London, Edwards & Knibb, 1820. 8vo. Recent half morocco with gilt back. Uncut. Engraved frontisp. og General Washington. 738 pp. and 1 statistal table. The title page calls for a sheet map of the United States and a table of the post and cross roads, neither of which are present in this copy.
First edition. Sabin 26974.
La Pierre-qui-Vire (Yonne), Zodiaque 1968 - 1969, 220x175mm, 457 + 379pages, reliure d'éditeur sous jaquette. Comme neuf. Très bel exemplaire.
485 photos en héliogravure, 20 planches en couleurs, illustrations n/b in et hors texte: cartes, plans, croquis, Pour un paiement via PayPal, veuillez nous en faire la demande et nous vous enverrons une facture PayPal
Paris Thierry Fréres 1840 Carton bleu pâle, dos en bougran. Illustration d'une chapelle gothique sur le premier plat. Les planches sont un peu marquées et tachées, en particulier au dos. A l'intérieur se trouvent 8 lithographies et un plan de succession de Fraidaigue (ou Fraid-augue). Fraidaigue (Route de Morges 21). Il s'agit d'une maison de campagne en forme de chapelle néogothique construite en 1831 pour le général d'origine hollandaise Hendryk van Oyen, qui possédait auparavant La Gordanne près de Perroy. Ce bâtiment a été remplacé en 1904 par une villa cossue conçue par les architectes Alphonse Laverrière et Eugène Monod. Les lithographies et la carte sont en excellent état, avec quelques rousseurs sur les bordures seulement. Les planches sont dessinées d'après nature par Zélie Vachon. Elles sont dessinées par Jean-Jacques Champin (1796 - 1860), et lithographiées par Thierry frères de Paris. Des copies des lithographies sont conservées au Musée d'art et d'histoire de la Ville de Genève. Elles y sont datées de la première moitié du XIXe siècle. La maison/chapelle était située juste à l'extérieur de St Prex, sur la route Genève-Lausanne (aujourd'hui route de Morges). 9 feuilles, imprimées au recto seulement. Un dépliant. 350 x 290 mm.
Pale blue boards, with buckram spine. Illustration of a Gothic chapel to the front board. The boards are a little marked and stained, particularly to the back board. Inside are 8 lithographs and an estate plan of Fraidaigue (or Fraid-augue). Fraidaigue (Route de Morges 21). This was a country house in the form of a neo-Gothic chapel built in 1831 for the Dutch-born general Hendryk van Oyen, who previously owned La Gordanne near Perroy. This building was replaced in 1904 by a wealthy villa designed by architects Alphonse Laverrière and Eugène Monod. The lithographs and map are in excellent condition. with a little foxing to the borders only. The plates are drawn from nature by Zélie Vachon. They are deliniated by Jean-Jacques Champin (1796 - 1860), and lithographed by Thierry frères of Paris. Copies of the lithographs are held in the Musée d'art et d'histoire de la Ville de Genève. Here they are dated to the first half of the Nineteenth Century. The house/ chapel was located just outside St Prex, on the Geneva-Lausanne road (now Route de Morges). 9 leaves, printed to recto only. One folding. 350 x 290 mm (13Ÿ x 11œ inches). .
Anhée Wallonia, Belgium Abbaye de Maradsous 1885
First edition. Complete. A collection of 20 large albumen photographs laid onto backing card with description of each printed to the bottom edge, showing the Abbaye de Maredsous and the Ecole Abbataile. These are held in a red clamshell box with black and gilt decoration, crest and titles. The box has significant fading / spotting from damp, but is still holding well, and has done its job of protecting the photographs inside. The photographs are of high quality, and show the building of the abbey and the new school there. They are dated by the fact that the school was founded in 1881 (earliest date) and that the the Abbey was completed in 1892, but in these images is still some way off completion. Interesting architectural prints, but also of the students and staff at the school, both being educated and relaxing. A very nice collection. Images are mostly 17cm x 24cm and backing cards are 25cm x 32cm. Box is 35cm x 27cm.
Leipzig, W. Engelmann, 1847-49. Later hcalf. Back somewhat rubbed. Bound uncut. 174,197 pp. Somewhat brownspotted. (3+8 tracts).
The original printing.
Rome: Accademia di Religione Cattolica 1830 This was one of the Papal academies at Rome. The academy was an association of learned men, rather than an academic institution (hence the long list of Cardinals involved!). This academy was founded in 1801 with the aim of defending the dogma and moral teaching of the Church. Monthly meetings allowed for themed discussions. The academy still exists and is located in the palace of the Cancelleria Apostolica.
Soft marbled wrapper. A prospectus for Academy of Catholic religion -including lists of those honorary censors and a list of the topics to be covered at the academy in the next year. Included in the list are Cardinal Wiseman and Cardinal Thomas Weld.
Small 8vo. Cont. hcalf. Richly gilt back. Slightly rubbed. XVI,516 pp. and more than 300 wood-cuts in the text. Upper margin throughout with a brownspot.
1807 Wilberforce, William (17591833), politician, philanthropist, and slavery abolitionist. Following the abolition of the slave trade, the Tories called an election. for the first and only time in his career he faced a poll for Yorkshire. Confronting as he did the great wealth and influence of both the Fitzwilliam and the Harewood interests, it was a testimony to the personal esteem in which he was held, and to his effectiveness in representing the county over the previous quarter-century, that he was returned at the head of the poll. It was alleged, however, that Wilberforce had compromised his independence by a coalition with Henry Lascelles, the Tory candidate. Wilberforce denied the charge and defended himself in a published letter to the electors. He acknowledged that some of his supporters had indeed also solicited votes for Lascelles, but this was without his sanction, and it would have been improper for him to constrain their actions. Lascelles, Henry, second earl of Harewood (17671841), Politician. His family wealth came from the slave trade in Barbados. After being elected twice as MP for Yorkshire, he stood again in 1807 - Lascelles, who was opposed by clothiers threatened by the removal of protection for their trade, and subjected to polemic about his family's slavery interests, was beaten by Lord Milton. Ryley [formerly Romney], Samuel William (17591837), Actor and author. Educated in Kensington & Fulham, although apprenticed to the woollen trade in Yorkshire, he eloped with his master's daughter and the married at Gretna Green. He was a jobbing actor, who later won a little more fame with his autobiography. "Ryley's life exhibits, with painful clarity, the precarious existence of the supporting actor of his daysnatching, at one moment, at dreams of fame and, at the next, facing the reality of poor shelter and meagre rations" (ODNB). This caricature seems true to life, as he was described as being very thin.
At the foot is written 'we three, fools be.' The character on the left seems to have a jester's hat on. On May 13th, 1807, William Wilberforce, Lord Milton, the Hon. Henry Lascelles (afterwards Earl of Harewood), and Mr. Walter Fawkes were nominated as parliamentary candidates in the Castle-Yard at York. This was the first contested election in the seat for 66 years. The struggle was also memorable on account of the vast expense that Lascelles incurred. William Wilberforce, whose party almost entirely lacked organization, was head of the poll. There were concerns that Wilberforce allied himself with a candidate whose wealth was based on the slave trade, and he was forced to write to the electors to explain himself. Perhaps it is Lascelles and Wilberforce who are mocked as the electors here. The caricature has been drawn onto the reverse of a scarce caricature engraving, of "Mr Riley in Solomon". This is most probably Samuel William Ryley (1759-1837), actor, and author of The Itinerant, or Memoirs of an Actor, 1808. 208mm x 248mm.
France NP C1880 Une jolie carte de prière française. Peinte à la main sur vélin ou celluloïd. A gauche, un calice et une hostie entourés de fleurs, joliment dessinés. À droite, un texte écrit à la main en français "Quand vous aurez communié fermez les yeux du corpsourrez les yeux de l'áme et vous y trouverez le ciel" en anglais, "When you have received communion, close the eyes of your body, open the eyes of your soul and you will find Heaven there." (Quand vous aurez communié, fermez les yeux du corps, ouvrez les yeux de l'áme et vous y trouverez le ciel). Propre et bien rangé. Le vélin est très légèrement noirci. Un bel exemplaire. 5,5 cm x 8 cm.
A lovely French prayer card. Hand painted on vellum or celluloid. To the left a chalice and host surrounded by flowers, beautifully drawn. To the right is hand written text in French "Quand vous aurez communié fermez les yeux du corpsourrez les yeux de l'áme et vous y trouverez le ciel" in English, "When you have received communion, close the eyes of your body, open the eyes of your soul and you will find Heaven there." Clean and tidy. The vellum is very slightly darkened. A beautiful example. 5.5cm x 8cm. .
France 1880 Un grand dossier de fleurs et de feuilles pressées. Cela commence avec le blé / les céréales, et comprend des légumes et des fleurs. Chaque feuille a été collée sur de grandes feuilles de papier épais et maintenue en place par une étiquette écrite à la main avec le type et le nom français. Les feuilles sont rangées dans une chemise d'origine. 42cm x 26cm (chaque feuille fait donc 46 x 52cm pliée). Il y a 35 pages avec au moins une plante collée. (plus un certain nombre de feuilles blanches). Elles contiennent 67 spécimens complets de plantes ou de fleurs, et six autres fragments (où la plante est en grande partie perdue). Les spécimens sont collés sur le recto seulement. Les pages sont en bon état, mais plusieurs d'entre elles, dans la partie centrale, ont été tachées par l'humidité jusqu'au tiers supérieur.) (Il semblerait que certaines des plantes aient été pressées in situ et aient laissé échapper de l'eau). Dans l'ensemble, il s'agit d'une collection intéressante et attrayante
A large folder of pressed flowers and leaves. This begins with wheat / grains, and includes vegetables and flowers. Each has been tipped onto large sheets of heavy paper, and held in place by a hand written label with the french type, and name. The sheets are loose in an original folder. 42cm x 26cm (so each sheet is 46 x 52cm folded). There are 35 pages with at least one plant tipped in. (plus a number of blank leaves). These hold 67 complete plant or flower specimens, and a further six fragments (where the plant is largely lost). Specimens are tipped onto the recto only. The pages are in reasonable condition, but several in the middle section have been damp stained to the top third). (It would appear that some of the plants were pressed in situ and leaked water). Overal through and attractive and interesting collection. .
Guinness. Printed by John Waddington Ltd 1952
As the slogan on the back cover says: There's nothing like a Guinness; except another! Softback colour promotional booklet, with the year divided in to various sporting activities by month. Undated, but circa 1952. First Edition. Designed for Guinness by S. H. Benson Limited. A few very small spots of foxing throughout, often barely visible. Otherwise very good. Illustrated throughout by Anthony Groves-Raines. 16 pages. 240 x 165 mm (9œ x 6œ inches).
Paris Au Bureau du Journal 1840 Première édition. 24 planches de scènes de chasse, chacune avec légendes en français, suivies de six feuillets de fanfares (texte et musique imprimés sur un seul côté du feuillet). Un article rare, aucun à vendre et seulement occasionnellement aux enchères. Des rousseurs modérées partout. Pliage à l'avant de la page de garde libre. Dans une reliure en bougran de l'époque avec un léger frottement à la reliure.
First Edition. Beautiful suite of 24 lithographs published in the Journal des chasseurs. Depicting hunting scenes, each with captions in French, followed by six leaves of fanfares (text and music printed to one side of leaf only). A scarce item, none for sale and only occasionally at auction. Moderate foxing throughout. Creasing to front free endpaper. In contemporary buckram binding with slight rubbing to the binding.
North Africa N/P 1880 Un groupe de jeunes enfants est assis sur des marches au bord de l'aire commune de lavage des vêtements. Afrique du Nord - probablement Maroc. Un adulte vêtu d'une robe blanche surveille les enfants au premier plan, tandis qu'un jeune enfant vêtu d'une robe similaire leur fait face. Palmiers et route poussiéreuse à l'arrière-plan. Les enfants semblent trop jeunes pour être à l'école. Une belle image à l'albumine. Légèrement décolorée, mais dans l'ensemble en bon état. H265mm x 210mm. Sur carte verte 430 x 350 mm. Un peu assombri et bosselé mais toujours en bon état.
A group of young children sit upon steps on the edge of the communal clothes washing area. North Africa - probably Morrocco. An adult in a white robe watches the children in the foreground, with a young child in similar robe facing them. Palm trees and dust road in the background. The children seem too young to be in school. An attractive albumen image. Slightly faded, but overall in good condition. H265mm x 210mm. On green backing card 430 x 350 mm. A little darkened and bumped but still in good state. .
Paris Chez Le Fuel, et Delaunay 1809 Première édition. Petit livre cartonné de poche, en carton avec bordure dorée et toutes tranches dorées. A l'intérieur un bel étui coulissant complémentaire. Les planches gravées comportent des pages de titre et des notations musicales. 179 pages, de poèmes, littérature française etc. 14 feuillets de planches non numérotés dont page de titre, signes du zodiaque. Exceptionnellement attrayant et ferait un cadeau ravissant. 120 x 80 mm
First edition. Small, pocket size hardback book, in card with gold border and all edges gilt. Inside lovely complementary sliding slipcase. Engraved plates include title pages and musical notations. 179 pages, of poems, French literature etc. 14 unnumbered leaves of plates including title page, signs of the zodiac - with tissue guards. Exceptionally attractive and would make a delightful gift. 120 x 80 mm (4Ÿ x 3Œ inches). .
Amsterdam: G. Schaares 1825
First edition. A small almanac in a marbled slipcase. Turquoise illustrated boards. Engraved title page & 5 further engraved plates. Calendar to the first few pages. Contents to the rear. There is a little rubbing to the edges of the boards, and splitting to both front and rear hinge (boards are holding well though). Slipcase is marbled, with a touch of rubbing and a little nicking to the head and tail - not split though. Internally clean and tidy - with a little darkening and a few light foxing spots.
Gouda G. B. van Goor Zonen 1844
First edition. Softback with paper covers. 24 letters of the alphabet (the letters Q and X being the exceptions) are assigned an animal illustration, examples of how to write that letter, and a short verse of poetry about the animal in Dutch. Illustrations are hand coloured. A charming children's book. 220 x 140 mm (8Ÿ x 5œ inches).
Spain n/a 1850
A nice example of a Spanish ambrotype photograph. The image is a 2.5 x 2 inches (quarter plate) glass plate held in a gold coloured soft metal frame (3 inches by 2.5 inches) This in turn is held in a leather backing (with some rubbing). some slight surface scratching to the protective glass and a slight darkening to the outside of the photograph. Came from a Spanish collection. Ambrotype also known as a collodion positive in the UK, is a positive photograph on glass. Each is a unique original that could only be duplicated by using a camera to copy it. Developed circa 1850, by the mid 1860's Tintype and Albumen photographs had superseded the process
Spain n/a 1850
A nice example of a Spanish ambrotype photograph. The image is a 2.5 x 2 inches (quarter plate) glass plate held in a gold coloured soft metal frame (3 inches by 2.5 inches) This in turn is held in a leather backing (with some rubbing). some slight surface scratching to the protective glass. A very nice clean image, with a touch of hand colouring to the woman's cheeks. This from a Spanish collection. Total size: 80 x 72 mm (3Œ x 2Ÿ inches). Ambrotype also known as a collodion positive in the UK, is a positive photograph on glass. Each is a unique original that could only be duplicated by using a camera to copy it. Developed circa 1850, by the mid 1860's Tintype and Albumen photographs had superseded the process.
Spain n/a 1850
A nice example of a Spanish ambrotype photograph. The image is a 3.25 x 2.5 inches (quarter plate) glass plate held in a gold coloured soft metal frame. some slight surface scratching and a slight "halo effect" to the woman's head. Came from a Spanish collection. Ambrotype also known as a collodion positive in the UK, is a positive photograph on glass. Each is a unique original that could only be duplicated by using a camera to copy it. Developed circa 1850, by the mid 1860's Tintype and Albumen photographs had superseded the process
Spain n/a 1850
An example of a Spanish ambrotype photograph. The image is a 2 x 1.75 inches (quarter plate) glass plate held in a gold coloured soft metal frame (2.5 inches by 2 inches) There is no backing plate, and the black is quite scratched and chipped. There is also a small burn to the woman's face. When held against a white or dark background it is still an attractive image though. Came from a Spanish collection. Ambrotype also known as a collodion positive in the UK, is a positive photograph on glass. Each is a unique original that could only be duplicated by using a camera to copy it. Developed circa 1850, by the mid 1860's Tintype and Albumen photographs had superseded the process
Spain n/a 1850
An example of a Spanish ambrotype photograph. The image is a 2 x 1.5 inches (quarter plate) glass plate held in a gold coloured soft metal frame (2.5 inches by 2 inches) Some slight surface scratching to the image glass. The image is quite dark, and not very distinctive. Came from a Spanish collection. Ambrotype also known as a collodion positive in the UK, is a positive photograph on glass. Each is a unique original that could only be duplicated by using a camera to copy it. Developed circa 1850, by the mid 1860's Tintype and Albumen photographs had superseded the process
Spain n/a 1850
An example of a Spanish ambrotype photograph. The image is a 2 x 1.5 inches (quarter plate) glass plate held in a gold coloured soft metal frame (2 inches by 1.75 inches) with a slightly scuffed leather backing. The image is quite dark, but shows clearly when a light is shone upon it. Came from a Spanish collection. Ambrotype also known as a collodion positive in the UK, is a positive photograph on glass. Each is a unique original that could only be duplicated by using a camera to copy it. Developed circa 1850, by the mid 1860's Tintype and Albumen photographs had superseded the process
London 1809
Recent rebind, with half tan leather and gilt titles, and marbled boards. 86 pp. with contemporary annotations, from Rochester Museum. City of Rochester museum bookplate to inside front board. A very nice copy
London Published for the Crown Perfumery Company by Hamilton Adams & Co. 1876
First Edition. Hardback, in the publisher's original cream cloth binding, which is grubby and stained. Crown Perfumery Company advertisements pasted to front endpaper, plus more advertisements to the last few pages. Pages clean and fresh. All edges red. Poems in English, Sanskrit, and Hindustani. vi, [ii], 117, [3] pages. 160 x 115 mm (6Œ x 4œ inches).
NA NA 1928
The photo-diary of a German family, who embarked on a world tour in 1928. 227 original photographs and 94 photo-postcards / commercial photographs are collected and captioned on 79 pages. The album was purchased on their journey at Niagara Falls, and is a limp leather, with an original painting of a native American to the front cover. The photographs vary in size, but are mainly about 14 cm x 9 cm each. Most in excellent condition. Often one man (presumably album owner) is marked with a small cross to the image. Places visited include: The journey on S.S. Lutzow (commissioned 1907 as Norddeutscher Lloyd steamship); New York; Buffalo N.Y.; Niagara Falls; Toronto; Cleveland, Ohio; Detroit, Michigan; Native Americans (posing for tourists in ceremonial dress); Chicago; San Francisco; S.S. Taiyo Maru (Originally the German "Cap Finisterre" handed to the Japanese in 1920 as war reparations); Hawaii & Honolulu, with locals posing for tourists; Tokyo, Japan; Fujiyama; Geisha's and tourist photographs; Kobe; Shanghai; Hong Kong; Manila & Philippines; Singapore; Sumatra; Ceylon; Cairo; Genova; Davos; Switzerland & Germany. The card pages of the album have nicks and closed tears, but not affecting photographs. A fascinating record of a (presumably) wealthy families tour around the world by steam ship and train. 290 x 350 mm (11œ x 13Ÿ inches).