Leiden, E.J. Brill 1938 x + 324pp., 25cm., gebroch., onderlijningen in potlood op enkele pagina's, verder in goede staat, F105583
Louvain, Institut Supérieur de Philosophie de l'Université 1931-1942 Complet en 2 tomes, ensemble: viii + viii + 759pp. (pagination continuée), 32cm., dans la série "Les philosophes belges. Textes & études" Tome 12-13, reliures cart. uniformes (dos en toile avec titre doré, qqs. traces d'usage, charnières fragiles et peu cassées aux bouts), brochures originales conservées et reliées, texte très frais, bon état, [étude en français, avec des fragments de Siger en latin], rare, poids: 3.8kg., F98561
Louvain, Institut Supérieur de Philosophie de l'Université 1931-1942 Complet en 2 tomes, ensemble: viii + viii + 759pp. (pagination continuée), 33cm., dans la série "Les philosophes belges. Textes & études" Tomes 12-13, 2 tomes reliés en un fort volume (demi-toile verte avec titre doré, peu tachée), brochures originales conservées et reliées, texte très frais, bon état, [étude en français, avec des fragments de Siger en latin], rare, poids: 3.3kg., F107125
Bruxelles, Hayez 1891 158pp., publié dans et extrait (et donc sans brochure) des "Mémoires couronnés et autres mémoires publiés par l'Académie Royale des Sciences, des Lettres et des Beaux-Arts de Belgique. collection in-8" Tome XLIV (44), 21cm., texte frais et en bon état, F116711
Heidelberg, 1984 xxiv + 457pp., 21cm., softcover, text in German, Doctoral dissertation (Inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlangung der Doktorwürde der Philosophischen-Historischen Fakultät der Ruprecht-Karl-Universität in Heidelberg), stamp at verso of title page, text is clean and bright, good condition, F109168
Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz 1988 237pp., in the series "Wolfenbütteler Forschungen" volume 40, 23cm., softcover, small stamp on title page, text clean and bright, good condition, F105523
London, Institute of Classical Studies (School of Advanced Study, University of London) 1997 vii + 218pp., 25cm., in the "Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies" supplement 68, softcover, VG
Princeton, Princeton University Press 1992 xii + 435pp., 24cm., softcover, VG
Berkeley, University of California Press 1980 viii + 438pp., 24cm., in the "Major thinkers series", previous owner's name on first page, softcover, VG
Padova, Editrice Antenore 1970 201pp., 22cm., softcover, pages still uncut, text and interior clean and bright, good condition, F105560
London, The Aristotelian Society 2001 411pp., editor's hardcover, 22cm., very good condition, F78198
Athens, Ministry of culture, direction of congresses s.d. [+/- 1978] 253pp., 25cm., softcover, few minor annotations in ink, good condition, [summaries of papers in English, Italian, Greek, German and French], F75011
Brussel, Paleis der Academiën 1999 139pp.with frontispice, 25cm., in the series "Koninklijke Academie voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone Kunsten van België", softcover, fine condition
Oxford, Clarendon Press 2006 ix + 299pp., 25cm., in the series "Mind association occasional series", hardcover (cloth), dustwrapper, VG
London, Routledge & Kegan Paul 1965 viii + 176pp., 1st edition, in the series "The International Library of Philosophy and Scientific Method", 23cm., publisher's hardcover in red cloth with gilt lettering on spine, dustwrapper with signs of use and small defects, text and interior clean and bright, good condition, F105597
Various authors (BARNES Jonathan, SCHOFIELD Malcolm & SORABJI Richard, eds.)
Reference : F105580
London, Duckworth 1979 xii + 212pp., 22cm., softcover (spine sunfaded), text and interior clean and bright, good condition, F105580
Göteborg, Almqvist & Wiksell 1960 x + 279pp., in the series "Studia graeca et latina gothoburgensia" volume 11, 24cm., publisher's hardcover (corners and edges slighty bumped), original dustwrapper with minor defects at edges of spine, previous owner's signature on first blanco endpaper, text clean and bright, good condition, F105565
London, Routledge 1993 xiii + 225pp., 1st edition, publisher's black hardcover (corners bit bumped), text and interior are clean and bright, good condition, F105474
Various authors (FURLEY David J. & NEHAMAS Alexander, eds.)
Reference : F105407
Princeton, Princeton University Press1994 1994 xv + 322pp., publisher's hardcover, dustwrapper, 25cm., very good condition,, [Contains the Proceedings of the Twelfth Symposium Aristotelicum], F105407
Berlin, Akademie-Verlag 1983 263pp., in the series "Schriften zur Geschichte und Kultur der Antike" volume 22, 24cm., softcover, text and interior clean and bright, good condition, F105492
Cambridge, Cambridge University Press 1978 x + 362pp., in the series "Cambridge Classical Studies", 23cm., publisher's hardcover, dustwrapper, text and interior clean and bright, good condition, F105386
Edmonton, Academic Printing & Publishing 1987 viii + 196pp., 23cm., softcover with some handling wear, text and interior clean and bright, good condition, F105465
Berlin, Walter de Gruyter 1971 xi + 317pp. + frontispiece and 4 plates out of text, 1st edition, in the series "Peripatoi. Philologisch-historische Studien zum Aristotelismus" Volume 1, 24cm., publisher's hardcover in grey cloth, text and interior clean and bright, good condition, F105493
Berlin, Walter de Gruyter 1983 xi + 402pp., in the series "Peripatoi. Philologisch-historische Studien zu Aristotelismus" volume 14, 24cm., publisher's hardcover in grey cloth, very good condition, F105543
Hildesheim, Georg Olms Verlag 1988 xvii + 482pp., in the series "Olms Studien" volume 7, 24cm., softcover, text and interior clean and bright, good condition, F105487