Sulgen, Verlag Niggli AG, 2005. 4°. (43) S. mit vielen ganzseitigen farbigen Illustrationen von Barbara Ellmerer. Mit einer farbigen Gouache auf Bütten. Illustrierter Pappband ind Leinenschuber.
N°. 7 von10 der Special Edition mit einer Gouache auf Bütten. Handschriftlich signiert, datiert und bezeichnet von Barbara Ellmerer. – Sehr gut erhaltenes Exemplar.
Stuttgart, Julius Hoffmann, 1909 Hardcover bound in linen, 200 pages, 30 x 24 cm.
English furniture and decoration 1680 to 1800
London, Priestly and Weale, 1823. Uncut in orig. full cloth. Orig. printed titlelabel on spine. Loss of some cloth at lower part of spine. VIII,432 pp. Internally clean and fine.
Elodie Nourrigat Jacques Brion Osamu Tsukihashi Gretchen Wilkins Jan Van Schaik Hidetoshi Ohno
Reference : 100098077
ISBN : 2951979355
Champ Libre 2006 15x21x1cm. 2006. Broché. 96 pages. Très bon état
, Brepols, 2023 Paperback, 328 pages, Size:216 x 280 mm, Illustrations:107 b/w, 33 tables b/w., 2 maps b/w, Language(s):English, Italian, French. ISBN 9782503606149.
Summary Scriptor, Cantor & Notator is an innovative multi-author project dealing with the complex interconnections between learning, writing and performing chant in the Middle Ages. A number of different methodological approaches have been employed, with the aim of beginning to understand the phenomenon of chant transmission over a large geographical area, linking and contrasting modern definitions of East and West. Thus, in spite of this wide geographical spread, and the consequent variety of rites, languages and musical styles involved, the common thread of parallels and similarities between various chant repertoires arising from the need to fix oral repertories in a written form, and the challenges involved in so doing, are what bring this wide variety of repertoires and approaches together. This multi-centric multi-disciplinary approach will encourage scholars working in these areas to consider their work as part of a much larger geographical and historical picture, and thus reveal to reader and listener more, and far richer, patterns of connections and developments than might otherwise have been suspected. Scriptor, Cantor & Notator is published in two books. The first, The Materiality of Sound in Chant Manuscripts in the West, brings together articles on several different families of early music scripts in the Latin West and provides a vividly diverse picture of some of the best current scholarship on the various types of ancient and medieval musical notation. TABLE OF CONTENTS Methodology Concepts and Taxonomies of Music Scripts (Rankin, Susan) Design, and the Historiography of Early Music Scripts (Varelli, Giovanni) Appunti metodologici sullo studio del canto liturgico (Albiero, Laura) Indeterminacy. New Aspect of Meaning in Gregorian Chant (Mascare as Garza, scar) Guiding Silence. The Function of Melodic Interruptions in Medieval Chant (Lousberg, Leo) Et gloriosus in saecula . Pal ographie des notations franques nord-occidentales (970-1120) (Goudesenne, Jean-Fran ois) Manuscripts and Manuscript Fragments Reuniting Fragments and Reconsidering the Scribal History of the Beneventan Zone (Nardini, Luisa) Frammenti di un antifonario in notazione nonantolana (Roncroffi, Stefania) Notation in Transition? A Palaeographical Study of the Insular Missal EXcl 3515 (Mannion, Anne) Regional Scripts and Repertories Notazioni neumatiche dei secoli XI-XII nella Biblioteca Capitolare di Verona. Riflessioni e spunti di ricerca (Cunego, Giovanni) La notation musicale dans la Catalogne m di vale. Autour des origines et son volution (Garrigosa i Massana, Joaquim) The Scribe and the Notator as the Bearer of Identity. Bohemian Notation in Late Mediaeval Manuscripts of Central Europe (Veselovska, Eva)
, Heemkring Molengalm, 2020 softcover, 464 pagina's met talrijke afbeeldingen.
Berne, Société d’histoire de l’art en Suisse SHAS 2015, 260x210mm, 492pages, reliure d'éditeur sous jaquette. Exemplaire à l'état de neuf.
photos couleurs et n/b, Pour un paiement via PayPal, veuillez nous en faire la demande et nous vous enverrons une facture PayPal
Deurne, CC Luchtbal, 1996 Oorspronkelijk uitgevers omslag, 86 pagina's, 25 x 21,5 cm. NL.
Pruis en apache : een kijk op de architectuur van luchtbal
, Lier, 1962., originele uitgeversomslag geillustreerd z/w, ob long, 22,5x20cm, s.p., geillustreerd in kleur en z/w.
Tweemaandelijks plastisch literair tijdschrift. 2de jaargang nummer 3 en 4 samen.
, Lier, 1962., originele uitgeversomslag geillustreerd z/w, ob long, 22,5x20cm, s.p., geillustreerd in kleur en z/w.
Tweemaandelijks plastisch literair tijdschrift. 2de jaargang nummer 1 januari / februari 1962 met o.a; VANDERCAM - BURSSENS- MARA -COLLIGNON - VERBIST - TACK + OCTAVE LANDUYT
Paris, Citadelles , 2004 Relie, toile blanche illustree, jaquette illustree, cassette carton., plattes interieures decorees, 245 x 315mm., 615pp., illustration abondante en couleurs. ters bon etat! ISBN 2850884367.
Des Balkans aux iles britanniques, les Celtes ont etendu leur civilisation sur l'Europe entiere. Si ses premieres traces se decelent pres d'un demi millenaire plus tot, c'est du Ve siecle au Ier siecle avant notre ere qu'elle connaitra son apogee. A l'origine, ce sont des peuples diriges par des princes audacieux de Suisse, de Bourgogne, d'Allemagne, amoureux d'or, de vin et de conquetes, qui vont chercher leurs richesses chez leurs adversaires ; ils lancent ensuite des attaques jusqu'en Italie ou en Grece ; les Romains se souviendront longtemps du sac de Rome en 386 avant notre ere. Apres une breve periode, ou ils se sont stabilises dans le bassin parisien, en Rhenanie ou en Boheme, ils repartent jusqu'aux Balkans, ou a Delphes, et vers le Nord, jusqu'aux iles britanniques. Aux IIe et Ier siecles, leur territoire ne fera que se reduire, sous la pression des armees romaines. Vercingetorix en sera l'un des derniers symboles en Gaule. C'est en Irlande que leur culture survivra le plus longtemps, en alimentant le christianisme naissant de ses formes et de ses traditions. Pendant pres d'un millenaire, les Celtes se reveleront comme d'immenses artistes, maniant le fer, l'or et tous les metaux comme aucun autre peuple de l'epoque. Depuis maintenant deux siecles, on retrouve leurs tresors grace a d'incessantes fouilles et etudes. Conservateur et organisatrice de plusieurs expositions consacrees aux Celtes, Christiane Eluere fait revivre cette epopee de maniere vivante et fracassante. Livre est comme bon etat.
BE, MER Paper Kunsthalle, 2014 SOFTCOVER, 312x245mm, 208p, ENGLISH (ENG) edition . ISBN 9789491775529.
De Groote Oorlog is het eerste grootschalig conflict dat met foto?s en films is vastgelegd. De jonge media blijken ongekende krachten te bezitten: als alziend oog, als herinnering, maar ook als wapen. Beelden leggen niet enkel een conflict vast, ze spelen er zelfs een belangrijke rol in. Shooting Range belicht op welke manier dat gebeurde, in een conflict dat de hele wereld vier jaar in de ban hield.
Infolio, 2007. In-8 broché, couverture photographique à rabats. Repères dans le texte, au crayon à papier.
"Bien sûr, nous tenons à notre patrimoine. Mais quel patrimoine, sous quelles conditions et dans quelles limites ? De génération en génération la signification du mot se transforme, d'année en année les instruments d'investigations s'affinent et se renouvellent. Il faut parfois faire le point. Ce livre propose cinq regards, cinq perspectives sur le cas de Genève: comment on voyait la ville et sa région au 19e siècle, avec quels outils juridiques on aborde aujourd'hui son patrimoine, quels objets on y classe, comment a évolué la notion de patrimoine bâti, quels sont, enfin, la pertinence et l'impact des choix genevois. Un tour d'horizon illustré, qui s'adresse aux flâneurs et aux curieux, à ceux qui veulent comprendre comment vit et change une ville."
Genève, Georg 1994, 305x240mm, 221pages, cartonnage illustré de l’éditeur. Exemplaire à l'état de neuf.
photos couleurs, Pour un paiement via PayPal, veuillez nous en faire la demande et nous vous enverrons une facture PayPal
Infolio, 2007. In-8 broché, couverture à rabats. Abondamment illustré en noir.
"Bien sûr, nous tenons à notre patrimoine. Mais quel patrimoine, sous quelles conditions et dans quelles limites ? De génération en génération la signification du mot se transforme, d'année en année les instruments d'investigations s'affinent et se renouvellent. Il faut parfois faire le point. Ce livre propose cinq regards, cinq perspectives sur le cas de Genève: comment on voyait la ville et sa région au 19e siècle, avec quels outils juridiques on aborde aujourd'hui son patrimoine, quels objets on y classe, comment a évolué la notion de patrimoine bâti, quels sont, enfin, la pertinence et l'impact des choix genevois. Un tour d'horizon illustré, qui s'adresse aux flâneurs et aux curieux, à ceux qui veulent comprendre comment vit et change une ville."
Merrell Publishers 2004 In-4 cartonnage éditeur sous jaquette 28,6 cm sur 25. Très bon état d’occasion.
Très bon état d’occasion
Elwin Hofman (Redacteur), Magaly Rodr guez Garc a (Redacteur), Pieter Vanhees
Reference : 65554
, UPL - KU Leuven, 2024 Paperback, 182 pages, 23.4 x15.6cm. 16 illustrations, black & white. ISBN 9789462704107.
In 2022, the Belgian parliament made a landmark decision by approving the decriminalisation of sex work. This move positioned the small nation as the first country in Europe ? and the second globally ? to abandon the hypocrisy of tolerance. But this was not the first time paid sex in Belgium gained international notoriety. The medieval bathhouses and ?frows of Flanders? were well-known throughout Europe. In the nineteenth century, Belgium faced international outrage as the alleged epicentre of white slavery. Yet while Belgians were accused of forcing white women into prostitution, they were left alone when it came to the inclusion of any suspect woman in the prostitution registers of colonial Congo. Throughout the First and Second World Wars, both allied and German soldiers sought relief in Belgian brothels. The Business of Pleasure presents the compelling life stories of sex workers and their interactions with authorities, clients and pimps. Transcending stereotypes, this history of commercial sex offers a nuanced understanding of the difficulties and opportunities associated with paid sex for women, men and trans persons past and present. Elwin Hofman is a cultural historian and writer. He teaches at Utrecht University and has (co)authored several books on cultural history, including a history of homosexuality in Belgium. Magaly Rodr guez Garc a is an authority on the history of international labour organisations and subaltern history. She is a professor at KU Leuven and collaborates with Belgian and foreign colleagues on projects regarding, inter alia, sex work and prostitution policy at the local, national and supranational levels. In the context of oral history projects, she became closely involved with advocacy groups for vulnerable persons such as sex workers and homeless people. Pieter Vanhees is a social historian and has researched the history of prostitution in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries at KU Leuven.
Eléonora Bairati. Philippe Jullien. Malcolm Falkus. Paolo MOnelli. Janos Riesz. Brunello Vigezzi
Reference : 22897
Fernand Nathan (1977). In-4 relié 30 x 20 cm, jaquette illustrée, 334 pages, richement illustré en couleurs. Très bon état.
, Charta, 1993 Paperback, 384 pages, ITA, 270 x 210 x 27 mm, in good condition, illustrated in colour / b/w. ISBN 9788886158367.
One of the most beloved painters of the twentieth century, Giorgio Morandi created works that continue to exert their mysterious power on viewers worldwide. This publication focuses on the period from 1948 to 1964, during which Morandi developed and refined his investigations of serial, reductive, and permutational forms and compositions, a body of work that has had a profound influence on twentieth-century art and painting. Included here are five of the ten iconic &;yellow cloth&; paintings from 1952, a series featured prominently in the historic 1998 exhibition at the Peggy Guggenheim Collection in Venice, and numerous late paintings by the Italian master. Lavishly reproduced, these immersive plates draw attention to the idiosyncratic perspectival and color-driven decisions that give the work its abstract power. The catalogue is published on the occasion of the 2015 exhibition of Morandi&;s paintings from this period at David Zwirner, New York&;which, according to The New York Times, represent &;lucid perfection, at once cerebral and impassioned.&; It marked the first major presentation of the artist&;s late work in America since the acclaimed 2008 retrospective at The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.
, Voetnoot, Uitgeverij, 2005 Pb. 23x24cm.NL , 95 blz. . Nieuwstaat , Mooie illustr. in kleur / z/w. ISBN 9789071877865.
Turnhout, Brepols, 1997 Hardback, 690 pages., 228 b/w ill., 180 x 265 mm. set in 2 volumes, fine condition. ISBN 9780905203690.
Elizabeth McGrath recreates the context in which Rubens, who was familiar enough with classical writings to interpret them with originally and wit, worked and casts new light on rarely discussed and misidentified subjects. For Ruben's age, as for the ancient Romans, history was valued for the lessons it taught. Rubens was deeply interested in history, particularly the works of the ancient writers like Ovid, Plutarch and Juvenal, which were full of exemplary figures. Yet unlike many Renaissance artists who merely sought texts they could illustrate, Rubens was familiar enough with classical writings to interpret them with originally and wit - always with an eye for the visually striking aspect. He was thus uniquely qualified to respond to the requirements of particular commissions with exemplary themes like The Continence of Scipio, The Justice of Cambyses, The Devotion of Artemisia and The Courage of Cloelia. Elizabeth McGrath recreates the context in which Rubens worked and casts new light on rarely discussed and misidentified subjects. Also included is a detailed analysis of the tapestry cartoons on the life of Romulus, now in the National Museum of Wales, relating the series to all relevant studies, paintings and tapestries. Languages: English.
Turnhout, Brepols, 1997 Hardback,398 pages., 228 b/w ill., 180 x 265 mm.only volume 2., fine condition. ISBN 0905203690.
Elizabeth McGrath recreates the context in which Rubens, who was familiar enough with classical writings to interpret them with originally and wit, worked and casts new light on rarely discussed and misidentified subjects. For Ruben's age, as for the ancient Romans, history was valued for the lessons it taught. Rubens was deeply interested in history, particularly the works of the ancient writers like Ovid, Plutarch and Juvenal, which were full of exemplary figures. Yet unlike many Renaissance artists who merely sought texts they could illustrate, Rubens was familiar enough with classical writings to interpret them with originally and wit - always with an eye for the visually striking aspect. He was thus uniquely qualified to respond to the requirements of particular commissions with exemplary themes like The Continence of Scipio, The Justice of Cambyses, The Devotion of Artemisia and The Courage of Cloelia. Elizabeth McGrath recreates the context in which Rubens worked and casts new light on rarely discussed and misidentified subjects. Also included is a detailed analysis of the tapestry cartoons on the life of Romulus, now in the National Museum of Wales, relating the series to all relevant studies, paintings and tapestries. Languages: English.
, Brepols - Harvey Miller, 2021 Softcover, 484 pages., 230 x 290 mm, Languages: English. Disponible en une seule version avec des articles en fran ais ou en anglais. ISBN 9782930054407.
The impressive altarpiece in the church of Saint-Denis in Li ge is one of the most prestigious but also one of the most enigmatic witnesses to the rich Brabantine altarpiece production at the end of the Middle Ages. The interdisciplinary study carried out during its restoration at the Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage (KIK-IRPA) in Brussels between 2012 and 2014 allowed to resolve some of the questions involved and to propose new refreshing hypotheses. The attribution to the Borman, the most prestigious Brussels sculptor family, was refined, as was its dating in the early 1530s, when the vocabulary of Italian Renaissance began to invade the art of the Meuse banks simultaneously with the still well-anchored Gothic style. This volume provides a broad platform for the exceptional character of the partial polychromy of the altarpiece, highlighted by the investigation conducted at the KIK-IRPA. This research was nourished by many comparative reflections. The abundant and varied studies presented here, mainly originate from an international conference held in October 2015. In addition, the restoration at KIK-IRPA, between 2016 and 2019, of some of the painted panels that initially adorned the shutters of the altarpiece, also allowed a beneficial reconsideration of the participation of the great Li ge painter Lambert Lombard and some local workshop. Starting from an amazing work, they represent an important part of the artistic activity in Li ge revived by Prince-Bishop rard de La Marck.
Paris und Nyon, Ainé, Libraire, 1805. 8°. XIV, (2), 544 S. Lederband der Zeit mit reicher Rückenvergoldung.
Cicognara 276. – Barbier IV, 28. – Erste Ausgabe. Toussaint-Bernard (1755–1839), französischer Kunsthistoriker, studierte in seiner Heimatstadt Aiy-en-Provence, in Paris und vollendete sein Kunststudium in Italien. – Die Vorsätze blass leimschattig und angestaubt. Der Einband etwas berieben.
NY, Architectural book publishing company, 1935. In-folio, couv. cartonnée de l'éditeur, 94 pp., nbses ill. en noir.
Déchirure restaurée au premier plat. Int. frais. - Frais de port : -France 6,9 € -U.E. 9 € -Monde (z B : 15 €) (z C : 25 €)