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Reference : 52427


‎Versuch einer Befestigungsart nach den Grundsätzen des neuern Krieges und nach dem gegenwärtigen Zustande der Geschützkunst eingerichtet. Aus dem Französischen übersetzt von General=Major von Hoyer. Mit IX Kupfertafeln.‎

‎Berlin, Schlesingerschen Buch= und Musikhandlung, 1821. Contemp. hcalf. Richly gilt spine, titlelabel with gilt lettering. A paperlabel pasted on upper part of spine. Stamps on title-page. XVI,260 pp. and 9 large folded engraved plates. Some brownspots to plates.‎

‎Klaus Jordan, 2858.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK1,800.00 (€241.42 )

‎Pertusier, Ch.‎

Reference : 121854aaf

‎La fortification Ordonnée d'après les principes de la stragégie. (volume de texte seul, sans l’atlas de 11 planches).‎

‎Paris, Bachelier, libraire, (imprimerie de Fain), 1820, in-8vo, 2 ff. ( faux-titre et titre) + 425 p., reliure en d.-cuir originale. Plats avec mongramme EA couronné (Initiales d’Eugène de Beauharnais et de son épouse Amalie Auguste Louise de Bavière).‎

‎ Jordan, Bibliographie z. Gesch. d. Festungsbaues 2857. Image disp.‎


Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808

CHF150.00 (€160.78 )

‎[Lavigne ] - ‎ ‎Perval,Henry Irène - Vargues Félicien - Darsay Henri,Jost Adolphe‎

Reference : 11440


‎Partition de la chanson : Tambours du régiment (Les) ‎

‎Partitions sur le Militaria Meuriot 1897 approx.‎

‎ Bon état Petit format ‎

Phone number : 06 12 41 09 89

EUR10.00 (€10.00 )

‎[Delgrange ] - ‎ ‎Perval,Polin,Vanyll - Rimbault,Boussagol - de Féraudy Maurice‎

Reference : 14780


‎Partition de la chanson : Mon p'tit copain Une drôle d'histoire Chansonnette Eldorado,Scala,Petit Casino‎

‎Partitions sur le Militaria Tourlourou 1896 approx.‎

‎ Etat moyen Petit format ‎

Phone number : 06 12 41 09 89

EUR6.00 (€6.00 )


Reference : 39986


‎Handbuch der Waffenlehre entworfen für angehende Krieger und insbesonders zum Behuf der Vorlesungen am Königl. Sächs. adeligen Cadetten=Corps. Mit 5 Kupfertafeln.‎

‎Dresden, Arnoldischen Buchh., 1825. Contemp.hcalf. Richly gilt spine. A paperlabel on lowerpart of spine. XXVIII,316 pp., 3 folded tables and 5 large folded engraved plates with many figs. Some scattered brownspots. The first few leaves a little browned.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK3,000.00 (€402.37 )

‎Pesme Gérard‎

Reference : R320117740


‎Un officier de dragons de la grande armée - Le lieutenant Colonel Louis Pierre Pesme 1776-1866 .‎

‎Librairie Raymond Picquot. 1932. In-8. Broché. Etat d'usage, Couv. légèrement passée, Dos satisfaisant, Non coupé. 82 pages - tâches brunes sur les plats - illustration en noir et blanc en frontispice - quelques rousseurs sans conséquence sur la lecture.. . . . Classification Dewey : 355.021-Militaria‎

‎ Classification Dewey : 355.021-Militaria‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR49.50 (€49.50 )

‎[Librairie Raymond Picquot] - ‎ ‎PESME, Gérard‎

Reference : 50619


Phone number : 09 82 20 86 11

EUR220.00 (€220.00 )

‎PESQUIDOUX Joseph de:‎

Reference : 5152


‎La harde.‎

‎Paris, Librairie Plon, 1936. In-8 broché de [8]-VI-282-[6] pages, couverture imprimée. ‎

‎ Avec un envoi autographe signé de l'auteur, académicien, au général Pierre Guillain de Bénouville, résistant, homme politique et écrivain français. ‎

Phone number : +4122 310 20 50

CHF60.00 (€64.31 )

‎[Borie P. ] - ‎ ‎ - Pessard Emile - ‎

Reference : 28231


Phone number : 06 12 41 09 89

EUR12.00 (€12.00 )

‎PETAIN (Maréchal)‎

Reference : 16149


‎La bataille de Verdun de PETAIN ‎

‎ 1941 Paris, Payot, 1941 - Collection des mémoires, etudes et documents pour servir à l'histoire de la guerre mondiale - Broché - In-8 - 8 cartes, 18 gravures & 1 annexe - 156 pages - Très propre - Réf. 16149‎

‎ - Livraison a domicile (La Poste) ou sur simple demande en Mondial Relay.- ATTENTION: Colis recommandé uniquement sur demande (parcel recommended on request). Si vous désirez un remboursement équivalent au montant de votre achat, en cas de perte détérioration ou spoliation, demandez-nous expressément un envoi en recommandé ( if you wish a repayment equivalent to the amount of your purchase, in case of loss - deterioration or despoliation, ask us expressly for a sending recommended)- Conditions de vente : Les frais de port sont affichés à titre Indicatifs (pour un livre) Nous pouvons être amené à vous contacter pour vous signaler le surcoût du au nopmbre de livres achetés ou du poids de ceux-ci. - Conditions of sale : The shipping costs are displayed as an indication (for one book) We may need to contact you to inform you of the cost of the additional shipping depending on the weight and the number of books- Possibilité d'envoi par Mondial-Relay - Réception en boutique sur rendez-vous. Librairie G. PORCHEROT - SP.Rance - 0681233148 ‎

A l's.p.rance - Brest

Phone number : 06 81 23 31 48

EUR20.00 (€20.00 )

‎PETAIN occupation Secours National‎

Reference : 26986


‎Affiches portraits de PETAIN collaboration‎

‎ 1941 1941- affichette bon état‎

Affiches portraits de PETAIN collaboration. PETAIN occupation Secours National
Livres Anciens Komar - Meounes les Montrieux

Phone number : 33 04 94 63 34 56

EUR20.00 (€20.00 )

‎Peter Blum‎

Reference : 100113248


‎Les figurines militaires‎

‎Deux coqs d'or 1965 in12. 1965. Relié.‎

‎reliure en très bon état intérieur propre‎

Un Autre Monde - Val Couoesnon

Phone number :

EUR12.00 (€12.00 )


Reference : 177504


‎Armes à feu ‎

‎ Hachette Hachette, 1963. In-4 relié toile sous jaquette de 263 pages, nombreuses photos. Petites déchirures sans manque à la jaquette sinon bon état‎

‎ Toutes les expéditions sont faites en suivi au-dessus de 25 euros. Expédition quotidienne pour les envois simples, suivis, recommandés ou Colissimo. ‎

Phone number : 05 65 42 95 21

EUR25.00 (€25.00 )

‎PETERSON Harold L.‎

Reference : 264269

‎Armes à Feu.‎

‎Hachette Paris 1963 In-4 ( 295 X 220 mm ) de 266 pages, pleine toile bleue sous jaquette illustrée en couleurs. Belle iconographie en noir et en couleur dans et hors-texte. Minimes défauts à la jaquette, livre en bel état.‎

Phone number : 04 91 42 63 17

EUR25.00 (€25.00 )

‎"PETERSON, VAL (US Ambassabor) (+) KUTER, LAURENCE S., (U.S. Air Force general and Commander in Chief of NORAD)‎

Reference : 60137


‎The Danish Journalists’ Tour of the North American Defense Command 10th July – 12th August. - [THE DANISH JOURNALISTS' TOUR OF THE ""NORTH AMERICAN DEFENSE COMMAND"" 10TH JULY – 12TH AUGUST]‎

‎(USA), The North American Defense Command, 1960. Elephant Folio (765 x 515 mm). Large collection of photos with accompanying commentaries, in the custom made blue binding with gilt lettering to front board. 137 original monochrome photos (measuring 255 x 200 mm) pasted on to 40 leaves of paper documenting a month long trip to document the US Air Defense System from Copenhagen to New York, Washington, Chicago, San Francisco and, the main focus of the trip, Thule and Station Nord in the North of Greenland. Also inserted are two formal signed letters to chief editor of the Danish newspaper Fyns Tidende, Knud Madsen, 1) from Val Peterson, American Ambassador to Denmark, 2) from Laurence S. Kuter, U.S. Air Force general and Commander in Chief of NORAD. Both letters are thanking Knud for his time, for their close working relationship and for his understanding. Light wear to extremities and paper slightly browned in margin but otherwise in fine condition and all photos well preserved.‎

‎Exceedingly rare photo album - curated by the North American Defense Command with personal signed letters by Val Peterson, American Ambassador to Denmark and Laurence S. Kuter, U.S. Air Force general and Commander in Chief of NORAD - depicting the Danish journalists' tour of the North American Defense Command in the summer of 1960. The album is of the utmost scarcity and was only presented to a select few of the participants of the tour. The present collection is a testament to one of the most controversial and disputed chapters in the Danish-North American relationship, namely that of Camp Century on Greenland" this includes installation of a portable nuclear reactor, the first of its kind, and eventually the creation of a vast network of nuclear missile launch sites – information only declassified in 1996. Furthermore, it is a fine example of US-military Cold War propaganda and it they sought to influence the public opinion in allied countries. In 1951, the United States and Denmark - both founding members of the North American Treaty Organization (NATO) - signed the Defense of Greenland Agreement. The treaty was intended “to negotiate arrangements under which armed forces of the parties to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization may make use of facilities in Greenland in defense of Greenland and the rest of the North Atlantic Treaty area.” More simply put, the agreement allowed the United States to build military bases in Greenland. Denmark and the US had signed a formal agreement granting America the right to maintain military bases in Greenland, but only in strictly defined areas, such as Thule Air Base in Northwest Greenland. They still needed approval from the Danish authorities for all activities outside these defence areas. In 1957, without informing the Danish Parliament, the Danish Prime Minister H. C. Hansen gave the Americans permission to store nuclear weapons at Thule AB. When the US Army constructed Camp Century, completely with its own transportable nuclear reactor, the Danish Government found itself in a tight corner. As news about Camp Century spread due to the army’s publicity campaign, the Danish authorities were forced to explain that there were no nukes in Greenland. The Danes had to either give in entirely to the American requests to deploy various nuclear weapons in Greenland, or take a firmer stand against the Americans. Denmark opted for the second solution. In recognition of the unfavourable public climate in Denmark, the US military issued a press campaign to provide better understanding of the need for military bases in the Artic. This was primarily done by inviting chief editors from the major Danish newspapers on a month long trip to the US as is evident from the present photos, no expenses were spared. As ambassador Val Peterson wrote to Danish chief editor Knud Madsen in the accompanying letter:“From personal conversations with several participants in your tour, and from articles about the trip which already have appeared in the Danish press, I know that the various sponsoring agencies have done their utmost to make your visit instructive as well as pleasant. Above all, I am happy that you have had an opportunity to gain an insight in the vast effort made the the United States to safeguard the security of the free world and to maintain the peace, in close and cordial cooperation with our friends and Allies, Denmark prominently among them” And General Laurence S. Kuter: “We were delighted to have an opportunity to explain the important segments of our defense system to you – the NORAD Story. Denmark will continue to play a very important role in North American’s air and aerospace defenses in permitting important detection devices to be located in Greenland. Denmark is the only continental NATO power which provides such land-basing opportunity, which is essential for North America’s surveillance of the polar approach route. We hope, as a result of your visit, we now have a closer working relationship and understanding.” (From the accompanying letter). Over the next decade, the American military built three air bases in Greenland: Narssarsuaq, Sondestrom, and Thule. In context of the Cold War, these bases provided a refueling point and a base of operations for intermediate-range strategic bombers. Additionally, the United States deployed radar stations in Greenland to maintain a Ballistic Missile Early Warning System (BMEWS) and a Distant Early Warning (DEW) Line, which would give the United States advance warning of a Soviet nuclear attack. The Thule Air Base is the only of the three which is still operational today. Located less than 1,000 miles from the North Pole, it is the U.S. Air Force’s northernmost base. Construction on Camp Century began in June 1959 and was completed by October 1960. Army engineers first had to build a three mile road to bring the 6,000 tons of supplies it would require to build the $8 million facility. Most of the heavy equipment, including vehicles, were brought by bobsleds known as “heavy swings” which had a maximum speed of two miles per hour, making it a 70 hour trip from the Thule Air Base. The camp itself was not a secret. Officially, it was built for scientific purposes under the auspices of the Army Polar Research and Development Center. The Army even produced a short film promoting Camp Century as a “remote research community.” The facility did see some significant scientific discoveries, such as some of the first studies of ice cores, revealing geological secrets going back 100,000 years. Science, however was not the primary purpose of Camp Century. The facility was built primarily as a test for a military operation involving nuclear missiles. The U.S. Army continued to operate Camp Century in a limited capacity until 1966. Its tunnels quickly collapsed, and today the facility is unreachable, buried under a thick layer of ice. Project Iceworm remained a closely guarded secret until 1997, when the Danish Institute of International Affairs (DUPI) reported Camp Century’s military ambitions. ‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK75,000.00 (€10,059.15 )

‎PETITEAU (Natalie)‎

Reference : 592123


ISBN : 9782910828295

‎Lendemains d'Empire. Les soldats de Napoléon dans la France du XIXe siècle.‎

‎ Paris, La boutique de l'Histoire, 2003. In-8 br., 396 pp., qqes ill. en noir dans le texte (cartes, reprod. photogr...), bibliogr. ‎

‎ Très bonne condition. - Frais de port : -France 6,9 € -U.E. 9 € -Monde (z B : 15 €) (z C : 25 €) ‎


Phone number : +33 (0)3 25 71 67 98

EUR20.00 (€20.00 )


Reference : ROD0030762

‎Condition civile & politique des militaires. Tome 2‎

‎Charles-Lavauzelle. sans date. In-18. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur bon état. 125p.. . . . Classification Dewey : 355.021-Militaria‎

‎du décès des militaires - des disparitions - des scellés - des successions des militaires - des testaments des militaires - .... Classification Dewey : 355.021-Militaria‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR14.90 (€14.90 )

‎Petite Bibliothèque de l'Armée Française‎

Reference : 11934

Phone number :

EUR23.50 (€23.50 )

‎Petite Bibliothèque de l'Armée Française‎

Reference : 11935

Phone number :

EUR19.00 (€19.00 )

‎Petite Bibliothèque de l'Armée Française‎

Reference : 11933

‎Manuel du sous-officier d'artillerie, Paris-Limoges, Henri Charles Lavauzelle, 1889.‎

‎1 vol. in-32° rel. cartonnage bleu éditeur, 203 p. + 64 p. (catalogue de la Librairie Lavauzelle). Très bon état mais petit accroc en coiffe sup et piqûres sur la couverture bande d'insolation. ‎

Phone number :

EUR23.50 (€23.50 )

‎Petite Bibliothèque de l'Armée Française‎

Reference : 12079

‎Règlement sur les maoeuvres des batteries attelées titre I, II, titres III et IV, Paris-Limoges, Henri Charles Lavauzelle, 1890.‎

‎3 vol. in-32° rel. cartonnage bleu éditeur, 180 p. + 157 p. + 194 - Très bon état mais charnière interne légèrement ouverte au titre II. ‎

Phone number :

EUR30.00 (€30.00 )

‎Petite Bibliothèque de l'Armée Française‎

Reference : 11937

‎Règlement sur l'instruction à cheval dans les corps de troupe de l'artillerie (---), Paris-Limoges, Henri Charles Lavauzelle, 1890.‎

‎1 vol. in-32° rel. cartonnage bleu éditeur, 176 p. + fig. Très bon état mais piqûres sur la couverture. ‎

Phone number :

EUR19.00 (€19.00 )

‎Petite Bibliothèque de l'Armée Française‎

Reference : 11936

‎Règlement sur l'instruction à pied dans les corps de troupe de l'artillerie (---), Paris-Limoges, Henri Charles Lavauzelle, 1890.‎

‎1 vol. in-32° rel. cartonnage bleu éditeur, 203 p. + fig. Très bon état mais petit accroc en coiffe sup et piqûres sur la couverture. ‎

Phone number :

EUR19.00 (€19.00 )


Reference : 22262

‎Roland Garros‎

‎Paris, Synthèses-Aviasport, 1988. In-8 (285x205mm) relié en toile d'éditeur bleue sous jaquette ill., 128 p. Ill. et photos en noir in et h.t. Très bon état général - jaquette frottées sur les coiffes. Envoi de l'auteur.‎


Phone number : 33 05 56 81 68 79

EUR25.00 (€25.00 )

‎( PETIT Général )‎

Reference : M11335


‎ Couverture rigide P, Picquet , 1845 , 2 vols in8 plein chagrin marron , XXXI -512 - 520pp 2 premiers volumes ( sur 3). Dos légèrement frottés, cachet. Langue: Français ‎

Nord - Sud - Kervignac

Phone number : 06 98 91 56 56

EUR180.00 (€180.00 )
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