Kjøbenhavn, 1838. Ubeskåret, i et senere blankt omslag. Gennemgående skjold i øverste venstre hjørne, overvejende ganske svagt. Første og sidste blade mest påvirkede. X, 79pp.
Originaludgaven af Kierkegaards debut, -værket i hvilket han skarpt kritiserer H.C. Andersen, og i hvilket inspirationen fra Poul Martin Møller (til hvem han dedikerede værket ""Begrebet Angest"" - den eneste uden for familien, der er blevet beæret med en trykt dedikation af Kierkegaard) formenlig er tydeligst at spore. Den specielle titel kan med en vis rimelighed siges at hentyde til en villet videreførelse af den beundrede og på tidspunktet for udgivelsen netop afdøde Poul Martin Møllers nærmest upublicerede produktion. Den ""endnu Levende"" skulle således være ""Danmarks Gæde i Glæden over Danmark"", ""Mindet i den danske Sommer"", Poul Martin Møller, den mand, der ved sin person har inspireret Kierkegaard mere end nogen anden. Himmelstrup 6.Uncut in a very nice later halfleatherbdg. of dark red morocco w. green marbled paper and dark red gilt leather-title-label on front board. Gilt lines to back. (Oscar Jacobsen). Some brownspotting. X + 79pp.First edition of Kierkegaard's first work" -the work in which he sharply critisizes Hans Christian Andersen and ridicules the genre of fairy tales in general.
Kjøbenhavn [Copenhagen], 1838. Lille 8vo. Pænt samtidigt halvlæderbind med enkelte, diskrete stregforgyldninger på ryg. False slidte, ellers ren og frisk. X + 79pp. Small 8vo. Nice contemporary half calf with discreet gilt lines to spine. Hinges with wear, but fine and tight. A large and unusually clean copy. X + 79pp.
Originaludgaven af Kierkegaards debut, -værket i hvilket han skarpt kritiserer H.C. Andersen, og i hvilket inspirationen fra Poul Martin Møller (til hvem han dedikerede værket ""Begrebet Angest"" - den eneste uden for familien, der er blevet beæret med en trykt dedikation af Kierkegaard) formenlig er tydeligst at spore. Den specielle titel kan med en vis rimelighed siges at hentyde til en villet videreførelse af den beundrede og på tidspunktet for udgivelsen netop afdøde Poul Martin Møllers nærmest upublicerede produktion. Den ""endnu Levende"" skulle således være ""Danmarks Gæde i Glæden over Danmark"", ""Mindet i den danske Sommer"", Poul Martin Møller, den mand, der ved sin person har inspireret Kierkegaard mere end nogen anden. Himmelstrup 6.First edition of Kierkegaard's first work" -the work in which he sharply critisizes Hans Christian Andersen and ridicules the genre of fairy tales in general.
Ubeskåret i med den original hollanderede forperm bevaret. Ryg restaureret m. papir som det originale samt ny bagperm.
Originaludgave. Himmelstrup 90.
K., 1846. Samt. hldrbd. m. rygforgyldn. Øvre fals restaureret. Skjold i øvre højre hjørne. X+480+(4)pp.
Originaludgave. Himmelstrup 90. ""Jakob Knudsen"" på smudstitilbl.
Kjøbenhavn, 1846. Samt. hldrbd. m. rig tidstypisk rygforgyldn. False slidte og indre false lidt svage. Hjørner slidte. Brunet og med understregninger, primært i blyant.
Originaludgave. Himmelstrup 90.
K., 1843-1845. Lidt senere sort hldrbd. Nedre kapitæl lidt stødt. Gennemgående vandskjold. (IV)+52+62+84+59+70+111pp.
Originaludgave. Himmelstrup 85.
K., 1843-1845. 8vo. Smukt lidt senere hldrbd.m. rig rygforgyldn., ophøjet ""bind"", dannet af heftesnoren. 2. blad (indhold) repareret. Pp 1-50 m. svagt skjold for neden, ellers pæn. (Iv)+52+62+84+59+70+111pp.
Originaludgave. Himmelstrup 85.First edition of Kierkegaard's important eighteen upbuilding discourses, which comprise his two, three, and four upbuilding discourses from the years 1843-45, with the joint title-page of all eighteen. The work constitutes Kierkegaard's religious works, which supplement his theological and philosophical ones.The first upbuilding discourses were published the same year as Either-Or, and it is interesting to note that in opposition to his major philosophical works, the religious upbuilding discourses actually bear the name of the author on the title-page, -a fact that was by no means incidental. While the pseudonymous works could make one doubt the religiousness of the author, the parallelly written religious discourses stress the fact that we are dealing with an author, who was religious from the very beginning, -a fact that Kierkegaard also wished to establish himself"" in his journals he clearly states that the religious discourses bear as much significance for his work as a whole as do the larger pseudonymous works, ""I began with ""Either-Or"" and two upbuilding discourses..."" he says, and explains that he intended the upbuilding, the religious, to advance, and that he wanted to show ""that the writer was not an aesthetic author who in the course of time grew older and for that reason became religious"" (Journals, IX A 227).The importance of the upbuilding discourses and the close relationship they have with the major works and Kierkegaard's philosophical development also becomes evident with the fact that every pseudonymous work was accompanied by a little collection of ""upbuilding discourses"" until ""Concluding Postscript"" appeared.
Kjøbenhavn [Copenhagen], P. G. Philipsens Forlag, 1843-1845. 8vo. Bound uncut in a recent pastiche cardboardbinding, imitating the original brown cardboard binding, in which it was issued. Printed pastice paper label to spine. Some brownspotting as always, due to the paper quality. (4), 52, 62, 84, 59 (recte 57 pp., i.e. without the blank leaf between the title-page and the preface), 70, 111 pp. Complete with all the titles and the joint title-page (without the blank leaf after the preface of ""To opbyggelige Taler, 1844"" - which is not called for and hardly ever present).
First edition of Kierkegaard's important eighteen upbuilding discourses, which comprise his two, three, and four upbuilding discourses from the years 1843-45, with the joint title-page of all eighteen. The work constitutes Kierkegaard's religious works, which supplement his theological and philosophical ones.The first upbuilding discourses were published the same year as Either-Or, and it is interesting to note that in opposition to his major philosophical works, the religious upbuilding discourses actually bear the name of the author on the title-page, a fact that was by no means incidental. While the pseudonymous works could make one doubt the religiousness of the author, the parallelly written religious discourses stress the fact that we are dealing with an author, who was religious from the very beginning, a fact that Kierkegaard also wished to establish himself"" in his journals he clearly states that the religious discourses bear as much significance for his work as a whole as do the larger pseudonymous works, ""I began with ""Either-Or"" and two upbuilding discourses..."" he says, and explains that he intended the upbuilding, the religious, to advance, and that he wanted to show ""that the writer was not an esthetic author who in the course of time grew older and for that reason became religious"" (Journals, IX A 227).The importance of the upbuilding discourses and the close relationship they have with the major works and Kierkegaard's philosophical development also becomes evident with the fact that every pseudonymous work was accompanied by a little collection of ""upbuilding discourses"" until ""Concluding Postscript"" appeared.Himmelstrup 85.
Kbhvn., 1862. Samt. hldrbd. Rig rygforgyldning. Ryg lidt slidt. (6),378 pp.
Kjøbenhavn [Copenhagen], 1843-1845. 8vo. Near contemporary half calf with richly gilt spine. Binding with very light wear. Front free end-paper with the ownership-inscription of Michael Bentzon and his acquisition date of 1855 (the same year that Kierkegaard died). Some brownspotting here and there and the first couple of leaves of ""To opbyggelige Taler, 1844"" with a damp stain. Neat underlinings in the text as well as several marginalia, mostly in pencil. A very good copy indeed. (IV), 52, 62, 84, 59, 70, 111pp. Complete with all the half-titles and the joint title-page (without the blank leaf after the preface of ""To opbyggelige Taler, 1844"" - which is not called for and hardly ever present).
First edition of Kierkegaard's important eighteen upbuilding discourses, which comprise his two, three, and four upbuilding discourses from the years 1843-45, with the joint title-page of all eighteen. The work constitutes Kierkegaard's religious works, which supplement his theological and philosophical ones.The first upbuilding discourses were published the same year as Either-Or, and it is interesting to note that in opposition to his major philosophical works, the religious upbuilding discourses actually bear the name of the author on the title-page, -a fact that was by no means incidental. While the pseudonymous works could make one doubt the religiousness of the author, the parallelly written religious discourses stress the fact that we are dealing with an author, who was religious from the very beginning, -a fact that Kierkegaard also wished to establish himself"" in his journals he clearly states that the religious discourses bear as much significance for his work as a whole as do the larger pseudonymous works, ""I began with ""Either-Or"" and two upbuilding discourses..."" he says, and explains that he intended the upbuilding, the religious, to advance, and that he wanted to show ""that the writer was not an esthetic author who in the course of time grew older and for that reason became religious"" (Journals, IX A 227).The importance of the upbuilding discourses and the close relationship they have with the major works and Kierkegaard's philosophical development also becomes evident with the fact that every pseudonymous work was accompanied by a little collection of ""upbuilding discourses"" until ""Concluding Postscript"" appeared.Himmelstrup 85.
Copenhagen, Reitzel, 1978-88. Orig. printed wrappers to all volumes. In English.
The paperback edition.
Copenhagen, Reitzel, 1978-88. Orig. printed wrappers to all volumes. In English.
The paperback edition.
Kjøbenhavn, 1848. De 4 afdelinger i 4 ensartede mørkeblå blanke omsl. Alle 4 aldeles friske og rene. 103+74+96+77pp.The four parts bound separately in four later uniform dark blue wrappers. All four very nice and clean. 103+74+96+77pp.
Originaludgave. Himmelstrup 110.First edition. Himmelstrup 110.
Fernand Aubier, Editions Montaigne, Paris, 1946. In-12, broché, xxvi-217 pp. Introduction, par Jean Wahl - Crainte et Tremblement : avant-propos - Atmosphère I. - II. - III. - IV. - Eloge d'Abraham. - Problemata. - Effusion préliminaire. - Problème I. Y a-t-il une suspension théologique du moral?. - Problème II. ...
Avec une préface de Jean Wahl. --- Plus d'informations sur le site archivesdunord.com
Phone number : 01 42 73 13 41
Collins - Fontana Books. 1958. In-12. Broché. Etat d'usage, Couv. convenable, Dos frotté, Intérieur acceptable. 253 pages.. . . . Classification Dewey : 420-Langue anglaise. Anglo-saxon
Fontana Books, 718 R. Edited with an Intro. by Paul L. HOLMER. Trans. by David F. and Lilian MARVIN SWENSON. Classification Dewey : 420-Langue anglaise. Anglo-saxon
K., 1846. Ubeskåret i senere blankt omsl. Første og sidste blade noget brunplettet. 114pp.
Originaludgave. Himmelstrup 100.
Gyldendals Bogklub. 1982. In-8. Relié toilé. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 437 pages.. . . . Classification Dewey : 490-Autres langues
Bind 1. Classification Dewey : 490-Autres langues
København, Christians=Pressens Forlag, 1919. Ubeskåret i orig. helldrbd. med blindtryk på ryg og permer. 163 pp. Kobberstukket titelvignet of kobberstukket portræt af Søren Kierkegaard, stukket af Knud Hendriksen, trykt af kobbertrykker Johan Beck. Trykt på Van Gelder Zonen papir.Nr. 71 af 325 eksemplarer.
København, Christians=Pressens Forlag, 1919. Ubeskåret i orig. helldrbd. med blindtryk på ryg og permer. 163 pp. Kobberstukket titelvignet of kobberstukket portræt af Søren Kierkegaard, stukket af Knud Hendriksen, trykt af kobbertrykker Johan Beck. Trykt på Van Gelder Zonen papir.Nr. 67 af 325 eksemplarer.
Ubeskåret i orig. hollanderet bd. m. den bogtrykte titeletiket. Forperm lidt løs. Sidste 30 sider m. skjold. Noget brunplettet.
Originaludgave. Himmelstrup 70. Har tilhørt Vilhelm Grønbeck.
K., 1843. Lidt senere simpelt hshirtbd. Rent ekspl. 157 pp.
Originaludgave. Himmelstrup 53.
K., 1843. Ubeskåret i et nydeligt senere mønstret mørkegrønt papirsbindd. Mangler 1/3 af skindtitlen på ryggen. Hér og dér noget plettet, revne på titelbl. restaureret.
Originaludgave. Himmelstrup 53.
Kjøbenhavn, C.A. Reitzel, 1843. Samtidigt pænt hldrbd. med enkel rygforgyldning. De første ca 30 blade med en del brunplatter i marginer, senere med svagere brunpletter. 157 pp.
Originaludgave. First edition. - Himmelstrup 53.
Nyere blåt blankt omsl. Lidt brunplettet.
Originaludgave. Himmelstrup 121.
Kbh., 1847. Ét samt. helhirtbd. m. rygforgyldn. Ene fals, kapitæler samt hjørner lettere slidte. Første og sidste blade en del brunplettede. 224, 203 pp.
Originaludgave. Himmelstrup 105.