Lyon : J.M. Bessiat, 1765,IN12,reliure epoque demi chagrin,dos lisse orne,piece de titre manquante,VIII-264 p. ; rare edition originale,bon etat
rare,bon etat
, Brepols - Harvey Miller, 2024 Hardback, xviii + 188 pages, Size:220 x 280 mm, Illustrations:69 col., Language: English. ISBN 9781915487124.
Summary The work of the fifteenth-century Italian painter Pisanello has long proven resistant the interpretative procedures of art history, in ways that point to the limits of those procedures as they evolved in the period after the Second World War. Taking Pisanello's art as an example of a larger theoretical issue, the book proposes a model of interpretation that addresses the realm of imitative practice. Using Cennino Cennini's Il Libro del' Arte as a primer,the author argues for an approach that confronts the evidence of the artist's self-tempering work, and then tests that model through an examination of Pisanello's drawings and medals. She exposes the drawings as primary evidence of the ontological groundwork within which the painter finds his own habits of invention, and also demonstrates the value of looking for the groundwork in a selection of Pisanello's official works, including the surviving wall paintings in Veronese churches. In the end, the author contends that the self-reflexive recognition of creative agency is a prerequisite for the apprehension of Pisanello's art, especially the agonistic scenario staged in his panel of The Virgin and Child with Saints George and Anthony and its enigmatic signature. TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Figures Acknowledgements Introduction 1. Temper: Cennino Cennini's Arte 2. Ground: Pisanello's Inventions 3. Threshold: Pisanello's Frameworks 4. Agon: Pisanus Pinxit Epilogue Under the Table Notes Bibliography
Slatkine-Megariotis Reprints 1977 In-8. Reliure éditeur plein simili-cuir bleu marine, pièce de titre rouge, VIII-370-36 pp. Très bon exemplaire.
Réimpression en fac-similé de l’édition de Bruxelles, 1788. Très bon état d’occasion
Gallimard. 1928. In-12. Broché. Etat d'usage, Couv. légèrement passée, Coiffe en pied abîmée, Papier jauni. 264 pages - illustration en noir et blanc en frontispice - rousseurs sur les plats.. . . . Classification Dewey : 929.2-Histoire des familles célèbres
Collection Vies des hommes illustrés n°15 Classification Dewey : 929.2-Histoire des familles célèbres
Librairie Fayard, collection "les grandes etudes historiques", 1945. Format 12x19 cm, broche, 307 pages. Tres bon etat.
E.J. Brill 1972 in8. 1972. Broché.
couverture défraîchie ternie bords un peu frottés dos un peu creusé intérieur propre
Namur 1891 239 pages in12. 1891. Cartonné. 239 pages. 6e édition
Etat Correct dos recollé ensemble jauni bords frottés
, Brepols - Harvey Miller, 1984 Hardcover. 144 p., 140 x 215 mm, Languages: English, Including an index. Fine copy. ISBN 9780888444653.
Turnhout, Brepols, 2003 Hardback, XIV+209 p., 150 x 230 mm. ISBN 9782503514390.
The early fourteenth century was an explosive period in English history that produced international intrigue and a number of important treatises on political thought. This volume offers for the first time in English translation several important commentaries on the political scene in early fourteenth-century England: Walter de Milimete's On the Nobility, Wisdom, and Prudence of the King (1327), the two versions of William of Pagula's Mirror of King Edward III (1331 and 1332), and William of Ockham's Whether the Ruler Can Accept Church Property for his Own Needs, namely, in the Case of War, even against the Wishes of the Pope (1338). All of these treatises offer important insight into such matters as the extent of the king's power in the fourteenth century and earlier, the relationship between Church and State, and the particular duties of the ruler towards various of his subjects. New.
Turnhout, Brepols, 2010 Hardback, X+308 p., 156 x 234 mm. ISBN 9782503527567.
Marcia Colish is one of the most influential scholars of the history of medieval and early modern thought, the author of numerous books and scores of articles in the field, as well as a pioneering President of the Medieval Academy of America. This volume honours her accomplishments with papers by her many colleagues, friends, and former students, who are themselves prominent scholars from across a range of disciplines. The chapters are diverse chronologically and topically, yet they are all stimulated by themes that Prof. Colish has explored during her long and distinguished career. They address the richness of European intellectual history between the twelfth and the sixteenth centuries, treating the multiple heritages of philosophy, theology, political theory, historiography, classical reception, and many other subjects to which her scholarship extends. The volume demonstrates the power of ideas in the development of European history generally, revealing that the careful study of the works of the 'mind' does indeed 'matter'. Languages : English.
Turnhout, Brepols, 2007 Hardback, XXIV+415 p., 4 b/w ill. + 4 colour ill., 5 b/w line art, 160 x 240 mm. ISBN 9782503524788.
Through an innovative and wide-ranging exploration this book examines the reality behind the assumption that the idea of a universal ruler became increasingly irrelevant in late-medieval Europe. Focusing on France in the century before the outbreak of the Hundred Years War, it explores attitudes towards the contemporary institution of the western Empire, its rulers, and its place in the world. Historians have tended to assume that there was little place for a universal Empire and its would-be rulers in late-medieval thought. Pointing to the rapid decline in the fortunes of the Empire after the death of the Emperor Frederick II, the rediscovery of Aristotle's Politics by western Europeans, and the growing confidence - and burgeoning bureaucracy - of the kings of France and England, it is often argued that the claims to universal domination of men like the Emperor Henry VII, or indeed of popes like Boniface VIII, were becoming increasingly anachronistic, not to say a little ridiculous. Perceptions of the Empire undoubtedly changed in this period. Yet, whether it was in the cloisters of Saint-Denis, the pamphlets of Pierre Dubois, or even the thought of Charles d'Anjou, the first Angevin king of Sicily, this book argues that the Empire and its ruler still had an important, indeed unique, role to play in a properly ordered Christian society. Languages : English.
Turnhout, Brepols, 2012 Paperback, approx. 350 p., 156 x 234 mm. ISBN 9782503543314.
Le present ouvrage entend combler un vide dans les recherches consacrees a la figure du Conquerant macedonien, entre le Moyen Age, domine par l'influence du fabuleux Roman d'Alexandre, qui a deja fait l'objet d'importants travaux, et l'epoque moderne, elle aussi bien etudiee, en raison de l'exploitation politique massive a laquelle le personnage d'Alexandre donna lieu dans les premieres annees du regne de Louis XIV. Place sous le signe de la pluridisciplinarite, ce recueil de onze etudes, centrees sur la France et l'Italie, couvre un arc chronologique large, allant de Petrarque a la fin du XVIe siecle : les trois siecles en question constituent une periode charniere dans l'histoire du mythe d'Alexandre, puisque la redecouverte de la tradition antique suscita d'importants changements dans la perception du personnage, et porta un coup fatal a la domination hegemonique qu'avait exercee, au Moyen Age, la tradition romanesque derivee du Pseudo-Callisthene - meme si la rupture n'est pas aussi complete et definitive entre Moyen Age et Renaissance que pourrait le faire accroire le mepris souvent affiche par les humanistes face a l'heritage medieval. Le retour aux textes anciens exerca une puissante stimulation intellectuelle et artistique, qu'illustre le va-et-vient fecond auquel on assiste a cette epoque entre travaux d'erudition et creation. La dimension politique occupe une place considerable dans le regard porte par les hommes de la Renaissance sur la figure d'Alexandre, que l'on ait affaire a des travaux philologiques (editions, traductions, commentaires), a des ouvrages litteraires (histoires, textes de fiction) ou a des productions artistiques : l'enjeu de la reference au Conquerant revet une acuite toute particuliere, lorsque ces oeuvres ont ete produites en des lieux de pouvoir comme la cour des ducs de Bourgogne ou celle des rois de France, et qu'elles ont pour destinataires des figures princieres. Alexandre fait l'objet d'appreciations ambivalentes de la part des humanistes, qui ont utilise son histoire a titre de miroir des princes, mais parfois aussi comme contre-modele. Figure de reference en matiere politique, il fournit egalement aux hommes de la Renaissance l'occasion d'interrogations recurrentes sur l'ecriture de l'histoire : l'erigeant en objet historiographique exemplaire, les humanistes engagent volontiers la polemique contre leurs predecesseurs medievaux, en s'employant a definir en termes nouveaux le metier d'historien, avec un souci affiche de scientificite, d'independance intellectuelle, d'historicisme critique. Nouveau.
13,8 cm X 22,1 cm, 397 pp, reliure contemporaine dos et coin cuir, dos à nerfs, reliure muette. La couverture originale conservée. Bien compet de ses huit tableaux dont 1 volant.
Bords un peu frottés, plats un peu salis. Papiers un peu jaunis. Très bon état par ailleurs. Intérieur frais.
Turnhout, Brepols, 2010 Hardback, XIV+338 p., 10 b/w tables, 11 b/w line art, 156 x 234 mm. ISBN 9782503526232.
A lively, thorough reassessment of medieval Castile's most characteristic and least known form of lordship. This work offers an up-to-date discussion of medieval Castilian lordship and social relations, approached through an analysis of behetria lordship, a power-structure of fundamental importance in medieval Castile. The origins of behetria lordship, a complex phenomenon in both theory and practice, are obscure. Knowledge of the behetrias has therefore hitherto been limited to a narrow circle of traditionalist, highly specialized legal historians. The present volume redresses this imbalance, as its various contributors explore the question of behetria lordship from a broad social perspective, thereby demonstrating the crucial role played by this seigneurial structure within medieval Castilian society. This collection of essays thus focuses less on legal intricacies than on deeper social, territorial, and political issues, which are also examined in relation to other better-known forms of lordship exercised both within Castile and beyond. This volume provides rich historical material on medieval Castile rarely available to an English readership; it represents a gateway to a wealth of relatively little-known literature and information on the social history of medieval Spain, and will provide an invaluable tool for comparative research. Languages : English, Latin, Spanish.
Turnhout, Brepols, 2001 Paperback, 176 p., 120 x 190 mm. ISBN 9782503512969.
Les Actes de Mar Mari, presentes et traduits en francais pour la premiere fois dans ce volume, ont ete rediges en syriaque au VI-VIIe siecle en Babylonie. Ils rapportent en 34 sequences le periple missionnaire de Mari, l'un des soixante-dix disciples du Christ, compagnon des apotres de Jerusalem. Son apostolat en Orient est compare a celui de Pierre et de Paul en Occident. Il est envoye vers la terre de Babel par Addai, l'evangelisateur d'Edesse ; son periple s'acheve aux confins de la Perse, espace missionnaire de l'apotre Thomas. Mar Mari et ses disciples implantent le christianisme dans les villes et villages a l'Est de l'Euphrate, dans toute la vallee du fleuve Tigre. Souvent en conflit avec les adeptes de Zoroastre, il guerit, exorcise, ressuscite des morts et preche a tous (dans les cours royales, les assemblees politiques ?). Loin des preoccupations christologiques des grands conciles sur la double nature du Christ, vrai Dieu et vrai homme, les Actes se font l'echo des inquietudes de l'Eglise syro-orientale (abusivement appelee 'nestorienne') face a l'etendue des succes du manicheisme : par bien des indices, sous le calame de l'auteur, Mari apparait comme la figure antithetique de Mani. Ce recit apporte egalement un eclairage decisif sur certaines minorites religieuses meconnues comme les baptistes. Si le nom Mar Mari (saint Mari) a peu d'echo en Occident, l'Orient chretien lui a depuis longtemps associe une liturgie ; la ceremonie d'investiture du patriarche de l'Eglise de Perse s'achevait avec faste autour de ses reliques. Les listes de succession des eveques de Seleucie-Ctesiphon, la capitale, remontent en lignee directe jusqu'a Mar Mari. Aujourd'hui encore, la reference a cette figure fondatrice marque la memoire et les traditions des chretiens d'Iraq, d'Iran et diaspora - les Assyro-chaldeens. Nouveau.
Turnhout, Brepols, 2011 Hardback, VIII+323 p., 15 b/w ill., 2 b/w tables, 156 x 234 mm. ISBN 9782503528373.
An investigation of the general subject of multilingualism in medieval England, France, and Italy with attention to the interaction among vernacular languages and between these and Latin. This volume contains essays on various aspects of multilingualism in medieval France, Italy, England, and the Low Countries. The fifteen contributions discuss the use of the different vernaculars and Latin in both literary and non-literary contexts, showing how cultural and social factors determined the choice of language for a particular purpose or type of text. The role of French in non-French contexts is a major theme of these essays: in the British Isles after the Norman Conquest, in Italy as a response to the need for mainly secular types of literature which did not exist in Italian, and in the Low Countries by virtue of geographic contiguity and change of rulers. Special attention is paid in the French context to the use of French and Occitan in areas of the South. Some essays examine specific cases or text-corpora, while others examine questions of multilingualism from more theoretical, linguistic, and rhetorical points of view. Together, they form an invaluable introduction to the topic of medieval multilingualism, illustrated by meticulously executed case-studies, which future work in the area will have to take into account. Languages : English, French.
, Brussel, Paleis der Academien, , 2004 softcover. originele uitgeversomslag, 26x18cm, 259pp, geillustreerd z/w. Tekst Nederlands, ISBN 9065699317.
Koninklijke Academie voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone Kunsten van Belgie. Collectanea Maritima VII / Tekst Nederlands .overzicht van de belangrijkste navigatie instrumenten tot aan de chronometer.
Leuven, Leuven University Press 2000 xiii + 274pp.with ills., 24cm., in the series "Mediaevalia Lovaniensia" Series 1 Studia 28, softcover, dustwrapper, fine condition, [contributions are in English], T74595
Broché, 23X15 cm, 1986, 292 pages, annales littéraires de l'université de Besançon, les belles lettres. Très bon état.
Ecully, Horvath 1992, 270x180mm, 176pages, broché. Bel exemplaire.
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Cartonnage de l'éditeur, 22X22 cm, 1997, 112 pages, nombreuses illustrations en noir, édi Loire. Deux tampons, bon exemplaire avec un envoi de l'auteur.
Cartonnage de l'éditeur, 22X22 cm, 1997, 112 pages, nombreuses illustrations en noir, édi Loire. Prénom et date page de titre sinon, très bon état.
broché - 21x29,5 - 125 pp - 1995 - éditions-diffusion du LYS, Caen.
Le Coteau, Editions Horvath 1988, 240x165mm, 135pages, broché. Exemplaire à l'état de neuf.
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Broché, 24X16 cm, 1988, 136 pages, nombreuses illustrations en noir, éditions Horvath. Bon exemplaire.