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Reference : JF05059


‎Interesting collection of newspaper cuttings from the ''Rotterdamsche Courant''.‎

‎ca. 1905 Plain half calf book with 276 blank pages of which the first 70 are pasted with numerous newspaper cuttings which gives an account of the catches (and fetched prices) of the local freshwater fisheries. It concerns mainly salmon which was brought to the ''Kralingsche Veer'' market. Also with a handwritten page giving the catches of salmon, shad and sturgeon in the years 1904 & 1905 and brought to the following markets: Kralingse Veer, Gorinchem, Ammerstol, Woudrichem, Hardingxveld & Dordrecht. A few cuttings are more substantial articles on: De zalmvisscherij in Nederland & De Kuilvisscherij op de Zuiderzee.‎

Hermann L. Strack - Loguivy Plougras

Phone number : +33-679439230

EUR120.00 (€120.00 )


Reference : HM26725


Hermann L. Strack - Loguivy Plougras

Phone number : +33-679439230

EUR20.00 (€20.00 )


Reference : NG20172


‎Ipotesi di progetto per una sezione naturalistica del Museo Civico.‎

‎1980 145 p., num. illustrations (several col.), paperbound. Library stamps & markings.‎

Hermann L. Strack - Loguivy Plougras

Phone number : +33-679439230

EUR20.00 (€20.00 )


Reference : 45640


‎Itinerario Italiano che contiene la Descrizione dei Viaggi per le Strade piu' frequentate alle Principali Cittá D'Italia con Carte geografiche. Si è indicato la distanza in poste, in miglia, in ore e minuti.... Quinta Edizione Italiana, coretta ed a...‎

‎Firenze, Tommaso Masi e Comp., 1806. 8vo. Orig. printed boards. Orig. spine gone, but repaired. Covers with some spots and traces of use. 288 pp. and 13 large folded engraved maps. Few scattered brownspots. Printed on good paper.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK2,000.00 (€268.24 )


Reference : RO60002174


‎Jenny Esenden.‎

‎Andrew Melrose Ltd. 1917. In-12. Relié. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 344 pages, hardcover.. . . . Classification Dewey : 420-Langue anglaise. Anglo-saxon‎

‎3rd edition. Novel. Classification Dewey : 420-Langue anglaise. Anglo-saxon‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR19.80 (€19.80 )


Reference : VV32959


‎John James Audubon and his circle.‎

‎1993 New York, Christie's, 1993 : In-4 Carré, Cartonnage d'éditeurs. 79 pp., 58 lots, nombreuses illustrations en couleurs et N&B in-texte, pleine toile verte de l'éditeur avec titre doré sur le dos et 1° plat, vente du 29 octobre 1993 Très bon état, Couv. remarquable, Dos impeccable, Intérieur frais.‎

Hermann L. Strack - Loguivy Plougras

Phone number : +33-679439230

EUR12.00 (€12.00 )


Reference : 57858


‎Journal de la Campagne de M.DCCC.LX. Entre l'Armé du Roi aux Ordres de Monsieur Maréchal Duc de Broglie et celle des Alliés commandée par S.A.S. Mgr. le Prince Ferdinand de Brunswich, où l'on a joint les Opérations des deux Armées aux mois de Févri...‎

‎Francfort, (No publ.), 1761. 4to. Contemp. hcalf. Gilt spine. Titlelabel with gilt lettering. A paperlabel pasted on lower part of spine. Stamp on foot of title-page. (2),42 pp., 1 folded engraved map, outline coloured, 7 double-page engraved plans. Title-page with a faint dampstain and some of the plates with a faint dampstain.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK2,000.00 (€268.24 )


Reference : 42619


‎Journal des Demoiselles. Seconde Année.‎

‎Paris, Au Bureau du Journal, 1834. 8vo. Contemp. full calf. Blindtooled and gilt. Spine and covers worn. Leather at upper and lower compartments defective. (4),384 pp., 5 lithogr. handcold. plates, 12 lithographed plates (some folding), 2 engraved plates of music. Some browning and brownspots.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK500.00 (€67.06 )


Reference : 41158


‎Journal des Opérations de L'Artillerie pendant L'Expedition de Constantine. Octobre 1837. Avec un Plan et une Vue. Extrait du Spectateur Mlitaire.‎

‎Paris, 1838. Contemp. marbled boards. Titlelabel with gilt lettering on frontboard. A paperlabel pasted on spine. 33 pp. and 2 large folded lithographed plates (map a. view).‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK1,000.00 (€134.12 )


Reference : 55786


‎Journal des Opérations de L'Artillerie pendant L'Expédition de Constantine. Octobre 1837. Avec un Plan et une Vue.‎

‎Paris, (Bourgogne et Martinet), Mars1838. Contemp. hcalf. Titlelabel with gilt lettering. A small nick to spine. Stamp on title-page. (2),33 pp. 2 large folded lithographed maps. Scattered brownspots.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK650.00 (€87.18 )


Reference : 61727


‎Kayser Carls des Sechsten Wahl-Capitulation mit nothigen anmerckungen aus der Historie, des Reichs grund-gesetzen und Actis Publicis erlauter.‎

‎Leipzig, Fritsch, 1725. 4to. In contemporary gilt floral ornamented wrappers. Spine with wear and miscolured. Small paper-label pasted on to top of spine. Inner hinges split. Previous owner's name (Peter Otto Rosenørn - owner of Hersomgård) in contemporary hand to verso of front wrapper. Internally nice and clean. (10), 126 pp. ‎

‎Rare Electoral capitulation (Wahlkapitulation) for Charles VI, Holy Roman Emperor and ruler of the Austrian Habsburg monarchy from 1711 until his death in 1740. The Wahlkapitulation was a contract or set of conditions that every Holy Roman Emperor-elect had to agree to before being officially crowned. These conditions defined the powers and limitations of the Emperor in relation to the estates of the empire, essentially functioning as a constitutional agreement. Charles VI faced succession problems due to the lack of a male heir. To secure his daughter Maria Theresa’s inheritance he issued the “Pragmatic Sanction” of 1713, allowing female succession. Despite his efforts to gain European support, his death in 1740 sparked the War of the Austrian Succession. Rivals like Prussia and Bavaria challenged Maria Theresa’s claim, leading to conflict and territorial losses. While Maria Theresa ultimately retained power, Charles’s plans failed to prevent the crisis, leaving her to resolve the instability. Provenance: Valdemar's Castle, Denmark‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK4,500.00 (€603.55 )


Reference : XH11323



‎n.d. (ca. 1916) 6 col. folded maps, depicting: Poland/Austria & European part of Russia, Holland/Belgium and Northern France, Northern Italy and surroundings, Egypt, Turkey/Greece, Balkan (Albania/Servia/Bulgaria). in printed stiff paper covers. Ex libris.‎

Hermann L. Strack - Loguivy Plougras

Phone number : +33-679439230

EUR28.00 (€28.00 )


Reference : EL27350

‎Kurze Anleitung zur Erziehung und Pflege des Maulbeerbaumes und zum Seidenbau. Herausgegeben von dem Vorstande des Vereins zur Beförderung des Seidenbaues in der Mark Brandenburg und Niederlausitz. Zweite Ausgabe.‎

‎1854 (2nd ed.) 73 p., original blue printed wrappers (back taped). Ex library Herbert Ant (with his small stamp). Some scattered foxing. Rare.‎

Hermann L. Strack - Loguivy Plougras

Phone number : +33-679439230

EUR22.00 (€22.00 )


Reference : 58448


‎Kurze Uebersicht des Feldzuges im Jahr 1793 zwischen dem Rhein und der Saar von einem unpartheiischen Beobachter.‎

‎Frankfurt und Leipzig, 1793. Small 8vo. Contemp. hcalf. Raised bands. Gilt spine. Titlelabel with gilt lettering. Some wormtrachts to lower part of upper joint. Stamps on title-page. 61 pp. Internally clean, on good paper.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK850.00 (€114.00 )


Reference : 58388


‎Kurze und deutliche Anweisung zum Feldmessen für einem forstgerechten Förster wornach derselbe sein anvertrautes Forst=Revier vermessen, dasselbe nach Hannoverschen Qvadrat=Ruthen und Morgenzahl und mittelst eines verjüngten Massstabes in einen Riss b...‎

‎Göttingen und Gotha, Dieterich, 1773. Small 8vo. Contemp. hcalf. Gilt spine. Titlelabel with gilt lettering. A paperlabel pasted on spine. Stamp on title-page. 108 pp., 18 folded engraved plates. A few faint scattered brownspots.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK2,000.00 (€268.24 )


Reference : 157413


ISBN : 1113789131

Livres-sur-sorgue - Isle-sur-la-sorgue

Phone number : 04 90 26 49 32

EUR34.70 (€34.70 )


Reference : 61908


‎La vie et les amours de Charles Louis electeur palatin.‎

‎Cologne, Jeremie Plantie, 1692. 12mo. In contemporary half calf over floral decorated wrappers. Small paper-label pasted on to top of spine. Wear to extremities. Title-page with underlinings in red. Intgernally nice and clean. 192 pp. + 1 engraved portrait. ‎

‎Uncommon first edition of this account of the romantic entanglements and military exploits of Charles Louis I, Elector Palatine. The son of Frederick V, the ""Winter King"" of Bohemia, and Elizabeth Stuart, sister of Charles I, Charles Louis spent much of his early life in exile due to the Thirty Years' War and the English Civil War. His political career was eventful but he is best known for his controversial personal life including his divorce from Charlotte of Hesse-Kassel and his bigamous marriage to Marie Luise von Degenfeld. His daughter, Elizabeth Charlotte, married Philippe I, Duke of Orléans, the younger brother of Louis XIV. She later became known as the ""Grandmother of Europe"" since her descendants included Francis I and Marie Antoinette.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK3,500.00 (€469.43 )


Reference : 59735


‎Leben und Thaten des berühmten kriegerischen Bischofs von Münster Christoph Bernhards von Galen.‎

‎Ulm, Stettinischen Buchhandlung, 1804. Small 8vo. Contemp. hcalf. Gilt spine. Titlelabel with gilt lettering. Wear to spine ends. 112 pp.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK250.00 (€33.53 )


Reference : 60912


‎Le guide ou Nouvelle description d'Amsterdam, enseignant aux voyageurs, et aux negocians sa splendeur, son commerce (...) (+) Le tarif des droits d'entree & de sortie (...).‎

‎Amsterdam, Paul de la Feuille, 1722 & 1718. 8vo. In contemporary full calf with five raised bands and richly gilt spine. Light wear to extremities, boards with scratches and some of gilting worm off. Internally nice and clean. (6), 198 pp. + 19 folded engraved plates (presumably lacking 1) and the 4 engraved plates with flags, which are often missing 123, (2) pp. ‎

‎Uncommon description of Amsterdam, richly illustrateds, here together with a work, called for on the title of the first work, containing tariff rates for import and export of all kinds of goods imposed by the Seven Dutch United Provinces.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK3,800.00 (€509.66 )


Reference : 39467


‎Leitfaden zum Unterricht in der Artillerie für die Königl. Preuss. Brigade-Artillerie dieser Waffe. Mit allerhöchster Genehmigung Sr. Majestät des Königs, auf Befehl ...des Prinzen August von Preussen. Zweite gänzlich umgearbeitete Ausgabe. Mit zehn K...‎

‎Berlin, Reimer, 1829. Nice contemp. hcalf. Gilt spine. Titlelabel with gilt lettering. A paperlabel pasted on lower part of spine. Old owners name and stamps on titlepage. XVI,694,(1) pp. and 10 large folded engraved plates. Printed on good paper. Internally clean and fine.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK2,500.00 (€335.30 )


Reference : NG05678


Hermann L. Strack - Loguivy Plougras

Phone number : +33-679439230

EUR25.00 (€25.00 )


Reference : 253648


‎L'enfant de marie un frère de plus‎

‎Chez seguin ainé 1842 in12. 1842. Broché.‎

‎couverture très défraîchie.pages cornées. petit livre de l'époque. pages blanches bonne tenue‎

Un Autre Monde - Val Couoesnon

Phone number :

EUR30.00 (€30.00 )


Reference : 246100


‎Les chefs d'oeuvre de Velazquez n°12‎

‎Gowans 1908 in12. 1908. Broché jaquette.‎

‎Etat Correct. Tampon de bibliothèque. Couverture défraîchie‎

Un Autre Monde - Val Couoesnon

Phone number :

EUR15.00 (€15.00 )


Reference : RO80199981



‎LEFORT. 1856. In-12. Broché. Etat d'usage, Couv. défraîchie, Coiffe en tête abîmée, Quelques rousseurs. 144 pages - Frontispice en noir et blanc de la prise de Sebastopol. . . . Classification Dewey : 990-Histoire générale des autres pays‎

‎2ème Edition - Classification Dewey : 990-Histoire générale des autres pays‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR39.80 (€39.80 )


Reference : 43278


‎Les Matinées du Roi de Prusse. Avec une Introduction par E.-A. Spoll.‎

‎Paris, Libr. de Bibliophiles, 1885. Small 8vo. Fine orig. hcalf, gilt spine and gilt lettering to covers. (4),62,(1) pp. Printed on fine paper.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK350.00 (€46.94 )
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