FRANCE-EMPIRE.. 1973.. In-12. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 171 pages.. . . . Classification Dewey : 330-Economie
Classification Dewey : 330-Economie
Couverture souple. Broché. 128 pages.
Livre. Editions P.U.F (Collection : Que sais-je? N° 1856), 1980.
Presses universitaires de France 1980 127 pages in12. 1980. Broché. 127 pages.
couverture défraîchie intérieur propre
Presses Universitaires de France Edition originale Première édition 2ème trimestre 1980. 1980. In-12. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 128 pages illustrées de quelques dessins en noir et blanc. . . . Classification Dewey : 330-Economie
La première encyclopédie de poche fondée en 1941 par Paul Angoulvent, traduite en 43 langues, diffusée, pour les éditions françaises, à plus de 160 millions d'exemplaires, la collection Que sais-je? est l'une des plus importantes bases de données internationnales, construite pour le grand public par des spécialistes. 3800 titres ont été publiés depuis l'origine par 2500 auteurs. Classification Dewey : 330-Economie
Presses Universitaires de France Edition originale Première édition Octobre 1988. 1988. In-12. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 128 pages illustrées de quelques dessins en noir et blanc. . . . Classification Dewey : 330-Economie
La première encyclopédie de poche fondée en 1941 par Paul Angoulvent, traduite en 43 langues, diffusée, pour les éditions françaises, à plus de 160 millions d'exemplaires, la collection Que sais-je? est l'une des plus importantes bases de données internationnales, construite pour le grand public par des spécialistes. 3800 titres ont été publiés depuis l'origine par 2500 auteurs. Classification Dewey : 330-Economie
SEUIL. 1975. In-12. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 246 pages; inscription sur page de garde.. . . . Classification Dewey : 330-Economie
Classification Dewey : 330-Economie
SEUIL. 1965. In-12. Broché. Etat d'usage, Couv. convenable, Dos plié, Intérieur frais. 142 Pages. . . . Classification Dewey : 330-Economie
Sommaire : l'impôt et ses... bénéficaires - combien en payez-vous? - L'éternelle réforme sociale - l'impôt et le Vie plan ... Classification Dewey : 330-Economie
J.Couchou (imp.) 1911 in8. 1911. Broché.
Bon Etat de conservation couvertures et tranche défraîchies intérieur très propre pages non coupées
Universite d'aix en provence in8. Sans date. Broché. Bon Etat format these
CNRS. 1975. In-8. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 142 pages. Scotch jauni au dos des plats. Annotations en page de garde.. . . . Classification Dewey : 330-Economie
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Aix-Marseille. Classification Dewey : 330-Economie
Librairie de l'université aix 1998 in8. 1998. br. 332 pages. Bon Etat
, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1979 Hardcover; 590 pages;ENG; 240 x 170 x 55 mm, book is in very good condition !, dustjacket is not pretty but never the less included, black cloth with goldcoloured imprint, without illustrations, ISBN 9780903393386.
This key looseleaf work provides a general introduction to and definition of reinsurance, and considers its legal nature, the formation and form of reinsurance agreements and utmost good faith. It looks at the terms, interpretation and coverage of reinsurance agreements, and considers general matters, including assignment, winding up, reinsurance brokers and conflict of laws. * Covers all the important case law and legislation within this field * Examines losses and claims, subrogation, contribution, reinstatement and arbitration * Includes an exhaustive index plus clear tables of statutes, statutory instruments and cases * Now includes chapters by US editors setting out US law on utmost good faith as it relates to reinsurance contracts * Considered to be the most authoritative publication on the subject
"1965. Paris Éditions Economie et Humanisme Les Editions Ouvrières 1965 - Broché 13 5 cm x 21 cm 236 pages cartes in-texte - Texte de R. Livet - Bon état"
SIREY. 1967. In-8. Broché. Etat d'usage, Tâchée, Dos fané, Intérieur acceptable. 344 pages.. . . . Classification Dewey : 330-Economie
Classification Dewey : 330-Economie
Fribourg, Mauron-Tinguely, 1974, in-8°, 227 p., brochure originale illustrée.
Autres auteurs: Paul Bourqui, Roger Currat, Gonzague Dutoit, Guy Macheret, Michel Pittet.
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808
Fribourg, Fragnières, 1975, in-8°, 319 p., brochure originale illustrée.
Image disp.
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808
Impression Fribourg, Fragnières, 1980, in-8°, 318 p., richement illustrée de photographies (sans nom de photographe), brochure originale illustrée.
Image disp.
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808
London, Macmillan & Co., 1932. 8vo. In the original green embossed cloth with gilt lettering to spine. Printed on thick paper. A few scratches to back board. Otherwise an very fine copy. XII, 141, (3) pp.
First edition of Robbins's landmark publication, in which he sought to define more precisely economics as a science. With the present publication he became instrumental in shifting Anglo-Saxon economics from its Marshallian direction which eventually caused the breakthrough of neo-classical (Walrasian) definition of economics. The work is ""one of the most cited, if not most read, books on the subject in the period 1932-60, and it influenced greatly economists' views about the nature of their discipline."" (The New Palgrave). The definitions of economics presented here ""were widely accepted by the world of academic economists and are still propagated"" (The New Palgrave).Robbins put forth two central themes, both having a lasting and deep influence upon economics of the 20th century, the first being: ""That economic science could be clearly demarcated from those discussions of economic issues that involved value judgments - by which latter term Robbins meant evaluation statements of the form 'better or worse' where inter-personal comparisons of utility were involved. He also argued that there was a clear demarcation between economic science and other branches of social enquiry such as social psychology, sociology, politics and so on.""The second major theme was that the subject matter of economic science was not a particular activity (for example, Cannan's view that economics was the science of wealth), but rather an aspect of all human conduct. This aspect was the 'fact' of economic scarcity - a manifestation of unlimited ends on the part of individuals and society and means of satisfying those ends that were limited in supply. In word so often quoted in economics text Robbins defined economic science as 'that science that studies the relationship between ends and means that have alternative uses' - a definition that is more than reminiscent of Menger's exposition of the economizing process."" (The New palgrave)Lionel Robbins (1898 - 1984) was a British (mainly theoretical) economist and head of the economics department at the London School of Economics. In macroeconomics Robbins's was a firm exponent of the Hayek's - and the Austrian school in general - teachings whom he brought to the London School of Economics in 1928. His liberal view was expressed when he famously, together with Joseph Schumpeter, advocated that nothing should be done about the 1929-depression and that it had to run its course since this alone would create a lasting development out of the depression.
DE MEDICIS.. 1938. In-8. Broché. Bon état, Couv. légèrement passée, Dos satisfaisant, Non coupé. 281 pages.. . . . Classification Dewey : 330-Economie
Préface de Louis Baudin. Traduction de Th. Génin. Classification Dewey : 330-Economie
1938 Paris, Librairie de Médicis, Editions Politiques Economiques et Sociales, 1938, in 8° broché, 282 pages.
...................... Photos sur demande ..........................
Phone number : 04 77 32 63 69
Utet, Torino, 1953. In-8, mezza tela, pp. XXIII,199. Volume 4 della collana Storia e dottrine economiche. Ristampa stereotipa. Ben conservato.
London, Macmillan & Co., 1932. 8vo. In the original green embossed cloth with gilt lettering to spine. Printed on thick paper. A few pages with light marginal pencil annotations. A small tear to p. VII. Otherwise a very fine copy. XII, 141, (3) pp. With author's presentation inscription to front free end-paper: ""Apologia pro vita sua / L .C. R.""
First edition, presentation-copy, of Robbins's landmark publication, in which he sought to define more precisely economics as a science. With the present publication he became instrumental in shifting Anglo-Saxon economics from its Marshallian direction, which eventually caused the breakthrough of neo-classical (Walrasian) definition of economics. The work is ""one of the most cited, if not most read, books on the subject in the period 1932-60, and it influenced greatly economists' views about the nature of their discipline."" (The New Palgrave). The definitions of economics presented here ""were widely accepted by the world of academic economists and are still propagated"" (The New Palgrave).Robbins put forth two central themes, both having a lasting and deep influence upon economics of the 20th century, the first being: ""That economic science could be clearly demarcated from those discussions of economic issues that involved value judgments - by which latter term Robbins meant evaluation statements of the form 'better or worse' where inter-personal comparisons of utility were involved. He also argued that there was a clear demarcation between economic science and other branches of social enquiry such as social psychology, sociology, politics and so on.""The second major theme was that the subject matter of economic science was not a particular activity (for example, Cannan's view that economics was the science of wealth), but rather an aspect of all human conduct. This aspect was the 'fact' of economic scarcity - a manifestation of unlimited ends on the part of individuals and society and means of satisfying those ends that were limited in supply. In word so often quoted in economics text Robbins defined economic science as 'that science that studies the relationship between ends and means that have alternative uses' - a definition that is more than reminiscent of Menger's exposition of the economizing process."" (The New palgrave)Lionel Robbins (1898 - 1984) was a British (mainly theoretical) economist and head of the economics department at the London School of Economics. In macroeconomics Robbins's was a firm exponent of the Hayek's - and the Austrian school in general - teachings whom he brought to the London School of Economics in 1928. His liberal view was expressed when he famously, together with Joseph Schumpeter, advocated that nothing should be done about the 1929-depression and that it had to run its course since this alone would create a lasting development out of the depression.
Payot 1949 in8. 1949. Broché. 221 pages. Bon Etat intérieur propre sans rousseurs couverture jaunie
Paris, Payot-Bibliothèque Géographique, 1949. In-8 broché non coupé, 221 pp. Ouvrage illustré de 7 cartes et graphiques.
Payot. 1949. In-8. Broché. Etat d'usage, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Papier jauni. 221 pages - quelques cartes et graphiques en noir et blanc dans et hors texte.. . . . Classification Dewey : 330-Economie
Collection bibliothèque géographique. Classification Dewey : 330-Economie