Bern, Statistik der Schweizer. Gesellschaft für Volkswirtschaft u. Statistik, 1954, in-4°, 1 Bl. (Inhalt) + 28 S. + 4 Bl. (IBM - Lochkarten) + ca. 50 S. (Werbung), Stempel a.d. Titelbl., Hlwd. (Bibl.).
So hat es vor 75 Jahre mt dem Computer angefangen... und das Ende ist leider nicht im Sicht.
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808
ROBERT LAFFONT 2016 227 pages 13 4x2 4x21 4cm. 2016. Broché. 227 pages.
Très bon état - légères marques de lecture et/ou de stockage mais du reste en très bon état- expédié soigneusement depuis la France
1931 Paris, Alcan, 1931, in 12 broché, XII-251 pages
...................... Photos sur demande ..........................
Phone number : 04 77 32 63 69
Paris, Bloud & Gay 1939 212pp., dans la série "La Nouvelle Journée" no.2, br.orig., 21cm.
Couverture souple. Broché. 211 pages. Légèrement défraîchi. Non coupé.
Livre. Editions Bloud et Gay (Collection : La Nouvelle Journée), 1939.
Basel, Genossenschafts-Buchdrukerei, 1908, gr. in-8°, 135 S., Stemepl a.d. Titelbl., Hlwd.
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808
Zürich, Leemann, 1933, in-8°, XII + 628 S. / XII + 764 S., Original-Pappband, Leinen Rücken-Streifen.
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808
Les cours de droit. 1983. In-8. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 84 pages. Texte dactylographié.. . . . Classification Dewey : 330-Economie
Classification Dewey : 330-Economie
Traduzione di Catello Cosenza dalla prima edizione originale riveduta e rielaborata dall'autore. Unione Tipografico-Editrice Torinese, Torino, 1969. In-8 gr., mz. tela edit., pp. XIX,492. Volume n. 35 della collana Sociologi ed Economisti. Ben conservato.
1964. A la Baconniere, 1964. Format 15x21 cm, broche, 379 pages. Un petit choc au pied. Bon etat.
, Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OEDE/OECD) 1976 271pp.+ some tables
D. Appleton and company, 1902, in-8vo, 191p., richly illustrated, (the cotton fields are very much related to slavery in the U.S.A.), orig. publisher’s illustrated red cloth. Spines sunned, else a fine set.
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808
Manchester, University press, 1968 in-8, ix pp., 295 pp., avec un frontispice et une carte dépliante "in fine", percaline Bradel bordeaux (reliure de l'éditeur).
Reprise de l'édition de 1956. Essai de reconstitution de l'histoire de cette compagnie à charte très oubliée, et dont toutes les archives disparurent dans le grand incendie de Londres de 1666. - - VENTE PAR CORRESPONDANCE UNIQUEMENT
Saint-Nicolas, J. Edom 1912 pp.31-360 + grandes planches dépliantes, 28cm., dans "Annalen van den oudheidskundigen kring van het Land van Waas 30e deel juni 1912 / Annales du cercle archéologique du pays de Waas 30e tome juin 1912" (360pp.), br.orig., (dos restauré), non coupé, rare, B67373
Saint-Nicolas, J. Edom 1912 330pp.+ 2 grandes planches dépliantes, 28cm., extrait des "Annales du cercle archéologique du pays de Waas" Tome 30, br.orig. (dos peu restauré), non coupé, dédicacé par l'auteur, peu de rousseurs, bon état, rare, B77239
1961 A Civil War research Associates Series Prince Lithograph Co.Inc, 1961, 72 pages, brochure format in 8, bon état général, coins légèrement cornés (pliures), quelques usures et frottements.
Worcester MA, The Heffernan Press, 1976. Royal8vo. In the original blue printed wrappers. In ""The Bell Journal of Economics"": Vol. 7, No. 1, Spring 1976. Entire volume offered. Very light wear to extremities otherwise a very fine and crisp copy (not ex-library). Pp. 73-104. [Entire volume: 353 pp.].
First printing of Williamson's seminal paper - one of the most influential in economics of regulation - in which he argued that in the presence of uncertainty about future demand or costconditions, the transactions costs of writing a complete contract, contingent on all future outcomes is prohibitively costly. The paper initiated together with Goldberg's paper published the same year the new field of ""transactions-cost economics"".The paper was a contributing factor in Williamson being awarded the Nobel prize in Economics in 2009 for his "" work in economic governance.""In the paper he states that: ""A once-for-all auction for the provision of a natural monopoly service is, in practice, totally impractical. On the other hand, periodic re-tendering introduces its own problems. Most public utility industries require substantial sunk, long-lived investment - whether in distribution wires, rail lines, or telecommunications conduits. Where the life of this investment exceeds the life of the franchise, contractual arrangements must ensure continued investment and maintenance of the sunk asset. It may be difficult to verify the quality of the maintenance of the asset ex post. This is particularly the case where the quality dimension includes maintaining the human capital of the staff required to ensure the continued operation of the asset. In addition, the incumbent provider of the service is likely to have better quality information about the likely cost and demand characteristicsof the service, providing an informational advantage over potential rival bidders.To illustrate these ideas, Williamson used a case study based on the experience of tendering cable television franchises in Oakland, California. He concludes: That franchise bidding for cable television has superior properties to regulation is not transparent - Not only is simple franchise bidding - beset with numerous transactional difficulties, but the institutional infrastructure that predictably develops to check dysfunctional or monopoloid outcomes has many of the earmarks of regulation. Using modern language, Williamson highlights and emphasises the importance of transactions costs. Williamson introduced for the first time the notion that natural monopoly regulation can be viewed as a form of long-term contracting. That long-term contract incorporates mechanisms to allow for adjustment to changes in the environment: At the risk of over-simplification, regulation may be described contractually as a highlyincomplete form of long-term contracting in which (1) the regulatee is assured an overall fair rate of return, in exchange for which (2) adaptations to changing circumstances are successively introduced without the costly haggling that attends such changes when parties to the contract enjoy greater autonomy'.""
Lugduni-Batavorum, Van Leeuwen 1838 [viii] 110 [ii] pp., text in latin, 22cm., cart.cover with leather spine, [Doctoral dissertation, University of Leiden, Faculty of Law, 1838]
Leipzig, Wilhelm Engelmann, 1905, in-4°, XVIII + 414 S., reich ill. mit Zeichnungen und Abb. + VI + 12 Falttafeln, Original-Halbleinenband, Ecken.
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808
Couverture souple. Cartonnage de l'éditeur. 278 pages. Papier bruni. Marques de bibliothèque.
Livre. Traduits et annotés par A. Chaboseau. Editions V. Giard et E. Brière, 1903.
Toronto, The Copp, Clark Company, Limited, 1899. In-4 de XXII-17-541-[3]p. pleine percaline d'éditeur bordeaux, dos passé, coiffes un peu frottées, tête dorée.
Illustré d'un portrait de Lord Strathcona and Mount Royal, d'une grande carte dépliante en couleurs, de très nombreuses illustrations in et hors texte dont des dessins de Arthur Heming.
West Germany, Melzer, ca. 1980, in-Folio, 154 S., reich ill., Widmung vom Photograph ( (Schüler von Man Ray) an Jean (Tinguely), Original-Leinenband mit OU. (OU kl. risse ohne verlust).
Auch eine (gedruckter?) Widmung von Beuys in violettem Filzstift über beide hinteren Vorsatzblätter. Image disp.
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808
Reference : 4187
ODE Paris 1946 bon état 516 pages in 12 reliure cuir fauve exemplaire numéroté 223/1000 illustrations Beuville, liozu, le romain et p noel.
MINISTERE DE LA COOPERATION ET DU DEVELOPPEMENT. 1988. In-8. Broché. Bon état, Coins frottés, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 463 pages - annotations à l'encre sur la page de titre.. . . . Classification Dewey : 330-Economie
Classification Dewey : 330-Economie
Leyde, Abraham Elzevir, (1707). 40 pages. (20x17 Cm). Broché. Couverture muette. Petits manques. Très rare mémoire qui concerne des actes ou des activités exercées de façon occulte et clandestine (mariages, enseignement, cultes religieux, imprimeries, fabrication de fausse monnaie, etc.). Mouillure angulaire. Rares taches et rousseurs.