, Geneve, Galerie Krugier, 1966., Illustrated portfolio containing a 4-page essay, a four-page catalogue of the exhibition and chronology, and 16-pages of plates, including a color plate tipped in. 25x32.5cm., very good copy.
Imprime a l'occasion de l'exposition retrospective des oeuvres de Paul Delvaux. Bon etat.
Jean Favier; Nadine Lehni; Christine Hamm et Samuel F. Klapp
Reference : ART7200M
1983, Strasbourg, Musee d'Art Moderne. In-8 Broché carré, 343pp. Nombreuses illustrations in et hors texte.
Interieur frais, quelques marques d'usage sur le dos. Mais un exemplaire en bonnes conditions.
1986 / 267 pages. Broché. Editions Réunion des musées nationaux.
Illustrations couleurs et N&B. Trés bon état.
1992 / 222 pages. Broché In-4. Editions Terrail
Très bon état. COMME NEUF !
, Paris, Les Editions G. Cres et Cie, , 1930 Broche, couverture d' editeur, tache d' eau, 15x19,5cm, 14 pp + 40 pp(4) planches n/b.
collections les artistes nouveau
, Skira 2006 343pp., avec de nombreuses illustrations en couleurs, 29cm., reliure cart. d'éditeur, jaquette illustrée, bon état, [Publication à l'occasion de l'exposition au Musée de l Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cologny-Genève, 25 novembre 2006 - 1er avril 2007], S95195
Anvers, Ca Ira, 1933 Plaquette in-8, agraf e, couverture rempli e, 36 pages. Edition originale. Un des 100 exemplaires sur papier Featherweight. Num ro 10. 19.5 x 16 cm
1 de 100 exemplaires numerotes. tirage limite. N 10
Lausanne La Guilde du Livre et Clairefontaine 1972 in 4 carré (30,5x30,5) 1 volume reliure toilée noire de l'éditeur, jaquette illustrée en couleurs, rhodoïd, 175 pages, avec de nombreuses illustrations en noir et blanc, et en planches en couleurs contrecollées. Leonor Fini, 1908-1996, peintre surréaliste. Troisième édition. Très bel exemplaire ( Photographies sur demande / We can send pictures of this book on simple request )
Très bon Couverture rigide
Frankfurt, Insel, 1982. Klein-4°. (Faksimilebd.:) (3) Bl., 153 (recte 151), (3) Bl., Mit 124 (dv. 15 ganzs.) farb. Miniaturen, 24 Kalenderminiaturen, 72 Rundbildern u. 10 historischen Initialen; (Kommentarbd.:) 174 (2) S. Mit 116 Illustr. auf Tafeln. Purpurner Orig.-Velourlederbd. mit goldgepr. Titel u. 3-s. Goldschnitt bzw. Orig.-Pappbd. in gefütterter Orig.-Halblederkassette mit mont., farbig. Deckenillustr. u. goldgepr. Rückentitel (diese leicht berieben).
Nr. 125 von 500 Ex. in Velourleder (GA 850 Ex., dv. 100 in purpurnem Maroquinleder u. 350 als Bibliotheksausgabe in losen Bogen mit Kassette). Vollständiges Faksimile des Codex Nr. 1856. Handeinband von Willy Pingel, Heidelberg. "Gold und Silber auf schwarzem Pergament vermitteln den Eindruck aufwendigen, doch gleichzeitig vornehmen Prunks. Nicht zufällig sind es die - allerhöchsten Auftraggebern vorbehaltenen - Purpur-Codices, die unseren schwarzen Handschriften in dieser Grundhaltung am nächsten kommen. So nimmt es nicht wunder, dass die ganze Gruppe dieser schwarz eingefärbten Codices dem engsten Umkreis einer mit grossem Gepränge geführten Hofhaltung zuzuordnen ist, derjenigen der reichen und mächtigen Burgunderherzöge des 15. Jahrhunderts, und dass als Ort ihrer Entstehung nur Brügge in Frage kommt, eine der wohlhabendsten Handelssädte der damaligen Zeit und gleichzeitig repräsentatives Zentrum des burgundischen Staates, in dem eine reiche künstlerische Produktion beheimatet war. (...) Auch in bezug auf die Künstlerpersönlichkeit entzieht sich der Codex einer präzisen Einordnung: die in der Fachliteratur vertretene Zugehörigkeit zum Werk des Meisters des Anton von Burgund lässt sich nicht aufrecht erhalten. Die Illustrationen lassen sich zwar problemlos als Produkte der flandrischen Buchmalerei des dritten Viertels des 15. Jahrhunderts bestimmen, trotzdem bleibt der Codex relativ isoliert. Nicht genug damit, auch hinsichtlich der Ikonographie weist die Handschrift eine Fülle ungewöhnlicher, ja unikaler Motive auf." (Kommentarbd.).
Phone number : 41 (0)44 261 57 50
Turnhout, Brepols, 1964 Hardback, 132 p., + 208 pl., 230 x 290 mm. ISBN 13010070100.
Languages: French.
, Brepols - Harvey Miller, 2021 Hardback, 436 pages, Size:210 x 275 mm, Illustrations:22 b/w, 132 col., Language: English. ISBN 9781912554744.
Summary This volume is published in honour of Paul Binski, whose scholarship and teaching have done so much to illuminate the material and intellectual worlds of Gothic art and architecture. Remarkable for its material scope and philosophical depth, Paul's work has had a powerful influence on the current state of the field: this is reflected here in thirty-four essays on buildings, works of art and ideas in a wide range of historical and geographical contexts, from Iberia to Scandinavia and Italy to Ireland. Consistently fresh in their scholarship, these essays combine to make an important contribution to medieval art history. In doing so they reflect the admiration and affection which Paul inspires in his students and colleagues. With contributions by: Gabriel Byng, Meredith Cohen, Emily Guerry, James Hillson, Ethan Matt Kavaler, Tom Nickson, Zo Opa?i?, Claudia Bolgia, Jean-Marie Guillou t, Justin E. A. Kroesen, Julian Luxford, Robert Mills, John Munns, Matthew M. Reeve, Laura Slater, Beth Williamson, Jessica Berenbeim, Spike Bucklow, Marcia Kupfer, Jean-Pascal Pouzet, Miri Rubin, Kathryn M. Rudy, Roc o S nchez Ameijeiras, Lucy Wrapson, Patrick Zutshi, Mary Carruthers, Jill Caskey, Lucy Donkin, Kate Heard, Robert Maniura, Alexander Marr, M. A. Michael, Conrad Rudolph, Betsy Sears. TABLE OF CONTENTS Part One: Gothic Architecture 1. Gabriel Byng - The 'Great Rebuilding' of the Late Middle Ages: Revising the longue dur e History of the Gothic Parish Church 2. Meredith Cohen - 'The Forest through the Trees': The Pier as a Seed Plan at the Lady Chapel of Saint-Germain des Pr s 3. Emily Guerry - A Gothic Throne for the King of Kings: A Re-evaluation of the Design, Date, and Function of the Sainte-Chapelle Tribune 4. James Hillson - Linearity and the Gothic Style: Architectural Conception in England and France, 1200-1400 5. Ethan Matt Kavaler - Diamonds are Forever: Cell Vaults and the Beginnings of History 6. Tom Nickson - Describing Architecture in Thirteenth-Century Spain 7. Zo Opa?i? - Cui bono? The Founding and Funding of Medieval Religious Institutions under Charles IV Part Two: Gothic Sculpture and its Environment 8. Claudia Bolgia - The 'Tabernacles' War' II, c.1400: New Light on the Competition between Icons and Relics in Late Medieval Rome 9. Jean-Marie Guillou t - Epigraphic One-Upmanship: Remarks about Text-Image Relationship in Fifteenth Century Monumental Sculpture 10. Justin E. A. Kroesen - Gotland Wonder: Unique High Medieval Interior Ensembles on a Baltic Island 11. Julian Luxford - John and Johanna Ormond's Grave 12. Robert Mills - Wild Forms: The Art of East Anglian Wodewoses 13. John Munns - The Thirteenth-Century Pyx Cover at Wells Cathedral 14. Matthew M. Reeve - Fragments from Wisdom's House: The Lady chapel Juxta Claustrum at Wells Cathedral 15. Laura Slater - Musical Wit and Courtly Connections at Cogges 16. Beth Williamson - The Kilcorban Madonna: Joy and Potential in an Irish Wooden Virgin and Child Part Three: Gothic Painting, Manuscripts and Poetics 17. Jessica Berenbeim - Recapitulation: A Medieval Table of Contents 18. Spike Bucklow - The Economics of Blue and Gold 19. Marcia Kupfer - A Hill of Foreskins: Circumcision in the Alba Bible 20. Jean-Pascal Pouzet - Notes towards a Poetics of Western Medieval Manuscript Form - with an Application to Illuminated Manuscripts in Cambridge University Library 21. Miri Rubin - Ecclesia and Synagoga in Time 22. Kathryn M. Rudy - The Bolton/Blackburn Hours (York Minster Add. Ms. 2): A New Solution to its Text-Image Disjunctions using a Structural Model 23. Roc o S nchez Ameijeiras - If the Sea Were Made of Ink: A Word on Medieval Visual Poetry 24. Lucy Wrapson - A Royal Portrait? Uncovering the Identity of Saints on the Latemedieval Screen at North Tuddenham, Norfolk 25. Patrick Zutshi - The Veronica Images Painted by Matteo Giovannetti for Pope Urban V (1369) Part Four: Gothic Art and Ideas 26. Mary Carruthers - Becoming Like an Angel: The Concept of Sublimis in Monastic Contemplation and in Alchemy 27. Jill Caskey - Treasure, Taxonomy, and Transformation in the Inventories of San Nicola, Bari 28. Lucy Donkin - Mining Mount Tabor: the Schauinsland Window at the Minster of Freiburg im Breisgau 29. Kate Heard - The Ecclesiastical Textiles of Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester 30. Robert Maniura - Why Study Miraculous Images? 31. Alexander Marr - Working by Wit Alone: Aspects of Ingenuity in D rer 32. M. A. Michael - Inventing Gothic Painting: Creating Fine Art 33. Conrad Rudolph - The Evidence of the Training of Tour Guides in the Middle Ages 34. Betsy Sears - Gothic Logic: Panofsky's Unwritten Book on 'The Gothic Style' Index of Buildings, Works of Art, Manuscripts, and Medieval Authors
, Brepols - Harvey Miller, 2010 Hardcover. 386 p., 148 b/w ill., 210 x 275 mm, Languages: English, Including an index. Fine copy. ISBN 9781905375295.
Charenton Flohic Editions 1995 in 4 (32x25) 1 volume broché, sous jaquette illustrée en couleurs, 80 pages, avec des reproductions en couleurs. Collection '' Musées secrets'', 20, XVIIe siècle. Très bel exemplaire ( Photographies sur demande / We can send pictures of this book on simple request )
Très bon Jaquette en très bon état
, Paris, Flammarion, 1990 Relie, toile bleu, dos orne de titre dore, sous jacquette d' editeur illustre en couleur, 335 x 270 x 32 mm, 248pp, illustre en couleur et n/b, bon etat!!! ISBN 9782080100535.
Outre l' analyse critique ou historique, le present ouvrage retrace la vie de Seurat, l' evolution de ses reflexions theorique, les exposition auxquelles il participa et ou il rencontra un acceuil souvant hostile. La documentation reunie part l' auteur dans ce livre permet de decouvrir pour la premiere fois en couleurs des tableaux qui appartenaient a des collectionneurs prives depuis le debut du siecle. On y trouvera egalement une selection des dessins de Seurat, des premieres ebauches de l' etudiant aux realisations achevees du maitre.
, Zellik, Roularta Art Books, 1994., Originele geillustreerde uitgeversomslag in kleur met flappen, 29x25cm, 159pp, geillustreerd in kleur en z/w. ISBN 9054661526.
Edward Leibovitz monografie; Tekst Nederlands / Francais / English /Deutsch.
, Zellik, Roularta Art Books, 1994., Originele geillustreerde uitgeversomslag in kleur met flappen, 29x25cm, 159pp, geillustreerd in kleur en z/w. ISBN 9054661526.
Tekst Nederlands / Francais / English /Deutsch. **** Met originele tekening en gesigneerd door de kunstenaar op titelblad.
, Zellik, Roularta Art Books, 1994., Gebonden blauw linnen, originele geillustreerde uitgeversomslag in kleur, 29x25cm, 159pp, geillustreerd in kleur en z/w. ISBN 9054661526.
Tekst Nederlands / Francais / English / Deutsch. . **gesigneerd en opdracht door de auteur VAN JOLE.
Clermond-Ferrand G. de Bussac 1973 in 8 (24x16) 1 volume broché, 503 pages, avec un feuillet d'errata in fine. Giuseppe Baretti, 1719-1789, écrivain italien. Bon exemplaire ( Photographies sur demande / We can send pictures of this book on simple request )
Très bon
Köln, 1995 325pp. + 150 bl/w illustrations, 21cm., softcover, text in German, Doctoral dissertation (Inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlangung des Doktorgrades der Philosophischen Fakultät der Universität zu Köln), stamp at verso of title page, text is clean and bright, good condition, S109201
, Brepols - Harvey Miller, 2016 Hardcover with dusjacket.340 p., 130 b/w ill. + 100 colour ill., 180 x 265 mm, Languages: English. ISBN 9781909400580.
Rubens was mesmerised by faces. He studied physiognomy, the pseudo-science that began making headway in the sixteenth century, which postulated that a person?s character could be read from their facial features. He made geometrical analyses of the faces of ancient emperors and heroes. He invested a great deal of time in detailed anatomical studies, sometimes based on nature, and equally often on antique busts and coins. At times it seems as though the master wanted to know and understand every nook and cranny of the human face. To this end he studied man himself and the way in which the ancients dealt with nature. His best portrait copies, thus, are not strictly copies but rather studies in which art history, craftsmanship, literature and theory merge into an emulation of art and nature. They are works in which the artist was looking for what ultimately captivated him the most: man in all of his myriad facets, and the perspectives art afforded to better understand man.
Reference : S84208
Waregem, Eigen beheer 1970 36pp.rijkelijk geïllustreerd, 27cm., goede staat, S84208
London, National Gallery/ Yale University Press, 2011 144 p., 8 1/4 x 10 3/4 75 color illus. ISBN 9781857095043.
Objects of beauty and prestige with their rich color and fine detail, early Netherlandish oil paintings were among the most widely sought-after works of the Renaissance. Beginning in the early 15th century with Jan van Eyck, and ending in the mid-16th century with the career of Pieter Bruegel the Elder, this magnificently illustrated book explores the achievements of this glorious and innovative period in Netherlandish painting. Susan Frances Jones focuses on over 50 selected works from the National Gallery, London collection to illuminate the roles played by paintings in political, domestic, religious, and secular contexts. Drawing on the Gallery's remarkable research into materials and techniques, she describes how painters' working and creative practices changed and shifted over time. The author also considers whether Northern European artists, like some of their counterparts, laid claim to intellectual as well as artistic sophistication. In good condition.
, Antwerpen, v.z.w. Eugeen Van Mieghem, z.d., softcover geniet, originele geillustreerde uitgeversomslag in kleur, 21x30cm, 81pp, geillustreerd in kleur en z/w.
Oplage beperkt tot 750 genummerde exemplaren.
, Antwerpen, v.z.w. Eugeen Van Mieghem, z.d.** ( 3dub)., softcover, originele geillustreerde uitgeversomslag in kleur, 21x30cm, 32pp, geillustreerd in kleur en z/w.
, Antwerpen, v.z.w. Eugeen Van Mieghem, z.d.** (db)., softcover geniet originele geillustreerde uitgeversomslag in kleur, 21x30cm, 32pp, geillustreerd in kleur en z/w.