm, Illustrations:26 b/w, 24 col., Illustrations:26 b/w, 24 col., Language: English. ISBN 9782503600680.‎

‎Summary The Middle Ages and Medievalism have been used and abused throughout history-and this continues. This narrative deserves a reassessment. But, what is Medieval? This is the central question that unifies the contributions in this volume. 'Medievalism', or the study of the Middle Ages in its broadest sense, refers to the perception, conceptualisation and movement towards the era post the fifteenth century. Its study is therefore not about the period otherwise referred to as the 'Middle Ages', but rather the myriad ways it has since been conceived. And the field of medievalism is still in its relative infancy which has led to the emergence of various existential questions about its scope, remit, theoretico-methodological and pedagogical underpinnings, interpretation, periodization, and its relationship to established disciplines and more emerging subdisciplines and specialised fields?both within and without the academy. In turn, neomedievalism has allowed insight into and a response to the medieval often dominated by the modern. This has provoked debate over the nature of neomedievalism as a discipline, subdiscipline, genre, field or offshoot in direct or contrasting relation to the more traditional medievalism. Featuring interdisciplinary contributions from academics, educational practitioners as well as museum, digital and heritage professionals, this volume provides a fresh reflection on past methods to emerging pedagogies as well as new avenues of enquiry into the ways we think about the medieval. It is by reconciling these seemingly disparate forms that we can better understand the continual, interconnected, and often politicised, reinvention of the Middle Ages throughout cultures and study.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR95.00 (€95.00 )

‎Emma Lambotte / James Ensor.‎

Reference : 61362

‎Paniska; avec un dessin de James Ensor‎

‎Antwerp - Anvers , a ira, 1933 cartonnage illustre de l'editeur original; 35 pages.-[1] f. de pl. en coul. ; 19 cm *cinquante exemplaires marqu s E. L. NO; 10. . **tres bon etat!‎

‎Achev d'imprimer le 15 mars 1933 pour les ditions " a Ira" 62 Avenue Cruys, Deurne-Anvers. Les ditions " a Ira" se r servent tous droits. Il a t tir de cet ouvrage 100 exemplaires sur papier Featherweight num rot s de 1 100, dix exemplaires sur Hollande Van Gelder num rot s de I X et deux exemplaires marqu s A et B, hors commerce. Il a t tir , en outre, cinquante exemplaires marqu s E. L. NO; 10. a ira : revue mensuelle d'art et de critique a ira (1920-1923) : revue anversoise d'avant-garde‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR95.00 (€95.00 )

‎Emmanuel Baudouin‎

Reference : 65142

‎architecture de M sopotamie et du Caucase de la fin du 7e la fin du 5e mill naire‎

‎, Brepols, 2021 Paperback, xxviii + 358 pages, Size:216 x 280 mm, Illustrations:115 b/w, 28 col., 157 tables b/w., Language: French. ISBN 9782503593685.‎

‎Summary Cet ouvrage invite retracer l'histoire des relations culturelles entre les communaut s de M sopotamie et du Caucase durant le N olithique et le Chalcolithique par une tude des m canismes d'innovation et de transmission des connaissances en architecture. Le premier objectif est de caract riser ces changes techniques pour d terminer si les communaut s du Caucase se sont install es de mani re autonome ou si elles ont profit de l'exp rience de celles de M sopotamie. Le second objectif est de comprendre l' volution de l'architecture "complexe" au Samarra et l'Obeid et de mesurer l'impact social de l'expansion obeidienne. Ces recherches montrent que le milieu du sixi me mill naire marque un tournant dans les changes techniques et les relations culturelles entre ces deux r gions. Auparavant, ces changes apparaissent diffus dans les r gions situ es au nord de la M sopotamie centrale. Ensuite, l'expansion obeidienne entra ne une homog n isation progressive des techniques dans l'ensemble du bassin syro-m sopotamien, laquelle se sont greff s emprunts techniques et adaptations r gionales. TABLE OF CONTENTS Pr face Avant-propos Introduction Partie 1. Le cadre de l' tude Chapitre 1. G ographie actuelle et restitution de l'environnement pass Chapitre 2. Le cadre chronoculturel Chapitre 3. M thodologie et approche conceptuelle Partie 2. Mat riaux de construction, techniques de construction et morphologie architecturale Chapitre 4. Les mat riaux de construction Chapitre 5. Les techniques de construction Chapitre 6. La morphologie architecturale Partie 3. Analyse crois e des donn es Chapitre 7. Les communaut s du Nord : diffusion, convergence et inertie technique Chapitre 8. L' volution de l'architecture complexe du sixi me au cinqui me mill naire Conclusion Catalogue‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR100.00 (€100.00 )

‎ Emmanuel Breon / Philippe Rivoirard ‎

Reference : 66426

‎1925 Quand L'art Deco: Seduit Le Monde.‎

‎, Norma editeur, 2017 softcover 288 pages, Texte en Francais, Illustrations en couleurs en noir & blanc nombreuses illustrations dans et hors texte. bon etat. ISBN 9782915542585.‎

‎aking the emblematic Exposition des arts d coratifs de Paris of 1925 as its starting point, this catalog traces the development of the Art Deco movement around the globe in every domain - France, Serbia, Brazil, Belgium, to name just a few countries ?Includes a variety of topics such as architecture, jewels, fashion, books The Exposition des arts d coratifs de Paris of 1925, constitutes a milestone in the history of the Art Deco movement, and had a decisive influence on the world. Over the following decade, many French architects and decorators were called upon to work on major international projects. French embassies and ocean liners were their Trojan horse. In 1925, things had to be modern. The development of aviation and the automobile demanded it, and for the first time garages and aerodromes were being built in large numbers. Although Art Deco is often associated with luxury, it also influenced the design of low-cost housing and garden cities, while department stores and shops created their own home decoration lines to meet demand.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR155.00 (€155.00 )

‎Emmanuel Br on, Fran oise Cru ge de Forceville, Am lie Marcilhac, Victorien Georges, Hubert Cavaniol, Etienne Tornier, B n dicte Mayer‎

Reference : 62332

‎REN BUTHAUD (1886-1986) : C ramiste art d co FR / ENG ‎

‎, Norma ditions, 2023 HB, 305 x 230 mm, FR / ENG edition, 192 p, 200 illustraties, NEW / NOUVEAU, . ISBN 9782376660781.‎

‎Figure marquante des arts d coratifs de l'entre-deux guerres, Ren Buthaud (1886-1986) s'int resse la c ramique, mais aussi la peinture et la gravure ,d s la fin de ses tudes l' cole des Beaux-Arts de Paris et l' cole nationale sup rieure des Arts D coratifs, avant d' tre mobilis . Tant t figuratifs et peupl s de figures historicisantes ou d'animaux, tant t g om triques ou abstraits, ses vases et sculptures rencontrent un grand succ s d s le salon d'Automne et le Salon des artistes d corateurs de 1920, aux c t s de ses amis Jean Dunand et Alfred Janniot. Excellent technicien, il devient directeur technique de Primavera et de la Fa encerie d'art de Sainte-Radegonde et est notamment connu et appr ci du public pour sa grande ma trise du craquel qu'il fait red couvrir en France. Il est en outre l'auteur d'une trentaine de remar quables fix s sous verre qui t moignent de sa dext rit avec d'autres mat riaux. Diffus par la galerie Rouart et participant la plupart des Salons comme aux grandes expo sitions (Exposition internationale des Arts d coratifs de 1925, Exposition coloniale interna tionale de 1931 et Exposition des arts et techniques de 1937), il conna t galement un vrai succ s outre-Atlantique, gr ce au Prix Florence Blumenthal dont il a t laur at en 1921 ou ses vases sign s Doris.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR45.00 (€45.00 )

‎Emmanuel Br on, Fran oise Cru ge de Forceville, Am lie Marcilhac, Victorien Georges, Hubert Cavaniol, Etienne Tornier, B n dicte Mayer‎

Reference : 62288

‎REN BUTHAUD C ramiste art d co‎

‎, Norma editeur, 2023 HB, 305 x 230 mm, 192 pages, 200 illustraties, FR edition. neuf!. ISBN 978237666078.‎

‎Figure marquante des arts d coratifs de l'entre-deux guerres, Ren Buthaud (1886-1986) s'int resse la c ramique, mais aussi la peinture et la gravure ,d s la fin de ses tudes l' cole des Beaux-Arts de Paris et l' cole nationale sup rieure des Arts D coratifs, avant d' tre mobilis . Tant t figuratifs et peupl s de figures historicisantes ou d'animaux, tant t g om triques ou abstraits, ses vases et sculptures rencontrent un grand succ s d s le salon d'Automne et le Salon des artistes d corateurs de 1920, aux c t s de ses amis Jean Dunand et Alfred Janniot. Excellent technicien, il devient directeur technique de Primavera et de la Fa encerie d'art de Sainte-Radegonde et est notamment connu et appr ci du public pour sa grande ma trise du craquel qu'il fait red couvrir en France. Il est en outre l'auteur d'une trentaine de remar quables fix s sous verre qui t moignent de sa dext rit avec d'autres mat riaux. Diffus par la galerie Rouart et participant la plupart des Salons comme aux grandes expo sitions (Exposition internationale des Arts d coratifs de 1925, Exposition coloniale interna tionale de 1931 et Exposition des arts et techniques de 1937), il conna t galement un vrai succ s outre-Atlantique, gr ce au Prix Florence Blumenthal dont il a t laur at en 1921 ou ses vases sign s Doris.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR45.00 (€45.00 )

‎EMMANUEL (D. T.) -‎

Reference : 2528

‎Quatre jours dans Orléans, description simple, historique et archéologique de la ville et de ses environs ; des établissements civils et religieux, des monuments anciens et modernes, et des maisons remarquables, etc. -‎

‎Orléans, A. Gatineau, 1845. In-12, Toile éditeur à dos orné, 316 pages. Orné de gravures. En frontispice sous serpente, un blason en couleurs de la ville d'Orléans.couverture ternie, trés bon état intérieur.‎


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