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‎Berkeley (George)‎

Reference : 75026


‎Recherches sur les vertus de l'eau de goudron où l'on a joint des réflexions philosophiques sur divers autres sujets‎

‎Editions du Cosmogone , Alchimie et Spagyrie Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1995 Book condition, Etat : Très Bon broché, sous couverture imprimée éditeur verte et bleue In-8 1 vol. - 258 pages‎

‎ bon état, intérieur frais et propre‎

Librairie Internet Philoscience - Malicorne-sur-Sarthe
EUR10.00 (€10.00 )


Reference : R320044121



‎LIBRAIRIE PHILOSOPHIQUE J. VRIN. 1971. In-8. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 164 pages - Nombreux soulignements au stylo et aznnotations au crayon a papier i ntexte.. . . . Classification Dewey : 100-PHILOSOPHIE ET DISCIPLINES CONNEXES‎



Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR24.90 (€24.90 )


Reference : R320044119



‎LIBRAIRIE PHILOSOPHIQUE J. VRIN. 1973. In-8. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 174 pages - Nombreux soulignements au crayon a papier en début d'ouvrage.. . . . Classification Dewey : 100-PHILOSOPHIE ET DISCIPLINES CONNEXES‎



Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR19.80 (€19.80 )


Reference : 100597

‎Three dialogues between Hylas and Philonous‎

‎ The Open Court Publishing Company, collection Philosophical Classics religion of Science Library N° 49 - 1935 - petit In-8 broché - 136 pages - texte en anglais‎

‎Bon état, coins émoussés, pliures de collage sur le dos, tampon sur la page de grand titre et la première page ‎

Phone number : 04 78 38 32 46

EUR11.00 (€11.00 )


Reference : 55993


‎Three Dialogues between Hylas and Philonous. The Design of which Is plainly to demonstrate the Reality and Perfection of Humane Knowledge, the Incorporeal Nature of the Soul, and the Immediate Providence of a DEITY: In Opposition to Sceptics and Athei... - [THE PERCEPTUAL RELATIVITY]‎

‎London, Printed by G. James, for Henry Clements, 1713. 8vo. Contemporary marbled full calf boards, prettily rebacked in period style with gilt title-label, raised bands and gilt ornamentations to spine. During the re-backing, new end-papers have been inserted, but the original front end-paper , containing old owners' inscriptions, has been preserved and is still withbound. Three old owners' names to title-page, two of them crossed out. The title-page had been repaired at the outer margin, affecting three letters in the last three lines of the subtitle (To open a Method for rendering the/ SCIENCES more easy, useful, and/ compensious), namely the ""he"" in ""the"" and the ""d"" in ""and"" as well as part fo the double-ruled border, which has been drawn up again. The final leaf with a somewhat crode repair causing loss of some words towards the hinge. A small hole in A3, not repaired. A bit of brownspotting, mostly at beginning and end. With its flaws, still and overall acceptable copy of this extremely rare title. (10), 166 pp.‎

‎The very scarce first edition of Berkeley's other magnum opus, his great work of metaphysics, second in importance only to his ""Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge"" (1710). The present work is not only a popularized version of the ""Treatise"", though it is a fact that it was more widely studied and more easily understood - being written as an almost Platonian dialogue between Hylas (Greek for ""matter"" - thought to be the representative for John Locke) and Philonous (Greek for ""the lover of reason"" - Berkeley's spokesman) - it also constitutes a thorough and elaborated explanation of Berkeley's central ideas and the emergence of many of the principal thoughts that we now associate with him and his anti-materialist philosophy.""In this Treatise, which does not presuppose in the Reader, any Knowledge of what was contained in the former (i.e. the ""Treatise""), it has been my Aim to Introduce the Notions I advance, into the Mind, in the most easy and familiar manner" especially, because they carry with them a great Opposition to the Prejudices of Philosophers, which have so far prevailed against the common Sense and natural Notions of Mankind.If the principles, which I here endeavour to propagate, are admitted true" the Consequences which, I think, evidently flow from thence, are, that Atheism and Scepticism will be utterly destroyed, many intricate Points made plain, great Difficulties solved, several useless Parts of Science retrenched, Speculation referred to Practise, and Men reduced from Paradoxes to common Sense"" (Preface, pp. (7-8)).In the present work, Berkeley, one of the greatest thinkers of early modern philosophy, sets out to alter the direction of philosophy and set straight the boundaries of man's knowledge of himself and the world around him. He seeks to bring back man to common sense and to bring back science and knowledge to that which is essential and factual. In the present work he famously defends the idealism, because of which he is still considered one of the greatest metaphysicians ever. As his ""Treatise"" is remembered today for the famous phrase ""Esse est percipi"" - to be is to be perceived - so his ""Dialogues"" is remembered for the introduction of the perceptual relativity argument (stating that the same object can have different characteristics, e.g. shape, colour, etc., depending on the perspective of the observer, e.g. distance, angle, light, etc.). Furthermore, as Berkeley had used God in the ""Principles"" as the CAUSE or originator of our ideas of sense, in the ""Dialogues"" he brings God a very important step further, stating that our ideas must EXIST IN God when not perceived by us, thus seeing this as the warrant for the continuity of our ideas (God being unchanging). This leap (from claiming that God must cause our ideas to claiming that our ideas must exist in God) that Berkeley thus takes in the ""Dialogues"" is among the most important within his philosophy, guaranteeing continuous existence to physical objects. The work is considered the foremost representative of Berkeley's phenomenalism.""George Berkeley, Bishop of Cloyne, was one of the great philosophers of the early modern period. He was a brilliant critic of his predecessors, particularly Descartes, Malebranche, and Locke. He was a talented metaphysician famous for defending idealism, that is, the view that reality consists exclusively of minds and their ideas. Berkeley's system, while it strikes many as counter-intuitive, is strong and flexible enough to counter most objections. His most-studied works, the Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge (Principles, for short) and Three Dialogues between Hylas and Philonous (Dialogues), are beautifully written and dense with the sort of arguments that delight contemporary philosophers. He was also a wide-ranging thinker with interests in religion (which were fundamental to his philosophical motivations), the psychology of vision, mathematics, physics, morals, economics, and medicine. Although many of Berkeley's first readers greeted him with incomprehension, he influenced both Hume and Kant, and is much read (if little followed) in our own day."" (SEP).Berkeley published his first important philosophical work, ""Essay Toward a New Theory of Vision"" in 1709, aged 24. The book was well-received and a second edition came out later that same year. The following year he published ""A Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge"" , in which he sought to lay out a complete philosophical system based on the idea that the only existing entities in the world are ideas and the mind that perceives them. The work was not very well received, however. This did not affect his search for truth, though, and he continued the outlay of his philosophical system in his ""Three Dialogues between Hylas and Philonous"", which was printed in 1713. Though neither of the two works were well received and appeared in small numbers, they are by far the most important and enduring of all of his works. The view that he presents in the ""Dialogues"" is that which he called ""immaterialism"" (now ""idealism""). He considered this anti-materialism the perfect answer to and refutation of skepticism and atheism, and his theories later became the foundation of much idealistic philosophy.""Upon the common Principles of Philosophers, we are not assured of the Existence of Things from their being perceived. And we are taught to distinguish their real Nature from that which falls under our Senses. Hence arise Scepticism and Paradoxes. It is not enough, that we see and feel, that we taste and smell a thing. Its true Nature, its absolute external Entity, is still concealed. For, tho it be the Fiction of our own Brain, we have made it inaccessible to all our Faculties. Sense is fallacious, Reason defective. We spend our Lives in doubting of those things which other Men evidently know, and believing those things which they laugh at and despise..."" (Preface, p. (6)).The first edition of this important work is very difficult to find. It was published in an edition together with the ""Treatise"" in 1734, which, though also scarce, is the edition of the work that most libraries and institutions have in their holdings, seeing that the first editions of both works are of even greater scarcity. We have only been able to locate three copies in libraries worldwide.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK28,000.00 (€3,755.42 )

‎Berkeley George‎

Reference : RO60148632


ISBN : 0915144611

‎Three dialogues betweens Hylas and Philonous the defign of which is plainlyto desmonstrate the Reality and Perfection of Humane Knowledge, the Incorporeal Nature of the soul and the Immediate Providence of a Deity in opposition to Sceptics and Atheists‎

‎Hackett publishing company. 1979. In-4. Broché. Etat passable, Coins frottés, Dos fané, Intérieur acceptable. 105 pages. Texte en anglais. Notes à l'encre hors texte. Quelques rousseurs. Légères pliures. Dos frotté.. . . . Classification Dewey : 420-Langue anglaise. Anglo-saxon‎

‎Introduction par Robert Merrihew Adams. Classification Dewey : 420-Langue anglaise. Anglo-saxon‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR19.80 (€19.80 )

‎Berkeley, George‎

Reference : 109857


‎Viaggio in Italia‎

‎Berkeley, George: Viaggio in Italia. 1979. 370 pages. Hardback. 23 x 16cms. Text in Italian.‎

‎Text in Italian‎


Phone number : +44(0)20 7930 9223

GBP23.00 (€25.46 )

‎BERKELEY, George and DANCY, Jonathan (edit.).‎

Reference : 36330


‎Oxford/New York, Oxford University Press, 1998 Paperback, original editor's jacket, 23.4x15.6 cm., 237 pp. ISBN 9780198751618.‎

‎Serie of authoritative teaching editions of canonical texts in the history of philosophy from the ancient world down to modern times. Aims to build up a definitive corpus of key texts in the Western philosophical tradition, which will form a reliable and enduring resource for students and teachers alike. This new edition of Berkeley's most famous work provides the student with a thorough introduction to the central ideas of one of the world's greatest philosophers.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR10.00 (€10.00 )

‎BERKELEY (George) - [DUBOIS (PIerre)].-‎

Reference : 46769

‎Siris. 1744. Introduction, traduction et notes de Pierre Dubois.‎

‎ P., Vrin, 1971, in 8° broché, 164 pages ; quelques rares annotations au crayon ou au stylo rouge. ‎

‎PHOTOS sur DEMANDE. ...................... Photos sur demande ..........................‎


Phone number : 04 77 32 63 69

EUR15.00 (€15.00 )

‎Berkeley (George) - G. Beauvalon et D. Parodi (Trad.)‎

Reference : 74177


‎Dialogues entre Hylas et Philonous , Traduction de Georges Beauvalon et Dominique Parodi‎

‎Librairie Félix Alcan Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1925 Book condition, Etat : Bon broché, sous couverture imprimée éditeur crème, illustrée d'une gravure en noir et blanc In-8 1 vol. - 266 pages‎

‎ 1ere édition de cette traduction Contents, Chapitres : Notice biographique, La philosophie des Dialogues, Note sur les traductions des Dialogues, LXV, Texte, 201 pages - Les dialogues : Préface - 3 dialogues. legeres pliures aux coins du plat supérieur, ainsi qu'aux coins des premieres pages, infime petite tache sur le plat supérieur, legere dechirure sur le haut du mors du plat supérieur, intérieur en bon état, papier legerement jauni, quelques annotations tres propres à l'encre sur une dizaine de pages, principalement dans les marges, signature de l'ancien propriétaire sur le haut des deux premières pages et sur la dernière, cela reste un bon exemplaire de lecture‎

Librairie Internet Philoscience - Malicorne-sur-Sarthe
EUR7.00 (€7.00 )

‎[BERKELEY (George), JONCOURT (Elie de) traducteur]‎

Reference : 38873

‎Alciphron, ou Le petit philosophe ; en sept dialogues; Contenant une Apologie de la Religion Chrétienne contre ceux que l'on nomme Esprits-Forts.‎

‎ 2 volumes in-12 (168 x 98 mm), plein vélin rigide de l'époque, dos titrés à la plume, (8), 372, (10) p. et (2), 218, (6), 133, (15) p., planche gravée dépliante de figures géométriques au tome I. La Haye, P. Gosse & J. Neaulme, 1734.‎

‎Première traduction française, par lencyclopédiste Elie de Joncourt, d "Alciphron, or the Minute Philosopher", que Berkeley composa en 1729 à Newport (Rhode Island), ce qui en fait le premier ouvrage philosophique dimportance rédigé en Amérique du Nord. "Alciphron reprend le projet pascalien d'une apologie de la religion chrétienne contre ses critiques modernes. D'une haute tenue littéraire, l'uvre est imitée des dialogues platoniciens. Parmi les quelques intellectuels qui s'y sont risqués depuis la Renaissance, Berkeley est un de ceux qui se sont le plus brillamment acquittés de cette tâche" (Pierre M. Bellemare, Univ. du Québec).Pour les historiens des idées, louvrage possède une valeur considérable également par le débat quil suscita sur la question du déisme, en Angleterre avec Shaftesbury, Hobbes, Toland, Tindal, Collins, Mandeville, comme en France à travers Voltaire et ses détracteurs.Contient, en fin du second volume: "Essay sur une nouvelle théorie de la vision" ("Nouvelle théorie de la vision défendue et expliquée"), en pagination séparée.(France Littéraire, I, 286. Jessop, 'A Bibliography of Berkeley', 126b. Rochedieu, 'Bibliogr. of French translations of English works', 22).Papier uniformément bruni.Exemplaire bien relié en vélin rigide à lépoque. ‎


Phone number : 33 01 47 07 40 60

EUR500.00 (€500.00 )


Reference : 88558

‎Berkeley ou l'itinéraire de l'âme à Dieu. Collection : Philosophes de tous les temps, N° 35.‎

‎Paris, Seghers, 1967. 13 x 16, 191 pp., quelques illustrations broché, bon état.‎

‎Présentation, choix de texte, bibliographie par Jean Pucelle.‎

Librairie Ausone - Bruxelles

Phone number : 32 (0)2 410 33 27

EUR10.00 (€10.00 )

‎BERKELEY Georges‎

Reference : 1164616

‎Dialogues entre Hylas et Philonous, dont le but est de démontrer clairement la réalité & la perfection de l'entendement humain, la nature incorporelle de l'âme et la providence immédiate de la Divinité, contre les sceptiques et les athées et d'ouvrir une méthode pour rendre les sciences plus aisées, plus utiles et plus abrégées. Traduit de l'anglais.‎

‎Amsterdam: , 1750 in-12, [4]-xx-288 pages, 3 vignettes gravées en tête des 3 dialogues. Reliure veau d'époque, dos à 5 nerfs, dos orné, coiffes érasées, coins usés, mors fendus en tête et en queue, tranches rouges, bon état intérieur. Ancien cachet et ex-libris manuscrit. Edition originale de la traduction française.‎

‎Dialogues entre Hylas et Philonous, dont le but est de démontrer clairement la réalité & la perfection de l'entendement humain, la nature incorporelle de l'âme et la providence immédiate de la Divinité, contre les sceptiques et les athées et d'ouvrir une méthode pour rendre les sciences plus aisées, plus utiles et plus abrégées. Traduit de l'anglais. (Amsterdam: 1750). [M.C.: philosophie]‎

EUR150.00 (€150.00 )

‎BERKELEY (Georges)‎

Reference : 39400

‎Recherches sur les vertus de l'eau de goudron où l'on a joint des réflexions philosophiques sur divers autres sujet. Traduit de l'anglais par M. Boullier avec deux lettres de l'auteur -- PREMIERE EDITION FRANCAISE EN PARTIE ORIGINALE PUBLIEE EN 1745 A AMSTERDAM‎

‎Amsterdam, Mortier, 1745, un volume in 12 relié en plein veau, dos orné de fers dorés, tranches rouges (reliure de l'époque), (petit accroc à la coiffe, coins émoussés, 24pp., 343pp.‎

‎---- PREMIERE EDITION FRANCAISE EN PARTIE ORIGINALE de l'ouvrage de BERKELEY paru dans sa version anglaise sous titre de "Siris". Cette édition française a été AUGMENTEE DES ADDITIONS ET CORRECTIONS COMMUNIQUEES PAR G. BERKELEY à M. BOUILLIER AVANT QU'IL N'ENTREPRENNE SA TRADUCTION ---- Ex libris Jean-René CLERGEAU ---- "The close interweaving of science with epistemology, as well as of metaphysics with theology, is very prominent in BERKELEY's last major work, Siris, which begins as an investigation of the medicinal virtues of tar water and ends with a disquisition on platonic philosophy. The body of the book consists, on the one hand, of a discussion of contemporary chemical theory and, on the other, of a critique of newtonian principles of explanation, of space and time and of the true interpretation of the concept of causation. The sections on chemistry are of particular interest, for they display considerable acquaintance with most of the major chemical doctrines of BERKELELY's period (e.g., Boerhaave, Homberg, Hales, Lemery, etc.), including a discussion of acids, salts, alkalies and air that leads to a discussion of fire and light, the latter providing a "bridge" to a spiritual interpretation of all phenomena. Siris thus involves an attempt to assimilate newtonian concepts to the pre complex phenomena of chemistry and animal physiology... BERKELEY's general influence extended to such writters as HUME, MACLAURIN and KANT in the eighteenth century and MILL, HELMHOLTZ and MACH in the nineteenth. He also anticipated many of the ideas of twentieth-century philosophers of science". (DSB II pp. 16/18) ---- Heirs of Hippocrates N° 805 & Cole N° 113 (english ed.) - Partington II p. 506**394(00).o3‎

Phone number : 01 43 25 51 73

EUR150.00 (€150.00 )

‎BERKELEY, George (traduction française par G. Beaulavon & Dominique Parodi)‎

Reference : F14084

‎La Siris (publiée pour la première fois en 1744°‎

‎, Paris, A.Colin, 1920, viii + 159pp., qqs.estampes, pour la plupart non coupé‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR15.00 (€15.00 )

‎Berkeley Gray‎

Reference : 004090

‎Jacht Op De Gouden Stem‎

‎ Nederlandse Boekenclub Reliure Toile Rouge Décorative Den Haag 256 bladden in -16 ‎

‎Bon État ‎

Phone number : 0032476413494

EUR24.00 (€24.00 )


Reference : RO60025407



‎Armand Colin. 1920. In-8. Broché. Etat d'usage, Couv. défraîchie, Coiffe en tête abîmée, Intérieur bon état. 159 pages. Tampon incrusté Hommage des éditeurs.. . . . Classification Dewey : 100-PHILOSOPHIE ET DISCIPLINES CONNEXES‎

‎Les Classiques de la philosophie. Publié pour la première fois en 1744. Trad. française de G. Beauvalon et D. Parodi. Classification Dewey : 100-PHILOSOPHIE ET DISCIPLINES CONNEXES‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR19.80 (€19.80 )

‎Berkeley, Leroy‎

Reference : R200129172


‎Oeuvres choisies de Berkeley, Tome 1 + 2 - Collection Bibliothèque philosophique (2 volumes).‎

‎Montagne / Aubier. 1944. In-8. Broché. Etat d'usage, Couv. légèrement pliée, Dos plié, Quelques rousseurs. 382 + 300 pages - papier jauni, rousseurs sur les plats du Tome 2, accro sur le dos du Tome 2, coins frottés, pages non coupées sur le Tome 2, 2e plat partiellement désolidarisé sur le Tome 2.. . . . Classification Dewey : 190-Philosophie occidentale moderne‎

‎Collection Bibliothèque philosophique. Tome 1: Cahiers de notes - Essai d'une théorie nouvelle de la vision - Principes de la connaissance humaine (texte anglais en regard) - Obéissance passive (extraits). Tome 2: Les trois dialogues entre Hylas et Philonous (texte anglais en regard) - Alciphron (extraits) - Siris (extraits). Classification Dewey : 190-Philosophie occidentale moderne‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR19.80 (€19.80 )


Reference : 391

‎L'analyste. Traduit de l'anglais par A. Leroy -- PREMIERE EDITION FRANCAISE‎

‎P., PUF, 1936; un volume in 8, broché, couverture imprimé (couverture légèrement défraîchie), 44pp., 79pp.‎

‎---- PREMIERE EDITION FRANCAISE**391/k5+cav/E2+392.K4(rel)‎

Phone number : 01 43 25 51 73

EUR30.00 (€30.00 )


Reference : 392

‎L'analyste. Traduit de l'anglais par A. Leroy -- PREMIERE EDITION FRANCAISE -- BEL EXEMPLAIRE RELIE‎

‎P., PUF, 1936, un volume in 8 relié en cartonnage bradel, étiquette de titre rouge, 44pp., 79pp.‎


Phone number : 01 43 25 51 73

EUR70.00 (€70.00 )

‎Berkeley, M.J.‎

Reference : BP11111


‎The English Flora of Sir James Edward Smith. Class XXIV. Cryptogamia, by William Jackson Hooker. Vol. V. Part II. Comprising the Fungi.‎

‎1836 pp. [1], 227-386, i-xv, contemporary hcalf. Interleaved copy in which the worth is not so much the book itself but the 19th century aquarel drawings of mushrooms and the notes added to these drawings by an unknown painter. In all there are 13 coloured drawings, some have notes and dates added to them some have not. Dates range from 1856 to 1897. For instance there is a drawing of which the note reads ''Cordiceps capitata - on truffles; found on under-beech, Shedfield, Oct. 24/78.''‎

Hermann L. Strack - Loguivy Plougras

Phone number : +33-679439230

EUR175.00 (€175.00 )


Reference : R160118397



‎CHEZ GASTON DOIN. 1924. In-8. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 70 pages. Nombreuses illustrations en noir et blanc, dans le texte et hors texte. Etiquette sur le second de couverture. Ouvrage débroché. Rousseurs sur les tranches.. . . . Classification Dewey : 610-Sciences médicales. Médecine‎

‎Traduction par Victor PAUCHET Classification Dewey : 610-Sciences médicales. Médecine‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR59.25 (€59.25 )


Reference : RO40096297



‎Aubier. 1943. In-8. Broché. Bon état, Couv. légèrement passée, Dos frotté, Intérieur bon état. 382 pages.. . . . Classification Dewey : 100-PHILOSOPHIE ET DISCIPLINES CONNEXES‎

‎'Bibliothèque philosophique'. Trad., préface et notes de A. Leroy. Classification Dewey : 100-PHILOSOPHIE ET DISCIPLINES CONNEXES‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR19.80 (€19.80 )


Reference : RO40095909



‎Aubier. 1944. In-12. Broché. Etat passable, Livré sans Couverture, Dos abîmé, Quelques rousseurs. 300 pages. Cahiers se détachant. Quelques annotations au crayon dans le texte. Pages de garde passées.. . . . Classification Dewey : 820-Littératures anglaise et anglo-saxonne‎

‎'Bibliothèque philosophique'. Trad., avec préface et notes. Classification Dewey : 820-Littératures anglaise et anglo-saxonne‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR14.90 (€14.90 )


Reference : RO40118178



‎Aubier. 1969. In-12. Broché. Etat du neuf, Couv. légèrement passée, Dos frotté, Intérieur frais. 382 pages. Texte en anglais et en français en vis-à-vis. Annotation en page de garde.. . . . Classification Dewey : 820-Littératures anglaise et anglo-saxonne‎

‎'La philosophie en poche'. Principes de la connaissance humaine (bilingue), Obéissance passive (extraits). Trad. et notes de André Leroy. Classification Dewey : 820-Littératures anglaise et anglo-saxonne‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR19.80 (€19.80 )
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