BE, Mercatorfonds, 2012 Hardback, 250x295mm, 268p, 420 colour illustrations, English edition. ISBN 9789061537816.
The expansive collection of the Triton Foundation (located in the Netherlands) contains approximately 250 paintings, drawings, and sculptures from more than 170 artists. The core of the collection consists of Western art dating from 1870 to 1970. Many important movements and artists from this century of creative production are represented, and the collection as a whole offers a fascinating overview of artistic developments from Impressionism to modern art.Avant-gardes, 1870-1970 features the diverse and celebrated artists of the Triton Collection, including works by Georges Braque, Paul Cezanne, Edgar Degas, Willem de Kooning, Lucian Freud, ... Kunsthal, Rotterdam Expo: 7/10/2012 - 20/1/2012.
Brussel, Mercatorfonds / Fonds Mercator, 2008 Hardcover, Bound with dusjacket, Pagina's: 160,Afmetingen: 27 x 23 cm,80 illustraties in kleur. . ISBN 9789061538295.
his very first letter sketch in 1876 until his last paintings in 1890. In many paintings, most of which are now considered to be key works in his oeuvre, he addressed the paradoxical task of representing night through color. Van Gogh and the Colors of the Night presents new insight on Van Goghs depictions of the twilight and dark hours, and is the first volume to focus on this aspect of the artists career. This book explores the different layers of content of these works: tradition and modernity, rest at the end of the day, the cycles of nature and rural labour, the poetry of the night, and artistic and literary influences. It also discusses in depth the stylistic and technical methods Van Gogh used to realize his effects of dark and light. This publication accompanies the exhibition of the same name at the MOMA in New York (from the 21st of September 2008 until the 5th of January 2009) and the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam (from the 13rd February until the 7th of June 2009). English (ISBN 978 90 61538 29 5)
Brussel, Mercatorfonds / Fonds Mercator, 2008 Hardcover, Bound with dusjacket, Pagina's: 160,Afmetingen: 27 x 23 cm,80 illustraties in kleur. . ISBN 9789061538288.
Les representations du crepuscule et de la nuit sont comme un fil rouge dans la carriere de Van Gogh et comptent pour la plupart parmi ses plus grands chefs d'oeuvre. 'Les mangeurs de pommes de terre' et la serie 'des semeurs au soleil' couchant en sont de celebres exemples. Avant meme de devenir artiste, Vincent van Gogh eprouvait deja une predilection pour l'ambiance du soir et de la nuit. Il l'associait a la poesie et a une impression de securite. Dans ce livre, le lecteur decouvre comment Vincent etudie les differents aspects des heures nocturnes et les combine avec d'autres themes, comme le combat mene par l'etre humain face a la durete de l'epoque moderne et l'emotion qui l'accompagne, ou encore le contraste entre la nature, grotesque et eternelle, et la vie insignifiante et ephemere de l'homme. Les sources litteraires qui ont influence l'artiste sont egalement abordees, ainsi que les procedes techniques et stylistiques qu'il a utilises pour rendre la lumiere et l'obscurite
Scribe 2013, 295x215mm, 163páginas, encadernação de editor. Nova cópia
fotografias a cores, edição bilingue: português - inglês, Pour un paiement via PayPal, veuillez nous en faire la demande et nous vous enverrons une facture PayPal
Turnhout, Brepols, 1997 Hardback, 210 p., incl. 5 colour + 208 bl/w. ills., 190 x 250 mm. ISBN 9782503505664.
This publication investigates the individual works ascribed to the Master of Flemalle, presenting new conclusions regarding division of hands and dating. The group of paintings ascribed to the Master of Flemalle is one of the most outstanding and at the same time most enigmatic of early Netherlandish painting. Influential throughout the 15th century, these works are nowadays regarded, together with those of the Van Eyck brothers, as a starting point of Northern renaissance art. Ever since these paintings were grouped together a hundred years ago, on the grounds of stylistical analysis, they have been the object of controversial scholarly debates, concerning the identity of the artist and the coherence and homogeneity of the oeuvre. This publication presupposes neither the most newly assumed identification of the artist with Robert Campin of Tournai nor the homogeneity of the oeuvre. Instead, the investigation concentrates on the individual works, starting with the eponymous paintings in Frankfurt. Using the whole range of art historical methods and the results of technical investigations, the study presents new conclusions regarding division of hands and dating. Furthermore, the sometimes complex relations between different works are investigated. Another important result of the study is the reconstruction of now dismembered ensembles. In the course of the study, the Flemalle group turns out to be the work of several artists rather than the oeuvre of one master. There seem to be two major sub-groups which are connected with each other and which may even have come from one workshop. In the light of these findings, the study gives a new evaluation of the roles of Robert Campin and Rogier van der Weyden. Languages: German.
Skira, 2008. In-4°, Relie avec jaquette illustre, 191 pp.
Un excellent exemplaire en excellentes conditions. Livre comme neuf.
Geneve Skira 1946 in 8 (20,5x14) 1 volume broché, couverture illustrée à rabats, XXIV et 94 pages de reproductions en noir et blanc et 120 pages de catalogue, établi par Albert Skira décrivant 370 livres illustrés. Avant-propos de Claude-Roger Marx. Comment j'ai fait mes livres par Henri Matisse. Texte tiré sur beau papier vergé fin. Etat de neuf ( Photographies sur demande / We can send pictures of this book on simple request )
Parfait Broché
Geneve Skira 1946 in 8 (20,5x14) 1 volume broché, couverture illustrée à rabats, XXIV et 94 pages de reproductions en noir et blanc et 120 pages de catalogue, établi par Albert Skira décrivant 370 livres illustrés, avant-propos de Claude-Roger Marx, comment j'ai fait mes livres par Henri Matisse. Texte tiré sur beau papier vergé fin. Bel exemplaire ( Photographies sur demande / We can send pictures of this book on simple request )
Très bon Broché
Genève, éditions d'art d'Albert Skira, 1968, in 12°, couv. toile éd., 150 pp
T. Bel ex.
Antwerpen, Artiestenfonds, Rockoxhuis 1962 79pp.(waarvan 55 pagina's illustraties), 24cm., met geïll.stofwikkel, mooie staat
, Schelderode, Kunstpocket, 1977.**, Originele geillustreerde uitgeversomslag in kleur, 14x22,5cm, 56pp + 16 buitentekstplaten in kleur en z/w.
Serie 2, n 5.
, Brepols - Harvey Miller, 2006 Hardcover. IX 532 p., 244 b/w ill., 210 x 275 mm, Languages: English, French, Italian, Including an index. Fine copy. ISBN 9781872501475.
Part One: Artists and Scribes Lilian Armstrong, A North Italian Drawing of Hercules and Antaeus in a German Incunable : Marco Zoppo(?) and Drawings in Renaissance Books ; Benjamin David, Sites of Confluence: The Master of the Yates Thompson Divine Comedy ; Albinia C. de la Mare with Xavier van Binnebeke, A List of Books from the Florentine Braccio Martelli ; Susan L'Engle, Outside the Canon: Graphic and Pictorial Digressions by Artists and Scribes ; Lawrence Nees, The Jonathan Gospels (Bibliotheca Apostolica Vaticana, Cod. Pal. lat. 46) ; Kathleen L. Scott, The Decorated Letters of Two Cotton Manuscripts ; Federica Toniolo and Gennaro Toscano, Per l'attivita giovanile di Girolamo da Cremona Part Two: Methods of Work and Production Francois Avril, Les copies a repetition. A propos de la circulation et de la dissimenation des modeles ; Bezalel Narkiss, Scribes and Artists of the Ashburnham Pentateuch ; Margot McIlwain Nishimura, The Grey Gospels : A Frankish Curiosity in Cape Town ; Myra Dickman Orth, The English Great Bible of 1539 and the French Connection ; Jane Rosenthal and Patrick McGurk, Author, Symbol and Word: The Inspired Evangelists in Judith of Flanders's Anglo-Saxon Gospelbooks ; Marina Vidas, Norway's French Connection: The Intended Reader and Subsequent Owners of the Christina Psalter Part Three: Marginalia Madeline H. Caviness, Unnatural Spectacles, Aristotelian Precepts and the Construction of Gender around 1300 ; Ruth Mellinkoff, Break a Leg ! ; Lilian M.C. Randall, Frontal Heads in the Borders of Parisian and South Netherlandish Books of Hours, ca. 1415-60 ; Lucy Freeman Sandler, Bared: The Writing Bear in the British Library Bohun Psalter Part Four: Text and Image Walter Cahn, An Illuminated Manuscript of Caesarius of Heisterbach's Dialogus miraculorum ; C. M. Kauffmann, The Iconography of the Judgement of Solomon in the Middle Ages ; Giordana Mariana Canova, L'antico nella miniatura padovana del Rinascimento: Un Plutarco alla Stiftsbibliothek di Linkoping ; Nigel Morgan, Pictured Sermons in Thirteenth-Century England ; Nancy Freeman Regalado, Picturing the Story of Chivalry in Jacques Bretel's Tournoi de Chauvency (Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Douce 308) ; Kathryn A. Smith, Accident, Play and Invention: Three Infancy Miracles in the Holkham Bible Picture Book ; Alison Stones, The ?Terrier de l'Eveque? and Some Reflections of Daily Life in the Second Half of the Thirteenth Century Part Five: Cultural Context Paul Binski, John the Smith?s Grave ; Martha Easton, The Wound of Christ, the Mouth of Hell: Appropriations and Inversions of Female Anatomy in the Later Middle Ages ; Desiree Koslin, Under the Influence: Copying the Revelationes of St. Birgitta of Sweden ; Mary and Richard Rouse, A Cat Can Look at a King: an Illustrated Episode in the Grandes Chroniques ; Evelyn Birge Vitz, Liturgical versus Biblical Citation in Medieval Vernacular Literature ; William M. Voelkle, Liberale da Verona's North Wind Unraveled Part Six: Afterlives - Receptions Janet Backhouse, The Case of Queen Melisende's Psalter: An Historical Investigation; Paul Crossley, Anglia Perdita. English Medieval Architecture and Neo-Romanticism ; Karen Eileen Overbey, Locating the Book: The Domnach Airgid Shrine in Medieval Ireland ; Roger S. Wieck, Papal Fragments at Rosenbach
Yale University Press, New Haven and London, 1995. In-4, reliure pleine toile éditeur sous jaquette illustrée en couleurs, titre doré au dos, 378 pp. Preface - Part one : 1600-1675 - 1. Introduction. - 2. Historical Background. - 3. Late Mannerism and International Trends 1600-1625. - 4. Frans Hals. - Rembrandt. - 6. Rembrandt's Pupils and Followers. - 7. Genre Painting : Early High-Life, ...
Avec 432 illustrations en noir et blanc et en couleurs in texte. --- Plus d'informations sur le site
Phone number : 01 42 73 13 41
Leuven, Davidsfonds 1998 528pp. rijkelijk geïllustreerd in kleur, linnen band, stofwikkel, in linnen etui, mooie staat, gewicht: 4kg., S85381
, Leuven, Peeters, 1998., Gebonden, uitgeverslinnen, originele ge llustreerde stofomslag in kleur, 32x24,5cm, 584pp, ge llustreerd in kleur en z/w. ISBN 9789042906617.
Omvangrijke catalogus van de Tentoonstelling, Sint-Pieterskerk en Predikherenkerk te Leuven (19 september-6 december 1998).
Gand, Ludion, 1997 Broche, cartonnage illustree, 235 x 305mm., 223pp., illustration abondante en couleurs. ISBN 9055440892.
Le Breviaire Mayer van den Bergh - La musique sublime - Le culte supreme - L'art dans les villes. Bon etat.
Gand, Ludion 1997, 1997 Hardcover ! mais pas originelle, cartonnage illustree, 245 x 305mm., 223pp., illustration abondante en couleurs. ISBN 9789055440894.
Le Breviaire Mayer van den Bergh - La musique sublime - Le culte supreme - L'art dans les villes. Bon etat.
Leuven, Peeters 1998 588pp.rijkelijk geïllustreerd in kleur en zw/w, 32cm., blauwlinnen band, stofwikkel, publicatie n.a.v. de tentoonstelling te Leuven (Sint-Pieterskerk en Predikherenkerk, 19 sept. - 6 dec.1998), zeer goede staat, S85228
, Antwerpen, Pandora, 1999.**, Gebonden, linnen, origineel geillustreerde omslagwikkel in kleur, 25x30,5cm, 272pp, errata, rijkelijk geillustreerd in kleur en z/w. ISBN 9053251340.
Kunstschilder in de voetsporen van 'Van Nu en Straks' / Un peintre dans le sillage du mouvement de 'Van Nu en Straks'. Tekst Nederlands/ Francais. De auteur brengt deze ten onrechte vergeten charmante en boeiende kunstenaar opnieuw onder de aandacht en situeert hem in het kader van zijn tijd. Een oeuvre-catalogus met 600 teruggevonden werken sluiten deze studie af. L' auteur nous livre une etude approfondie sur cet artiste charmante et a tort oblie apres sa disparition, le situant clairement dans le cadre de son epoque. Une catalogue des oeuvres (600) cloture la publication.
, Paris, Flammarion, 1995., Broche, couverture carton illustree, 150 x 220mm., 176pp., illustration profonde en couleurs. ISBN 9782080122582.
Tout l'Art Contexte. Bon etat.
Paris Flammarion 1981 in 4 (28x21,5) 1 volume reliure cartonnée de l'éditeur sous jaquette illustrée en couleurs, 95 pages, avec 47 reproductions en couleurs (dont 1 reproduction hors-texte contrecollée), 19 en noir et blanc. Collection "Les Maîtres de la Peinture Moderne". Très bel exemplaire
Très bon Jaquette en très bon état Reliure
Naefels, Bonfini 1981 95pp.with colour and bl/w, cloth, dustwrapper, 28cm., VG
Amsterdam/ Brussel, De Spieghel/ Standaard-Boekhandel 1933 xiv + 267pp.+ 80 illustraties buiten tekst, 26cm., originele omslag (scharnieren wat hersteld) en beschermd door kristalpapier, goede staat, S84499
Hildesheim, Olms 1986 360pp.with 50 ills., 21cm., softcover, good condition, S85727